Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1894, p. 2

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SESHssaas iVTt irTZ AUG New Behcet Co for Bait Lloyd Excursions A- Curd Henry Camay Foundry Co She WIVXRLKTTS EOT CROCS AND WITH EACH ISSUE Era Print at Heme onjn run FRIDAY AUG 0nr Toronto Despatch Ace 55 Stilts coal deal- r4 to be tor lb femur Company Gent It a it Ad It odj Lit 3l Liberal so by iff M- Sir in fix- AM bo Iwa Hod- Ricbarcl TrtAiaitr for trip to of A Co lxil tod to Sir nd en Mot a Sir iiu Gonriicocol before a Lsbor Day holiday 1 in the from vjrioui of vicg clerk Somatic djfed on worth boal per in prcxra The J Jib re only few Tin of holiday wid known Day aprehBDd will bo to our wsd in A that ft rtcTtd Porto rutin ibal flib flii from rt- ATftHOBfil to lh ftffilttstX Chip pie ltod nfonn ud to enter agiiail Cob Tex in honor dI Hon Monday wu the dtu bald in ihBl city The on cordon and foil of la of ft in Iha Park Tat Toronto and gets a real deal than lilt la from Goieramcata it to Toronto la crying give mora in in in and yet It whining for more Dominion Premier Sir John Thompson the pieat of Toronto for a few 5 ay a doling the week and in with the Mayor Iiland for the Of ha wai that by via harbor works woold be Lennox of Id town On Bykea on to relatiTOi In the Mr of Toronto Saturday- Mr Hoot Is fisting at lira Jimaa weak of Toronto la a f llfiAda Proctor Toronto la tog bar of Sunday of Bradford waa week with Mr Will Barry fiol homo after ft ootinj on Georgian Bay Mia Ada la from Toron to on a rialt to home Dyke of St I I Hr J McKay ad family are Piilt of Toronto hit Mr Will of IbB Peter- Ontario Bank it Spending hie boll J and A- flarajD of Richmond Hill are for a day at Mr J of Limarlok put weak of AWtnnan Mr John A Ball of York City former the tuff in town on at Bowery HOLT Mr Eta of Toronto ft few with in town week Mill of Toronto waa Tinting Albert Weal for a few day weak Manning and in Lib tai lis Bit HOPE At the service list Sun day ten adults and children were baptized by in the presence of ft large during week- At a meeting of Commit Toronto wai directed to inquire into of esfiening the annual repairing in For these repairs fcavabwn upcoaiTe at timet amounting at high in of the firtt meeting at wbieh the newly el tad Warden Mr McDonald prefixed In official capaci ty- Municipal The question of civic fire for some past been engag ing the attention of Toronto and now it is said that an application will pro bably be made at the next session of ihe Ontario for the ne cessary authority to go in ihn enter From what we have gleaned the discussion had it is to have a municipal bureau of insuiance to consist of three com- two to be appointed by the City Council and one by the Board of Trade who will appoint a manager and other necessary officers jOcoflduci the department It is further that these com missioners shall have to assess all buildings for insurance juipoM and insurance on merchandise slocks machinery and that they haw charge of the fire mi- that debentures be issu ed to the of to be sold invested in negotiable securities for a fund meet losses The executive of the City Council tali- nates that a r3tcof fire insurance JowerlhaR the tariff of char- companies the city most of the insurance now effect In l not only de fray all fire losits aud pay the cost management but also pay whole cost of the fire brigade and over and above that the city a net profit of per annum Ottawa and other places arc to Lit consideration of the on ml of the of continued ex flic appliances A from politicians visited that locality and remained over Sabbath It aayc Tha of Canada and Premier Ontario Blcpt root tut did not meet however for neither one toe of tboprMtnoaot other Sir Oliver was with bis atditiog In centennial John over on or of Toronto City Council Monday the people of that city will to the new located and Hamilton it trying hard hut Ontario it not to three and Ontario one when City it located I We were under the airing the military there raoalred during the Parliament an hind located at King ton a point than and if what waa It be Canada baa all military needed ready J till Con and of ware in town weak Mr Toronto with Bolt Hewitt thin and Mr John of Toronto ware visiting friends in town this ilua Mary yf St gone to for a days en a Mil is at Mr- treat- Mils of To ronto and ilrB Dr King City town cousin of Sir baa Visiting in town and vicinity for three weeks in company with her gone on a to and Niagara Falls Mutate Ivan and Beryl Andre of are a with Annie and Matter fdongaU of Toronto a in and for tha Clark of Colo rado who baa been