Newmarket Era, 18 Jan 1895, p. 1

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TUB ERA Morning mm LYMAN GEO JACKSON IT PRINTING of Km hu REACHED And SUBSCRIBERS I1EST AvfLidrsr JicAvnaMTrl lriEnicili for NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND I I A No piper outs of York in dTnc pita 7S Newmarket LPS A BAKE1KQ A J A i Vol Single Copies Cents i Newmarket Ont Friday Jan if 1 I OtHlTAVp ETC Build Terms Strictly in Advance within moB or at end of year Interest Allowed on Deposits AT BEST DRAFTS ISSUED- AT iXL od Draft booth n attended to- Reformer Block o J WOODCOCK 50 Main MEDICAL J P I Rosea tot the Voir ai t tiKXfei Office 10 AM PM to P FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY We will clear out balance o our Coal Stove Stock at Cost and if desired will accept Monthly Instalments of or more as agreed Below are a few of the Parlor Cook wanning closet I 11 good as new I 11 Art Countess Pontile Heater The above Lis are all SecondHand but fitted up in Tint working order THE CO Call and get prices for new Stoves A 48 TO MAIN ST They will a you BINNS MOST SUCCESSFUL KENDALLS SPAVIN J Kofis HEN P tf AO llArer66 Church I ROGERS DENTAL A I block A TERRY 1 Co- 14 ill DVVCAX fltits Attrrdcd irll WJ KESTKR HEWITT and loifi Ho SHCftnlJX InlCf Mai MCCORMICK TAILOR No 94 Main Street This week we invite you to offer you before selecting your to call and inspect the have FALL SUIT OR It is for our mutual benefit that we advise you to be by the Flaming Advertisements of Venders of Clothing but take a look at our prices and nemv guarantee of Durability and goes with each gar- en All Wool Pans to order 5 S SuilS Do not nMade that a up These prices were never heard of before in the Tailoring lrade and the Selection we have you not surpassed in of York MCCORMICK THE PLACE FOR IN DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES THE FINKS URNOUT la HI A JOBBING HOUSE Corner nearly opposite the Cipher i A- A f FIRE INSURANCE a J London A- JIUUtlKl Ave NEWMARKET BOOK AND NEWS DEPOT School AN D CANADA LIFE -OAFiTAL- DOLLARS Supplies W N STARR Acitjj Inferno lV0 J lC Standard LifsfissuranceCo lMErlOllIK4 NEWMARKET Th3 MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES IS Canadian and ana At J AH ALLAN XT I Insuring Lives of Females ALSO ASP OK 111 I J J MO Photos I Photos I 1 rortoMu prirABrViiKlifJJ WtMKilli- I W1R A CONCERT BARITONE Q PEPPIATT SPAVfHCURE alls MANNING SON- Main PRESENTS lineal the in SI i oak plush goods Perfume Atomizers The artistic ami Choice From Scotts Pharmacy The Leading Drug Store A Hood Spec a nickel rims make Success Life Uilou The la Ml mo be at BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE I A Cull rr lot it JifltKtiy anil lliirr brtntbet prompt Jiiii4 or riycklnu El- Aurora MONK TO LOAN 1 on fUitlvi DAVID for AsTttvJt4 K4Ut4 AReuti Ivuec Mar c for fallow of fttAui Ami KmslAtitl Mutual Ufa Aivclaii jo corner Male CURED BY TAKING I lor years Silt lCium lint lime I tut rite Avert Inform I fltisEt4 ulOi my i Free from Eruptions as ever tiny My which to In often trouble bis A- Oat- Sarsaparilla is it new at our Im yoo didnikoow It papa proud although bd bates to show it Dot rcry but couldnt bay it It auy it Id like to try it Its half a dozen at a a Mamma it a names and new ones xy hour ft is little with Cor every Yon havent at yooe house and yon not it Mr or Of AVISO gut flc city work a fir l of r 4 In or Oil not with heap vork In we to rood the A Forget thai when you buy Scotts Emul sion you arc not gelling a secret mixiurc containing worthless or harmful drugs Scotts be sec ret for nil analysis reveals all there Is in it Consequently the endorse ment of the medical world tome thing Emoisjon the Solid and gives Vifal Strength It lias no a care for Sore Throat Coniunptlon traction of WWH I Boy at Home The following are the contents of an interesting letter written by a lady to her friends whose guest she had been for some time Every will read it with profit You looked very much troubled as you wondered why it was thattcur boy your only boy seemed to have no love for hi home We wire ing one of those cosy chats that women when one after another all the Mile strands that woven to gether make up he cable along which our lives run were singled out and discussed You had been telling me about your little daughter how well she was doing at school how she excelled in music and the dainty bit of embroidery indur hand was something that you were making for her nest of a room your little Florence satisfied every de sire of your heart And then I had asked And Harry It is my weakness a hoy has a charm for me that no one else can possess in my eyes Harry is doing very well at school you answered He is well and quite large for his age Indeed it makes him awkward In he is at the awkward age when he is all arms and legs You how clumsy boys are when they get at this stage But I feel worried sometimes when 1 sec how little he cares for his home He seems fond enough of us all it isnt that he