Newmarket Era, 8 Feb 1895, p. 2

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s V T- V Price- a A Snap En ma Lot tor Bile I Bala Wanted A lanatooa for Sift BUT CROWS BRIGHTER WITH EACH The is Printed all Home sooxb FRIDAY FEB Toronto to Ersy nip night boilera and bot ffitex op And when fire cut morning doing dun rain hid arm broken by from store and first ap peared A new of with Mr KritU at editor of doting it oclock will before Ibe city council at an early date cut the annual for lAo ejection of Director of tfco trial take CouarratlTe Clob rooms will be opened luacdotbtr will take put id Hon Mr Mi for lh by evening train yesterday The Ceutrtl held here week largely Ilia mKlicg of Good 1 convened ItvillJultirodayv will be by Hod Mr Dry- den ins A Hi Dr will remove from to Toronto the riew of Itas- Mi by giUlog nearer centre of work Tax for Spring and flcit l of fopalar that yet been pobllihed All the department are on nitully well filled and bare an incrtd fir of the Spring modal Tax Emfir of lut that It la food that Mr J J wiU be appointed by Sir to before Privy Council of the Government from ike recent of- the Court with to to grant of York Mr- A- their candi date for the Commons- It fc Hiding will have a fight lbs have already nominated the membfr the have Aid Mr Wright will not accept Sir Oliver Moral and it will cot only please the Patrons but will be a saving to the Provincial treasury A Manitoba thai the Provincial de cided on retrenchment In branch In the IjOcaI economy will be practiced next term by the of to members from worth to to and Richard the that a fellow ha read coo of Mr Porters In colore the TOcdlttan the and read one of Sir Richard tide of the he nre whether Is a millionaire or a tramp the happy to be found In bysection between the two arrival week at Toronto of Mr P of Reina to be on aocqQnl of Use Pre journal telle what hie errand Is Mr HPDarin P ha gone to Ottawa to seed for the farmer of his immediate neighborhood in cidentally to make himself eore of will be another or not before a general election Wonder If be lias I Members of Government dont know yet for them pobliefaed In lb of in order to cosiest the Lime- City for Commons at preaching to be a In to this rumor some Mr with of of Militia in the Federal Government to an Interviewer recently thai the story was without foundation- Ob no be alnl giving up a year and for- for a and hay to pay own expenses to say nothing of the riik of being all SUGARS 29 lbs Granulated for 100 35 lbs Bright for 100 PROVISIONS GROCERIES Liberals Convention in Toronto on of frorn the various Young Clubs of Ontario was a marked success and resulted in the formation of a organiza tion to be known as the Ontario Liberal Fcderaiion Mr Stewart Lyon Preiident of tbe To ronto Club chosen President of new organization and the pro ceedings of the convention were char acterized by greatest harmony and much enthusiasm In the evening a public meeting was held in Hall and it is Said that never in the palmiest days of the most popular leader Canada ever produced was there a more mag nificent demonstration of enthusiasm and devotion than was given the Liberal leader and the Liberal cause The Hall was packed with an au dience numbering six peo ple to listen to the inspiring addresses delivered by Hon Mr and others It was a magnificent demon stration from start to finish and Is generally regarded as a presage the coming victory at the approaching elections Hon Mr ad dress was a clearcut and manly enun ciation of the upon which Liberals of Dominion trill appeal to tbe electorate for approval at the polls He was followed by Mr P Hon Geo and C Gibbons Q Without question it Was tbe suc cessful political demonstration To ronto ever witnessed It Henry Merrick bis Appointed Inspector for Ontario to new inspector in ll probability bate bis bd- at At the time of Mr leaving the he at Toronto Mr Barker broaght to nil bis place Mr Spry went from to Voodoo and Ml Mr Spri Thl left the office Tux Kingiton A that among mentioned in with candidacy for the nest election are of Dr Smjtfce Aid aod Aid Dr defeated bj Hon Mr In the recent byeelection it is as a fact that he polled lit rotca than at general election when he defeated Hob Mr by one that is fast in politic Tax moat noteworthy feataro In its for Sod and proba bly the and generally in- faatore to bo in tbe camber of any of periodicals that which