g IS Dot Pains inthe Joints by Inflammatory A Perfect Cure by pignut to la it stwXHfak4 Hoods Cures so about Hoods d to try ft a low entirely cured MM- A Be sere Roods Hood Ml yet lbs Bad bowels QUICKLY YIELD TO CURES CONSTIPATION AND SICK HEADACHE A I liKHliu and Ability iplJiVl led On TakeBBB Id ANTED AGENTS Mock Barry Rochester J NURSERY STOOK LIBERAL TERMS SPLENDID OUTFIT Writ for mad territory BROS lit will AOtUnji to for Oi UcUk AGENTS WANTED THE STORY A U TDKS of to ill ttltlJlI of Jem itf Golden lh The by lfm filM if V tn ifc from down col moth lin for tit lh hart lfc itawiylaL wmojioJ frucAzopmtat which ftl with McUtalx In In lb tod it pit Uottt to from him Qvxl Id lb of from bin t cor la tin lh of ft of Jwiif of lift firing Iht of of JUn mitt Of IU Red Mtp of tin I t fci m to Him go la I will open mirtdt lr our Jo Oar by bjIc2Dit won uiJ fco Hit ft of long ditctpliot lb Ujj TO A aid of m from erf tin TTjoMt u nothing rooM fluiui fvvr Jon W book o Dai erf not la lhir In witty u u their toil It now loo a la if Yock Will sua- Sir lam IIUL how- lht Mr Jobn will JeoUd ftr botl jtoIJooJ tool uoel lb rfocuiueuU by order n only iVdlufcjj lo A mila lb Jarinjf mmIoo at lbs lgtUiar writs Altar Jab- or lo both to jrcsr your- of abftjifl bui ibsjahallre mil d In fore for year la E Liberal John vary Jeu at lb to Jowa troll on Ibft a fird into York Townablo My taiiil Mora Can boat hid Tracing rbM and TIlNW bu war to moo acooontollUTfcrlooilDi To Tb erf el rfebMtoo UP fcttd with ill and flaw D6ulrt0raUrDCft drop aU Such Lo worb ftowtodioawm money- act now Dcodad for to II I How to Get a Sunlight Sunlight Soap wrappers wrapper bearing wordt- Why Woman- Look Old to Lkvm St Toronto and will reoclva by post a pretty ptctnrt free from adver tising and well worth framing This Is lodorste your home The Is the In market and It will only cost lo postage to send la wrap pars yon It so ends open yoar address cure oily From to bom ate killed weekly at on abattoir on the Outskirts of The meat is shipped in bulk pickled to Europe A Boom to One in Mi One bottle of tfiTlnUDSaiDtcou- a curb from I take pleasure In rtoouameadlof ftUctwlhniyftteilou frotu of hard r l Ontario OAtoot During the week Hon C from ihe position of ComMissioner of which for twenty years he has filled with credit and honor the Ontario Cabinet was formally accepted and on the Mr William who represented Kingston the Legislature recently dissolved was duly sworn in by LieutGovernor as successor to the re- thing Minister Hon Mr is spoken of as a typical business man having had wide experience in the management of railways and manu facturing concerns is regarded as a safe and skilful counsellor Presi dent Grant speaks of him as capable of doing splendid service for the Province Should the large hopes of his most intimate friends be real ized the Province is to be congratu lated on his The Prem ier too is to be commended for hav ing made this appointment before the election inasmuch as it disproves the charge made by opponents to the effect that the office was being kept before lire people to Influence result certain constituencies In this connection we may observe that it is the retiring Min ister Hon Mr will be ap pointed to an office of emolument under the Government possibly In spector of Registry offices for Ontario Mri Johnson retiring the latter position on account of an increasing which demands attention Hamilton Ottawa Kingston now have each a Cabinet Minister to these cities in the legislature to the present Hon Mr has not prominent in the debates of the Assembly- but Commissioner of Works will be expected to do so hereafter Frontier at London Sir Oliver opened the Lib eral campaign at London and met with a most cordial reception The demonstration was in no sense inferior to the one tendered the Opposition leader a week previous and for up wards of an hour he held the undivid ed attention of the immense gather ing He defended the Governments action respecting prohibition the maintenance of Government House Separate School legislation and in forcible language denounced the at tacks of the Opposition on the gen eral policy of his administration He pointed out fallacies in Mr Mere diths address and many of the hits loudly applauded Ills concluding remarks were received with prolonged cheers when he de clared his Government had recogniz ed the principle of being fair to every creed recognized the principle of protecting minorities in their rights as well as majorities and it was their purpose to follow those principles in future The Reform party he said Is the party of equal rights it is the party too and in tact the parly of the people When it Is remembered that Sty Oliver is about years of age his address was a remarkable one dem onstrating that he is a statesman pos sessed of an intellect- maiued by ex perience and influenced by to promote the best interests of his native Province Is of Mr Hugh Smith who in the hit was in his Wih ftnd was Ant to the Assembly at ft atoned by the death of Isto Mr mot was a I in