Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1894, p. 4

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I JJL ERA JULY IS A Hoods Cured Attar Others Failed In AH Con MIES a Mid till I Hoods fii jtirt la ay reck and threat t of I tried did not do rood when I lTMp4lilU there so iSjt Cures cot ceo of medicine hid before I lad fcODCfctsfcAdecUrely Bounce do cot be Induced to buy lay other Hood Pills rested ltd NEGLECTED by Allens Balsam A of Men fcfttt U Ml Guidon Text the with bit mother down In time of it bid connection with of moo from ft the kin the founder of ftlw Great of hit con- temple it men up or Hip the Medea and Fenian opplied to Wo Jock op to be guided rightly on ore guided on the by the iUn Co of whether we rejoice ore ftt the of cd We beet of JeiQ Wth by overcoming foUocriog direction Dominion will when be afforded oar to old a change the will the plonk la their which tariff for rorenoo It thai the floolloo of being of the newly elected member for In without Mr on the abject and fao had of In aad wao a to lUtement In Harpers ltVHr iay one who the of New York do what bio to by the payment of Policemen who bate to l a the bribe Conclude that black mailing not a offence bat a of Dr the SOAP proved by its enormous that it lis Editor what ana to Turn of recount la the King ton election Dr a majority of one Bon Mr the return iog count Dr majority A unof twenty one million dollar what the will be called to antiop tor- the hie next Oc tober expends tare apart from and Tun Lightning did considerable damage in on Monday bat tbo majority Mr Mr standi The kind of lightning to which refer came within cat making a Commit- of for Ontario a call By an amendment to Bee of the Consolidated Act the col lector of and villages are hereafter repaired to pay over to the once every week the final of roll the total amount collected daring preceding week and in once every two week total collected daring the preceding two w Steamer WID run Grand by roll to Bradford A or Joe Steamer to or any other or On Strawberry a a for Bd tier hoi ood Ice Of igui mm flco etc beet connection Wed that we hive for excursion the K Geo l- boat or MLLIA any Station or the then by Tifr Municipal World bao a word in favor of drainage It Citiee and towns with drainage be more unsightly than thote pro vided with underground drainage but the former in lime are certainly much cleaner and are all filth especially if the are billy and no even the case with Newmarket Empires Ottawa under datft of July Mr Corby the for urired from morning accompanied Mr Pope and Mr Mr Corby warmly greeted Ho ltrodaoed into aftenaoon by John and Mr aad received with prolonged from both aided of the Mr Corby Ottawa tor Poland tomorrow and will not return to follow- fog the way the are caught by map peddling tramp tip in the of Perth If the penon promptly for the map the canvaaoer him to a certificate that the agent baa his place taken the of he pro and the certificate to be an for the map far in If any in thia it will bo the who are too poor to take a If of peddling traveller York county readers of will now on Sign nothing any thing can boot be prof through dedlera and with greater security The and Elecltoni Committee on Motion of Mr de cided on a party vote that the charge preferred against Mr member for Montmorency were not proven and that he had not received from the contract or bio partner with the government had not violated of Parliament Act The regard motion of whitewash A now there appears to be a screw loo military circle down at Ottawa Colonel Walker Powell AdjutantGen eral of Militia has been suspended by Herbert The trouble is said to have arisen over the publication of a general order which bad no gone through all the red tape formalities which such are generally subjected to About two wocka ago the Minister of Militia aouounwd In the House that there was to be no drill this this would save to the country The estimates were so reduced aud given bat the Major- General had not signed the word ap proved and he has made Col Walker the his indignation Since then Col Powell has been reinstated and Major-Gen- is talking resigning WAST TO TKUi what made her beautiful Yet it only what other women Wealth of liautjnea only with a healthy body Health ft of food habit Dr Pierce Favorite nature in estab lishing Women have pillow dull ojee and checks wttn spirit when they arc with and weak- to their eel Health is renamed after periods dixxinoAs prostration arid cxcitabtlttj or other manifestations of derange ment or displacement of we manly organs when Prescrip tion used Besides iV fiold on its merits proprietor tha risl It is to benefit or core all the disease and weak nesses of women or money re funded What offer could bo more fair Tha best value for the Consumer of any soap Id market Millions of throughout world vouch for this as it is the who have proved is value It brings them leu labor greater comfort ft OB D COMMflOT NEWMARKET Sing Council Convention ISLAND M of rtw aorjrabcr la public cook hoQi Our Urn Wt7u5 locate of rlo cr rouotfi Ed lb la adrHQttrc to Brer rd for lull NURSERY STOCK LIBERAL TERMS