Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1894, p. 1

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ERA is Every Friday LYMAN GEO JACKSON PRINT NO HOUSE jinx wMiHKtr of KJU REACHED 1850- c confidently rpect SUBSCRIBERS KST Medium fiVy written Id ijrtcJiJ forbid v drVB TO KNOW TO tflTBR AMD i6 j- YORK I AND ADVERTISER Mo piperita of North paid to advance 25 Single Cables Cents Each 1 Newmarket Ont Friday July CAPITA REST P flniril NEWMARKET BRANCH A A Allowed on at moats DRAFTS ISSUED Terms 100 Strictly in Advance J within mo or at end of yew old- Finnan Nolo to J Of rice Hired no SOLICITOR for Monty to Monty to TJ WOODCOCK Main MEDICAL J a P or or DR A JT STUART if ft and if 5 Ui Skat lo A to P to P SB At l rctletee of DR ROGERS Mala The Leading Stove Depot FRY YOUR FACE Over a hot cooking stove when you can do all the cookiDg and baking on one of our OIL GAS STOVES at the small cost of Cents per hour and best of all NO HEAT OR SMELL See Samples working at Show Rooms of A BINNS NEWMARKET THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MAM OR BEAST KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE tarn KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE FerA fox Who walk with Who for ma will died Who when Who Wl I When beating low When tis for ids to go Who will fal to Who Till bold ray Who my conch will I joEn J Ail OX fifi year Oct A I IOLlLlGHHJEAp Block NEW CLOTHING HOUSE A- TERRY A UCTlONEEn for Co- recrtM PO 11 T AUCTIONEER For It Count I U on A The place to order your Clothing for the future is NO MAIN ST Having filled up the premises recently occupied by Mr we are now prepared to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The work we have ourselves is to secure the hade of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so arc all that can be desired QUR Consists of all that is NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Prices will readily reveal this to you and our reputation of nearly a quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class of work you may expect E MCCORMICK Late Gutter for Sutherland Bros J ROSE J Z PO HEWITT Decorator WblWHMbinj to e St WOOD TAKE THE LEAD IN I I was cured of Bronchitis and LINIMENT Lot I Mrs A- Livingstone I was cured of a severe attack of rheumatism by MINARDS John Mader Bay I was cured of a sprained leg by MINARDS LINIMENT Bridgewater Joshua Wvnacht MRS SIMPSON Main BaodtiCB nod RE i Wtodnlll- St CAUL B PIANO TUNES T win tf CO MR A STOUFFEB CONCERT BARITONE CBOIItUABTR la voice Culture In soil Vlalln to TOrncroPptctaDaPeoaBtTMU Now- Photos Photos I later LIVERY j SOMEPVILIE- U1 THE FINEST TURNOUT Life to was igrrEkJUT at IN DRY GOODS GENTLEMEN nun D Anal Fitted fy4oo All k on a To w a WtfxklVlalfhop FIRE of lb J tl Af We have really splendid bargains for you to is simply disadvantageous to you both in the loss of the finest clothing possible as well as money It matters not whether you want a single garment or a full our stock affords the oppor tunity of providing yourselves with strictly firstclass Clothing at Rock Bottom Prices Call and see for yourselves- lo nut THE LEAD to torn oat work roottof ft- of Do or OIL OVA flPECIALITT not be lo flood neighbor hood cheap wo but In Old In ANTED AGENTS post stack M of For r Rochester WD MUTCH Merchant Tailor opposite Stans Store Cents own cloth up neatly and Chea CANADA -OAFITA1- DOLLARS- wM if- lv TOO PAY TOUR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TO IS TO BOY WM HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST i LifeftssuianceKo Ik Insuring the Lives of Females low J- A ATJ1tO KJWllll NEWMARKET The Latest Designs Or MONUMENTS and Canadian and Foreign ifanitt and Marble- JAH COYLK ALLAN l SOMETHING FOR The first intimation of foil ing wight is when it be comes necessary to hold some object such as fine print or a needle away from the eye to see them clearly or it becomes difficult to we to read in the evening When these symp toms appear it is best to purchase a Pair of Glasses to be worn only when it Is necessary to save the eyes from being over taxed Be careful to buy Good Ones to Start With We have them in Steel Poll Plate and Solid Cold at very low price Your Eyes JeWOlon Tested Free Children hollo or Krovlng too fast Strong Robust and Healthy by Scotts Emulsion Iho Cream of CodIlvor OIL It contains forraaki In and Bonos Cures Coughs Colds and Weak Lungs the vorld l fccdiedAi Mid Who will I When to Bid ma from my dear part Who will my rinxiojc bear He who gave for ma Who died to set y free Uvea to for mo Ha an leU He who sits upon can diiowo fila own Alt well So my soul I thill ill hit home of perfect All is well In bright pi Through riches of grit I Him to Ail it re well then to ill ray lower very for toe Ufa Be my to I All if wall By Hi Spirit In that with I will Him I 1693 A- 1 of for coo the Muter failed him to lay Ufa work down Gfariitobtathed What la mocb to bias If glory rained To yea it left heart to He wain to give yon hart yon May God to bear the To grief