Newmarket Era, 8 Feb 1895, p. 3

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v NEWMX talfa WHAT OK IK A in Dancer Averted pitch- holt bees rot to bid on ltnrdY Hill that two or in J he op on Monday ud on oat or line For You to get I if the oar remember wo Eitfcer ll or for price will fco to find bow well how bow your order will bo Sunday Afternoon The Hall km mil filled the Gospel Temixraoco presided by Mm and Mr Low Sinking by Utile an by A The the program for Social An evening of and profit for old be Anticipated at Friday the Parlor Ramei trill At hoar will bo with Ifco and brilliant iolenperetd with and after which will bo wrved Fro for Board of the Kind While the last week caught this pirtgrapb tTimnar- Eli The of the pro- fcrc local to the JocSt iw to beat The to the and is one of the local the We appreciate remarks from men in a to A Bad Hand Mr Cbis-Broajh- ton to hit band in a fling for adayorlwo walked the for five account of While a pot fata a belt to lit a belthook drew blood iron of paid at to it tbrto or four blood poisoning in and he roflercd Returned The post office department calls attention to a practice prevailing in of the country of the or wrap- port printed matter a to have matter to fender in the event of it not being livfrtd a of in contrary to the of post matter Djl being to under If matter la not re- turned do not take It for granted that in it baa been Too ran cfcance printed natter A Fish StorvHitc you heard about beaver that was frozen in tbe fee at Pond fact I It was discovered by Cbai and fiitorday say dont It waa of a of the beaver well developed- froz en in the clear ice about from the top- it do yon 1 But Charlie can for ha little id good iLeta of prtenatioo It Is artificial end evidently been worn by soma lady I art of her Or bead ornamentation CHURCH a Knox to morning and the I will be In Hamilton Up are moving a little rapidly and aro mora favorable for the farm era Both ifr and advertised to be here on the Methodist Chprch At the meeting the Indies on afternoon the offloara war reelected for Guilty Arthur week on a of stealing money from Oak and found Be to fifteen months in Central Prison On a second charge for larceny he also convicted and to two months imprisonment to too with the poet crack team here to morrow and hard may be looked for- and tba Clab pre requested to attend a meeting which will fa Monday even ing at fl A good qnostod Important ma 11 era are to be decided A Happy Choice In the year Canada Co did tbe largest in Its history of years Ills oldest Co In Canada and is very careful the selection of its agents bas fallen Mr to represent Co in and we make no bat that it will be a satisfac icemen I EKTraiAiNMENT Tfag anco Ball well filled last Monday and the entertainment wiUi St Paul Church was quite a pre sided in bis manner The singing by Bennett Mr of also the reading by major was heartily applauded part well particularly the doll drill tfaaatng fag by Pauline and the recitations by Frank The candy boo Ih also did a good during A of revival meetings Is to commence in On Sunday the loll- when Is to Mica Williams an labors bays been crowned with much In of province Fancy Dress Carnival The proprletora of the Pond are getting of splendid for a Fancy Carnival take here Friday evening the The people have made liberal donations and if the weather is favorable a big crowd may be Look out for pesters firing Friends The Mettiog Hoof baa been crowded every sinco Friday and a la manifested Mr Allan been greatly assisted by Mrs Dalo but it Is quite likely that Ibis will bo ber last evening Two dozen or hare come out In the It is not definitely decided whether special will bo next week be closed night The Royal plan are looking for a grand rally Town Hall of toaympilby their of reform Tea served ia io Market from to for which are very complete J consented to fake oclock and preside at the Concert- A splendid literary and program is promised- Prominent among to i Jennie selectioDi goodj McKay and of Aurora vocal and ho that for supper Fatal Accident At the Indus trial Homo last Tuesday morning an ac cident occurred which had a fatal tarnation following evening An old named Mary from York Township pas feeble and years of age was small of her own In the having her back to a small stove when clothing caught on fire Her cries vera heard by in an ajjoiniog at Kent but before filtnta tvero burnt and lower part of the She and between the fright and dysentery trouble with previooaly died on Wed evening Nor able Wedding From the Alameda Cat Daily Argus Jan wo following account or wc4 a former popular pastor in New- Smith It cays A notable and event in church and aoclcty was wedding last even Of Louise daughter of Dr and James Gumming Smith which took place at residence of the brides par The Interior as with ratio us of and vines iotettwincd with colored ribbons work of deft Mary Bos- Orchestra which all even ing- A be bridal parly parlor placing the wedding Thepaitji was preceded by the of r ana acting as retted on the arm of her father- The people are deriving great from of Honor wasMisaBlaneboTifdsle v VA day Court No Installed