on a for the past two month left for homo on Mon day Minnie who been with her aunt at The to her Toronto home on Tow- day Richmond Kewrnarketbai making a with weak from and Toronto are at Mr Parrioa im Win Irwin has threshed of has ft Bible diss in the Church It will be held on Thurs day of each There was a Urge gathering Methodist Church Use Thursday night to hear J Able leture 00 the evils Of intoxicating beverage Several excellent light illustration vividness to his scathing denunciation all who in any way help an that destroys not only the bodies but the of men Mr- Bell in in the interests of the Royal Templars and he tried to organize a lodge here but was unable to procure a number of fur organisation iVo RICE LAKE The friends of Mr will be glad to team be is gelling better again but Mr very poorly Joseph Baxter of Winnipeg and Mr Manning of Toronto were call ing on around here week Mr Smith was off work part of last week on account of ill health Mr met with quite a serious accident lasl Saturday While be was alighting from a wagon the horses started and he was thrown out falling on his Miss Bertha was visiting in this neighborhood last week The Salvation Army is doing a successful work in this section The sudden death of Mr Henry His son was a surprise to the com munity The funeral took place in Hope Chuich on Sunday afternoon when a concourse about people assembled Although a colored man he was well respected friends were present from Toronto and other places A of Detroit is home on a visit Key W and wife of J are at Mr Miss Spooner of Toronto is the guest of Miss Selena Travis Mr George and family of New York are visiting at j also Miss Mr of A College home for Mr John A Hopkins is potting in A silo Johnnie intends to on feediDj Everybody in out vicinity seems to be a hobble it present result of oar church on Sonday Our people seem to be better than the Albert folk we need no preaching all Serrf every Wednesday night instead of Sunday A number of Cutners finished harvesting School opened on Monday Mr J as Sweet improving hii farm by the erection of a threestorey dwelling house The flood will never affect him Mr and Mrs McDonald of Brechin are spending a few days with their son Mr C McDonald Miss Greenwood is reported to be very low with consumption from which she has been a sufferer for some time- Miss Peters of Toronto has been spending part of hex vacation at her uncles Mr Peters Mrs Geo Hamilton baa her Miss Etta Carl on from visiting her Mi Ionian was laid up a couple of days with a lame knee the result of a kick from a horse while shoeing KESWICK A in biro othrf toe number of bo ot llvlog ih work- tog of lb ft fftraw cottar Id for straw hat oo fiofw short now Ear of Toronto of Mr last lbo who sacoeofal In him war well Editor and famUy tftwwo on ml- on lake farm do In on hot or all born tivft ivtTieiliMMD for all guild BftekU of North to Bar Mr Black In Black his not known long ha a join man Id wiibiag a and Ufa and alto Bar Will sod wifa wax autar last waak Bar L and his ion aforio to on for noma in J with his 1b bar man with Hum fid 8tar- da Both ara doing Dr Armitroag of known to of- of u 1 or flva ago with Mr ST NORTJI Heft it A large crowd was attracted to the lake shore on Sunday last by a baptismal service held by the Methodists Mr Herbert Ireland of Toronto spent a few days with relatives here Yum Yum CLOTHING FOR THE BOVS GIRLS FOR THE BOY8 Boys Strong Tweed Suits at Boys allwool Tweed Pants at Boys Strong Braces Boys Felt Hats quite neat Boys Strong Lace Boots Boys Heavy Solid Leather Boots Boys Fine Buff Shoes FOR THE GIRLS Special Line Durable Dress at Special Line Dark Prints at 8e Special Line Ribbed Cashmere Hose girls size Girls Strong School Shoes at 85c Girls Fine School Shoes at Girls Fine Kid Button or Lace Shoes at 110 Bring your children to us for a School Outfit to sell you the best goods at the very Lowest Prices 10 95 1 10 We aim d was preached Toronto i in in city Now to it money nt time at it will bo aft to U way Into try- The cola to bo in firo not pre- In cfrcoUtidiia It i heavier coin tod hit ring of of perfectly coio but color re mora IVH -It- lfil J ft L 111- wearying struggle American Senate rjinutives lififl is over- The curing Pks Harrison Wilson Bill proposed President and ile Senate Bill as adopted as a by the House of Poultry poam llCvt t Pork ic pound Barley iOc 1 lcpoand now SOo fcaib Wilton Bill Bill Pre pC Sc lb lb as ox a ton bo 20 pc Pie dried SlOorSO Cattle 20 pc Ceil p Free Free Lumber tabic tbat horses hive from per cent to instead of head be charged a duly of per a ilight Hay has been