A J Olujibg Ox A fox Bala J Horn Wan David Arthur She NEVER LETS BRIGHTER AND BRIGHTER WITH EACH ISSUE The It Printed ail at Home run Jam FRIDAY FED Toronto Despatch to TotAvra Fab took at aonoil of Tit director all Mr Aid in caution in the Dim chirked with innrdrr of January theory of the rata is to lift Sir tktJ to a The tod Light fan da- died to Grab to late Fire Department Id tracks clear train aiow Friday armed writ to Catalog Is out It a dandy tht of Sir Provincial hat ffnallf withdrawn paper giro currency to a that Mr that fit fa of ai an can for for Assessments of will probably and of April will bo aftar All Day and a dadtr on Ibt P that Mr will for at sail groeral He declines to nomination in own ai thai teat now held by a friend whom ha displace- weekwatool to Northern Florida state are probably deatroyad ato all vegetable and balf a of jwt bainnlni to Hajciltcx City and are throojb W that of Toronto and York The It if ft will bo for city and county to get a of abtolate of ol A from Ottawa this week that a Cabinet meeting will be bald to morrow at tho of lion or catling an of will be decided Indioatioat all to a and general election in April hat completely worsted Oo Thofvday week Mr salted Kelly In bis action afainit the city and since lhn bis rtJttsed and ertant Barton wall actlow of Kelly at of the Morally of city It Is from this decision that no one In Toronto important to the moral of with impunity Toronto to Day Bos and aewipajvr bare both bunted aalnsl moral and bad to a back scat is wbtt the the parliament hat not been It lays Had there hate been an early and election in death with plant Adnaioi strati on and formation of a new Now la oonptoing at the Jtay in delay most in attrikoUble to sad Windsor a few ago Sir John Thooipaon en- gated negotiations the re volts of at pointed a ft are yet un known to the Truly if delay was justified Ibsro is ample justification for the Look Look Look READ DANFORD ROCHE GO FOR THIS WEEK THEN INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Elsewhere in todays we pub lish one of the schedule accompany ing of the Equaling Com roillcc adapted it the recent session of the County Council and upon which County rates for the current will be levied The equalisation as set forth by the municipal act is intended to adjust so that the respective municipalities of the county shall bear a just to each other for the purpose of taxation In this light the schedule referred to presents some rather sinking anom alies For instance Aurora is assess ed at and is equalized at or less ihan the sworn valuation of the municipality placed upon it by the Assessor New market is assessed at il equalized at or less than the sworn valuation of the Assessor not half the reduction made on Aurora with an assessment of less that while at the same time Aurora has its principal street kept expense but ha to main tain its principal thoroughfare by direct local taxation One object of equalization is to adjust just such re lation of one municipality to another as the case cited presents It would be information to the people to know on what grounds or basis the reached a conclusion that the Assessor of Aurora had valued that municipality pro- higher on the assessed value ihan Assessor hid placed upon to say nothing of the advantages of the form er over of the latter by reason of hav ing Vonge St maintained at county expense Take another example Sutton is assessed at and equalized a The toial assessment of this village is above less than onethird of Aurora but the equali zation committee reduced it total assessment only about onesixth of that taken off Aurora Proceeding southward we observe the town of North Toronto with the advantages Si and also an Electric Railway which likewise cost the whole county no small item in time and expense of the Council is assessed but is equalized We find a r due- lion more one- fifth of the entire assessment while Newmarket is only reduced about on its liability to contribute towards County taxation without the advantages ol cither St or an Electric Kail- way Weston is assessed at and is equalized at a reduc tion of than the re duced value of Newmarket an assessment less Village is assessed at a trifle over the value of Aurora but is only reduced only about one- half the reduction made to Aurora East Toronto is assessed at and is equalized at or nearly the tame ratio as Aurora Some of the villages arc equalized than they arc assess edpoor Holland Landing among the number We quite agree wiih the committee that the towns and village are assessed proportionately higher than the Townships especially in of the large personalty exemp tions in the latter municipalities rd have not called attention to this report with