Newmarket Era, 6 Jul 1894, p. 2

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nlrfr BRA JULY WvpiiJsajnsate Clearing Sale J Pi lion Bargain Day toody Voters Hit Voters List Tender Walker Farm to Kent J Teacher Wanted Walker Teacher WastedIt J Harsh Gold Lost Cook Wanted J She Era LETS UP BUT GROWS BRIGHTER WISH EACH ISSUE The Era all at Home n en Kan tun FRIDAY JULY lBfrie Oar Toronto 6 oaD4tiU fffJaw M it Ox to rwii6J P J been if Towards the dosing of last week articles appeared in Toronto papers reflecting seriously upon the conduct of the Warden and County Commissioner charging them with favoritism in awarding tenders lor of certain tollgates on the Tori Roads to the detriment of County interests The stated that Mayor Bond of Toronto June- Coo alleged irregular procedure in connection with the letting of the street gate that his wife had tendered while his Mrs was given the gale by raising her tender from to This is a serious charge and will require expla nation The Warden and one of the Coram toners in conversation with a member of the Era staff this week denied all knowledge of the alleged irregularity complained of by Mr Bond and court the fullest investiga tion before the County Council The second charge was to the effect that Mr Rice had tendered for the same gate that had awarded to Mrs and further that when offering his tender County told htm that there was a tender better than his To this charge we find the following in the repotted proceedings of a meeting of the Commissioners held on Tuesday Mr Gilbert Rice appeared and demanded an expla nation regarding his tender The Warden and Coromis- sioners stated they had never seen the tender and which had been overlooked The clerk stated that the tender of Mr Rice had been brought in the day before the ders were to be opened and had been placed with the others The Commissioners after reconsidering the matter finally awarded the gate to Gilbert Rice at From the foregoing it would appear that either the tender of Mr Rice was overlooked or else a nice ques tion of varacity exists between the County Clerk and the commissioners In cither case it is matter for regret it should have occurred Any thing bearing the character of crooked ness in dealing with affairs in which the public are interested creates more or less suspicion and while seeming irregularity may have been by an oversight it is difficult sometimes to remove the impression that unfairness was not intended The fact however that the Commissioners did the right thing by Mr Rice when they learned of the regularity of his tender should set all suspicion of intentional wrong doing at rest The whole business will probably come up in the council next session when replete ex planations will be forthcoming BaMmtr White sanaiatiooiii Emu has been left at bom this tiff Ha seam to to Urn sod pes left lbs I his to largely In po litical thai Mr P P P for wiU be new mites w ng turn of to npZAMt l ft Uid will to in which hi to In human- with lb of lb election Urn thin to been qaiW op of bene on bolt to lifi nil In on pretest ih nek li cooiiderol motl At for J IhtLiberftlJ ft of or a majority and combined bo new ftboold as follower ft ludflpendenU I we find two ATlicle of lI indicate com- in policy of with Atolimenl ftnd of In to former the view liken Ecfaooli ftre Public And fli for And control ftnd the Province look for legislation to wfcROBrd Ibe Ghbi observed 1 bo set the Province uiJ in whoever nj and to oar daring to or ill P P A Alitor This deny end thai the electors to hive the the Province tin afford to do without w many profrntoul in the at the think eo- J ftud left for the on A am them off Mr Lewis confined to bed for two or was Able o be up fc ftod Km- ftDdibelrtoo of Ohio Are Mr Cltdland end other friends Mix linn who been on a A in borne week Hassle Drown of Toronto the gnat of kin on and of lut week She JcmUj lor to Aoccpleo ftl toe Boom who to off work on of on ftoconat ft ore fool hat bad quite ft happy gathering week Two and two from Toronto And Mr borne on and tilt John proprietor of the Eagle bote to go to city on not get boot in papering ceiling the he flipped and fell right foot to ibat be bad to nee crotchet for two week The following the of pAtber Monday of of of fltayner nd hi from and Lynch pretty bat took place on Monday morning July 2nd at St- wbicb Barry farmer of to Alt firm A A bride ftUsU Clara and the by Mr After the Ail the happy left for New York The was the recipient many Jjome preeXQti The following Toronto people Dominion Day In Newmarket ftnd to cue from to Monday night Mr And Mr Fred Mr and Mr a S Harder Mabel Mr formerly clerk