reduced about onehalf at cur rent market prices CMcfceot will about the same but turkeys will UaA Barley been from per bushel to about toe per bushel pork will pay about the q we free list this article to the action ltt raorkai lumber duties lumber The relief committee for the Columbia flood sufferers say that the distrejs caused by the last June is great and owing the failure of the harvest distress is anticipated and is required to relieve the people ihtough the coming winter Under the new Dominion Franchise act there is a change in the of ballot to be used elec tion There is to be no while mar gin en the side the ballot paper and all portions of the paper are to colored dark except the divisions containing the names of the can didate circular opposite the names in one of which circles will be to put their cross As the result of a conference leading Cniervalives held at Winnipeg it is likely that J Mo will be chosen as the Conserva tive candidate for Iiigar when that constituency is opened Mr Mc Lean is an exchief factor of the Hudson Bay Company and will be remembered as having with his fam ily been captured by Big Bear in the Northwest rebellion The Toronto Industrial Ex hibition Association have put out a lithograph poster elegantly framed about the intent of which some doubt has been expressed The wood Bulletin says it is a young girl carrying a lapful of medals and malt- a disgusting display of her nether limbs which compels the Toronto Star explain that the picture In question does not represent a female at all but is picture of a page dressed in the picturesque and artistic garb of a few centuries back The wellknown penchant of the Associa tion for circus business has no doubt led to mistake The Express due in Toronto at oclock Saturday morn ing was crossing the second con- of one mile west of station when it struck a team belonging to Mr James blacksmith and storekeeper of mere Mr Lee who Is about sears of age was driving and did not near or see the approaching train He had a narrow escape of losing bis life Both horses were killed and the wagon smashed to pieces Mr Lee was thrown feet over fence and ht was picked up in a state The butter eggs ancfcUfitry produce were scattered on The train backed up to the spot and Mr Iee was lifted therein brought to Toronto and taken to the General Hospital some riandt spent at Point It was almost loo coot to be en joy ibis and E of wheeled bare Nut to tha bicycle races next day Bertie of Toronto visiting a few day this week at The Bowery after a abort with at Mis Berth retaroid to liar In post on her holidays in and Toronto A Cole was in town lie relumed on Uonday bis In there Mrs J IdiAiMl and children Perth who for month rtturtud home on Monday last Mr J of Mich la here on a viiit to old not think buiinen Is any belter In the thin In Canada Mr ana Mrs and Irene and of Toronto also MUs of Windsor spent over Sunday Mrs Mr J P spent over Sunday at Camp to hear the celebrated Dr Bav Mr Mr from Toronto The and Kdllh Iron nnd Annie Bolton of Pauls at Mr Etons few days this week Mr Chapelt Que formerly of this town la hero on a couple of mil to with Ed as ho la looking well Mr and Mrs Reynolds Mr John Fetch and the Patch of Aurora worshipped with Methodist congrega tion la lotto lsst Sunday evening The uses Wright of spent couple of days at The Bowery week on their way home from Lake camp spent four weeks Mrs J It Anderson of who been vleltlng with bar mother Mrs Jada for past of months retnraed home this week Mr 1oi Hawk a chftDt Id town AaitrfcllkD piper the held M factory lor lend- A A of hnUj with Dr oa Cor In Hit Mcurt J and Morio op from Toronto on Hand lha of Mr WUUiiii U of beta i Mr for put throe Mr And Toronto ftt the Cborch hero Ho not to lliO lllccii was a crowd down to the mid night train Tuesday evening to see a couple of Newmarket people off for North- Wast MUs daughter Mrs A left for Clgry where aba hie secured a position as teach and Mr left for acuta Manitoba Miss a native of Newmarket bet now of Col that there fa terrible struggle go 500 to return the of Colorado en women right to with view of carrying that November are making pbes the men from the text And this is life eternal that they might know only true son of God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John on tae The band boys serenaded the vil lage bit Saturday night dressed in their uniform and in return were treated to a feed of honey and other go at the residence of Mr Robinson where a very enjoyable was spent The band doing in the school house section is the villagers had not the privilege of hearing any music so the