Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1894, p. 4

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l i HA IO Like a Miracle ii Consumption Low Condition Wonderful Results From Taking Hoods Hannah ago i Hit oil Manor ray darter the tapiUL la ft to condition or ihthtirt trip rcss the iti la mice fcrr feel a ten to ft Hi lit I won Ml lii of lover tod if sat up la ltd lo fifth Said Sho Was Help fcfr to its I said w I lions ptfcj itnsf Is throat to r heart i9be St Temptation of IBM Malt It Golden Text In U point lika no Bib Time la lb Tee of For ffl work lliir mail trial vie tor j- Ipi for if world r roor ipirltul with Oar Cbriii fought lb lb t id ol Time troobl in It let Thi in tome form of good of i dm of if Toronto tit of pins sold by hi dreams natural color to famlr and alio it out on of A little more than two years my began to turn gray and fall out Af ter the use of one bottle of Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling oat An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition S I have Hair for three years and it has hair pray batk to its natural color It J Hair Vigor vote mora to flndiog for Hi laboring papers when who mat work And it to go And Tot fiiplcmlatrby of the ft declared Labor Day bat it may appear Instead of labor it to be a holiday Jadfing tram the loog list of Hied Ontario bad It tbat a ballot by Mr Dorocbflr of Ottawa out dec lion I been asad In dfcliooa in Ottawa with being ballot Is disci name in the centre or which Ifat volar mark ALL GLOBS Dr Pierced are known Pill of manufac ture lead Why the ex tracts are There an liver pills vet there bo a why Dr Pellets giro the Probably bo- cause theyre small as grains of therefore easily swallowed Most of allthey act in a natural war and arc effec tive in result Then too be felt so different from the old fashioned pills with their griping and violence For indigestion pain in stomach and habitual constipation as well as and lions headaches these bring a lasting that can bo guaranteed money is returned if they do not give To every from Catarrh no matter how bad the case or of how lone standing the proprietors of Catarrh Remedy this If we cant care it perfectly and permanently well pay you in cash Sold all drucciL Is with Act dur ing action of litis this month Preliminary lists will bo ready by October lit and the revised by the end of February Every elector to it tbat name is on the lists at tins who all probabil ity will not hare a vote next Dominion election Remember Ibis and act accord ingly Morgan is Revieiog Officer or North Tu remark It now many moons Supremo Court beard argument on to which Parliament Federal or Provin cial power to deal with Prohibition So far however nothing baa been heard in nature of decision The do not in any greater harry to deal with this are DfLIAYER Puts cure Sick feels hurt pride and intends to in Ireland mouth and re turn to America The thinking made by after him expected and of movement well at been exceedingly limited Thit waot of and A from Japanese Government baa in- alrocted Minister in Loudon to apolo gize to Great Britain for firing and the was flying Jap uutractod to in form Great Britain the commander tbe not know the was a British until after the fight Captain of the and many other persona who worts on board the transport were by the of the Japanese HEAD a I had for three years and free from It a I used doctor and all other J think it did My said I TRY BB At a meeting of the Railway of the Privy at week Davlo and Hon Ben ator of pclitton from the- North West Patron asking for Government to a reduction of the a1leied ex and freight by the P no specific charges wr made commit lee da- to lake action While Dominion Government was itself pairing an order council catling the Local Governments of Manitoba and North West Territories to enact remedial legislation in regard to aeperate schools despatch from Winni peg a deputation represent the Roman Catholic School Hoard of Winnipeg wait ed on the for for their their cwi pfiAiico with the Act be if would only tho VANDORF Mr Editor I suppose is dead but as I parsing through here I noticed Out Mi Wo putting Mr Barney is helping him Barney is a firstclisa Port Perry is friends around here Mr Alfred Snider wife were calling on friends Scott tat Miss Elbe Powell is visiting friends in Aurora- AURORA Seventy students wrote at En trance examination here fifty one of whom were successful The committee who nave charge to Wilsons on are putting forth every effort to make it the ex cursion of the season The many friends of Dr Hillary will be glad to learn that be is re covering from his recent illness and is now able to walk out Mr David Johnson left on Wed nesday last