at Mary And Charley Mr Mr Mr Mr Lewis Maggie a Fox learn Draper ft lister of Jobu Iticbirdaoa Esq for York She belong to family to improve the world hat three other brothers one ft minister now at Other lf onepracticiug io Chicago and the other South Wood two juactictn In in end the other id A nephew it the in Danford Co ARE SELLING ONE LOT OF 35 French Printed Delaines for OUR J ALSO- ONE LOT OF 35 GOODS Sale Please ask to see them MOUNT ALBERT A verheajrio this Menu- toe down blew the Alt to lira- the Here roliutf up ha hoiked but tutu Mr IUuier toe kuied day at Itgbtlog on Friday tiitJeo Parly In Mr Jonta crave wai Proceed choir flue Iter Mr preached hit Ai Mrtuoe a left A luiptcefloo Between three and four oclock on Monday a heavy thunderstorm pissed over here casting a gloom over the neighborhood Israel a stonemason while work ing under the barn of a Webster was struck and killed by lightning Mr Websters son who was with him was badly stunned hut will recover Deceased was a leaves a family KESWICK decided crowded out week Mr by her Morton on TueUy to mil her of Newark who and to Mr Robert ton preder to our tailor Mr Monro also Mr Va1oQ ami wife of Aurora were OF GOODS STARTS What is Doing POINTS PLEaSlXTLT ax to wait of CooaervaUvei from federal at Ottawa urge appointment Mr to office PO for that diatrfcl It rumored that Mr John who defeated Mr Jacob Baxter In la by of the tact that haUliaoerof If rumor prove true a new election will follow when Mr Baxter aRaln county to A paper that ultra wing of party In Toronto feel tore over tbe Ham election and blame Sir John and Senator Sanford for the brewing over matter for the Dominion Premier when he next appeal to A fane deapatch from Ottawa dated but Saturday that an order In council relieving from the rural of Infaotry which notified early Is the year likely to he called oat to drill be a of at City corpa of together with all cavalry and artillery on the for training will perform their drill On Friday bet whan Item for the Royal Military College at Kingston wae under la committee of Mr directed the attention of theHoaae to the manner la which college U being that the work the had teen diverted from Intended and now It promoted to rat v000 for a etaff of and were Up to date college had the coon try and It bad turned at a and each or a to the Dominion alone of each of Militia replied of the college by up the capital and of each acbolar to country and then promltod to ace If any economy cood la practiced by catting down Hem a i ltd family are at Lake Mr Mr and wife Sun day at Mr J It of Klngetoo waa home Mr wife over in Toronto OBrien Stooffyllle apent Monday In Mr A- and family are lug at Mr Calvert of Toronto over Sunday with Mr Hewitt Mr Bolton vlaiting la the city for two wcexe Bertie Green Toronto la pending a few In town Mr Taylor of In town last Saturday Mr Jack Macdonald made on bike on Tuesday Tbe have gone to Wellington on a months Mr Albert Trivet I viiiting at for a few Alex Moffat with bar toother at Gilford thla week Ethel of Newmarket fa In Toronto for a few Mr Ed of St Dominion Day with friends In town J Stall a and pent Dominion pay la Collingwood Mr Hodge back agalo alter In the Bute Annie three week with her ancle at Edgar Bradford Witmni Frank of Newmarket In town new O and family arrived bore yea- Mra Martin and children have gone to Toronto for a vleU at her mother Mr Chaa Bailer of Toronto was log past week with Mr Walter Mr and Porter of Tottenham were at Mr John over Mrs gone to for left on Monday for a couple of with friends at Buffalo Mr and MUa of To ronto spent Dominion Day at Mr Mr J Cane and family and Mr Ii and family Monday at the Lake MUa gone to Kei- wlck to apend the at pae on the Lake shore Muter Toronto nephew of Chief Savage hie In Newmarket Mr Win Belfry from near hereon a vUEt with brothers Minn Chat and Arthur Belfry Mr J Dickson at at Richmond Hell this week and Mr J at Mrs Walter from LouUyllle Kentucky are at Mr A J MeCrackeoe for the rummer Mrs J A Bell and baby of Brooklyn New arrived at Bowery on a two rnontha vUU Council June to oo lit p Reeve Coun cillor Hun If and the receipt of folio acconote were T aTrunt John Savage eta J acnes tie Woodcock CeJar It Baccodot at dumping ground Jjodf crcei- 3 It a 8iollh DeceasarJes charlitei A tiro Frank Council Chamber A Caretaker of Council flee ItobUo I jotting Iu wetcr Par it A fco acoQunia of the Heel and Power Co Paid were re ferred to Fire an J Water Com of it Park is for was referred loth Ccin application of air and Jones for water referred to the Water iliedtoputln iMt Ihe revenue Is was to pay he of to for and material Huron