thought would give them a nights parade and it was enjoyed immensely There has quite a large ship ment of cheese from factory dur ing the week Well our weather prediction failed pretty badly It is the first lime my rules went back on me to such an ex tent since have been taking them fur a guide dont suppose to know what went wrong with but it might be that the tig engine that water springier has been laid of for repair Very we will gel a double dose later on when not Visitors Miss Jenny Aurora Miss Garrison Toronto Mr and Mrs Newton brook Mrs Win and Aurora all Iy Mrs Geo Wilson of Newmarket at Mr Jas Wilsons and other relatives The have again com menced- Mr Geo Clark has been secured for teacher for the balance of the year ft section is The hand of death has again been among us and claimed for a victim our kind friend and neighbor Mr John He passed away very peacefully on Saturday afternoon last was fully conscious to the end conversing with about him choosing his pallbearers and giving directions as to his burial The fun took place on Wednesday after noon meeting at the house at one oclock and at the Church- of which he had been a faithful mem for a number of years at two Elder Prosier conducted the service an appropriate sermon The cortege then proceeded to the Cemetery the Foresters which he was a brother inarching procession After the minister had said over the burial service the For- esters took charge of the interment and was very Impressive There was a large gathering to witness the kit sad rites which showed good friendship existed between the people and Mr when liv ing Deceased came to Canada from nearly years ago when quite a young roan and learned the working in quite successfully for a number of years but finding it not agreeing with bis health he bought the Ham- homesteada part of lot con consisting of acres from which he managed to make a good living for a large family besides making vast improvements also add ing another acres from an adjoin ing lot He was a very kind father and will be sadly missed by the home circle also by fits Sunday School class and usual place In church In both of which he has been an ar dent helper for a good number of yean was about years of age On Ilia Is to have horse races in the Driving Park on September weather has been very cool this week The farmers are bating fine days for threshing and getting ready for seeding A very large crowd attended the preaching the lake shore on Sun day when eight persons were baptised by Free Methodists Over eighty rigs were counted coming along ihe Base Line after the ceremony Winch arid bis sister Mrs P Morton are relatives in neighborhood of Mount Forest Phillips High School teacher in has been spending a few days with our Post Master School has commenced what a relief and the youngsters are again 10 be seen trotting along morning and evening The ladies of this vicinity do some very fast driving sometimes Money scarce news scarce pro duce scarce rain scarce and scarcely anything can be mentioned Mr Holmes of Cannington head drawing master in Upper Canada College has been spending a few days with our reeve We ate pleased to be able to re port that the cool weather has helped check the fever that was raging so bad last week HOLLAND LANDING The Garden Party at Mr Browns on Tuesday evening was well The Newmarket Band ac quitted itself in its usual satisfactory manner And in fact many of its youthful members should render their services considering their good time with our beautiful daughters of Eve The program was good especially the May Pole by the Utile children led by Miss Locke of Toronto Proceeds over expenses This branch of the river can sport a yacht This will be a prime about duck hunting season which by the way is fast approaching Mr Brown of ColHnwood and wife visiting their parents and friends in Ike village this week- Miss Luck has gone on a few weeks visit to Toronto Junction and Toronto The rural schools began- last Mon day and ours will reopen on Monday next much to ihe joy of the general household Mr Thos Gray while drawing in some grain had a little runaway which shook him up considerably and Most of the harvesting Is now finished and everything is suffering for want of rain Unless there Is a change soon the loss to farmers will be considerable On Wednesday afternoon last Miss Mabel youngest daughter Black gave a party to a number of her Utile friends Twentyeight in all were present and it is needless to say they had a good time for all know how children can enjoy them selves In the evening of the same day a large of the friends and neighbors gathered at the