Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1894, p. 1

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f THE ERA Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON at nit PRINTING MUX REACHED And we expect SUBSCRIBERS In a Kr till cconlJoslj wr a If l I GIVE TO KNOW TO AND TO TO COKSOIKNCB ACL ONTARIO BANK CAPITA Newmarket It RANCH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND A York in 24 J Single Copies Cents Newmarket Ont Friday July 6 Terms 100 Strictly in Advance within mot or at and of year A BUSINESS A Allowed on AT SUTE0 DRAFTS ISSUED At ALL tad id to J LEGAL J EBHOff Si thorny ii 1cicr Els tinner to lUrbSoo Court J WOODCOCK Mam- Pom near MEDICAL J ffEHT for It IS Oil A J 7y f Ala i The Leading Stove Depot FRY YOUR FACE Over a hot cooking strive when you can do all the cooking and required on one Q STOVES the small cost of cents per hour and best of all NO HEAT OR SMELL See Samples working at Show Rooms of A BINNS NEWMARKET NEW GLOTHINC HOUSE The place to order your Clothing for the future is For Era MOST SUCCESS FOR MAN OH BEAST SPAVIN CURE KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE your Tow ROGERS Family DENTAL A Block e Air Tor A- TERRY NO 94 MAIN ST Having fitted up the premises recently occupied by Mr are to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The work we have set ourselves is to secure the of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so ate all that can be desired I was cured of Bronchitis and Lot 5 I Mrs A Livingstone I was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by MINARDS John Mader J Mahone Bay I was cured of a sever sprained teg by LINIMENT Joshua O STOCK Consists of all that i AUCTIONEERS for It J will ipccM NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Prices wilt readily reveal this to you and our reputation of nearly a quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class of work you may expect E MCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros Dot It ii of will on clirotta too cold Soma it la of In gold to I It if Soma gambling ball Iff folly la wild vciKDfnl of all ft i not Soma ig wild the to They arouiid in of it ab It ii tbcre Some in journey Around world ad lair travel Hut do not And it Seek Walk in tba a will find it above you Walk in the path of selfdenial Anil you it at Jew M In and prayer Tia found Id all it By all Jaly t A I Tie Stowaway SIMPSON Main RH MOID PIANO TUNEB left with Lloyd will MR A STOUFFER ICESEU TAINS IE of en conmlnton Term to wllcitO if our ROSE THE NORTH STORE J Groceries Ready Made Clothing Hats J PAINTING HEWITT A WnltrwAablo St- South aid Is now stocked with Dry Caps and Furnishings We will name a few prices which prove to you that the North End is the place to buy your goods Dry Cooes 1 AM Wool worth for Collar All Wool Bait J worth for CbristUllatt Veil worth for ct I GrOCKRIEs Mens AH Wool 5100 up Sugar 26 lbs 20 CONCERT BARITONE l of Volco Culture o a to of Now- Photos I Photos I G HA of Mr Una to tbat ha LIVERY SOMERVILLE 0R THE FINEST TURNOUT op 7 Piece Salt to SO ix Shirt 2o Sock were for 35 Mens Brace Dozen Straw Hats away down Cotton from up Dirk Brown Sugar lbs Solp Bar doz Pure Lard 10 lbs Suiar Cured Hams smoked alb also Pi of Factory Cash Eggs any day in the week CHAS THE tlfo LOAN AT GENTLEMEN J Arnl M OniceCor asJllMii for Phwalx of Kltt All Law WrlHhtsTlaBbop Newmarket At an J A W CANADA LIFE CO CAPITAL- FUNDS- 10000000DOLLARS Anou A in lo Aictnt LifeftssuranceCo We have realty splendid bargains or you miss them is simply disadvantageous to both in the loss of finest clothing possible money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and sec for yourselves Ami to turn outwork work o superior or will bo mod nd Mr aim will pot bo to hood work but lb i 60 DAYSEXdURSlON for A P OBA JULY 17 Auror SOMETHING FOR ToDay W MUTCH reliant Tailor opposite Stairs Book Store Gents own cloth made up neatly YOHlAYluFioiEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE BUT PRETTIEST AND STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO TO IS TO BOY WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH I4CVK4 Insuring the Lives of Females Tins At low rates v OHO Willi- J A jiarAHLtmiKiiT iuU4kr4ia NEWMARKET WIARBLEWORKa The Latest D3signs MONUMENTS and V HEAD STONES Canadian and Foreign and At aolicltel I MANNING SON- COYIE IOS pBta9t ALLAN fc Taci At Lbs The first intimation of fail- ing Eyesight is when It be- domes nccessaiy to hold some a object such fine or a needle away from the eye sic them clearly or it becomes difficult to see in the evening When symp toms appear