Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1894, p. 1

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mi THE Horning GEO JACKSON it Mil 2000 BEST Median In it with In tut f4 MB THE LIBERTY TO KNOW TO TO ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL Kin MARKET It NORTH YORK AND ADVERTISER papery York unit Id ad nee Single Copies Cents Newmarket Friday Aug Terms 100 Strictly in Advance moo or at end of year A It RUM Allowed IT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL u4 Drifts old loot la J- Rosa LEGAL t L vvv to on tltm TV LXOTD SOLICITOR Solicitor for of Klof To OiTICK The Leading Stove Depot WATER CANS for Pari Green to J- Main MEDICAL II D p for of RhMcdn AJ AC iftJistl COAL OIL STOVES all sires ftom to CHURNS Daw Cradle and SCREEN DOORS and window also wire cloth all widths EAVETROUGH1NG and General done promptly and on shotl notice Vniairkel A BINNS NEWMARKET 108 p OS At UortS to 10 a 10 Svi IX AI WockcppotlU Itctotser A a U ICESSKD AUCTIONKEU York NEWMARKET KENDALL AY1HCURI MOST SUCCESSFUL FOR MAN OH KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE KENDALLS SPAVIM CURE vim uuh fliuyrt I Ml J J Works Now is the Time to Purchase a I was of a severe cold by LINIMENT I was cured of terrible sprain by LINIMENT Fred Yarmouth I was cured of Black erysipelas by MINARDS LINIMENT J BUGGY OR- CARRIAGE Main 1 i CARL a I J with I Jo j J V w JO MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE cLi oU A d elicit lit SLKiwBtkit I Vuilo W PAINTING HEWITT PRACTICAL PAINTER an A tW to Rigs were never before got up so handsomely and never were so Low in Lot St and we on the will CaH at our WareRoom show you the Easiest Running JOHN BRIMSON B- Repairs promptly attended to- LVnductor of net to Voice Culture In uJ Violin to or of fin New mfiikft Photos Photos I A GEO SOMERVUXE- in Milo NEW CLOTHING HOUSE OR THE FINEST TURNOUT IK DURANCE to at OrrlOiAtOIdBiitryOBloOorMilo The place to your Clothing for the future is NO MAIN ST Having fated up the premises recently occupied Mr Chas are novr prepared to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip- are now prepared tiot in a manner second to no house in the trade The work we have set is to the of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so arc all that can be desired- For Bra broken Iba moil die Hi cAtinol ho try Us word By to Fall in bj iUn To him tail bli Edta And l oar in might hare let of Bat of not all Ilka Him pita id its yiaMed tint in to Iba tempted tutu Through baa tempted To fall To in lie bead Ha Tail To give all The He took one trophy with Him To the above token of His Tba parches love the must be for ll Who our Father call we slight Such love aaJ help us to all That Thy face July From years ago I went to Norwich to visit Sues folks Stayed two days and I expect will added father gloomily It always best to let two nights and you couldnt get me alone Net to leave again After this a passed by during A little later went out in which she was not heard fron then Fred came a postal simply saying G PEPPIATT HAVING Mr to be MAINTAINING LEAD And guarantees to outwork equal to flror to work superior ibemoatol It Kvcrf aid to the production picture to or Oil Mr ilea will not be la flood neighbor hood with work but Id every AcdcatlrcMtlsfdCiIoo rosy mornings till brighter And een till shadows most we do our work tbaVs before us tor tho day will quickly gHt And may leave a regret which we forget In the lonely eventide so from childhoods morning the noon of lit And till age steals oer us wa till In Our beat His all given worry not though some deride For will when twilight On Ufas lone Fear not thoogh clouds of sorrow hdo glorious heavens blue dreary cloud Is shining through It turns the gray to glory showing all silver aide And shadows mist by ths sunset are Into splendor at noporira July Outing STOCK Consists of all that is A RAX A AT All Block Tow 0BOTf Wf 8hNwmAkt AieMy T Tiiltill lwiit CAPITAL 10000000 DOLLARS NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our will readily reveal to you and our reputation of nearly Quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class of work you may EMCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros FUNDS- for a lorn of rears A pel to JACKSON Newmarket OMETHING FOR ToDay Aug ire I il wmJwUu i YOO PAY YO0R HOMEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST AND BEST STOCff OF STOVES OF TORONTO- ALL BUB THEM TO BEE TO BUY HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH fiiKiuar EXTRA Wot Insuring Lives of Females ALSO At low See our New of Chamois and Druggist Sundries in General Special The first intimation of fail is when it be comes necessary hold some object such as fine or a needle away from the eye to see them clearly or it becomes difficult to see to read in the evening When these symp toms it is to a Pair of Glasses to be worn only when it is necessary to the eyes from being over taxed Be careful to buy Good Ones to Start With We have them in Steel Roll Plate and Solid G at vtry low price Your JfJWeler oid MUST A ALU rtOtKt70MOTa lor NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS MANNING Latest Designs or MONUMENTS and STONES Cinadian Foreign Granites and Marble- i SON- ML Kwl8t- MAUHIAOE Pale Faces how Blood poor nourishment everything bad Thoy arc signs of A call tie- OLD for C ALLAN I Oft fc BOX MAKXilAQK Emulsion tho of Codrllvor Oil with rlchos tho blood purines skin euros builds up system Physicians tho world endorse Dont My but it seems good to get home again and et some of mothers cook ing I home from the city on vacation Taint city boarding- house cooking is il Net asked her father a chuckle- Well cried suppose that is ihe way young ladie talk where you come from I scornfully said brother Tied who was somewhat critical of the conduct and speech of girls was too busy with dinner to reply Well I know something how you feel Net said Mr Goodwin as he spread another slice of bread and helped himself to a second dish of strawberries I know how twas when I went to Boston for three weeks last Winter Of course thing was real nice at your Uncle Wilft but land 1 like mother cooking And the first night I came back mother took away of the johnny cake before I had near enough- A pleased expression flashed Mrs Goodwin worn face She was a little woman slender and with bent shoulders The expression of deter- mination and nervous force in her eyes and mouth told plainly why it was that she habitually able to do more than seemed possible from her frail bodily appearance Yes went on Mr Goodwin were all glad to get home again except Fred This was accompanied with a very expressive chuckle and significant ex change of glances Fred blushed with annoyance as lie always did when he was thus reminded of an ex perience of his own about a year be fore Having at that time come to the conclusion thai fuming was a somewhat slow way to make a for tune he had prevailed upon his fath er to allow him to try the city where he was sure he would meet with the most success j In a short time he was at home again and all and forthwith settled down to study and farm work in a truly admirable manner Since that time Farmer Goodwin ho enthu siastically this formula for keeping boy on the farm fust let them go off to the city to seek their fortune Dont be too set against it because thatll make em want to go all the more and make em too proud to comeback If they fail Just teU em you dont mind their trying what they can do if they dont succeed why they- can come right back to the old farm again We have all tried going off and coming home except mother said thoughtfully Mother I incredulously cried her father Why you couldnt get her this farm for anything in the world I Guess ma never spent a day away from home in all her life said Fred- Did too 1 said ma stoutly Five the field where her father were at work and told of a tittle plan that she had been thinking about for some time Her father smiled incredulously It couldnt be done he said She wouldnt go Even if she would Wouldnt pay Twentyfive dollars for a single week I I couldnt afford it now Resides do mother any good id Fred loftily Shed be all the time she was But you dont understand protest ed Mother has never known what it is to be free from care for a single night Whenever she has been visiting it has been to help somebody else See how worn she The things that us with interest and enthusiasm she cares nothing for Its because her is so tired with never any change in her life One set nerves has been used for years Its time ihey had a rest and sprue others used Bui she isnt conscious of all this What 1 want is for us to her to go away for a good test I sec how can make her conscious of it if Im not conscious of myself Fred Sniffed Ill tell you what Ill do said her presently To begin with I guess wrong old enough to know what she and do her good you can make her do what you say for a sinfcle week and youll pay all her ex- you want to pay half any how you say why Ill pay the whole amount tight back to you when I find out its done her good But youll have to take the risk Besides there be any imaginings that its done her good or anything half way she must tell her own self right out it has done her good and if sheen- joyed it Nets a big goose to throw her money away like thai said Fred with another sniff Mights well bum it right up at once Making mother do something thatll make her miserable I You wait and seel called back going into the house- That night at suppertable mother almost illnatuted Why mother 1 protested Mr Good win what in the worlds the matter Kinder tuckered out aint you Well yes I said Mrs Good win Netty it so exasperating I Here shes been and bought tickets to Block Island and return and engag ed a room lor a week at the house where the are and now shes changed her mind and wont go She say got to go Whew 1 exclaimed Father Goodwin looking at In evident ad miration of her plan of proceedings shook her head at her father for fear he would say too much and remarked quietly Yes I bought the tickets a month ago and engaged room but have changed my mind about going and want to stay in Ralston this summer AH of which was quite true I should think a girl who had to work so hard for her money as