residence of Mr William fare well to Miss Davis who was about to leave this place After spending a very pleasant evening in panics and social chat Miss F Glcason read a nicely worded address during which Miss Etta presented her with neat silver watch and case Miss Davis was completely taken surprise and In feeling words made a very appropriate reply Maud will be greatly missed as she has held the position of organist in the chutcb for some time to the en tire satisfaction to alt and during her slay here gained many friends Miss Delta Lloyd of Aurora Is visiting at Timothy and friends In this neighborhood- Miss Rachel Scarlett of Toronto also Mr Garrett and family and Miss Florence McDonald of Bradford are visiting at Wm Doans The public meeting under the alii- which was eld In the Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening was not very owing to adverse circum stances and being poorly advertised Harvesting is very rapidly in this section and the yield is large both in grain and alsikc No doubt our friend Know All thought be bad climbed to top of the ladder when be said John cut acres of oats in a day and bis hired man shocked it but here is something that will more than equal it Mr Cook of this street cut acres in hours and Mr Jos- shocked Now beat if you There have been great number of bicycles pass up our street of late seeking the balmy of the lake shore The sound of bell was welcome to weary- mothers again Miss A Lepard was friends in Sharon on Sunday Miss Ida spent a few days in Aurora last week The Misses Kelly of Toronto are spending a few days with their parents Mr Bell jr spent Sunday with his pacats Mr Cook jr spent Sunday under Ihe roof Messrs Webb A Brothers took in tbe Fire Brigade Excursion from Aurora to New York state last week We cannot boast of having such extraordinary large eggs on this St but one of our young men is said to have set eggs under a ben and received chickens Mr Stewart is improving after his short illness Mr Asa Phillips lost a valuable horse last week QUEENSVILLE- Our school reopened on Monday Ihe school board having secured the services of Mr Powers of as teacher Fie comes well recom mended On account of the illness of her father Miss the primary teacher has not returned yet Methodist pulpit was filled last Sunday morning by Mr Browne of Hope and in evening by Rev Mr- Miller of Toronto were services a of both the ancient and modern style Mrs Pearson has returned from feeling much improved by ihe change alto Miss Mar jorie Is home again from the city Mr It W Large and his cousin Rev Mr of King City and Mr Mont were calling friends last week Miss Mabel Moore of Sutton is visiting with Mrs J J Terry A number of young people were at Mr J Cunninghams over Sunday Mr Edward while lifting a barrel of water from the waggon had the misfortune to wrench knee badly which will necessitate his stop ping in the houie for some weeks We are glad lo see Mr Ross Milne out again He has been having a serious time for three or four weeks Where oh where Is Know All His gate Is chained up hope he hasnt left for good We miss his face peering round the corners at all hours hunting up news The young people will be growing careless if he doesnt turn up before long Its pretty hard woik to dodge him Harvest is about over The root crop needs rain badly but no doubt it will come all in good time I Mens Black Worsted Suits worth 1500 on Saturday 10 Try us for Clothing it will pay you well THE H E CO Last Store in Millards Block JaVSlMESSJSQjLUKLr Ox lit Oar TO nuromOT- CANADAS GREATEST COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS MtrQnlxdi la Ml Writ for ROBERTSON 8 BAKERY ARM TO RENT- LqINo lha Jon- of on lb or UBS- AUUEL OF To who kladljr remember OUT Mar ton to you AND JtNE ROACHS POINT The shoreroad has desert ed appearance neatly alt the camp- having left for home camp pulled upstates on Mon day morning the camp on Tuesday Editor Jacksons family kit on- Wednesday and Mr Richardson and wife on Thursday Mrs Odery and daughter who have been at Mr- nearly four tracks leave next Tuesday Rev Addison is only camp er left on shore but he expects bis wife to join him next week Farmers say that the crops turning out splendid particularly al- which has produced between and eight bushels to the acre- Rain is needed badly for the root oops A juvenile patty had a splendid afternoon at Squire last Friday The camping season has been ex ceptionally fine this season and many who have been here expressed their hope of reluming next season J Edgar Esq MVP has had a family of from eight to dur ing the past six weeks They ex pect to