Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1894, p. 1

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THE NEWMARKET ERA Kvcrj Horning JACKSON XT Itl MXnXw TKCvir IK Kux A ill we AND TO ALL ONTARIO BANE a if Jul Newmarket NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCE CKAt Branch York advanc Vol 30 Single Copies Each Ont Friday Aug Strictly in Advance or t end of yew Allowed on at aires DRAFTS ISSUED At All- J A I k k lo ao Firm AURMTRREOUCITOR ETC Solicitor for Court stttOQT J to Loan WOODCOCK 50 Main MEDICAL J lor of lad 1 Icfc l OR A J srPABT iffy flrl Leading Stove Depot WATER CANS for Greeft COAL OIL STOVES All from to CHURNS Daisy Cndlc and Dash SCREEH DOORS and alio wire doth alt widths and done and on short notice A BINNS NEWMARKET imeiifliomtiiaafflmsffis toe p DR D I to Sand I of R ROGERS Family AI Air A TERRY Wock rUANHn noOART foe A rxict Wire 93 SlrttaIV I NEWMARKET Carriage You the 1 city visit as his KIND ALL iPAYIHCURCj MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY MAN OH kflAa Its KENDALLSSPAVINGURE ti jtm w TTT rUJn fcibAAajAiLMUv lrl Jtmj RECALLS SPAVIN CURE Apr I I IMA liilaoa I rL r MifC9t Works Now is the Time to Purchase a BUGGY OR- CARRIAGE tt I IVrt Rigs were never before got up so handsomely and never were so Low in Price was cured of a severe cold by LINIMENT Oxford I was CURED of a terrible sprain by LINIMENT Fred Coulsox was curkd of Black LINIMENT J MRS SIMPSON Main Saodrte uid I PIANO tort Veletlury Newmarket will Itfattoo Si MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE Church Conductor of Instructor Voice Culture SIouIdr a to corner of lcran Street Photos I Photos ii- I tlut irl fit VMnaiHlb WOOD lino SOMKRVILLK IT on St and we will the Market Call at our WareRooms on Lot show the Easiest Running Buggy JOHN BRIMSOh B Repairs promptly attended to NEW CLOTHING HOUSE If OR THE FINEST TURNOUT AOSSTIJU ATCOARSSr iias WDLAtfBlt Agents The to order your Clothing for the future is NO MAIN ST Having fitted up the premises recently occupied by Mr are now prepared to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The work have set ourselves is to secure the trade of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so arc all that can be desired llti ho All lb vine of row til f Yet who proudly a 11 winked Lod coJprlt by long and Kacd frith raploront on lh form Held Id Of ficltiAiion of the I tor pi flinile by A Am tot I ftowa And lb gry wrinkle in early fall saw her in she hid hoped first to bride Wheraartthe rosy cheeks and bright eyes expected to see her aunt questioned when she met her the depot and took her to her at of lMTenLy inoM on the ended Both hippy bus 1 a G PEPPIATT AVISO Ibo that bo lolvQdf LEAD And to turn 10 city work and to of aid to prod an picture will In or OIK work but In to si complete entire tUifAciloo PRIVATE FUNDS- Fa for a term of to STOCK Consists of all that is A jNSUItANCKAOKSTfcr Northern Low Town Ha Shop FIRE INSURANCE ffnUilM nd the TSsifOMlaa A ttiefve- Z fcHtfelllaWl yfo ASSURANCE CO CAPITAL AND DOLL Aeul ALL Dairies in NOBBY AND HAS BEEN BOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Prices will readily reveal Ibis to you and our reputation of nearly a quarter of a century is the guarantee of the class of work you may eipect E MCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros YOU PAY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OF TORONTO THEM TO IB TO BOY WM HODGE CO MAIN ST 8O0TH H tAii if jIAfKSM Insuring Lives of females I AN 1MB J ALSO ASH A PHAIUHACY See our New Stock of Sponges Chamois and Druggists Sundries in General We always pay Special Attention to Dispensing SOMETHING FORr To Day The first Intimation of fail- Ejrcsight is when it be comes necessasy to bold some object such as fine print or a needle away from the eye to see them clearly or It becomes difficult to ice to read in the evening When these symp toms appear it is best to purchase a Pair of Glasses to be worn ouly when it la necessary to save the eyes from being over taxed Be careful to buy Good Ones to Start With We have them in Steel Roll Plate and Solid Gold at very low price Your Eyes Jeweler Tested Fret WOUKQ r hi- rri iOhohto AN lrl lr PP MANNING SOr- coyle- Latest MONUMENTS and STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble Ml ALLAN LTMAH BO JTAOUSOX At iht Offlo Only a Step from Lungs to Con sumption from to Anosmia from cased Blood to Scrofulafroni Loss of Flesh to Illness Emulsion tho Cream of Codliver Oil this stop from being taken Health Physicians world IL John Two hand in hind strolling along a summer lane The young and pretty with a shade of coquetry in her manner a dash of wilfulness now and then peeping out the man older to years and with a face which yet bore traces of great sorrow Not moon had dulled and waned since John had stood beside fathers open grave 1 am sorry for you John you know that I been thinking of you all day knowing how you must miss bins When ate married dear and go elsewhere it will be easier for you to bear Everything you see will not so remind you of him Ah that is another thing of which I wished to talk with you dar ling I know dear bow much better than a farmers wife you ought and how you have always hated the idea of such a life I was very hippy that could offer you some thing