doesnt love us but he is always restless when he is at home and wants to be off some where else spending his eveoings Where does he go I asked with a little anxiety Oh he is safe enough and you laughed He goes to see his Sun day School teacher and suppose he is just exactly as well there if nut better than he could be at home I dont mind his being there In fact it isiathcr a It is only the knowledge that he care any thing about his home that troubles me Mrs Warren is very fond of bays and alt her class seem to find the same fascination in at her house that Harry does I wonder sometimes how she can be bothered with them so much but tastes differ of course I that sometime it is a great to know that Hany well taken of with out any trouble to me Now when he photograph craze last win ter just put my foot down on it His uncle sent him a camera and of course Harry wanted me to rig up some kind of a dark room him knew just what it would amount stains musses all over the so 1 told him that if he had have a dark room he must find some boy who had one and use his lie fretted over it for a day or two and then covered that Mrs Warren would just him use her dark a not for she if an amateur photographer and lias everything of thai kind ready for use so he noes over there with his plates and over them perfectly happy with hi inessinjf and 1 am clear it all- Hoys are queer things If he was only a girl now 1 would htm so much mine There comes Florence from I did not wonder at jour pride in your graceful little laughter who came into the room knowing I had arrived when flic saw my umbrella in loll rack She spoke lo me when mother introduced and sat down and lo talk ilie ease of any jrown up woman I did not wonder at selfpossession and gracefully assured manner as 1 noticed how courteous you her how underneath your love was a Of her individ uality her right to the courtesy which is ton often forgotten or ignored I was charmed with your Utile daugh ter but even beyond that I admired the wisdom and tact in the mother which had developed the child She would not have expanded so natural ly if there had not been an of appreciation and sympathy about her continually Florence took up to see room after a while On the way we passed a bedroom I had a whimsical fancy that it was- a con victs It wis perfectly bare and cheerless The walls were white and bare of of any kind was a small iron bedstead a chair a table with the necessary upon it and a glass over all This was all absolutely alt There was not even a pretence at beautifying it That it Harrys room explained Florence and then she opened the door otitic large sunny worn over the porch and I volun tary exclamation delight It was such a dainty nest for the young girl The walls were a delicate blue and the dado was decorated will trailing vines of morning glories painted by your own skilful hands I recognized your touch as soon as looked at the graceful bells The little bedstead ws an Iron one but it was painted with white enamel touched up with 2old while a pale canopy over It made it look like a Steeping need not tell you all the liifles that went to make up the beauty of the room With skill taste and love one does not need a very long purse to make a charming boudoir It was in perfect order and here and there were little corners I- where the childs individually had averted itself I it to her hearts content but when we went stairs again I could not help a little jealous feeling for the son of the bouse as we went past the slip of a room Oh doesnt about his room Florence said lightly as I made some comment Boys you know I am so glad J am not a boy They are so different from girts My admiration of the little suddenly had a cloud pass over it u I noted the light superciliousness in her tone Was that the prevailing house Boys arc so different with the difference by no means in favor of the boy If it Wis not strange that home had no special Tor the boy We fitting downstairs when a merry came up the street A boys whistle is so like a birds sung and overflowing into music of con tent and in life I always to it and it starts the blood through my veins with new energy my heart throbs responsive in sympathy with musical notes- The iinging of a bird in spring time is no sweeter to me than ihe gay whistle of a boy 11 That must be Harry He is you said glancing the clock In another moment the gate was opened and shut vigorously and a boys step came bounding upon the lie dashed into the hall and came into the silting room with a rush that instantly slackened when he saw a stranger there Evidently he had forgotten that I was expected and had come in overflowing with plan or bit of news J Harry that isnt the way to come charging in to a room you said in annoyed tones looking at the flushed face and tumbled hair which clung in soft curls about the boys forehead Why dont you go upstairs and make yourself presentable first I didnt know there was anyone here he answered coloring vividly with and then as he underwent what was