week for to spend a few with his daughter Mrs E J Davis at their summer cottage- The conduct of some on the streets who consider themselves young ladies is anything but ladylike and some times scarcely decent People who do not respect themselves ex pect to be respected by other people The following business chauges have been made during the present week in town Mr B Giennan has rented store recently occupied by Albeit Johnson Co on and is moving his stock from the Welts Block Messrs Co Stratford have rented the premises in the Wells Block vacated by Mr and intend moving their stock here shortly Mr Evans has sold bis bakery business to a Mr Plait of Chatham who will take possession on the The second anniversary of the Rev Weavers settlement as pastor of the Baptist Church was celebrated on Sunuay and Monday On Sunday special sermons were preach ed in the morning by the pastor and in the evening by tbe Rev J P of Toronto On Monday a social was held on the grounds the rear of the church to which a goodly number responded A meet ing was afterwards held in pastor presiding Addresses were delivered by Amos and Mr Holland duetts were sung by the Misses Fox and Bingham also selec tions by the choir The proceedings were highly successful and the finan cial good SOAP Has proved by its enormous sale It The best value for the Consumer of any soap In market Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this it is they who have proved Its value It brings them less labor greater comfort too The marsh hay has com mencedquality great and quantity good The sound of Mr Stephensons threshing machine is again Mrs of Newmarket is visiting at View Castle Miss Jessie spending her holidays at The scholars of thti street axe wait ing anxiously to bear who our next teacher will be- and trusting that he wont be cross Holland pupils claim that their names were forgotten to be print ed in the Entrance List last week Curtis takes the bun for clover Miss Edith Ough is spending her holidays in Toronto Mr and Mrs A of Colling- wood also Miss Maggie of Aurora were visiting at Daisy Dell Farm last week Cooky TS MENTHOL PIASTER THE LEADING HARDWA Summer Goods To be trifled with Some things you can replace but not the eye there fore use them aright We have all the Latest Appliances and fit on Scientific Principles PR S SGOTT Graduate of Optical Institute For testing eyesight we make no cbajge You simply pay for the glasses if you need NEWMARKET ft Hie J Ufa think tor aj BEST IN THE WORLD km gild to to iM ffiu of and Hear of from Farmer in the will after is on other ayalnat another of alto found tad was to one year in Central NURSERY STOCK- LIBERAL1LRMS SPLFSDID OUTFIT iilM itfbrf imt m to vla How to Get a lit a a Man to fir4 will vrll worth li to your Ilia the and it will only tovnl the if you fitf fr it your A from Ottawa to the effect that Hon holiday trip without for pur- of floating a new railway company line from Point to Montreal and sell it to the at Montreal of colonial which has present termiaot at Quebec Hon Mr fret Kir John the Council- At a meeting of a stated mento liabilities op to was presented footing up In claims included in tho alove to Banks etc rtite total real and per may possibly segregate as against a total of With regard to majority of the Council has declared for a to elect a and the Clerk lias accordingly its members to at the Court on next for that purpose and for central Iniinr papers announce revert gentlemen a dark ill Tins IfaniiltOJ tha id a of Jorjinion of the for Ijn at of the pvuis their ll If all in to io eiJt a o wit cat If to to simply ant for If thy i Mil Ijw cither In a or a sfritp ai circujutuncs Jicttt Li reform must come to the front Dillon of the Ontario of all sbjtVot politics is its and Importance ihe agitation that has begun for the reform ing of thoutdnot allowed to drop tiling rehires to remodelled simplified and chapentd At present is not In bar with the democratic spirit that prevail In this democratic try One of tlje first duties the should set lor grap- pe with the problem with a firm hand and get rM of tho and the legal his the week prorotued the for North Mr McCarthy was prtty the at Ottawa during the If a declared the case Mat worst of robbery he had sicco he public lift TO CURE DEBILITY of appetite sad alt tot trouble Campbells Quinine Wine bo cot let partuidc tome other It at good a James a ftriner near here killed last night at his own gate by lis horse running away and throwing him out hit buggy A wot bound freight on the in tw this morning near pails collhleil a car Ciat oil and one of tbE fire and four were it Aug who a a mile of found dead in a on his haying gone to feed the pigs and being srlxed With anoiher