Newmarket Era, 1 Mar 1895, p. 2

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We Bay It Had Troable A Oft BrodK A Smith Nolle to John to A Wiadifield Faun for Miller Crorthr Mid It Mr T of apjoioted Chief of lo She Cut PUT CROWS BRIGHTER WtTH SACK The Printed ill at Horn run FRIDAY MARCH Ox Friday of fail wed Car- ling notified lb net a nut He iolenton to retire into prints lift but bo would ho an worker in nail CoMioffwood day Sim if tar the Government intimat ed will not take plica warm to and the Uontctal organ of the contest come off in ilay Toronto to Br Feb IBM to lecture ibis scarcely got to Ac Coll and farm at The campaign city tomorrow Association will bold a to arrange for id rcspccllrs behalf Chord in Canada a writ was foll ower from Dr EJ wbicb wi lottiod L property The total of city for flnilly by ibe County moonU Diphtheria moskb last Scarlet 3 in all Total cases of typhoid of city bet ter period last year A of wailed the Ontario tail for tbe reforms adopted it will be appointed troubles Lit Mist of the Premier sre so At Home Co members end e at Sir rfjideoc Mr will deliver get in total of for it year prerlons year the of ap reacted the tourists will talk politics to tba electors Sooth Wellington at Tbe Bon Minister of thetro Montages sre to be at tendance of coarse will woods after writs am J iillks the Liberal nomination for York was one of political deliverances beard in io a time It was in eloquent contained enouh Krts to it force and was foil of stnrdy loyalty to Canada Empire Acting Commissioner of at Ottawa J Wattes was before on of appropriating of money belonging to Receiver years our wester A a poor woman got for stealing and is called meeting cat jo slice of the Dig Spring Show st Toronto which is aonnally held in 9nsrn York bas changed to April and will be held in all probability in new Armory build ing on University aveooe In the breod- classes will be given in prizes and Arts Association have joint Committees work to a success Ontario Assembly With reference to LieutGov ernors speech at opening of the Legislature we observe that the Gov ernment does not promise anything specially nor does it suggest any thing of a character in the line of legislation The speech however docs the intention of the Government to deal law reform in the direction of the proceedings of High and Superior Courts it doss propose to offer legislation in regard to the fee and to deal with the question of future maintenance of Government also to establish a pioneer dairy farm as a means of attracting future attention to our new districts and to prove their adaptability to ag riculture Legislation is likewise as an amendment to the law to extend provisions of the Registration of Voters Act towns which is now applicable to only and before the bill finally passes possibly the House may sire the registration principle applied to townships also- We are further in formed that the Government pur poses introducing a measure lo pro vide in matters of Provincial jurisdic tion that where jurors are not ten jurors may give a verdict This will block bribers out of court who coddle with There are other questions alluded to of interest and among which we notice an intimation that the merit is carrying an appeal on the prohibition question to the Imperii Privy Council the House is also congratulated on the fact that the total expenditure of the was kept within the appropriation of last year and that the receipts were excess of the estimate in other words that the balance is on the tight side the ledger legislation is also promised for reviling the Acts relating to Agriculture to Mechanic Insti tutes and Tree Libraries Altogether volume of work proposed is quite an average with preceding years of the last decade Tux rises to When Torita bid a the Grits over taxation the Tories in going to deficit the Grits are incompetency and extravagance Well Mr is not Grit corn io Tory If tbe cry was good Gritt in because of a deficit it not so against Tories promised to country and everybody rich by adopting the Saturday the Divisional Court the Bench Division gave rncnt in the appeal vs Me regarding Question hi- torts as be tea landlord and tenant Chancellor in October last decided that fixture shelving etc- not be by a tenant on leaving demised premises This was appealed and now the Court the Queens Bench has reversed decision sad allowed the appeal with by tbo rights of tenants to re- more fixtures only common cense course tenant runs coo to it that he does no damage by Is not its relational political as well as very latest is that Governor is to succeed lion Tbos Daly as tbe Interior Daly of Britiih 1 to and A who been Mem- lob Cover no to bo at Winnipeg Mr Robert sou the Liberal for and will be opposed by Mr tbe member for Marquette In connection with these rumors from Winnipeg comes the ingfrom0ltaTTaTI6 Hon Mr Paly to be appointed of