a JULY IS vv WHAT IS COS KG OS A ROUT TOWN B Some or wheels FlREIlENi Be tore Ifc mttliox Tin 9 U lid wit Take In Iots of and pari at Good and Early Harvest Wo A fteldi rye on Line cat on of July it earliest ever It Mr Invited To join Hit Tut Lois out by to lauD of fo front of lb Ibo at Twaoto Trade Improving A single received for dot rofnt gel bum on All jo to the Factory and got WaterWorks The on to tiatfctdo- to Mr naw the re day work the it will brick and an for and Shooting Accident accompanist by went with a in Gambia wood near went off tbo bnllct part of tbc band Dr Campbell and no an anticFtd- Church The new pastor made bii tint with congregation morning nod hi addrcfa left a waiwd filled again for mora If I bring to of this town I found in a 11 Correction In last weeks issue We that Mr A tba Manitoba man tea of Mr mistake He no relation bal la aoa of Mr and a of Ly man of town Relatives in with at xma but no can yet be of ti mitring man A Rover On Friday hat a lightly dog worried two for Mr John erf had to be destroyed dog traced Hunters bctb bat finally re- treats from view It appard to and was evidently to It Owner may bas ft nice bill to pay of daji tbe animal taken of Only 51 For a pleasant trip and a day of ceil Wednesday The Friends- Last Sunday fog Prof Warder of prmhed d the Meeting House to a and on Monday he a very of the Life of Christ as outlined for In next fU to great Franklin and wife from Indiana held Orchard on evening and here on J A Legal Point Property owners aod particularly tboee who been their real into raako a note of nolle AdTtrtfiing by Torrn Clerk with reference to the of plant A new Flan of town ft In of by the J Snneyor and in order may be Incorporated which migbt sate fotore litigation the be regis- Altered therein stated V A Prospect a on Than J Hay evening of last week while reel of Geo Partridge a appeftranoer The was it Strawberry Party ia which there between and focladiog Hand The tbe spread the lion one long to be talked abontoo Summer Corsets Rushing Orr has been line for tba hot weather Stock of other lines complete at If En couraged by of Mr J Wilson decided lo in grocery line The North End Bakery has been refitted shelving put In and nicely painted throughout and now of family canoed confection fie- ftenlsantat and appearance We Mr tan- a call He be can for the money So far as we can learn there Is little by the owners on Main to comply with By- Law regarding which Into force on East Probably tome people ere looking for the action of the Council with reference to appointment of tbey were to make and alto the chargea which be and we must fay that the Council ft a tittle remise In not hav ing in working order when the ByLaw cornea Into force Since of Damon Tend Club quite an Bullions 1 has In this in Mr being honorary presi dent Mr and Mr BC Heap tim They maka a group think an take a at new in Mr Gallery or The of Council bad an enjoyable time at Temperance Lift Some six months ago the oil was divided into two fides and got up tbe program ftlternftteiy for loigs night Id while each added to their loainft tide bad to supply After the program a took and the feeling Of unity was by the friendly rivalry Tag Your Inspector Saage laid lofortDAtion son three persons for dogs without a tag had better warning he Intends to make a genera tour of the town The in dollar sod tbo get a tier be about it and call on clerk assessor turns but then are only 0 tigs the Inspector ha both litis in hi pocket Thrjlusc Experience One of hairbreadth which a crawl St the depot on Monday evening Mr Wal ter Webb of intended to go north and to board the train after it had but losing tat bold be fell oft the platform jutt beside water hydrant Mr Lyman Bogari wai where be and called out o htm to remain perfectly otherwise be would probably bare lest leg or an been in tht head with the car step As was the tatter pasted within an Inch of striking his bead can In motion is always attended with mora or lest danger Loan and Savings Co The York County Loan and Baring Com pany whose bead office is in Confedera tion Life Toronto and field of operations extends over the Prof- of Ontario are an agency fcompany in Newmarket The the Company li to fries for the and tabic of the of people and Investment of Tbe Company alto J money to shareholders to build homes buy or to engage in