Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1894, p. 3

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tf j tt r Local WHAT IS GOING ON ABOUT TOWN Prksbvixruk Church Rev will with J Bell next od both reniDZ- St Johns Cemetery A Kit week in plot of the of this town bis P J of Toronto The Water Mains on Huron are extended Ernst week in order to to Walt ind Factory What Example Does The oiled fioom at School are each in in appearance durability I the Model School to follow their and Saodjr the job The Jr Hill hold a Entertainment the IrclQn room of the next Tnreday Tb program of and an bom befornUbed for a charge Produce Market There was a good for this the principal and New dropped to a peck Red at So bunt Ken at per lb offered brought peck No Bluffing A scrimmage be tween of Aaron end on the back from the ground liter the day came abort an Hit the Cbiif it egatnthe thereto may tocootribnte fundi While making repairs to their store- Roche Co have had a of at the of the mp hot their own yet bad the night after and ileal both and plank Notices Lave been that if the if it wilt be central prison Mechanics Institute Inspect or May of paid an official the Library and Reading week Ha wee wilt phased Appearance of rooms and loca tion at well the evidence a gocd circulation of boots A meet- inx of the Director to hie report and recommendations for the Further Improvements Var ious to capacity of the Dry Kilcs at Cane Factory neccentate the enlarutment of ait and in order to make the ftltentlnnf the Weil end of down on Tuesday At the tame time ft new plan- log machine to be fitted ready for action East of the factory is crowded with and a of are helping on work Roche A Co- have removed the Millard store Into Caldwell block They connected two large tores formerly by Bros and Bra into one big store by catting through on lit floor on floor and 3 in the bus They intend to light with the eleclrio light When it will be the best laid oat store North of Toronto and no store in Toronto will be better laid out for retailing general merchandize Bicycle Races Next Wednes day evening on Exhibition track at there will be the of the of racea given by the handicap and mile dash racer there will be a j mite foot vs race between A a J mile dash Shape and A Those races ars being ridden in fait tiros so be there sure cents ladles free Arrangement are to be made If the Citizens for tbe inderol the series of races Au Society Returns The Township Branch So cieties of North York made of for the current year to the County as follows and North East and other by Now opposing Government grant to be same as last which likely the county grant added the will be divided pro rata according to which will be about iQ for each dollar ticket aid a to sveniog ftS- a right loyal time we enjoyed They program of etc alter which were served It was halfpast eleven be fore were to A close Methodist Church The sub ject for next will be Tbe Divine Mother Even I eg The of Christ to the Rev who expected to take charge of the oclock Fellowship meeting neat nnday morning The Road Bridge is giving the business part of the town a tittle more attention waek for which it deserves praise- foot of Main street is required for the traffic and the raking off of loose stones and cleaning oat ditches Is able The goes towards filling op the Water- Works lot Deluded Immigrants- A man and his wife with five small children lived in town from last Satur day night after oclock travelling on foot and were entirely without means- They had oat from Ireland and bean in this country aboQt for the land flowing with milk and honey The Mayor gave an order to keep them at the Central over and they departed for the north knows what will become of Christian Church There was a congregation at TIM last evening which was oon by Elder At close of an earnest on cue can didate was in the fount con for that purpose During this part of service however the was very coach by the noise of the Salvation Army end it occurs on a evening the Salvationists may expect to get into hot water Priuarv The report of the joint Board of on the re salt of the primary examination been The following will be of to our readers Newmarket Bennett J Cain Dennis Hamilton Kennedy A Lehman Poole Porter Richardson A Webb Aurora M Chappslf A Kenny A- hlaUoy J Precious Pink- High Schoou A meeting of the took place on Wednesday after noon all members being present except Messrs C- Webb and A J- A number of small were topi of was a cation regarding increase of salary for Mr the number of pupils and the standing of the pupils in work compared