As Well as Ever After Taking Hoods Sarsaparilla Cured of a Serious I ni firm u let fir a at a I vniMf Mri3Vi Ai line I hid I a I try a I HOODS fcl so J lot I 1 irr Hoods Arc Baby Wants It Martins Cardinal Food ton INFANTS AND INVALIDS The food ami The food value up in one pound Tins els SM by all end en J by Watson Co D The Good Samaritan Feb La Text Lore Ihj 18 Goon oar He wolmoweogerebefort vert by U Jiron to Hi of Hit disciple would come Follow by a great bo tiled wedded lq ibis It to bat from la lfrM Uuk tad liter cm in Lai Bat only It Hot to obtain if 11 qoallojif it God with til oar It it proof of cur to God Oar help en u if robbed of tod Id od at at inficutQ TO WHITE op at llat fto apology for AVvi of pays his respects to cloba in bis Tlicte in ait I consider club lo be oofi ol cleverest of deil to prevent beiog and to they An Ottawa despatch that a lalionof visited tut wk on wiLb the in and timber they io the district by an interpreter it it wis VSA- J5f RUPTURE LOURED WITH HO WITHOUTTRUSS CHEAP BY MAIL to 134100 IA0 of I I Oraoge jay of week at Toronto a calling the lo of aad not to Interfere with the autonomy of that Province Past Grand Matter will the of better the charmed circle baa reached cooclniiOD Kington is a ac hit its con dot tor iu the neck for hit views tariff reform and having lent to a to the free adminion Jolo of AmericAQ quack and baking power fire why from On- hats for to a nritabTi ac counts this antic ban ap peared fa London aod the the spirit bare been attended school teachers and of the Forest City medium wham the spirit and comoaaotcatc iis answers to a little girl be twelve old and at of Mantes last week la reply to those were Informed thai the spirit was that ol gifts aooti who died ago arecomniDDi by scratch the wall What seems singular is that this old to the little only months old when aha bid to ibis and to add to singularity of the whole bail- and she bad got from world Of and what to come ani by of bar antiugire professed anxiety by in- presence loud could when I said I wu sorry boul Sam she just laughed an the gueswd Sam pas all right an then if she didnt go alxut Hopkins Old Mrs came home with an equally talk I went right ovr to soon after bout poor Sim If youll me there was out the clothes in the backyard I went round to where she was an she says jest as flippant Mercy Assessment of of Following arc the figuret which computed the report of the Equal ization Committed as a if opted by the County Council week Tolal Total Equal- Vaofthan mm air night stars a rite bright Timid maid Id afraid Bob tail nag Shining snow along Away they go Narrow sled- Cyrng Nicer she Little hag Coming back Laughing moon yum smack A Yell CRAPE FOR MAUDE CAUSES A SENSATION IN AS- ran a- York Mis you drop frorn I felt so an disgusted that says Mi this is a mighty solemn thing an if she just look at an laugh with Ihe crape for poor Sam from Ihe front doorbell knob an she says dont ice very solemn bout r out Sams old shut an underwear W78 Si7677 ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors South lr I at were The of was towards proving th ate on James bad hired a for dy nthointrejt Mr McNeil the decided had cot shown corrupt practices to void the but they served of at Toronto xl It to It ftiilfist or William or fcihaj of or 1st day mall to WMdtfictd Sllctcr for eNa dcMMcd iiir al the ufUy if by fcjtt lh mil 10 fttly 10 lh or which Hi stttll in J lll7 not or it a ihn it if of ii James a while shoeing a horse last week itvcrcy kicked in the face animal and otherwise in jured jfcd ikt Liver OIL Railways in Scotland ate blocked with Snow- plough which have been sent out the lines have themselves been imbedded in snowbanks and the men have ti severely from the interne cold relict In to Aiava CJ Of ftl At Mr Curs Id I J d cttoo fc ieciu fiotd If In jirt Cure vlrt i-tr- or It 1Ljtrv irt Catttl Ms ft- tSaifroAtsQtprUcaaKOJtt la Iks at iLt In r of It Sold LOsopVlUIrarfUt latest sews from to lite that has formally to throne When she abiEcation document how- ever she was a prisoner and in Of life On a of rtpublio are she will now be from the and will probably Slates It is alio stated that a Caoadiaq is among prisoners who sland charged with taking Id COO piracy lo tba copyright la its relation to Canada the Premier Minister as the deputation from tha Canadian Copyright Association of their hearty sympathy with the the lion and of the of the Gov lo follow the slepi lato Minister In sterling Ihe Canada to pi and enforce legivla as the Copyright Act of AS toon as the Colonial ha been heard from the Government hopes to bo In a to move in Manitoba Legislature made soma to 111 sclivl law year and that by to allow Act to become lew tken as in origins I IfKUIation