A Si- 1 it j i -i- I S fiFUK AUG New Sole Farms for Bala J Reward for J College Elliott Low for for Sal J- A Bon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY XT TABU Si a a ft iCdEvMu ft S ofe pa fl no the for by the of thous ands from the where and it significant hit the Ctnidixn cattle England found from came from Maul As a result of all this Canada is now scheduled which meant a loss of from one to two a or one a fear on the cattle shipped to a dear price Canadian farmers to pay for some ones blunders She ra BUT GROWS BRIGHTER BRIGHTER WITH BACH ISSUE Printed all at Home v AUG Onr Toronto Despatch to Bra Carlicg the Steels Company were drowned while on like Viclorifl county Monday A company bat fcppoaQted for a a Park City license inspector was thrown from baggy Tuesday by an ax inTjries confine him to the tot bcUer adorers bare lities texts it Trill take Matron Dominion election and in the neat Parliament The deputation of the beaded by the Mayor proceeded to Ottawa on Monday last to attend meet of Railway In inada A- frost tht number of elec tion protests already filed at Osgoode Hall a good many constituencies were very much more enthusiastic over the recent contest than North York- Already no less than eighteen have been entered in the proper courts against the return of member and report has it that at least three more are to follow It is now the turn of the lawyers to reap rich tar- Tests while they transfer the fight for party from tbe constitu encies to the law courts To read over synopsis given in Toronto dallies of the various charges enu merated in the several petitions bow- ever those not versed in legal tactics would be ted to the conclusion thai the recent contest was charactcrued by systematic fraud and all torts of bribery personal corruption intimida tion these more experienced the whole procedure is un derstood to mean very than amove for political effect In entering a protest the legal fraternity generally take all the the election law permits by making scope of en quiry as wide possible and then follow up the prosecution by seeking afterwards to discover said or done to justify one or more of the charges alleged or to afford oppor tunity for party leaders to effect com promisesin other words to arrange for between certain favor ite candidates on either side without creating distrust among their respect ive supporters in the constituencies affected In too many instances it is simply a political manoeuvre to ac complish some purpose altogether unknown to the general public- As above stated no less than eighteen protests have been entered but the chances are that not onehalt of them will ever be advanced beyond the preliminary of placing the de fending candidate in the witness box on enquiry of discovery Mean while the effect of the action taken will result in keeping up local party courage and stimulate to future effort for supremacy It is possible however in present instance where comparatively few votes in the House transferred from one side to the would affect the stability of the existing Government to Hon Mr to and North- Wast a Norfolk fa known to bit will IhJr to h mod will bo their rapport and policy ably advocate- tan aUctioa pro- bad flJad at Hall all agaiiut agalmt folio Lon don North Waal week mora hare been Ottawa anno luicea that White for fat dee- of torn apptan the not to him bat to open the a candidate be turn Mr is ninth con- Ottawa in of of by Meredith on the ground it would tend Uttta which pind oat bill to rarycloaeta r them are a enaotraenU fcConmnlmUon which La few will make a or men the for the sud other Smiet is A deaptch ado About the protest of the Commiialonr Crown Land- The important tttactioQ petition filtd that Hon A Hardy It apparently at a of inch at that recently inch an upheave In Newfound- land and yet Sir Hardy right on attending to t old for ward in a law to in Parry Sound usual The charge or the petitioner dont to worry the Coancil and opening of Are in old acro average number of protests may be prosecuted to the end in the railway did not accomplish Rev DJ In ftnnoancd to pmch in Winnipeg next The Embargo the war between Japan and China Accord ing to to be In a naval conflict last week China a warship with nearly board and on another conflict took place the of Another lost and two Chinese cruisers captured by tha Japs Chinese fleet carried most of whom were Among the Of belonging to the Cktn At London this report of a engage is not accepted as very reliable official despatches have jet been reoeired -A- f at- In todays supplement we publish Mr speech in Parliament dealing with the circumstances that brought about the