the following officers on Moo night Meads VaB J Bee Koller Chaplain A- Miller J Spring J Beamish illar J Dr Stqart Court thoagh a yoong Court has a bright future before it Arrested for Fraud A short time ago Jam registered a letter at for a firm Chatham pur port to contain On receipt of the letter as no therein firm at reported the matter Post Inspector for who found by enquiry that the said Tate resided at A per sona then took when wrilefconfcd that be money The Inspector at laid a charge against and be arretted brought before Mayor Robertson last Monday And committed for ball log for for bis ioTorontOj on Wednesday when was committed for trial at the March ibices obtained before Honor Judge Morgan Knox College made it very entertaining for In Iboismacar coming up front last Friday evening Deal home and not pedlars It la no small amount of labor to keep ones side- walks of snow winter Coasting was never belter and Mimiko- The on the Market last Saturday was a priAo to everybody hot Iho buyers know well what they aro ready to leavo of them a bag of and his sue picivnot an bad left lor this it where the telephone in Hi fiueti the at Aurora wee up of misting bag given and alio of the person suspected The that load was searched aid the mitring tax Identified but no further action woj taken in hope that warning to bo wore may prove effective for future Pricks At the Chamber last Monday were opened forhe supply of wovl and piirp were fix or and from per vera prentc4 wood running follows torn to per cord gir and dry hemlock per cord swamp mostly cord body weed maple cord flrttclatt green bitch and has bought by to at per cord and dry bard- wood told at per cord tho psss weik Methodist Church is In neat Monday The Anniversary will preached morning and evening by of Broadway Tabernacle Toronto and will bo taken op in aid of Trust Fund On Monday evening the tame gentlemen Is to a lectors on Moilc its Might and Mys tery Fact and Fancy a that received with rap lorous spplsj wherever delivered Wo that nobody will bo rather that they will be and delighted in attending a reputation as a Ictluregoinf it should not bo w and ae church will be MM next Monday tickets arc very low or two for a the daylight la to without a Iamp Sever of coming to the attention the pastor of a was organized by ladies last Friday Daring the of Jan II tramps had corporation almott one every Other night The the Christian are thankful for the which they have recently received toward lbs of the from persons who bavabeon usln Another month and tbe will making maple sweet House pUnts suffered Tuesday night Clear ahd Cold If there is nothing we can bo in the fashion and talk ol weather It been cold Did you ever the wood box empty quicker or coal need filling so often And we may expect more of tbia kind of weather If anything In the bear seeing bis shadow Caudlemsa Day- Mr Cbappdla Last Saturday was a bright cold day and of course Old has gone to pavr for six weeks but soma lay It Is St Valentinos Day that regulates the The almanac wo ate to have four mora wetks of study cold But this we do know readings of below Sunday m Monday above Tuesday below 1 Thursday 13 On Tuesday the thermometer at Mr Book Indicated below and W below was reported at Mr- A Hills residence On Wednesday morning Mr thermometer regie below I is The for the money with Is what ards are receiving year- from Ihe Canada Co Agent vvj Darts livery His in- the cultOM aendlcg It dying but year they crop up In all grades of sbopt and everybody knows that tot continue to offer which demand has of valentine Is dying oat kind higher done much for valentines like most things new There are fewtr of old fashioned at remittee au1 fewer In which and Iota end doe are chief Us valentines In days and plclurts are shown In place of tawdry or men do merchandise for One sort Question At the Council tutting last Monday night a from a signed by members asking that a be pat sod to limit Shop Licenses in this town to one and tore the number Of Tavern Licenses A deputation from the It of was ale present to request ladles were that a limit fag the one only was Illegal as WiflkUi with another slat which monopoly They were also to ttato how Tavern they thought should be and adylsod to present a fetitlou at the next meeting signed by ra generally aa an Indication to Council of feeling of the people Tho WO-T- met the day when the ques tion was folly They had heard drawing up the previous peti tion that was of apply lugforallMOse to start another I shop and sooner than run the chsncei of two again In town they to peti tion for all to to done away with as well at a redaction of two in Tavern Petitions are now laud for signatures to put the Into which will be presented at a meeting of Council ifonday even leg In view of the fact that for prohibition by a ago thfok they are to a redaction In the number of pieces where are teen pi log to spenl their earnings or that which ultimately and lister of bride and beat was twin brother groom performed by Iter for many years pastor of Presbyterian Church this city assisted by Iter present audited Mr Minion Hen Francisco The bride was radiant