to Eli bleated aid in robe The loving who her ft I A to Hi will lift fniceo nitty direct will jlrw net r to bar tool aatUio Ufltfl lid bide her tomaethv Ufa brie at very mod bloat I moat to no more hard to bear from tared In o ftcam hard to Dal He who yon to end by by Hit to will bo ado plain And what diem at ataraal gala It watght of glory that not pin now from every tha golden fa that feaattoa ran J people freih in bleared of In robe of white Where sorrow never and is in He with old And bears their load each bis story old Llit to bolls of forth their welcome strains Attach new about of triumph Whan- saints borne on wing There may triumph sing- contains no Is and will relieve and cure the most severe cues of faeadsxhe or neuralgia George she said in a low voice would you make a great sacrifice for my happiness Certainly he replied Would you quit smoking my sake Quit smoking for your be repeated Then after a he exclaimed hoarsely I can refuse you nothing I will smoking for vour sake Hereafter when smoke It be exclusively for mv own Her How this happen asked the surgeon as he dressed the cheek and applied a soothing poultice to the damaged eye Cot hit with a stone replied the patient Who threw it My my wife was the reluctant answer Hum Its the first time I ever knew a woman to hit anything she aimed at muttered the surgeon She was throwing at the hens next door explained the sufferer I vtm behind her- The DAY f m was the highest on war subjects in He could tell stories of army life from hoar to hour day to day without repeating himself stories which made the eyes of his listeners grow as big as saucers For faim the war was never over He continued to march to pitch his tent and to fight with all the patriotic fervor which distinguish ed him in the days when the boom of the shook the land So an interest did be take in his career as a soldier that he never cut much of a figure in business His talents in peace were purely of a narrative character and as exercised in wholly uaprofitable from a financial standpoint The captain never- troubled him self about this but his family did a fact not to be wondered at since they experienced all the discomfort result ing from it and the captain none at all scarcely He had the beauti ful faculty of somebody else carry all the difficulties while he went on with bis reminiscences When bis signature was needed his wife or his son brought him the pa pers and he signed them but he never read them The only thing he ever read was war and this found fault with because it wasnt always correct His family unhappily didnt sym pathize with his military tastes- His wife had been obliged to be both financiil and domestic manager and her husbands improvidence often placed her in very awkward predica ments Their son turned bis atten tion to law and looked forward hope fully to future distinction He had worked hard and the neighbors said he deserved credit The daughters learned music and painting and vain ly wished it was possible to convince their over patriotic father that war had long since ended The captain though a bodily figure in his household in spirit dwelt the past amid the roar of battle or in the idle days of waiting in camp and was happy as only one who indulges bis pet dreams can be As bis hair whitened and old age be gan to face him squarely his war stories were often finished with a sigh and he spoke more frequently of re unions that unknown country into which flesh and blood can never enter and where war and the engines of war are neither known nor needed- And when there were reunions here when the old veterans met and marched on fields of peace under flags that had been triumphantly borne in war Capt Hatton eyes were always dim with tears His materialistic and unpoetlcal friends said that he was getting old and possibly a little feebleminded but those who are much interested in life never understand the feeling of those who are but of it Last year as Decoration day ap proached Capt eyes burned with more patriotic fervor than ever Honors to the dead heroes of the war gave him much joy His fellow townsmen knowing the depth and strength of his patriotism requested htm io a talk on Decoration day En the on the war and Us heroic dead The day came The few soldiers graves in the cemetery were most prodigally covered with flowers Prayers were offered poems read and eulogies pronounced over the brave men who died in their countrys ser vice But there were few to weep over them Their companions and friends had nearly all vanished from under the sun Capt address astonished everybody It was the outpouring of his heart on a theme dearer to him than all else and the force and feel ing with which he spoke set the hearts of his hearers on fire and they wept He painted the spirit of the war as it came to and overshadowed the peaceful land he described the action of battle the courage of the soldiers their endurance and patience In the long marches and the tedious camp life He painted loo the Battle of Shiloh where he had given