Newmarket Era, 25 Jan 1895, p. 3

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1 ft i Mi Local fas WHAT IS GOING OH Dismissed Judgment for of Aoi tut Friday iDiptttor for of The Horse Ma it ret Lux up The District Deputy to bo at candidate to bo brethren from A are and do doubt bo large Hockey The Town bop are One game of the from To ronto The puck will M ftOCOnitoctiOD will to provided for Dip expect KmukNs last day for ill Corporations under a penally of i2Q for deficit to forward a Return to of Toronto a foil of indebtedness of inch corporation on of Methodist Quaitejlj nil bo tire fiardty Love at aci and Sacra ment at the of the Oft of do the frill by of ary Six Years In the Criminal Court at Toronto on last on apica KirK Township for criminal a of guilty Mr Street trial to Kiigiioa for eix pleasant even ing roamed to all at Bowery next Wednesday under auspices of Ixftgcc Game of kind bo An boar Mil bo from vtrrsAiile Sunday The Gospel Meeting at well provided by lb of gave general presided Recitation by by Kelly Mitt Mill Keith aod Mr Miller wag by Mr and by Mr Hooter Low look Ihe organ- we go to Missions As prtri of Toronto Chinch under of the Women Society of the auxiliary bad a EporLal invitation to preat and at the tea will be in tbo basement Mr goes on to Barrio by train The farmer went up Toronto Star of evening George Albion Hotel ivberc be km ia croisiofi Carlton was by an east- car The fender tide A picked op took to bit hotel be recovered efficiently to home last eight Runaway Last Saturday DOM a tone belonging to Mr Daniel of fit St an empty cotter in front of apparently none worse for the ran bat flight repairs netted to tbe Offing to the dtep now ad fright at palling a load of bidet hone which it arily a quiet took the drirer by and got Out or Kilter Something went with the dfnatno which the Incandescent Light on Mon day aod at midnight the went out At It was bought under a the machine had to tnl to Toronto for which quite an to The night cam hat mm the arc got out of and to be atop to that only one of the tbroe operation The lights were on night CmzEKSSiEtcnBioE on ihe part of of our to gtl up a tlcijhrjd4 for the to the one two ago which a rand All who are willing to in an are to at the Ccancil Tuesday evening at to the and make at may be deemed best Let there a evening and will be no abiul the remit There arc of our yoang aid who wooH a attivhride Match What promises of hockey will on tha to morrow between of Commerce team of Toronto and the fincat and to witch and It home team will be goal J Kelly point Hod point A Jaa P iharp match an hoar will be Iota of lima for who with to kit I At the regular meet ing of Pyramid No on the Packer of for the flowing oSotrx to rent Bio PO PO Boat Bra fiaxton R8KO Borawrilto J Banter PO Pa BroJ Chap PO Bnx McDougaU PO Sick Bcnsfit in- the A Employee which held Monday wat welt attend The elactftj far are President A- Potter A- Board of P nd P Klin jr The total for ware 14 Scarce to team thai owing to the In trade IHnford A are obliged to their Stock In order to meet com ing doe on It not all the day Nor True A report it in that a of money from taller in tha Ontario Bank week hot there a no in it A check by a who nndar the of hot not Betiepog the a the Chief to open for the fallow and that all there it it February and an date for the errlcof Bar J of Broadway will tho Pb bath Feb praachiog morning and on the Monday evening fol lowing will celebrated leclam on Might klyatery or Fact and Fancy- the Her declare that for point and fa difficult to Singing Class Reorganisation of Choral Society will place in the Ball tonight at under direction of Mr work for and practice a Cantata Miriam Bong of Triumph by It tbat all who in the tlndy of and at thia Aral in order to i near of rftqoircd Cyclone of Song will be for practice bare kindly bring them boy of year fifteen have benefit and at there ire Bros Make Home- Made Bread a Giro it a trial The Orchard Contest Follow ing art laid down by the North York to gorarn OrohardContettol for tho In prixet offered by P Each moit plant fifty tree of lb varieties follow twenty flya of which bo of one Northern Spy Baldwin Green ing BpiUeobcrg King and Tree are to bo