Newmarket Era, 29 Mar 1895, p. 1

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THE iSVcry GEO JACKSON at re am In Until tab fUUforL M I In YORK Copies Cents Each LiaiSNGBEvANI Interest- Allowed on natjr DRAFTS Parana at ail rf I oh iuilty ma W WOODCOCK Ma n m A a of A JT tin wcrttf WR KADI Repairs for Wilkinson and Plows A J fc I to and of J tone to Mpn I- i r A I toriuo Ca thodal Church J A- auojiokiskhh a i a A 11 tId V Ill t J Stock In Town Sign Bed Boot AH in goods sold here itwtd free Mo to A I a fOK1y loftl ft week we invite you lo offer you your 10 call and inspect the bargains nave WOOD loaMain SUCCESSFUL hHioflHsPAuiHGaaa mi far V rf J T Jf a O0l0HuiPk1 u v n MANNING SON EABloflt 9 ft lT jOK TOK NEWMARKET MEAD STONES It Canadian and Foreign Granites and It is for our mutual benefit thai ve advise you to alow he by tlie Adwrtiscments of Venders of Do not rim Hi r- 11 Clothing hut a look at our and remember that a guarantee of Durability and Workmanship goes with each garment All Wool Pants to order up f J ui1 AT A A All ifiim Suits Overcoats go GO prices ViCia heard of lcfoe in the 2nd the to offer you is not uiiicd in the County of Over FIRE lb iVrtt ko ifMCoif fiLd lb A CANADA CANADIAN AND 14000000 DOLLARS WioooftlIOK VANAN in will IC tifiUjj FARMERS BUI HENRY ANDREWS now iy Iho Km or Iflrt a of tttttiWci 4VUDtf r J Cedar Rails Posts I fill HALF en Cfoa ii Actu 1 ever J OIHoo Hi Mi iJ ciM1Uivtovir ltJt Insurlngthe Lives of iiiK v At lw J A Brill e v rewiappi J US jUAOIIOALWAHOTUHlW Oil I III MP AVERS IS I iUtCli to I lillrg in tfMk I a or lU list Only vv JlAv Your to 5 Lot vi lo For AlmMipy by can thro I Him A if Vet tills not my thy mi 4 I MO ftnd Vlittrar My Kn Til 5 Hut s lo Mf ill iy ftoa Ho 1I1HI I A CONCEIT- l Combined Drill and Sccdor Single Drills Single Broadcast Seeders oof la and feeder today of Ha Purchaser ittiintd Vet I Why they be jet liWUfllJ 0 I illOHliOW At t III PRIVATE MONEYS u30iW For all the and there is no cum so quick and permanent as Scotts pmulston of Codliver Oil It is palatable easy on the effective fclimulales the apatite the digestion of other foods cures Coughs and Colds Sere gives vital lcsides it has as for and Children who do not thrive end Any of cut The Mr J Davis for North York delivered in the of the debate was one of the of the finan cial situation of the Province- and at tbc time one of the sharpest re plies to the attacks of the upon the Governments which delivered throughout the debate Mr St Johns attack on the Public School system had immediate ly preceded hi speech and he open ed with a spirited defence the system of education prevailing in On tario The fifth form he pointed our is established by law in the Public Schools and if any child is refused it the fault ties with the Parents they can demand of the teacher that the form be established and if the teacher refuses can demand of the Inspector while if he re fuses they can have recourse to the courts Meat he turned to that too much money is spent on High Schools and pointed out that this meant that there are too many High Schools and that for the charge to have any force the Government have to do with the erection of these whereas as a matter of fact a school cannot he established unlets the County Coun cil of the County in which it is to he situated pass a byla voting it an appropriation and asking the Provin cial Government to supplement this with a giant Consequently even if there too many High Schools the Government could in no sense be blamed for ihii IKE SPEECH Mr Davis then turned to the finan cial statement which the Treasurer had made and to the assaults which had been made upon it After a complimentary to the n esslike non partisan statement which Mr bad presented he spoke in warm terms of the splendid showing which the Government the Provinces Board of Directors had to make to the people who were the shareholders There was no debt all the depart menu run that of Agriculture receiving especial care and the receipts had been greater than Mr Davis then look Up Mr Mailers attack on the Governments timber and neatly turned tables on him by a comparison of the pre sent Governments policy with that of John Sanficld which by the way was a Liberal and not a Conservative Government he pointed out That Government used the limber as revenue and cold standing in a manner certainly inferior to that followed by the present at the rate of square miles a year only iquate miles a year lea than the amount cold by the And In addi tion the Mow at Government has done far more for the people than did the Govern ment Next he turned to Mr Miners complaints about the expenditure upon the Crown Department and showed that he selected the years most favorable to himself and that when he complained that the cost from in lo in he was careful not lo that in the expenditure 110491 and in was but a decrease of Neat with to the con of he showed that the On surveys average of per Government and the Mo at Government an average led naturally to the question of the new setilcrs in the legion and Mr Davis dealt trenchantly Mr assertion that no the of a going into iL back country is never That fas incorrect he that in there were In and Parry Sound la in fa 1871 in eitlcj In an a and in rbi in in or iriCiciic the whole of is