SPLENDID OUTFIT FREE Writ t ad rtcitf Oct Tut of Middles lilt been by iho Mr John to that Dr P P of of the of fcppoloted of If of meat only open to who may expect faeretter to fin J crop candi date at Tut abolition of occapaDta Iprra will form of the program of work for next of affected by chaoge Sir Oliver no for an people of On tario dont care to maintain merely for privileged few the mora especially at the member of are all It end city Kir Oliver Tut motion of the member for North York Mr Gov ernment for disregarding Ha neglecting to enforce proper end allowing targe number of American cattle to bo Imported into the Territories from the States whilst plea pneumonia was there existing retailing In of Canadian cat Ho in Britain defeated by a of W yeas to government majority farmers of Canada make a nolo of tote How to Got ft Sunlight Bend 2o Sanligbt Soap wrapper wrapper bearing wordt Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than ft Man to Limited Scott Toronto and you will receive by post a pretty picture from tiding and well worth framing Thla la an easy way to decorate your hose The soap the beat market and It will only cost postage to tend In wrap pers If you leave open address l A despatch from I the Trunk has cancelled all through trains a result of the Pullman lxycott trains only are running for Minards and take no other At the Hamilton trotting races ail previous Canadian records were broken by Hamlins Robert J who paced a mile in time of healthy tendency of the timet a circular hat been by members of the British of Commons and sent to the newt- paper editors of Britain them to retrain from re porting sensational cases of immorality or brutality Readers of the can have no fault to find on but It time something done It It hoped that several circulars found their way to some Toronto offices as publioation of disgusting or loll did transactions their minute particulars are by no means proper literature for tbe general Heart Believed la SO situate Cure for it p feci relief to Ontario or Heart Disease femtootes and a peerless remedy for of la Bide all of Bold CaapUil Sullen Wireica dlaeatee Id tours Bourn of la relisting It uA Sad In It if e of water and 11 a lo It ImmodlaUlr cure jour Bold I si q Co In Day Booth America for aol rullcalJcores to til It at v cataeaiylOediMaMlajifiedUteJf For sale acy to the report of a Auditor of tho treasurers accounts of Zona tegular auditors did not make a careful examination a previous council had not complied with lbs statutory requirement for a state Of assets and liabilities at the end of the Ths report goes on to if thsy had dons so the many errors mast been discovered An Imperfect unfair to all par ties concerned and so to the tresjorcrs bonds meo who rely upon It for their safety Our Council neglected this statement last year but hops the omission will not again occur I the of Commons last week Mr for West Ontario brought forward bis Indictment against Caron and Sir Hector for their misdoings as revealed by the Investigations wblch It was made clear that bad bandied large sums of mon ey for election purposes In Qoebec Jr motion recited fact that moneys so disbursed bad been received from government conlractora and affirmed that for conooctlon there- with both and Hector were deserving of censure and that their continuance In the House Is a Both Messrs and spoke in their own defence denying that they knew wbtre the money catre from and sop- porters voted down raotioa Is The S Association of North GwUltmhury Sullon and held their Midsummer Convention in Keswick June and in many ways was a decided success The attendance was good though perhaps not quite equal to thai of List summer yet when one considers the busy sea son at hand when the farmers turnips and carrots demand his attention in their for life in the weeds we can say there was a crowd present The interest taken was keener than usual and shows the growing interest in this great work of religiously instructing the youth that are to rule the nexl generation The speakers all receive our thanks for so kindly attending and delivering good addresses filled with nw thought A great many were sorry and disappointed when was known in the evening Hut of StouiTville who was expect ed to take up the subject was unable to be present owing family sickness However this was the only disap pointment in program yet the happy way it turned out the disap pointment was entirely forgotten Rev Mr Addison of Toronto who is camping on the shore great in and great in hear took the ICiders subject The Iron Cafes of Life be tween us and Success and handled it to the delight of the audience so that everyone went home feeling more than pleased We may expect Elder to give an address at the Annual Convention On Friday morning J- Fer guson A of Bradford gave a very eloquent practical ad dress on the study of the Bible and among other things showed that the latest science is Only an elucidation of some Bible Truths that were pro claimed thousands of years ago He showed that while Nature and Science baffle us yet the Bible alone can answer us such difficult questions as What