Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1894, p. 4

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fy AUG Mr- Montreal A Marvelous Medietas Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hoods Proves Its Merit Tiff rom SUttt c am I fear Mar pounds HOODS CURES ivgia to it Hoods PHr cure Alloa For Sciatic Neuralgic lTYIUDI5FimEFA1lKEMACIC CURED BY TAKING I to lor yon Salt to talc ictc but note me I wxi at l ley Sana Lad from Eruptions as they were My Is Hut a to I cut hi col J fcIoicj the rrrr A Admitted ftt Fair Cleanse of i Golden ih flnl of A chiefly in mod is only by John It fa of Mill It I of la flrtt LTf to Christ work Uhl worth And ff ltd to by bat of drawl to Jmhj Sow bow J1iUt ha el not to by new J la old inn Way imt ort tal by 1 lis WHIT SI JUTES TO J get ib boo Hero of bit war it China will atl to ay to ifpn Thou by Hamilton Sftitste roan who of lb to Id aayi A liogc of army north and hi or potato rot Why do A ftctivo blood in Look out or ahead by putting the blood to lum right remedy to from Wicai tfrrr it as you whoa you fl Iho languor of depression and jounffeU from recoToring from I Gripped or in from or to build up floih and Strength It a Moodpurifier that flood teat of time For a quarter of century ntim- be rod by toitmfaitrr pT in it by anting bid Wood lb Scrofula TeitfiiTi Krjiipclajp BoiU and kindred If you no benefit gel money back What oner could fiirer County of deacon in an appeal of the Cell at reduced fnsna to The Co moil only ban a lim ited plant in when ill limited to only Scon after the of It paper be called the Bow- man villa week Sun plant waa sold to Mr A publilber of the n which hi alto purchase from lit- Climiein Sun wilt uot any in Friday last of of Interior from for the West where he is to a tour of inspection over ft of So an axfhane but who luck this trip at a holiday at ei- Jt cures Catarrh in the Head perfectly and Dr Sages Remedy Harry had just begun to to school and proud what be learned One day bethought hed show his father how much he and asked him at dinner bow many chickens are thereon that dish Two my to Said pp thought you knew how to count said There are three Thais one thats two and two and one make three- Very well said his father your inother may have one for dinner Ml take the other and can have the third Syracuse A of cod health will Wl the useofCajaphdls SkreiCodUverOll It Is pure sad on ta War Path Is a interview at Martin P for that city stated White I was at Ottawa I spent a good lime looking of public and I am satisfied thai the present of n be without impairing the slightest degree life of the public Will Sir wake a tAJ lBii5i Cart 4rJ Ail von NURSERY STOCK LIBERAL TERMS SPLENDID OUTFIT FREE or acd l aoihlt to the IT THUS icwti YOUSAVESst- How to Got a Sunlight the Why Send a Woman Old a Man to Toronto and you will receive by a pretty picture free from and well worth la an way to your home- The it the market and It will to the approaching Industrial Fair at the of last scrutiny of the of the principal showa that alt the taken op and the will have some trouble satisfactorily arranging for the proper of exhibits aecepted will the C P will a choice ditplay from Manitoba and the Ox Hod Wilfred by Win P P lien Mil Mr Charles Mr John Cburlton M P Mr- Win P Hod il P P and other will nsit rthta rili be si fa In the Drill in lbs evening No doubt- the Liberal of tbOccJiion ft very brilliant and Uijntraioo re W la irUi Write Tints peaking of the uc- tax and in of Ontario Act make Jnrtl not to say torn jottioa of property inherited and enjoyed bo paid to lbs community for lot real of it rather peO ions than at a reaton for The owner of the property pre- to had to coolrlbote Mall the and local and lux uries at time has and the in- htritor will have to do the aaine for time to the moment he received of hi properly he be came a taxpayer and to the fond out of which the at the coin in unity for the very pro- and of which the It no therefore more then make to take the of a brain or hi fam ily and It to coffer of the thereby the amount paid by tboie who all to The with a bus load of supporters and friends left on Tuesday morniitg of last week for without accident about am having high expectations and in good spirits but after the long the boys fcH the need of grub Our genial Mr piloted us to the Hotel the best house in town where we were vety kindly treated by the host and hostess Mr and Mis Bennett- After putting away a square meal the boys received a kind invitation from our hostess to take possession of their cosy parlor which was done- To the deight of everybody piano was ojjeei be jbe boys Ale Cain and Lyons the audience with choice were applauded- The