planted at feet apart each 3 Tree are to bo planted in Spring of will bo In tbe fall Of l6nadExtbe following poinU drain- of tree manner of trimming and growth Blank Form to be eigned by for prize can bo obtained charge from Treo agents or B Irw Sharon and Obituary We clip the following from the Whitby with reference to tbe of Mr re May of Tbera are few liviog in this part of tbe country who can recall of at a in and far and of regret on accoont of his death on weak tit on Kingston Road of the town for over half a century celebrated bit or two ago Declared a quiet man ona of fioa ability and well kneed To ice to mark him down at lie railed a family the highest and intelligence of which bate made far and wide Be had been ailing for a long lime the end came from The large funeral took on to fanrylng ground Iter Mr officiating All the font were present except Edward who previous to called home broke bit leg acted at pill tea rem Thna the old ploneera of action laid away lie wat universally retpected and grcitest it felt for bit ged wife fire daughters and eon the of a dear aod aOectionata Which of the know where it a stray one A egg are now worth a much that QJHtiQgil this ftraooa 106 now New moon tonight Look out for it ArrogemenU were made the Methodist Choir to to Industrial last night the Inmate entertainments in the Town Bill knocks oat the sixoclock bill holiday on acconnt of teachers ilia Ball The in the Town Hall on the of the Masonic Lodge wat a vary brilliant affair Upwards one hundred coopW were attendance being from Toronto Richmond Bcbomberg and other place was provided by a Toronto orchtitraJ Thedocorationa were Ball never looked as to it it like a room llgt ffcdtoont and Urge mirror were nlso in ftrtiitio design from small tablet ia the Market which decorated with and every detail carried oat to perfection Selections From Dick- sot at the League on Wednesday night Dont miss it a An Will render ictioni at the at Mr a on Dont it Youll have a good time a With this issue we volume of the We the of which we constantly re- iiri2 and the of toward the by the con tinuance of of year In return for these fav ors it be our Instating effort more and Interesting acd In up the tiitifs Wo can hardly how It In York get along without It ft that they their neighbors very much pUetcd to add to our Hit and at an will give them the balance of with order is like the children to draw crowd thchcvy It wai surprising to largo attendance at the Kail last The was given by Junior In aid of Childrens Toronto sod was el through much Keith thtir training A no Vvk to bo heard the Mofhuu Mrs J Treat Vocal irereKieny Atkinson and Vera and Atkinson and Chfr menial music by and by old rankle latent for her age Vera Lily bat most pUwwat the Doll Drill by a dozen long with aprons At close of the Mr a few ancoaralng re and Mr J moved a tote of thinks Cemetery Co The annual meet ing of the Newmarket CemeUry Company took place the Council Chamber on Monday evening Tbt stUodaoce small probably not than lot owners present Allan was to chair Mr road of last annual were adopted Then followed the annual report of Directors presented by the Secretary Tbe report elates that during the past the general to the bare kept up and the roads and avenues ar all In good of Both the Vault and the Caretakers Dwelling were repainted during the and the latter it now In good shape presenting a comfortable and attractive appearance With the aid of a Hot Bed Caretaker hat with little lo the groonda with There were 2 Inter latt year an exact of on a week prociitly the tics number ToUl number Interred Cemetery lt3 The report was on motion adopted Next came there- port of the Treasurer J Pearson Yvi DIrectora commenced the year with JB3 on hand and euded with a of being mors than the receipts principal items for expenditure ordinary work were nearly for aud painting over for cedar slakes throughout the cemetery for telephone and for cart and harness made re garding the funds the Co when stated lbs of Lota Fund had Increased to which wat In the Ontario Dank draw Interest per cent and there wars also of general funds In real estate accrued Interest which will probably be paid lot owners providing for perpetual