I- T NOV Oct Pains Caused by Inflammatory A Perfect Cure by Hood pari A rest I with sot idlest cot I irsijri I try It pt lvttf four tla ME A Pills to mis NEGLECTED Allens Lung- Balsam Special Now it time to subscribe for the New market Era lhc Best Local Paper in the Coun ty of pays and the balance Jesus Lord of the Not S3 Golden Text Iha Boa Lord of rammer Ihtmiaaieo of and fltld but by ubitrmry founded upon compete trad ing feriptttm Dtda QincQ of by flit ill aw a clear of all Dins which is of Wo rwjxsel for car own good for the good of by is a day of toil from and a day of after of of doing good of growth ason appear or deTtlop lu0of to pro mote At cblldMTiog container in other a made acnQdioj of lav an All to be by a morality Dr bilt-boardt- At the Fori a appelita for Jaw ffcnibipstaiDteiad if bad war et and lion and of a donkey ThlaUthe of and lack of rtasooing capacity no her lift under the n I tor content Ion at are n- ben no hate are ample for any good col a law compelling ladif to hair cot to a being permitted to wear inch toggery GENTLE CORRECTIVE is what you need when your liver becomes inactive Its what you get when you take Pierces theyre free from the violence and the griping that come with the or dinary pill All medical authorities agree that in regu lating the bowels mild methods are preferable For every trouble of the liver stomach and bowels these tiny sugar- coated pills arc most effective They go about their work in an easy and way and their good lasts they strengthen and tone up lining membranes of the stom ach and bowels thereby pro moting digestion Sick and Bilious Headache Constipa tion Sour Stomach Indiges tion Bilious Attacks Dizziness are prevented relieved and permanently cured Theyre the cheapest pill for theyre guaranteed to give satisfaction or your money is returned OAF ist in it in the dollar Jackson A postal order only costs Tax Peterborough bat of tome wonderful thing to coma to paw of if Prof French fa food drink producing Mid will not to for human bat food drink will dirtcl and to order by man and erred in concentrated A may tfatn tarry about him two or labia from point or to crackers and and and allhli This will bo brought It the remarkable being in food and drink from their constituent dementi carbon and It wo fat alreadj preparation from itt it anured the principle of tobacco bat been produced from coal tar Life Indeed not be the hare faik way Tie ready made food and drink would bo unattractively to the the and the eating and drinking be purely mechanical and eiiilence woald material and doll with a Utile more rush to business on ac count of the saving of time now at the table Has proved by its sale ft The best the Consumer of any soap in the market Millions of women throughout world can vouch for this as It is they who have proved its value It brings less tabor greater comfort LAME BACKs SS CURED EVERY TIME MENTHOL PLASTER WO RHEUMATISM WHEN NEWMARKET HARDWARE We have made arrangements to supply during Weekly Globe end Em for Ladies Journal Toronto for fiTccpeolIil cot up nil ir4 of Won In C C win iioiiie rJi Via for to Got a wrapper wrapper I aiitt tlie Why OKI oncr a to JJhoj Limited Toronto and will by a pretty from worth It way to tho In anJ it will only to thorap- ft you the cods open Write your oily t- Some fifty Italians New York were sent up on Monday to swell the ranks of navvies at work on the of the Am- prior and Sound Railway No Mill will close down in ail next week and will I remain closed for a few weeks to the depressed condi tion of the trade For some lime past the mill has been Working but four or five days a week Al monte In lor corn la to flr Camp tail lit Art I ot or affect a It a tut of tala 1 and all el A to If a curb I rcooutoitdlQir ultacalh of rln K by l WtiFcui 1 a areat acovol alaia avcrr part or It It almoit immcUtaV by on Orillia Orerswr Clark and his Guaidians have been busy the past week and have made sad among the poachers- The first cap ture was made on Thursday when Tilltlt was caught near Hawkeone going out in his set his nets of which he had about yards On Friday be was brought before Overseer Clark who gave him the option of paying the fine and coss amounting to or spending days in the jail His nets have been and his boat confiscated did not seem to think that was any object to- be aind by remaining at decided to allow Her board him for a month same guardians found and with nets and fish at Point near Sutton The poachers resisted and Suc ceeded in effecting their leav ing the evidence their guilt behind them- Clark at once issued warrants for their arrest and tent ConstiWtfi A CI and Wright to execute them They were success- in their mission and the prisoners in lock-up- On Wednesday they appeared before the Overseer were found guilty and sen tenced to jay a fine of or go lo They too chose the alternative and were taken to Whitby yesterday morning In this case Mr of McCosh appeared for the and Mr Sutton for the de fence On Sunday morning Guar dians chased poachers on the Mara shore After a hot pursuit of nearly miles they took to the woods and escaped They left