Newmarket Era, 24 Aug 1894, p. 3

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rffisS ERA AUG 1891 t Local fas WHAT GOING OX A ABOUT TOWN Division Court fcertfiU holt on tally will lb Jul of Mr- IfaStteno Re Si liU Till in the both raonio8 ftnd sKx Thumb Miss Annie of who V4i for or w ran her Ibooib Ibd of broken i tot wound her much Fall Mantle The first ship- rehired by Some will bo on hi to wtlcom to look through it finished will and by it to champion rifbu of help Trj a hi or no to nta In pigis It IB to ft ptJ ftd- it Mitral lon- Msthowstic- The Bradford aonuil wilt On Wib a- A of and in York will Id with will a tuoday and an will on i Jpm pro iOib Ad pro- gram iy foe of This the death of CltTkwa y and jet by til After but Wki to pavd away Ctnctr no cam of Ibcjgh it is only tinea any of over Mr Clark wo the jonrnty of lifa her of IcadiceiJ to him only a can truly with him in hit Got a Hustle Mr record nnc day vek cat Church Elder J Bbmlti the Ibt both morning The In Gxd a puffing at Mr fciraoa during tbanxnt a half work Ibt oat grain n4 lCOcl A big ported Toronto the of town Among tfat to Ibt Fair with of oiro match of ttaton Tbt nd op a lb axdt- aim a Tog of War other A and Band and Band will accompany Kekjjsq up the ln from lUliial that a boy Mr good of In abioyolara of in which ha atihaatch In a fiwtngtotht number of to woo firtt In was in S3 a won Unit In iron lit in and to won Irt in and Well Sent The tdfvftJt ipedjJ for which good to city from taction Fall Fairs The hurry and of it nearly in banning tall Fail Fair ratJDtlon thai dry taon will not la Fol lowing it a lift of principal which art t aa art known Toronto 8pi 4 13 to W IB a 5 8 OoV to 9 A A A Ocituakv Ottawa death of Mr Paul iL Robins of Inland entered tho in in ticca a of Ottawa will by ol of at an of Mr faltor in mill- If iff not a local preacher in and ilea in old St At the Fenian raid hi to Own to to front to in Paring a In the and bad to it a of Wo Day That and will or latter ha add early demonstrated en people out to the of fifth tnnnal meet That it a do can od not with fa bard to pUait ETtrything was The not Tbt boat not inch at to make riding Wat wind to an In way of making feat time track in flretclaii in fact woo by the to bad ridden on ax- gooi that tbt Matt beat tbt the town and boy are to be congratulated- match andthtTala gooa wa oomcotDctd if and j game for home team The play marked by pretty work and was belt of tbt day checking dote but the ball itemed with the next two garnttonly luted a lew if at time for commence The following are and Lodge emergency of hut Ball Tie in the John qolt fc larft a of among Kay- of Bating Bon LoJge Aurora add A led alto Athlon J- and A L Bar J Bell of old Je Welion of Bra Ben tod P of Bre- of lodge TV of forth pat two yean la about 7 Salvation wit in Saturday to proceed to only bam tboat that when cuda they Icok for rooting baa fc fatabeen work in and forming oorpa and StouffTiUa with aomt will formed into a wife to for Sunxoa who at hat been ap pointed to Eniab and a of twenty KM burn will remain and Capt before of Childrtna of dy in Member ail llinnt of Ikitd report for od tU with lit Basra to Mttle with Cook A Brigs IbeTriTiw oft io tefaoiJ to Wright for 4d to J to rtpair II cop rondo on lin lot ft rqt and abor Bool fe Mrt to of ditch oath line IS od pWoj road 2nd con ordered to tor ace 17 W hp by Hi flrioa W Snook 360 coffin lot JdoHJ pit to ton with lotba TalaaotlL appointed of in US to the KqotioawMikan to tho op or lha tho for The to roael on BOOK AND NEW AT THE Tweed Suits worth for 150 Boys Tweed Suits fine all wool worth for 8 Mens Tweed Suits all wool worth Mens Fine Steel Grey Worsted Summer Overcoats worth Boys Black Ribbed Knickerbocker Stockings 10c a pair below regular prion An all round reduction on Boots and Shoes All single width Dress Goods reduced per cent selling from up at 17c worth 25a Tweeds at worth Fine Towels at 15a worth each Book Special Attention to all Lints of Public and High School Books and Stationery WNSTARR NEW We want the space cleft red for to purchasers oar New Stock and hold out the8e genuine TERMS STRICTLY CASH GOODS Fall Goods are now arriving and we can show the finest goods ever brought to Newmarket for the least money We have goods to suit every person no matter what their