with the of other throughout the Province the Board finally decided to put Mr salary at from the Is of next January of year for three and Mr- Dickson aFso to have a a year for four years commencing at the same date ERA AUG Us Know It for a country man to ihatgoeaon In the hot how unless tell him of local -rraoces- Do not thick we know all things by intuition you to help any thing hat to yoor knowledge ENxrtAKCE Exams Those who think they to have and are not with the result should free examiners from any blame in the matter by appealing to the Minister Education to have the papers Two dollars net sent to have papers reread This however Is returned If sustained Appeals will be up to August Excu a Prospects are for a good crowd at the to the Falls seme people are afraid that they cannot wake up in time arrangement have bee made to ring Bell and blow the whistles at both the Water- Works and at that it Is a fire alarm But the Firemen do not intend that the shall have this excuse for not them Excursionists by the Railway can stop off at Brooks Monument the Whirlpool Whirlpool Inclined and Cantilever Bridge either going or returning for half an hour and take next car free of charge The fttra Is the largest passenger boat on the being over feet in length and capable of carrying passengers Toronto friends can procure tickets from on the boat at usual Arrangements have been made with restaurant and lunch- counter keepers furnish lunch to excursionists wearing Brigade Badges at Brigade to and a holiday with them on Canadas Historical Frontier and view the tattle ground of where fell some of Canadas noblest eons as well as see natures grandest scenery the Niagara Falls and environments- Dont the train it Newmarket The Town Council asking tenders to of five years for street lighting Con tractors are to leader for two systems the arc and or incandescent In of the targe public debt on the town already invoking heavy tax bill to debenture obliga tion and the large demand for schools and reeled local the Council should slow In thy matter likely to inert- the rate for regarded an absolute by numbers who to meet the calls of from Bradford hereon afternoon and to return borne on the evening lrain mined end then thought they would catch the but they Into corn wiilj a enable of young fellows who to ml e it alto While pus Ins home he heard one of the girl fay How shall homo This and that I lie aot op folloAt ih couple got and Into the He liters the engage a livery rig and drive them home If occurs ell partiet he arretted and Salvation coming on eye- train lest day the band the and all The bind wasnocK small than bit succeeded in a tig crowd at the corner of Main and elftti where an Open air meeting held previous to in the Mechanics Hall Those who attended the a great band being a great traction at the afternoon wetting amounted to which will clear the rents whfeb OMsatt was for series with a redhot prayer meeting general rejoicing Ihtaalvalloplati- Tbe band kit hereon the tram Monday fnyrnlog and wtll with St Pauls S The annual S 8 on Thursday of last week In Mr- grove was well attended and afforded a pteavant outing for the children and their friends A lacrosse match between the Intermedial Tela- and the Start resulted In a tie to 3 Following this was a game of football between the Pioneers and Rainbows which also proved a tie In the races the following were prises Open race girls Clara Min nie Open race boys Albert Sharp Fred Sharpe Girls race under Katie Cleo Boys race under CUude Holmes Threelegged Albert and Fred and Boot race Alva Bertie Daw- kins race girls Violet Trent Flossie Holmes Consolation race boys Hunter J Cokstructiom A gang about lelsphons men struck town on Thursday night of last week They had just fioisbsd construction of line from King to by way of They remained here or three or four day erecting higher poles through the business part of town so that the wires would be more oat of the road In case of fire About half of the gang then went on up the line and the rest are till here making the neces sary alterations of wires The circuit which was brought as far rora last Fall is being to a point between Or dfnafy people have no Idea what it costs to construct a telephone Hoe Four car loads of poles were here for the alterations to be made this town and the freight alone cost on each pole came froin Falls and are feet high While ejecting one of these near the Town Clerks office leg of the broke when half way up and heavy pole fell to the ground Fortunately the men all got out of the way and escaped injury will be some alterations In the