in her cream faille do in ado en train with high neck and and trimmed with a shower and wore no jewels The maid honor woro a crepe walking length with the walit cut round and with Dorothy a of cream silk and a bouquet of while ado and woro of accor- deonplaIttd chiffon over pink and each fthower After ceremony couple received tho coo and then the bridal party end guests descended to where a banquet was on smell tables room was decorated in colonial style oak branches forming principal decoration on the wall and candles lighted the tabke newly married took departure soon the banquet amid and of The couple the recipients of over a hundred presents which wcro displayed a large room In upper story and each attention by It value beauty or appropriateness gift was a deed to bride and lot Central avenue their return from a lioneyrnoon trip the will lake up heir mi at Han groom Is pastor of tally Frtsby Church of that city and In wife helpmate abb having taken deep Inlerett In church work In this city Ills father He J K now Fort Hope Canada was formerly pastor First Frcabyterfan Church In Ran Francisco Regular last Following bills flv Warren and lockup wood D ton fire alarm and for helping to dean Town Hall P snow to RoUoaon leather lor Hydrant John shovelling enow Andrew do- do do do cords wood Chaa j cleaning enow from bridge and Fire Brigade poel for David Lloyd register Ing births eta WTO use of the Town Hall was the Dairymens for the sum of The of the Collector showing a of that he waa unable to collect was referral to Com- also a communication from Single Tax The tenders for wcod as follows Win Coords at cords green hemlock at J dry hemlock hemlock at tender of giU for at w accepted tender of Dart Reynolds as per advert at was A petition was by the aignod by names asking for a bylaw to bo limiting tho number of Shop Licences and number of Tavern Licensee Mrs and Mrs heard before the Council in reference to the petition In of the generation and to remove temptation front them they aoiious that not mora than Shop be granted and that tho number of Tavern bo reduced to tour was under that the Shop Licenses reduced to one only creoto a monopoly which is prohibited by an other Act Thoi and J Green on behalf of tba of supported the C U petition Mr Green it was in tho interest of hotel that number should J I ally reduced as prohibition was euro to in a few years Mayor sustained the opinion of the Deputy and a case 111 whexr a bylaw which granted tut shop licouae Mr if the Council should the number of Tavern Licences would the have to be governs by it Yea VfAa the reply from sourcf Mr Caco suggeted the petition be referred Com to report at meeting of Council and that iu the people should get a petition signed by citizens and thus strengthen their position The petition was referred accordingly The sum of was placed in bend of Mayor for purposes Mr Hunter moved that Es tate be notified to remote forthwith building upon Water Works lot- lie thought that if it could purchased cheaply it would make a good tool for Corporation by moving it to the roar Sir id if will not pros tho re moral of tho building to their advantage- Motion carried- Mr moved that the Fire Water Com report at neat meeting on and best waterlog Main t and also on the oast of placing a Hose Reel on QUI car ried after remarks by Cane and Mayor 1 A bylaw parsed providing for property Water for corporation the of which been published tilt next Monday evening Cash A T arm J Seal Collars Mens Overcoats at Cost Price Men and Boys Worsted and Tweed Overcoats at EXACTLY HALF The original price in plain figures imagine how easily reck oned just divide by Boots and Shoes at Coat Price Genuine Irish Frieze Overcoatings Beavers and Worst eds at the same DUCTIONS RIDICULOUS This sale cannot possibly last over one month as one- of a year at these prices is all that the most storekeeper can stand But our annual StockTaking goes on in the meantime and we will have far less measure count and weigh also take this opportunity of expressing to my and customers- my hearty thanks for their unswervino friends steady patronage the past R J DAVISON Having completed we find- ourselves overstocked in almost every depart- meat Therefore we have decided to offer our Large of Ordered and HeadyMade Cloth- Gents Furnishings Boots and Slices Hats and Caps Cheaper than any other House in Newmarket Ever Offered Before These are Goods that yon want and you can more than per cent by buying from us save All our Goods arc Conic and sec tor yourself and House in the No old Bankrupt Slock to pick be convinced that arc the Cheapest friends friendship and MONTGOMER BRODIE SENT DOWN FOR WHIT 14 inch Embroidery worth inch Embroidery worth inch Embroidery worth White Cotton worth White Shaker worth White Quilts worth if 10 10 175 for 25c for 10 for for for for 125 The Prices of our Winter Suits and will be greatly reduced the next days As the best par of the Winter is before you it Will pay you to invest as we have bought too many and would sooner have the than the you a suit for neiihei many and they must go for we Goods We do not say that we will do- we say