holi ness The representatives of the town and want a reliable act agent for the Company In New and Fall information will be furnished by calling at Boy Hotel Sore would m that and Mrs Robert than their share of trouble- They boy that a constant charge being dement at and hating strangth On account of dull times Sir was thrown out work Lint week he got a Job with the on Mr bouse but on Friday he with an accident that laid hint up The doctor was of Infiam nation but the wound healed nicely- Bull another was added to their cup A beautiful little baby nearly eight months old was quite well the tame evening took a fit about eight oclock and died at oclock nut morning This Is tbe fourth child have been upon to bury We are sure the sympathy Of the town goes out to the parents in great distress Fruit There was a good Social In the Lecture Boom the Methodist church lift Fri day and ft time spent P Belfry chair the rcntHllon selections by Orchestra and ft patriotic song by Mr McKay address welcome to the new pastor given by Jack son and words of greeting were also made by Mr J J Pearson latter referred to fact Id the last Newmarket was on circuit with Aurora they raised with bard and the Steward added that year Newmarket Methodist Church raised for all Rot replied in appropriate language though the cordis nd unique reception extended to himself sad produced an emotional sensation and moved Mm to eloquence strawbcrrlee ice cream and other luxuries by Aid wire enjoyed about Rosko I bare with llandto S next Wednesday and an pleasant time if The meal of decided to ham a series of members handicap he A fcaoet lamp will be offered as a ftrt of bo bold next at this lee will be charged on all other a small be taken Board A meeting of the took place day ail being present except Mr The report the the roll ftnrage of W small passed The man reported that lbs committee bad da to the with composition and the offer of Mr Walters on Repairs was authorised to have floors in the Wodal School oiled during holidays ttVCt The ladies met at on nets sat down to a social tea- next meeting to be flrct i Temperance Heel ing was by the Christian In connection with the Christian Mr Joe Billings chair and Hon The church choir sang Nettie Lehman Mr readings and Era ft recitation The was small Bad FALL Will- son had a narrow from brisking bis neck laat Monday Be getting ready to barn on hi farm in EastOwlllkobury and waa in the act of old shingles oil of the roof bis and fell to the ground Ha Lit ft log which in making Lujorla all Besides generally bruised ha received a bad cat bis chin and a fracture the jaw bona the confined to his bed Ma many friends will be pleased to know that ha Is doing Terr well to be In idw Division His Honor Judge Morgan presided the Court hero last Wednesday roulina business arising from Judgment sum- mouses there was only one fighting case before Court and this occupied the whole day AS Dr Hunters sheep wars bought by Mr but ha claimed that ewe and Iamb strayed away Mr neighbor Dr Hunter claimed that his large dock strayed from bis premises learning that some them were upon the Hunter farm he possession of them that in gathering his stray sheep be picked the awe lamb to Richardson but tbe Utter sines his stray claims that has his full compliment sheep and that bo the ewe and Iamb which Richardson claims to hate from Though judgment was given for Richard- Son for and costs a good deal feeling manifested All the boys ire a turn to special to at flfO- torn will on On ft Will at T New Warm Mr on fit- bad ft raising on day ftftontfoo CO men pre- and no to plcAsnra of the The barn Is a good ftjid will he fitted up with ground stables and other After tea wUoh was heartily enjoyed the areuiug wis spent playing etc- A A coot to e Free Grant Qattttt speak ing to Port this on boftrf and Nipt ware of the North Society with their wires daughters and friends about They spent tints si Fori I such a large number of tanners on pleasure trip looking so perfectly appeared full of health and enjoying no measure of prosperity CeotnJ is getting new root on this ffk Dont the Sunday School An unoccupied on Eagle strefct ifblnowitb borr flowers and the In- should see that they re cut ripen The School being by ft of Timothy street bridge has moved bis telephone from the across to store Pay this week and the discount om