Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1894, p. 1

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era Every Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON mt an HOUSE MAIN And wo SUBSCRIBERS It EST County I plication with in mi tccwxifafly LEGAL THOMAS J Ac to on food JOT akrister Solicitor or of to Reformer Block lo J WOODCOCK so MEDICAL J P a for of York- led DB A J STUART and if if On Office to P DR CAMPBELL At Hoar to Am lo J indite door Ectt D ROGERS AI rENTiST Poti fitoekoprxalla A TERRY Reformer AUCTIONEERS FltAVK fur York Co rum iMilBBtorBoxlV PO T AUCTIONEER Coaotf York Goods told on Term to- A ESTER PAINTING PAINTER fc Order price GEO WOOD ITT FOR THE FINEST TURNOUT Jo Town VKRS0NS LI WRY INSURANCE TO AT 1HE WD 1 I mod A- lor of All Slock pod Pfopftr jWMARKCT lb Wo rf ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL CKAJ Newmarket Branch YORK AND kt oJaw pli In Vol Single Copies Cents Kadi Newmarket Ont Friday Aug Terms1Q0 Strictly in Advance or at end of year A BANKING Allowed on Deposits AT XTtSy DRAFTS ISSUED AT III tod lnfbt And to J The Leading Stove Depot WATER CANS for Paris Green COAL OIL STOVES all sizes from to CHURNS Daisy and Dash SCREEN DOORS windows wire cloth all width EAVETROUGHING Genera promptly and properly short notice A BINNS NEWMARKET NEWMARKET Carriage Now is the Time Purchase a BUGGY CARRIAGE Rigs were never before got up so handsomely and never were so Low in Price Call at our WareRooms on Lot St and we will show you the Easiest Running Buggy on the Market JOHN BRIMSON B- Repairs promptly attended to NEW CLOTHING HOUSE The place order your Clothing for the future is NO MAIN ST Having fitted up the premises recently occupied by Mr Chas we are now prepared to manufacture Gentlemens Clothing of every descrip tion in a manner second to no house in the trade The we have set ourselves is to secure the of Newmarket Our facilities for doing so arc all that can be desired Consists of all that is NEW AND NOBBY AND HAS BEEN NOUGHT FOR SPOT CASH A comparison of our Prices will readily reveal this to you and our reputation of neatly a quarter of a centuiy is the guarantee of the class of work you may expect MCCORMICK Late Cutter for Sutherland Bros- CANADA LIFE -CAPITAL- ANP- 10000000 DOLLARS Standard Life ftssuranceCo Ml forested vl ieiUW PAY YOUR AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO THEM TO SHE TO BUY WM HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH I KXTBA I Insuring the Lives of Females ALSO AMD Al J A PIIAUIHACY See our New Stock of I Sponges Chamois and Druggists Sundries in General We always pay Special Attention to KEHDAIT MOST SUCCESSFUL FOR MAN OR CURE I was cured or a severe cold by Oxford I was cored of a terrible sprain by MIKARDS LINIMENT Fred Coulson Yarmouth I was cured of Black erysipelas by MINARDS LINIMENT- J T-L- MRS CH SIMPSON tod WEDDEL OnL Windmill LLOYD PRACTICAL PIANO IT Veterinary Kill fttteofotL MR A STOUFFER CONCERT BARITONE Cburcft Newmarket actor of la Culture Ex In yicvrloff VtotlQ lo or Oratorio Photos Photos I PEPPIATT VINO Mr to IhUbo la tend MAINTAINING THB LEAP And ffairAQteet to turn cot work equal Id respect to city work nod torbrmo-toMt- of will ftfld in or OIL Mr Aim will Ibc bood win work but In to sod 800 PRIVATE FUNDS a to ft J A SOMETHING FOR ToDay ti The first intimation of fail- Is when ft be- comes necessary to hold some object such as fine print or a needle away from the eye to sec them clearly or becomes difficult to sec to read in the evening When these symp toms appear it is best to purchase a Pair of to be worn only when it is necessary to save he eyes from being over taxed Be careful to buy Good Ones to Start With 9 We have them in Steel Roll Plate and Solid Gold at vy low price ATKINSON Your Kyes JoWeloK WOHKS j WACK8MITIIIKO MANNING SON- I- gHrXurHiiKuiMT MS OLD NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS 9 The Latest Designs MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Canadian and Foreign and Marble ACftll l Hula Watch Weight If you losing flosh your Is drawing on your latent strength Something la wrong Toko ALLAN Emulsloh Cream of OlTj to your Its Physician I world Listen to Tour Girls to U4 will od to a rfuht UiU to From a to Tempting to od Br la mother her Third In you To J You bo mother apt to mike to iro rof tojoarinolhcrglrU from J Of juke Bright Bide the bright Thats to go All time right Summertime or snow I got a light All will I the bright tide Gits there every a I When the the limps still Think tea a itaiij- Heir a youre money Smile an Think the honey with the My Reward Max said I testily to my ne phew your father is a fool Max tapped my dragon head ink stand with his pencil and made no answer But he evidently agreed with roe Tell me about it I added sit ting down having made a bur circuit of the room Ill help you if I can Thank sir slid