remain till the end of Sep tember The occupants of Bay View Villa were getting ready to depart for city on Wednesday There has been a great deal of company at ExMayor Mannings residence Last Sunday we noticed gentlemen upon the spacious lawn or under the verandah besides ladies The Sale of that Far Famed Coffee Sensation Blend is still increasing We are not afraid to say that ibis coffee is the best in town If you have never tried it just try a pound as s sample and you will use no other Dont forget that famous English Blended Clack Tea it is immense- We will compare it with any tea in town Call and see our samples of Sugar before you buy We are showing extra good value in this line m m We sell Petti Johns Rolled Wheat in Package alio Dunhams Cocoanut in Packages Supreme Soap is similar to Surprise and only a bar Our Grocery Stock is fresh and new We have no shopworn goods but all are clean goods Do not fail to give us a call as you can save money by dealing with us Main St A ROBERTSON The Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner OXFORD FOR WOOD tad COAL ALL 8IU8 OF FURNACES Capacity from lo Cubic Neatly all the cheese in the district has been contract ed for at cents for make for September and for October A successful picnic was given in Grove on Tuesday by Rev Dean Egan A large number of visiting clergy were present some of whom delivered short addresses Ont August While McDonald Bros weie threshing at Marshall Becketts near Kemble the barn took fire and the and contents including sepa rator and three hoists were burnt John Nichols an employee In Tails mill met with a seri ous accident on Saturday week While working at the a plank was thrown back from the machine striking Nichols on teg and break ing It two places A of Mtrkham had a bad runaway Sunday owing to a culvert being a dangerous con dition The Gladstone badly damaged himself wife and three chil dren badly bruised but no bones were broken and one of the homos injured The Township of will be called upon for damages KL On Friday night last about raidnight the of Thomas Hodgson roth line Markbara was entered by a midnight prowler and Hodgson coming down stairs to apply some remedy for severe tooth ache- met the Intruder as she opened the hall door He immediately threw up both hands and rushed past her out of the house but in so doing he dropped about dollars of the money he had secured in the bureau only about of the stolen fueds area radiator- OXFORD WOOD HEAVY far weal and boa and HAD Mod am Coo true- 1 and Of aat ASHPIT COALFURHACE Largs Long Large Large Boor Pot I tar Guaranteed Capacity COMPANY Ltd TORONTO SHARON The population of our village has decreased considerably this last week as a number of our summer visitors are leaving for their homes in Ohio and Toronto respectively Sharon people have a right to feel proud of their little village During the warm weather tourists have travelled through here and the ma jority have passed exceedingly com plimentary remarks on the clean tidy appearance of the place The Temple and Meeting House prove as great an attraction strang ers as ever and many are the amus ing appellations given to the Temple by those seeing It probably for the first time Some designate It as the Opera House others the Fair and buildings while one person spoke at great length about a certain Jacobs Well and Ladder which were to seen there Truly the various remarks are amusiDg to those well acquainted with the build ings and their history Miss Mary one of our most popular young ladies left on Tuesday to take charge of a post office at Co Mr James leaves this week to take a course at Owen Sound t MUs Maude has been visit ing In Toronto the put two weeks Mrs mother of Mrs A who been very much indisposed for some time past Is we ate pleased to learn on the road to recovery Mrs Clougher and daughter Edith of Toronto ate guests of Col Way- ling Miss Douglas of Holt is Kate Oxtoby this week walked to Peterborough last week Pretty good stuff FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A A SPECIALTY JHMILLARD now Telephone Connection of am a Tomb town ih Idju Wi pitsoiv hi iruit ml Alt motion to fbt lit a of Iht trill to put you will will A TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE on ad ltsts4l Lot north sWaotTlmotb Main street iglJMUirMhouaon of Mala ixBSSSfSSff TERMS for JCxKutorter Ml EXCURSIONS NEWMARKET to In- C S Sept and Ex- curslon Days 90c Sept 7th School Child- rens Day RE- lait Johh Joba S3 J MAIH orders will at Ian en carafe and I ALL TICKETS GOOD TO TORN UP TO 17TH A- A POL a t

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