Newmarket Era, 11 May 1894, p. 4

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V liiTTTF jjv ERA MAY 1804- J J A Marvelous Medicine Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hoods Proves Its Merit It Mr J New Montr -C- A Mm- ihillth US but lis HOODS CURES I to fin to II l PJllS IN it Of lb peiHcJ we bftTG lh fa farther the down which alii In ct bd wM io foot thirty Imply lb who train it of Abraham the ham call until year Geo ill two Ji fllfl for it for work by Id It of of ire In v tool of will lwoi cow a usd a of of of and by SJlJ rftr id YIELD TO am BB CURES CONSTIPATION AND SICK HEADACHE to lb c riU toohoc4 of to to wlioi Kb3o of town he It to dr- from protiai Can with of lho when ih of a lcBlfl41Hiai of their doc fJ btr to ibe own no Of Of IQOM wmHiNio who o to And of I lobe of be town to hit a would the or not- It iiiM where be qd4 for lo fj At the cInH look Ml yra Mr of Ortoo Mr- pfffHlflt two on a t titter Mr n work ard at Tiorto for TCfl Icdr bat think to J to dervatorr la oar and to our unfair he In I ixl di of If be afnld tod If one a a bid the of hl few year to W million I would ft ufflclny to treat him Id fiucpwe our people fW for 11 The Fin toco Committee hire en ibat while tome of Iti wcrodrawlox their out of the town It would Dot been pi to of work la the town to a Rodent of Newmarket It to a I remain MOO ft t BALANCED tho mind of who knows best medicine for her inches pains and weakness is to be found in Dr Pierces Favorite Prescrip tion- It is a remedy which corrects and cures the distressing derangements and dis eases peculiar to wo men up and strengthens her sys tem when shes weak rundown and overworked For an invigorat ing restorative tonic especial- adapted to womans needs the Favorite Prescription is so positive in its that it If it ever fails to benefit or cure in cases for which its advised you have your money back What can be just as good for you For beatingdown sensations ulceration inflammation every thing known as female com plaint this is a remedy thats safe certain and proved Take it for the prompt it fc FOR MEN AND WOMEN THE THE LEADING Goods a OWEN ELECTRIC BELT IIARIUVARK TOOLS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES TOOIS LAWN RUBBER HOSE READY MIXED PAINT SUPPLIES CHURCHS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all kinds of Fence Wire J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No f Jacks to Hire I dont the woman lired offer pretty statement Pro had with the replied young in cavalry uni form twisting the ends of hi mustache and setting his cigar more In mouth and I find that the more IhcT diKlalm of matrimony the more eager are the to snap up the first fellow who otters himself The older man stirred uncomfort ably in his chair and brought his mild to bear oh coiiijvanioii I ilin1 like to hear GENTLEIVIEN IWIt luad for yvnrrat ma felt Mil woru it ftf Mine or We have really splendid bargains for you to them i simply disadvantageous to you both io the loss of the finest clothing possible as welt as money It matters not whether you want at single garment or a full suit our stock affords the oppor tunity of yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Prices Call and see for yourselves you talk that war considering what great friends you arc with Motif You surely do not include her your sweeping assertion laughed as he prop ped his feet against render and tipped back In Ms thrusting his hands into the of his military Jacket I take much stock in her talk of being an old maid- Shed no more let slip a good chance of being married than would Ihe most frivo lous girl in the set Surely you are mistaken said the little man rising to knock the Out of his pipe very slight acquaintance with Miss but have read her papers subjecis sad woman was bent on in tellectual life to the exclusion love and that sort of thing why it is she Rubbish old boy replied the other tone- you know nothing whatever about women have been too much afraid of them all your life Mollis always seems to Die a very human kind of a girl the only piece of humbug about her is her professed dislike to the idea of Well Hi anything you like W Paine on that not being said his friend whose earnest face a marked contrast to the carelessness of the says- Fancy old pro posingfor the first too Ill at the age of thirtyfive Freds laugh was very catching but for once Miss Mortimer failed to be come infected She remarked you said you not trust me thai was exactly what he had said and the young man could not keep the conscious color from cheek while the glow was reflected on hers Oh I Miss ho began but she interrupted him you now that you will not tell the Professor that