St Kast being lbs payable by of a exofiiditurooifci5i Win paid the earn or flfijr dolUrs on account of wood delivered at tbe WaterWorks The Town Clerk was to Intor t an Id the sekloi that all who have or who prupoee to of property to properly registered or before he lit day of Augutt near that may be properly In town plan to prorldo tot Vaccination waa lime Garden Patty last wee Mrs of this place was in way a grand success Proceeds about J On Monday last a horse ran away the son of Harry Glancy in a light waggon run ning about twenty rods the wagon struck the fence throwing the boy out and the hind wheel passed over his shoulder He escaped with a few bid bruises Mr Silas Morton has completed a very fine stone cellar under his house Mr Leslie of Michigan is over on a visit to his parents here A dog belonging to John went mad but was killed before he did any damage Johnnie the running horse owned by John died Wednesday morning by choking Morrison lost a valuable heifer by the same cause QUEENSVILLE following bra at flCe and wife of friends hero Monday small children W Clara Hill Bert US SUterL Turner AR8BroWEvM Sam Bond A Cond 8iater Sarah Bond Bro J E A F Love 11 Ezra Onanist Jennie Hill GLENVILLE of f this are with their Crop of all are looking generally gocd A very pleasant event In the form of a gotten up by the Braes Band was held at the of Mr afternoon The faioily were all for a few holidays and the Bend took advantage of the opportunity with a large num ber of invited Mr where they joined by a number of arawel Minion to a targe hearing morning May eoccew go all hie efforts In Ibo cause bis ehott year he bee very many who are all to extol his virtues o earnest eloquent preacher of the the Convention an wedding took place at Susans so we are Informed Teacher Smllh of will have bis desired company to holiday a now Rev Washington of The subject of Mr Thompson morning will be See Small Bills ueigbborsi by request of the account for IUq4ijC0 to to We Joho d lauyt Council s Jul 0th m to A orderly crowd attended the Church of England Garden Party list Thursday evening which passed off harmoniously The meeting House was tastefully decorated with Kerns and Flowering plants and when il luminated with wax candles and Chinese lanterns presented a most pleasing aspect Although disap pointed by the nonappearance of some outside was a welt rendered program consisting of selec tions by the tatfe Bait Band and by some of our best local talent namely Miss Gcorgie viomtst Mr Martin and Master Fred vocal soloists Mr J l Graham cornet soloist and Miss and Miss Graham pianists The refreshments were excellent and well patronized and a most enjoyable time was brought to a close about oclock Proceeds amounted to The Misses Eyre are visiting this week Mist Ryan and Miia of Toronto were of Miss Kavanagh over the firit Mr Selby Driver is erecting a large and as his ability in that line is well known have no doubt the public will keep him busy supply ing their wants The hour of service In the English Church has been changed from oclock to oclock p- m The pul pit last Sunday was acceptably filled by Rev Mr Rutherford of Bradford Our popular tracker Mr Terry took the school up to Lake for an outing last Tuesday The day was perfect and heartily en- Joyed all Thorpe of Bond Head home for vacation Miss ami Mill Graham Dominion day passed away very quietly in our village Several went to sec the sights in Sutton but owing to the unfavorable weather re ported a very dull day We are sorry to learn that Miss Edith Draper Is again confined to her bedowing to heart failure She is very low at twines Mr Leslie Prosper arrived home on Wednesday evening He has been away for over two years but In tends visiting friends for a couple of months One of Mr Stile has a very severe attack of intermittent fever Only two pupils of our school wrote at the recent Judging from he large amount of twine ordered by the farmers of this the crops ate to be very heavy The fall wheat is rapidly coloring and promises a very fair crop Mr returned home last week from a business through Muskoka Mr Perry Karl had the misfortune to lose a very fine young mare this week Mr David Davidson of Graven- hunt spent a few days last week in visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity Several of our village folk are found I on the lake fishing about sunrise these calrj mornings Some very fine fish are being caught A largo crowd attended the in Keswick on Sunday even ing If there dont be mors than one wedding near here before fall the old dame will be surprised Miss of Sutton spent Sunday and Monday at Mr H Sennetts On the morning