politic there was talk of his Ihe at the present are 1 liver pills only so effective thai it can bo give fuetldti or money bo refund ed Doctor lot arc I I and oouooo- VJB one suffers at or Indigestion Mid Sick Head- ftclics and of tumble If easy fo take and in a war without shock- easy lo Carry because Ihv are put up la vials iiuarauloed He me hi her that tVroos IVlleta arc to action In effect this iii and you solve Si rot health and If you sitffee- Catarrh- prvprittors Or Catarrh Remedy ask VOW try their medicine Then If bo eufH in cash Qoht Let Another Go by Without Usimo I YOU will that it will do A what no other soap can do and will please you every way It is Easy and soap YOU It Is by the that the promotion of member far Kingston to a portfolio In the Ontario Cabinet will cost Mr Conine his seal to West not Mr l a Romas IqI cant play on on that be is likely to bosom one of Sir Oliver cabinet On the other hand friends of say they can win The of will solUe In Sooth Perth have deeded not to place a iu field for the Legislature Mr speaker in the last Is lbs Liberal nominee and as ha is opposed by a Lib eral Patron and a Libera Independent Mr Merediths supporters will take their by helping the Patrons It is thought however by ihoso best able to Mr BaUanlynas election bar been largely assured in not baring a Conservative candidate to Of Ax Ottawa press despatch states that Mr for placed in the hands of Hon Mr Minister Ihe Prairie a his financial It appears ha sustained a colonisation schema lor the settlement PrenchCansdlanstn the North- West His liabilities are reported If ha In satitfaclori- adjusting financial affair the nation will not be handed lo Mr Speak er A irrciib Toronto front Carrie speaking of sitnition in Centre A rumor is in Lawyer of PenetaoK the candidate in Center for Provincial lienor will resign in favor Mr Co lbs of and for lb Hiding Ilia feared that with three men field Mr the Reform csndidate will be elected banco to ensure the de feat of the a eminent standard bearer ft Is said Couscrvatives will snpport Mr Coat I though that gentleman was on of Oliver supporter Ik Parry Bound District the doctor at having tot of politics just now by in- doling In a three Cornered fight Mr Sharp the lata member Is again placed In nomination by Ihe Liberals Mr It Is hi ponenl and the third candidate is Mr Armstrong a former representa tive of District who la now running as an Independent Liberal Star says all three men are presentable can dldates and commences an week by announcing that tha political situation In this constituency is somewbst hazy the present time The hint Is given however lhat possibly Mr Arm strong will retire A Stronger la Japan Though hid read much about life in Japan it WAS art embarrassing experience to be set down for first lime with my baggage in a Japa nese room and to try and adapt self mentally to the nihilities of under such conditions In a bare hut or tent the problem is com paratively simple there is always one way by which you must enter but in a Japanese room ibeie is too sauch liberty three of the axe opaque sliding screens the fourth is a trans parent or rather translucent one you can come in or go out where you like there is no table on which things must be put no chair on which you must sit no fireplace to stand with your back to just a clean matted door and perfect freedom of choice European trunks look ugly and unsympathetic in such surround nor are matters much improved when the host in the habits of a foreigner send in a rough deal table with a cloth of cotton intended to be white and an uncompromising deal chair hideous articles make a man feel ashamed for though they are only a burlesque of our lion they are with an air of pride which shows that the owner is are ihe right thing and one cannot but be humiliated by their ugliness want of comfort if want to read have to keep them and make the best of them lor a lung to be borne after a good raanj weeks of Things begin look and when the little waitingnuid appears first some cushions and with iti pile of glowing charcoal and then the teatray and a few sweet takes This was more the sort of thing had expected and made me at once feel at borne with my sur roundings It is the first attention shown you in every teahouse no matter how humble whether you go as an inmate or whether you merely sit down a few minutes on a journey Rule teapot and the tiny cunt at once produced and is by sid a pleas ant m1 dy welcome which to is impression me much the lily of the t Parsons hi Harpers tot June PALS CHILDREN be a or Skrel Co4 Liver Oil CaOTi li par d to tod May At the Spring Mrs Annie South who is over years of age recorded a verdict against her nephew This old ladys husband died in tS6j leaving in cash to his widow with whom lived an adopted daughter and a nephew This money widow entrusted to the nephew to buy land which ihe deeded to himself One of the farms was in Colling- wood township and to this place the imv moved I to trv 1 Da Doksaano devotes a large propor tion of hie apaoe In