haa flammed stream between Wellington sd Queen and are hating ft good time these warm days but some of them iil get in to if they bath suits Every cherry b as its scarecrow but gel the pick of fruit the church is arranging for a at Morrisons July Room and Dental Parlor in Dr are being painted and A boy from country who la no all there the cooler Tuesday night The High Tower is being repaired this Pool Ball Club held a in Millards hfood7 lbs of were dcUTered at the Cheese last Monday morning AT THE Boys Tweed Suits worth for 160 Boys Tweed Suits fine all wool worth 4 50 for 2 8 Mens Tweed Suits fine all wool worth Mens Fine Steel Grey Worsted Summer Overcoats worth 8 Boys Black Ribbed Knickerbocker Stockings a pair below regular prices An ail round reduction on Boots and Shoes All single width Dress Goods reduced per cent selling from up at 17c worth Tweeds at worth Fine Towels at worth each GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE OF Boots Shoes In buying too largely for this seasons trade we find ourselves greatly overstocked in Boots and Shoes Conse quently we have decided to offer the whole of our stock at reduced prices GROCERIES Our Stock of groceries will always be found fresh and of the best quality Our 25 cent Tea in Green Black Japan or Mixed we guarantee to be equal to any J5 cent Tea in Town- MONTGOMERY BRODIE We want the space cleared for our New Kail Stock hold out these genuine inducements to purchasers TERMS STRICTLY CASH R J DAVISON I To FARiiERS When looking for we the goods that will yon Call See Our Summer Soiling My Quick Pneumonia When il was in torn morning UrGeoit w people could hi believe it but the re were from Toronto to faia here by let train Saturday bee raided In for and one of betl known men in Toronto well u in this section of He went to the on end returned home the He retired In uael bat awakened oclock morning by a In one of bit Dr wee and on Dr was called in Despite their bt rapidly until he Fri day morning wu born at Sharon and for many yean clerk of tbe Court hare an held by bit father Debated wae a noted wealth log quoted at He etch of during Toronto boom and on Central Bank took plate on Sunday afternoon by Rev Ce were Jiuo 8il and O Allan Case of Toronto J- A Lloyd and Mayor The chief mother and three daagbteH klr and Toronto Bingham of Chicago and Miller K of To ronto Beautiful floral placed on the remain were laid Is the family plot at Cnnty where a good many people gathered Mr no broth but he lave a Mao mother of A Mao An Illuminated Address In the Toronto Junction week wo find the following to the new Methodist pastor in this The following illuminated to Hen How a at Ibe on Friday evening alter the prayer meeting his retiring as was by J Steward after which Mr replied in feeling that any good he had been able to do wai alone through the Lord servant be after which farewell were by Bates Dr Williams and Abbot they God with till we meet again Dior Wo the members Quarterly of the Annette Street Methodist Church desire to express on behalf of our hearty apprecia tion of your labors pastor during last three yean Tit Ime that daring that lime God saw fit lo hie Infinite wisdom to lay of affliction heavily you Bat we rejoice the fact that it was a sanctified one and you are no we be lieve a stronger servant of bis both And spiritually before the Affliction We must also say that the troth by you doting the past three years baa come with power and great morally intellectually aod spiritually to have had the pleasure of to ft during tbat time- difficult Sold in which to labor the vacillating population of our town yet out waa always filled with eager listeners for truth aod we hop and pray that troth accompanied as we it was by the divine spirit will still continue to bear fruit to the glory of pod And now dear brother to the roles of the conference the term of your pastorate over as coast and you and your esteem ed family are about to teave us we pray that the of all may accompany you that your labors In your new field may be crowned with abundant We ask you to accept this address In the way in which it is given and may it future recall to memory of blessings and happiness while laboring In Toronto Junction on behalf of the Board J RUNTONS HOT WEATHER GOODS New Arrivals EYE S ARE TOO VALUABLE OF SILK GLOVES- CREAM TAN BLACK Swiss all