v BRA JULY A That Joly Bala To Cud of To ft He lfcl5 UP GROW AKD BRIGHTER Will ISSlIC The Eta Printed Home wi foni rrJf FRIDAY JULY Toronto ft f The id AC J it procession Waj flffair lie Car if tattoo Since the a ByLaw J rail lci The ticxpftiiiilionistJ frnJ ft At on I50GQ for o a with to Hi nWi lor be Arc lo bo the rat in Jllancld bete- Ttfl mile tcden will 1m en Mil A- M the Fihijfrly frc0Ln A coal oil Ave iv- K3rvisg ftiiJ Hi fi to its tit viih cat ioizg tftgf To i i of erf i to tivc Kin tried itm witlM its DAN ai J th the GpiceJ Co wind i ii I IlSO ftwaicd itc new lotlLlJoinJJvulIrJipQ for It If ra I will Uca for Sooth Mr fi a teMC mini Toronto tit n3 of York decided o xr jtUiit ihk St til Mr HiU Ha of T MUon tod P fcltosillMr frd7ntochAxl46il W- entirely to ttflftjn JL lhy In ny bu io iltdCkl r6oa bind o4 For or four fie ialpdndod mi mob took cart d property by firo pjTtexlMi 9 Bfcidi ltd to Hie lieap be racapihiUlod Company rdri The roea cot t3 Ihoir to of mob matter by And Id conflict capital MfVO decUrtJ firt the mob MD bat Idm of tbinga mm down and lrfflo lit Sitiily is Mil Law and Defied reputa tion for day the had at against the running of oil the an organized a service on day was placing on streets- was tolerated in the hope thai it would not be long continued but on Sun day last another desecrating step when four horse cars put in operation The street com pany it appears disclaim connection with this they only allow private parlies to use their This movement is intended to over come the law passed last session but if not checked at the city may as well bid goodbye to its peace The will of the people is being ignored and scenes of dis turbance created in the streets It is a crucial in the Sunday car question and calls for prompt action on the part he- authorities It is incrcdilic that private parties should be allowed to use the Street Railway Companys tracks without their con currence while thoie guilty of setting the taw defiance display in a moderate decree the very character istics thai have recently disgraced the White City of the West Startling Public attention for some weeks past has been so engrossed with the Ontario elections that pro ceedings at Ottawa have been parti ally overlooked The evidence disclosed in the Montreal bridges In- realisation almost on the sensational Dolicny was employed as stone measurer on the sank Trunk and Wellington Street and on lock No Among other he kept a check on stontcutterViiployed cm the various works from Much to May This record saw he light for the first time in the Accounts Com a few ago We copy the- foilowing particulars from the Globe On the Wellington street fcridge be- the day of March and day of May there were relumed and credited the time of days work of stonecutters where by Mr actual count and sworn to by him the figut have been days But the totals on the Grand bridge and lock for stonecutters striking There were relumed as certified to the Government days work of stonecutters while according Mr suiement but were actually So that In the one case there was an overcharge of and the other an overcharge of day The for all three works according to Mr work while the pay list showed 5500 The work according toMm was less than of the work charged for- One day the pay Hit on Grand Trunk bridge ana lock No figured to while the checker could find only at If the facts thus disclosed by Mr evidence no other conclusion can be than this that either through negligence or wilful con- a grosr public wrong has been perpetrated Surely tome one should held criminally responsible for such a disgraceful raid the public treasury A short lime a young man by the name of Jacob Jordan rescued from lake near two young men at the risk of Mi life visiting in To ranto- Dona is back from Mist Toronto la at iljor Lloyd- Mr J spent in of at Central Ibis k of Aurora spent Wednesday So town with old airs Bray two daughter from Petto at Major Mr Hasp in the O his at fitor- Point Mr J Grmbam and John of Waiting in town orer Mr Chit Toronto law of Mr was in Iowa a day or two last of night in town the of Mr J P Dr of in town week on a former Newmarket boy town a of day lajst from tome for the holiday Mr- A Dodds formerly Km staff la now at as On the Major Stephen- son Isapendfag the with in town and at Bt Elmo AIHe of a to the old bomeetcad with rather Mr John Roger fit V Q Baaton and J P Hunter ware down at or t Jteka04 on to In hie boyhood day Mr J has gone the Una for hi holiday tut heard from Ocean Nw Elian Cod oonna aft the Normal In Toronto and in the her to the of flnt teacher W Mr Emanuel of and of Goodwood who were at gone op toth for a few days and are arltb the Piper family cupping While going home from church laat Monday Mr taken with The famUy afraid the she die morning hot look a for the better and