am I Whence am I Whither ami going His ad- dress contained many lessons that all might be benefited In the afternoon Rev Mr Amos of Aurora took up the following Sab baths lesson before a audience We were all convinced the has made his life study Then ourpopular liule Methodist preacher Mr Rogers spoke admir ably to the children present At the evening session a number were to be seen peering through the doors and windows which almost said a crowded house inside Mr Jackson of Newmarket very ably an swered the Question Drawer He takes a great interest in all S S Work Following this the speaker evening Rev Mr Addison of Toron to was introduced Everybody likes to hear Mr Addison and more par ticularly this night for his good and successful experience In bringing up a very fine family placed him in the position that he could treat the sub ject Training of Childhood In the Home and Sunday School jus tice He said the first pcrjodofa childs life was that when the parent does the reasoning and directing for the child The second Is a mixed period when child begins to show his reason and the parent must reason with the child and show by his ex perience what he believes to be right The third period when the boy wants to act in accordance with his own will and reasoning then is the lime firmness and kindness are necessary Thus the Convention ended and went home feeling encouraged Work SOtb Members all present following bills were paid drawing sewer pipe re grant on eon Win on 9lh con Geo con J Mar ray re grant JBjdoi cedar A Kelly repair to con 3 repair to con John repair to cod OBrien repair to con repair to 10 lb coo Boo ft pine plank S repair to coo Street gravel 92140 Granger Bros ditch on J Ballard repair Card cedar freight printing 9525 Bros 1 doz road scrapers J Halt culvert on 3rd con John Welle road repair on con Isaac keep of Indigent Arthur Niche gravel grant 2nd con John grant con 9875 con 95742 Hugh Archibald eon 925 Edward West road repair con Win Cain iebft Greer road reyeir con John culvert on con J end repair 3rd re 2nd con Clayton Davie road repair 3rd con S3 If re grant for gravelling con John culvert on 3rd con John road repair on con 97 etc Patterson to pay rent of tailing booths con 910305 It Dunning road repair con re grant 3rd con 916 Win regraut Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Goal Oils READYMIXED PAINTS PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS AND SUNDRIES Lubricating Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor FOR HOUSE and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES Sftdat of bo dt4lM Toll II odoU ftDil lUdirricc from Mr ftlUotloa of OHM o bio Hi loiirMiiQ IhfCinaf to and In room for Itplfclo ba of mora ailUmoUrydatMlhAO lb mtmbiir North UUIoiQlfli Into lb anJ a tax and oomraon He formal and from aJrolllit lorrdaj public It la for Hut lbraaraome Id with bailor political wow aoouib to lb mi AolQitanoa of dam At that Id Of la a to Iht Ibt from fjlaad half a IbaoidcaBaL to fi Bon Work baa on that lima and worth of IhtoldevaL thai la not ill of In dadabMOftha that all pabtIowtrkaihaUba let a with to do work at a which tot who a In ha than it dona lor It la tha and of for York Goods BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES GARDEN TOOLS LAWN MOWERS RUBBER HOSE READY MIXED PAINT PAINTERS SUPPLIES CHURCHS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all kinds ot Pence Wire J A W ALLAN CO main street Telephone No to Hire hale oh to tTOUSE TO LET at of Jane 16 Stallions at Oak Badges fcr 4 J A Ireland to bridge J repair to plow Jerome Campbell repair to town- lino South A Ireland repair to coo K Srd con Jobation plank eta Be Arch ibald cedar repair to Geo- repair to grant con Clelao re grant con SCO J lb John to on con clerk waa to notify and Jonathan to from highway at atenca or action would bo taken to compel- them to do Next meeting of Council will held at hotel July next BUILDING HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMONDGLASS m 4fe AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEIiJ J AS GO PROP Htm a Very Bod Cough Arc Flesh through Illness with Consumption Remember that IS WHAT YOU NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT FOR SALE CAMPBELLS QUININE WINE oil painful cuUrii end vigour whole Be git William Phillips and Thomas of Whom hails Aurora and ihe second from King two farmers are at law Watson works a rented farm at King and Phillips is culling wood In a hush close by They stable their horses in the same barn and that is the cause of the trouble Phillips missed his oats and suspected Watson of theft He called him a thief in the presence of a crowd has placed the task of clearing his be smirched honor in the hands of Rob inson Mcleod with in structions to sue for HOLIDAY GOODS Croquet Sets Hammocks Palm Leaf Fans Wheel Fans Garden Sets for Children Childrens Wagons and Carts Base Balls and Clubs GLASSWARE Just Opened a fine line of Bohemian Glassware suitable for presents N STARR Central Telephone Office The Best Food For Children Is worthy every parents study nol only what they can eat but No children are better ahd most