Newmarket Era, 8 Feb 1895, p. 4

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RKE ER 1895 Pains inthe Joints Caused by Inflammatory Swelling A Cure by partita Co My peat la He on filjjj to I 4 Hoods I cited to try If Ml pt four of Be to art towels CURED BY TAKING AYERS for years Sift RLeuok I a let- tut nor I At bid bottle raj fciBds Free from Eruptions U were Mr which of a Ds w cold wet tat fierer returned A JottM Sarsaparilla On I Admitted at World Pitts Cleanse the Hon els a By I f RUPTURE WITH WITHOUHRUSS BY MAIL gJjre IK ATKR HAVING UP ALL NIGHT With COtOII if want to the OLD STANDARD REMEDY Grays Syrup of Red Spruce Gum Cure in the WOfttL where its a bottle Kerry Co- K9 three pay ing in a which they had built in Montreal the roof an J walls and one of the lad fouiittrn vra In to fo i iL III iurAw fiCf At ftbeuiiim a tkHtb Cure for cunt lotto itfrtcoUrtKAk rtnt DUtMt hi or Hiisp Heart ul0vCce of IIiTicliEvjiiirTrtOMtrhji ft tIolotb Utdr 4iyl 4vcr part frMe H4i EotJt or ft it Of It td and tlio fc Feb Ml Text Softer forbid not to onto mo for of Tiro AD few Pile cor bay whom cot Iho Jordan lie pissed trdiDR nil trd Hit nd Mod At Ho tfco which W4i On way the who be in Hit Kingdom which to the Imjoh to be in power in light 11 to for get to other do for Cbriito take Chriiti4n it who it childlike in anii coodack Wo bo to by word or do Voting Quite recently Mr A- Jury de livered an before a Toronto audience on the question of propor tional representation Many yean ago Hon Ed Blake in his Aurora speech too occasion dwell at some length practically the same subject as a for the ills of the body politic According to Mr Jurys idea propor tional representation means that alt classes of the community should be fairly represented in the councils of the nation of the province or the municipality as the case might be This is impossible under our present system but he argued that such a result might be attained under the HareSpence or cumulative voting principle Under that system a phase of thought represented by say one tenth of the community could when there were leu candidates to be elect ed in a group often districts succeed in one of the number Now they arc powerless unless they com pose sixtenth ol the community He favored grouping constituencies for parliament and would give the voter an option to vote for one candidate in each of the constituencies included in the group or allow him to give all his votes of the respective can didates- That is to say he would group for instance the three Ridings of York and the voter to be privileged to cast his suffrage for one candidate in each Riding or give all his votes to any one candidate- He would also favor the of the same principle in our municipal elections n towns for instance where three councillors to be elected for each Ward he favored allowing electors to vote for three different men or to cast all three yoles for one roan This is virtually minority lion but what is to be gained by forcing the views and of a upon the majority or where the fairness to the body politic comes in Mr Jury railed to clear To as he did that under our ex system not the best men loosed are chosen and to assign as a reason therefor the want of the appli cation of his theory to cumulative vol- ng is simply to affirm that the min ority are better capable of selecting representatives fur parliamentary and municipal positions majority apparently oblivious of the possible fact and for ought he knows the very minority that he would with power to the voice and opinions of the majority may be the cUkS of voter for the in- capablcs whose success at the polls he deplores The question is a very Urge one and has two big aides to WHAT Hit TO Ax it thot Mr tenrt In of PeaitetJtitrlct In to Mr been Ox Friday In Attorney ton and of rero entertained at lunch by the the Ontario Hamilton editor belong to a it be the at Kingston Three aro Moot for arid for ToricoA are or Jlttfoor will bo thlt It the Keneral In circlet the Attettibly tbo two with a preference for into Awrey i4l bit turn In the Chicago which wait ed Kir Oliver Jut week he tjjd Dominion that bo taken to carry to Mm Privy Council to pro- the A city ttatct that Potto and Menu J J Uaetare It J Plemlojt and the the follow log paragraph baa decided to retain Aa a loocne may relieve the In repair but tboy are an to which only the It of a lot old ted toy hind of aettleanot pac4 the city and the city tele op a wall Its by Jlowit aod If foetttt what wo of tbo other who 1jw thtrn to alwayo did mora aboot than did hot tbo fotiUedoat to that either North York before or Mr who baa taken tacb attire part In Jo Corporation will receive Mr the Liberal 41 the 4pprcchiog election tor the All wo have pot to the rtat of the wo the man at thopoUa of Mr J Walters acting 0 was for a very at Oltaawa wfci Bo was charged with retaining then of money rcoeiicd from the on on at Chicago at certain