Colombia In event of Mr contenting to succeed Mr Premier of the Province- this plan Is carried cot Sir A Hon vbo lrhere would enter cab- uet Mr Dalys successor So it Is a political deal going on The Mechanics Hall Aurora was crowded to the doors last Friday night and the public meeting was gratifying success io point of numbers and The decorations showed to advantage The Ministers were escorted from the ho tel by ibe town band were warm- as they entered the The President thought large audience which in cluded many ladies augured well for Conservative candidate Mr H Lennox read an address of wel come to Mr Clark Wallace and Wood on behalf of the North York Conservative to which Mr Wallace briefly replied Stirring addresses were made by Dr and Robinson ap pealing to iheir hearers to have faith in their country and the Con servative nominee Dr Strange was then introduced and received an ovation When silence was restored be referred his appearance before them seventeen years ago when he had advocated two policies then new but now assured facts viz National Policy and the construction of the Canadian Pacific railway He had promised that if the policies be endorsed were not carried out he to them and offer his resignation- Continuing be said he did not believe there four articles of necessary that were dearer now than in and if anyone could tell biro of such articles be would be sur prised The fact and they knew it dollar bought more now it before He was them to declare that the assur ances held out by the Coy eminent the country seventeen years ago had been vin dicated The condition of Canada in was that the country was simply a slaughter market far ihe United States and mechanics were leaving it in shoals By the vigorous and progressive policy laid down by the Conservative party in those conditions had now happily been changed The policy known as the British free Hade system at present advocated by Mr- be con sidered the most iniquitous that could be devised for Canada and he desired to be known as an outandout oppon ent of lhat policy Hear hear- He would take occasion during the next few weeks to address meetings in section of the constituency and would have pleasure at ill times in meeting any of hid questions to ask or doubts to be cleared up If elected be would try faithfully fulfil the duties would be entrusted him Loud cheers Mr John F Wood- Controller of Inland Revenue was loudly applaud ed He said that reflecting on the issues between the patties now and in he thought he could detect a sameness between that even Mr with all his rhetoric could not explain away He though in spite of all lhat was heard to the con there was still evidence of a fondness for the jralicy of commercial union The National Policy was not adopted for purpose of giving a high condition of protection but of I providing a market for Canadians The E Maddock Co Cost Price is nowhere worth is out of the question Discretion has vanished and the thirst for getting a hold on a bis lot of ready money just at the present troublesome times induces us to do what many of the oldtimers will de nounce as great tolly We will sell on the following Thursday Friday Saturday and Monday Feb March 1st 2nd at prices stated on Bills now being distrib uted throughout Newmarket Aurora and Bradford also on the Market on Saturday ONE AND READ EVERY It will mean money in your pocket MONDAY MARCH we have to pay several thousand dollars We must not be short we are obliged to pay and are relying upon the one method of the money A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT GET ON LINE NEWMARKET lit kit is of Toronto it this w On A Mr and Toronto were town The of villi Barry Mr Fred la Iowa Sii8fAHco Width of ffii visiting with th Ilium over A number of young people Attended ft at Friday A Wilson getting belter filter ft tenon of couple Mr Carman ol of fire Co in and of Toronto visit tog with Mr Sunday Mr Morton lo Life Around Hut KESWICK this politics There flre a number in that are so set that all Ihe politicians in the country could not change them It a very easy job to upset now the way the roads arc and many there are that do so a number from here went to a transfer of Thompsons lecture on l Sunday at Keswick So much heavy teaming on the I wish to correct a one of your correspondents sent to the Era some time since all the ratepayers with the exception of five the petition for the license the Keswick Hotel He made a somewhere Also the correspondent must that the large number that roads is making them very dangerous petition was not any many places indication of the strength of the tern- Mr Selby Draper spent Saturday element here The reason I in the for the number of signatures was Rev James Thompson addressed the desire of the many friends of Mr jour Sunday School on Sabbath lait removed a more place relatives in of abode wi At a number of our voune People of Keswick