you have told me all this and Fred pro- raised The awkwardness of the situation at that moment M relieved by the return of the theatre party and short ly afterward Mt- Fremont took his leave Mortimer did sleep well that night- She had a heart it ap- well as a head Judging from her troubled musings Oh How could you do such a thing Im afraid Ive been getting too of you you big hand some animal Weill ft his been such rest to hare htm take me slid ing and snowshoeing and never think of ieak Of a book the whole time I thought We could be good friends without flirting only twentyfour a year younger than 1 am aid perhaps Ive taken the old maid altitude too much with him all the contradict Dont Let Another Whday Go by Without JJbiko YOV fdll find that will what other ioap can do and will please every way It la and NEWMARKET HARDWARE STORE I Maybe hes been thinking time that I wanted to me D MUTCH Merchant Tailor opposite Starts Book Store Cents own cloth made up neatly and Cheaply I It I It Ul til It nice Oct- Tali jTVl mm BEST REMEDY FOR CALDSiUPaMS a CUTS Sow to Got a Sunlight wrapper hearing the words Why a Look Old Than a Man to Limited St Toronto Mid you will by post a pretty picture free from and worth framing it an way to yoar home The reap Is the in market and it Mill only cost postage to send in wrap pore If you have cods open Write v Collingwood will each have an electric bell in their houses as soon as the contract is completed sta Winnipeg electric and horse street railway companies have been amalgamated and the old rates of the electric company will be restored at once Mussel years old son of William of Mount Jew- Venn was drowned at on Saturday morning lie fell into the water while playing with children on the esplanade On Monday evening last fire broke out in mill con Vespra destroying it nit arc thrown out of employment Carpenters tools were lost to the Value of The newest thing In the shape of fireexlinguiihing apparatus is the Bicycle Chemical Its utility in small towns composed largely of frame build ing is not so great larger cities where slow burning con struction obtains A Boon to of a curb rccouiajndtBg asides wh Ji or a i from of hard soft of an and afrk1amOoi 8od MCatnpbslt and hours tr lh note if is a and to PJscUl aecouot of Its to the put of In so tf Jl jJ la a tad la ism It rstAtrk- ltd It at ths t k Icamtd lattJ it PhAxcaacy Brant county jail experienced the novelty of being as empty as a last years birds nest a few days ago as there is not a prisoner male or female now serving a term within its walls And yet some pessimists will persist in proclaiming that crime is increasing Engineer Mike had a peculiar experience a few days ago while driving the mail train from the south A short distance below the bridge he noticed two young horses jump the cattle guards at a crossing and run ahead of the train He slackened speed and came al most to a stop on the bridge which the frightened animals were trying to cross Both were caught on the cow catcher and carried over where they jumped off and continued their run ahead of the engine until Kilworthy was reached The horses were not hurt The new rifleoooo of which are expected to arrive in this country shortly for the use of the militia arc a combination of the best quality of two standard makers the Martini- Henri the While the loading principle of the Martini- Henri by which the old shell thrown out the rifle and the place where new cartridge is inserted ex posed by one movement of a lever just forward of the trigger is main- the barrel is off and the barrel substituted- This barrel is superior to any yet known and the bullet superior to any yet used The sights arc arranged to kill at a mile by reason of the swift light of the new bullet the exterior of which is made of steel ihe bullet is long and narrow and by reason of tne smoothness of the steel which offers no resistance to the air the bul let carries with much greater force The new arm is not a magazine rifle but the department think it more suitable to the of the Canadian militia Ihe other morning Mr Thompson a wellknown farmer on the line of Erin discovered that thieves had paid a visit to his granary the night before A small hole in one of the bags let the wheat trickle out along the road and this trail en abled Mr Thomson to follow the thieves and track them to lot on the con of Young men named have acres there on the Erin town line and Mrs McGregor and Miss saw Thomas and Wil liam driving towards home with bags In their shortly after daylight on the morning following the on which the depredation was committed Walter Cutten being questioned said he heard his Tom and talking over