railway centres in for the coQventenoo of railway their le ingtiedfSa day for each officer tho It was reported in last week that in confluence of io Mr Patron elect for wbo die claimed Ibe acat after protest hail now entitled to the I hit appear to bo An order eras week extenitin time of trial of election petition to Feb at lfaldimud will bate another and ore Government have the fin I it over intio of Dr Baxter a former reprtenUllTe A cm proceed- En county council week ttated tba Legislation any act looking to tbo of two parts This of JntUocea of rt- porta of the the city Somehow or other city reporters arc mixing up and County of York The division to which refer ence if made in tho above rteolotica re late to a for dividing of York into two municipalities not County of the Algoma election was more favorable for Mr Con- the Ontario Government waj fint hi majority now Taking over the total vote of the electorate at general election in done placed Government in a minority of bat with the torn given at byeelection of London Kingston and West Government bat a majority of over Perth tor mand to hear from By way wbat baa become of boom of which leading Conservative at Toronto to talk If there an echo to the A that actually flew not wisely too well or rather not bnt distinctly before it to fly it described by Hiram S Maxim in for January A weight of and lifted from and carried air In opposi tion to will of Ibe designer and in of mechanical restraints which bo bad contrived emphasize claims of this invention to regarded and no longer dismissed as ameremecbtnical toy falloroinlbo cow sort of failure that proves and promise ncceat Tue Federal Government will look favorably on Newfoundlands to Dominion In hit at wel last week Hon Mr Foster time or later I hope ooner I bopo will be made geographically to widen out and flolih Canada on tint North American continent by adding the great Island which lie in pathway and at the opening of oar I mean the island of laudend when tbat I hope it will be Co the not very distant future rally will be upend we will have lory at we shall ever hope to hew- question postage on was mooted at the Pratt Ac meeting last week tiro Impreued conviction action woold bo a retrograde movement value to for all tbe Immunity It by impost return wee made to Impost a num ber of year ago It fooud to collect levy from It led In burdening few for the ad Vantage of many The of to day free to the people the rant of parliament and municipal and fa really an educational factor In all to the moral Welti and political wellbeing of the country Take off of the high est of officiate and let continue free and unfettered To r6JinjJe a inflaenceof the country preti and cent reline power in city publishing house without advantage to tho people A from Town to Toronto after at the action of cil in Ho to ap propriate the money for for the tbl not al low the In matte the of a little wbla key loo ae there are a number who broogbt thero by of It ft Joit about at and In- foot other then afwakg right oat In meeting to Vaughan and King on tbla If wo hear from the be plenty of in I at a ratepayer bare no objection to our money being put to a proper legitimate each at fumltlilng clothing and jotrUe for the poor of our conply I do strongly object to it being In the fur nhblng of tobacco and a number other ratepayer of King and Vaaglien will to It that If motion f not in council and rescinded that ft to any consideration meant that men who tide of will when the it offer A western been doing a thriving in telling coffee pound in each of which it a an exchange Many wondered how he could give away spoon and a profit on hli coffee of the lie In he fact hat the spoon only a cut iron tinned one coiling at the me of twelve cents a dozen or one cent each and the when weighed Is value the tame wrigbt In coflee tax A STRANGE TALK A WELL Tbo Painful of an Injary Many Ago Treated lo bat IncaraWe A Fellow Patient Pointed Out Road to Mr Ouim ScvnA The efficacy of Dr William Pink Pills hat again been demonstrated in this toWn The Timet referred to the cure of Mr a well known This was followed a few weeks the remarkable cure of Mrs Monnell of Peel street whose life had been despaired of by and and friends A few days ago the reporter Division Street when it noticed that a new barber shop had been opened by Mr Dick Couiby a mem ber of a family who have lived in Owen Sound for nearly half a century Knowing that Mr had been ailing when he came from a few previous and at that time bad little hope of recov ering has The man dropped in to have a chat andbefore the conversation proceeded very far it was evident that there bad been another miracle performed by the wonderworking Pink Pills Well let sua at the banning of my troubles said Mr Cousby when the began probing for ago left school Here and joined company Since that time I have had parts in many of leading minstrel companies as