baa for its dis- in Brooklyn There are six filled with drawing of partici pants In of the forces of law and order and of the amid which the difficult at weropot to test of argument and of charge and volleys cooncU would copy the action Coonty of I fade there voold be fewer memorial and offered for member and committee to was to their time The Whitby ChtonUU Ontario consent tolha Single Tax fad bowl fier while onr railnnya almoit on cbargca- and a cry They hit in the neck Is last Saturdays Montreal Carman In language state and tbe action of Government In paying for a for the of lha aoal of premier re- ligioue intelligenco and of now ii libit Berries and Polled Chicken or Tongue ton Baked Armours A Chickin Soup Wax Beans Mustard Sard in Try was Turkey Chicken Duck and Pigs Knife A lot of Patent aire Silica bilks Bilks Silks SILKS r a a a a a a for PI MENS OVERCOATS BELOW COST 00 Overcoats for 00 Our Overcoats 6amo as Advertised as worth right in Newmarket a great snap at JIB for A quality kept in of this house Overcoats or 20 Dr Baking Powder James Diamond Bartons New mails was 1 25 25 10 now ii I Imperial of The Dr if very coo given by JdBqccco vote Ontario He funds go to buy the Mali A more Or not north mentioning for if policy of iog rtpow for we mere Ifcc ffb to pcOplvi money mo toil there delivery of tod the which fro flli contract the quid pro not silicic down for ch wo bo pouring half those have and well nigh the for ye- SO 10 Lard lb Daily Mall and Empire Wednesday morning list the Em- Toronto teased publication the funeral obequie5 nere duly per formed and the to be going about the street Under the heading Goodbye the follow ing formal announcement was made An baring 7Ai wiw nd Daily to All for tie to date remain to between licit both of a their It to will fiat IiUod has thrown op school will and a li will to erect a ocI bonce In way but It to and hand It orir to atpxrttaacbooli as CalhoUca decided majority of It property longi Roll Clear llacou Cheese Rico Stridors Jc i Apricots Indian do do fl Pigs for for Cooking Prunes Potatoes a a a Currant- J lour Lamp Wiring An lot of Flavoring Oil bottle St Loon pint bottler was per lb per can A per lb G 00 00 00 MANTLES Mantles for a a a a a 00 a a a I 26 75 00 75 00 1 8 8 a 1 Selling goods at Less than Cost for two reasons First because we expect to pay 100 cents on the dollar and second because we have no old shopworn goods to dispose of would like you to compare our prices with other peoples advertising prices 25 lbs Granulated Sugar for 1 The Best cent Tea in Town We still have some Beaver Overcoats that were 10 going at 5 Mens Underware reduced Mens Felt Boots reduced Dress Goods reduced Mantle Cloths reduced Gloves and Hosiery reduced BlankB reduced Compare our Prices will convince you that no as Cheap as we will We wont urge you to buy but other house will sell good Goods Maddock Co for JOc lb n ii per per lb 20 lbs for and each 6 for now MUFFS 1 for FURS STORMCOLLARS ia4aj It4trata a a a a a a s Pickles an odd lot He- Printing ted IJfMx1 to will reecho for tho of their which thtrt will lb piHoy Id political idT0C4tJ It if Mr Cftghton who the from tic In- get some office in Service The World dont look kindly on the new consolidation however and occasion tony 41 One lovaccd For over eight nearly licit hit to rein party that It Into that which lit from It now that all tit In lt prayer to Into hi For brethren to be travel ling in the tame boat politically harmony of the two organs Is promis ing for a lively time the near future Tut Grand Pattens at any tent meeting In Toronto three to their 1st No director or aloe holder of any or other corporation for or any or aid from the Govt tfaall to eligible for Ilea to if occur in lcct3 teat ah all to 2nd It bo dt a breach of of Parliament Act for any to tux or other than bli aalary or aMirooal for any formed for or on of and 3rd No member receive a pau any or company and for a member to accent acch fata dlinallfy Id llooaa fcr flreytart We inclined that will planks The intense cold Is general throughout the Province In no place did the remain above the point and placet It went to between and below In some places buiinett was almost owing to cold Feb oclock night the Queens avenue Methodist Church and Wesley Hall were destroyed by fire- The fire broke out In the church Just over the and In a few minutes edifice was a nmt of The spread to