May issue KigU anil Day to from pho- to graph a great variety ot cases res cue the aganoy of the Homes Dr Bernardo elates in recording the de parture of hi first emigration party tor the correal year trained lads that ho baa now sent to Canada and no fewer thau boys and girls wbOoH8 per have them- selves satisfactorily It annoonceJ that a fellDenial Week for the benefit of Homes will be observed from slh to of August neat The annual mealing one of most attractive en- year in London baa been flied to take in Albert Hall on Saturday afternoon 23rd Jane when Lord will preside Dr Bernardo Is the at the age It is queer when a man begins to feel a little hard he begins to economise and curtail expenses by first discontinuing his home paper when in reality should be the last thing to part with It saves him more money ten times over during year than its subscription price It is the best friend he has It Is continually looking after his interests It keeps him ported about the affairs of his community without an effort on his part The hard worked house wife who gets no opportunity to mingle with the outside world per uses it eagerly It is the only thing stands between her and mental darkness Yet these things are not thought of by the lord when comes In and slops his paper because of hard times Ex Hoods and Only Hoods- Ate yea weak and weary overworked and tired Hoods the medicine yoa need to purify and quicken your blood yod strength If you decide to take Hoods do not bo Induced to buy any other i Any effort to another remedy la of the merit of Hood Hoods Pills are the beet afterdinner attht digestion core la W4 UeUv4 In SO Or AttaaFfVuiarvribo iratt roller la alt case or tfympa- Heart la aod ped la aod all a Heart Bold nu of ihe vllsge of At the in- stance of the old ladys friends was entered against the nephew Chief Justice Armour directed judg ment against defendant for 3000 with Interest from the lime defendant left the Collincwood township pro perty and also the costs of action is a harmless and sure cure for headache neuralgia or any severe pain all druggists 4 a well known of uric of Winnipegs most prominent was drowned on Saturday afternoon while canoeing on tic Red river The canoe upset And in at tempting to swim to shore the young man was with cramps and sink in the presence of a score of people on ihe banks who could not get a boat him in time His companion sWoita Sodden our who clung to was rescued upturned canoe Have you nervousness Use KDiC to id dff oi only by N K Ann uoxTUbUl THE LEADING HARDWARE Spring BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS BLACKSMITHS GARDEN LAWN MOWERS V READY MIXED PAINT PAINTERS SULLIES- CHURCHS ALABASTiNk OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE VOLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all of Fence Wire J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No Jacks to Hire THE LEAD IN DRY GOODS Hi TblWilCaneaSm r OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and Blinds NOBODY SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS in Shoulder 1 u4 Mtoa la cat a Sold 25Cach Flower Meld and Garden Seeds In all varieties from the most dealers PHARMACY NEXT TO POST OFFICE Won Womsja No mm who hs not a mackintosh can TCiae why aomc Jryituj reform an ihe stay past I Hying discover trwj how a wo man on art cat without upcq her have to of expedients ami find tho only way of a street car fati IsngteJ rather the skin of my coat In inyanussnd a How a woman can rosrupo a dress which Is much longer ray docs Is beyond my It Is of these that corn natural to a woman wc roch may never hope to am to coal Iiltshurg Talk on The tint of an very Thai to sy- if you lc- In jajxrr It will lake some lime for hi reader Ret with you and until do expect return I here are occasional exceptions but ire few and fir between Ihe effort that nays In In everything else medicine of the dote Is as tank Si trie Itself thai the of the newspaper Offer the w heat for business announcements that and sti indtiiir wtile Up Of to a picture are effective It IAS be Well lo iti pretty novelty if you all the space you need in the paper 1 have been publisher of pro grams other- hive ray whole experience oa both of the fence 1 hive utter bend of adv la a medium I of aiotl that wld The local ftilo the with full of the world with the of the awake to their op portunities ft news of value to every ior it pay to Advertisements more truthful every day Business know that their news must be true or it fa Straining should begin before com mencing to milk by brushing off ill the hairs ttraw the udder teats and body of the cow Let be the duty of seme one person to go over the cows with a soft brush or a damp cloth before the cows are milked Some use a woollen cloth to strain with Cloth of some kind is neces sary to catch hairs and fine dirt This clotrtmust be kept clean Scald it each time after using Cheese and butter are articles of food to be eaten by men and women A great many forget tab They seem to think tha tit does not make any difference