of paralysis had the pen and Jdui of bote and hit assistant ing to kill a and kit thcaniial ihlu the slaughter house when Ah- bum suddenly expired- Heart leroanl stolen not as ft though the tbe which in the down of Hector diecn- of Mr- dartinent greater and much more brazen And ho wis no a party n bid gfganSc on Aa to the vote which he laid it to Mi tho In a not for aoninufc AgOvjr tf feet relief la all or telle ed 11 Inirlr tie tj Dr J It i ImM I la m ojih taut rt ft x atloiPfhaf mar y avl AkarucijrKlOyCvaKDUaeirrexatdy lbs part of It allien cur lite tf by Ceo Oing to Torontos Civic holiday occurring on the inst the date of the Civic holiday has been charged to Monday Aug aolb on which the Mechanics Insti tute intend to run an either to Jacksons Point or Kalis were hitched En hot haste this morning a vrry hour by some of thecreiitors of the Bloom man Simpson when it was that hit was loading his house- for a clandestine irons that locality While in many parts of- the world the laboring class are agitating for fewer hours of daily toil we in Stoufiville thoie in our shops who hue to attend to duty till pm day and to a very late hour on Saturdays This is not at During the this morning lightning struck the large barn of Joseph on the concesr n n of cnuct rented the farm last sprirg thereby a quantity of fall wheat bar ley and p and We that Nfr J Dale Its entire of boots and to A who have to move their whole business to stand Mr Daley will continue to reside in and intends to give his at tention to insurance work- Judge McDougill after- wjtiii sentenced two those in in vtcthity last ring John for con- with he of J received one year in the Central and Henry who was receiving stolen properly wis and sent to Central Dan Forsyth al- Kjtly in the case was as there other charges agjinst An ton and will he tried on Tribune Haing is finished and most of the Ml wheat and barley bus been cut and in Hay is a firstclass crop and wheat ami barley will be fully up the average ibe fruit crop yill be small and winter apples will he almost a Total failure the for lie vftntion of the tunning at of cattle ninny of our citizens have removed lie fences front in front ol their places greatly to the improve their lawns ami to the appear of the streets Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils Lubricating Peerless West Virginia v Cylinder and Castor PAINTS FOR HOUSE and CARRIAGE USE PAINTERS BRUSHES HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS TOOLS AND 1 BUILDING HARDWARE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL PROP lis HOUSE siis oner is TAKE THE LEAD IN s and rtformlnjf cat to will ltoxtlir In A rrwnt frM the writer tlut leis of ttom CO wlwsmh swrrff ability lo diinsitio 1 In for vhh tea vfsfllc for MCept Mux to look bis All ministers sbiuu it- lhs llvss of la ftt will flown what In this Mantrhs tax ssuiiori res or kill Utter or not fuii from shots Is to of us srs thou low to bis This is it the new shortening or wlitdi last taking it mi entirely product compoil of clarified cotton oil and re- Cued can that It clean delicate wholesome superior to lard a electric light is to the tallow dip It only a trial and ft fair trial will convince of value by grocer Company Aun I atoarucAU ittxbj Half Klojf A to for vi 111 a let Mil OB II fib firil at In lUJuMlodlnlttf ft tlilo mil PUMPS For Trees WILL ittr Vntr- Ilmcd I workloir made or 4 Mrs rpti la Towo Mil Vltrr MONEY TO LOAN ALlIiMfMaL oe LLOYD Itiaer Of f ad CosMuuK Toronto Low Prices IN DRY GOODS The J to J House TfLWLCANiAS5NS The Council of have ordered the vaccination of all persons resident in that village- lL Martha aged eigh teen a domestic was drowned in Bay but Saturday afternoon Mr Edward the Canadian Liberal and Irish iat sail for Canada on nth Elliott a farmer liv ing about three miles from Manilla killed Thursday by getting entangled his binder Markham High School hue asked the council of that village to levy an assessment of for the maintenance of school for the current year Ottawa Aug General Herb ert has referred his tittle trouble that caused that unpleasantness between himself and AdjutantGeneral Powell to the War Office for opinion as to whether or not be acted rigbt in the matter A meeting of the delegates from the York County lodges of the Patrons of Industry was held last week at at which there was a fair- representation for the pur pose discussing the general political situation and considering certain questions which will come both be fore the Federal and Provincial Houses The question of potting Patron candidates in the field for the York constituencies was considered The expressed sense of the meeting that the approaching Dominion elec tions should be a