the vie simply carping at the work of the committee but rather to point out the weakness and injustice of the system Here county perhaps seventy miles long and an equalizing committee sit in judgment upon the work of sworn Assessor of separate municipalities afterward the Council pro nounce upon tbeir supposed adjust ment while probably not onethird of the member have any real know ledge of either the justice or injustice their decision impose Surely the wisdom of the legislature ought to be able to devise some more able scheme adjustment of local municipal relation for put pose of County taxation Tut Mr Alex to fill it tbt iunltc of Uon Pilot iho Mr ftod a wot tor Ms Of to as ctodidtte for Sooth Oxford TnfMiy Mr of Toronto in The of firpt vot Ox next the tore will for first loi will bo the choice of ft Speaker which will it be Blfoar or it the ftre not excepting that bad a ftlioe of good thiols 1 Chicago ftud fftYOn be erotic At Toronto list in the libel sail brought by A Dews- in ft verdict for World fceibing ftrticleoa referring to bla olber bis character Tub Good held a fa Toronto laid some nice bout good bat like moil new bare into of year Jidnt without for ft dip Provincial and an appeal to ft government for ftOmo- to live Tux Weal election petition trial ftgafcit the of Mr to lgilatoro is o- on next ease to be hauled In order to be concluded before ibe House If be advene to Mr be wont caie whether opened or not Tui of the Ontario Feci have returned from their trip to the States met hit at Oigoode If ill Toronto to pre report for at the approaching of tbe report to It is aid expected to give on the eight- mare vitiona be ft act in Dominion to ten vacant id the Senate the a move woald pot brains in the and money in the pocket gentlemen to whom la Sir Mackenzie at the end of phone I Ml is Doing Two of Mr grandchildren from Toronto m here on viait Bradford Barry Newmarket was in town for ft tew Mil of Newmarket i of Mr It of Toronto ar med in town on and ing friends of Toronto Is visiting with Forsyth Miii baa been visit ing at Keltleby ist three Mr Geo Dudley of Nova Scotia is visiting at Mr Miss and are all to take part in ft at week Toronto Mr Hill bis Ibis week gratifying remits Mrs Nelson is apenJing a week or to with bar Mrs- Wood previous to returning to Vancouver Mr and At Home on Wednesday evening with ft number of young people on account Ibe return home of Miss Annie Aurora pat in an appearance at Bond Head hut faithful to his but there was no 8 Contention on account of the storm At ft meeting in last week to select a for Indian O Hunter formerly Newmarket chosen to preside There were 35 clergy men and lay delegates present Among who were snow- hero over were Mr Cock- burn P Toronto P O Inspector done Man Parry Sound Slai ftod Mr Milne grand of the Mr Wed Karl of Chicago write- that tbey bad tbe last two and it a very hard winter on the poor Ha running a wood and feed store add ays it wonderful rcay ask for credit every day be has reason to complain Chicago Mr J formerly writes that Owen Sound can beat record On Wednesday am of lilt week the mercury dropped to below aero and the following to The depth of snow is so greet to reader travelling very uncomfortable No CPR train through from to Monday afternoon yds Wool and and Colored and Edgings Fancy Wool and Cotton Braids and fle yard Velvet yds White and Cream and ffo 1600 Bilk Wool and yard Mora money all above from than now GO yds ljlack Fur yard Fancy Boys Jersey from to Childrens Grey Scotch Wool Combin ation were now An odd lot Childrens Wool Hoods and Shirts 10 cents Childrens Whito Wool Loggings pair Feather Fans Shades were now and Col Silk Veilings were- mostly and now yd Wall Papers now goods see Boys Alt Wool Shirts and Drawers 26o Odd Lot of Paper Collars box Mens Col Catubrio with Collars 26o British and American Flogs Lined Leather Mitts pair and Boots A Miscellaneous of Ladies and Childrens Felt Boots Leather Boots Slippers and Overshoes Your Choice for To clear Ihia week wo offer all Hanging Lamps Hall or Library at Just Half Price 1 Gallon Stone Crocks SUGARS lbs Granulated for Cut Loaf lb Grades and Ibi for MANTLES At and each an odd lot of to Also Mantles for 2 a 00 00 8 00 00 00 16 00 00 if a 14 It II tltttltf If i if a- a in 1 00 I 75 00 00 00 00 a FURS Storm- for 00 1 a Seal Capo for 12 16 00 FEATHER BOAS for MENS OVERCOATS dost Overcoats for Our Overcoats are same as advertised as worth right hero in and offered as a great snap at Overcoats for A quality not kept in of this Overcoats for 00 BOYS OVERCOATS Boys for II 76 II If a 1 a a 00 76 00 1 Fancy Dross Trimmings for So SIX STOVES A Guruey Tailors Stovocoai A Parlor Stove wood A Bros Cooking Stove for wood A Moore A Robinson