cent and ell this lb fc of ihc Sir Muter a Mr Davis lie list the Our a Ctorm had the of the free grant lands the telling and allo cation of mining lands and other Taking Mr Matters that the township clerks perform these duties Mr Davis pointed out that there It one Crown lands agent gets tome a year white are or twenty- five clerks so that the do ing of the work by these at an in- of would amount cm expenditure of from to After a vigorous defence of the Governments colonis ation rod expenditure and of its handling the sums itself instead of turning thorn over to the municipali ties Mr Davis concluded this portion of his speech by alluding to the of uncollected timber dues and pointing out was not a larc amount when the sire of the business transacted was considered and hat while the amount remains the same in as In the arc Mi charges came in for brief rnenuon Mr Davis contradicting his assertion thai the public accounts arc not detailed and that in the Public Accounts Com mittee inquiry is com plaint as to increased expenditure he maintained was not justified the leader of the Patrons would tell them that it costs them more to work a farm than one of acres and the Government now fa double ihe territory John Macdonald administered an instance of this increase that in the Provincial De partment tout 8i to the num ber of files had Increased from to J number of letters from to the tcrs sent from to the references to other departments from a6a and the statutory from to MR The new member for Toronto came in next for attention from Mr Davis who effectively pointed out that while one member of the Oppo sition was complaining the Gov ernments surplus was not in the another was finding fault that so much of it was lying unproductive in those same banks He then dealt sharply with Mr claims that the Ministry does not represent the Province fairly that the Govern ment has gerrymandered the Province and that the Conservative party was taken by surprise at the election With regard to the last statement he remarked drily that the Conservative patty appeared to have been taken by surprise at every election for twenty years The charge that the Govern- was to for the Toronto boom he characterised as absurd fortifying this declaration by pointing Out that Toronto got no legislation except that for which it had asked and that even then many of its re quests had been denied and as for the remarks upon the new Parliament buildings Mr Davis said that he was glad that Mr had conceded that they were solid and substantial they were built for solidity and en durance he said useless ornamenta tion had not been the object he Government had in view but good value for the peoples money and hon est construction A glowing of the budget speech closed Mr Davis able effort All sections of the Province he said were to be congratulated upon it and he rapidly ran some of its chief features receipts exceeded the expenditures there was no debt there was a considerable plus j no taxes were levied by the Government large sums had been returned to the people to lighten their burdens all departments had been carefully and economically yet pro gressively administered equal rights had been granted 10 all sections and creeds With a Government and such a record Ontario took the place in the Dominion and most emphatically was a good place in which to dwelt fa a fell ft us We learn that Miss Louie McMut- daughter of who has been visiting her sister Mrs JJbemOD at Winnipeg has had her name changed to Mrs Duke She and husband have made their home in Calgary Mil Rebecca Hood is visiting in Toronto Our Methodist minister Rev has just a of special meetings at Ten been added to the church livi tit been Mr to of for It beais all how gullible people we They are short of to pay for actual household necessities yet every stranger comes along can carry large sunt of money as the result of a week or so of operations here- Some weeks ago a number of fellows came along with a kodak and took a lot of the pictures one could tee in a lifetime We have a pho tographer here second to none in the and the work done by there strangers would not bear the Comparison his yet we do not doubt that they took away to them Next came a glib- man with some compound called diamond tea He made the usual personal canvass put on the nerve to try discuss their phytic defects with women and was able to driVoui some of them more than a regular physician could He probably sold worth of his diamond tea and to far as we have heard he recommended it for every weakness that anybody reported to him them are still drinking its old in which they have it soaked This week a man little rubber tube fastening into the end of ventilate then We should estimate that a cent apiece for would be thousands ft he is selling them rapidly and in almost every for cents per People who cannot spare cent for hundreds of thing ihey need the wont haw dollars plenty for gentry along and who know bow to task One advejtUeueeti the down day in the pa peri to for fast telling devices and lhes who bay been doing the town tic tte out Why should people do She badly need and ibiir the slifireUtIeMtuilir lkiLi WhUb IXOYDTOWN Scarlet fever is still hanging around the section Mr Duncan Darrah had the mis fortune to have Ms broken in two