circumstances may be and the Prices are in accord with the Hard Times J A lit 2nd 3rd Horn 2nd lit worth E Shop The game last Friday Coofaiowa tha ftttncled crowd to exhibition nbodli tad both got la Tlw nd won La on and Following EPoji 3rd 3rd born J t Irwin ttw flt of Shanghai It is supposed the Japanese troops are reem barking at are going to Seoul It that there was great slaughter of men ia tbe battle be tween the Japanese and Chinese forces at ChungHoon on Saturday last in which the Japanese were driven from that place It is stated that a missionary has died from injuries re ceived it the hands of Chinese sol- matching to Corea- At Robertsons Church The dec to At clost of ft follows J J- in J 3 Mr IfoYtoti vkt oolllW M the ierricM Jo tft pulpit occupied by Mr tot fiemlflftryw Jvricy- of the public a ftdiQjlUito ftfter ftdsnsuUUt wu tnialy juV add i ftio lor riuidfty and Other Ml Ths to t The properly belong to to fcer ft wbex will be IP thai but the no itiio3 lb for Mr Horn bye In fur ft jolly liu ftl lb ft good ceil of 0 ftp irilerei ftjfftinil ftjudfot Court held ftlt lb it a A now ifcv of Very ftif ftro iv were Mousey Stoles There is a lad in that in lad it ftboot ftud fok ha aiiolbir boy of from blid to hi tiro grandmother to ta know that ft coin for or ha would be It endcavoiid to of a toy gal bin to cbaoie of ft It iiuoch to lb honor that bo did not to but at to Me natter being afraid Chief Hod totkup Mr faoWftW both gold be turned to tba the boy ft locked for three or nod got ft rapriivoacd which iboatd be be will all Ufa at cookie or from pantry If Jo ft tod be to Soma Home Field Cpt Referee let Sad ice Murphy 3rd dlli il gma won by the tbii with one Mile CampUH AOO 2nd Time Opaa a won If TwoUUt tier won Binoa 2nd Time ft lor Hit fte ft handi cap giving him which ft gap for to fill OneMile Open P A time limit of placed on which waa not the firat beat ft to be run Id second hot tbaprfxo awarded TwivMUt Mac Camp bell BC won A 2nd OneMile North of woo Mile Robert- aon won 176 2nd Team Aurora wen Newmarket 2nd between the two this banner which the moat In terest prevailed tba noted by with Athlon lire re too and following ft gap between Btallard ftnd of and alio between ftnd Vick not In It from the Tb1a routine kept all log to pace wltb the tenacity of a ball dog Id lap Or lift ware dot of It land Anton hir ing to Anrotm how prayed to be beat ftll flnlab- lag Apparently nd taking three flrtt place following order Held and Dr P Toronto BC If Bradford Toronto Br and P Miliar Dr A Hoc And J Montgomery i New and lb Jai flower A J A and a ralla aibibftloo fa 107 a Uoyelbolitor two ftt Al King Council at Linton- for school ball Monday Oct liiti and books raady in Wed Afternoon Very dry and Three we bad rain ii parched Root ft 59 in Town lfi2- met with ftll azoept Woodcock Mayor In the meeting read tt4 The following were ordarei paid of on John QUI cutting waedaon lot to be to lot of work on Moron fit catling John O Wm wood for W fen ftnd Pay Sheet No A of for CO be referred to tba By Law Cum were J And J formed Into on the ftbora common Clark wu to edge of the from the Fire Brigade that the oommanfcatlon frAm It Park Co be re to the Com Mr Cane A report of Finance Com to ConneU Mr field Introduced a to Amend by law No 1M whloh read time then mated that the not A time tomorrow bo read a and third time day and that any role or order contrary to be far to Carried On motion of In Jack aid J Blum for printing In with the Fir Brigade Amoontfng together to be paid motion Council Adjourned Fruit to a and accent While playing cricket was on the back of tho head with a ball and had a bone broken ST At Newark J Hewitt In a of typhoid subbed his wife and her brother Fred Puree inflicted serious injuries upon bis seven-year- old daughter Adele and then himsetf headlong from a window re- ceiviqz ft fracture of the skull which caused his death a few hours later Hli wife and brotherinlaw are In a precarious condition a little hard In Old Country but it aston ishing how the demand increases for Canadian cheese Up to July boxes were shipped from Montreal a against boxes for the correaponding period last year Already about of hard cash has been distribut ed In Canada In exchange for cheese products and with prospect of six amount being distribut ed before the season