of thslol by In their Wills of from to was forcibly presented by bolls and Tresurtr In order to the preanl comtiiondablt of grounds fn Iho years to come sate of Mi Is decreasing every year and this la fhtre the principal came from former y The report loptd end fol lowing elected Messrs Howard J- J Pearson Jackson Win Cans J J A au4 John Atidilors t laYlS0nnd Jackson only change East ysar Is Ike ejection Mr In the plat of Mr Webb The then after Directors fallowing President Mr hi Tcatorer J J Mechanics Institute There wat not a vary large attendance t the Rooms last Saturday evening andthotowbo were inclined to purchase got books cheap- 35 were sold by auction for There was more for lbs magazine from reading tables which brought The Di rectors met Wednesday fipjjomled a committee to compile a new Catalogue of tbe whole library and they will comment work this annoyasco io Reading Room Is species of Rome one has been picture oat of the Illustrated papers en lb lab and Directors hay decided to offer a reward of W for information will lead to tbecoovic any person or persons illy of a ting removing and reading nat ter from the rooms It it a pleasure note an Interest In both the Library Reading wlnter and bops it may continue books will be ready for la a couple of Inspectors lUprt for 1891 Number In 1st Dm Met S3 Average number for year Admitted during the year Discharged Absconded H 13 Received from Cooolv Treasurer of which WM9M bis for expenses making so sxponte per week of Abstract of Financial statement Town Jam Major at ad- eccneaj In be kept ef of be rid aUmde to the coming ton the jd Ibn exited the will continue to prevail The Clerk the Roll and follow ing Lions TJ Roberfaon a Cant De puty J- Woodcock CounciUortA W J Elmer John Bred A Smith J P Hunter J and Geo from for cleaning market also 11 for of Water- Works The Clerk testrneted lo for Tenders for Wood Cellar and Stone Woodcock Introduced a motion to aSiaadtuf for current He called attention to the loose manner In corporation property allowed to be left all pares of the town also the of some persona to look after the Interest la flrooodp etc lit A Thompson was beard the wllh mens to atari Tannery again spoke of It to the town TOvny Idlr and alike- Sir Canarald he vat quite to ax from a term of but did not ece made llalboutfki lhat a renter bo very fair but la or a and he would tovoxio lit there taxcr Council and If from to men are be would favor water for a abort period Mr Woodcock waj or libera l bat Iboabtnothlogdeanitoabould bo until prions that at an Induce ment the tu1d In addition to exemption from tax Ulili to that water will supply A ballot taken and the following elect ed appoint Standing for Mayor and J A ti AS O- were reap pointed of at a J JPearson wis re appolotciiTruttMof were at and iHpatr Fire and WaierReeve Cody Trlrettaodnooier Market Tone Telretl and and BrKcF Reeve aod RoidbooTo Ifvfi Acd Cody fcoiMb and Rnadbouf Woodcock Hay or Reeve and is of the Mayor Deputy ChaJnnats of each The Clerk allowed a rebate of aslt Is used tbo of tho On Mr Rooter tho Com- to at next tbe ad of aitalcama a of Ai etc Mr Hunter that be of threat regard- the tho law and to to matter adjourned at A J A T Fur Caps Seal Caps Fur Muffs Storm Collars Mens Blk Matassana Overcoats at Cost Price ft Men and Boys Worsted and Tweed Overcoats at EXACTLY HALF TIONS Sale Feb to wnl tt oclock and J- arrod yiTCnpAr rM C tbo ro Credit at will n to iKr The original price in plain figures imagine how easily reck oned just divide by 2 Boots and Shoes at Cost Price Frieze Overcoatings Beavers and Worst eds at the same RIDICULOUS This sale cannot possibly last over one month as one twelth of a year at these prices is all that the most thrifty storekeeper can stand But our annual StockTaking goes on in the meantime and we measure count and weigh I also take this opportunity of expressing to my numerous friend and customers my hearty thanks for their unswerving friendship and steady patronage the past R J DAVISON will have far less goods Ho S POT CASH SAL Buying for Spot Cash and Selling for Spot Cask means Monet in SPOT our Pocket TALK inch Dress Serge Navy Brown worth 35c for yd Clasp Corsets worth for 25c per pair 36 inch