It Is best to purchase a Pair of Glasses be worn only when it necessary to save the eyes from being over taxed Be careful to buy Good Ones Start Willi We have them in Steel Roll Plate and Solid Gold at very lowprice Your Eyes Jeweler Steel Gold Cat Thin Babies a clutnco thorn Croam of CodUvop Oil and watch them grow Fat Chub by Healthy Bright Physi cians world Ml by The stout ship leaning gal lantly to the wind was making her way down the channel for America The sails had been reefed the cables coiled and everything made snug for the night Captain Essex paced to and fro an his deck gruffly humming a little song His little song was interrupted by a sudden commotion in the forward part of the vessel Thcie was a sound of loud angry talking followed by the sobbing of a child Hallo exclaimed Captain Essex what is the meaning of that row A stowaway sir answered one of the men from below A stowaway on my ship growled Captain Wring the rascal here I Well give him a taste of the ropes end first and thenbut what is that The stowaway sir was the re sponse as two of the crew approached leading between them a very small and very ragged boy The auger in captains face gave to a look of astonishment mingled with pity as his eye rested upon the shivering form of Ihe in- Hut he maintained thestern- nesi his tone as he addressed the boy Well said he what ate you doing here Nothing sir was the trembling reply Who are you and where did you come from Speak up now I No nonsense I Im Joby Job Oliver sir the boy between the sobs which he vain ly endeavored to choke down I live by the docks sir What are you doing here then I I hid away down below and found me I wasnt doing any thing I didnt touch anything thought they wouldnt mind Im not very big you see and I dont weigh much He broke down with a gasp and pressed his small grimy fists into his streaming eyes- I havent any mother or you see and have to earn my own liv ing Everybody say hes too small Whats he good for and they dont take me though I am strong can lift a trunka small one I can run errands very fast but everybody says oh hes too ragged and too dirty If I could get jobs you see I coild get a new suit clothes Hut I cant get jobs and I cant get clothes and everybody donl want me and a fresh storm of sobs shook the little But ynu havent me yet what you are doing on board this ship said the captain preserving his sever ity with an They said the ship was going America answered boy Every body is rich In America Everybody wants you there you see Tom went there and he makes a load of money fc Thats all very well responded the captain but people who go to Amer ica pay for their passage and to hide away so as to go without paying is just the same as stealing so much money Dont you know thai Evident hoy had not that view of the question He looked up at the stern face with a frightened and startled expression Then he a hurried search in the pockets of the ragged From ono he drew forth two coppers from another a sixpence and from a third a shilling Thtse he held oul toward the captain This is all I have got I earned the sixpence and two pennies j the shilling a gentleman gave me Its broken but its good silver all the same And what am I to do with these asked the captain To pay my fare replied the boy It most enough I think I will earn the rest when I get there The good captain could maintain his gravity no longer A smile lighted up his rugged features as he said kindly There there keep your mon ey my boy Von are an honest little fellow after nil You stay with on the Falcon and will make a man of you How will that suit you Joby was delighted of course The sailors are wonderfully handy at such thing devised a suit of clothing for his small body He speedily became a great favorite with crew of the proving him self to be active and intelligent and what is far belter absolutely honest and The which was a sailing vessel had met with head winds con- since leaving the channel and on the fourth week out was struck by i a heavy gale from thenortheast All day long the good ship labored with the mountainous waves leaping and plunging till it as though the groaning creaking masts must come out of her With the fall of the night the gale increased in violence The captain remained on deck taking a position near he rail where he could keep eye on the rigging Near him shel tered by the bulwarks little Joby on a coil of rope At first the noise arid confusion the thunder the the shriek of the wind thiough cordage and wild pitching of the ship had the boy But when by the of the lantern he saw the calm of the captains face hi and rather enjoyed the