of visited V 2v on Monday and he Ball family SmRets until Tuesday are to give one of popular enter- in the Keswick Methodist Church on Wednesday March We raise more money this week than ever before in the same space of time and to do it we will sacrifice everything or anything We must have the money and are compelled to say goodbye to profits until we get it Youll be tbe gainers and we will also gain by gathering in the muchneeded Cash and making room for the loads of Spring Goods that are arriving every day We will not attempt to quote prices you can judge better by seeing the goods on our counters than on paper You know we always mean what we say Our reputa tion for fair dealing and honest advertising is our best drawing card The Maddock Co PVVlh or at of of do ami Hi Nan it homo from WHAT Sets TO typhi Tnc whipi Ontario latere teuton arc and of Kail North- noiUrlanJ John Weil It in Mr J tot a by the Co but be it with a cbiracttriitie letter to tbo effect be o loTo- or walk Tub Ontario Government baa from the York and the or the year In for Mr Peter it deity balance net ai compared with a net 13103 In For are lUcelpU 35 die pi id city iad being net Income m with a net incest of in WM PorEauaod York Gil- moor flgurci are Total G13tiO aid balance net a with a net of in In con auction with it may be ibat for ioin year before lboajjojnlidot of the principal work bad been duuc by iho littrar who had iiwrt of the For North iijJrn arc Total net Income The of bad a On day Premier fiir Howell gave a villi wit a rc- Tweed an ad- which the Premier made an appropriate reply King Council At a meeting of Grand Heard week Itwaade- annual of the that city on lltb of March are exited wfcena line ac tion wilt be upon erml tc lo coming It known for the at held thai If a made there would It and It be more lire didnt Coo- party the with if oil waathaflrtt to evidence effect Cotwra- of York would be tot and yet wonld thln decidedly It now wait till thebdloU arewuoUdandyoo wUI where the pirt Met were iil tiuhall i JHmli J JIuei re fed til Too Alfred Ireland ftfarr Koniuaff fcbCoolM Thee- Geo do fax Jota n Coulter are to of for SOU fett face at of made to Jameelall fgr work was to would naturally suppose that after successive verdicts of people favor of that National Policy Liber would submit to them Such Has not the cao and he ihoifeht that in not profiting the warnings of the past the Liberal were making a mis take He denied it wis ever in tended the Governments fiscal policy should he a fixture and should not be subjected to changes al tered circumstances might require Before making changes in the last session a thorough investi gation instituted into the slate of the various interests of the country If any mistake had been made in re to the tariff it had certainly been the matter of reduction A reduction effected in the ease of some oo or nearly half the whole tariff list in many cases a change was made from specific to 3d valorem- duties Mr Wood showed that the amount of duty was not the measure of and referring to the agricultural implement he chimed that if ever free trade pre vailed between this country and the United States the fanners of Canada would not get those if one dollar cheaper He explained thai the reduction of tin duty on agri cultural implements from per cent was to prevent com binations but declared that they would not be sold any cheaper on lhat account He referred to the re moval of duties on tea coffee and sugar the loss of revenue in conse quence and what the effect would be if Mr free trade policy was adopted Mr Wallace was also greet ed applause He contended that the Conservative policy was not intended for the or but for in general He dealt the barley question increased laxalion etc pro- need Mr hill to restrict ocean freight to to end professed be aimed At The meeting up at the usual cheers MOUNT ALBERT Mr John Jones of Brown Hill passed through here this week for Morton Park Roachs Point where is now in course of fofttiwlth all iiittn iter 1 talbktcnilidltirf or b T TO fceuftUtvf jt44rodltf Dec to draw a order Tryitr to 4 oo I Iowd Coo work teWB on IK Mrs- Woodcock is much Im proved as to be able to be up Wesley Woodcock had the misfor tune to hi hand cut pretty badly one day week He a board in his fathers sawmill and the knife cut knuckle off the fore finger The wound healing nicely Mr a stock at where he i running a lore- J Mr of Toronto wassail ing on friends here last week A cousin of McKewon from city is with her for a Mrs fell on the ice and broke her arm at the wrist Mr Miss May Mrs J Miss A ft are attending the Convention in the city this week The special services in the Metho dist Church sue well attended and much good is being done- Live stock shipments from this place Increasing three and four cars per week being shipped Toronto Mr Herbert Lewis Belleville Coll Sunt Nellie spent In Newmarket Elliott