you do said her mother severely would think twice and know she want ed to do before she spent such a Urge sum of money as that Ill try to next lime said meekly Well go right along said father Itll do you good Good I was the rejoinder Yes it must do me lots of good to go where I want to I If I should go Id be miserable the whole lime thinking of alt the more Id got to do when got back Im try and sell the tickets before the fifth of August if I can Thais the date rooms engaged for If cant sell the tickets I guess they wont care if we give up the room Therell be plenty more to want it at this time smiled The tickets were in her own hands yet Even If mother should chance to find some one in this sleepy old town who would care to buy them she couldnt very well dispose of them when Jean- held them The fourth of August came By dint of persistence seconded by fathers advice that it might be a downright good ihing for mother lo go had actually induced her mother to Block Island The early morning of the fourth found Mrs Goodwins valise packed and her face more expressive of worry and discontent than ever Jeanneite brought down her bathingsuit and tried to induce her mother to try it on In order to see if it fitted Mercy You couldnt hire me to put that on I the exclaimed Well Im going to pick it just the same You have never been to the seaside mother and when youre there you feel like doing as others do And you know youre going to board right in the same place with Mrs Packard and Louisa and theyre famous Mrs Goodwin groaned do any declared resolutely I wont wear it 1 The middle of summer is bad time for a farmers wife lo go visiting especially when she does all her own work and that of two hired men be sides But started bravely in She was determined that when her mother returned there should be no extra for her to do I thought you came home for a rest Net said Fred Getting a fine one arent you Ob hopefully I may go to Block Island myself when mother gets back Yon mean if its done mother good and father pays you back But I give fair warning that will never be The day they received a letter from the absent one written on the of her arrival a despondent homesick epistle She had been sea sick on the water and while writing with sick headache I expect to be down sick when I get back letter I Will be home the Mother been sick or she wouldnt have stayed so long satd Fred con fidently That what Im afraid of said Goodwin Jeannetie was divided between hope and fear A school friend had invited her to spend a week at her fathers collage 011 ihe shore She hsd no money to spend even for her fare now having given all to her mother Mrs looked to father and Fred all at the station waiting lor her when she arrived You see we all thought you must be stck because you stayed so long said her husband pretty going after you you dont look sick and I How tanned you ate I Why I havent been sick said mother Louise and her mother wanted me to stay But how have things been getting along at home all this time Firstrate mother said her hus band Did you have a good time Ob pretty good I guesi But it was a useless expense Net had belter have gone instead of slaying at home to work of rest getting She thinner than when she first came home When Fred got his sister alone just after supper he said You see Net she hasnt enjoyed herself at alt Im real sorry for your disappointment but you ought have known better than to think shed like it The next morning Mrs Goodwin got up early aiid went to work She wasnt so fielty as usual and even a good deal Jeannetie bad orders not to rise early but from force of habit she up as early is usual Did you enjoy yourself on your trip mother asked Fred rubbing his face on the kitchen towel We- ell yes Fred she said hesi tatingly Shecould110tbe induced to make any less dubious statement Late in the forenoon Mrs a neighbor ran over to see how Mr Goodwin looked after her trip Fred was in the field the two women In the kitchen and was shelling peas on the bam step It was pretty warm and by and by she took her work ana went and sat on the back piatza Through the open window she heard her mother and Mrs talking They did not hear her arid they could not see her because the curtain was drawn Just then ber father saunteted up the grassy walk and seated himself on the lower step to rest and get cool He was about to speak when placed on her lips Weil between you and me and the post Mrs Perrin Mis Goodwin said I never in all my life spent such a happy week not even when I was first married I was shut off from every care and wony for the first time in all my life I went in bath ing every day and got acquainted with such lots of nice people If Id spent hundreds of dollars for nerve medicines it have done me so much good as the air and happy life of those ten days I want know I Yes and the worst of it is I cant peak about it at home I have to hide how good I feet You see went because Nettie didnt want and bad the tickets But if she and the rest of ihem knew how happy I was theyd want send me summer and we couldnt afford it So without denying that I had a good time I dont tell anywhere