excitement of the storm Suddenly just as the captain was shouting an order through his trumpet a vast billow die vessels side with an riar ions of water the he could save himself the captain was lifted from his feel and Aung overboard the sea Almost at fame instant a small figure was seen to leap upon the rati where the captain had fallen overboard we could never find hem in daytime let alone such a night as this Im afraid not answered the mate Poor old man and boy I what was thai sound I ahoy They shouted loud and strong from the darkness not twenty yards from where the ship lay The captain shouted a dozen glad voices Belay your jaw there ye lubbers Tail on that line and haul us aboard or well be adrift Line I Us I What could he mean But the mates bad already discovered a curious thing a light but strong rope fastened to a ring in the bul wark and extending out into the darkness toward the spot whence the captains voice proceeded It was drawn light as if some heavy burden was towing at the end of it In an instant sturdy anus were pulling at it with a will Then a stout rope was lowered and up to it like a monkey scrambled followed more slowly by Captain with his eye on the captain had seen him carried overboard He knew that one end of the coil of light lough rope upon which he sat was secured to the bulwark Without pausing to think of his own danger he took Ihe free end in his and and was in the water nearly as soon as the captain himself Though he could swim like a duck he was borne helplessly on ihe crest of the waves almost into the aims of Captain Essex who caught him as he was sweeping by Thv captain fastened the line about both of bodies and swimming and partly towed by ihe ship they had manatee to keep their heads above water until the Falcon was hove t The blew itself cut during the night and next morning dawned clear anil calm All the forenoon Utile was observed to be very grave and silent as if he were pon some important question Finally he presented himself before the captain in hit cabin Well rny hoy said captain what can I do for you A mans life is worth a good deal of money isnt it asked Joby twirling his as he spoke Not a boy like me but a man Yes of covrse my lad Well then said Joby twirling his hat still more nervously they say saved your life night I didni say it was much you see Any fellow who could swim could do the same only I happened lo do it Yes you certainly did Joby I thought- I thought that you would pay for my passage ihen it wouldnt be Healing you know could not make out why the captains voice should be so husky as he said my lad while old Tom Essexs bulk holds together and a single limber you shall never want for a berth or be without a North York Bchomberg Arthur Lloydtown James QuoenarilU Baker Michael Boll Belfry Newmarket Belhavon Black Newmarket Peter Kcltteby Brown David Button West Brown Cane William Carle A King Cherry James Gate W Button West Collins Joseph Newmarket Richard Sutton West Charles Aurora William Newmarket Dougherty James StoutTvHlo Ego Button Weal John Sharon Flint Gibbous Graham David Sutton West Edwin John Sethi Aurora West Stephen Newmarket Hughes A J Hunter J Newmarket Johnson George 1efferlaw Johnson Hiram Johnson Aurora Jones Maxson Lewis Thomas QueenaviTta Lloyd Thomas Charles Newmarket P Aurora Joseph Newmarket Neil A March John Isaac Keswick May Nelson Pino Orchard MeCardell James Sutton West William Newmarket Robert Roachs Point McCormick Robert Vivian McDonald Donald Sutton West McMillan A King Creek Millard Joseph Newmarket Morrison Geo Morton Friend Morton John Keswick Morion Neil Norman Robert Oldham William Mount Albert Park Samuel Sutton Janus Hoi Landing Pearson James J Newmarket John Aurora Phillips Joel Pike John Porter William Proctor William Hcnomberg Elijah Keswick Purity John Keswick John A Mt Albert Randall John Newmarket David Wilfrid Benjamin P Jesso Archibald Baldwin It A Vachcl Roach Martin Sanders Scott Thomas Sutton West Ellis Belhaven Ed Mt Albert John Qneensville Stewart George Stokes King Anderson Schomberg Henry 8ulton David Keswick VanNorman Walton Jacob Keltleby Wells Pearson King Wheeler Edward Stouffville James Willson Charles Newmarket Wright George Yates John Vachell Yule Andrew Aurora life Hub Mr- Edwin Watson lost sheep by last week The garden party in lion ffiih Methodist Church in Mr was largely at tended The bind was present A n Mr ftrovtf on Saturday in with public school TENTH KING Mr has the foundation under hi barn completed A number or willinj hands Mr Godsons rising on Wednesday pod succeeded la raising the barn safely A gathering of the clan toot