ihcoftfirtof the clergy at Montreal in lists the Federal Government dis allowing the Act before March when year within which disal lowance can take will have expired- In or lbs near approach of the ceo Is doubtful If Mac will to demand but will promise when Ma Government cornel to Hoard of of To- City had the It changes were made therein previous to It before Commit- The changes of mads were that lie for light and at lest prices of Toronto than in the city was from and that the pro- riding for the expenditure rf on actual work of before franchise as to force the company ilf- before gelling the right Into Toronto In torn date of signing of agree Mcrtrtal loal Liberal bsfaava holding an other political in that city to Monday gathcrlui wilt at in the French part city and Hen Jiln an in The of dinner to to Hon John of Marine anl erics by the cltluns of ha Axed for neat Tuesday evening- dinner Is not eollrely pslltfcal bat rather a a recognition ot Mr services a Irish In Cablutt why Irish of Hootch should rsoelrs as saeb In IbUCsn ids o It Is to divine A wide uncovered long the root of the Stoner house and there io Utile gills children of a neighbor had no were playing keep bouse had their dolls dishes and play things strewn about hut begin ning to lose interest in housekeeping and going visiting- Suddenly the younger of them said tell you what play fune ral 11 How Well we can play that my Jose phine Maude dolly died and that we buried her will be splendid Lets have her die right off Immediately the death of Josephine Maude Angelina her grief- stricken mother said No Katie we must put on the door knob lo let know it to the house ana get the long black veil mamma wore when she was in for grand It ought to be white for a dolly oughtnt it asked Katie II guess you that Jose June Maude was a married ami a widow at that you asked Dorothy a Utile how Teddy Davis horrid dog hewed up Kite went away and returned soon a long black lUiunuiit veil- It was quickly to Mi- front doorbell then ihe bereft broke out afresh and she wailed and to vigorously thai Mrs put her head out of an upper window and Slid little girls are making too much noise down there Mr is sick and you him- I think run home and play now My husband wants to go to sleep How unfeeling snatching up the dead doll and her Other playthings while gathered together her They departed switching skirts petulantly They quite forgot to take veil off the doorknob Half an hour afterwards Maria Simmons came down the street and suddenly slopped in front of the Stoner house My sakes alive she If there aint crape on the door knob Sam Sloner I knew he was sick but Id no idea be was all dangerous I must stop on my wiy find out about it She would have stopped then if it hid not been for her eagerness lo news to those who not have heard of it Three Mucks farther on she met an acquaintance Aint you heard about the trouble up at the have she asked What trouble Sam is dead crape on was in there yesterday and Sam was up and round the butl could sec that hs was a good deaf sicker than he or his wife had any idea of My goodness me I must find time to call before Simmons stopped at the vil lage postoffice to ask for a letter but realty to impart hvi infor mation to Uncle Dan Wait the talkative old postmaster Heard bout Sam she asked No I did heir In was round a little but lie wont no more said Mrs St unions solemnly He dead Ho Its Theres crape the or Must be sudden Mis was in here last evening an she reckoned hed befoul in a day or two as well as ever I But he aint been well for a Ion time could see it if others couldnt- Well well Ill go round Ihe house soon as my tomes from school lo mind the office- The spreading now from another source and in a way that caused who heard it declare that it was perfectly for Stoner to carry on so the grocers delivery man returned from leaving some things at the Sloner house full of in dignation That Mis Sloner aint no more lamppoit Job Indignantly to his employer Tfrera crape on the door knob for poor Sam an when left the Mis Stoner cool a Way down upon the some that hell never wear agin Im to work em up into if aint too fur fur even that Mis I says neigh bors wilt talk dreadfully aint care ful she got angry and said if the neigh bors would attend to their business shed attend to hers I turned and left without even going into the house The Star only paper in the village came out hours later with this announce ment We stop our press to unexpected demise of our highly respected Mr Samuel Stoner this afternoon A more notice will appear week Unexpected J I should say so said Mr Samuel Sloner in growing wrath and amazement as he read Ibis announcement the paper A more extended notice next week I Ill that notice myself ex tend