different When first this city opening was proffered me I accepted it for your sake I had heard you say often enough you would never live on a farm but it is different now Then had not the sweet promise Sou have since given me Your hand ad never lain in nor my lips been blessed by the touch of yours When tell you now dear that I must stay where I am will the appointment be more than you can bear John you do not mean it Why should you stay and endure a life which you are no more tilted than I am you owe nothing whatever to me Yes I owe you all the happiness my life has ever known but my duty is none the less clear for that My mother and sisters are dependent now me The farm is all they have Unless take my fathers place will be homeless They are your consideration then Hush I You know better than that You know what 1 long to do but at present there is no way Come to the old home to make it sunshine cant John You said that you knew I was utterly unfitted to be a farmer wife and that if you had not known another sphere had opened itself for you you would never have asked me to be wife True dear but I did not know then all that love meant Since I have grown sure of your heart and think of out approaching marriage as daily drawing nearer I could sooner thrust when dying of famine the cup of water from my parched lips lhan yield up the knowledge that you hid given me the promise There no choice for me though I must stay to give my mother and lister the comforts of life Then you must live It without me I do love you John I wish now that I did not but not even my love strong enough for the dull plodding existence which never Ambitions name Early to bed and early to rise is a good enough motto its way but I think there is some thing higher better and nobler In life Nothing Allie Is higher than ones duty in however humble a sphere Its finger may point We are home now Oh think Am I to go away Ate you quite sure of yourself A word of pleading rang out in the clear manly tones out the girls face was resolute and hardened 1 am sure John It been your own doing Remember that Yes I will remember Good bye then God be with you He had- to go but suddenly he and taking her slight form once more for the last time in his arms he pressed one long kiss upon her lips and she felt against her own tumultuous throbbing of Ms heart Then he was gone and she went alone into the light while he turned out Into the shadow For the first time in all her young life sleep for sook her Restlessly she tossed up on bed where heretofore her form had lain couched in sweet dreams or blissful foigetfutness- Wilful exact ing as she was she loves this man with a depth of which she does not dream and to look ahead at the lone future without him is to see a barren waste He will find out his mistake she at last sobs to herself He will do as I have asked him and as he pro mised me But days came and went and mill John gave no sign of relent ing They rarely met and when they did he passed her with a bow There was no studied coldness In this but he dared not trust himself I must go away she said at last This life will kill me And so putting her wish Into words beautiful home We all expected a real country lass But if Mrs disappoint ment ws genuine she found none to share it It was the pretty race was new perhaps of Its and piquancy but whatever perhaps was the cause certainly the result was the same that before this new constellation all lesser lights paled Another world richer fairer than any she had ever known opened before the girls eyes Now and then when the atmosphere a adulation and luxury constantly sur rounding her was shut out by night and darkness when she lay silent and alone in the night watches the sad face of the man whom she had sent out into the darkness would come before her But when light 2nd warmth and perfume surrounded her cosily mirrors rcfleclcd her form and many voices were ever ready to whisper of its beauty and she would see in contrast the pic ture of the farmers wife with her youth and beauty only reflected In the summerbrooks with the rich robe replaced by the simpler and the now redolent with lights and spent only the slats or ni she she would turn shuddering and say I could not have it But there came a time when con gratulations must be added or her error retrieved It was scarcely a surprise to her when Mr told her that he toyed her and asked bet to be his wife to rule as mistress over his luxuriant mansion to share the wealth of which he has so large a share It was no new story that she lis tened Mr was not alone in his pursuit for that one white hand but before tonight the No had slipped readily yet graciously from her lips But she pauses now Well she knows that this man can offer all which will make her life one golden dream that though his hair is sprinkled with gray he loves her with a young that his arm will shield her from every rough wind that blows Why then should she heiiiaie Why not give him the an swer that he seeks Have I hurried you too much he questioned at last when the silence between them is still unbrok en I know Alice that I have not youth to offer you but my heart is young yet and my youth is not so far behind me that I have forgoten it know all that nor am I un grateful Mi for all that you offer me a girl so little worthy such love