behind them however yards of net contain ing fish and a boat all of which property was confiscated and destroy ed Again on Wednesday morning Constable Black caught Young and Henley on their way home from fishing near Point He also discovered and confiscated their nets still wet he found them from having been lately in the water They were brought Overseer Clajk yesterday and the case adjourned for a week Overseer Clark and his guardians deserve the greatest praise for the energy they are showing in enforcing the fishery laws on these years the poachers have set the law openly at defiance with impunity and have been destroying the fishing Thous ands of fish will be saved this year by these seizures as it is believed that the most daring of the poachers are now either behind prison bars or with out appliances If the Overseer con tinues to act with firrnnessand energy will soon become unprofit able and be wiped out and these lakes will once more give good sport to those who observe the law Considering the shore space of time the transition of popular opinion in the Keith murder case is something wonderful One day a suspect nam ed Chaltelle was taken into custody and taken to fur the purpose of flea lion There half a dozen witnesses failed to identify him and the crowd which a few min utes had threatened to do personal violence to the prisoner veered right around and somebody took up a goodly collection of nickel dimes and quarters for him He was taken back to Stratford jail and before hours no one had the slightest doubt but that he was the sight man MRS MCLEOD IDENTIFIES HER This feelingwasbrought about by the appearance of Mrs Mc leod of Craig who positively identified the black valise as one stolen from her house The contents she also identified as More significant still Mrs- Mcleod positively identifies as hers in fact as an article which she had made the white petticoat which for some reason not yet accounted for the murderer had tied around the neck of his victim- IDENTIFIED VALISE Having thus idenlified the valise and its contents as found in the swamp and on the murdered girl Mrs Mcleod was shown the articles taken upon the prisoner The black cashmere basque which be tried to throw away when pursued was de clared to have been stolen from her at the same time as the valise She also identified as hers the and comb and also the cloth Shanter which he was wearing when arrested The she said had a red tassel on it when it was The tassel was among the articles in the valie WOMANS UNDERWEAR When the prisoner had been stripped upon his coming into the jail it was found that he was wearing a womans black cashmere jacket as an under garment and that he was also wearing a pair of womans draw ers The jacket was also declared by Mrs Mcleod to belong to her Sev eral of the articles besides the white skirt found upon the girl were made by M herself and she is most positive in her identi fication of them all recognizing the buttons and various features of the clothing by which the memory might be assisted To a newspaper reporter who ac companied him to Stratford Friday night after the in quest at Chaltelle the brutal murderer of Jessie Keith in the bush near made a full and complete confession his Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils READYMIXED Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor PAINTS FOR HOUSE and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES BUILDING HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL PROP Have Bod Are Suffering from Troubles Flesh through Illness Consumption Remember thai the fo IS WHAT There are thirty- factories in Lanark you talk about a belter place than every potato slyly every cabbage shakes ill bead beet red in the face every feels stronger wheat field shocked barley itroket its com sticks up its ears every of land kicks The hones de nounce the statement with a Mr Webster has preserv ed Mechanics an Ihe raembera of the House of neatly framed in That body of men is so large about six hundred and fifty members that the picture 11 of very large and it gives one a vivid impression of Britains It has been placed in the east worn of the ground floor and is a source of inUreit to the visitors and frequenters of the In stitution The Barrie boys think they are fortunate in having a for president and an for lit Mr Alex Stephens is laid up this week with a sore mouth the result of a scrimmage in Rugby football on Thursday He was struck on the lower lip by somebodys elbow and two teeth knocked out of the lower jaw The inner surface of the lip is badly lacerated and has been very painful since The roots of the broken teeth have been extracted and Mr Stephens will sustain the dis figurement of their loss AxomVwr Dominion Government has just issued a special report on jKjmtryand eggs from which we that the value of poultry in Canada at the last census was in the vicinity of The export of alone according to trade and nav igation returns for amounted in value to he great bulk of went to United King dom or at least twice as many as were sent to the United States- There has been a rapid