place at the of Mr oh evening The roadWork in this section is completed and- has improve I the road very much Enterprise VJiat Man Soya The love of display with every day Not one in a thousand persons dare to cut a pathway out of the uusl line Everything Is for show We in our every day dress we show it in our manner of living we show it when death en ters the family by lavish expenditures jor burial caskets for flowers and for carriages In every walk of life no matter how limited our resources is a disposition and an effort to keep op with the procession In mailer of and display There one reason why hard found so many persons Illy pre pared ace It They had spent their incomes as fast as earned and sometimes faster and out of work found them out of money Ask of and lake no other Stella of Port Perry has been Toed and costs for de facing a fishery notice Men and women of sedentary habits should use Worth York John Davit J KIHolt Hill William Newmarket David Proctor Sharon fttokct Mount Alhort Turner Dootiell Andrew Virginia Button Park Henry Vachell Ale Udor Evan KINO John Crowley Hamilton Wesley Latkay Jeffrey Phillip Kewuiarkct Kloa Albert J Newmarket Itoftra Henry Stewart Welsh John Bell William John Cain Michael Geo William NORTH Kcawluk Draper Belhaven James Keswick Win OBrien J Perry Joseph John BUTTON WEST Peter Ballard Vivian Riniiwood fts numerous and has evi- The potato beetle is and energetic as ever dently come to slay The present indications are that there will be a plague of grasshoppers serious than there was last sum mer They finish up some turnip fields in a few days and they are tak ing tithes of most of the other crops A large gathering of our friends composed the teachers scholars and friends of Baker and Providence Sunday Schools last Saturday in boating and other amusements at lake Gray one of our young men while travelling on the line in the vicinity of our village found a purse containing in bank notes and in promissory notes of hand- On enquiry he learned that the money belonged to Mr of Ring wood to whom it was promptly returned Our Methodist friends held their annual lawn social on the evening of the On the grounds of Hill The weather was all that could be desird and the attendance The grounds were handsomely for ihe occasion while ice cream id its were served from a booth on the yrounds- bak ing fully up the eiforts of the ladies of able and well rendered elections were given by choir Rev Mr Cowl- Christian minister of gave a clever address Searching parties went it but must have passed it on the road both going and coming back for after their the horse attached to rig came leisurely back into town No damage was done either to horse or rig banner There was a very Urge attendance at the Temperance Hall last Friday night The Royal Templars of New- furnished an excellent pro- gram and at its close Rev Matthews who has liken a deep in in the temperance work during his sojourn amongst us wa present ed an and a Select De gree a large gold em blem by the Royal here and the League present ed an Toe reverend gentle- man was taken by surprise but pressed his appreciation of the kind words and gift in suitable He bis at leaving Aurora and especially young people Refreshments wire served in splendid form and everybody ap peared to enjoy the evening SUTTON The receipts from the garden parly held on Mr Munros grounds were understand that- Mr had seven pigs killed by lightning Sunday He seems lo be unfortunate in his line as his barn was by a bolt only a few weeks ago and Win had each a colt killed by the same means the previous day barn was also struck in Sunday by lightning Friday while Mrs and Mrs Tuck of were out driving the horse took freight at a threshing machine and threw the ladies out of the buggy causing a dislocation of Mrs shoulder while Mrs Tuck escaped with a shaking up generally Dr who was passing through was called in and set the painful parts and is now doing well the word joys presided by IV 1arryd inmjVffr our give gen satis fact urn- aliriARlN by l the weak pupils here for Entrance at ihe High School The shameful ppctice of tearing down large bill posted up in town still continues Up to the present dog owners out of have complied the by law requiring dogs to- be registered with the town clerk Mr J Pollock is starting an Art in Aurora this week Last Monday forenoon Risk the four year old daughter of Mr Mar shall Andrews slipped and fell while playing on the pump platform and in falling her face came in contact with the sharp spout of the pump In flicting an ugly gash The first garden patty of the season was held by ladies