Lewis is visiting friends around Mm fairtbdy gold from unknown friend A took l Mr Walt- Sutherland on last was on visit 6ho with fatr at Dr Id th city Is very Mr wu this week The It only the it Med ftliv Mr boms Item hi has torn for trs1rntnt Mid feeling Mrs who been bed wit taken to In city on Lrclifiuul Tribuntz Ur and Mrs It if mod family also J If of In town Mr J of Toronto grand worthy patriarch of ftneb lor Ontario sfient over Mr II- It Phillips of fit Mr Trent President and delegates to the Associated Ontario in Toronto Mits Keith Mil Jackson and A elf sod attending tho In city and J represented Newmarket at the Grand Council at and Mr Donald York a very enthusiastic Mr Ati Millard of Toronto Mr and Mrs J Millard on Friday relurnlo to ihe city following acoom by hit wire who had fog a at The Avoqdiokl A Of valuable Rifts though entirely congralolatlona to lst and hostess on attaining their anniversary It J Or and represented Newmarket at Lodge of Workman In Toronto last week It waa a vary lar gathering and Order progress Mr Irwin was elected to of Uepaly for York Km con gratulates hi in on his preferment IS la a worthy lait- Mr lint to the took a to lUchmood with fathef Ur way ha to with miu pain In tba into ioflamuatloD the alter return home For In a In on ar to there was for better and hopeful Mr Mr and Mra from hers Iwoor The folks must think we going to have a hot summer as there is a Urge amount of ice stored The movers are advantage of the sleighing are transposing feed and implements to their new places neighbors gave Mr Ed John son a farewell party on Wed last at house when a pleasant time was Mr and Mrs Johnson ore highly esteemed hut we are soon to have leave the neighborhood There will soon be several changes in locations Mr of the line is on the old Toole firm occupied by Mr William Stephenson Mr J T Elliott leaves the church lot and goes to farm at present occupied by Mr Mr Watson comes from the vicinity of to his farm pre viously his father and which at one time was a part of the and Mr Ed Johnson at present on West to the Con Mr M will work the church lot but not move on it Mrs Robinson now has her mother Mrs John Winter of district She has been in poor health and came down this way to sec if a change would benefit her Miss fourth daughter of Mr John Ell lot we are sorry to hear is very poorly at present with lung trouble Mrs Hagan of Toronto is staying with her brother Mr Stephen accompanied by her little boy Mr and Mrt Isaac Proctor of St North accompanied by their granddaughter Miss of were at Mrs I Messrs Glancy and Winch attend- the Reform Mass Meeting in Bradford on Tuesday I Mrs McKay of Sunderland is visit- her friends in the neighborhood I Mr Frank Morton visited Long ford on Monday in search of lumber Mr James Robertson arrived home from Montana on Friday last after several years absence Cheese Factory is still the topic of conversation here No definite ar rangements have been come to yet and Miss Yaxley of Toronto have been visiting at Mcj John Mr John is very poorly Peters little child is very sick Quarterly services are to be con ducted in and Free Methodist Churches next Sun day Albert Cole who is down to Toronto on jury is having a bad time with one of his eyes The Oyster Supper and Concert under the auspices of SofT was a grand success The proceeds amounted to nearly Yum YUM Printers copy comes for one cent when not sealed- Sods of WANT GREEN Efc In exchange for Winter Suits Overcoats or Ulsters And will give yon the goods at a Reduction off Regular Price MDOUGALL ft HIGKLING Next to Atkinsons Store TAILORS SHARON Master viiitcd friends herd tut week and calling on Ills old friends week Pleased to sec him looking well lata farcews must with him air A lias rented old form hi and to there Our wish go with family sball keep our Is a fibaron flhall soon to a way to keep our Another has of Mat rimony week MIm M A dtuhterof Ioan Her Mr Abbot lives in their homo will Is frtcudt t week in our village who are On sick Hit arc Mr J Us ami J The in tbo Church last was ifr J Carry Newmarket occupied the chair tn his usual way tolte a lengthy program The of Mount Albert were well lira J lord choir gave some choice Mr A J Hughes alio a two pieces were highly applaudotl were all that couU be over or J G and J M Walton assisted by Keltleby and Perry with num- anolvermy with great on J bers of instituted a day Mod Feb Division of the Sons of Temperance At i oclock tbo fraternity began to as here On Saturday wcnblo at their hall asocial heldootil The halls decorated for the occasion with red white and blue banting and of radial- QUKNSVIIbR ITS SO adaption li to COLLECK TORONTO 1 Canadas GKSAtest Commercial School Winter Term Thursday Jan Wrllo for So dbHisetqe9fs Preparations ate going on for ihe Methodist Anniversary next Sunday fng from tod I motning evening lo heat for wont j formi pastor who makes 