development in our poultry trade with Great for the last five or six year as in only dozen of were exported to that country whilst in no fewer than dozens were sent over The Czar of Russia is evident ly marked for death and his days on earth will hot be long He is being consumed by cancer or some internal disease His father was assassinated in the street by Nihilists explod ed a bomb under his conveyance is a son ready to lake the throne the moment it is vacant Of late years the Nihilists have not made many demonstrations If nature dees the work for them they will not need lo The Czar of Russia is an auto crat and an autocrat he will remain no matter who he may be The pti classes surround him and are opposed to the constitutional system of government such as other coun tries enjoy till Old The firmer boys of the live in a lime when ihcrc churning to do or hind That work will bo torn will lighted with electricity wired from future will no to law by done and at night the C Sons p0T7 creeks When electrical machinery reaches perfection and patents It will be at cheap as dog churns and mowers If not as cheap as buck saw A wire strung farm to farm cost ing less than a rail fence will run ma chinery for doing pretty much every thing about the farm bouse The revolution by electricity a wide field for inventors and to fit out farm bouses with labor saving machinery The for far mers wives is coming Lei Time Let us take time for the goodbye kiss We shall go to the days work a sweeter spirit for it Let us take time for the evening prayer Our be more rest ful if we have the guardian ship of God Let ui lake time to speak sweet foolish words to those love- By and by when they can no longer hear us our foolishness will seem more wise than the best Let us take time read our Bible Its treasures will last when we shall have ceased to care for the war of political parties and the rise and fall of stocks or tbo petty happenings of the day Let us take time to pleasant The small courtesies which we often omit because are small will some day look larger to us than the wealth we have coveted the fame for which wo have struggled Let us take time to get acquainted with our families The wealth you are accumulating burdened father may be a doubtful blessing he sen who is a stranger to you Your beautifully kept house busy can never be a home to the daughter whom you have not time to carAsi Let us take time to get acquainted with The hour is swiftly for us when one touch of His hand in the darkness will mean more than all that is written id daybook and ledger or in the records our little social world Since we all must take time to die why should we not take time to to live in the large sense of a life begun here for eternity Mother Wishes to be strong and All dootora agree that the HEALTH BRAND Combinations do more than anything tin insure this Lady Aberdeen write to of the Health Brand Ask dealer to goods Yon will never buy any after seeing MONTREAL FOR TO TO RENT Applrto A OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards LUMBER Johnston was stumping the other day when a huge slump fell back on his The hand vras badly broken and two bones had be cut put of it Trying to do business without is like winking at a through a of green goggles You may know what you arc doing but nobody else Several capitalists of Collin wood are discussing the advisability of forming a for the purpose tlcctcic tramways on of the streets of that town Shingles Siding Flooring Mc aiding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and it is now almost decided that the hat factory recently burned down in Truro will not be built Ihcre but that the plant will be Ont Take a hole and put soma dough around it fry Inland This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief just of the frying fa lard which a all know hinders digestion In all recipes where you used lard try tar Blinds NOBODY SHOULD A RESIDENCE WITHOUT EN QUIRING ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS CANCER ON THE LIP BY Sam Ilia AYERS I doctors or tod to do I I tnn In or two a decided month or to Hit W- ARM TO QirllUmbiMT en lot PO FOR SALE Factory For Una to IS FOR SALE TAB Horn and Lot and form- by Or A ftiio For apply GRAND LLOYD OR SALE CHEAP Sarsaparilla Admitted fct vims thi Executors G FORT IN CORSETS Can only be obtained by wearing No Improved Corsets No side steels to break hurt or TRY A PAIR All Firstclats Goods Sell Them the new vegetable shortening and will be surprised at the delightful and It is without odor unpleasant flavor or kitchen the young delicate and the can all enjoy the regular bill of WOOD FOR ALL OF from lo Cubic OXF0RD to Creditors In County of York be ift al 1 Ihtt to nd of jom rag a r at Iht Will tot All OwtDB Co further KllaV tribute call Kit icLIZo WMdidald for JAMW a Notice to Creditors NOTICE Chap HO Acta aH aod amoodfDiT fcarLjf OK WILLIAM of La of bo or about Iba on or tat of to tba Iba lMl will of aaid docoiad ihalr uldrouei and aofhold December aali Kiecfllora to rtrord to bid will not for or toy pari Uarof to any claim fc Tho K Compiifiy HO a- fee Wit a a- I OXFORD