Max grate fully then he sighed and the mo menta brightness went but of his face Til not be promoted tor a and even then ray regular salary does not begin for six months he said Father utterly refuses to help me and on what I get now I- would not think unify I hid a home to take my wife to So I exclaimed with a sudden idea Well what then Then Nothing I That the end I the home nor can I get it I marry on what I have now and into one or two rooms in a cross street have her do her own work and live from hand to mouth generally but I wont do it Then you want to begin in style do you I asked disapprovingly No but nicety Jean is not afraid of work and would gladly be gin at the lowest round with me but she is refined and cultivated and I would be unhappy to deny her en She teaches music now be lieve said I Yes but has a coty comfortable home with her mother Mrs Del- mar is a lovely woman and has given Jean most of her education She has seen much belter days am sure They read together play and study and I could not take Jean from such a life and make a household drudge of her- Max sighed disconsolately and I was in deep thought we were silent for some I was sorry for him My young life been Waited by a ricb father- stepping between me and the loved who was poor and now here was my brotherinlaw do ing the same thing with his son So deeply had my disappointment affect ed my life that had never married j the one love had been all my heart had ever known and tonight I can see her blue eyes as they looked into mine twentyfive years and hear her voice but pshaw its Maxs love you want to hear not mine What would you like I asked abruptly Like repeated Max startled from his reflections Yes what enable you to marry at once A home for my wife We could live nicely on my salary If I bad that but bills would leave nothing I went Into reflection again and lived over in my own mind the wis er poor Max was now Oh how I would have appreciated some when been there and now ft lay in my power to extend that help to another worthy and similarly sit uated Max said I suddenly with an uncontrollable shake In my voice- my dear boy give me your hand I know how you feel and I Intend to help you I had ihls tame experience when I was your age and it has made my life the lonely one that It Is time will tell you nil about it Go right to your little sweetheart and tell her to set the day at once when you are married you will have a home to take her to Uncle Ben cried Max starting to his feet and wringing my painfully I I dont know what to say to you l Dont say anything I dont want von to said rather crustily to hide my feelings Take your hit and go Ive got some business that I must attend to at once Max was evidently as glad to go as I was to have him What queer no tions men have about holding their feelings I saw that bis eyes were shining tike diamonds through a of tears as he wrung my hand again and said in a voice with several emotions God bless you Uncle iheri he rushed and sat down to think a little and wipe away my own tears New York was a mean place for a couple to begin and begin Nothing but fiats and to my opinion a flat is no home But in the far end of Brooklyn was as sweet and cozy a little house as any one rich or poor could want A sweet sunny little hoiiie surrounded with and aud just the place for any little woman with a heart and busy hands lo make a bowerlike home of The owner wanted to sell so the sooner I saw him the better and with that decision I jumped up pur on my wrappings was soon trund ling oft in an uptown car I dont l like newfangled notions and the j makes me nervous It was a cold blustery night and had a long ride before me So set tled in my comer and for a long while no one and then a young girl came in and sat down op me and I could help but watch her The lamplight fell square ly on her face and she could no see me looking at her so did so unre servedly and thought had never seen one sweeter or more refined She was cold and tired that I saw r she shivered a little once or twice her lace was pale and sad with a drop about the mouth and shadows under the large eyes blue as clematis with fringing lashes The dim light showed her plainly but neat ly dressed and the looked the more I became interested until I sud denly became aware that another man was similarly engaged and deliberate ly turned and faced her a movement that caused the color to come and leave her face though she tried to appear unconscious of the impu dence I struggled with a sudden de sire to choke him and very probably would hate made a move of some kind had he not turned away But at the next crossing she left the car he did likewise and without a second thought arose and followed Would the scoundrel speak to her My blood danced wildly through my veins as thought of it and watched him gaining on her rapid nervous walk We were all close together she a