that we will sell below but we give you a suit at such a sacrifice that this opportunity pass you cannot afford to let Special Bargains in all White Sheetings Pillow Cation and Towels and Towelling 27 Inch Colored Shirting for Ladies Wool Vests for Ladies Waterproofs for Paying Cash for Everything and Selling for Cash saves you about I an never ling for Cash saves sold out of what I advertise per cent A Use Only Powder Play tors Old Stand Homes To Hotel lof0OffGtf will bay them Ver- Holland Landing Council Feb and nil the members Auditor report presented Collector jj reunite Collected to date cool tec 11 following bills were by Mr seconded by Mr auditor bo as Moved by by Mr Morton thai the collector bo ex tended to and tbat bo bo the of Carried Moved by Mr by Mr Morton that the bill of tamo bo Ibo oval by Mr condcd by Mr Morion that bill for half ycra and of and death bo inld were instil the Heard of Health Wen Alex John Taylor John Albert Keeper A Truancy Viewers John Vm Arthur Morning and Joiiph on and Win Owen Lloyd statkmint J OF VILLAGE FOR TUB DKCKUUKlt IUIadoooq j JVtJah Loan Jam las UdcoUcIc1 OF ACCOUNTS OF THE OLLAND LANDING U i Him to To of WKItiouoiloralxiod llAct IK Ihlanc4 bind l0 CI 10 If 10 Hi- t aJIoerctt rw Account Ac- tamo cornel I KITCUINOj A FOR New Subscribers The Newmarket Era Ink if Vlcnlai your ttb at ibo toolgbi next Tubs Con 1 Head It TreUpatroDlicd Carol next Hot to loinoriow Cm you wm pity SCHOOL tut or vustl or ytrMT Jrlh Miry TMf4Erncat Aiwa Jr Jim Ajlward Cl9- on led JcDalQWIlllamt I AMoj r Kmn a Amy One of best Papers in the Province a The Weekly Globe One of the best City Paper id Canada The Balance of 189 for The the cold and In Great have I severely felt Many are in li i- in the midlands and live iioj at oclock and J toM to Em nd For In view of the approaching ft a very offer Tell neighbors about it and ask them To those who have renewed for the Era for we will for the balance of year for Cash with all a s p E T A E S L ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician NEWMARKET YOU- KNEW That day by day slowly but surely you are permanently injuring your eyesight by neglecting to provide yourself with suitable glasses would not you hasten to have them examined Perhaps you do not require glasses Perhaps if a pair were carefully adjusted to your sight now it might save you a lifetime of No charge for ex Call and Examine the Goods and Prices and be convinced Next I MY TAILORS Dl T Burning Oils- Lutoicating Oils Canadian Oils Peerless West Virginia Coal Oils Cylinder and RR pAIMTO FOR HOUSE 2nd rrIIM I carriage PAINTERS BRUSHES ARTISTS BRUSHES STABLE BRUSHES BLACKSMITHS CARPENTERS TOOLS AND SUNDRIES BUILDING HARDWARE DIAMOND GLASS AXLES WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL PROP Mortgage Sale Valuablo Property to burr I l York K Mr and others been sued damages by John If Strickland of Cannfnglon on a charge of malicious out of proceedings and fever for they roughi on by business to spread the disease by going from house to bouse- ipoi nock and game of all kind have per ished in numbers- If you see something that will cure the blues just notice the expression on a mans as be reaches for his hat and assumes a perpendicular after he has sat down suddenly on the icy sidewalk An old lady living at Hamp shire Mills says that if the people of would kill all the cats and dogs they would soon be of the dlpb- Our village school has ceased its hum for a time on account of scar let fever being prevalent In this neigh borhood There Is some talk of a Methodist teameeting here We regret to chronicle the death of one of Mr J Wilsons liltlc girls who died on Sunday from scarlet fever On Tuesday evening of last week the ball the scene of a happy party of people The event of the season section of will l UlbopiiQC will for Robllo AtJCUOO Saturday day of at boor of two oclock to lbs II J- TOWN OF NEWMARKET Wool bt la It tiwuiimbstr to or 1cm The Ice races held February and will bo In this be the Oyster Supper under trie auspices of tho Sons of on Friday Feb Oysters will be served in the Hall from to p tobe followed by a grand entertainment In the Methodist Church commencing at There is to be music by Mr Albert Quartette and Sandersons Orchestra recitations and readings by local talent and short addresses by Revs Thompson and No doubt will be a big crowd and we would advlso people to go early and arold tbarusb I locoFoctdUoo VropcrX ii0DB0oa it of b ot fur hum yet for lbtr Vtadort Ikslldlort lloWtb Sit BOOTS SHOES SLIPPERS RUBBERS OVERSHOES Largest Stock in Town AND PRICES THE LOWEST Sign Boot S H All rips in goods sold here sewed free Toronto Stove and Furnace Repairs to Ml TOW 10 lad 1 1 lt1411 r 4 to now to rail per Bprlof per cli par oS fob CI a 1 lllSI kin on on 190 on CO SCO SCO i OSS la a 4 to a SIS a OCT a A a a a Market IMHtt lltll pot fauibe per Pauper ItTP4rboibds j per too lmbperlb per ton lb MtriiiBiikav4Mi- Mil iinmi i 1 lUlll Mil ihla rob sjco ON 1100 coco on Oil SCO BO SCO a a a ll a a Oil a a 16 CO 000 a U fl ICO fl a III a 010 Oca lit III 1 oaslLltfll a a 083

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