the best of his corporeal frame that awful scene where after the fight one could walk long distances stepping only on dead bodies And when spoke of the dead it was with strong and tender feeling and much simple moving eloquence- He told how he has seen them lying on the field after the battle their white or ashen green faces with con traded muscles taking ghastly or distorted shape or again wearing smiles of seraphic sweetness He be came a poet In describing the scene His friends and neighbors listened with tearful attention and felt a new and deeper respect lor the brave end loyal old soldier That evening the family sat down to supper In unusual spirits The captain was still under the In fluence of the days hallowed glory and for the first time In their lives his wife and children were proud of his abnormal patriotism His son brought letters and handed them to his father before they seated themselves at table The captain with bis thoughts on Adds of battle and dead comrades handled them without looking at them and laid them aside- The young man seemed lo have those letters on his mind He glanced toward them from time to time as he ate and when the meal was finished and they still sat about the kitchen table chatting pleasantly he said You havent read your letters father and with polite alacrity he Sot up and handed them to the white aired dreamer The captain opened one after an other without Interest Suddenly hit flashed and he began to tremble Here my children look here he cried holding at arms length an official paper and a letter posing appearance My grateful government insists that shall have all this money for the wounds I re ceived at wounds of which I have always been proud and felt it an honor to bear without thought compensation- I have ever held that the true patriot gives his spirit and his body freely to his country I never asked for a pension though I knew I was entitled to it Mo I did not ask for it but my government has proved itself worthy of loyal ser vice It offers it to me voluntarily Here the captains son colored and began to cough violently rejoiced that I had suffered for my country continued the poor order of patriotism that is willing to give nothing I am grateful for this acknowledgment of my service because it came un solicited Here it is my darlings here is reward of your loyalty to the land be loves Take it and do what you will with it I dont want it I want to die knowing that have given something to my dear country and have- taken How much is it father asked Lilian the eldest daughter had dreams of going abroad to study art Neajly he answered dreamily His mind was again roaming over the field at Both young ladies caught their breath Their mother looked unutterably as tonished at the vastness of the sum which as it were had been mi raculously thrown into- their laps while the enterprising son tried in vain lo appear unconcerned What shall we do with it asked Emma the other daughter who had musical ambitions Build a real comfortable house a home said the sensible mother whose genius for domestic manage ment had often been put to sore straits in consequence of her bus- bands indifference to the material things of life Just a slice of it would educate Emma and me in our professions said in a voice of eager in terest The son remarked that he knew of an enterprise sure to bring extraordin ary results into which in his opinion a large part of the pension money might be put with profit Let us fix up this house it and divide the remainder equally between us said Lilian Remember children that we need a comfortable home of our Ami Hay own put in the mother with mild firmness- But when we get to earning mon ey at our professions we can soon build you and father a lovely home said Emma The daughters both held to the subject of going abroad the son to the investment while the mother heroically stood by the pro ject of the home v Warmer grew the dis cussion No one counselled patience and deliberation In the matter of de ciding what to do with the money All excitedly insisted on fixing its destiny then and there Only of the circle offered no suggestion said no word in regard to it was not to This was the white haired soldier who had so bravely earned the money Indeed he seemed quite unconscious of the wrangle going on about him He had moved fromjhe table and was sitting in the easy chair near the open doorholding his letters lies sly in his band and looking dreamily out on the hills fresh and fair in their spring He was thinking not of the possible joys of the future but the dear anguish of the past Over his face spread an expression of serene exalted delight It came from the memory of what he had suffered for the sake of principle His was a nature that understood the blessedness of giving The dissension about ihe money went on growing in strength and wrath every minute At last slung to defending his position son forgetting his fathers presence boldly declared that he had some rights in the case since his energy and pert severance