the tended the before but that he thought he had persuaded them to abandon the idea How ever after they all to bed the two brothers had gotten up and start ed off on the foregoing expedition Five bigs of wheat five bags of oats and some chopped grain was taken The oats found in the oat bin and the wheat in bags conceal ed beneath the hay up In their hay loft Mr Thomson went to Mr John Reed to get a warrant for the arrest of Thomas and William Cutten but while he was away for this purpose the two young men cleared out and hive not been seen in that neighborhood It is understood that during the part winter grain was stolen from a number of farmers in that vicinity Liniment is the Beat or It Li Luliii j the IkIt their pracfV ILLUSTRATED Contain cm l tow to etc mailed FREE to ny Belt Appliance Co KING St VY TORONTO SOI to Stale St Ilk The price of wheat today is about half what it was in yet it is not the lowest in history Away back five centuries ago in England wheat sold for a shilling a bushel Other things were cheap also Beef was half a penny a pound a fat Iamb could be bought for twelve pence a pig for four pence and a hen for two pence Those who are sighing for old times would probably not care to go back quite so fir as this Crowe Pleasant Street Truro S writes It is with pleasure I testify to the great merits of which is undoubtedly worthy of the name The King of have been for over a year with acidity heartburn and now aTer but three packages of I I am happy to slate that I am completely free from these troubles A cured man Free sample mailed any address DC Co Ltd Glasgow and Sirect Boston Mass A cigarette looks a very in nocent little thing merely a roll of white paper but inside the paper is hidden a deadly poison A teacher in a high school wanted to show to his scholars the effect of cigarette smoking so he performed an exper iment on a cat The nicotine the poisonwas taken from the tobacco and a drop of it put on a cats tongue In an instant the cat whined as if in pain and began to rush around the room as though it was in great Hut it did not suffer very long for in just four minutes the creature stretched out on the floor and died TaVe K IXC for distress after eating Mrs Webb left town with- out paying up some of her bills Her piano was at the station and the deputy agent had given her a clear bill for the shipment of the same to Before the instrument was loaded on the cars up comes Bailiff supported by Constable with a writ of attachment and seized the piano An unusually heated discussion arose between the deputy agent and the representative of Her Majesty the Queen as to who had the right to the piano the or the Kailway Company The Bailiff upheld the dignitv of the law and drove off with the bone of con tention Ask your druggist his opinion of for headache or neu ralgia May Last night about of the citizens of this town as sembled in the Music hall to do to their esteemed fellowcitizen Mr Daniel Spry portoffice inspector of the division who is about to remove to to assume the duties mote important London division Mr and Spry and all the members of their were present upon the platform where the Mayor presided After the object of had been explained the citizens address was read by Mr M reeve of and the accompanying presentation Which consisted of a costly cabinet of silverware and cutlery was handed to Mr Spry The address touched up on the interest ever manifested by the recipient In all matters pertaining to the of the town and his years of service as a trustee of the Collegiate Institute and Public School Boards THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD That will bum ROUGH WOOD and GOAL Equity the oxford OH GAS COOK STOVE Will do It Largest Oven IS A STOVE Is Everybodys Cook Stove Sod It Makes and Burns Its Own Gas Common Coal Oil NO DIRT NO HEAT IN TUB KITCHEN Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Gents FOUNDRY CO Ltd TORONTO M TRY OUR j PAILS Clothespins Washboards OF NEWMARKET LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding Wainscotting OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Boors Sash and Blinds NOBODY SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS 1 IS WHY YOU TRY losmorusH TO TAKE ITS FOOD IISTUS3 MO TwluTTlELP VUNDERFULIY October My health was completely restored by cod Oil- bottle la day my vreigbtby lb HENRY Co OF CANADIAN AND PIANO IT AND flu SOU or rain in Shoulder Years Cured by The Plaster rfMluTOt Sold fiverywtur a A Ai y you decide it replied stroking his mustache to hide a smite is tact By proposiftg to her What and the small man blushed up to glasses You course This new pro fessorship of yours not to of your private