Newmarket Era, 18 Jan 1895, p. 3

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4KvW ft Local WHAT IS OX IK A Separate Sciioou At the of tfi Cbalrmao and Mr Handier commit at Protection Sociity annual will rJe in Chamber afr- and Cemetery Co annual meet ing of- to Chamber Monday An in wilt and a large of lot owner for will bo matting ties Inspector Hughes a Jiicor Squire Lloyd hid a J Council Monday Mr of Central fall open afiar Saturday were bat quite anciabrctfvtitora referred till to day A Winnipeg Joovry wtv Sit- He of lb ales tits of Evtt AlUrt Ho to boa The regular meeting b1d rot the En wwk null no will furoooa at oclock At the Sw Md Id- r Newmarket Dairy At iiK of Mr upon to coo ties or A presented by Mr On for wt Mr to for JirIor ero obliged to ftdjoaro before of another in a Ax HOMKTht vr ftTalnj foil wen ud a rajtjmbU tim Choral who will to bclog a Vital STATinrics For the MdJPg wirt AS IS total d do not or know lhin tut to pub nnbUvtj wo ro for jopK a bo of til lb of In jxa The Markkt Saturday was ifcefirilbaiineod J it waft one ton in of rig of told pi fait it row- if tbftn in Toronto Turkey told it 9 tod 10 lb tnd packed at lie- f 10 to til fell again The Gospel ca Sunday a program by of church Mr Hopkins Mr Artie Oliver at iheorgtQ ltitattoai were given by Ifoiasd Mr J by and Mr tod by Mr Iltt- ThmUog by of Take it a At upon the veracity of editor of wilb action t fftltcbttd acd the wo wrote pablitbcd by ibe To- and from it did not cm of fullithed pr nil ii did aayoco conotcd this to prominent a io next weeks yon Mechanics Institute- At oclock lo morrow for Ibt of to raored oct aw yill told by by Idr Frank Alto a bar of from of library bt to room for a of wbkh bare ready id an In- will Had a farorablt opportunity to add to Your Horses And br and Ctltlt Food For Btatleyt Match took place at Aaron Sink week Aaron laming tabid on Jot did aud it following It J J J Dr A match to today F- XL On of ancillary of Women Society In B Will moil of will tddrtie tke at oclock on afternoon of Work in to attend Mr it an and an worker and wt all who bear her will feet for Harvest Mont Mckd and Prior loo en Monday trpUl block Order for tar- barred been Church Sun day Elder of will in with Heat mealing King at p DL by abort named Great tbt oo of month of beet In town Make a date to it will not In wiibfotort Fire Brigade At the annual meeting Fir Hall on tramlsgof week following of for approval of Town lit Sod 3rd Friends The in kftCalog growing in and attendance place wai filled on Mr of Toronto ont of took put this week Dale of Children In by gtrla of tbt pro- of which art In aid of the of a tot Children To ronto era if to boa Doll Drill by littlt a Hoot and candy 4 fc rf St Ckurch The follow ing Sunday by Wtwmaiket with Mozarts March from Taiohaoaer Mendelsohnt March from Alhatiah know very tetectfoni the playing of tbcm great ability of town Out tor a Lark The Bicycle tlelgbridt to Quecneviltton trtnfog an at and werttriieotly an were about a beaded by a contingent of ibe Band by tog horn and belli of and to keep aid about when tbty Mcsr Good The week J of Broadway Toron to out of In Melhodutcbnrcblut Taeidty of the League Hit both and practical at well at witty and whofailol to him a rare Mr have to again ho will no be recti by a the secured by Triutect of church for their month This is Her Fridays rWrrit hit paragiaIi from lctroit that a At of ilc dy a 1 in Toronto atjd that the a man U4yeacof and tbat ho Kill- woman a to Toronto Wonder if Ibtt it putty iatee who lonely Mono and it it for a brief it tiled re then took heir dttartMfo It a pNcv to of Voik County will in the tho at buiictl to lithe of Warden At pre tttiJ J a for ihv only It McUootld of who wat to of for Mr Stoktt bat in Council He It Will a and uian Public Board The fint entering of elect for look on una- All were namely It J Bonner It J Prtitie and Mr reeltcted CbaircoaQ for year Two or tkree small pttt4 Ch airman reported tbat be bad cored dry wooi at S3 per cord The GoniDiUHdQ to make a flight alteration in window ant room and alto to a in the Primary Mr ro- elected of or the High School Standing of year were reappoint ed tendera were received for green following al tad from J at Moccasins Mens Size cents Cbildrene A Co their a Brief LETS- Weather prophet thai tbt let men will mitt If they fail right away a