local calls and as soon as the work Is completed we will give full llet again According to the villa Frit there is a hired man near there that did the same trick as Newmarket Strange isnt it The man who says he cant stop to take a summer Is the man who most it so dont forget the Fire mens Excursion A law now In provides that notice persons a firm or change of firm name mutt be filed with clerk and pub lished In a newspaper people forget this and leave themselves open fine of A prominsnt farmer says he has noticed that there are two things that dont thrive any mora red clover and We are pleased to make mention of the arrival of friends If our citizens take the pains to give the Information The green cucumber and the unripe water melon axe now having their innings as humanity is generally painfully present hoi weather may be good for corn but its awful rough on collars and No amount login ever yet a boy that it was to come oat of the water and tackle the knots in his clothe When a man nearly breaks his neck getting out of lbs way of a lightning bug supposing it to be the headlight of a locomotive it is time for him to sign the pledge This is the mouth for school Trustees to make application to Municipal Counoits for the amount of foods require to meet their expenses for the next months The boys have commenced work on the green apples and Is shortly expect ed that the green apples will get in their work- If you have got an idea that not a boxy season try to hire a man to hoe your a great field open to some genius to make a lead pencil that will not get away from its owner into another persons pocket Petty thieves are around again Somebody stole a whip out of a rig at the North American shed last Sat Mr has roof on bis new house and Mr Is ready for the roof Regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at Mrs Mallows on Eagle awoke you yesterday morning oclock belli A man who appeared to be slightly dement ed was taken out of the pond one evening this week third of the racei given by off evening- ractf ever ridden on no losing but clear grit riding The foot race bicycle bad to be owing to the baring played thai and too stiff handicap was the first event those starting being ydi PO Oryla yds and Jack The order was 1st A 1 Time this rao the finish was doe being a wheels length ahead J Stellar an be being about six In I mile dash Lloyd Dunn and Reg were the only winning in Th last was the and A Binns start ing It ended in a dead heat Owing to match in the after- noon no wai made Next night Wednesday Aug the boys for a good attendance A large the above many ladles amongst tbe number thus encouraging the boys very much AT THE SXCaasr Ink New moon Farmers awful busy ripening very fait Prospects of a good yield Threshers hard at work three weeks more holidays Early closing tomorrow night holiday next ConncD next Monday Town July M A special meeting of the took on Saturday evening call of the Mayor to consider at which the members were present Council went Into and after general discussion rsportsd as follows That the Clerk to ask for tenders from Beat Power Co and J Campbell for lighting Tow on the baste I Lamps GO ICO candle power By Aw 18 or I and By Joint system of arc lights Main street and the reel of the town to be lighted by incandescent to ft Contract for five and any person out of town tendering must send a marked cheque for as a guarantee faith And that Messrs Cane Banter and Cody be appointed a committee to report at next meeting where lighta to be placed O Tench and A Robertson heard and Mr Lloyd acting for Sir said that he was pre pared to his tenderby the guarantee adopted Counoll which then adjourned till Tuesday evening I That we are holding a Big Clearing Sale 4 50 for 2 4 6 00 Boys Tweed Suits worth for Boys Tweed Suits fine all wool worth Mens Tweed Suits fine all wool worth Mens Pine Steel Grey Worsted Summer Overcoats worth r Boys Black Bibbed Knickerbocker Stockings M a pair below regular prices An all round reduction on Boots and SfelvyVV All single width Press Goods reduced per cent selling from up at worth Tweeds at worth Fine Towels at 15c worth each Now Fall Stock and hold out these genuine OF- Boots f m A At prices that cannot be touched by any house in the trade We want to reduce our stock and are offering all our BOOTS and SHOES at Greatly Reduced Prices AH kinds of repairing done BRODIE I i i i We want- the space cleared for our inducements to purchasers TERMS STRICTLY CASH R ON Council met Toetday evening per All member ex cept The CflmtotttM presented ft re port of where they locate the end elio 