doing eMr of In old air to agree with falmaefaeU hale and hearty who bean to High School her for two year borne with him Mr of Toronto In town week in the interest York Co Man pod Saving Co Mr born at Sharon and went to la Newmarket with the editor It la year fa bom here and hr I people lie can Yearly at week Mr Cody and the Mr and Mr LoyI Roger and Meuri Mr Cfca- and wife Mr Too and Mr J of Perth formerly tbta and been by a act A of week ago two playing and one fell into the canal Toe other to est and fell lo too A that the eocMeat he in to ewlia himself Mr jf not far awy be ran to tho rccJo Jq fc la taring she turn boy bat ibe other boy was drowned- Jo ihtizgh in pone in water Mr of la town Mr and Mr J E war In Port Prr7 last wee Mr Bert Wojd the at lalt weak beta iti nAid it to Mr Victoria imk In Mi soil Stnt- ft A Braulco iua for lh with and Mr afpandfnj a at Hi of School Thi Mr Albert vbo bare Mr waul to on fexother lick and bong Jcr li doctoral la wlaxn Mr Toronto went Tiering at Mr last Miff was barf over Sunday good llm wilb Mr add of P of In oim ttili Mr J as to Mr of Toronto in on lo finlib a donna of To ronto aw niitng at Mr A- Taylor peat k Mia for horn on Cody Prof- Warder of Hoiraid lnifuiJty P and from Indiana- AJo two Toronto of MranJMrt- Kajlor merry on the 2nd of the family from Toronto End to celebrate Golden welding of their agxt roa3e and iho n joyed ibe marked Of ibt fiftieth of Mr of Mr foreman in the Eju over fcod Mr of Ibis town to Wbilby I A bit lo a largo in on effort In with general bo in Pott Ferry Of and demeanor we need not Ho to bia woik Id dego- be brigbt gifted original one of Ibo most charming wOttt Wo him which toald bo endowment of a mind and Ibo of a worthy He lo Toronto Tnaotton- ago Mr Albert oo lb of mot to J of lail be left for India and that fail they beard ot till two ago They about hit ufely a fetter from allayed their Ha fa hot may boiappoiiDd bell log with a vangei long of sine months he only land for fivo in Calcutta and daring the only aght3 and that was the Island of SU Helena natil they Fowl J In the Orkneys port Another letter received last from Belgium With ibe kind prmfMi0d of Mr wa will tome in next week Danford Roche Co fidberilserQevf ARE SELLING ONE LOT OF 35 French Printed Delaines for ALSO ONE LOT OF PONGEE SILKS 35 GOODS FOR 15 c- Please ask to see them Is attracting crowds of purchasers from every part of the Country No wonder we are busy the immense cuts we have made on all Summer Goods in enough to tempt even a miser to invest Some Great lines bought this week in a hard times Market It will pay you to look 1100 yards Factory Cotton was now That pile of Prints worth 1 and 10c is GOING FAST AT 8 CENTS Our Black Dress Goods in the good qualities are cheap see them That pile of Double Fold Dress Goods worth 35c and going quick at Embroidery yard wide worth at Mens Womens Boys and Girls Straw Hats AWAY DOWN i- 1 I KESWICK Mm spent which elUotioa Bit The Union Sunday School Ex cursion to Sliawbecry Island and on Tuesday was a success in every way The day was fioe and people for a long distance around availed of Ihe cheap and pleasant chance of combining with pleasure in picnic on the Island and the twohour stop at The boat was well filled when it led Roachs Point and when the Sutton contingent was Jacksons there was not much room left Everything off very quietly delighted with the trip and much of pleas ure of the voyage was made by the most excellent music furnished by Messrs Sanders Crow and one or two others The net pro ceeds were considerably over and will leave a large surplus to between the two schools Rev Mr Large and Mr Large of King City were the guests of Mr attended the S Rev Mr the junior min ister occupies the Keswick Method ist pulpit next Sunday at Evangelist continues bis meetings the large tent in Mr Marring field and Sunday in Whitby Rev J Thompson conducted ser vice in Hall on Sunday evening Quite a large crowd at tended- A lagc crowd took in Ihe excur sion on Tuesday but we have not heard what kind of a tap it was Ink Drops Town next Monday Ercnrtioa to Wed Decoration Dey next Jhundey Slight Monday ft re The raspberries are now being gathered His said the crop will be very good A hail storm passed over this section on Friday last is said to have done great damage in the heaviest track of the storm Mr Ed teacher of S the school and all lo a picnic in grove on Saturday last Although the day dull and quite cool there was a gathering The eatables were served up with hot coffee which was enjoyed better than the Icecream The football was badly punched by the hoy but they enjoyed It The St team failed get here so our boys bad it all their own way It was after dark before the crowd left the bush so you may guess they bad a good time Mr HoTlingshead gave up his school at the