places by a runaway team A veryplcasant evening was spent Friday at ihe residence of A The guest arrived about and a program of music games charades etc was ptesented This is the last year of our Mcihodtst pastor term here and we regret that the time of parting is beginning to loom in the distance Mr and have been engaged in a here and by their kind manner and to take hold of any good have endeared them selves to citizens generally AURORA J Ron machinist has assign ed Trinity Church will be reopened Sunday Rev Dr of Toronto will officiate The Carnival on the Roller Rink was a great success the other night The single men defeated ihe mar ried men in a Curling Match last week and the Grits downed the Tories in a match the following day I Norman slipped on the sidewalk in front of the tannery and hurt herself badly The Conservatives here apnea to be very active week ex ecutive committee met at and decided to employ Pere grine as secretary for this section with office in the Conservative rooms here in Wells block A telephone put in and things are wear ing a business aspect Is spending this week township holding meetings and interviewing his political friends hundred and thirtytwo new books have recently been added lo the Mechanics Institute Library The league had a visit Monday night from their sister society at A very pleasant evening was spent together- Mr Button met with a accident on the in St While moving a load of wood into position for unloading he was crushed between it and another load standing beside it He was very badly bruised about the and shoulders and the flesh was torn from a couple of ribi He was confined to his bed for several days Mr Abb received a painful wound while felling trees a couple of sreeks ago As he with his hands was about guiding a tree inclining to fall in ihe wrong direc tion Earnest for the tame reason from the opposite side struck with his axe and caught the fingers of Abbs left hand cutting the top of one almost off and a bad gash in another Mr Thomas Provan the old who wandered away from his home in this place a short time ago and was so badly frozen we are sorry to eay passed away on Wednes day morning last at the age of yean months and days One day last week a Young Mens Liberal Club was organized here with great promise of future success Mr Dennis was appointed chairman and Mr Curtis Secretary Mr A of the of Toron to was called upon to address the meeting He spoke of the advisa bility of organizing a Young Mens Liberal Club and of the benefits de rived mutual exchange of views on the questions of the day After remarks from a few other speakers the sneering settled down to the elec tion of officers Mr Wm Mulock P was Honorary Presi dent Mr Dennis President Messrs Doyle and J Kitchen Mr A Wright Re cording Secretary Mr Frank At- Secretary Mr J Brown Treasurer The following Executive was elected Messrs Steoehoiite Dr Brown J McDonald E Reynolds Lloyd Lloyd Deacon Win A Leonard and J Honey WttrOH Match ar Last night John Peirsofl who lives about a mile from had three pigs stolen thief killed and dressed the Pearson yard and loaded on a and drove to market with them Chicken hate been busy here for the last weeks A- bout two hundred chickens have been from fume- Blood no Hedltoiccdf ft ia fUit ifittH a Is i- ii4- ilJ- IL J Wtlil Msp4- ftndlvlns The of money and the lasts which govern its dhtrtbuUon have been made to appear complicated that not only persons of ordinary- in telligence but experts on other sub jects shrink from an article or a book on money on account of its presumed incomprehensibility A strange mys tery has gforrn up in connection with a subject concerns civilized human being and this has been on the whole detrimental to ihe interests of commerce whether In goods or serviccj The ills that come to merchants manufactured and working men to all who have anything to sell or any desire to buy have been increased and compli cated by the money question as it has been presented in different phases at different periods by theorists specu lators and the unthrifty It served the purpose of some persons at crucial periods to practice decep tion concerning the nature of money In a cruder civilization than our it was believed that money could be made out of anything by the fiat of the government Some people have professed to think that much money in a country means general prosperity and they point lo the time of the war of secession and to the greenbacks of our own country to the period when the nation was piling up an enormous debt which the people been paying off En enormous taxes hey think because some manufacturers of shoddy some sut lers and tome contractors made their fortunes in those days the whole country was rich and that it was the cheap greenbacks that blessed us Many persons who are ready to per mit others to do their thinking fox them accept this as the truth and yet if they slop to themselves their reason will tell them lhat a country cannot grow rich by maintain ing great armies Riches are not made in this way by those who stay at home and pay out of their earnings the cost of the food the shelter ibe clothing the weapons the powder and the medical care- and ihe transportation the thousands of soldiers in the field It will tell them also that the wealth of a coun