largo Heat er for hall wood or coal Countess coal Self Feeder A Bucks Radiant Home Self Feeder coal Double Heal er nickel plated nearly new only used months SILKS of Barrio Major Bell Silks Mr Ireland editor of 100 Silks Silks 00 1 15 00 00 00 per lb per Groceries and Provisions Lard Leaf Acts lb Roll Breakfast Bacon Lang Clear Lcuious Crystal Rico Soups SO Tabto Jelly A per Apricots Indian or 40c do i Candies eta lb for Cooking Prunes a Potatoes per bag for Up ia now ifcve three in field for Mr Mr A Mr Wok j to put Entinftobe Our to Patron Kill J election city council ito for IbWtoW mill nun incut a for the current truck ft op ftmounl ratted in fcfter ftinorg com to by ho the will flril Vit the acliob of J to the coaiidtrattoa of Town Fathers Dominion Kill hold a political touting In and a city that a rumor 1 in North that Dr of will bo nominated in to McCarthy It li ifd that a Liberal and will bo supported by a combination of and Kill faavo a from North for McCarthy nor will Government at Ottawa Our organ Of Provincial copy fiiued Hit month hat by work vicinity Wo lho0 to whom lamp copies will for ward their subicriptfons to at once so as to it regularly If It properly wo confi dent it will much A President Mr If Moors of Acton Fat nombcr would proved a spicy cats bid corns to trill the was out of court A well known lady of city held a retponiibe lion until about a year racially a writ for a woman in Kfogetoo for alltnitlng horhuibftods affoctlont A st the lady pays talnKt7 but white trying money the do fsndentaayt It It acd she rather thin bo of a court ibis la true the band of to aa he the of lbs tresis Around AURORA A of the is to held in Town Hall here on Feb- at p when Mr Edward Jeff Hiad svill give an address on Economy in farm operating and Mr of Million will give an address on the cultivation of grain and root fields MOUNT ALBERT The young folks arc having a big time Only four sprees this week The Methodist revival ia go ing on Rev Mr Kerr from he city was here last week A large number went forwad ft the Holiness call Rev Mr Parker from Davenport lectured to the members of the I on Tuesday evening There was a full house A man claiming to be a piano tuner was a great nuisance to some of the villagers His tongue seemed to be loose at both ends By the looks of things a wedding is not far distant Jersey calves arc worth quite a price here Onions Currants Flour French Peas Tapioca Orange Marmalade Morses Lily Laundry Steak Cod Fish 150 Silks Plushes Plain and Fancy US pieces to choose from DANFORD ROCHE CO per per lb 201b3for26c Tin lb 12 Bar lb Labrador lbs Boxes Figs 8c Box Other Groceries came s lost weeks list This neighborhood and surround tag vicinity h2i been vitited one of severe snow and heavy lor Ivt in every so hat all travel except on footwM Kid reach his on Sunday on foot oyer travelling bout a was forced to it up and returned to The revival in Chris tian Church hive had a Tor a few nights the condition of road but will be continued from evening through the present week work was accomplish ed during the four fecks io have resolved consecrate them selves to Gods Service On Thurs day last Eld gave the right hand of fellowship to who united with the church and jo or are ex- Beted to Join on this week hope more wilt be brought from light before meetings close Atlanta Gt his the unusuit experience of three and a of snow Scarlet fever and diphtheria are be coming prevalent in this vicinity hat several schools arc closed is reported that an epidemic of scarlet fever has broken out in the ih Sib 9th and concessions of King Townships hear that Concession Darkey- town and schools have been closed there a great number of cases around those places and several deaths from the dread disease Over attended a party at Mr Alex list week and report a fine time- The Mc- Kinnon siring band supplied the musical part of the entertainment The sideroids between here and the 10th line is being gravelled under supervision of an energetic coun cillor Cherry jr The missionary meeting at St Andrews a great success Reft McKay of Toronto and J West A delivered ad dresses QUEENSV1LLK Mr- Dewey of Mt Albert is expected to preach temperance mens under the auspices of the Sons of Temperance next Sunday on this circuit at Keswick a at and p at Queens- villc The Division in each place will attend in a body Rev- Mr is to supply for Mr Dewey at Mt Albert and Zephyr Anniversary services in the Metho dist Church here are being arranged for the 3rd and March Rev W Hill of Toronto Junction is ex pected to be present Excitement in the night burglary reached its highest pitch on Monday evening when a man named Granger and two Foxes from the vicinity of Holland Landing were brought