had secured the pennon This speech made its way straight Into the captains consciousness like a knife and like a knife was the wound It made This money then this pension was not as he proudly be lieved the voluntary gift a grateful government His son had schemed planned and struggled to get it and in the eyes of his country he was no better patriot than the meanest of her servitors He turned toward the distuibed group at the table with a look in his eyes the like of which they had never seen and which they will never be able to forget It had In it unspeak able astonishment overwhelming anguish and something else not translatable the limited spiritual perceptions of those who saw it That something was not of this world It was a beam from the unseen sun of infinity shining through the old soldiers surprised eyes Instantly all were awed Into silence In stinctively they that some thing mightier than their wills con fronted mem something they could not understand The old soldier began to rise to his feet His lips rooted but no sound came forth Slowly he sank back In to the chair again The light faded out of his eyes and his face grew ashen white The awestruck family looked at him with speechless Before they realized the presence of the strange guest death who had come so unexpectedly Into presence had departed with the soul of old patriot C Esq S Central Railway S writes I keep K constantly oh hand I should not know how to get on without it For many years I have suffered with Indigestion and acidity of the stomach I tried a great many remedies but found no thorough relief till I tried I have recom mended It to many others and in every case with beneficial results I have also found it an excellent cor rective in cases of summer com plaint Too for ST NORTH We are glad to see that Watson Cook is improving basing been seriously kicked in the side while practicing football last week Mr and Mrs Ed Thompson spent Dominion at his mothers Miss May Bell is visiting friends in the city Ed Note Dont seal your corres pondence STOUFFVILLE Our creamery is now turning out over lbs of butter a week the average The comer stooe of the new Pres byterian church laid on Monday The lawn social under the auspices of the Congregational church held on evening on the beautiful grounds of exReeve Sanders was a good success proceeds over 50 What might- proved a f serious accidenoccurred at the rail way crossing in town this morning Mrs and young daughter of the concession Whit church attempted to drive oyer the track by going round an engine which stood over the roadway The result was that the horse shied and upset the buggy throwing out the and breaking Mrs arm SUTTON The effort to relieve the Methodist church from embarrass ment his been quite successful Rev Mr Martin was the prime mover in tbe undertaking and we presume to him the credit is due The amount received from collections at the grove meeting the picnic and otherwise aggregates nearly We are sorry to learn that the Sutton band threw up the sponge Monday night They find it difficult to keep harmoniously organized and have cents in the treasury to bless themselves They have con eluded that there was no fun in it A band is a good and live institution in place and our citizens no doubt enjoyed their efforts in the past but we fear it will be a long time before they wilt again have the pleasure of hearing their joyous- strains We soberly and sorrowfully say good bye band Herald On Tuesday Broadway Methodist Tabernacle Sunday School Toronto held their annual and picnic here Mrs Clark of Denver Col orado arrived here last Friday even ing and will remain with her friends during the summer The Band held a picnic in Mr Hartmans grove last Wednesday afternoon There was a large attend ance Miss Stella Butcher left last Tues- day evening for Chatauqua where she intends taking a course of studies during her vacation On Thursday afternoon of last week Miss was united in marriage to Mr Louis A V S The ceremony which was per formed by the Rev S Matthews took place at the residence of the brides mother Mrs Samuel came up from Toronto last Friday evening and in the of getting off the train here she left her purse containing in bills a quantity silver two notes and her checks laying on the seat In the car morning the section men found the purse about a quarter of a mite up the track with nothing in it except the checks Mr Roach pastor of the Temper- Methodist circuit for the past three years and who was super annuated at the recent meeting of the Methodist Conference has decided to locate for the present at least In Hampton north of During the residence of the reverend gentleman and estimable daugh ters in this place the parsonage of Temperancevllle circuit being located here they have won many warm friends who regret their departure Mariner K C will give strength to the weak Tourists are wending their way to Muskoka A party of twenty has arrived from New Orleans In a recent thunderstorm a farmer at Chippewa Bay lost six sheep by one