near what a good lime I did have Jeannetie looked at her father with a triumphant gleam In her Well by Jimmy he gasped He went into the house and took twentyfive dollar out of Ws tin box in the bureau drawer and gave it to Jeanneite She ran into the field and held up the money triumphantly before Fred Now sir who was right that time she demanded That evening the matter was talked over quite frankly When Kin Goodwin understood the little ruse Jeanneite out for her enjoy ment she greatly touched Why Nettle she said and tear sprang into her eyes a kind thoughtful little daughter I have The Companion The warmth of summer tends to biliousness and fevers and the free use of fruils counteracts this This is because ihe acids of the help lo facilitate the separ ation of the bile from the blood a process slackened by the approach of hoi weather Fruits are cooling is an expression often used but why this is so very few They are so because the acid of fruit stimulates Ihe liver lo activity In separating the bite from the which is its proper work the result of which is bowels free the pores of the skin arc Open and under such conditio fever and want petite lire Whoa Made Youth is the period of life when chancier is made- Many young men have deluded themselves with the idea that the evil life they are nOW leading is but a mailer and thai when the time comes sober down they wilt be able to off their soiled clothing You cannot do an evil act or an Impure or evil thought the worse all your tile for haying done so But even if it were not so if it were not true that every evil thought and act has a permanent lasting effect is that a habit be it good or bad once formed cannot be cast off easily as soiled linen Not one man in a thousand has sufficient will power to break himself when is formed The law of harvest is to leap more than you sow Sow an act and you reap a habit sow a habit and you leap a character sow a character you reap a destiny And as someone else has said if you sow nothing but wild oats in your youth you will reap nothing but tares in your age Attorney You are the president of the Sun Gas Company are you not Witness I am Now sir for the purpose of get ting at the exact facts in this case I am compelled to ask you what it costs company per thousand feet to manufacture gas That sir is matter no con cern to you and ha nothing to do this case 1 insist upon knowing I not lo answer sir To the court Your honor it is absolutely necessity- to get the figures i The Court The witness will an- the question Now then I will ask you again sir How much doe the manufac ture of gas cost the company a thous and feet I havent ant idea have nothing to do with the business af fair of the company except 10 draw my regular dividend of per cent Chicago Tribune The Editors MOM QUI progress at Booing tho Editor I I The office boy who was also guardian if the of ihe was sunning himself in front of the office when a rough- looking citizen with pantaloon in hi boots and a gun in his coat- tail pocket appioachedthe portcullis Can I see the editor he asked in a voice that sounded like a bass drum out of tune Do you want him to see you asked the guardian significantly I dont care if he does or not so longs I can see htm This did not strike the guardian propitiously Wbat do you want to see him he asked on tack About four minutes and a half the rather equivocal reply Is it personal inquired the boy disregarding the ancient form of in the answer Yes Want to lick No to pay my subscription for last year and ihe year to come The boy jumped up he hadnt moved previously Walk right in he said shoving the door open walk riaht in but say mister dont spring on him sudden he aint used to it and some thing might happen Cure A A lady tells the story of a young man who had come from the country to the city in which she lived and in a short time fancied equal to any social emergency He never asked advice upon questions of eti quette and in corsoquencc he made many mistakes At one time the lady issued card to a party and among the invited she in cluded this rather conceited and awk ward young nun He was to be out of town the date of the parly and so was unable to the invitation At the fool of the card letters and was much perplexed as to their meaning However he was nothing daunted by his ignorance and wrote a note declining the invitation in as formal and stilted terms as he could command and after signing his name added the tetters MS On hi return to the city after the party he went to call on the lady and in ihe course of the conversation asked By the way Mrs what did you mean by R P at the end of the Invitation you sent Why ihe hostess with- out a note of surprise in her polite voice they stand French phrase plait if you please Oh yes I Well I was all right then said the young man in a tone of much satisfaction I thought should bit it in my answer Now that you speak of said his courteous hostess do wish to ask you what M S stands for 1 cant imagine and I cant find any one who has ever seen the abbrevia tion used Oh I replied her visitor airly that meant l Mighty sorry couldnt come I should think that