delightful day In town that a hone colter out for a Tbt boiler and engine In old Hat Factory told Monday to Sit Toot Of Gtorgina have and enow balling Saw and pall limber art roihlog and look JlodglDg tbt ol cotlert of ibt belli each evening the young art enjoying It to bate bills at office at a reading In reference to or like pnbllihed It worth half prict of givtn v There a at Monday and ft figured op lit factory The had a villi from Hay night and a North Sociitv The took in the Council afternoon tnd well attended The by balance on band to wiptofl indebUdncnof the Tbe at folio Tt President Treat lit it A Own ip Sec-Treat- -H- temporarily J J Woodcock Joe J J and Uriah A more extended report will appear next a in be It very inblt view and being fully entitled an J for that he will bo to OH Warden for On Friday afternoon of hundred the firtt of the Hlgb of and Mr acted at referee to of alb When the to I and hti tho to five May allwtl lo the tit off badly hurt lo early of the and being weakened toward the which look in front of The heavy Jhlrdt aduntetof pack all through catoe On Bator day afternoon Factory Team of the Mr Frank watrtfeftt or York District met hi for rem action of on Friday Councillor Rev of In tht chatr Allitton York wat well represented bit Al bert Aurora and Newmarket were well represented and good practical work dope Every Council In Bitlrlct tn fa create In of one And they are grand there wtre roeutlootd In ttituted and elept were taken at the hope to ibo of In York In Ibt ft a wllb which Ii ground rapidly to Id Proline of Ontario- Friday ratftllngp for were follow IL fipeiibuMaTkbttnCooociltor Vict Conn Chaplain JH Green Aorora Treaturer t Lloyd Ml Herald 4JnarJ Aurora r J- A Peregrine Aurora to CoancD Tht neat Meeting will at villa April a meeting fn evening when a good pro- rendtred by of Aurora and alto an excellent by of Mark- ham program trio A and addreat Uptight J Tencb Anrora tong Mr Vaozandl Au rora Newmarket which brought down tbt hoi it addreit Iter Van- J recitation Mitt Hon T reel- Teach Aurora National Anthem There a attendance and MtcruoDisr Church wing io the death ol a promicoi official In Church at ho obliged to homo latt Satur day WDioiaeolJy had to preach Lit own naoni Borne from Aurora on Sunday evening eiptin to meet former but were however they beard a fiu and tictllent anlbems by the ai largo atoiuil owing to weather and for ainooattd only to amount will bo materially by lady collector congregation con- to fond neit flaoday by morning Bleated Lift Even- log or working and employer of labor TUt wtlcoaat Hock A bout wllnetted match on Wednesday afternoon between Town and School Great bad been Motored in game being confident of victory Tbe however in favor of tho town by fi lo were TownJ Kelly A bead J I- Boyle and Ted P fl and A Caldwell In firat half Montgomery for town and after about rnpuutt- play In half added another School then braced up and Triyett the pock through After A IfolUnebtad two inoro lowing tbt Town I Mr P acted of all The of en- were long not let able for lungi A tho gtint wet the of a lew young men who were apparently Ignorant of a of dec cite of life Their conduct and laoRutgo were limply and if kteperaara not to atop in decent It might to well for the Mayor to a on prim to arreit and pro- any out In way It It aebirnt tbat ladles and young glrlt and looonfUed to Itt tea to tbo language of gaardt Mr of Toronto spent in town lire Hillock of Bradford day with town Marry of it here Mr Berkley who baa been in Tbomat lately In town over Sunday tpent or four Ibit week Willi at Mr and have re- after nine wetkt In city Mm Hewitt daughter of baro a vith frtendim town Mr Ji Pollock a town Ho had a very art claw at Mitt Jesuit Ough of bury it a with J m Mr Montgomery wife and baby from North Bay are a of wteki with in lown Bradford Mr and Goring of with their Mr Hillock Mr Richard left on Wednes day for a couplt of with bit at Mitt refumed on Monday morning to in after vacation at bom Mr Frank Potter I for taking a oourtd in the Central Boiintu College ilrtJamea A Kyle and ton of To art a of her brother Mr Park Art Mr Lambert King who hat 111 for time it now able to bo and it with in town ill of and Mire end of Strang a few last week- Mr Tbot got back to town fail Friday after putting in nearly at Court Toronto ou and Timothy had a severe