100 well form of tender went into committee on re port it wee nearly eleven oclock be fore got through Tender ere to be In or next Monday evening- I m HOT WEATHER GOODS New Arrivals OF SILK GLOVES- CREAM TAN BLACK That we carry the Best Stock of from 350 Suits from 1100 up Cheaper than fev- TWEEDS WORSTEDS I TROUSERINGS SPRING OVEKCOATINGS AND LININGS TO BE 1 Swiss all over Embroideries ii AT WORTH 7c Flannelettes AT CENTS WORTH 8 CENTS A Tuesday it perfect day for end a big crowd went offer Perk to toe between cad The bnd in rendered choice front of the which wis witb The proved to be the beet here years end the Trie rather onesided end exciting referee gave greet ipt- to At 316 the lined folio Hack With Colors From nil reporte had a greet week trip leUnd The by over frfcnde here at two decorated in the white and to Point time en boor before two tralue from In and were In wait- ins and the the like pinch ipltdld the jolly eonge of kept the way The noon nod after doing joe- to a good dinner the lya got reedy for the lac tot re match lined W Cberry Lloyd J goal point cover let del 3rd centre 8rd home let it fnslde Doyle Ed Doyle Bhnpo Montgomery J J Ed A- field captain a a polo ViHioD p IloyI P 3rd calu J A 3rd bom Cin Wlllwn j m odf J K J jnlild A lailde let Tell 2nd pi Cain The very and retailed In favor of the to The trip made In good time the Point oclock and the boy borne op with care very highly treatment by the folftu and will a long time before forget opting J The won the and decided to throw Into the eaetern goal Altera In centre the ball went to where and got to pity however It wee not long got the rubber and It tent down the field It and after pretty ran to the fltge scored flnt game lor the by a ewiH neat game the longeel the goal a played a defence it game that came to the front end he pal np one of ever on the field Montgom ery work In field very effect and Larry made three or four pretty rune However It wae to and Cherry watching goal very After hard play Eddie Doyle ran the bell the field and pitied It to ONeil who It to the filler lending ball ling The third game only a The ball did Newmarket goal in game after tome nice team play It petted to Murphy who Ult game partly defence for Aarora and after had ei or hot thole a getting one The match Inclined to be little roogb at for the part friendly The boy went Into determined to win and well their victory extend their hearty to the Bend for their in being In to helping to the afternoon by their After match Tele goo were at the and of Mine will not toon be forgotten are for trip next week to play after noon and on July The Conncil met to ad- Member all present The bill were calved con 9U40 Ed gravel Joe at Hugh Archibald log road Vokee Barry repair con John Borrow repair J Brown tree pleat ing Riley repair to con- B repair to lh drawing scrap- P repair to 2nd cod John Elliott repair to con bill HI Edwards cedar Sharpe repair to unloading ewerpipe John Cook re grant north town line Henry Parr road repair con repair Gamble road IB atone 3rd con road repair con freight John removing road Bolton calvert west re con re grant J Davie re grant con A Hope removing atone road 91 re north 935 drawing to pay the baUnce of grant on the action of Reeve and Mr A temporary loan of 9200 we to the vlllege of for CO day with the that a farther earn of would bo by lew wee pesied to rateable pro perty In the laid Tillage to provide for of the The next will be held at Bell Hotel con Aagnit when petition mutt be In from Kbool Groceries of ail kinds fresh and bought at lowest possible prices W A BRUNTON PLAYTERS OLD STAND Our Serge r is something you V should have L V We also insert a latent Safety Pocket Free of Charge TAILORS Neil door to Jewelry Store NEWMARKET Always use Powder rf a Orillut big will place August QUEEN ST OH IT CHAT Master Fred of Sharon is spending his holidays with his Mrs Mrs Frank Miller of The wedding dame an nounced for Wednesday didnt come off nor is likely to till the sweet so I am told The old dame is Retting a reputation for being sparing of truth That terror of thieves and one of Torontos finest Police Constable was laid for a few days and look advantage of tbe occasion to relatives at On a trip Stouffvrlje recently I noticed that the crops the Ridges vcif very poor also that the grasshopper threatens to invade that What have lentrae and Vivian scribes to say It Mils Jennie Hill Qucensville Ii a tew weeks visiting with her brother Hill of David Fletcher a resident of this section in his youth but now of Chi cago is guest of John Soules J of Though a man of years