evidently to him an ordeal of introduction I could why his mother had said that he was all legs and arms He bad he- come conscious of them that was all and found them in his way when he had no use for them As the boy turned to go out of the room his foot caught in the edge of a rug and he nearly lost his balance throwing out His arms to steady himself he knocked oyer a vase that stood on the edge of a small Poor it would hare been trying enough to a grown per son had such a chapter of accidents happened before a stranger but he did not need the reproof for that you him to complete his misery Being a loving boy and wanting In deserve your commenda tion and be a credit to you it was hard trial to find himself in disgrace and lo be conscious that you were ashamed of him your friend All the enthusiasm the eager light your daughter arid oh what you lose when you exclude your boy from all that makes such perfect confidence between your daughter and yourself do not want boyish confi dence now bu the day may come you will on your bended knees pray with tears for power to touch the heart which you are repelling now I count your boys friend a for has the place that ought to yours Interior Is tad KING CITY On eveoing of last week he Plowmens of King their annual oyster supper at Hogans Hotel About people were present Mr John occupied the chair Speeches were made by J Davis Esq PP Mr of Toronto Reeve Stokes and others and Miss Jennie Newmarket gave readings It was a very social and enjoyable SUTTON had gone out his face and when he came hick after a quarter of an hour irreproachably he was very quiet and subdued Once I tried to gel him to talk me but he glanced uneasily at you and had so evidently been brought up on the that boys at any rate should be seen and not heard that I to trouble him by trying to draw him 1 made up my mind thai before my visit was over however your bright faced boy and myself should be friends Before I had been twentyfour hours in the house I did not wonder that your boy did not love his home the time I been there a wreck marvelled at the patience the for of the boy with you his mother I wondered that he tried so patiently to please you when you were so hard to please and being so often failed to express it J why he wanted the love which disguise itslf and white lavishing itself up on your other child withheld itself from the boy who strove so earnest to be worthy of it he loves you that boy of yours and if he could give you a moments pleasure by at home and knew that he could I doubt if any magnet could he enough to draw him away Still more I marvelled that he did not entirely withhold his confidence faun you that he kept on trying to share his joys with you that mercilessly and when he came to you with a hit of a successful negative a rare stamp or agame of football he should ever run the risk of a Yet his love strong enough to stand all this Hut be was glad to be away from you It was very true that as soon as the evening meal was ended and we sat down the cosy sitting room where Florence could bring her dainty work but his stamp album his paste his mounts and photographs were for bidden that he hedged lo go oyer and sec Mrs Warren You will lire her all out Iherc to sec her so much you ex claimed one evening Do give her one evening lo herself for once She always has a lot of other boys there bothering her and she must be thank ful to a rest once in awhile- I looking at your boy A you spoke and I saw a beautiful thing I drew himself up proudly the conscious ess legs and arms were forge handsome curly head was erect and a look of love fxirly illuminated ihe coyntcn Mrs Warren always wants me with a ring in his voice that was good to hear I dont lire her She likes mc to know everything Thats why we go We go if she didrt want us to come so much iQ along then if you are so sure that you arc wanted you an swered but get home by halfpast nine You do well my friend to give such love nod And to The election was fought bravely and out of electors cast their votes which showed the interest taken the coolest In the evening ihe band serenaded Reeve and Coun cillors Division Court was held here list Judge Morgan presiding v Wright This was an ac tion on a promissory note given by defendant for balance of plaintiffs after receipt of on received by plaintiff in common with the other creditors of the defendant iNaintilT refused to accept on the in full satisfaction of his claim and so stated publicly before a meet ing of the creditors when the note given The defendant set the defence that it was a preference over the other creditors His Honor reserved judgment at a previous court and on the above date gave judgment in favor of the plaintiff in lull of his claim Key A Mai tin and his driver had rather a danger ous experience on Sunday when re turning from service at Is land to the soft weather the ice had cracked between the time of going oyer and returning In at tempting to cross a crack the horse plunged into the water up lo its neck