Give me till tomorrow Then you shall have my decision As you will Alice 1 will leave you until then but remember dear if God sees best to give this one white lily into my keeping its bloom will gladden all my life One last fight with self r Alice wage but when the sun broke her decision was taken Love wealth luxury lay before her within her grasp They would be hers That other life from today was forbidden even to memory It had lived and died and not even its ghost must be resurrected Mr wife must have no lime for thought At her breakfast plate lay a letter addressed in her fathers hand With careless fingers she breaks the seal With eyes dilated with horror face and lips blanched she reads on through the closely written sheet We have bad a terrible accident at the mines There has been an ex plosion and no one knows how many men have passed to their last account They are still busy going down in their sad search for the possible liv ing- John was the first to offer his services and I fear poor fellow I he has met his death from the foul air He went down this morning and when the shaft was drawn up he was not on it and they have heard nothing from him since Brave fellow I The excitement is In tense When are you coming home We miss you darling When that she were there that she might join those anxious in their search that she might find the poor dead body and whisper to It though it gave no answering sign Your wife mourns you John 1 Nay not your widow I With wild throbs her heart asserts itself though it will beat gladly never more With the keen intuition which comes to men when drowning she that her love Is buried with that brave soul which went forth to meet its Maker true to duty at the very last The light dies from her expectant lovers eyes afhe waits her coming when he looks into the white set face from which youth and gladness seem forever fled She places in his outstretched hand an open letter 1 loved that man she says brokenly From you the man I have so wronged I pray one boon to him with a great pity for the young life thus shattered even though his own heart was burled in the fall he tenderly clasped the cold little hands within his own and drawing her to him said softly Poor child I You will take my pity Alice vou could not Ac cept my love We shall have no lime to lose dear Tonight shall see you in your fathers house Have they found him papa she questions as she throws herself a few hours later Into the fond outstretched arras Oh papa you little knew you wrote the lines which doomed my life to widowhood I loved him and I have lost him and the young voice broke In a pitiful wail Kay darling has been found and unhurt He was overcome by the air but only fainted and was too He is all right now he promised to come and let me If there was more for the sur geons hand But the weight upon the fathers arm crows greater and glancing into the fair Sweet facej be sees the eyes have closed Excitement and fatigue hire done their work has fainted Strong aims are ready to the burden for John has been an unconscious listener to these last words and springing for ward he clasps the slight form In his arms and rains kisses upon the dosed eye Slowly the It da upraise and toe red creep back to cheek and lip and a wonderful light trans figures the girls face she meets the gaze bent upon John she J Lin I would not ex change queens crown Iiifs Too lilt tor Mrs Lemon is still at Mrs John stons quite ill and unfit to remove to her home Our miller is pleased with his new and which are run ning well and doing good work The contract for painting and pa pering the church has been let to Mr Mount Albert for the sum of The are about done and blackberries are now corameoc- to ripen They are not turning out as well as expected many of the berries failing to mature The Poverty Social last week was a grand success The hall was crowd ed to the doors with a merry on enjoyment and between fees and fines a nice sum was netted A sumptuous tea was served after which an excellent program was lis tened to SUTTON Sutton was inundated by cyclists Saturday evening The Sutton dramatic club will pre sent a drama In three acts in the drill shed on Friday the sith Dr G M left for Kingston on Tuesday to attend the meeting of Grand Lodge IOQF A pleasant musical party was held at Mr Monday evening consisting of Messrs McGuire and Small of Oxbridge Jai Taylor H Park A and Bros A moonlight excursion to Straw berry Island took place last Thursday evening Sutton civic holiday took place last Tuesday and the citirens generally took to There are campers at the House in the neighborhood of Albert at Sutton at Jackson Point cot tages arid at Glen Sibbald MOM OUR THRUHEBS There are about twenty per sons in the jail whose only poverty The Meat Co have about men employed in the erection of their buildings Actons taxes are payable in two instalments One half due on the Sept and on Nov ioh Mr John Graham of New Lowell lost with scarlet cholera morbus inside of a let KG CITY I nwell blacksmith was dtih at on ihc in- His wife had a narrow icap In a man ye is old the hand of a young lady by way of compliment and site sued him for breach of promise Mr 11 1 At the bought from Reeve I wet Richmond Hill Fire won two In hook Mark bought and ladder race arid ro Vera MOUNT ALBERT We have had