is Cana dian exporters may well be excused for saying Cheese Is kin- In fact had it not been realized on this staple the present dull times would re been much duller s- The Royal Hotel at Totten ham was burned on Wednesday last g J bad both bones in the right arm broken below the elbow last week by a kick from a colt John White Norman White and Robert Wilson of Reach were fined each and costs last week for cutting the tails off two horses Messrs J Moore Ed Lyon and J McDonald are camp ing at Strawberry Island they caught bass in two hours which weighed in all lbs A prisoner named Grant while being taken from StrathxOy to Lon don Tuesday jumped from the closet window while the train was running at the rate of roles an hour and escaped Aug Fri day a thousand persons waited upon A at his home in North Hastinga and present ed him with a gold watch and an easy chair Mr Haggerty mad a feeling reply On Monday evening two small children of Mr Jos Somen had a narrow escape from drowning They were playing on Bayfield St pier Barrie when the little boy fell in and his sister plunged him had both gone down once when they were rescued by James Ryan V Washington Aug Cbas Hibbert Tupper Canadian Minister of Marine and Fisheries- Is in the city his purpose it is understood be ing to have a Utile clearer understand ing on certain questions relating to fisheries He refuses to be inter viewed and nothing further as his mission can be teamed The will of Frederick son who died last month In was registered last week He left an estate valued at all real except household furnishings By the will and settlement his widow took the household effect and a year ly allowance of His daughter Mrs Morrison get a few hundred dollars and the balance goes to his son Michael of Pickering township The prosperity of a town not by the wealth of its in habitants but by the uniformity with which they pull together when an Im portant undertaking is to be accom plished A man with a thousand dollars at bis command and a love for his town In his heart can do more for the building up of and improving it than the millionaire who his capital and snaps his fingers at home progress Kingston Aug Mr James who died Belle ville yesterday came east to attend the Grand Lodge of Oddfellows of which he was a Past Grand Master Because of his distinguished services the Grand ordered his portrait to be placed in the journal of pro ceedings He was the second oldest city clerk in Ontario and father of Mr Thomas Woodyatt police magis trate of and deputy grand muter of Ontario Oddfellows RUNTON SPECIAL SAL P S Dont throw your hard earned money away on readymade clothing They are made to sell and not to wear But patronize a First Class Finn of Merchant Tailors such as And you will not regret it Mail ior Jewelry Store OF J Sheetings Bleached and Unbleached Pillow Cotton in all widths Table Linen Towels and Towling White Cottons Grey Cottons Tickings English Shaker Flannels 30 iaohes per yard A BRUNTON Corner Store Planters Old Always use Baking Powder oots Shoes big Sale of Boots Shoes ow on- We have the and Cheapest Stock in Town and pair is marked away down so as to clear it out our Fall and Winter Stock arrives zephyr London Aug Sir Charles Mr J Best and two daughters of Sandford paid our village a flying visit on Sunday Song service by the Rev Mr Dewey m the Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon Sept and Mr A Wilsons little child has been very low with At latest accounts we hear an improve ment We heir the fall show of the Scott Agricultural Society takes place in Ibis village Mis Snider of Vaughan is here spending a week with her daughter Mrs Horner Mrs Snider is in her year and is a remarkably smart aged lady f The subject for debate in the S of Division on Tuesday night is It is resolved that it is better to marry for love than money and S for the affirmative Armstrong and Leopard for the negative Mr J Kay of has been dickering for a lot these past months Now we hear the bar gain is closed Mr A Christies harness show room contains a double set of driving harness which is both a credit to the maker and purchaser The harness was made to order for our undertaker Mr Geo venture to say Gaorges outfit of undertaking is a little the best I seen Methodist Church here was crowded to the doors on