comedian and dancer In the spring of I thought I would try a summer en- and took a position with Hall circus then playing in the Western States- One during the rush to put up the threepole tent was giving the men a hand when centre pole slipped out and in fatting struck me the small of the back While I felt sore for a lime I did not pay much at tention it Alter working a week began to feel a pain similar to that of For a year I gradually grew worse and finally was laid up This was at Milwaukee After some time I went to St Paul and underwent electric treatment and thought I was cured- J then took an engagement with Lew John stons and went as far west as Seattle About three years ago I made an engagement with Bowes and to go on a tour through Europe in great American Mift- Before sailing from New York I suffered from pains between the shoulders but paid very little atten tion to it at the time but when I reached Glasgow I was scarcely able to walk remained in this condition Until reached Manchester where I obtained from a doctors prescription For two years the only relief hid was by taking Ibis medicine In May of while at Birmingham was taken very bid and gradually got worse summer An engagement was offered me as manager for Minstrels and I went out with but io months time I was so bad that I had to quit All this lime I was consulting a physician who had been as a specialist but without any relief Hydropathic baths and other similar treatments were resorted without avail Fin ally there was no help for it and I went to Manchester and on Dec lath went into the Royal Hos pital where physicians who diag nosed my case pronounced it trans verse myelitis or chronic spinal dis ease After being in the hospital for five months I grew worse until my legs became paralyzed from the hips down Dr the house sur geon showed me every attention and became quite friendly and regretfully informed me that I be on in valid my life- For a change was sent to Dimes Convalescent Hospital having to be car ried from the hospital to the carriage and then on to the train After a County SIXTH DAY The usual grant of each of Institutes was made The Solicitor was instructed to resist the claim of the G-PR- re cost of protection of Railway crossings Trustees of High Schools appointed as Weston Welsh Richmond Hill H Newmarket Aurora- Toronto Junction A J Robertson Mr Yule moved that there should be a session only in case ol necessity but no action was taken Mr Woodcock moved a resolution in favor of petitioning for legislative authority for the appointment of a Police Magistrate for be southern part of the County payable by a small salary or fees Mr favored the of the jurisdiction of J but the motion earned A long discussion arose upon a motion of Mr Scott allowing ten cents a mile mileage to members at tending Council or Committees there to the nearest railway station and actual railway are in addition to and from the place of meeting Defeated by a vole of to Messrs T J Woodcock and An drew Russell were appointed to audit the Criminal Justice Accounts A bylaw to abandon a portion of Kingston read in Tp of Pickering passed without objection The Bytaw Com was instructed to define tbe duties and powers ol the Commissioners of Co Property at the June session The Legislature will be petitioned to amend the Municipal Act that the head of a township may be voted such sums for bis services as the Council may see fit The usual grants Agricultural Societies were made- MaTkham wanted an extra to meet ficiency in last years accounts but deputation was told to let hone- racing alone It was resolved that no tobacco should hereafter be to any male inmate of the Industrial Home under ao years or any female under and then not more than one ten- cent plug per week the issue and use of same to be subject to regulation and contingent on good behavior The June session of he Council will commence on the j SEVENTH DAY The York County Council re sumed its session today It was de cided to hold a summer session be ginning on June A motion was passed providing for a petition to be sent to the lure asking that body to amend the law so as to matte it an indictable offence for any person to offer goods for sale without first giving notice of any lien held on the articles and thus protect the purchasers At the afternoon session on mo tion by Reeve Ramsden it was de cided to petition the Dominion Par liament to make it permissible for two justices of the peace to try cases of larceny involving amounts lets than The bylaw of the township of Scarboro closing up a deviation road was confirmed The Council decided to de bentures to the amount of 25000 which is fifty per cent of the taxes overdue the lownship of York The township gives the county an undertaking that the money will be repaid In the evening the question of tollgates was under discussion for more than two hours and a half First ihe Council in Committee of