English embargo on Canadian cattle- The documen tary evidence now for the time brought to light comes from the custody of tho Government and ex plains conclusively the occasion of this embargo- Briefly the case as follows Great passed an act in under which they can issue an order U qui ring the slaughter of all cattle flicted with cattle disease or which conic from a country which does not adopt proper measures to prevent the introduction of cattle disease into such country In the language of tbe Act such an order is called scheduling the country in question that is putting that country on the schedule or list of countries send live caltleinlo England Under this Act England scheduled the United States in of the outbreak of pneumonia amongst the cattle of the Western States Canada being free from dis ease was not scheduled but our rail ways wished to cany American cattle from the west through Canada to American Atlantic ports This trade being a source of danger to Canadian cattle would have caused England to schedule Canada and therefore in order to prevent such a result our Government sent one of its members to arrange if possible a basis which would meet the requirements of the Act by the adoption regulations the carriage of American cattle through as to Canada to the risk of being scheduled- Such a basis was reached and under it have ever since been engaged in the trade in question but owing to bad faith and on the part of Canada in not living up to the terms of the agreement Canada has been placed on the scheduled of count ries forbidden to export live cattle in to England This basis was at follows The cattle were to be In spected on the American side before entering Canada The cars were to be so constructed that the droppings should not fall out The cattle tram was to be put under charge of a Gov- guardian to see that no laxity of regulations should occur This officer was to remain in charge Of the train until it left Canada ard he was to see that the cars were cleaned and disinfected before they came back and of course would report any who violated the regulations Instead of appointing independent men as guardians the Government to the railways blank appoint- meats to be filled up by tbe railways with the names of the conductors Fancy the I A conductor nominally a Govern ment officer was 16 watch himself conductor in pay of the railway This breach of faith resulted in a total of all the Dominion Government agreed to exclude American cattle from Canada when through as above and of observing this stipulation allowed thcrn out being inspected or quarantined the hope that byeelections will result in strengthening the Opposition but seeing that most of the Government supporters petitioned against were re turned by decided majorities unless personal disqualification can be estab lishedwhich is not likelythe hope will be vain Efifaffj WBiV to awuT The Etnpiti currency la the rnmor around Hall that Chief Justice Thomas will from lit m Tax Dominion Premier John recuperating up tha wild of Ho had to get retch in to find peace TmPtmaalOcntralandUon tatted for a holi day rip nothing of an offi cial connected with thilr to old third effort of the Natural Oat Co- lottrikegaiat Hamilton failed On Tuesday driller at the well rock at and operations In March lor KM Ah county named A Jol- Martin order to prevent through hit Into hit crops brutally cut out before a and fined for fall abominable to poor dumb iV catle attention to the fact that Chicago will have to for the of the The railway now tending In their bills a claim of pretty price to pay for the cepC4 Mr Debs and bit friend It officially dig Adolhe Ctrona absence la Mr will be acting PostMatter General Hon Mr acting Premier during Johns from Ottawa enjoying a tntnmer noting In hat been reached in reference to Manitoba nd school legislation An Ottawa despatch dated July Secretary of Stata morning transmitted an older in council to of Manitoba and Territories drawing their attention to the recent petition to Parliament of tbe cardinals and bishops of Roman Catholic Church in Canada complaining that school legislation of both assemblies worked iojnttice to the Itoman Catholic portions of those commnnltie The order eipreaiea hope that the local will give consideration to and take speedy to give rarest Government good care not to tbia delicate question after the Parliament ad journed Tat announcement in Toronto towards the close of week Mr Warden of County of York had bis departure for parte wai a veritable Financial embarrassment arising from complicated business operations and a general depression In real estate It assigned canto of hit leavetaking