Factory Cotton worth 8c for per yd 34 inch do do Crash Towelling worth Ladies Cash Hose worth a These are just a few samples of what- you can my ft 3 do do do Spot Cash at W A Ks Best Planters Old Stand From County For Board it earned by lornaUu Bale of ai w Farm Total it Food Light and Fuel fl27i fi sod Hired Help fiO inmates to Homo 113 Balaam 1605 S3 57271 II We will Show flttoiday Mug Block of Queen Hi Toronto or UUtr In Slock for Toronto annual York Boclety took Council ad btdtwocACCi Of felony upon ill year outcome of one of in offender In the omo ro old hi I lis Trktarrf report a on election of fti follow lit Vic John 2nd Wo Ban J Arnold Wilton John WJ Stick- wood It Klrtou and Add to ft Goo of Wc- the rotmberihlp to meet otUier meat Ii to bo by of It If years elnc ft It will thus bo een the iliRht while morel effect of Society the com- mostly very greet e so ever left tblef or proto col to offender In town well ftrmert may become Factory Yarns 35c lb While Or yd the Toronto e Everything Jellict c for bo from ej York The meeting of the above lute which look place at Mount Albeit on Jan iod opened at on Ibe by Pro giving an address on ensilage corn and the silo The advised every to have a silo as it was almost in dairying as well as valu able for beefing cale The pros pects arc we not going to get as much for our beef as we have in the past but we must find some nay of it cheaper and the cheapest way is by feeding good ctin ensilage Mr Thompson St Caihaiinei gave a very instructive address on the Cultivation of Roots Prof followed with an address on stockbreeding the farmer lo have some aim view when breeding and not breed in a haphazard way as loo many at the present time do Mr Simpson of followed an excellent address on lite of Weeds Mr is a very successful farmer and farm is clear of weeds at is possible for a farm to be Some of the worst weeds lie described how to Kit rid of are lite Canada thistle sow ihislle bind weed rag weed wild tare and quack grass or as some ii couch grass fcVENIHO Or in the chair Mr Thompson gave an address on the cultivation of Plums and other small fruits Mr Thompson said he far mers did not grow as much small fruit as they If ihcy more and cat more of it they would be healthier He said the farmers should not go into fruit growing peeling to make a fortune but on a He one per son can rat from 5 lo lbs of per day and the pickers invariably pin tram to lbs in weight during season Mr addressed meeting on Should Agriculture be taught in our Public Schools There was a special summer term started at ihc Agricultural College for the benefit of teachers and of over only of its ad van- pofthe In the and High School are far- nicri Prof address on Farmer which was very interesting M IT and J M P lite meet ing at some length Two or three very appropriate songs were given by a in Mount Albert SATURDAY lr Forrest read a very excellent paper on Good toads and how them The Dr travels over roads a good deal and knows what a good toad should be like and if he way they be a great deal belter than thcy now Prof followed with an ad- on the Rotation of- Crops Mr followed with an address on cultivation of Grain and not Mr fs a suc cessful exhibitor of roots and he told the meeting how they could grow just as good roots as he did The root I field wants to be cultivated all the season through until within at weeks of harvesting them Mr W of followed a paper on Winter Care of Live Stock Mr Thompson spoke at some length on ihc cultivation Corn Irwin and Phillips appointed delegates to attend the Central Institute in Toronto on February and With a standing vote of thanks to the delegation who gave such ex cellent addresses this very successful meeting came to a close- re- York County Council FIRST DAY Nearly all the members elected for assembled at the Council Chamber Toronto on Tuesday after noon The First business was the election of Warden The following nomin ations were made J C Stokes reeve of King Jonathan Slater reeve of J Hill reeve of York J reeve of Messrs Baker Hill and Staler tired and Mr Stokes was elected fust ballot by a vote of to new made the usual address in which he outlined a policy economy in financial matters and in the conduct