Hall which used as a Sunday School and Leo room This structure fell a pity to the destroying element in a very short time and two organs and three pianos was completely des troyed It was a bitterly cold night he mercury marked two degrees be low but the brigade struggled and aided by the absence wind prevented the from spread- to the structures near by This was built The two buildings were at to total is Tea anneal miotic tbe Canadian Praia Toronto on Then day and Friday of last week was a throughout were rep- printers present at aeeclon and tat down to magoltl cent banquet In the rotunda of the Board Trade largely Into of great was at aod adaptability to country Abate paper are officers elected for 1W5 KlngitoO- Itl VlcaJ 2nd J J A Cooper J too Toronto 8 A A McKay and A Bellamy of at the and Barrett added no a to Interest the occasion when It It known that he to hit from thai of a the honor the gift of people to whoitriit to fit them selves fellow by aod Health at were efforts for teg of Grip and 1irle of lake cake Ki- of Em fcn diafrrtt great for a hi term of office able manner In chair- ack Frost it a constant visitor McLean of spent Sun day with Miss Patterson of Barrio on in town on Mr Montgomery spent sister Mr Roche and of spent over Sunday at Limerick Ledge McKay It week or so at Mr- Gibsons A wedding cele brated at The Bowery last tag O Martin andcbUdreo spent week and this week in city a couple dap last week with Mrs ronto Be- W- it to preach at Broadway Tabernacle Toronto Bod Say Mist Itard who bat away over a year came home Wednesday on a Miss Itofemond and Miss Mi Albert over Sunday with Miss Minnie Ntut Mr Ed Itchier re from a with friends at The people at on Mr P of President of the Ontario Bank wide an official hero yesterday Mr Win Morton writes from Aehtabola Ohio that they have quite good sleighing at present The official beard of Lloyd town cult Methodist Church hat Hot J Gardner to bo their pastor July Mrs and daughters Timothy street who have rcildeJ In Newmarket for about three moved to Toronto yesterday of Dr to to hear that hit physi cians raport that La It better as to again to attend to practice Mr was town and Wednesday to for neat weak on a Ms wife and daughter Dr P Cook writes from Toledo Ohio Things are quiet hire winter It It cot bard on the poor as last winter We aro ro wcathtr now very little It the name ot a monthly published by the Kim ftp- worth Leago Toronto we with Mr J II Lewis the ai ft on the editorial A load from epifit of wck at tht of Mr A Niagara inspected tho various places of and left In highly delights with visit Kldtr has received and a call to the pastorate of wick Baldwin Christian And It thai he will be asked to take pastorate of Ulon pastorate to July The Elder will Newmarket presided at to tho Church last week and gave a splendid address behalf of Miss read and very appro prtato ware also by Bertha Wallace and Mis Bleh Hunter a who la la also editor of a publication en titled which Is for the lit Rev Kloclarbatkfr 3rd Bishop of Indiana who for eleven yoare was editor of paper and flnancltl whlcb memorial la a Irlbate to hie and wa are hit mantle hat fallen upon glass bottles wore 10 now An odd lot of Pressed lb Package in Packages was Breakfast Hominy Package Dedicated Wheat Package Bread Package 15 GREENLAND SEAL CAPES for SO 00 20 FEATHER BOAS for 2 00 Dross Trimmings for BOYS OVERCOATS BELOW COST a Boys it 8 CO A A A A A 6 STOVES Tailors for Parlor Stovo wood 11 00 Cooking Stove for wood Robinson Largo Heat er for hall wood or coal Gurnoy Countess coal Self Feeder 28 00 IJuck9 Radiant Home Self Feeder coal Double Heat er nickel plated nearly new only used months 00 10 20 ROCHE CO HOPE Wednesday a baptismal ser vice was held in the Methodist Church here when nine were baptised on pro fession of faith The Special Meetings are a great success About bare come out on the side The meetings will be all ibis week No items bit week 1 What was the matter and several questions like this were asked Well to tell the Mr Editor we were so busy shovelling snow that had no time But we have very good roads now with the exception of a few pitchholes There was the snow in the village since the oldest inhabitants can remember These list two weeks have been real inter weather The thermometer registered be low on Tuesday morning- Mr Jesse Connell made two trips to last week The Sunday School Is making