time was passed m singing and comic sayings After spending a hours thus the hoys retired scon appearing in the well known colors white and blue and proceeded to the where battle was to be fought with the understanding from the Ox bridge that there was to be fair play no favoring and no slugging On those conditions our- boys readily consented there vast differ ence between the and their Both in height and weight had the advantage but our boys were not to be discour aged and at both teams lined up as follows a i J Khby The ball placed between the sticks of Lyons and by the referee then at the word play our Jimmy secured the rubber and made a terrific spurt towards the goal of twelve then passing to Monty Monty to Holly who failed to materialize being on nearly every occasion by having at three players on him when he attempted to throw on flags The game was most hotly Con and ng more so as had been defeated ll reason hour and twentysix the ball was kept travelling up and down the field the of the time on Ihe flags of the boys in blue hut old Sionewat known us kept up hi reputation amid groans and applauds from spectators At he time specified little Eddie Murphy secured the ball made a rush the like of which will never be seen In again in a long time who passed to did the trick Time being called after the first and only game our boys were found huddled together rubbing their cracked heads smashed thumbs and sore shins- Then time again called to face the ball The teams again lined up as before Hav ing only minutes to decide which were victors Again Jimmy Lyons secured the ball and passed to Mur phy passed to tarry Doyle who passed to Montgomery then passed to Holly who made shot on the goal which wis put through at least two feet before the goal keeper scrap ed it out umpire advised not to call it a game Alter some tricked rusher were made the Ux- on the hut failed to the trick time was called amid cheer only from the sup porters of the Then hand shaking add congratulations were the order of the day As usual little Eddie up a magnificent game opponents were with him The way our little Larry played when he get the rubber you would think he was a hundred yard in nine seconds with the usual smile on his face showed that twelve-year- old boy lacrosse is played in our country Walter did they rattle you How much Eddie the size of them didnt scire you did it Our Tip got his thumb but lived through it all Old Stonewall if you will only come out of the we will score says Shupe was checked hard but when he started to run he surprised them with his In the last issue of the they intimated that Eddie Murphy played lacrosse while attend ing St Si duels College Toronto and played with clubs This Eddie to flatly contradict and savs it was No lacroste was played by anybody aha that it only this season he in duced play lactone yourself for Eddie is all Does your Wife do her own Washing does tee that the wash Is made w Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP which does away with the terrors of washday will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap Murphy put No of to con pete EYES ARE VALUABLE To be trifled with Some things you can replace but not the eye there fore use them aright We have all the Latest Appliances and lit on Principles DR Graduate of Optical Institute For testing eyesight we make no charge You simply pay for the glasses if you need them Ss7i8ien Vetera Lift The to en- title any person to in me placed on the Dominion VolerV list IS That you ate a male of ihe age of years That you we a subject and That if you live in a city you are of real property amounting to at or in towns arnounting to or InyiMages township amounting to or That you are a tenant or any real property the electoral district under a tease a monthly rental of at least two dollars or a quarterly of at least at dollars or half- yearly rental of twelve dollars or a yearly rental least twenty dollars or That you are the bona occu pant of real property within any to the amount of at or within any amounting to or any place district amounting to Or That you a re lidcnt of the elec toral district and derive an of at least annually In money or worth or That you are son not otherwiie to vote and have been with your father- or mother for one year previous i That you are the son of an owner of real property other than a farm and hero been a resident with your father or mother for one year pre vious or That you are a fisherman and own property and boats fiibinx gear and tackle amounting to at or That you are receipt of- a life annuity amounting to at least in money or moneys worth Pone THE LEADING HARDWARE Summer Goods BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES GARDEN TOULS LAWN MOWERS RUBBER HOSE READY MIXED PAINT PAINTERS SUPPLIES CHURCHS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES CLOTHES WRINGERS Also all kinds Fence Wire J A W ALLAN CO Telephone No MAIN STREET Jacks to Hire GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NEWMA Point Kerr Cover Ittvinty 2nd uc Moot try 3rd Vyvyfcn Centra turner Doyle 3rd lion 2nd Ed lit Homo a Kelly Field Aug At his home Ibis county last night James Hardy colored died at iHeage of Jefferson Daviss of the re He tit litucs and father A to a Iron in I A prAl Itobb I Mr Dr I A t of OfKStklo Of for lirciith timotbcrlotr iv In la Bold Itdcut aiJc or ixtttny atcttocyo3 bo intern For aUlo avi Uotiihyi How to Spoil Boy If you jour gray hairs dishon ored by a spoiled and ruined son adopt ihe following directions Let him have of spend ing money Permit 10 choose own companions without restraint or Give hint a latchkey and allow him to return home late in the even ings Make no enquiries as to where and with whom he spends his leisure moments 5 Give Mm to understand that manners make a good substitute for morality Teach Kim to expect pay for every act of helpfulness to others Allow him occupy a seat in church with boy rather than the pew with his parents Permit him to the Sun day School unsuitable for a boy on the verge of young manhood Your husband will notice a great improvement in your cooking when You Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot Your doctor will lose some of Mi Dyspepsia cases You John Forester jr aged son of John Forester of concession Markharn near Corners drowned while bathing in a mill at Dicksons hill Victoria Square on Wednesday evening last week Liniment Cures Your children can safely cat the same food as yourself when Your money will be saved and your cooking praised Famous cooks prominent phy sicians and thousands of every day housekeepers endorse it Will you give trial I la pound Thai N Company a a G P J J Cain J Kelly O K He is no ringer and for a fellow of his tender years Newmarket is justly proud of his brilliant playing Having made arrangements to drive to Lindsay after tea dis persed and made tracks for the Royal where a sumptuous repast by all preterit At in busses in to convey the boys to the next field of Lindsay Auitd cheers and congratulations they left veiy confi dent of The drive from being somewhat longer than they did not arrive their ion till Some of the Lindsay La crosse waiting welcome 1 uts formeciynf this town Having driven li the Daly House the proprietor was awakened by the war- whoop and kindly threw his admitting the most weary lot that ever entered his house After satisfying their monster the hoys to found in the land of dreams from which at a Mr Daty aroused them to hear the ring of the cups and saucers in the dining room- After breakfast the boys took in tbe sights of this beautiful town returning to the Daly House for dinner Time as usual found the boys on the field deter mined to do their best although feel ing stiff and sore from the recent match with The teams lined upas follow Goal Point Cover Point lit 3rd Centra 3rd 2nd Ho ma Homo Homo Field The hall being faced at secured by Lyons who passed it to Eddie and he in turn passed it on to Murphy who after a magnificent play scored In five seconds The second game was won in pretty much the same manner lime ten seconds The 3rd game was considerably longer when finally at the end of 15 minutes play scored for the The game after a skir of four was scored by Cain The match virtually being he Tali- were to continue for benefit of the laiois when Lindsay in inking three 5 and minutes Cully seemed ddightcd the first minutes play and too much praise cannot be said of his work J Doyle surprised everybody wilH his sprinting ability and fine play Without Cain the team is not com plete and the combination ia broke when is not in it Sammy as this was the firstinic you handled a slick what was the sen sation like That long stride of Jimmy Lyons paralysed his check I Popple can talk as like but you should have seen Charley thine at Lindsay Though had the hardest check the season he still re mained the same Charley Old Stoncwallas a goalkeeper has no equal this side of the Atlantic so the Lindsay hovs say Our boys being unfit for a 30 drive that night remained over till morning when left for home via Sutton where Mr the Man sion House kindly entertained us at dinner On arriving home about pm Thursday night a large crowd met the successful lacrbssists and wel comed them home as conquerta heroes The boys expect a return visit both from and Lindsay the fall I I Til Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils READYMIXED Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor PAINTS FOR HOUSE and BRUSHES BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES BUILDING HARDWARE te DIAMOND GLASS V Smith McCab Cook AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL J AS PROP TAKE THE LEAD IN Low Prices IN PRY GOOD JHH House Two men employed by the city government says an exchange were lately about their How much can you do in a day asked one When came to this place last fall he replied with a smile at the recollection I was quite fresh and I worked with all my might did a big days work every time and he specified the amount But have learned better since then I do about a third of what I did at first and he seemed to feel quite proud of his in- 1 creased worldly wisdom When I am paid for a work I do it said the other Everybody knows your practice and it will make you unpopular the rest if you in being so- ex act to the minute in and in working full time or over at night am willing to take the risk said his friend decidedly will be the first time I ever saw it work to a mans disadvantage to do bit duty honestly and faithfully There is no use in being so par ticular said another in the same line of when you get your money the same whether you work or not It might look on the surface but even on the low ground of expe diency faithfulness was best Troublesome investigating com mittees have a fashion of coming at times and making A good deal of disturbance where they are It really useful workers who arc really weeded out It is the nature too of all dishonest to multiply themselves and sometimes losing his place is the least of the evils that be falls such workmen In these days when perjury seems so common a young man cannot pay too great pains to have his character rooted and grounded in truth short of it will save from a thousand pitfalls found a small consideration compar ed with being honest and being dis honest in the matter of lime is the same in principle as being too free with an employers money The re sponsibility is not the least lessened when that employer is the Govern ment of the United Slates The first year of a boys business life often decides much with regard to his future course When the Duke of Wellington stood in his later years overlooking the playground of his boyish school days and observed the skill science and endurance of the lads busy with their games he said with warm interest and sym pathy It was here that Waterloo was won Many a youth has won or lost his Waterloo in just such an unconscious moment That was a sad day for Napoleon but not in the least more disastrous than for one to lose the battle of life a turbid fig a at CD ad S a so So J x J jp vi a a a 9 A a Stallions Ridges TRINITY a with tjj rouKJa t jeoilei out of to a or lift hit him at a umWor4caiileftUDai Ln flrte Hi to Old jo remarket- for ior fur Mi mod to aaliro- Without lrlaol promts of HO Itto will tinl tot the a their but that flYor to frftitf I jiuocvart of Oriole OtroD- If mi A at va J aVi a Bull In A JCil a Mil ESS kept for it at tchk pried ait Toronto tu mil WILLIE SMI OP NEWMARKET TRY OUR I PAILS TUBS Clothespins And Washboards LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK Lath Doors Sash and Blinds -AT- POSSIBLE PRICES 5j NOBODY SHOULD BUILD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN- OUR FILLER INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS The total railway railage in he world is Minardi LintracDt Burnij eta la UJfi J LOWE ARM Halt half RENT fithooa ot or rtP price aiaatirTT i Shropshire Rams AND YOUNG SHORT HORN BULLS JllViSO PUMPS For Ciitexni aVIU J fit SUM d 1 Wanted In for hi WOTS AND BLEMISHES CAUSED BAD CURED lolfv Sick Headache CURED I troQblM Ion time with alt lor iqU Began taking Aycrs Pills received Awarded Medal at Pair Sarsapartlla is the USB PERRY FOR BALK OR TO for sale for to RENT Acra Lot No W Jo h Cob Apply or M JARM ftocea and a Land ioot7cl6rod and a of it loapremuoa or J tfcQINNia I look and can that I PERFECTLY I am so to healthy fitrccelv ft overt I body run to Wen tr fit PAPER MILLS Wratpplii ROACH FOOD NOT A POISON FATAL TO AMD HATER BUGS- EWINO alo a L COLIN A CO iQrotttl tor qaaoTaaa MUC1UGE GLUE or Fall plowed HOUSE FOR SALE pHEDaalrabtaneaUaBMttl lata or Victoria aad Nawmk Wet or Of to WALTER J Rtaato 0U Eat ait- A Profitable Hotel For Sale THE HOUSE north of Toronto on lha fcoj of rtihlcr fomplled ft Libera SAFE MANUFACTURER MB ALL a CT THE EQUAL OF PARISIAN HAIR RENEWER In w wl rir to wlgrtailtfittyiH clew bo of toy a our clad la ft rich- taiiraA4 juries ttrt La tt Wiii fa tare fa THB me iSTaSwaaff uLdTcaUh 4

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