LAME BACKb CURED EVERY TIME ft DL MENTHOL PLASTER Sons OP NEWMARKET are worse lardcook If how their prepare health- vegetable for citing food ever food Is new Dentins recommend lo their patient for facial sever pain fier filling he It fills 10 relieve Instead of lard they can eat free food without danger to the digestive organs easily verify this by a fair trial of Cottolene by Company TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards LUMBER That Tired Tiling directly or blood should be allowed to la lis Is MpMlidly Hoods Is remedy for for st or Hoods Pills vgeUM prepared from aunts Beg your sir but yotj seem to be at rue In a strange Do you see anything about that is familiar to you Yes sir toyumbrella this a hair tonic that you know well- Clerk- Well I should think so been on the shelves here for the last ten years without ever being disturb Keep Liniment in Jake won the three mile race at Boston on the with the greatest ease finished fourth and entered a protest saying that Rogers fouled him The races resulted as follows Professional single sculling race miles J Gaudaur Rogers a Peter Conley Edward Time County Constable Healey of is to be commended on his detecting and arresting a man who had in his possession a horse buggy two sets of single harness a rugs and three watches The horse and rig were identified by the owner who resides in Cramahe township Northumberland Co and Chief Con- of Colborne took the prisoner back with him on Tuesday forenoon where he will be tried for the offence On Dominion Day at Mr Crosstey of King City won the championship of Ontario and the cliampionship of the Dominion OiT- Rifle Association in competi tion with the leading shots of the province On the same day a chal lenge team match was shot between Crosslcy Dan and Johnston on one side and Myers and on the Crossleysteam won by points At the Judges Court of Re vision for Village on in the case Robinson reWool len Mill the village council by bylaw has extended the previous five years exemption on all but other live years and claimed it was in accordance with Vic Chap section O S The judge de clared the bylaw ultra vires as it was not in accordance with section and added that councils had no power as a council to make an assess ment Use K C Pills tor chronic con stipation Qt A serious accident happened at on Monday Simmon Hamilton left his horses hitched to a mower standing in ihe field while he went to the barn there he noticed the horses starling to run away and immediately went out to try and stop them They however had become unmanageable knocking htm down and tramping on him The mower also passed the un fortunate man Luckily it was put of gear or he would have been literally cut to pieces As it Is no bones are broken but he is injured internally to what extent we are unable to say JJOUSE no Houm sod Lot on For A J TO RENT King- pood dared lo Li TRINITY Imported thorough bred- A 10 with bono mottle and trio vary by out of to Stockwoll of co lid tober Of of ad thorn by Old A bay far bo of of will to bo Fill plowed- forthoOAOonotthtirownil4Wvro bod to lb or J HOUSE FOR SALE or ATMs For to for or to A Profitable Hotel For Sale XHE KESW10K but to I of Oriole Chief mi FOE SALE Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS low inkles ItEOISTERBD scat Off fllhloo KB a or Us Owing to I I Kims will JOHN IOLLOCK Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT Lath Doors Sash and Blinds LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES C S NOBODY SHOULD RESIDENCE WITHOUT ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS SALE of of itto rot acres West half lot con E acres North half lot con GwiUimbury acres East half lot con GwiUimbury acres East halves lots and King acres South half lot con King acres Southwest quarter lot 32 and con King acres Part of Northwest quarter lot and con King or propositions to Mr J Or to Mrs Hooter or or mils west or If not soVl silMttieiptid MONEY TO LOAN At six flntUsss turn DAVID LLOYD G follow or Firs Iniursncs sod slsotoi lb AisocUllOD Torooto tot His Dyspepsia Cored aK from or watte ieU very locon- from sues in my goners boil- I Blood and sJtor iking two I found MBosoaiir I p CURED BE for f ud found it thing from fitery In my I yon I think tht gen fittlly in READ JOB do not allow in this line We any Office to outdo either in style or If you want any kind or Printing done see what work and terms you can gel at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro vcrbial FARMERS- COPYRIGHTS A lfit A Handbook OX liv kow to U4 boot KIM veeiJr butt uf KtcUac la w in or HUH to If- THE Royal Electric Co A Si to PETERMANS F NOTAHlPOl FATAL TO COCKROACHES I Montreal Wail Paper Factory COLIN J CO IB OLD A J of to A- will bo for fcCA it IhO ftp WAT WILLIS double PUMPS For Trees CAMUA tit Pit MUC1UQELI0UIDQLUEMANFR CrsJg OSTRICH FEATHER SAFE MANUFACTURFR BaKIMiiAlXframlfa CT THE EQUAL OF HAIR sx of M Of id It Bold J be to ill can 3way the at our Japan for out lend Coffee If a best mone town Mil at mi mi 1 1 JADING GROCERY Goods Prompt Delivery V Main and Timothy sit

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