tworunaways recent ly Mr Long and wife were out driving when his horse got frightened at some wood on the street Both were thrown from the carriage into the but escaped without serious injury personalty The harness how ever was damaged In the other in stance Mrs and sister were out driving and for some cause the horse started off at full speed but was stopped before doing injury Mis H Brooks presented her husband with a pair of twins on Tuesday a boy and a girl Mr thinks he wont work again for a week Rev Mr gave a song ser vice on Sunday night The church was filled even to standing room Mr Harper went over to Bay City Mich and brought back with him a bride in the of Miss Mann eldest daughter of Mr J R Mann formerly of this place The bicycle boys intend holding a a tenmile handicap road race on Fri day August Mr J Evans who has sold his con feci and bakery business to Mr Pratt of Chatham has removed his family into the residence formerly occupied by Mr Mr Ch Thorn has resigned his position of school trustee for the Centre ward An election to fill the vacancy will be held at an early date There was a very large attendance at the market on Thursday morning and prices took a drop Eggs only brought per dozen butter from lo alb to illness Rev Mr Amos was unable to conduct the services in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday Mr E conducted the service in the and the evening ser vice was withdrawn We are pleased to learn he has recovered Work on Mr new brick residenceon Wellington street west Is progressing very well When com pleted the residence will be a vety fine one and add considerable to that part of the town On Tuesday evening the ladies of the Methodist Church congregation held a lawn party on Mr Hart- mans grounds about one mile east of the town The evening was all that could be desired and as might be expected a very large number of our townspeople were In attendance The grounds were handsomely dec orated with Chinese lanterns and lamps The saih Band was in attendance and discoursed some ex cellent music Something over was rcalited Shortly after midnight last Friday night an old house on Centre street just east of east of the railway was discovered to be on fire An alarm was given and although the fire bri gade was oulckly on band the fire had gained such headway that it was found impossible to check it and the building was destroyed The house had been unoccupied for some time consequently it must have been de liberately set on fire It belonged to the estate of the late John and was not insured This is the second vacant which has been burned in that vicinity in little more a year Bower Two bams in owned by Mrs T Moore Gloucester street To ronto have been destroyed by fire Nothing people who realize the im portant part the blood holds Id keeping the tody a normal condition find noth- la the diseases Hoods ablo to core troubles from blood the beet way to treat them Is the blood Samperille the blood Hoods are the best from and will build this fall Kitchen of Eversley intends buying and building in King at an early date Edwards of the line of King has purchased over two acres from Wells and will build in the spring Dr Norman has bought two tots from Wells and has commenced building operations The houses ate rented already On Saturday last about noon a tramp who gives his name as John was noticed loitering around King City and shortly afterwards Mr Walter of that place dis covered that his watch bad been tak en The tramp was suspected of the theft and a small party went in pur suit The thief got in the vicinity of Maple where he was sighted and afterwards attested about Sherwood when the watch was found on his person He was taken before Squue and committed for trial race In the hose A farm on the Mark- ham was put up at auction reached but as the mortgage on the farm was it was not sold STOUFFVILLE- The crop prospects are consequently prices will be low The fish pond at the station is a thing of the past The has in and gravelled the yard Mr P Hartney is having his Storehouse sheeted with metallic iron and alio having a stone foundation put under the building Monday Aug is civic holiday and the Mechanics Institute has arranged for an excur sion per special ttain to Jacksons Point Strawberry Island We are in receipt of a commu nication from William Vincent a native of the line Whitchurch but is now wending his way through Uncle Sams broad western acres Leaving Madison Wis he travelled through Illinois Nebraska and Wyoming and reports no rain in this summer and as a result no coin everything in the shape of vegetation dried up The sometimes indicated degrees of heat Wyoming he chacterues as a grating state and he Mates that he saw a herd of cattle on the way to that state from Texas Rev A of Lynn Mass eldest son of Rev is over on a visit Tribune JoKn Forrester a and popular young farmer was drowned while bathing in Millets Pond on Wednesday niht of last week There were some young men with him but as it was quite dark none of companions saw him sink It is supposed however he took a cramp as he was a good swimmer The body was recovered next morning At his residence tot Whitchurch on the Std Christo pher Smith breathed his last at the ripe old age years Thus one by one the ever decieaslng number pioneer settles in this section