It natter for regret that ha did not tender bis rejigo- Heave of East Toronto before leaving and thus rentier the office of Warden vacant also It would bare saved some to the County that baa honored him by its highest municipal gift the banks which are secured will not pay twenty cents on the dollar On the other hand Mr legal ad visers say lift affaire are not to bad reported and that re turn bo looked for day however nothing new respecting either the Wardens Intentions or where aboula has been dcvdoid Meanwhile the County authorities an taking action After consultation with the County Roll- Mr clerk of the County has issued a circular to each of the Council asking hit opinion as to the advisability of calling a meeting for the of electing a now Warden Nothing will be done untiftbe replies are In J ST NORTH We can boast of hearing the thresh ing engine whistle and the dismal hum of the machine Mr spent a few daya In King last week- Miss Bell spent a few days under the parental roof at Queens- ville last week Mrs Margaret Clark has several guests from New York this week We are sorry to say that Mrs is suffering a severe attack of Inflammation but is re- Wideawake Bury Mr J Lewis in town over Bandy Mr at Toronto in town her bolt Toronto and Toronto i- with Mils Mr of Town Clerks for ft few is toil wtk With A- Mrs Hamilton Of Barrio of AJdermo wsj Son- Minnie torn la with at Toronto Mr Barry la off Qeoi Buy and and banting ate ho tnjraed lo the after spending two with in town Mtsarfl AX and wheeled to Ballon Ponton and wife wood are relative in Aurora and week- and spending month with aid left to the remainder the snmmtx in the Cane and P went to Point and Sunday Mm- A ii and Abe Toronto spending a daya Mr Joseph wife and children ltwmirkel spent Sunday with in town Major Frederick Ensign Mo- were the Mr Oliver the visit the Band Elder aiid wife vem in town tir week owing to the death Miss and Mia Lucy Brock of Holland Landing are pi Mr and Mrs Wooding Chis Woodruff of Sheldon Iowa Mrs David of Sharon is here on a lour visiting with and friends Maggie and who visiting their Wallace in the city for the month returned home night Elgin is visiting with hit uncle at Walker ton at present and Walter is epudiog his holidays with his at Miss Smith of Toronto on and to spend summer at her Smith at Cedar Mr and Mrs Rev J Bell and daughter of Little Britain few in town Mr Bell wife drove down to the city on Monday at tend im portant busings referenda to the corps work Mrs Hill of Toronto Junction was the of Mrs P Belfry yester day and left last night to spend a fee with Jackson on the Lake shore A Geo and Oscar have pitched their tent on the shore of between Keswick Point Bernard retarntd f on Wednes day having received tle appointment of House for the Home for ableeatParkdtle Mr Held of Victoria widow late Nelson of ar rived last week and intends spend ing snmmer visiting relatives and in Ontario Mr Alex of Detroit over for a two vacation He baa Won manager in the tome store for ten years and situation evidently agrees with physically and Rev J- of spent Friday with his father on streets returning to his home with two daughters who had been their holidays with their grandfather Mrs of sister of Mr hat been here on a visit for the weeks Mr going with her today and expects month of Now- market alto going them Mr Joseph I Carman Man formerly of Union East spending bis holidays hit mother Mrs J in Toronto the NorthWest wall and intends hack In about three weeks Tho many friends Mr and Modern Language master of KettpWHle High School will bo to learn that he secured the position of Principal of High We congratulate Board Mr Dr Albert rails this for the European Hos pitals to the coarse of study on eye note and throat wblch he hat been pursuing for the past two In American hospitals The doctor In Toronto on his return ROACHS POINT on the lake short are be coming more numerous Mesars- and Helmer struck tent on Sandy Beech last Saturday and Messrs Hughe Braramar and hare them a Major Lloyd and struck tent on Monday Dr Scott Dr Campbell Alderman Rots and family Mr and Miss Mr Vernon and family Mr J A Collins were here on Sunday also Reeve wife of East Dr nnd family of Toronto are camping at and Mrs and daughter of Toronto are boarding with Mr for a month A very interesting Bible Cliss was held at the editors camp last Subday led by Addison It will be continued at next Sun day evening The Misses Wright of and Mr and Mrs J S of Toronto are visiting at the editors Lakeside Home and enjoying the bathing im mensely rtfessrs Geo Rose and Mr Joaeph have the fish story to tell this week They were here with and