what kind of milk is tent the factory judging from what may be seen on the strainers of fac tories Send milk to the factory from none but healthy animals When a cow shows symptoms of not doing well she should be separated- from rest of the herd and not used for food V After calving not until the fifth day should milk be sent to the factory While in the stable cows need currying and blushing once a day Feed nothing but pure sweet clean wholesome food Use scalding water in washing utensils Allow cows access to plenty of pure water at all times Milking needs to be done by clean persons Hands should be washed before commencing to milk Set the milk can in a place where the air is pure Milk should be pro tected from sun and rain These ate good in their place but poor things to make cheese and butter out of The milk stand be feet from the barnyard and where are fed Milk wagons should be kept clean The odor of some milk wagons is sufficient to taint milk The driver and his clothing should be clean and tidy Cans of milk pro tected from sun and dust white on road will reach the factory in better condition than those without cover To wash milk pails milk cans they should be first washed in lukewarm water next washed with hot water and then be scalded after which put them in a nice place to air and dry Do not wipe diary tinware with a dishcloth Make a bonfire of alt old dishcloths that are used for wiping diary utensils and the flavor will go up per cent Milk should be sent to tbe factory of the same quality as given by the cows Removal cream keeping back or skim milk or first milk should be prohibited Adulterated milk is milk to which something has been added or from which something has been taken Persons ottering for sale such milk should be prosecuted A good thing for purifying milk may be made by taking an ordinary shallow milk made of strong tin On the outside bottom of this fasten a handle about a feet long Punch or small holes in the bottom of the pan In using put the Inverted pan down into the milk and allow pan of air to bubble through the milk When It ceases bubbling draw out and hen insert again Do a dozen times evening and rooming The evening milk be treated about three times In the foregoing manner once immediately after milking then in minutes and again in about half an hour Stir- retiring the night ARRIVING EVERY WEEK Styles ing Goods AM marked Prices Being the only Store Town thai deals Exclusively in m Shoes I can give you a Better Assortment to choose from than any place in Town Sign Boot S H Alt In licic NEWMARKET HARDWARE Rxv River Philip writes Allow me to thank you for the sent me some time ago You will be glad to know that in every esse Where it has been used It has proved beneficial Mao writes For years I have been a victim of Became so bad I was put upon a milk diet Have taken four packages Ki C and enjoy better health since I began its use for years before I can heartily recommend K r Oils Canadian Coal Oils Coal Oil READYMIXED Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor PAINTS and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES I ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS V AXLES WAGON SKEINS ft SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON ft STEEL COWER PROP asssai Perry Davis PAINKlLLBR mLa WHJR OH Diarrhea Bottle Bowsl THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD That will bora ROUGH WOOD and COAL at Has the Largest Oven IS A FARMERS Id Every bodys Mihwttsk Cook Stovo MaJte ami Bunts Ita Own From Cos NO DIRT NO HEAT IN a Family Dinner for Two Cents the oxfords OIL GAS COOK STOVE Seolt The FOUNDRY CO ML TORONTO fLCSH IS TO TAKE ITS FOOD IISTUSSWO WHY 1 mm WONDERFULLY FOR BAUE OR TO LET TO LET Prcspsel at Mr Joss err llil A OUSE FOR SALE A good Lot on For iou SSQQMa tfLNawmarksl FOR SALE BARGAIN THE Hobs aid Lot on Chorea St- J J Vendors HOUSE FOR SALE lata Mrs lbs at and Park Ats For terms apply to Sol Id Lor for or to WALTER J Rsaoso fa tats FARMS FOR SALE FORCE PUMPS For VelU A t Spraying wotllcj Pump path la rrr Town- for JWAXOlHONi PsualM rid of ct lai lorn a tor Its Us follow lag acres West half lot con E acres North half lot E acres East lot Gwitlimbury acres East halves and 3rd con King acres South half lot con acres Southwest quarter lot King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot con King or sard to Mr J or to Mrs A aula HnaWr or or mall or laa op go wool at bow will as OX FARMERS A PureBred Jttj doirt In ACC will bo ksptrorssfslea at Farm lot or aod lo Also a revistsred Boar Wit Shropshire Rams A2fD YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS Apply to IRVISQ at on It Sold PUBLIC CAUTION SHAROI 1 Court for rati TEMPLE if a V as or If ots la at in Stallions Ridges Imported bred A is with sobs too iVaotV tmbu baa Alto ff a borsr a or racsa at ibout- to or cam old remukaafAL off boas mBacle to jtarboea Klrea at area April is Robert Smith and his son of Toronto were run and at a crossing last east of Brantford Tuesday Liniment Cures Colds etc V hi- tafcafeste- J