trifle in advance he close be hind and almost in his steps when be suddenly gained her side and I distinctly heard his words Miss I hope you will pardon me but I would like to know you You are a beautiful and- He got no farther for one blow from my clenched fist sent him staggering against a neat railing after which I turned quickly to her Dont be frightened child I will see you safely home She was shrinking and trembling like a leaf but my fatherly tone seemed to reassure her for she gave one quick appealing glance into my race Over which the gaslight flickered then drew neuer to- me with a frightened shudder Thank you kindly Is only block below What a charming birdlike voice Jusi as refined and ladylike as she looked I drew one trembling hand under my arm noticing she a roll of music in the other and then we started ahead She did not speak again and I felt her still trembling but on the block below she paused at the doorway and with drawing her hand said Wont you please come in moth er would like to you and I would be pleased to have you She threw the door open as the spoke and I was just on Ihe point of declin ing with thanks when the parlor door was thrown open and without a glance at me Max rushed out I Jean why are you so late I was terribly worried and- Then he looked beyond at me and earth t Uncle Hen Max I I responded with a gasp and then for one full minute the air fairly iuivcred- with exclama tion points I dont understand 1 didnt know began Max In niter be wilderment which could not he wondered at You me to get here as soon as you did you I managed to say with a laugh as the facts in the case slowly began to dawn upon me Well Max Im as astonished as you are And is this Miss- Del- mar I added turning to Jean who advanced perfectly silent with astonishment Yes sir she said holding out her hand a charming smile and it I correctly understand It Is Maxs uncle to whom I am so in debted I am so delighted find It so us go in I still smiting at Maxs bewildered face and when she went away off her things I explained the case to Max And you were out in our behalf he exclaimed after hiving Indulged In a vain rage at Jeans encounter 0 Uncle Ben you are good You will be rewarded some way J My will be in seeing you spared the I surtered and still answered much touched by his emotion and gratitude She is a dear sweet little girl Max a true lovely little woman Make her your wife as toon as she is wil ling and remember what I said this evening Max was about to answer when Jean returned smiting and sweet as a flower with pretty bows as blue as her eyes fastened In her snug hair and the smites rippling over her face as she talked to us Mamma Ii late too she said at the clock We are neither of us ladies of leisure she added with a laugh at me Mamma Is a vuiilng governess and am a poor music teacher Dont you think Max made a very singular choice A very happy one I answered but at that the outside doer opened and Jean jumped up This is mam mi excuse me a moment please looked around the room while she was and further formed my these two It was small cosy with odd of bric- abrac a few fine- pictures many books tasteful homemade a wellworn piano and a harp It spoke of better so mo sudden adversity and good care of what had been left from the wreck There was refinement taste This is the gentleman I suddenly heard Jeans voice sayinf Mr Damon let me Introduce ray mother- I hastily turned and arose with my very best bow held out my hand and then came before my eye and she nextl knew Maxs sound ing far off was saying Uncle Ben are very ill Then sight catod back p me slow ly and I saw two astonished half frightened young laces on either side and before me a tall sweetfaced woman with bands of nutbrown hair just slightly tinged wilh gray and the blue eyes bad never forgotten Louise Louise I I cried throw ing out my arms in a SOU of fear that it was a dream Louise is it you Yes Ben answered the voice I bad not heard for twentyfive years Then she was sobbing in ay arms tike a girl and I oh well consider ing that Ive turned fiftyfive Im ashamed to speak of myself Both of the people seemed to comprehend matters by this time I bad said enough to Max and Louise had probably told her daughter for neither asked any questions but felt to rejoicing with us at once I cant say anything Uncle Ben I My heart is too full exclaimed Max seizing the first opportunity to shake both my hands while Jean went into a rapture over her mother I knew you would be rewarded- Such kind ness as yours is never in vain And now to think how very happy- we all are But lhank God my boy that your happiness has not come to after draining for years the very dregs of bitter cup lhat I have Your happiness love axe in their spring time ours come to us as a golden harvest and only the winter of life will be ours together Dont say that cried Max gay- Youve both fifty