over Embroideries AlAtfrlA AT WORTH Flannelettes VOX WORTH CENTS Groceries of all kinds fresh and bought at lowest possible prices W A BRUNTON PLAYTERSOLD STAND Always use Powder To be trifled with Some things you can but not the eye there fore use them aright We have all the Latest Appliances and lit on Scientific Principles DR S SCOTT Graduate of Optical Institute For testing eyesight we make no charge You simply pay for the glasses if you need them Town SUHHATS MtLLINERV to nice and I right price cill at The Executive the met Jo ttrnoon pruiol the Norman of Iter Amos of Aurora J SUM of ton Aurora Mr Miller of Mr A of J A con J of a llcefor i which 6 KXtH lltllevllleoiit to hold tORrain of- fcivcu lo of of Local As by Union from town of will A will Market at and proceed to Band Qtitr Order of Jolted Workmen Ancient of Naval Order of Order of Floral Car ceremony at tba be conducted by J and at Floral Decoration cotn Mayor baa to deliver add rait It la wiib a of aod enter iolo fcrforxnaoco of and the to aeelat making occasion to bo Newmarket baa name keeping the of her though border ai the the civil war re at awful of it be at partook of tbe and tendency let each year to our death roll and to the abiding which Bo memorial day tit to It to ia Id execution of the committed to the ra drawing and ctoter We certainly pray Heaven from the which are oat of harmony with the white we lay the at token of a life or Utile Doyle Shape Doyle Lyons 3 J- Doyle WOCain J Lacrosse Match There a good crowd on Fair afternoon to match between Barrio which to be an took Held in the following order Clark Goal Point lit Defence TClark 3rd P Clark Craig 3rd Home Clark 2nd rt llonter let Montgomery Umpire Field Captain The firtt two garnet had all their own fact In bat the third warmed them all op of Barrio a bad fall from bank opon drive white running after ball bit knee that he bad to lay off To dropped from In the next game Jack Doyle got a bad knock on note and wanton again In hi By good team won both the third while at the tame time Newmarket appeared to be too confident of The third Manning wbo Umpire gate the to the Following the record woo by Time Take a by let Newmarket m Cain it Mb h ii Clark fa theTalagooa Miss The East All member of lul front J aibecn Wm John C Art from RPTratlM re road of Con By motion CUrk intruded to notify aa Arnold and a to Allowance Coo- Lou and A to repair Cod A W Bark a to open water count Con lot on and the chair and reported at Wm tninert meeting jO reftt red toltareendOon adjoatt peti tion of drain on Cod and the tame being granted were ordered paid Jam refund of tax roed re and wltoete feet J IL re repair IS Joe do motion build aide and SI Reeve a By Law to open up Centre Head Coo Council to meet on Bat at Sharon IiiKrxo July All for lldtn a ld t Laat Wo Uovd Mr Art by Rahn lhat It soeptdCarrJK3 Mr lUhm by Mr Dell hit of I for by Mr by Mr Iado aaca of for all Lb tooth of nllrodud Ul by Mr CalhbrtLDb Uowod am f for atl of Moved by Mr by Mr Ait bo Of tod from to Bradford Ur Moocdtd by Mr ppolAtod to in on taunt to repair road of road tarn of for lame A camping club from are located Council met to adjouromtnt all CouncUlora mill Cody I printing for Board of it repair to It A Com and 3895 aocouDt of A lo Com of O to ByLaw A Secretary of aaked for a grant of u to a with the were to bold a Tournament year at intended not granted and a competed ot the Mayor Reave and Couiioillor Widdideld km ppoiotd to confer with Brigade meet lug evening that ff any appHaaoos are Council a willing to make such but the eta no j more entitled to a good time at the Cor- than who devote oil an nearly one night a week to publlo Mr Hunter know If the grading about town all done at people on ttrett al for two dayt work Mr bad gone far at the would allow it til ha thought worst Mr asked If of was being to tbt of the A Bridge Com Ho Inferred that work was dona very slovenly Mr Bennett wanted lo know whoa sidewalk was going down on Huron He of Com on Huron street Mr said tbit walks would week Com expanded for work season including stout and lumber and both the work and as- panse had given great satUfaotlon to cltfrtns The ByLaw for the appointment of an Engineer on lbs and Water- Courses read a Urns ByLaw for now- yaoclnatlon aaooud lime Mr asked W relieved from the corporsUoa work In connection with