was plain enough Tiled Weak Nervous Means Impure blood and overwork or too machatralQ on brain and body The only way to card it to feed nerves pare blood Thousands of people certify the boat blood partner the best nerve and strength builder Is Hoods Sir Wbat it baa done for others It will do for you Carta Hoods Pills car by storing perls taltlc of the alimentary canal Alfred Oxford of Markham- died list month leaving cash and in other per sonalty He willed to his wife to his brother John of Kent England to his sister Woodbine of the 500 to his sister Fannie Cantlo of Australia to his sitter Cath arine of Hampshire England to his sister Charlotte Winter of the Isle of Wight his gold watch chain and seal to his stepson Ireson and the residue of the estate lo his wife who Is executrix of Liniment Cum etc gA Harvesting is in several Manitoba points Poison has affected a num ber of people who holidaying near the river Joseph a laborer wis mo and killed by a J lulu four of A plain a karat gold ring wit dug out of a field neat Brad ford it is supposed to have been fi many years A number of small boy were fined last week for throwing and caking the Collegiate Institute windows Josephine the little child of Mrs Severn was burned to death While playing with matches her clothing ignited The will of John Randall farmer of Whitchurch Township has been probated in Ihe Surrogate Court The estate Is valued at and two London Anarchists who denounced the Queen and royal have been sent lo prison for six months And now ArchbishoprlrtUnd has endorsed the judgment rignor SatoHi The wave of lo the liquor traffic is spreading rapidly The Canadian- Australian line has the experimental stage The Warnmoo could not take all the freight offered on voyage from Vancouver merchants are annoyed by lobacco expec torating on the store windows has great cause lo complain in this respect also Phillips Wis has been de stroyed by forest fires and 3000 people are homeless Twenty per sons were drowned in the lake en deavoring to escape It is understood that the Catholics of Brandon are contemplating taking steps to place their schools under ihe provisions of the Public School Act Mr Brown an oil dealer of Toledo Ohio gives it as his opintoi that coal oil could be found in the neighborhood of CoUingwood as is generally associated wiih natural gas The North Shore Navigation Co last week paid a fine of the Customs Department for smug gling coal oil and lubricating from the American side fortheir own use The cricket match played be tween the Gentlemen of Ontario and the Gentlemen of Philadelphia ended on Saturday afternoon in a victory for the former team who won by seven wickets fc Sir Donald Smiths herd of buffaloes at Silver Heights have broken through their enclosure and are roaming over the prairie They are ihe only herd of prairie buffalo in the Sir John and Lady Thomp son were lemieud 1 welcome at Gravcrhurt on Monday while en route to I ako where they will spjhti Vriiiil 1 month as the quests This lumber district of Chi cago was nearly wiped out by lire there bit week Forty acres of lum ber yards arc smoking embers and Willi lumber are ruined The loss will be about 1500000 The London Standard says ihe arbitration parly in House of Commons believes the Government favors and the prospects are hopeful for the adoption a arbitration agreement between the United States and Great Britain KS An Amherstburg despatch says the seized fishing tug was released on Saturday night by orders of the customs authorities at Ottawa The department are sending anlnspector to Island to in- vestigate the maltetV Kingston Aug A peculiar feature has arisen in connection with the protest entered against Dr Smylb McConnell the petitioner repudiate the whole thing and says he was induced to sign the petition without knowing its contents Rev of Colling- wood Second Methodist Chnrcb was presented with- a and a mentaiy address by membeis of his congregation expressing regret at his departure from among them Mrs J Midland was found drowned in the bay there on the having wandered out the members of the family were up and was not missed until am The deceased had been in poor health for some time The immigration bill which was designed to exclude Canadian workmen from the- United Stales and which would have pre vented employment of Canadian sailors on United Slates take vessels was killed in at Washing- Ion on Monday Ottawa July In reference to the recent Sir Hibbert Tupper says that until recently a foreign boat was pursued for fishing within the three mile limit and got outside of it before being caught she was allowed to escape but now that the American Government has pur sued a diflerent policy the Canadian Government were themselves adopt ing the principle of hot pursuit The municipal debt in On tario cities amounted in to nearly 7 pet in townships in Province increased from 3694000 in 8i to in In the same the levy in towns and villus jumped up from a45o whIe n cilies it advanced from to We are striking a pretty lively pace in the matter of civic taxa tion Toronto 1- 1

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