lines on Monday and the guests of the Dr at Keswick A surveyor And two assistants are taking the bearings and dimensions of Snake Island on paper and the people along the shore are wondering what scheme is up now This is first time a surveyor has ever been over Island Mr bible class at the church every Sunday afternoon is well attended particularly last Sunday when it was taken by Rev Mr ring At oclock the infant of Hume Blake Esq- was baptized in the church when a large number of per sons attended Quite a Urge number of communi cants were present at the catty Com Service id Christ Church at oclock on Sunday morning last The Rector officiated assisted the Rev Canon Osier Rev Canon Osier of York Mills preached at both services last Sunday and was assisted in the morning by Rev Mr of Toronto Rev Mr Bell expects to lake the entire work next Sunday as the Canon re turns this week and Mr will not be able to remain over Sunday in future The general topic of conversation among the residents is speculation as to how the fence trial will end Mr Vernons horse got out of pas ture Tuesday night causing consider able anxiety among the campers from Newmarket Squire McCordicks horse away from the fence in front of Bay View Villa the other day and caused the buggy to lay up for repairs FROG VALLEY Berry picking is all the rage and selfsealers are in great demand Miss Alma Solder visited her sister at Thornhill last week Mrs P and Mrs Wells of TemperiDcevUle wera the guests of Job Wells last Friday Mr Arch Campbell wife and daughter arc spending their holidays at his parents at King Creek Miss Pool was the guest of Miss Campbell last week Mr Walter Rolling is home for his holidays Edward was laid off work for a couple of on account of a sore hand- idberiisetyiiS JULY PLEASANT VALLEY Re Mr Scott will Rive his report from the Cleaveland Convention of League and Christian En deavor at Friends Meeting House Pine Orchard on evening Aug 3rd at oclock All axe wel come A great many visiters in this neigh borhood namely Miss Scott cousin of Rev Mr Scott at Mr J E Mrs and Miss of Stouifville also Mrs Hill son of at home of Mr J R Mrs McMiUian of formerly of Street and Mrs Newmarket at Mr Peter The fanners are housing their fall wheat and barley this week Crops here appear to be about the average except on low land which is very poor What lflTCly harvest weather we are having Blacksmiths coat ia very scarce and hard to get to our smithy says Vim KESWICK Quarterly service will take place in the Methodist here next Sun day morning commencing at Rev P Addison is to preach The Quarterly Official Board meeting will take place at the fol lowing day -V- Very nearly a runaway last Saturday evening Mr Marsh and Mrs Kay of the Point were shopping at Ma- honeys leaving the horse tied so front when four bicycles went past The horse was fright ened and broke the bridle all to pieces but Mr rushed out of the store in lime to grab it before it got away V This reminds us that we notice the Dr has been investing in a fine new wheel No doubt ho will find it bandy as it will be always ready at the door It is expected that a Memorial Service will be held in the Christian Church here next Sunday morning the wife of Rev a na tive of Ihis place haying died at New ark NJ on Monday Every week we add fresh snaps to the piles of bargains already here THIS WEEK Boys fine glovegrain Tie Shoe worth 95c Mens fine Buff Lace Shoes worth July Sale Mens Buff Gaiters worth July Sale Mens Suits all sizes this week worth July Sale Mens Tweed Pants worth 150 July Sale 1 All Carpets at Cost Price All our fine Tweeds at Cost Price Our Dress Goods at and are now Allwool Cream Serge worth July Sale 30c Scotch Zepher Ginghams July Sale 10c Parasols worth July Sale Parasols worth 1 July Sale 75c Parasols worth 160 July Sale Silk Gloves worth 35c July Sale 15c Cotton Hose Stainless 2 pair 25 c Every Counter loaded with Bargains I early THE H E CO Last Store in Millards Block I iptri fcxc currency lo Ma P P tor he Hiding Hum slowly for South tor HOLT the wine bill wo go or leulrK KrHtlckoi will h Hit Topper Hon Or will fcddretf ft lo Breton WrLLtMiCouaty hold at the Int ficrQDl or Hon It p ffu P J A P A tutu id- beret to hit la toy Mil lb If mil tor of him All Li li Ifltrttle4 mo I Tent meetings hive again started on the con conducted by Rev Mr Scott of Pine Orchard Rev Mr Dewey is giving a series of sermons in the Methodist Church here On Wednesday evening Re- pentance was his theme Every body welcome Mrs Daniel and Horace of ate visiting friends here Miss Walton of Zephyr Is spending a few days at Mr Cunning hams Mr Jean was at on Sunday I Mr Daniel of Detroit