of the sittings of the Council Some communications were read a Nominating of following gentlemen was appointed to strike the Standing Committees Messrs Hill Slater Hugh Evan Davidson and Baker SECOND DAY Chairmen of Standing Committees chosen as follows Finance Yule ByLaws Evans Equalizing Assess Cane and Bridge Chester Education Wallace Printing McMurchfe of King was nominated by the and Newmarket elected by the Council as Auditors Coatsworth M P urged the Council lo opt rate In Legislature tor a railway subsidy Just Arrived Fresh Sea Herring They arc very nice Our Blended Black Tea is all the Rase Japan We ate Teas showing good value in Black Green Mixed and We have Golden in Sensation firc Dont forget our Green Rio Coffee Pails Blend Coffee have also a very Mcintoshs Flaked Wheat in Packages Wedding Cakes made up in all the latest Styles on shortest notice live us a call A ROBERTSON K Ml mi Em to Ibat ih a la net ftiicuil WeiboiJIsj Cburcb of stttmto ro fulf J rrlco lo Jcl4 ri0l If Her- llut I a if loQcd I qui ftTheic fine weather ia Oiuwa Tuesday aod the great cainl val was were crowdcdi Hockey curling and tobogganing the principal and In the evening the Ice palace was brilliantly illuminated Mob violence continued in he presence of troops in Brooklyn and troops fired upon the mobs day The men of the and Second Brigades have not restored order and the Third Brigade has been notified to be in to proceed to tbe scene of the strike On short notice s E A Jbsidy f raoi writer or J I ivtOccil I i boiciuirtdCoj W Ken quite ftvurud t animation LATRIHSON and Optician NEWMARKET -YOU- KNEW That by day slowly hut surely you arc permanently injuring your eyesight by ejecting to provide with suitable glasses would not you hasten to have them examined Perhaps you do not require glasses Perhaps again if a pair carefully adjusted to your sight no wi it might you a lifetime of regret No charge for ox- PRIVATE MONEYS for Id pnoiHiv No ma direct i Chimb WciLTorODto IB FMKBt BUTCHERS PARK ANDREWS AroROwprftrMlo the door At Sault Ste Mule Mich an attempt was made to blow up the Rescue Home of the Kings Soos and Daughters Dynamite and the tear end of the building was badly damaged- It evidently the intention injure Evangelist Whi ta ker who has inide himself obnoxious to the lough element Mortgage Valuable Farm Property Bhutto la North lo York owt Ma Will Iw lh will lor on Saturday 16th of IB a boar of iwo by J TOWN OF NEWMARKET fourth of or A don a nut to a dUr within a Id IdTod It per Csnt wr td Victor Tdi Iho Hod Mr Iter up ftlUrr Bollock OoUtiobli will l hay pot culort on n NT DOWN FOR j The Prices of our Winter Suits and Ulsters will be during the next days the best part of the Winter is before Will pay you to Invest as we have bought too many and they must gofor we would sooner have the Cash than the Goods We do not say Wj Kire you a suit for neither do we say that we will sell cost but we will give you a suit at a sacrifice that you cannot afford to this opportunity pass Call and the Goods and Prices and be convinced H1CKLING Next to I MY TAILORS REAT this is the month we take stock and find overloaded in lines of we will hulda big winter goods regardless of cojt Mens Split Boots worlh 1 50 CO Grain Wool Lined Alaskas Hand Made Kip Mens and Boys at Cos Mens Cardigan Jackets at Cost Mens and Pur at Cost Mens and Hoys Clolhing at Coil And many other line of Goods away down in price- This is a genuine Clearing Sale of all Winter Goods al less than you ever bought them- MONTGOMERY NEWMARKET AM Burning Oils Canadian Coal Oils American Coal Oils Lubricating Oils Peerless West Virginia Cylinder and Castor PAINTS HOUSE and CAnuIAOK BRUSH Eh STABLE BRUSHES PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES HARDWARE DOUBLE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON St STEEL JAS PROP- BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS OVERSHOES Largest Stock in Town AND PRICES THE LOWEST Sign Red Boot toy All lips in litre Our Toronto Markets CI Wheal per Applcapi lb mm CO Of on or SCO w J I- bio mi taiW tn W iV CO on i CO IS OH per Wool lb For per i4 IIII1III1M I L I I on 003 a a lb a SCO a CO a on I

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