yet his eye is as bright and his step as elastic as a young man of forty Mrs David and her sitter Hunt witb her daughters and grandchildren took a trip up North on Sunday to sniff the cooling of Like rainy other prominent citizen of Newmarket who took a scoot to Lake Simcoe on Sunday may be mentioned Ron big seller which is enjoying bank holidays Mrs lviTSon Barber and children of Illinois axe over on a visit with her brother CA Terry dentist Robert I Terry domine and farmer Frank Terry Scene a beautiful moonlight even ing on Queen St Time ten oclock pm a resounding smack and the lovers part The curtain Slouflville growing rapidly no mushroom either and bids fair to rival Newmarket The village now sports not supports two local papers It is sadly in need of ad equate fire protection being absolute ly with no means of defence in case a fire got started She had best take warning by the fate of Village The Methodist Church Choir of that place is something very nice worth going mites to hear the silver warbler Mrs Those SioutTers seem to just fairly revel in music Hustle around and hunt the neces sary for the best entertain ment of the season given by the Ladies Aid of the Meth odist Church Particulars later on Our young who were so til are on the nigh road to recovery Mrs and the Misses are ex pected up on Sunday and likely will favor us with some of their grand singing at Methodist Church that day Ascribe from Pine Orchard lately laments the scarcity of young men to escort the yonng ladies home from lodge Now if the said young ladies are attractive enough we can spare a number of our young men lo attend to the escorting and we can guaran tee them to be a genuine article Our young ladies are to very attractive aa to generally have several young men tagging after them Consequently our have an abundance of mit ten A large number of strangers are visiting friends this locality Amongst 9ers are Rev C Percy of New Rev Percy Stouff ville Miss Percy New York Mr Arthur Cole and family onto at John Mrs Rachel Coles daughter and husband 1 from New York State and numerable Others General Apply to MIS Cor at OOU DRIVER Bo Apply to Sato- ityoncgaDd am Dearly now FRESH MEAT fao will PEDDLE FRESH MEAT to bit cuilouieu lb ilia fcfforat July fltf THEJOBLIC Updfiuliied J BUM up added Iht BAKER BUSINESS A Block AND CANNED GOODS CHINA JULY 94 I All and lo a tine Lice of In arid will bo at for a of our daw wood- I am 0 J WILSON North lea TO FARMERS I 10 loform y of it I a As IravalJ road for EIGHT DOLLARS PER DAY I haw NEW PEERLESS SEPARATOR promt A T Boots AND Shoes Special clearing of all Summer lines in Tans etc Mwt Womens and Childrens Prices away dpwo AH clean No Goods ii coo Purses The next raw to bo to Id at In offered was In at the jail Fire at Aurora A fire originat ing from about on tut The flemet ware eitlogQEahed fire bri gade wlLh re- lo the eJerm full force It confidently eUtad In In the Cabinet of Quebec will toon be Mr It la will to Mr Utter made and air CheoiU Mr Provincial Mr Montreal thocght will of the elecoeat to tele the of Mr now If TO THE 1000 Islands Rapids of the St Lawrence Montreal Quebec SEA ON THE OF ST LAWRENCE White Portland St John Halifax AND ALL POINTS ON THE AT- LANTIO COAST A FOR THE Preserving Season Sugar and Gem Jars Any quanti ty and prices as low as the lowest DINNER SETS Just arrived a special Dinner Sen For quality and price they cant be beat Always bear In mind we Excel in our Grocery Department You can always depend on gelling the belt quality at reasonable prices Do you use our Japan Tea for or our Excelsior Blend Coffee If you do you get the best for your money in town BOOK NEWS DEPOT HOLIDAY GOODS Croquet Sets Hammocks Palm Leaf Fans Wheel Fans Garden Sets for Children Childrens Wagons and Carts Base Balls and Clubs JARS and JELLIES 1 Central Office W STARR 1 THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE BARGAIN DRY I No need of Going to Toronto or Elsewhere We Mean Business and inspection Invited No Old Bankrupt Stocks Everything Warranted as or Money Refunded S BARGAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON Remember the Place ft The Largest Assortment LEADING GROCERY Reliable Goods Prompt Delivery A SMITH Cor Main and Timothy LADIES OXFORDS THE FINEST CHEAPEST IN TOWN AND BOOTS I ALSO MENS FINE AND COARSE BOOTS Id Boys and Give us a Shoe Boots and Shoe we cant be excelled In town call when you arc wanting anything in the Boot and Line and you will find quality and prices right Sign Bed Boot S All goods sold here sewed free a

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