was visiting his brother Mr Some of our ladies who attended the Methodist Church at Mount Al bert fan Sunday getting dresses spoilt while sitting in the gallery They stuck to the seat and brought some paint with them One voting lady left Her hanker- chief on the seat and another one part of her Hymn book Lib Around lis Bull HOLLAND LANDING The harvest of wheat and barley is over in these parts and a ex cellent crop it has been indeed The present harvest eclipses those of many years William Stephenson Sons are out on the war path with two machines Messrs Belfry and Wright were the first to thresh The two daughters May and Lottie of exReeve residents of Chicago are over tor few weeks Quite an enjoyable time was spent at grandma Chapmans when Pearl Chapman of Toronto gave her young friends an afternoons outing- Several of the villagers were the sick list but all Or nearly all are con valescent are sorry to hear of the serious Illness of folk in our sister villages If they attribute the fevers to water found i our park will know we never It The water hire Is generally most excellent Mr and Mrs Owen Lloyd took a drive to Vaughan last week and re port good crops generally Mr Ferdinand had one of his best farm horses taken sick a couple of ago and died very suddenly which would be a consider able loss Some pretty warm weather last Friday was a sweater Ditto Saly and Berries are drying up and a not so plentiful as it was thought they were going to be The road from the comer of the 5th to Kettleby has been rounded up and is in good shape Farmers are bound to raise the needful somehow there are some big loads of tanbark moving towards Newmarket Dont get scared friends but by a weather prediction which someone gave us in the Era a little oyer a year ago and which I have been taking notice of for some time and find to be very reliable I predict It rather stormy for three weeks of the present month the last week to be Now just take notice and if it fails it will good thing for this part jand 1 will quit the weather prophesying and try something else I only pre dict lor Canada and North not included at thai The grain thresher has commenced work Fall wheat has been housed and a Urge quantity of barley There is considerable sickness brought with colds caused by sudden changes of the weather and being overdone with the heat It turned out a wet night for the band garden party on Tuesday of last week but crowd enough had got there so that was taken in by the gate ami sale from lent But as only a small portion of the large stock of provisions was eaten they arranged for another party Friday evening and as It was fine there was a good turnout The boys gave them some good music which could be heard for a long distance What with a good supper music and other sports the company went home feeling that an enjoyable evening had been spent The receipts amounting to another which will be a good lift towards paying for their new horns and wagon The apple crop will be no show at all compared with the large amount of blossoms la the spring Miss Minnie Hilborn and a lady friend from Toronto spent a few days at her home at Mr Miss Butler of Toronto was visit relatives and friends here tbe past week also Mr Two more new arrivals Mrs John a boy and Mn Cook a girl There are now promises of a good root crop Potatoes are already a nice sire and some fine good wurzcli turnips doing well The we have seen were Mr John ways they measured three inches In diameter three weeks ago very likely- there are as good Mr Joseph Lloyd has come home from Tcmsrd to help his brother Walter with the harvest The agent this last week note the number of trees that bad died in the various planted from their nurseries and will replace wilh good trees in the fall or next spring Mr J is last accounts still very weak hut his Dr has hopes of a recovery Alfred came home last week from Manitoba on account of his fathers illness There was a large turnout at the Christian Sabbath School and meeting on Sunday last Northern Wisconsin is iwept by the worst forest fire In Sitte Mrs Jos Linstead and her daugh ter Jennie are spending two or three weeks at Lake Mrs is much improved in health Great preparations are going on for Methodist Garden Party which is to take place on the ground hit ThosvWyHa next Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies Aid The grounds are near the church and should the weather be unfavorable to remain outdoors the program will be carried out in the church so that there will be no disappointment on that score Tea such as our ladies know how to get up will be served from to oclock Band will furnish selections A splendid