under arrest and examined by Messrs and The constable told how thai had found a quantity of tobacco and other goods hid beneath Gran gers shanty and he was conmilted trial Though the other men were there was nothing to prove their guilt and the case was dismissed against them When Granger found that he was going to the city as a prisoner alone be squealed on both the other fellows and told what part they had taken and how the booty was divided Further action their arrest fs deterred the opinion of the County Attorney Steps are being taken to organise an on Friday night nth SHARON Owing ihe blockade stage from Newmarket did not put in an appearance last Saturday the first time in a good years On many of the the fields are being utilized for a roadway Rev Mr celebrated the communion at St James Church here on Sunday Notwithstanding the almost impassible roads a large congregation was present We learn the English Church people intend holding a concert be fore the end of the month also it is rumored the Methodists talking up an entertainment but of what nature we arc unable to say at present They should be well attended as the people are getting weary of slaying indoors this hard winter Miss Graham slowly regaining her healib Fifty per cent of the orange crop In Florida has been killed by the cold OF Two men were arrested at IngaisoP on Sunday on the charge of miking counterfeit money house of one of the prisoners was searched and the moulds and material with which the spurious coin nude were found The snow block ade quite village depriving in of our mail for two days and preventing Sunday services Service in the Methodist Church next will be at p instead of has reached us of the death of Mr Albert Wilson one of our former teachers The bereaved have the sympathy of his many friends in this neighborhood Delegates the Sharon division of the S of T amended the Meeting at and report a pleasant and profitable time It was decided to hold the next meeting at Miss Lundy entertained a number of young people on Wednesday even- Mr Abbot of is again visiting in our village The annual social in connection with the Methodist Church here is to be held on Wednesday evening Feb Tea will be served from to en excellent program will be given The ladies of the con gregation are making every effort to make this one of the best of the season What young man on evening last was on for his girl when the horse sat down in snowbank re- fusing to give the purposed drive KETlLEBY The North York District Division SoosofTempeiance held their first session of the year in Keltleby Tem perance Kail on Thursday January seventy delegates were present among whom were Brooks G P Toronto G S Whitby and J M Walton of Encouraging were received from ten subordinate divisions the district showing a net increase In the for the last three months of of the pail quarter two new divisions have been established which have now a mem bership of respectively sUyer cup awarded by the for present to shoe division which initialed mem bers The following officers were elected for the present year SisC Hill JJro Stephens Chap Hope On Con Sis Sent Hunter Pine Orchard The next meeting will be held at Queensville about the last of May The members ol the S- arc anxiously looking forward to the a and for on that date they will celebrate the anni versary of their division which was instituted in and has never had a lapse During the afternoon a will be indulged in or in case of unfavorable roads or weather a sociable wilt be held in the hall for which music and games will be provided A banquet will be served at oclock followed by a reunion and grand rally at p in to which public is invited Among those who have accepted invitations ate Jas Brown J K Stewart Otr G- M Rose P Toronto W Be well A Hughes Sharon J P P King and other prominent Sons from the different parts The mercury went away down last week and almost knocked the bottom out of glass It froe in houses where it had never been known to before Some got up three or four times during the night and filled their stoves with wood and others Hayed up all night to keep fires going Roads were again blocked with snow drifts causing the shovels to be taken out on Monday Thursday was a pretty cold day for a sale but there was a big turnout at the one at Mrs Ice harvest has commenced it to be hard enough now to keep all Summer It being very cold on Wednesday of last week very few came to hear Mr Thompson so he not give his diicourseon the temperance Monday Its almost like seeing the golden ay to drawn at a circus to see the threshers iheir engine and threshers through the snowbanks on trucks There was no service at the Chris tian Church last Sabbath the roads being too much blocked or