the Whole voted down the pro posals in various ferns for abolish ing the tollgates Then the Finance Committee reported in favor of in creasing the number of tolls on street road and Dundas street to cover an adverse balance on the roads accounts To this strong opposition was manifested and the proposition was defeated The Council then resumed and proposed increase of the number week there a telltales carried by voles to Reeve Hill proposed the total aboli tion of toll gates as soon as Toronto Council abolishes market Ices This was lost by voles to as- Over this proposal long arguments on points of order took place Reeve submitted a second resolu tion alio in favor of abolition but this the warden after a further debate On points of order ruled out of the as a whole was then proposed and defeated on a lie vole This killed the proposed increase of tollgates for the present year The Council then adjourned effected on himself by the use of Or Williams Pink Pills Being discouraged I asked for my discharge and I was sent back to neither I began taking Pink Ii1ls After the use of a few I the use of my lent to walk stveral blocks I concluded to start for Canada and join friends here I tilting the I have other I the use of tip and 1 have no doubt as cured me 1 now feci as as ever and I am able to take up of at which I during the simmer months remember that the doctor I would be helpless all my life J cannot help looking upon my cure as a miracle As Mr of the wonderful curt his good- natured countenance fairly shone with gratitude He it to well here as a straightforward respectable Citizen that The Timet need say noth ing in his behalf His plain statement would go for a fact with everyone who knows him Flu Pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a Vitiated Condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system Sold by all dealers or by mail from Dr Medi cine or at cents a box or six boxer for There are numerous imitations and sub against which the public Is cautioned from Advices from Honolulu under date January 19th via Auckland New Zealand slate that exQueen Mil- has been arrested on charge of complicity with the Insur gents in the recent rebellion All the insurgent leaders have been taken into custody and arc being tried by court martial The rebellion turned out to be a complete fiasco After first engagement the rebels scattered and tome time later Wilcox and others of leaders of Insurrection were captured Shortly aft el Quten Ml was arrested Her house was and In It were found stores of arms and dynamite bombs The arrests have resulted In restoia- of order In Hawaii ad vices dated Jan that quite a Urge quintdy of arms Imported for the use the have been addition to those found In the ol the ex Sty If EIGHTH DAY The Prisoners Aid Association of Canada was granted A petition to Parliament was adopt for the purpose of making it an indictable offence for any person to offer for sale any article having a lien upon it without giving foil informs- lion of such lien A proposal was made by Mr to appoint as formerly an engineer to inspect the roads In place members of the Council acting at present but after a protracted dis cussion the committee rose without making any report The committee on the of assessments in the county present ed a report which was adopted The Standing Committee on Edu cation presented reports on attend at the high schools and also financial statements of the board of such schools which were adopted pa The winter session of County Council came to a close on Saturday afternoon A number of the keepers petitioned council to remit fifty per cent of the amount for which they are The Property Com mittee agreed to this but the Council granted a per cent rebate A franchise granted to the To ronto and Subutban street railway to extend Its lines to Mills and Islington on that be deposited as a guarantee that the road be completed before December The Council decided to pay the claim of the city of Toronto for and also to oppose the division of the Township of York into two Reeve of Richmond Hill appointed commissioner for street and given an of Reeve Evans of was appointed commis sioner for street and was TO CURE DEBILITY Campbells Quinine Wine let your iklcmoth lJui Cxi appointed commissioner of the King ston road with an appropriation of Several were passed and the council then adjourned GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY What the Old Yes everybody needs to read the newspapers They may not per- feet nothing is but they arc power ful agents in the progress of intelli gence and education they contain the best thoughts of the best thinkers and quite as well gotten up good friends as you could get them up no matter wbat you may think to the contrary They our weary hours they amuse our idle moments we look for them as we look fur our breakfast and whatever else dispense we will not dispense with our news