ar rangements for a grand concert in a few weeks Mr I M Gilpin spent Tuesday in the city Miss E Bain is visiting in the KF1TLEBY The their regular monthly meeting on Wed nesday night week one new member was initiated The SofT hold their lor- in on Friday night the They arc going 10 make It a grand They also intend to get up a big In afternoon with free at night and will hare some of the that can be Rot The Influenza stall lurks the neighborhood Mr T Hilborn has Just recovered from had attack and it has now got a grip on hit son Albert open division on Thursday night of last week ball filled A profitable and en- joyabletimo was spent The ladles of the Methodist Church bad a very successful pancake on Tuesday night at the residence of Mr and Mrs J Curtis Mrs Sarah Lloyd has left the old farm and gone to Aurora Her son Joseph will now return The S bare lately purchased and placed one hundred new chairs In their hall Annie Forsyth of Toronto Is visiting relatives and in the vicinity 1 also Mrs T Hendry of Bond Head Mr Well Curtis home from Guelph with a tote urn having hid It made by the if lays the Dairy courso broken up the scare The Presbyterian Concert on Fri day night of last week was a great the fish to bite especially as others had been nibbling at the same bait and could get pieces of it Mr John Pollock has leased the hotel at Keswick to Mr Joseph College was splendid and boys got a warm reception bliss of Newmatket also gave several splendid readings The audience was delighted with the entire pro gram A few nights ago Mr Wights was burglarized to the extent about 30 worth of goods is no positive clue yet but developments are awaited with interest Tbe Quarterly meeting Methodist at was greatly enjoyed by the large number who went from Queens- villa One of the best attended love- feasts was made more interesting by the effective part taken in it by to many people and by spirit lowliness earnestness and intelli gence in which it was done Mr Thompson is to Hail- way Allegory in the Temperance Hall bore on the evening of the Mr and family have removed to Mrs Wilton has returned from Several of our villagers attended the Reform Convention and Farmers Institute in The members of the Church holding their annual social In about two weeks Mr James of Hillsdale called on his brother last Monday on his way to Albert College Belleville Quarterly meetings in connection with the Methodist Church was held in this place last Sabbath when a very large congregation listened to by Hey Washing- ten and Quite a number of our young people attended the concert at Mt Albert last Thursday evening Misses and of Mt Albert were guests at Mrs Bos- worths list Sunday Mrs A is spending week In Toronto Mrs Oxtoby who has been very poorly is we are pleased to say roving At regular Choir practice In connection with St James Church Miss was presented with some very handsome pieces of silver In of her valuable services organist Miss Sheppard is spending a couple of weeks visiting MUi Williams In St James Church Sabbath will be held at oclock when Communion will be ad ministered by Rev Canon of Newmarket I KESWICK Tbe Klckapoos have gone across the lake to Lefroy after a very suc cessful terra at Keswick The Temperance Hall was crowded each evening They removed from a man while here a tapeworm forty feet not a bad supply of bait for of Whitchurch Mr Pollock has made many friends during his three years residence here who sincerely regret the necessity that compels him to leave A year ago last month while crossing the ice he and Chas got into the lake losing one horse and chance for their own lives Since then John has neyer been welf having a severe attack of hemorrhage of the lungs last spring which he nearly re covered during the summer and fall but since the cold weather began has been gradually getting worse till now but very slight hopes of his recovery All this time he has been doctoring with one of the best doctors in the city Mr the incoming landlord bears a good tes timonial from Mr Reeve of Richmond Hilt and will no doubt keep a good house A largely signed petition for the transfer of the license has been obtained only five in the whole division of resi dent voters refusing to sign it The ice on the lake is good and the ice harvest and the fishing have begun Mrs is very poor with lung trouble which has been gradually coming on for the last year or longer