of Dominion Day boys began quite a racket at Mr Manns Upon enquiry as to the cause it was found they only wanted to see Mr Smith the young man who was married last weak It has been a long time there been a good chlvarl neighbor hood Great preparations are being made for the Garden Party at Mr J this Friday evening Mr Jesse Connell and family also Miss spent Dominion Day In Clancy had a very narrow es cape from being seriously Injured on Monday lt appears that while driving a small load of hay the horse was stung by a honey bee and com menced to run throwing the little fellow oft Fortunately he was not seriously injured except a slight cut on the forehead to the convention held at Kfcvick there was no meeting of the of Industry on evening During the attrnooo a happy company numbering about two hundred a very pleasant in games various kind while- the Band with brothers gave some very excellent After partaking of refreshment the family Orchestra played a nam- of selections one entitled Away being admirably rendered Band also deserve mention for their kindness and of which they cheerfully gave At a late hour the company wended their weary way home all expressing themselves delighted and wei venture to say will not soon for get the occasion PLEASANT VALLEY About fifty of Sunday School scholars met at J fields last Thursday evening to give Miss Cameron a send off After they had duly disposed of the refresh ments Miss was presented with a Silver Cruet and Fruit Dish and an address expressing their thanks for her able assistance In the Sunday School also wishing her success and pros per wherever she went Miss Cameron was also presented with a gold C E Pin from the Christian Endeavor at the social on Friday night Miss Wilson was at the E Social last Friday night All were pleased to see her out again Miss A- Watson is visiting at her aunt and uncles Mr and Mra J Business Is booming at the dress The young Doctors rig stops quite frequently at neighbors gate lately wonder who is sick QUEEN ST CHITCHAT Our leaehere klaaea the kids aood and to a wellmerited Kit A good id tor donned their dud and look advantage the Albert to Fail most beautiful hive a new to skclrlo a grind attractions of Canadian aid and shier week friend la Sooth Niagara and J Qrabam ware their aliur Telle of a raw daye Mr very by being the principal lna vary wedding vrbleh be took as his half one of hie school girl A trip lo Montreal fol lowed nuptial so Iban Toronto On would that all lb and or to amidst alt on afcj ea iQtnririuawerrcd raia ways look and fat amkt their foal for oar country vidUog are lb grand Uum Hall so4tts Conn lh built Voces Chnreb of bad an on or week A great of com 11 nod to pat S4 0 readloaa apprcisui were to IeotOQi by HOLLAND LANDING laaajbdgnn Tilt doc Ha pp It no fttad bar look in Hi s lhQlt4lV4i be trip A itami tit boy rjd turn the Hit latbdicg tbelr aila unit off a tal put on bolbUy iloQtliy rallditoQi of our young Ceiiikvdav In JeAwat of ft old AthlQDod rftln two tU ilf- Uovloo tr iropo On Tbo en ftcd fttxaill bar L if el our About to of Sorry lo hero Vtcm nd our occurred it of Mr to noire of their mftj It to golden lavadoiijet In All E MADDOGK GO One Price Plain Figures Last Store in Brick Block were in Suuon oyer Dominion Chicago on the will hang at on ibis labor la The sermon preached by Rev Mr Large In the Methodist Church here last Sunday well at tended the church being filled There was a load of Foresters from Bradford and another from Aurora The members of the order marched in a body from the hall to the church wearing their badges in form of a sprig of balsam The minister took his text from first Peter second chap and verse His discourse which was well given was listened to with appreciative attention- There was a baptism after the ser vice at the Christian Church here last Sunday Miss Edith Johnson being the candidate The immersion took place in the creek where it crosses the Townline north and timothy haying will now be In order The latter is not a very crop In a good many fields but the will be good generally The farmers had a good chance last week to finish sowing their turnip seed The early planted potatoes looking fineand are well by the bugs Perhaps planted ones will escape the main crop of beetles or It to be hoped so Mrs J Curtis went on a to her sister Mrs Kirk in To ronto accompanied by her niece and nephew ion and daughter of Mr John Black jr Miss Boadway and a friend from were visiting relatives In this part during she past week Work at making Is still going on Great is the improvement the new track adds to the appearance of the street besides the that you can