it far enough to let that editor know what I think of him Ill But how did Ibis a rape get on the front door interrupted Mrs I found il there when I went out to get the paper It Is tbe thing and I theres the minister coming in at the gttc I Do calm down Sam Hes coming nuke arrangements for the funeral I suppose How ridiculous l Mr Hvem the minister was sur prised when Mr himself open ed the door and said Come right in pastor tome right to M wife is busy but give you the main points myself if you want to ahead with the funeral While they talked the mystery of ihe crape on door the bell rang again and a moment later they heard Dorothy Deans childish voice Mr Sinner Please Mis Stoner Kali and I left mammas old black veil to your knob when we playing over here and Id like to get it ToUlTpi North Toronto S3 MO Richmond Dill tit Toronto 430000 town i 356 Grind Iota Men who been ten or a dozen years are too seldom lam for courtesy to their better but they are nevertheless vcy thoughtful That was the ease with Mr Silas who took his wife to the Pike County Fair hits Perkins had on her arm a containing the dinner and supper for the pair The crowd grew dense and Mr and Mis began to be jostled a good deal Here give that basket slid Mr That reel kind of yon said Mrs Perkins giving up the bas ket Kind of me I exclaimed Mr Perkins resenting the insinuation- Gosh I was afraid youd git lost What the Markham Agricul tural Society wouldnt amalgamate with East Riding Society this year and are rumors of their joining fortunes Whitchurch Society friend I suppose you wouldnt be defending that bank if you thought be really took money Bright lawyer would not be defending him if I didnt think he took enough to pay my bill Mrs Potts I suppose you have a wife and seven children at home starving Everett Wrest Of course I aint you suppose I would be out workin weather as this here I had a family to support me Hamilton Feb a Kilvert collector of customs for this was summoned to Ottawa on Saturday to take position of Acting Commis sioner in place of Thomas J who was arrested on a charge fraud The change is said to be only tem porary but the opinion is general that Alex XL P will soon be made collector at Hamilton and that Mr will be made permanent Commissioner CURE FOR dmitei The earns hi cash in this and his goods pro visions and is an heap of selfishness and a traitor to his The official who lives thrives on taxes of his neighbors and hi household in a fortin ought 10 be bounced without no ice- Anyone at the expense of a community hound by all the of common interest to promote to the utmost of his ability the best interest of those by whom he prospers The preacher who talks religion and withholds bis cash from his people denies he faith and is worse than a heathen men arc Hie soul and life of any town in jure trade strike every Catrry else where and you do what you can to ruin your town- And raerchantt when yon have a jo printing to do dont a city he- caust lh you imagine you arc getting it a few cents cheaper Sup port the home who you Soy CONSUMPTION GOOD EYESIGHT Is more easily Obtained skates and his mother lie cleaning his whistling merrily when remark this has an rl a Utile boy who drowned while skating n thin ice Tut- Iwy ceased whistling but kept on iron Too bad said he I wonder he was any relation lo the poor little who was killed the other day by an car while on his way to school receives a salary of Only a who has been could have the follow ing Sing a song of penitence a fellow full of rye four and twenty ser pents danced before his eye when his eye was opened he for his life wasnt he a iireily clump to go before his wife His hat was fn the parkr underneath the chair hi were in the hii coal was on a chair Ms in kitchen his collar on the shelf but hadnt any notion where he was himself When the moon was break ing one heard him call his head was on an fee box and that wis belt of ill The planet Mercury rushes the sun h iat and is so near to that great lunrnary that seldom do oilier people than astro nomers a view if Mercury Every days Mercury revolves around Old Sol going at a mean rale over per second so no that the ancients upon that planet Kb asmctcury Hut the ptmet Mer curys orbit is so eccentric it only once in six years that he attains such a position with regard to the to be in the favor able quarter for observation This point the la now at and be the early evening low In the and close to the planet Venus They are easily diiilogulihed because Mercury Is bronze colored and Veaus Is white Mercury Is ntarest the north Why troit to when you nifty a of Oar Optical Is fully wilh ell mod ern Mtisfsctlon Stuart Scott M You only for the it required W moat or moon lit A ororEfr7TuI Walton WOQdyrlDibo