years to live yet and well dance at- your wedding wont we Yes if they will at ours laughed Jean But I might write on and on and I never could describe the rest of that glorious evening or how we alt were I wont try because you all know bow buoyant Max was and as I said before Ive turned fifty five Im ashamed to speak of life tool lis STOUFFVILL People ire wondering if the village sidewalks are to be repaired be fore winter sets in Whitchurch Tp Fall Fair will be held here on the roth and nth of Oct HOLLAND LANDING Stephenson arid Sons did the days threshing the season at Bros of this village on Thursday of last week They started at 15 to and finished at havin threshed bush of wheat busk of barley bush of and bush of peas that ihey moved fjom one barn to another and had been detained by a refractory belt some time this is remarkable work- ir for the Boy There is a deal of sound wiidora packed into an article by Edward treating on the The Soy in the Office in the August Journal These rule by Mr are particularly to office boys Be the first at the office in the morning and the last to leave at night Dont have yourbat all ready to snap up and run for the door the moment the clock points to the hour for closing Let your employer see you at your desk when he goes Never an half hour Whatever is given you to do no matter how trifling it may seem do it thoroughly Do it as if it were the only act of the whole day Be at your desk as much as you can be away from it only when ab solutely necessary Ask to be off when neces sity or death demands it Dont play dont fool at you are not paid for lhat Dont stay out at lunch longer than ne cessary Dont eat during business hours have neither candy nor apples nor nuts In your desk Dont cut out pictures and decor ate your desk or the wall near you with them Dont sulk because your mother sends you to bed early She does it that you may be fresh in the morning and belter able to do a good days work- You need all ihe sleep you can get He truthful Dont think a little He wont hurt It will as much at a big one Liars small or large never make a success In business Stick the truth even If you lose by It You will gain by It later- Be able to look everybody straight In the face Keep your boy friends away from the office They have no business there and you have no right to have them there Your employer pars you to receive his callers not yours Be polite to everybody to the as well your employers est customer Politeness costs noth ing and Is more valuable thin many things that cost much Do your very best in everything When you do you do all you can but bg sure it is your beat Then will many things come to you and you will soon outdistance other who do as little as they can er only do things in a halfhearted way Never mind what other boys do be you thorough in everything If you are that you have the key to success A Good Appetite Always health and absence wrong by who hay used Hoods as to la restoring and a of the strong any medicine Hoods cars all sisk ach Wo MOUNT PLEASANT Miss Newmarket spent Sunday Rev Mr McLean is steadily in creasing in popularity the church be ing filled every Sunday morning Mr Hodge of Newmarket was visiting at Mr James Hamiltons jr on Sunday of last week Miss Cora Cowieson of Queeniville is visiting relatives here What some of our people would like to know When those weddings are to come off When choir will start in the Presbyterian church BARRIE Charles and Solomon were arraigned on the charged with peddling without a license They were each fined and costs amounting to W D Edwards was charged by Chief King on with ped dling tea without a license for which he was ordered to pay and costs For using insulting and abusive language toward Constable Sweeney a fine of was imposed costs amounting to A charged H Hook Hook A Hook and R Moffaii on the with fishing at the Little Lake Sunday They were fined each an amounting lo BRADFORD Most of the county local journals of Simcoe approve of the agitation for a county poorhouse or home the same as at Newmarket in York- Sheriff also favors he scheme The County of Breeders Stakes will be run at Bradford on and The four events ere twoyearold class threeyearold class fouryearold class and a three minute class In addition Bradford Club has added a sweep stake of each open to all for horses eligible August to start in a a class trot or pace to which the Driving Club will add also a mile running race for a purse of and a onemile open race for a purse Bradford is up electric light People sleal flowers off the graves in Bradford A map peddler is reported to be dupeing a lot of people in the sur rounding country and Bum From The indorsement by Mgr S a toll the Papal ablegate of Bishop Waiter- sons letter has raised quite a in certain circles in the Roman Cath olic church It will be remembered that the Bishop of withdrew approbation from any