WOOD HEAVY Wd or In ad which heat quicker RADIATOR of Modem Uon wid LARoaAsitprr CombuiUon Chambor fir Door Fir Pot ASH PIT Guaranteed Capacity Maufjotordbr the not i of October THLLOYD r for tb ild fout EXECUTORS Notice to Act bit all claim of Yotkllallliroi lo ad id biting an or about iho tlQlbtCOunlT of mi ro required or of Hove ihtr to toad mall lo W P for ID ald Ittelr cbriitUa ad and l Ibiraj and thai Ihe of aod liable for ajcta or a and eld Bet then hare Daled day of HALLO LLOYD their claim 1Mb of ther win be thereof KH Sainr an employee of Carnage Factory lcil a finger the other day while the clock with one eye and a piece of machinery with the other Kia- Wood pulp is now being used to adulterate woolen yam A pro ha been devised for the raanu- fact of hosiery composed of one part of the wood fibre and two parts wool jr E Sbeppard formerly of Gananoque was thrown from his rig while driving near Man through the wheel dropping in to a gopher hole and died from the effects nj The of Rev Dr Grant of Orillia have advised him In order to avert a possible serious ill ness to cancel all outside for the winter and in no way expose himself to cold Hart has caught one of the men who burglar ized his shop some time ago He confessed and brought the detectives to where worth of goods were hidden in Mr bush An man day kicked at a dog the can ine knocked the leg from under the stove upset a pot of boiling soap scalding a baby a six year old girl and the mother in about ten A week or two ago James Whitney near Bonds Like hired a stranger to work for him A few days after the stranger left taking with him a pair of pants of Mr Whitneys containing a note for While working in a field dur ing harvest of Geneg came on a nest In his ex citement he fell on his cradle Inflict ing a wound that has not since healed and the limb will have to be ampu- tsted A small boy surprised his teacher by asking how far a pro cession of the presidents of the United States would reach if they were placed in a row On expressing her Ignor ance he calmly announced from Washington to Cleveland Terry and Fannie Cox nine and eleven years old were death near I and Mr M Cox their father was so badly burned that no hopes of his recovery are entertained They were to fill a lamp with coal oil while the wick was burning A new swindler an old has made his appearance lie described as a yoking man of easy speech and polished manners and he claims to the Montreal Dressmakers Supply Co His plan of operation is to canvass dressmakers and take for fashion books that never come A good newspaper is the greatest poisiblehelp to a town It fa a standing advertisement which al ways attracts It gives more free puffy and explanations of the place than all others It never lets pais a good opportunity the en- and its home people It helps all the churches and never falls to speak out for the schools all insinuation against the character and Industries of the town and it lives but to benefit the To repay its untiring efforts it asks the support of the people not In a begging manner but as recompense for its labor It Is titled to a livelihood because it gives more than it takes It only for Its rights and those it should have The business man who does not Is simply dead heading off those who do and it is safe to sup pose that if he will deadhead off his brother merchant that he will also his customer likewise Or to Rent That acre farm at Tillage lot No- OwU- Od the farm tiro hardwood timber bank bam end all oat- Will for good general goods Apply to COYNU On I OR SALE The Robert tun la Iho Villa of Bradford acres of being tie part or lot It the lit of Easy Apply to Bod Bradford or to Solicitors Victoria St a a Jp a it3lOCa USX ARM TO RENT lot SI lid lost- tod ft good and of ftcrcs of Ml Co bo House and Garden for Sale IS THE TOWN OF -J- We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line either in style or price in at and km id corner of to lh of Wen tit- to FARM FOE SALE wast lot CooStowo THIS IS A BARGAIN particulars apply to WV Opt house SALE If you want any kind of Printing done see what and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our is 1 a A to Tr for lat Of Vet to If tor HOUSE A Acre Of or fc Cornor of Prospect AvOt occupied pOMrtr I JOCAtfrl aBd nod with WITH PEASE FURNACE Heat tew to tcesnt or would la liberal tot Urn Apply to I SILVER W or Shropshire Rams SHORT HORN BULLS Applyto Box 8 St ton- NURSERY STOCK LIBERAL TERMS SPLfcNDlD OUTFIT FREE for chotooot FOR SALE the lato of farms too acres West half lot con ill tubus acres North half lot con acres East half lot con GwilUmbury East halves lots and con King acres half lot 3rd cod King acres Southwest quarter lot and con King acres Part Northwest quarter lot and con King acres Part of lot in the con of Whitchurch J Mr ifio mail not P It coat CAIS I OBTA1K A Set I Si AllniliMlHa mi uJ AlioctAlofcrci- Watfcw M Mtntlto toki mci m t A a it lo IfcTtor grciliucra of ciiotiflc Cfi fiiopi cotfMeontfiTc putt id For Wells A Wiko- ftiew woikloj Wrap or no wJ taw SWif T J Solo Agent tor FOR SALE A bom and foe Apply lo IW QiMaac-irroirii-