attack of inflammation latt art it doing well at can bo Mr for Tueiday to attend tbo Wet tern Dairy- rein at a representative from Newmarket Factory McKay and Sunday School jointly Friday evening and having a Ant lime Mr J- of a former High School pupil who hat been for tome time wat la on Monday bit way to Normal School Toronto Oar attention hat by an reildenl to a wrong came in item furnished by Mr of Manitoba It have Bay J who wat the Grammar School in Proctor of who Treatorcr Township of King for over ycart wat in town yea renewed bit to for the tllb lit of few to atari paper Mr in Mr John icrilet from under date of Jan- Tbt weather to in that por tion of Stock ell colon the t own livings tod doing well thereby Eating a lily of Wo had very now only about two at moil Land It condition for tending Id and I think Dakota can rank with any at regards at lime Mr Caldwell It part of hit vacation In Newmarket among bis old been travelling for Km York Publishing for five and hit have bun to baa been promoted to a Hit ground covert from Montreal In Nor I he at I to pen- In II ft a to note hit which an In- young men of to Ihcmtclwt for Iter lately of town from that a at tultod In revolving lead a better lift J addition to church have made at other during paat mi wecke They are baying beauti ful weather In Soma the ray It It fall and winter they tvtr iteo Jot enough to make eight while bug great on prairie to during day tlock not yet- It It a great grazing country head of were year along It It Verity laPralrlo Ho addi comet like a mammoth letter many week i w Fur Caps Seal Caps Fur Muffs Storm Collars Mens Blk Overcoats at Cost Price Men and Boys Worsted and Tweed Overcoats at EXACTLY HALF The original price in plain figures imagine how easily reck oned just divide by Boots and Shoes at Cost Price Genuine Irish Frieze Overcoatings Beavers and Worst eds at the same RIDICULOUS REDUCTIONS I This sale cannot possibly last over one month as one- twelth of a year at these prices is all that the most thrifty storekeeper can stand But our annual StockTaking goes on in the meantime and we will have far less goods to measure count and weigh I also take this opportunity of expressing to numerous friends and customers my hearty thanks for their unswerving friendship and steady patronage in the past J DAVISON SPOT Buying for Spot Cash and Selling for Spot Cash means Money in Your Pocket SPOT CASH TALK inch Dress Serge Navy Brown worth 35c for 20c yd Clasp Corsets worth for per pair 36 inch Factory Cotton worth 8c for So per yd 34 inch do do 3 do Crash Towelling worth 8 4 do Ladies Cash Hose worth 35 19 do These are just a few samples of what yon can buy for Spot Cash at A BRUNTONS Planters Old Stand IS Use Only the West Baking Ink Drops Prelection tomorrow Bait Of Saturday meet Monday Cemetery lAMling Monday evening Council ifawnlo- At Homo Wed nlgbt Volte fell on level troratblog ibt In Ullnibjryitlll tht jfitJ ktt at for tet ani J Unit J above lo held lit meeting In on I Intl chair written trcaenld Tbt or year it at J To en hand from M grant 102 IB CO donation W Total Ml 20 at4icaUi Jly In tSM flttlngap il pi W on Vakcouvir Jan- Officers of the Mtowara which arrived here from Sydney an Interne heat tavc is passing over Over degrees In the shade was reported front points At one place the mercury marked withering wheat Is being cut for hay and Tires have done incalculable damage Including the- burning of setUemeota 7 Total There other special store tttud were paid by till unpaid prize Total entries at fell tho Afur foregoing report at tatdftctory proceeded to for with following J VIcePret Martin Jobnton J- Martin PO John ton A and ArtnoM J Jojgbcrty tnd A drew- xlety paid per of It at If the better amalAtmale wllb for a year or The Indians of New Mexico are said lo he They have killed cattle and on the ranches to fceep thcmstrlves from death The valley in is again flooded very warm weather having prevailed on Pacific coast for the past three days Midland Jan This morning the of Mr Richard Isles was burned a the ground The cause of the is unknown The family were awakened only half the house was in flamei and escaped with only a little clothing No furniture was saved The loss is about iOoo insurance Advices by a late steamer state a severe and new kind of malarial fever has broken out at Samoa It is highly