sidewalk repairs and ha a Councillor be appointed for each Ward Ha had given from oat to day for Its of months and really not attend to matter any longer The klayoroompUmentedtht chairman of ibt Bead Com upon the had given and that Committee be together and matter The rfayor also that of a Extinguisher bad waited upon him and he laid upon some printed matter relating there to Mr Woodcock applied on behalf of Mr Johnson for a rebate on his dog tag which was purchased in Feb Some of the in connec tion with the matter were known to several members of the Council declined to entertain any such applica tion was allowing rebates on any Up persons are not obliged to keep dogs Council adjourned till next Monday THE NORTH END ACCOMODATION STORE A NEW DEPARTURE BARGAI FRIDAY JULY 6 No need of Going to Toronto or We Mean Business and Inspection Invited Mo Old Bankrupt Stocks Everything Warranted as represented or Money Refunded BARGAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON Remember the Place r LUNDY SHARON The following installation of officers took place at the Division of the Sons of Temperance Monday evening r M R Phillips it M Kavanagh Kavanagh A S red Proctor Charlie Eyre A Chap Sister Con M A A Brother Irwin Phillipi O S Irwin PWP Jas Mr made his first appearance before a Sharon congrega tion Sunday afternoon when his sermon was listened to with marked attention Our new office is much im proved by the addition of a verandah Miss Walsh of Falls the guest of Miss Kavanagh last wee Mr and Mis J Graham of Sutton visited in village last week Miss Annie making a weeks sojourn in th city Si- Catharines July The preliminary trial of the tramps plicated in the shooting affair at Jordan a short time ago ended here night Troy the man who shot conductor and Fleming the one who gave the to Troy were committed to stand their trial at the Fall Assises The three other Melrose Walker and Bradley sentenced to four months in the Central as vagrants July report hu reached here that a mishap be fallen Tyrrells exploring party which left Winnipeg three weeks ago to the barren lands in the report states that all the gear and instruments carried In canoes had capsize in portaging a river and that Tyrrell and Ms com panions had a narrow escape from drowning Most their provisions also lost OR SALE- A flfild4es4PbAton top Cot lift will Mil for Apply kbit la order it Applt Wi iH WANTED Far per WANTED No till to I Apply Scant P TEACHER WANTED wanted of Aug Relay Stiver Our Toronto Markets IS rail Wheat par I flprttf el fiulif par IKte owl- mi Iff a a lelvl i CM Oil 014 1M CD on on on 16M a 060 a a ltd a CLOTHING Success- in Business Depends upon winning the confidence of the purchasing public In order to do this the merchant must study his customers interests in all by selling them goods that stand test of their recommend and by offering goods at such a price that the small putse can all the necessities a of the luxuries of modern living We study your interests in Clothing Line by giving a firstclass article at com paratively low price Ask to see our Patent Safely Pocket which we insert free of charge McDOUGALL HICK LING MY TAILORS door to Atkinsons Jewelry Store The Largest Assortment LADIES OXFORDS THE FINEST CHEAPEST IN TOWN I AND BOOTS ALSO MENS FINE AND COARSE BOOTS In Boys and Boots and Shoes we cant be excelled in town Give us a call when you are wanting anything in the Boot and Shoe Line and you wilt find quality and prices right Sign Bed Boot GRIFFIS AH rips in goods sold here sewed free ROBERTSON BAKERY Oar Newmarket Markets tie 1 it i ill Hour wr alb Priapof too Wool lb- mm- tftf Mir IS ten line i ititrti pi OSS OSS coco cow 018 ICQ or a a a 1103 a IS a We have just added to our stock of WALKERS Cele brated SaUnettes Butter Cups Chocolates Creams and This Confectionery is Finest In Canada and is sold only by too Leading Confectioners in the Citfei and Largest Towns v Bars Laundry Soap for as cents We give a Nice Picture with every worth of Soap We have the Coffee you read about It will do you good to drink ft Just try a pound and be convinced Dont forget that Blend Black and our 130 Japan They are equal to any 50c tea In Town showing the Best Valuein Black Mixed Japan or Try our Jersey Ice Cream GIVE US A CALL We are Teas in Town Main St A ROBERTSON Leading Baker and Km OLD for Bale at 1 A