of the Methodist church congregation on the lawn adjoining church on Wednesday evening There was a large present and a handsome sum was realized The Bait Hand was present Ih- contractors who have had In hand the repairing of that part of the block which was damaged by fire som- lime nearly com pleted iltej and the store will soon be ready for occupancy Mr James has pur chased the boot and shoe stock of A- Johnson Co of this place who assigned and which was offered for sale by auction under a chattel mortgage Miss Butcher who Has been study ing elocution at the College of Music in Toronto obtained a diploma which was presented by Mayor Kennedy at the closing exercises in the music hall Toronto Monday evening would like the members of town council to take a walk over sidewalk on the south side of street after dark just to see hovr many could refrain rem using cuss words at the manner in which the repairs on that portion of ihe side walk had been made- might also notice how brilliantly that por tion of is lighted by having the arc light placed opposite Tyler street instead of at the south side of Mosley street Miss Emma met with a severe accident last Saturday evening- She was assisting in cleaning the windows at her mothers residence and was standing on a table end on stepping a little one side was thrown off the table and in falling hef left hand struck a sewing machine oil can the spout of which passed al most through her hand She has suffered considerably since from the wound and her arm is much swollen but it hoped nothing serious will result Mr of Newmarket hat quite an exciting time here last Monday night He here attend ing the Masonic lodge and after the meeting was out his horse was brought out for htm to go home but before Mr got hold of the lines the horse made a bolt and ran on had a finger cul off while working in Joel alter saw in ill Mrs Forsyth who has been confined to her home fot several is now able to be around Rev J W Stewart removed to new field of laor in on Wednesday A farewell was given Mr Stewart on Monday in ihe Methodist church pre viols lo his departure a purse of was to him on behalf of congregation An ire cream and strawberry social The urogram was on the grounds Sanders on the evening comet band was present and the grounds were by electricity Powells little boy who has been afflicted with scarlet fever is gelling better of the disease but we are sorry to his speech and much impaired Begore Dyspepsia I here is when everything else fails 5C- west on Wellington meat druggists Last Friday evening ihe village was almost derertcdj the greater part of inhabitants the Band included being at the Mr Lebanon Sunday School garden party held at Mr The attendance was lar ger than usual and we are sure a most enjoyable time was spent all who were present After the lea was over the chair was taken by Mr the superintendent of the school who addressed the audience for a few minutes Tnnse from a distance who took part m the pro gram were Miss of Tottenham Miss Cable of Toronto Mr J of Bolton Mr Hall of Toionto and Mr J of Iskay besides those in the im mediate neighborhood Miss Wilkie Miss Agar and Miss air Arihur has returned from the Northwest and does not bring back a very favorable opinion of that country He reports crops in some parts nearly useless and wages away down ihe average man gelling about fifteen dollars a month It Is rumored that the mail route is to be changed the mail to come via instead of King City Enterprise A Good Appetite AhVaya and an of appetite an lodleatloa of wrong- Tho tut given by those who used at to it merit In restoring the appetite and a purifier of the the strongest recommendation that can bo for medicine Hoods Pills cure all liver ills head ache l We doubt been a time in the history of this country when scandals In public life were so numerous as at present The evil is not attracting as much attention as It deserves and we fail to observe pub lic sentiment showing arousal The scandals referred to national state and local In two of the lar gest cities of state the police authorities are charged with whole sale blackmail upon payment of which crime was protected The in vestigation in New York city disclose a most corrupt state of affairs In pobce officials are similarly accused and the publica tion of the methods employed show that the Quaker city officials have followed the example of New York in blackmailing bawdy houses gambling establishments games and other forms of crime Wilson Star Hundreds of people write Caffefn cures headache or neuralgia all

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