and the wonder is that the whole party was not dipped in the lake They succeeded in getting the horse out and the patty piloted by Dr and Albert who fortunately appeared on the scene in time got safely to shore The Or was returning visiting I Mr Mayes who we are soiry to say has been very ill Mr son arrived on Monday evening he having through a dreadful ex perience on Sunday at the big fire in Me was one of ihe fiist to discover the blaze as he was the caretaker the Globe building The bylaw was de feated and people can carry their own lanterns on dark nights Millers died this week and a revealed the fact that her digestive apparatus was made the receptacle for a quantity of nails pieces of glass tin and lione AURORA There arc eight or ten families in town which are in destitute circum stances and which need immediate assistance both in food and clothing The members of ihe I OOF and friends held their annual supper in their ludgc rooms last Tuesday evening and spent a pleasant even- After tea a program consisting of speeches readings recitations and music was rendered In order to the delivery of mail matter a delivery wicket his been constructed in the post thus giving one wicket for boxholders and one for general livery The above arrangement til prevent crowding and will be much mere convenient A somewhat peculiar slate of affairs exists in the and south wards of the town as regards In the north ward all the candidates nominated resigned excepting two and in the south ward one of the candidates declared elected by ac clamation will refuse to take his seat on account of his assessment being less than the required amount Consequently there will have to be another nomination for a third man in each of the wards Shortly afler one oclock Thursday of last week fire was dis covered in the unoccupied house of lale W Richardson on Centra street- The fire brigade quickly ex tinguished the fiames There was a quantity of oats and stored in part of the building which was more or less damaged This is Ihe second time this building has set on fire and it is to be hoped steps will be taken lo discover the guilty parties and punish them There was no insurance Banner BRADFORD Mr and Mis Howard of the celebrated their silver wedding on Friday A number of young people spent Years at residence f ScoiiitowhQroQupAMnat North Chronicles behold it came tint on Monday ilic id Ihe year of our nril- of atii they from Ihe north ami south anil the Now it applied were a laiu trite from country that the old Coun cil and had made up minds elect a better one Still was another triba who wore with Ihcit present rulers under their leader named there various other minor who not very went when all tribes wthcr together Ihtiu was much load and laughter and their voice as of many Audit to pass after day it waa found thai each their leaden Htl the tilths cure into all land to the logs and collect Voters- Now tilt a curiam tribo lid Mr Geo of the township and had a very enjoyable time Man bur citizens are of the opinion that an investigation should be held ascertain if possible the Cause of the recent tire Mr J Ames lost a valuable icy mite on Sunday The fell on Ihe ice the watering trough week ago and broke iis The Grand Railway Com pany have discontinued the issuing of single fare passenger tickets from to Toronto Saturday Mr Sutherland eldest son of Mr Sutherland of the Township of look to a life in the of Miss Hell of on the A and Literary entertain ment will he held in the 1 Inst The Hughes family and others of Sharon will furnish the musical of program Nearly was realized at the tal ent social help at the residence of Mr Elliott on night last An interesting program of singing music was prepared and various provided The annual meeting of North Liberal Associa tion will be held in Bradford on Monday at oclock pm the election of other important business will be Division Court was held here on Saturday last The only that excited any particular was an action for for poisoning a the interested parties being JN plaintiff and Peacock de fendant The case was adjourned till court On Monday evening the firemen decided to purchase six new rubber suits and hatl On Monday Mrs slipped and fell over a pail breaking several ribs Sue is in a very ctilical condi tion The Council for is cleetedas follows Reeve J- cpun- C Thos Kilkenny Win Campbell and I Parker A broad sow got buried beneath a jtraw stack on the firm of Messrs and S- Armstrong on Saturday Threshing was going on at the lime and poor remained concealed till the following Tuesday- When re leased which was after several hours labor the animal was alive and as the saying goes was looking as well as could be expected under the The mow is feet deep In Vienna and wee I into all lml to oppose the leader Now ww as the and vim other Then rose up from Settlement a HM It appeared a certain ruler about to leave In there Wftro till his was tribo were vary and called anil ami War Ho many tribes over the lmd earned the people they were afraid