paper And we will pay for it too and let everybody else do the same if he wants an easy conscience The path of tbe newspaper editor is a hard one to travel He gives generous notices and says pleasant things about people and societies for years and no ever sees them Then perchance he unintentionally treads on some ones toes and how quickly it spreads and verity he is the meanest man on earth the newspaper man it not for he is to such things Wilson 5Ma Tftie ft hole put some dough it then fry in lard This simple recipe has brought to grief just because of thcfryiitg lard which as we all know hinders digestion In all recipes where you have used lard try new vegetable shortening you will be surprised the delightful And healthful results It is without unpleasant odor unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results With in your kitchen the young the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy regular family bill of fare la la and pound All roctr by Tho K Company bl Anility JUDICIAL SALE Of Towtlhlp ti vmK0 or In Co of York to a In Court Juillc of Lino will a i It la VllldKO Of Hi of following la r of i follow C4tnnrnc1u4 I do lid Aid twotbft1oftnd el fifty lluk4lo to Otto Jok Uric four fifty Jiokt corner llio tioutJi f iwofhAtriiJind to tie INCoif on of a IrArtMM ai Ittafr J MIX In for lh lib of I tbo VlUtfrtct lot iutnUr Vint burr Aod Ai SI Co of l J r OR TO LKT AND LOT For or SO CO ItCDt IbO Of JA8 FOR SALE A tod Second St to FARM FOR SALE llfarrtiot lot 17 Coo of THIS IS A BARGAIN For Apply to OR SALE CHKAP In too f4ti ato loty timber bora aU out- for food or to I OR SAIK VIHapo of AOa Alio a or too of lot 11 to til or w Apply llrAdrorO or lo Toronto F ARM TO Jntcf COD- good Rod a ttood ore Mod And ooA of of fill Acre to bo Apply or J T for Sale OR TO RENT TOWN OF NEWMARKET MAIN ltalldloKB built of W00J with lwotiHci Liquor Vaia with HI- A fcnklrr nil rtllod up Irx or Colore woeV There for or Are Ittllw- And Aro At ft to Council will llbccAllr by of EXEMPTION OF TAXES And furolh At further to If llirrle ATIIOMlON SPBHD HIS QUARTERS FOR A OP BURDOCK BLOOD BI7TBRS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE DO BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS BAD BLOOD AND ALU DISEASES OF THE STOMACH LIVER KIDNEYS AND BOWELS MAPLE LEAF CUT SAWS BERTRAMS CELEBRATED CHOPPING AXES STEEL WEDGES HORSE BLANKETS AND GIRTHS CATTLE CHAINS LEATHER AND ROPE HALTERS STARR ACME AND SKATES SKATE STRAPS SKATE REPAIRS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES BUILDERS HARDWARE Also a very fine line of Cutlery for Trade J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone No Hire THE HIGHEST AWARDS Worlds Colurrjbian Exposition iiy WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO on HOME COMFORT snot HOTEL FAMILY RANGES ltlflCO OUT one throughout Hill litt life lime If property FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE CANADA JOB SALES TO JANUARY only by WROUGHT IRON fciDafclutcrot Hotel Steel Ranges Kitchen anil Home Comfort HotAir Steel Furnaces NI to Toronto Ontario 0 ST A The above named Company have at an Agency at Aurora the Royal Hotel with do not alio this line to tal VIIUkq Five Acre be lot on the lo VIHtfA of bulled limit ilifl or lot At the qtttpce of And from the Itrnll of then Ka1 And then Mill IVod to the of Jot limit of tot ACfltKI A I he JSIinAde ten ILo ith of IKmb No iXM of AQd toeing on tho ADd tWAOlJ flfiyJiokitelho of two cbo lwctiVJro thelAodior Andrew ADd fiUy I to limit of lot timber fioaib Ajid to of Jo An for of fifty widower of th of by Acre end two AQAropcicboifcf be the 1oj mMI be for ile to mi of tbe parch to to the Vendor Mi At of money to other torn of lotatAQdiB of And of to AJcCLriLOIf J of any to us cither in or ricc- you want any kind of Printing done and terms you can get at Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards LUMBER J IfutJI AKDEfUJOS8 ACTINO PUMPS For a tilt A ill c end btil Live men Town- to lhfe IttuUrA Ad4ron J A gent for KUg ft Whitchurch ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors Ae ibit creditor Acd the the hive an of fir Chutfr of Sfiiboroub CURE TOR La 1 a CONSUMPTION It hereby to of William of or IHfl gib dy lKlr on or III ly of loinlbr or lo to Io tcr for tj of ho arQinn I t ih If ey 1 Hi tJ III Ibo I3 sill ha to of J iuu or prlbrot inoy bcaeUlm lb7 Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM GOOD WORK AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Lath Doors Sash and Blinds 53 SHOULD BUILD A WITHOUT ABOUT OUR WILLER INSIDE SLIDING BLIPS Make a better filling or Corsets than any other known material Corset are tough and more elastic than any other make as they are entirely filled with quills Featherbone To be had at all Goods Stores Cedar Rails Posts to fid CURES 8tADAOthfttfOQoerJnotlt up All of I win mill lips whit CONSUMPTION

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