commence ment of holidays and Is going to take a course of studies for the purpose of getting a firstclass ticket The scholars are sorry he is leaving as bo is a great favorite among the kids Never mind scholars perhaps he will come back again a few months Road work is about all done al though some of It has been pretty late for this part only being ftntthed the present week The fall wheat Is now ready to and the barley Is ripening fast Some big loads of pail timber pass this war to Canes factory at New- market Several loads of marsh grail from the west end of the marsh had to be brought around by the road to get to Newmarket owing to the bad state of the road across the marsh caused by so much rain Mrs Annie Walker up to sec Mr J last week We are to be able to report that Mr has taken a for the better but Is yet very weak Mr Walker came up on Saturday and returned the city on Monday They were accompanied by some of their children Some one will be getting their finger burnt yet the whey tub again emptied on Saturday night last The milk patron wont its that for a oke light aloog id Harvesting will commence in this vicinity next week The fail Wheat crops will be above the average The of I of this place base dwindled down to a family compact and will no doubt die a natural death in the near future Know All would like the country folks to on the Hall Toronto It no doubt is a grand but would it be con solation to the farmers to say to them selves while feasting their eyes on me beautiful each of us that- bought a Massey Binder paid dollars to wards the building of this Halt J Stephens our popular teacher is spending part of his holidays in Buffalo George having a rather serious time with a few boils Mr Ben Lewis of was a few days last week visiting relatives Mrs John arrived home on Saturday last from ButtcJCiiy Mon tana We are well satisfied that Belhaven arc able to take their own part either at Keswick or any other place We are pleased to read in last weeks Era Mrs Draper of this place has so many distinguished datives We would like to publish some of but we are afraid they would not come up to the mark Mr who is now camped at Keswick is expected to locate in this vicinity for a week or two in the near future His services would no doubt be appreciated by a good num ber There will be a Grand Social on the beautiful lawn of Mr E Draper for the benefit of the Sun day School on Thursday evening John Richardson M P P of Scarboro will be chairman Chicken Pie a specialty Owing to the unfavorable weather on Friday the Garden Parly at Mr John Wanlners was not largely attended Proceeds over Mr A Stogdill wife and stater-ln- from have been spending a few day with his brother Stogdill Mr Franco Rose returned home last week He has been Toronto since Mr Perry Ear intends going to Chicago in a few days We will miss him very much as he quite a friend amongtbe boys Fred Morton has been on the lick list this week but he is convalescent now The farmers arc very busy this week and the only news we hear is about the The merry hum of the mower is beard fn every ItOn At a meeting of the Com mittee of Management on Monday evening was decided to erect a building to be ud for Sunday School ST CHAT David has been building an addition to and remodelling his residence which makes a material improvement He is now as snug as a bug in a rug No need of a professor opening a sparking school on the street Our young folks take to it naturally as a duck takes to water They may be seen any pleasant evening promenad ing in couples What care they for the mitten Broken hearts are soon mended Great Butter of excitement amongst the fair sex on Sunday The junior minister on the circuit arrived last week and preached at some of his appointments on Sunday After the usual to such occasions had passed he gave an in teresting discourse The congrega tion seemed satisfied with first address I doubt if any of our country friends know what a beautiful place Newmarket is Take for example Park Ave What beautiful residences and lovely surroundings Look at the Bowery so appropjtatly named Can anything he nicer By the Mr Editor how would it do if you were to tell us readers the names and owners of the most town residences Dr Charlie Noble and Robert Abbie of Sutton wee visiting Dr Graham on Sunday Mr Sam Bond of the street re marked the other tbat he was some pumpkins at raising early tatoes He had new potatoes of his own raising for dinner on June were not so mighty big but they were potatoes alt the same Fred Sprague of has a most beautiful bed of pansle about twenty feet square They ore a perfect mass of bloom so you may imagine how pretty they are A thing of beauty is a joy forever The ladies about here are very fond of lowers and some houses contain some beauties- If they would only put them