test they vol Hut ami behold the lima MnlJ and they all called together to their ballots In their ruler Now in ill meantime thore been rct Atiloti tiibe the much afraid lest the Might not It found length that the tribe known ai the in on In numbers than the and laid- wai choii to role all the And it appeared that the had gone Into all the land and when gathered together numbered mora than Now came pais thai the other tribe were those called Morton iteii who were many in that held out a pell and their leader at it Then came the fiiltermcn as llnsy and Hat it was found that the and not to get her and were nut It came to past alter the let apart lor of over gathered a crowd to Thai North tiwlllinibury various tribes lute in the Chicago Indus school drove one hundred girls from their beds and some of them are likely to die from exposure- Lindsay had a small fire one evening week and while the ire- men were working hard to extinguish the lames sneak thieves were walk away with everything they could get hands on Poor Digestion Leads to ntrvoojoesf peevish great misery Hoods if remedy It created an and a relish to food blood and healthy action to all the organs of body Take for Hoods become favorite with avery on ItUi THROWN PAST WEEK Nothing is what it cracked up be except ice Ifci It is said that a little foot goes a long way with a Jones factory at was by fire last week- There were applications fui the school There is talk of an built from Mcaford Owen Sound fca If you cant marry a woman with dollars next best thing Is wuman sense A bushel corn is worrit fifty cents hut when sold the bar as it brings Master John Refers sun of the ex- Reeve ToSnonlio fractured his leg fioin the day Hopkins slipped on the Owen Sound sidewalk lav witk and her leg above lb knee Iquor was week fined am costs license for dead at from hear failure old lady named years fell and broke her an while going lo a pump for in Messrs Co have secured contract of in a of waterworks in the of Mr and Mrs Daniel beer bereft of three children who died from diphtheria Morrison of tost four valuable horses last week death hiving been caused by eating too much wheat It is said that a severe batik took place between the Chinese and Jjjif ioo wilts from at llie former were routed he total votes of West were summed Up Mon day Mr Jeffs had a majority of A recount made it lie and clerk gave the casting vole in his favor Mr Hall raised seven May which gained in one month 11 an average of each or nearly two pounds at yain daily They on rye tiual and cold water At this Season of colds it is lo on authority of a riicdtcal journal thai a table- spoonful of in hot milt rr cream will at relieve the most violent equalling The Mb George of lUrrie was in iIjl Hay ihe other morning deceased was in the habit of walking ii her sleep and ihif may have been the cause sad Ei A subscriber came in on- Monday and said I have just been readirj my bible Owe man any thing and I to pay my sub would that many an other read their bible to the same effect years o was chopping in the bush the ether week when a tree fell on htm When found be was and it look soma time him bones wet broken however and he will recover Owen Sound The fin- brick residence of David War dell was totally destroyed by fit with all the contents tonight Nits Warded with two lutle children lowly and catered to the house of a neighbor unconscious Patrick of Stayncr s List week on a ladder in the act hay am the loft his cow stable when he slipped fell When picked up bis hip found to have broken jarid his recovery is doubtful owing lo his ad vaiieed age In Village the en ormous sum two thousand 1wi hundred and five dollars has paid out in law costs during the las two years Not one cent of this money would have been expended had Council of bought the waterworks lot fore they put up the building K A young men in the community request the publica tion of the following There is nothing that so tends to shorten this lives of old people and to injure health as the practice of kitting up late especially winter evenings and more especially if there is a grownup daughter io Ihe family Everybody has remarked that the matter applied lo hoots viz blacking is a dull blue substance entirety devoid of gloss Hut when ihe leather thus coated is rubbed over with a dry the boot begins to rhino like at bright luminary What is the of this strange phenomenon is question which naturally presents itself to every well regulated mind The diamond as everybody knows and as recent experiments have abundantly proved is nothing more or than crystal- carbon The chief clement in blacking is likewise carbon in the shape of lamp black The friction of the dry brush on the leather pro- duces electricity which has the property of carbon The leather coated blacking and brushed is covered with millions Of microscopical diamonds which to the blacking its peculiar brilliancy Accordingly everybody wears dia monds on his boots

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