program has been arrang ed comprising choruses quartettes trios and solos by the choir and others interspersed with short ad dresses by Revs Washington Mc Lean and and a few recitations Mr and of Toronto and their two daughten are expected to take part Icecream and other re freshments will be served at the booths This will be trie event of the season dont miss it CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE JcOerrard Cor CANADAS GREATEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS- trADitct wllb tudAU la toe ckCalira and fill AW MOUNT PLEASANT Mrs Stephens is visiting rela tives in Tottenham for a couple of months Miss Jennie of Tottenham is spending her holidays here Miss Nellie Johnson of spent two or three weeks visiting friends in this locality Miss J Johnson of Scott is vis iting at her sisters Mrs W Shaw Mr J s spending his holi day with friends in Miss Cowieson of is visiting at her grandfathers Mr Geo Wright Fall wheat and barley are nearly all in the barn and threshing will be next in order Our butchers had encounter with a couple of Italians one night last week which they will not- soon forget Ed and George say they will have no mercy on the next they meet ROBERTSO The Sale of that Far Famed Sensation is increasing We are not afraid to say that this is the best in town you i never tried it just try a pound as simple and you will noo I Next week we expect our rew seasons Japan Teas We getting a to sell at per lbs for It will knick out anything on the market We insure or money refunded Dont forget that English Breakfast is immense We it with any tea in town Call and see out samples of Sugar before you buy showing extra good value line We sell Johns Rolled Wheat in Package also Dunhams Cocoanut in Packages Supreme Soap is similar to Surprise and only a Our Grocery Stock is fresh and new We have no shopworn goods but all are clean goods Do not fail to give us a call as you can save money by dealing with us Alain St AROBERTSON The Leading Baker Grocer Confectioner Aug is day Veto set for the regatta Tbe events will be as follows Single scull con- Some sneak thief stole all Mr D Kings tools out his binder onedar last week It is a pity that such work could not be brought home to the guilty Several others have lost twine and pieces of their machines We feel certain that the paper spoken of in last weeks Era start at Keswick wilt turn out to be a lot like its editor plenlv of space hut not fn it and wife were visit ing In the village one day last week Mrs Geo and sister spent Sunday in this place V Messrs Smith and J left Saturday last for the far north on an huckleberry expedition Mr of Lloyd- town was here over Sunday Sometimes our ige appears tobevety dull and quiet but this summer things have been quite lively Harvest is making rapid progress Mr Ajpew of spent Saturday and Sunday In the with bis Mrs J He is a great Sabbath School Worker and while here he our School a handsome cajl bell Mr S became prostrated with the intense heat on Friday He suffered great pain but is able to be at work again We are pleased to learn that Miss Etta Davidson has been successful in obtaining a third class certificate in the recent exams She has only at tended High School one year We wish to congratulate her on her CMS A few of our young ladies attended a private at Roches on Friday last and report a fine time Miss I of Sutton day and Sunday with her J Arnold Morton I- agricultural interests Your Keswickco to know when holding their pic been fixed mediately aft- Miss Re visuin ThS ihiiicj boy one FURNITURE OH FOR CASH t Undertaking A Embalming A SPECIALTY JIMILLARD Gaudaur and Rogers and Jake is giving a medal to be competed for by the local oarsmen under years of age- Markets i- a OSS a a Bailor bubal OS a a CO per ton I per 10 Battorltablpetlb bag Wool par lb 0 W EAVING- J liny per tOD 065 OS a a CO a Oil a a 0W a a SOU a Milk red ftlpODHimkJ rr or Jair lor the wi lt be Borne Apply Telephone Connection Tho peidlo Oak Yang ThAito it lue by Bet Toronto Market a bnebol 01 A GOOD for wood Bfl band lot pile or Mb per Set BOM UARM FOR SALK- Lot No J ictM mote or On ll for iw i 1 BprlDRWheAtperbofchel- Wheat per boebet 1 Better per 0U per Hoy per ton pork per per 67 ao 064 on M04oraiidVaarv5ek Any loam the Lot a 015 to TOO Hb q not by the of for Apply to r Terras u fi9bertisehcii3 Aon of ma to ALict Id tor- tad tut ditkCaittrglEJluboth WMrtainiODfMKl Of A OF THANKS- The fctbee tall way to to the raaay IS UArlM TO RENT Wb COB QwUUmbory Apply or WILL be paid to aforettBt etivchod No- of of I Ualoa In North and East OR SALE- A J THE of the late flhsppird ad lllw I a pit Mi M L if I U A J if