Protect tit IouJy A- i7fii A ilia la ioUoflJiiQd3rU AJth to a in Kerf mi A Off lrrc3J tiiht fltioniy Aurora 1100 Tuesday err rerj MAS erf I- Coo l Hot Of tod o JtjJl Hods And Hi Kl4r of Rails Posts Owllllmborr K Stove and Furnace Repairs nil tow to P i bow lor ih mail or j North M GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY yoanrxax This is it This new shortening or cooking fat which is so fast taking the place of laid It is entirely new food product composed of clarified cottou teed oil and re fined beef auet You can see that Is clean delicate wholesome appetizing and economical far superior to lard electric light to tallow dip It asks only a fair trial and a fair trial will convince you of its value by alt grocer Son O t X CD lJ S3 O5C0 t a Iv J8fi 3B a J S j SALE AND LOT lur Jo or tnl of The K Company Jd Aba oust ml For to FARM FOR SALE lot IT Sick Headache CURED BY Ayers Pills vu a lor lutll Began taking Aycrs Pills I A lox rue I inu j Auburn Awa Me Fair is the ifctt Of Hid ltt Co York to a I lo I lidcnirJit In a Jar Court thoccrr Aod lll lofort4 lor In Hi Of J-m- Hod In VlUiyO of bulled IW birtt lwohAlof fifty link from the alike Add Matt to a wo iWOCDAlDI in j Wfil lour the fn lone ImiJ aifourdficreM virtue a tid MM of adliKioto la front a at Henry to iiitiO ih duly fur or day of VliUwe Holland tot of ihoTAQb1pof bitter n own tali sod SI frootJcv ihaKAitotdoof of lrk Bouth of of of Holland lot no cf ibaruadbBlh ih ihU an ftloi Hi bo or ThO vvlll to btdODCMCh l4rcrl ntonOf laid pi Court within ihOiUndintr Intttior ptrilculifi is ftp l to lXlICnuKB I A VcrdoralMfctton or to JOHN atoJ M A CO tMW pl4t lartAO for la AreMcA- A lit of of or to it AWft CURES lit op all Jib I j loo PO i1i1fe III QIAJT MP- Pin Whim Pin ttrop for THIS IS A BARGAIN For farther to Si OK SALE by Acre bo I bo Vllltuo titled aud Iho taut hero limit of Mid lot at mid It too VltUjira of l wfc5 A fccrcs of part lot tit of Ay pi llrodford or to Victoria FARM TO RENT Weill of toil a aooit Idod acJ Of 10 cr6i of fall to bo Apply 0 or J- House for Sale DottfordBtrotU be- to Allan A lUrgito to TIILMIYO T for Sale OR TO RENT TOWN Kittr llJdt of Gil- in tot to IIo of as da- In a fcneo tbercOf dAy Kitpt nor fd lvmo Of I tot Hundred ftll b bounded lopri ou Northern Of at aodlwootfnvillnl fro n nth a dfiyllokoto Northern of tiloAna land then North dficreta Kail two and Weil then tfegrocti to oil of lot Dumb WX thoa ftufli J land iwontrHo to of or of lVr itatoLtg by atlntturO oai laod ef bo for lo utJocl to a of bo Vendor of olo and money raid wuhout In of of of or wood11 blub two Iwuaiorlci W Vato iu Roller and Kaalna Knvloe all rilled Up for or ihcounbout exhaurt 19 hi a for lio or Hirer and a lUrtflo to death of Km Toko wilt liberally by way of EXEMPTION OF TAXES further to or A I RMS FOR SALE of of la Of West half lot con acres half lot 4 con too acres Host half lot con Gwillimbury acres halve3 lois and King acres South half tot 3rd con King acres Southwest quarter lot 2nd con- King acres Pan of lot 2nd con King acres Part of lot in ihe con of Whitchurch Apply or ropd Mr J Ontario Hooter at wait of FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS DUNN S BAKING POWDER FRIEND SALE IN CANADA job We do not alio any to outdo in this tine cither in style or price- want Printing done sec what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you Our promptness is pro- verbbl 4CTIX0 PUMPS For Spraying liifovrtJionViNp A I way ihotukat moot duraba and beat Pomp Enado man In to Canada to to to axil JffAMBEfltOMi 1 n MAPLE LEAF CUT SAWS BERTRAMS CELEBRATED CHOPPING AXES STEEL WEDGES HORSE BLANKETS AND GIRTHS CATTLE CHAINS LEATHER AND ROPE HALTERS STARR ACME AND ATRETIC RATES SKATE STRAPS SKATE REPAIRS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES BUILDERS HARDWARE Abo a very fine line of Cutlery for Trade J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Telephone Hire A FOR New Subscribers The Newmarket Era One of the best Local Papers in the Province AN The Weekly Globe One of City Papers ip Canada The Balance of 1895 for In view of the approaching Dominion Elections this is a very Tell your neighbors about and ask them to subscribe To those who have renewed for the Era for we will the the balance of the year tor Cash with all orders JACKSON Newmarket lot Jt it IN CORSETS Can only bo obtained by wearing No Improved AllFeather bono Corsets No side stools to break hurt or rust TRY A PAIR All Dry Goods Houses Sell Them The Wm OF NEWMARKET TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clothespins and Washboards LUMBER Shingles Siding Flooring Moulding OUR AIM Lath j Doors Sash and I Blinds GOOD WORK POSSIBLE 5J 5J NOBODY SHOULD BUILD A WITHOUT ABOUT OUR INSIDE SLIDING BLINDS