struggle on the part of the Patrons against tariff regula tions was endorsed It was decided organizers should be appointed for every township in the County arid that as soon as the busy season was ended they should begin work It was also decided that a meeting held not the first of next January at which the order should decide definitely what steps should betaken in regard to the next Federal elections There are now in the county of York twenty lodges in good standing with an average membership of about twenty and this number will expected be increased as soon as the get to work ri Liniment for re of singers work is a picture paint ed on air Mirth is lived cheerfulness never dies Cumbrous luxury is the death of hospitality He is truly polite who says and does kind things in a kind way Authors should not so much make us read as make us think The wisest habit is the habit of care in the formation of habits The wise and active conquer diffi culties by daring to attempt them Forgelfullness and carelessness are the byways that lead to failure The discreet man will not forget when ladies are absent that gentle men may be present Spare minutes are the most fruitful for good or evil for they are as gaps through which temptation finds easi est access to the garden Avoid little debts unpunctuality gossiping nicknaming petty quarrels and all others of those little vices which fill the ointment with There is nothing keeps longer than a middling fortune and nothing melts away sooner than a great one Pov erty treads upon the heels of great and unexpected riches To be thrown upon ones resources is be cast irt the very lap of for tune for our facilities then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsus ceptible To be at work to do things for the world to turn the current of things about us by our willsthat is a joy of which the Idle man knows no more than the adder knows of the eagles triumphant flight Into the upper air True politeness is the spirit of be nevolence showing itself in a refined wav It is the of good wilt and kindness It promotes both beauty In the man who possesses and happiness In those who arc about him BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES GARDEN TOOLS LAWN MOWERS RUBBER HOSE READY MIXED PAINT S PAINTERS SUPPLIES CHURCHS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all kinds of Fence Wire J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No K Jacks to Hire Have a Very Bad Are Suffering from Flesh through Illness Consumption Re that IS VrHATTOlTTEQUTHir FOR HALS OR TO FOR SALE Stallions at Oak Ridges A good and Lot St For to HUOnKS Queen St Imporltd bred boos and iTriolly Hawthorne jvcdfirreofioao of Dumber of torn of the A Welti of anj J 9A and a ROMANOFF by dim Oil tat It of celebrated to plowed- A dark I toOor and for Mulct MllUljt A lUtlKAtif ARM TO RENT a J H a forth HOUSE FOR SALE TUBDcftlrabloHrfttdcneoot Iho or Fart For ft Solicitor fur or Co WIS A Profitable Hotel For Sale THE KESWICK IT lstUueied ftiorf t To Ilia of ticDici harlag to will for ioinat but very bat ever to ftitd ororo wort of Cbron ST fliliUu to In ll to CO ho JOHN COPYRIGHTS I OBTAIN A CM tax A JlaDilboak tenia in how to ana unit tie tooii uaa Ox j rtficoiDtoii American w pule in pi I out ocat to wstty rt rircuiiion or ssTtvia topic looQoatblauOa JSiili it OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR Washboards- Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK POSSIBLE LUMBER a Lath Doors Sash and Blinds iJT BUILD NOBODY SlfOULD WITHOUT EH- A ABOUT INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS relieves feat curcs Allens Lung Balsam railden Co bow ACdtii If No Other Medicine SO THOROUGH A3 Sarsa pari I la AYERS S ftUmc of a Well Known Doctor other blood ih I bara I tried them ill m thorough In Its action At ywiftpaillia II P AugusU Me Royal Electric Co PAPER CO ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO COCKROACHES AND WATER BUGS- ft6irfl74Ul8LtEolBtrtX0BTBXJJl Montreal Wall Paper Factory COLIN CO CJUtaOH TRUSS A for 1 1 I red l AyersSSarsaparilla PaJ iVf lit for and I Shropshire Rams YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS yataai SAFE MANUFACTURER 9KlStUAfclJignaifilijtynC THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR RENEWEH Ctuot bo for tWttUgtj is ii tut from I J I jI fty J do Wa any to outdo us either in style or price If you ai kind of Priming done see what work and can get at Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- at fiOc a not allow in this tine I you I I ail lbebiMuulMn a la it rrlT Mitti w la a iq frlepcs rjrito rich umbrella A m mow rrl P to in If joj to Or U to FAMILY a teoaiJilr A

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