trudge along without fear of falling over a lose plank or setting your foot into a space between two Mr we are sorry to say did not get better but during Some persons pulled the plug out of the whey vat on Sun day night last The consequence was that pigs and calves had to go with out that nutritious drink on Monday But it was rather a mean trick as some have pigs and calves that almost altogether depend on far Bra Our hotter Jul centre of view down ex- of the over are a red flat He tower or roof Tola aires a gala appearance to lbs a and and 10 antipodean A few ware halftout of forth calamity which the Today the Ay- day of caw on wealth Thus within a week International will and ambttloe has found expression lefty flag- pot Conference with apeci to keep ones reputation down here where does bear lb a l amp of and what not to to IrapetUl flight to ha but a poor and earthworm And being lh while It no greater tat upon the the of additional bunting and an occasional baa- Caeferaooe ha created natte a and fashionable now and for some Urns to It uot It has got down to a amount of what In society ccUed eclat Inlrodoctoiy At the gathering Thursday In ths Ban Chamber ibaOoYeraorOeneral and all the an at the Capitol the of saTarsJ of by tar lh most brilliant portion the as earn blase whether or not moat In Intercolonial were the women the Capitol crowding gay and flafryaummarmUlUtrytnnomber exceed- log the maacullns of floor of a dabs to lb ssaUtaooa of steaming oil woman whom degree of from Conference with all the resources of tats fashion arcnUig was the moat alaborat be Ho ex- when It Is told that lbs me card coat and that war on seal a yon air Editor with your of Job printing bar so Idea of gorgeouiooa of affair wall as pteflla of who fur It- To any of yonr if an and my unlimited of and wets at order of the and the paid all LheblUs per from There wars present and tts lowest How ranch of the amount the of might form a the circus here on Monday one man was robbed of 43 and another of and others of smaller sums The unfortunate had his money taken right from his hand while in the museum- James used to be a licensed hotelkeeper here but has not been so privileged for some time He has been living in the rear of what was once Webbs hotel and has been suspected of selling liquor which was said to be concealed in a vault In spector Lyon has been after him for some time and on Saturday demand ed the key of the vault but was re fused Failing to secure a locksmith to open the safe the Inspector has a man at work this afternoon breaking through the wall of the vault Since Saturday the vault has been guarded The unknown incendiary lighted another fire on Saturday morning at the usual hour Tbe place selected this time was behind one of the most valuable business blocks Tbe fire was extinguished by the brigade before damage was done Our July per barrel S3 Veil Wheat per bushel Spring per bushel Wheat per Barley par bushel Oats pet Peas per bush a Bye per bushel Bran per Ion i it- at COM It ton tee tiii E4btf WOCl ID 1 0X1 a a a SCO a 12l a a IS CO a 10 IS 0 is IB OOK A per Apply Co OLD LOCKET LOST yTbuFsday at a L Town last Friday this Soffit I 1U FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Cndertakino A D A SPECIALTY Telephone Connection WANTED rorS8 apply WALKER P TEACHER WANTED Lady Teacher A Duties to commence oo lh Aug apply aalary to Oat JARM TO RENT 10 acre of TVS era to ha Fall plowed Apply to George or eiaie of J atcatrttilS Tenders Wanted sj Vho Altai the residence of father by Ray J on the initsir the pais year looh say am no get week had worse turns and at lut itjow no better will JoepbOoUarfofa son Canadians to know that two panadlana ear ned off honors While mad good apoeohaii those mad by and were lbs moat eloquent and appropriate was of Ur of lhsvDlag glory of the of BrlUah -IasUiq- with aoehlotly eloquence Dar ing his apoach the of the point If oanqnat was to wih Canadian and II both The strike occasioned by Pullman boycott continues o spread Nearly every road running out of Chicago is involved and the- struggle Is expected to be the greatest of the kind ex known United States Toronto to Mia LI r tie or sir J a Newmarket raaldanc of the tuber SOS if a lor aireet on life of Black to J SOA0307S8 T ear TErlDKRS by th algDodnpto I J For and of a BTONE it Section No- S East it a Secretary or TOWNSHIP Of WHITCHURCH WUNTsI OF I hare or uautertd to pet no la Too Voter required aatdaeeiloaa 10 bo or red Ltat Act of J1 y the aAldManldpall the boss Wi Jd da J Htevineiit of loltj to in or AiUttblJa d lciort If and loUfc lo I a J

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