outside where the public could see them we would appreciate them very much Your humble servant thinking he was capable of travelling without a guardian took an excursion to Falls He knows better now He Good Cotton Hose Stainless Hose 2 pair 25c Fans each c Hans 5 and Cakes Old Windsor Soap Cakes Pure Glycerine Soap Corsets Tan Corsets price at 4 been there long etc he lost Drill The council let the contract with for cutting am grading Aylvraids bill west of The coo- ate doing a good job Thtyl earn their money and a lot more besides br ibt will doubt ed A be road of Cat tot- lb of which lb It tod to Jtrodac 1 shioihciat b nil tbatIort motion to tint Lho lUtbtiwlLh cow lJtaOchlvrsj wUoo Cot kkvl fiintratl order km ftbd bwded to Col uioouGC4d UtaUUr bad a o fifTtDO Would hit to erfoaiJy Bo At 1 by ud UUUUr tut for bo Into md Dot tj ho Mltltt P irvtolMiD Larull- wu la oLutbo0 to hi no doubt to do it 1 a tiff of tbtrtli Anjthlojr bot and ol to tododdo which of tbo two to liQDimtiaKtip to a Me a of which And which EOtltoilfr oflVDM dip Whit iQloDtlOQ Of ho QoriaimotUiiolaokDowi but Mr uo tfaO of lo Mr from lb And la which whol cam follow fiUtot Of dl04IO thfcl AtatrloAooAtU la bond too obdald bona thUprOTTiion to If oat by thAt omloAdod by tun ha a whUh to drop- locked lb to bo adnottobottoppd woro to ftad And fcta loboaKd tor dltn oWeor bo Appointed to MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING I Mens Summer Coats worth 200 at 150 Mens Lined Pants worth at 100 Mens Fine Black Pants worth at 290 Mens all wool Tweed Suits worth at 650 Boys all wool Tweed Pants r SHO I Cloth Slippers 12c Kid Button Shoes now 100 Kid House Slippers were 140 now 100 Mens Fine Laced Shoes now Boys and Misses Shoes all cut in prices Piles of Goods leave our counters every day drop in and sec us If you want to save money E GO Last Store in Millards Block 11 ldi on the force with which he title of evince The of whose arat lala which the to re Id U3bl for Bradford has an to on the match there that day The huckleberry crop was considerably by the June alonx the north shore An Orangerille lady iojuted her spine coming down stairs and died a fe days afterwards mo FARMERS A few ihorhr Or St 800 PRIVATE to d- A Burdock JlU In one of our village lots which looks very bad and its not on Aarons lot either this time Cut em down Know All Ottawa July ft IP ATA ibo tooeodfot A wMCh cf Iff Kit of Atvumeat ADd tooitoo of xoiplAOT to obUlu lb lrkia CooooUrfcOo Ibit a of obtAtopd io tbi for tbo la t Opoa lb wbXcb Blr flier wU bo not wflb wbowcro Ida pnlihrneot IhooiJoloDof Aod to AJpixUi blind throughout if Mr air If Wero tbo to ihi tbilcoootrynujf th fiUJ0 AM to to bow tho tram from flutto into wlthoot lupoUoD or light or moon Iletht it a a tor it a butcher or A Id foci for A It tho Iuptotoro wort Co ihroould rap their without pairdlu wort nor Mt Mttlo or to TtrrUoilM know of In tho an tbU but th oad from with llo I IO oaxoo English AccouotolhtWJoroof to mIU ootUfltd ibitpfos wl it a la- Tko iccc JUoud to with Mr Unlock bilcgtog to a It wUtb fur the put or tlnco fltvu FURNITURE OH FOR CASH CTndertaking a Embalming A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD Oppoaita Royal Telephone Connection oaih pit the wire of A of a of July of toe tnit the wife A To Loan foe of 0 OF oar ihick of klodtr their pithy to our tor who CHINA mH all JULY 94 hare laued to e- Stria 11 who apw Of be- the flr or la thai tsar Mleaerted la the sew Town DAVID J at Tow on School fteeiioB mo a burr- to tur op to for jeer hUat Qnlllla TENDERS- WlUbtelveaaiakIHb for 04 woodwork or odWotkiauihlpi Alt Oe lb of OJ WrnltSloLwa lib t lb the 8 lUnle S3 afr OJ of it or QittnaMiCALLOwAt Aodrw to liahella Medium 11 of Taotdar of Jul St Utocki on Moloch to deoabter of J of Tomb ethical Coo It lie boomaged the fth Mat of aired mo ad St At floaday July Powell d y S ropotaa on lUr a and with th Mart ate in wife of tilmjon pd of Jloari and eried ear mot DdDdrt the Church Mot aaWilniae ax f r ARKIT gr will Boots AND Shoes toUMietwrToUi and to be I By order Special clewing of all Summer in Tans Oxford etc Mens and Childrens Price away down AU clean No Goods DECORATION DAY JULY 1894 FOR THE Preserving xyii re and will W the NEWMARHET- CEMETERY Jotr a to bo Sugar and Jars Any and prices as low as the lowest i DINNER SETS Juit arrived a special line of quality and they S cant be beat etaUre of I Secretary Always bear In mind wo Excel rt in our 1 in- i Department IDX You an Iwy on tho J- fltiod up Ud I BUSINESS A coin plate GROCERIES AND GANNED GOODS AU ud Uitkot And will ho Mid At or oar cow I J WILSON Cell and IV y getting the belt quality at prices Do you use our Japan Tea for ft or our ExcehJor Blend Coffee If you do you get the for your money in town ft The LEADING Reliable Goods Prompt R A SMITH Main and