Catholic society that has a liquor dealer or saloonkeeper its head or anion its officers and that he not approve of new societies they exclude every one engaged in the manufacture or sale of intoxicat ing from membership As these societies cannot exist without the approval of the bishop of the dio cese in which they are located it will be seen that Bishop ac tion was quite important While the indorsement of Satolli has no direct effect anywhere but in diocese moral effect throughout the country will be great Too Confident Serving on a jury is a dissgteeable duly from which the ordinary man always seeks to be Not long ago in an Omaha court Mr John Doe was called and after giving his name asked to be excused What excuse have you asked the judge sternly Hey asked Mr Doe Youll have to speak louder judge The question was repeated and Mr Doe replied Well Judge Im hard of hearing and Im afraid it would be for me to try to serve Can you hear an ordinary conver sational asked the judge Hey exclaimed Doe placing his hand behind his ear I can you hear an ordinary conversational tone asked the judge pitching his voice a little higher Wall it bothers me a great replied Doe Then said the judge in a low tone of voice well ha ye to excuse you If you can not hear Low as the tone was Mr Doe and he started away with a pleasant smile on his Wait Mr Doe said the fe quickly If you that you can bear as a jurat We cannot excuse you And John Doe collapsed and fell Into the nearest chair FROM OUR Manitoba wheat will yield bushels to the sere Is the latest town to adopt the curfew In Port Hope the Waterworks bylaw was carried by majority Seventeen mills is the rate of taxation for for the en suing year Owing to thy hot winds the crops of Kansas Colorado will be a tola fahue says that fruit in that section will not he more half a crop Djment Son are losers to the extern of by War den Stephenson of York A perfect mirage of Toronto is said to have been witnessed in Buffalo one day last week paid for special on day and the cir cus for a license All Saints bell in has been by violent ringing of the fire the neighborhood the grasshopper is havoc with the oats and turnips No child will be admitted to the Lindsay schools who have not been vaccinated before the reopening A gang of gypsies have been committing several depredations and hare caused much trouble about lately Bolton school loard rangled over the engaging of a teacher until six oclock in the- morning from the previous James Ross an old and re spected farmer living near Teeswater was killed by being thrown from his buggy dining a runaway l It will cost more ibis year to run the- Public School than last year and more for the High School A crane which stood four feet nine inches and measuring across the wings ft in was shot in a pond neat a few days ago Mr Levi Mont toss late St Thomas aged and Mrs Smith of Ay liner aged were married at on the tost At the recent departmental examinations for teachers certificates Owen Sound passed Bradford r6 Dr W Stewart of been appointed physician for the Ontario Agricultural College vacant since the death of Ihe late Dr Mc While riding at Tweed Cornelius Woodcock had his neck broken by being struck by a handle He leaves a widow and large family ft 9 The bylaw to raise to extend ColHngwood light system was lest week defeated by the ratepayers of that town by a majority of Charlie of while was thrown against a sfdti of Orillias and collar bone ore Star the piece sidewalk or of photographer frweA that it may r carried away i year is fixed at Bulletin says most K Council has been V expenditures were recently fined McPhfe and supplying liquor to Rama reserve Sir John sons had a narrow escape fror fog in last Their sailboat was upset clung the keel till rescued l K Frank a young farm er living in Portage Township near Kalamazoo Mich shot and instantly killed his wife early yesterday morn ing mistaking her for a burglar Sam Cat Aug Prof Campbell of the Luck observatory says he has demonstrated with the spectroscope that the planet Mars presents no evidence of having an atmosphere eL Near III the ex plosion of the boiler of a threshing engine resulted in the instant death of three persons the serious and falal injury of two and slight injuries to several others Winnipeg Aug Northern Elevator Companys elevator burned down tonight with all the contents The firemen had a bard fight to save adjoining warehouses Loss between and Every column of a contains from to twenty thousand distinct pieces of metal according to the size of the paper and type- The displacement of one of them means an error Is it any wonder that errors sometimes occur A great improvement made to Schomberg by sidewalks Hitherto sidewalks have only wide these are being The Boot and right pledges to the of that successful Co Olivers pledge

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