means makes you catch for any and if Miss met refused Id agree to any thins you can say about her ability But of course youll be afraid to risV I should I know penniless and all as I am and he smiled complacently The mild man seemed in danger of growing hut restrained him self I am not in the least doubtful so far as hex answer is concerned but shed think it a piece of great imperti nence on ray part Not a bit of it Such an intel lectual girl would regard it as a high honor to have a proposal from the learned Professor Shell tell all the other girls about it keep you on a string for awhile and finally accept you In truth Fred you are hard on your friends I dont know Miss Mortimer half so welt as you do but I am willing to trust entirely even to the extent of proposing to her if you insist upon it Bravo Professor and Fred rose with a laugh I can arrange an Opportunity for you but I think should pre for to do it in writing It would be less embarrassing forus both When we meet it will be easy to for get that such a letter has ever been written Just as you like The letter will be proof positive to show her friends that you really done it Again Professor redden ed- 11 Of one thing you may be certain and that is that 111 show you the reply she makes to me just to con vince you of your tow estimate of one of the finest women I know All right old man Good night So saying stalwart young Fremont departed leaving behind him an un quiet spirit in a dressing gown to ponder on the uncongenial task he had undertaken What a fool I was to let that young puppy badger me into this box he said to himself Miia Mortimer wilt think me a presump tuous idiot and I do admire her so much that I shall be sorry to sink in her esteem Well it its got to be done the sooner its done the better and with fierce determination stamp ed upon his generally placid counten ance he himself before his writing table to begin the most diffi cult piece of composition he had ever attempted Meanwhile Fred Fremont was step ping along as briskly as the steep slippery streets of quaint old Quebec would allow Through the pictu resque gate of St- Louis he went not ing not how the electric light threw up the peaked tower against the blackness of the sky and out the Grande past Parliament buildings with light to a row of houses on the right hand side Its too good a joke to keep he said to himself I must tell right off so that she will not be too much taken aback when the letter comes But Miss Mortimer did not appear to joy the joke so much as he ex pected Perhaps she was still de pressed by her recent attack of la grippe which had prevented her from going to see McDowells at the Music Hall that She was a tall dark girl graceful rather than handsome with black eyes which shone somewhat ominous ly as she remarked to Mr Fremont So you were discussing me with Professor Yes just a little you know And he was so sure you were perfectly sin cere all you said about not getting married Of which you were no so sure Oh of course I said wasnt And you dared him to propose 10 me to find out Yes wont it be a joke but of course youll understand that it is only a Joke You were afraid Id take the mat and therefore came out to warn me for whose sake pray mine or the professors How you do catch one up I thought youd enjoy the joke as much do You mutt mo And Ihe poor little I it wis A to put him In such a position- Still he ought to have better Mulct Fred thinks to mike fools of both The weary night wore through and the mornings post brought the declaration sot of love but the desire for a matrimonial alliance black eyes softened as she read it this were from Fred now she thought a flutter I should be in Ah me I Im afraid Im as foolish as a after all Fred Fremont belonged to Mont real and was in Quebec merely for the purpose of taking a course of in struction at the School of Very handsome he looked in his lightlyfitting uniform and cap with its white very much more of a man than ihe little professor in his bunchy coonskin coat with collar turned up over his ears and a fur cap pulled down to his eye brows An odd looking couple they nude walking down that narrow John Street where one can almost shake hands with people across the road Fred was slapping himself a trifle viciously with the light cane he carried Why cant you tell me what said and have done with it he ex claimed pettishly This is too public a place re plied theprofessor solemnly Come to my rooms and Ill show you the tetter as I They turned up one of the steep side streets narrowly escaping an ava lanche of snow from one of the high slanting and with a creak and a swing Fred pulled open the double door to admit them to