infectious Natives are dying by the score and its ravages arc more terrible than in ternal wars targe numbers of Europeans id Apia hive been attack ed All the electric street railway lines in Brooklyn with Of the Smith and Jay sired lines were tied up Monday morning between seven and tight an in crease of wages men have for their places but the cars arc lied up became the Co- feats the mob and arc asking military protec tion Lindsay Jan At his morning a fire broke out n the block fool Kent street immediately adjoining the Brit Ion Brothers building and uilcrly de stroyed the store of K S and the of merchant tailor Both shops ore completely gutted and the a total Iota- The Canadian printing office in the samt block the flimrs hut had premises liberally flooded with water Jan- This morning a30 the Railway hotel was discovered on fire The building was a frame structure own by Geo- Neil and occupied by Brown The fire originated In the second story and had gained great headway before it was discover The inmates were aroused and escaped The house and contents are a total loss The fire spread south an old build ing by Storey at a wheelwright shop which was partially destroyed The low is estimated at about partially covered by insurance St Catharines Jan The Masonic Temple situated situated on Ontario street totally destroy ed by fire about oclock this mom- was occupied a business college on the ground floor the public free library on the second floor and by St George Maple and Temple lodges on the third floor The Masons the public library and the business college lost everything The Masonic Temple was one of finest build ings of its kind in the Dominion It was three high with tower don front and altogether an looking structure Insurance f Robertsons Japan Just lived Sea Herring They ate very nice Our Blended Black Tea is all Rage We arc showing extra good value in Black Green Mixed and Teas We have Golden in Pails Sensation Blend Coffee fine Dont our Green Rio Coffee We have alio a very Mcintoshs Waked Wheat in Packages- Wedding Cakes made up in all the latest Styles on shorten notice Give us a call A ROBERTSON Wood up to to tappl INDUSTRIAL HOME All fit c J and Furnace Repairs poor DO until tocuptir io Hot lb until t 17 llosWt will lIlfAn Ho ttttr- PRIVATE MONEYS l0 Id at Ho with ted ihatrobnoCcmtDUtloo mo etc iltfchtou SI WrUlogtoo at NEWMARKET CEMETERY tftwmsihtt beheld Council Chambei Newmarket OH KTftmtoifi ibftlrtfiuUooof A fell at Import toco jTlUootaoob lor Onltl NOTICE HHtJtrt4d to SHED fcici tie will fca tor Dont You Hear Them Bolls Christmas Bolls St Surprised AT OUR DISPLAY SILVER WARE SILVER SPOONS SILVER FORKS SILVER KNIVES SILVER WATCHES GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY SCAUP PINS STICK PINS GOLD SPECTACLES Etc have we shown such an assortment of things you can buy with so money for mother the father the lorer girl the boy and the baby A call respectfully Main st Jeweler Jan IS Tbo If Will la Mr Ota Bio At lnj lotltwd 1 J sua OLD IN TIME FOR Equal to City Work and Only Half Price MY TAILORS GREAT TOCKTAKING we take stock will hold a big clearing of all the month overloaded in lines of goods we winter goods regardless of i Mens Split Felt Hoots worth ourselves Oram Wool Lined Alaska 9 Hand Made Kip Mens and Hoys at Coit Mens Cardigan Jackets at Mens Cloth and Fur Caps at Cost Mens and Boys Clothing at Cost And many other lines of Goods away down in price This is a genuine Clearing Sale of all Winter Goods at less price than you ever bought them MONTGOMERY BRODIE NEWMARKET Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils READYMIXED Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor FOR PAINTS PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES HOUSE and HOUSEHOLD BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES BUILDING HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL PROP BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS OVERSHOES Largest Stock in Town AND PRICES THE LOWEST Sign Boot S GRIFFIS t All rips in goods sold here sewed free Oar Toronto Markets IK Wfc4lprbaiiel t7 roil lis Apple per Wool lb I CbtckAtJ per per 1 l 1 i if OH Oil Oil 00 0 aw aw IS JI its Oar Newmarket CO I Wbct per per Apple pet CbkkwiJper a a a a a a p a CO aid W 017 a a a a I OH on 603 an SCO J CO

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