She bears her sickness with rcmeikablc courage though there seems such slight hopes of her recovery Mr and Mra Elijah Prosier are visiting their son at Utile Britain Arrangements have been finally completed for the second Annual S Convention of the Sutton and North Association which Is to take place In the Pres byterian Church Sutton on the itth and of Feb Avery Interesting program has been arranged and a splendid Convention may be an ticipated On Thursday evening Rev Mr will give the open ing address of welcome followed by an address on Encouragement In theS S J Davis Esq M P P Besides matters on Friday Mr J P Belfry of Newmarket will Introduce a couple of topics for discussion Friday Mr Davis Is to give an other address and Miss Keith of Newmarket is to talk to the children- Friday evening Mr Belfry Is to answer the Drawer and Rev Dr of Toronto Is lo give a Chapter In Apologetics Homes will be provided not for delegates but for all persons who appreciate Sunday School work The are expecting representa tives from every school in the terri tory and if ft Is a nice day some schools will send a sleigh load children to the afternoon meeting Mr Thompson will deliver his to young men on Wheel Tracks next Sunday morning in stead of evening in the Christian Church because Elder James of Is to preach a missionary sermon in the evening si ITS SO A iuattlou ffQCC-MJ- BUSINESS TORONTO ONT Canadas Greatest Jan Write tat proipeclca AYi ffcto House for Sale Mm Allan- A Ay- T Ottawa Feb The branch of the P has been pur chased by the and Pacific Junction Railway The price paid was The branch is the third oldest raijway line enter ing Ottawa It was built in about the time the old Occidental line was constructed TO RENT Stow No I Millards occupied fi Co- Will or J Plat UUItaory joaBPHimJnu CANADA LIFE CO IN CAPITAL AND FUNDS- A Great Assortment The largest and best assortment Cakes and Pastry ever seen in New market can be had from at less than city prices An idea of whit we have will be found below Sponge Drops Queens Brandy ran in Tea Cakes Ginger Diamond Cuts Crescents Cream Rolls Cream Puffs Fruit Rolls Presidents Macaroons Rata- Kisses Ginger Fingers Sugar Tops Washington Squares Lady Fingers Oyster Shells Lemon and Fruit Tarts Angel Neapolitan Marble Silver Gold Fruit Layer Roll Lemon Ginger Seed Wrath Lady Wedding Cakes and Dundee Cakes We also take orders for Balls and Parties McCAULEY BROS Telephone Connection Iaoome la force ifier J T FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking AN D Embalming A SPECIALTY HORSES WANTED MrAMarois will bo Ifcft buy irie tar loads of Carriage and Draft Horses Hot I Farmers J TjeJv Rraaorgaa II IS All oJtd and In Coo- from to IOM SALE OF JHMILLARD a r Telephone Connection radio Of Of A Toroo io of Mr a lutciiir or li of a ijotog J by J ALA Mo- I Ii6 Mr on its Mh Jafsotry Mr- morula to Mil balk or on eh or bo Hot Mr It ItoutUttT of J ijjhefiTifc to Sum Jiuii or ibToribp oa tod in mo baalog At oo fif MAIN NtWHARKfT All oilier will prompt HORSES WANTED NOTES ffle Public laertcAo Hotel Sew CHINA ALL fhcro UI North A aDAlkiLOO At boor of oclock a iu follow Iii lfilbteor vlij J nl per ot Aonrjt Nolo for by lV2icdrAplQRloterMtt8r MM for mid a by drawing JAN an Mir It tff cent 17 One Note for Jit rcdo J II per AllOfthAAbOTjII Eel H0USE HORSES For oa Acre of FINE LOCATION for bilioco At pcrcont KSTRAY IbipfcoKjof ihouadorilaBtd lit A to cairns li To clear all the balance of our Winter Goods we will give them at prices you will find so LOW It will more than Pay You to Buy FELT SLIPPERS els MENS LONG BOOTS CARDIGAN for Misses and Children OVERSHOES Mens Womens Misses and Childrens MOCCASINS Mens Womens Misses and Childrens Above arc all Best Quality of Slock Come and examine 200 Boxes Fine Figs at per box liver VERNoKS HOTEL NEWMARKET Saturday Next February To 0 all Vat I SALE I frOQ EYESIGHT Is more easily Retained THAN Obtained Why to pcJ4lrt you the a Optician of Oar Optical It ally with mod era tco Stuart Scott only pay for if TOILET SOAP OATMEAL CASTILE OLD NEWSPAPERS Vox al iLt Per WE HAVE THE BEST CURRANTS- CIO You ever saw Special price by the Box a Tea Coffee We keep the Best Quality at rea sonable prices Our Japan is the best for the money you cart find albs for R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main and Timothy St3 NEWMARKET

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