the pis- tor to get here Sunday School was carried on a few of the near residents being able to get there They say it requires clear frosty weather to away epidemics should think we ooght to have a good healthy spell now from Mr out Trinity College Hope was to the ground on Satur day bight in surance McLaren of Linton was united to Mr Puff of Peel by the Rev Mr Walt of Linton of ihe Ninth Line church The ceremony place at the resi dence Mr Malcolm Mitchell Start an immense Clearing Sale on We raise By March Every one knows when we say we must raise money that the profits will go to you and we will use the money and make only our discounts Factory Cotton yard wide Table Linen worth 35o at Mens Overcoats Mens Suits Mens Wool Tweed Pants Mens Felt Low Overshoes Boys Suits nobby Flannelettes Carpets Carpets Piles of Goods just what you paralyze all kinds of opposition 1000 500 900 100 150 14 10 60 33 need at prices that will Maddock Co- ITS SO to KESWICK Mr I T PA I VfV Albert will Canadas Greaiest I letup Koivticlf a full homo J via Mill to bo trill COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mr makaaaipectaliky lhi Jan Or SHAW AMD ELLIOTT A Great Assortment The largest and belt assortment of Cakes and Pastry seen in New market can be hid from us at less than city An idea of what have will be found below Sponge Drops Queens Brandy and storm block the it this They to on Leiujj high bad stato of Snaps Tea Cakes Ginr A veiy happy evening was spent at thoilethoait Cakts Diamond Cuts Crescent MayorAnMstrongslailwctk after a lo Cream Rolls Cream Fruit fine avero Presidents Macaroons Rata- Where scarlet fever has been about about making Kisses Ginger Fingers Sugar in the homes parents should not send addition la atrady Tops Washington Squares their children to school till long library a they have become convalescent or pouted for ibi they may expect another serious J uudor Dr Fingers Oyster Shells Lemon and Fruit Tarts Angel Neapolitan Marble Silver Gold Fruit Layer epidemic- Isaac- lo Toronto Roll Lemon Ginger Seed Wrath church was crowded to consult a specialist I Wedding Cakes and Dundee to overflowing during the Sab- or j Cakes We also take orders for Balls and Parties BROS thpKone Connection bath services in connection with the is Iccht tbitknow pastor bighiy Division has well resented at the District Division i a and they report a loll big tor TO RENT and toul all lo lime nJ lo T I I A nd ouidCf Ihtiu I L Ivo- Tall 1 JL Stow No 1 Block fijb coma but veniog Ihfi the ton Co will vy or Flat FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A D Embalming A SPECIALTY JHJJLLARD sHALL lha ftlory and another bound ten of good fall wheat in a day lko il vu re that referred not a vary man ihj man lo lboocsoQ by laying that ha had to for bio Mr carrier from acold Friday lo at lima SO that bft wit afraid to try and fair- hit family bo aboal him ha concluded to walk it bad to call into two or hr on way to from alaga driver from Button from Friday Monday FEB 5QdbertiseheJs Telephone Connection V ABTIIVH of or TOWN OfjEWMARKET bo fc to wbodtliAatMlllaat ibt oIuk ita fcih ItiV for a itt of Nawutt who other To clear all the balance of our Winter i Goods we will give them at prices you will find SO LOW It will more than 1 Pay You to Buy form ijo a pec tor HORSES At t wlaof a iiAHu- ai Oca Jan Turd of a CLataDIaBcllrV on J of a IctL of J A town on tPit of A of lha of Mama 00 ibaa hiQtibr to of Wo KlMTaa Dr AtrrfdaJiciaJ to of la Clark- WANTED Of will boat following to boy two CAtJoda of Carriage and Draft Hones Holt Iforel yradfonJ IS K Mar J All nd la Good Mint Condition Ail iron Common rivti of J VALUABLE TOWN LOT FOR SALE BY AUOTION AmM of Aurora Mr hall Mia of Mr At liar toattat of W4ly QravcohanL louiiotlobt Tomb hi ALhiTtouotf- iiMJjr of Hare atitoaoftbalaua Will in tha oofirtflarlofliollMdndlog of Oof at tba of Fab r and Court J tooatbtaRO tad coir roirtitd lot a ccot Mitt to Iom who at llU Joior tail bit Mid to bo about two It for a FELT SUPPERS CIS MENS LONG BOOTS CARDIGAN OVKRSHOES for Ladies Misses and Children OVERSHOES Mens Womens Misses and Childrens MOCCASINS Mens Womens Misses- and Childrens Above arc all Quality of Stock Come and examine I 200 Boxes Fine Ergs at per of let loiiliotloct aila of TOILET SOAP OATMEAL CASTILE will not and la on of AM her armpaihuai million la bar tad affliction rofr tad at ttiefaaU atidbtnco Id ittxcx bought pur- fc- to a to or to JnOKRTSOJ Solicitor SALE- Pear tar WE HAVE THE BEST CURRANTS- RAISINS You saw Special price by the Tea Coffee We keep the Best Quality at rea sonable prices Our Japan the best for the money you can find for R A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cot Main and Timothy Sit NEWMARKET