one of those high bar stone erections even with the street in which the professor had a flat He could hardly wait till his companion had got the letter from his desk and he rudely threw the en velope on the floor from which the professor reverently lifted it This is what be read Feb Dior Mr Thank you very roach for yoar letter the ia- need not how deeply I honored by Sly inenti are your and my for lodgment La so great thai I can Unit yon entirely to matter tod therefore pleasure consenting to your wishes cordially The deuce exclaimed Fred think she was agreeing to go for a drive or some thing of that sort The professor had a ex cited air though he tried to speak calmly So Im afraid Ive lost wager and won the lady But of course you dont mean to take her seriously Why not Well well Freds conscience struggled with him for a few seconds but was overcome You see I told her it was only a Joke You did eh- Yes and she appeared very angry and I this is the way she takes to pay you up and me too Excuse me Fremont but I dont believe you I have too high a re spect for Miss Mortimer to think that she would lend herself to a practical joke of this nature Oh I assure you youre mistaken She will not think of holding you to that engagement Indeed I yet before I pro posed you assured me that neither he nor any other girl would decline a reasonably good offer the same I know she is not in earnest Why youve no idea what friends Mollie and I are No I certainly should not have gathered it from your way of talking ol her Shes really very fond of con tinued the young fellow unheeding the interruption and by jove some day I mean to marry her myself The professor opened the door Per bays youll be kind enough to walk out Mr Fremont I cannot allow anyone under my roof to speak in those terms of my promised wife Fred eyed his small antagonist from head to foot and then with a scorn ful laugh he clattered down the stairs Very brave had the professor been but his courage forsook him when as in duty bound he went to call upon his ladylove He coujd ad dress a learned society on the most abstruse topic or face a body of keeneyed students unabashed but his heart failed him when he was shown upstairs to the drawing room In the Grande Allee I wonder if J shall ever be able to feel myself at home in this room he said to himself as he selected the chair with the fewest decorations came in with some trepid ation but when she saw the quaking figure of the man of science she for got herself entirely in the desire to put him at his ease It was a shame for me to play such a trick upon him she said to Butitii it will not hurt him to have a few weeks of female society He lives too much alone She towered above him half a head as she came nearer and him a warm grasp of the band Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils Lubricating Oils- West Virginia Cylinder and Castor REAOYMIXKU PAINTS FOR OUSli and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES HARDWARE Ja DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS WAGON SPRINGS BAB BAND HOOP IKON ft STEEL JAS PROP Mower Field and Garden Seeds In all varieties from the most reliable dealers SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE YOU PAY YODR MONEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OF TORONTO GALL SHE THEM TO SEE IS TO BUY WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH FOB BALK OR TO STORE FOR located Male Street kit iba occupied a For particular apply MVBOOAItr tall THE SHARON TEMPLE FOR SALE PURSUANT loitrucUona- from Iba Board of too Coo- la tho ac4eraUo4 tor Tender that la and Iho of Children of upon p as will bo red up do t FOR SALE boms toad St loihaKitaioof ibolataJB Caldwell old Cbarrh Lot Timothy Street both or are almaied Farm of 0 Acre East Lot with orchard and brte hoote About ltd acrei tfc wooded J from bo made liberal to For apple to NawmarkeL DUNNS BAKING THECOOKS BEST FRIEND in MONEY TO LOAN flntcisJ aacurity DAVID LLOYD Cera loot for Mat Alio for follow Kir Comt1- ocdod Uoltil ted Shropshire Rams FOR SALE f acres West half lot con E half lot con E acresEast half lot con Gwillimbury a acres East halves and yd con King acres South half lot 3rd con acres Southwest quarter lot 2nd con King 30 acres Part of Northwest quarter lot and con King Apply or aepd to Mr J Bahama AND YOUNG SHORT lo J PureBred fiaUKIot of lo Iba AJOU will bo kept for at Toronto a aod Stallions at Oak Ridges ihorooah A run pi J luniU d it to fltockucMa of bit biro- ftolf a rcaoorttf ffrtl h rat la dftW nd ihoi to A old for Without of TbotoiTlortAliyiotxHof will iirirowouWfaWtr but boat to And I Chief

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