looses another member Mr Smith was born in Eng Nov 1804 and came to Canada In and settled in this cupying the farm where he died since In addition to farming many years ago he look up the veterinary business and became very proficient seldom if ever loosing an animal if called to visit it in lime He practic ed for oyer years until succeeded by bis son Henry who graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College- Toronto and took up his fathers practice when the old gentleman be came too old to practice In deceased married Miss Susannah Steel who was born in Yorkshire in and who died some two ago They had a family of la children seven of whom survive their father namely William John Robert George Henry Hannah and Seth Mr- Smith was a most estim able man noted for Us uprightness honesty and kindly demeanor In politics he was a lifelong Conserva tive never lairing what might be term ed a vety active part but his sympa thies were always with that party His funeral took place on Sunday afternooa and was attended by a very of friends and acquaint ances Service was held in the Meth odist Church here by Rev Mr Scott after which the remains were interred in Aurora Ce Baxter Liniment KiT The weevil has done great damage to the wheat crop in sections of New State Some fields ut yielding as low as six bushels to the as a result of its depredation The Apple Growers Associa tion held their annual session Tues day at the Albion Hotel Toronto large and Dominion supplementary esti mates contain for pub lie building and for regulation of the waters of Lakes and Couchlchtng Minn Aug The religious bodies of this city and coun ty comprising Catholics Methodise Baptists and have been in constant session of prayer since July 15 for rain without success Unless they bring rain by next Sun day they will abandon the effort In a section miles square not a drop of ram has fallen since July and then only an inch An exchange says Owners of dogs will do well to remember that the Supreme Court has decided that the owner of a dog is responsible for all damage caused by the animal If he bites anyone if he barks at a horse and causes a runaway or in any way damages the property of another damages can be recovered from the owner We dont know whether that is true or nor but we know it aught to be The task of tunneling twelve and a half miles through solid rock is not a small one yet that is what Swiss propose lo do in boring through The proposed tunnel will cost aocoo An idea of the difficulties be over- come may be gleaned from the that one ventilating shaft to sunk will be feet in depth It is fortytwo years since the project was first mooted Farmers throughout thecoun- are suffering considerably from the ravages of- grasshoppers Buckwheat is eaten nearly to the ground corn is being badly attacked and the leaves on the grapes are damaged The is gnawed down to the ground making feed short for the cattle For this reason Wilson creamery butler has raised in price to cents a pound and it is expected to reach the cent notch in less than a week Wil son Star A writer in the the other day made the following inter esting We are apt to speak of the inverse financial loss that has through this I between labor and cjpiri strike The sum has I v a at 10000000 but in the ted States the scat of the trouble the cost the liquor traffic to that country yearly Contrast the gulf be tween the two losses viewing the question from the most material point of view The recent great coal strike in Great Britain cost the- country but motherland every year spends seven times ah at amount namely 700000000 in liquor For some time past cows run ning at large on the public highways of have taken HI and died Many theories or of being afloat led the Hon to call in investigation of one of the cattle by some special ists Monday morning Dr Sweet- apple of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege Toronto was present and a post mortem held No light was given on the matter more than that given by the local Five cows have been stricken there of which four died almost immediately and the remaining one cannot recover This case baffles all veterinary science and the villagers are so alarmed that they keep their animals shut up lest- they share the same fate Ottawa Aug 8 A has just been received from the faroff Mackemie River country which in dicates United States fishermen and traders have been setting ito laws of international rights at pretty freely in that section The in formation to this effect is contained In a letter dated July from Fort Hope on the Mackenzie River It says We received letters lately from Peers Riyer Post in which we are told that about that post down the Mackemie River seven ships had there hunt ing whales and trading fins and that during last fall they had killed no whales The nationality of the ship is not given are supposed to American vessels These ves sels have evidently made their catches in the estuaries of the Mackenzie River which is wholly in Canadian territory The goods too which were traded with the Indians were of course brought in by foreigners with out the payment of duty It is said however that tbe Dominion Govern ment has taken measures to ascertain the extent to which these depredations

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