3tiele wherever he is located at white Monday J will be It a 1 people of Queensvle are loyal to their churches This place hat again resumed its quiet ihe meeting in the Christian Church having closed It made things lively for the past weeks of people were seen every night making their way to the church notwithstanding storm and tempest The meetings proved a great success- decided to forsake and give their hearts At the close the pastor Rev received into the church and others will join next Saturday at the fellowship meeting Special meetings are being held This place has been very quiet during the recent cold and weather except around the wood piles and it has been difficult to up much news But since the weather has become milder there seems to be a general move in all directions Most of the roads leading to and from are very interesting to ride over you dont think so try it There was a taffy pull at Mr S A Lloyds on Monday at whch a number of young people spent a very lime Also one at John orihgraves on Friday evening and those present report having had a sweet time need not be this week in the Christian 1 Church conducted by the pastor J lw 0 Several have already come out on he taffy hope the meetings successful as they lords side we there will be ai have been here We are sorry to report that Mr Jones is no better He has been confined to his house nearly all win ter and seems to be Ktowing more feeble- Paisley is lying very low with but little prospect of setting but is happy and resigned Her little boy and only child very sick- Mr and Mrs Paisley have the of all the neighbors Death came into- the home E Morris on Monday last and laid its cold band en their Infant grandson The roads are still in a very bad condition We are wishing the spring sun to level the mow drifts The Ladies Aid purpose having a tally pull on Wednesday evening next in the Temperance HalL A good program of vocal music etc will be given after which social games will be the order of the evening A lime may be expected and a cordial invitation Is extended to all A small gathering of friends spent a few social hours with Mrs Johnson on Wednesday evening Mr James had an old- fashioned wood bee Tuesday of this week The numbers must have been large or those who were there worked as we understand- they cut about cords of hardwood Large quantities of wood have pissed through here this winter en route to Newmarket ball with window with curlatna and the order plants it a refreshing menu fully op to the land aid of ho In all A pboiogxapher was In took vlewa of assembly At about ISO down to iho ban quet aod fall iuitioo had bean dooe it W tbe who upon the who read letter and lele- iriai of regret Howell J- Aurora A Henderson Peter J McCarthy Toronto Dr and Mist end Dr Ialermo Hon Ren J and fallowing The Queen The ro which lira of Ontario end ot North reipondrJ The of On tario coupled the names of liter J Pro Inspector J Treat responded by J A tor Pino Orchard 3 K Elliott Don Toronto for Voterana and It of Tib At oclock were received and the place tilted to folleit capacity Jot Rogers the Deputy occu pied were delivered by Rev Mr A J llogbe J aod J Brooke A historical of Division waa read by J This was Interspersed with by ciptorodtbo and knee and ezcolleot by Mr Clark and Hunter Of the Tea- Meeting or 1S9 on or about the TO RENT Block lately Co Will root whole iiii parly alia Second Flat ililllPcry ft MILLARD J STRAY year 10 the Sottas FURNITURE CHEAP FOR CASH Undertaking A D A SPECIALTY House to Let ON At faAi In town To will for or inii l At by Li A INSOLVENCY NOTICE KJlJiah of church lithaj fcoaotf of York I ilrntliirwin AithiAODlb fair Of Ml lto7 p A 1 will he of Jlftrrh oclock iiKtaitOfuliler aJ to their UUivU fliM I JHMILLARD Telephone Connection SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY UNDER InttruotJat ia6 fccrloUtcr diKaTJlied offer for PRIVATE SALE A VjhlQibto ltlcf Of iba Weil of number In jHiiibjry County of in at to A Kruno wilt coDdlltom Of lilt ULOCX CftOWIHlR I on Toronto When flir hit toogu Mr will bo bud never blird of lh electric It toUett on New Will gift atQ Of bODt Qvror If dxpMUd to t- ool to liorl formerly of A y it roailoUo Jit It of ego and hit and ft Willi now Bind Well done In wife a a ulL Of t Mr- of Iter Atom of Mr- Abbott of Tho Tomb EiccQlors Notice to Creditors clilms of IN lh Conn of Count of of ihe of la York widow of uiduu of Jau- of bo of York an to or 1st of April will aid The remains of Mra Frederick colored orator buried in Washington on Monday Baron one time Imperial Home Secretary Lord of Council it Kpl illiiUoo He was tick a two The will from Iho At to fi J MAIN NORTH All will meal of Ihilr d4rt una de- wirlleQltof and if ibto a acb alv4atbt AfurthtMldtitdvof AprtMW proceed to th a ho bo lUboXor or lbertul io or ho IhoQ cot lot Paled al of Kir Jo u fltb mm

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