Sunday afternoon when the pulpit was occu pied by the Rev Mr Dewey who delivered an eloquent sermon from the teat But was in all points tempted as we are yewithout sin What Is heard at this sea son of the year than the click of the selfbinder and the shrill whistle of the threshing engines Some might answer the tongue of a gossiping lady well it may be true In some localities but fortunately not so in this as we are not troubled with On Monday afternoon Aug a picnic or social gathering took place at Mr- George WInlersleina residence The occasion was the of Mr Joseph 8iat birth Oar Newmarket Markets lit per barrel t Si w per fiprlnjc per Goose per per bushel CO DuUftrroperb IS Hitler per lb pis Applet per bag Woolprlb I I I a a a a I a a 16 a ALL AUG oar Toronto par n a lUrlsy per OAUperlituLol per a SCO til buibel Wcol trlli ittf OH a a a IT ISO a 0 4 w ANTED or to To good Mill Apply to J Aurora J Hoi- 1AoJIoE A com for be Boots AND Shoes And secure now offered some of the wonderful bargains READYMADE CLOTHING week Made We have opened up this the Finest Stock of Ready Clothing Yfir shown Newmarket No old stock Garment of the LstUst Style Prices that wnnot- beaten Our Ordered Clothing Department is in full blast MONTGOMERY JZI THE NORTH END ACCOMMODATION STORE MRS SCHOOL BAYLYS i of ON LOT STREET sod GOOD SALARIES been br O Special clearing of all Summer lines in Tans Oafords etc Mens Womens and Children Price down All clean No oi or til obi 0 dub coixkoe Cor fc Coo- IkUpofrtr MONEY TO Radical has introduced In day Between and 50 did honor a Womans Suffrage Bill proposal is that any woman of full age whether married or single shall be permitted to or to a candidate in any Parliamentary or local election A woman duly elect ed be proposes shall be allowed to sit In either the House of Lords or Hie House of The bill for adult suffrage exclude the universities from their presentprfvileg It may be interesting people to know that when the con tents of buildings are burned by fire the insurance companies will only pay for what can be proven as lost Every person having tho contents of a house or other building Insured should keep an inventory of every article even to the smallest some vault or safe where It can be saved If a good deal of the contents are saved and one cannot make a correct Inventory of what is lost It s almost impossible to get a settlement Keep an inventory our venerable friend The Northern Transit Co- has decided to build a new steamer at during the coming winter DAVID FOR THE Preserving Season Sugar and Gem Jars Any quanti ty and prices as low as the lowest DINNER SETS Just arrived a special of pinner Sets For quality and A NEW DEPARTURE BARGAIN FRIDAY JULY 6 Mo need of Going to Toronto or Elsewhere We Mean Business and Invited No Old Bankrupt Stocks Everything Warranted as or Money Refunded BARGAIN DAY EVERY FRIDAY DURING THE SUMMER SEASON Remember the Place LUNDY The Largest Assortment for ArtdOTlU CoOToor MM laiflfiziee 10 or U Aod oolrcl la ft OMo Mortgage Sale TOWN OF NEWMARKET to tba of the strike of mill employees in Fall River Mass stunners and weavers are out of work West Middlesex met at Glencoe yesterday and unanimous ly nominated Mri WSCalvert War- deb of the county as their candidate for the Dominion House Some fiend or fiends lately cut open the sides of two valuable mares belonging to Mr Henry near One was dead when found and other had to be killed A very sad affair happened on the London road In Sarnia Townihtp on Monday last resulting in the death of a farmer named James Simmons came to his death by Injuries re- NEWSPAPER from a bull saau la ft Hon for 4lo br lttSa ftt oclock noon bo UI it tbo itolllourin iocUmsWrlht it Octftrfa ftt loo with bjct to ft briber will bomdooowooolbdr or upon to U1 bo ftOld aKOItOEWLOVNT irrg Always bear in mind we Jo out Jrooery Department You can always depend on getting the reasonable prices Do you use our Japan Tea for or our Excelsior Blend Conw If you do you get the best val ue foryour money In town The LEADING- GROCERY Reliable Goods Prompt Delivery R A SMITH Cor Main and Timothy LADIES OXFORDS THE FINEST CHEAPEST IN TOWN 1 AND BOOTS ALSO MENS FINE AND COARSE BOOTS Shoe tod you iU find quality tight Sign Boot QRIFFIS goods sold free

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