stroke of lightning- C011OURO Ont July This afternoon as Mr was alight ing from the east bound accommoda tion train he slipped off the platform of rear car under Ihe wheels His right foot was badly crushed and had to be amputated July a At 5 oclock this afternoon a terrific thunderstorm set In and completely soaked pleas ure seekers The lightning struck the large engine In the electric Might companys works and damaged it to such extent electric cars were tied up for Ihe evening Me July- The Halifax express leaving Montreal at oclock last evening on the Canadian Pacific railroad was wrecked at the bridge over the west outlet of a small stream near here at oclock this morning Five persons were killed outright and injured some fatally Mount Forest July a Albert son of Francis a young man about years of age while In a field cutting grass today near Woodlands was struck by lightning and Instantly killed also Mr on ihe race course here today severely shocked and the horse was instantly killed by lightning FROM OUR EXCHANGE FIELDS is being rapidly re- Windsor has voted for a free built library Potato bugs have appeared in Manitoba Kingston Penitentiary now has inmates- The trial cost Peel county Gold is said to have been dis covered in Chatham township The building of a new Pres byterian Church at been commenced The Owen Sound Council have prohibited bicyclists from riding on the sidewalk Jas Hall for peddling in Essex without a one horse license was fined and costs The potato crop in the is expected to be three iimeiMlarge as that of last The total deaths from the in Hongkong is according to the report Two million people thronged the streets of Paris Sunday on the occasion of the funeral of President Gamut Since the murder of President Carrot all the members of the Royal family of England are protected by detectives l By the upsetting of a ferry boat in the river Theiss Hungary Wednesday nearly persons lost their lives By an explosion of dynamite oh the steamer Quezn fifteen miles north of five per sons were killed Albert a young man was instantly killed by lightning Mon day while cutting grass in a field near Woodlands The six structures on the Worlds Fair grounds which formed the Court of Honor were destroyed by incendiary fire on Thursday William Phillips of Midland while at work in the planing factory had his almost severed from his hand by a rip saw The new cable between Cariso S and Ireland was completed last week It is the speediest cable yet laid In Syracuse Monday the price of beef was advanced two cents a pound owing 10 short receipts from the west due to the railway The United States Govern- ment gives indication that it will move In the matter of protecting the railways of the country against any strikes Two hundred anarchists were arrested in Paris on Sunday and among ihero was Francois who was recently released from prison in Brussels Carrie town council contem plates purchasing the waterworks system of thru town which is at pre sent controlled by a company in the United Staes m Mitt Mabel DeGeer the sweet soloist in the Meth odist choir has been offered and has accepted lucrative situation as soloist in one of Torontos best choirs By explosion of a cannon on Dominion at Formosa Mr was struck oh the jaw by a piice weighing twenty- five pounds almost severing the head from the body and causing instant death lrThe National Prohibition Convention opened Its sessions in Montreal Tuesday delegates being present from all parts in the Do minion Mr J Fleming of To ronto was elected preside among those who addressed the con vention was Miss WUlard- A young the of the at Stanleydale Muskoka has been of opening mocey letters and abstract ing their contents When arraigned Judge Mahaffy she pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years In the Kingston penitentiary It is said that about a month will elapse before the Amertcan Senate the House of Represent- can come to an agreement n ihepioviiions measure The Senate duties are almost invari ably higher than those proposed by the House and in some cases reach the level of the act The reports of ihe wheat crop in Manitoba and the Territories are very satisfactory The hot June has advanced the grain rapidly and given the promise an harvest which is a hopeful out- look in a grain country where pre mature frosts ate apt to spoU all the anticipations of the husbandman Miuoh Ont July fatal accident occurred at j held at the residence of JF- At about clock the games started and all expected a pleasant time- About hew thunderstorm started with forked lightning The people then flocked to the barn The lightning struck the barn passing down an uprignt post killing one young man named lames Coupon death was in- A number of people passed Into the lower part of barn killing a very fine horse owned by Robert Harrison of Millon who had kindly driven the Milton band there Mr Harrison had his hand on horse when it fell but escaped with a slight shock

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