try consists in what it produces and therefore if a hundred thousand citi zens arc taken from the fields and the shops to fight their neighbors the aggregate production for the time dur ing which Ihey are engaged in inter national or domestic murder be less than it is they are employ ed in the lets glorious aits of peace and lhat therefore the wealth of the nation will be less A nation cannot grow rich by fighting unless it con quers the enemy and compels him to pay not only the of the war but a handsome profit on them But up to this time no naiioti that ever won in a war has begun to receive back anything like the awful cost of it J here is no reason to be lieve that any conqueror will ever be repaid in wealth or its representative money for the expenditure involved in his triumph Reason will also tell our easygoing friends lhat no country can get rich by printing pieces of paper and calling ihem dollars From Ahln A short time ago says the vilte a young lady vis troubled with a boil on her knee which grew so bad lhat she thought it necessary to call in a physician She had formed a dislike for the family physician so her sug gested several others and finally said that he would call in the young physician with the homeopathic case who passed ihe house every evening They kept a sharp lookout for and when he came along he was called The young lady modestly showed the member The little roan looked at it and said Why thats pretty bad Well she what must I dor If I were you he answered I would send for a physi cian I am a pianotuner Dont kick about the tiroes you live in an exchange A hundred years hence they will be re ferred to as old days lii Ontario has now Mae- and the question which is agi tating is the proposal to form a Canadian Great Camp The con vention decide ihe matter will meet at in Main St Methodist Church Exeter was burned on Sunday morn ing- This is the lev- or filth church in Western Onta10 burned in the last month or two The fire was of incendiary origin Simon a merchant of Plum Coulee Man was burned out last week and put his claim to the insurance companies for the loss of his stock The insurance people were suspicious and engaged detectives who found a large quantity of the goods store carefully packed away in a and covered with hay GoMtaub now in gaol Georgia en Ottawa girl aged five yean was convalescent diphtheria- The health Inspec tor came and burned sulphur in the house to fumigate it ordering the mother not to open the doors or win dows The child At the In quest doctors testified that the child died from the sulphur and ihe jury condemned the system a ciiozerous The things that we the best arc the thing which w cannot prove And ft a that or we might be by iteming to we our mothers or out children we that love In The showing of its fact It if proof needed can hi si loving to Chart without stopping that God llut He lore alia fa proof of A Let us FROM OUR Scarlet fever has broken out In Oil is falling in Morocco for the first time in yeiti There are a number of of measles in Village Jarmer killed a lynx that weighed lbs rid a fire week Nearly whole block was burnt out by Mit3 Rye arrived at Halifax Monday By Mr Albert Wisner of Pottage- ville had his hand taken in a cutting box very rich find of gold is reported in the Lake District of Manitoba has been appointed lighthouse keeper at Fox Island The First Methodist Church at St Thomas was burned Friday Loss 25000 A large portion of Fort William was burned Friday the loss exceeding 50000 Mr Brett of Totteolfim shipped two carloads of potatoes to New York recently The capital stock of the Gait and Preston street railway will be in creased to J3T A Conservative Club his been at Sutton with members on the roll A boy of twelve years named Charles Morris was killed by an electric car at Montreal Milton has reduced the num ber of firemen from to and in creased the brigade gram Mr John Kerr of Township a popular young farmer was killed by a falling iree There was an of firedamp in a coal mine on Saturday by which fifty have been lost Sneak thieves arc operating at They steal goods displayed outside of the store doors The bootmakers strike in England is extending and today there are two hundred thousand idle operators Chinese and Japanese ore to meet in Simon- on the extreme coast of Japan A youth was fined and costs a few days ago for us- insulting language towards a lady school teacher EST Four convicts attempted to escape from the Kingston Peniten tiary last week but were caught be fore the plans were matured The reason why so many children trained up in the they should go go the other way is be cause the parents go that way A itrike has been declared in the mines the largest col liers in Nova Scotia A large num ber will be thrown out of work The Irade returns show a falling off of twelve millions in the last eight months compared with toe corresponding term of last year Mr Cornelius White a preach er in Ihe Society of Friends fell dead Sunday while preaching in the Friends meeting house at The roundhouse of the Wa bash Railroad at Toledo was burned- Three persons were killed nine in jured and the loss amounts to coo Margaret found guilty on the charge of passing coun terfeit money at was ten- lenced to Kingston for months The Chinese envoy at St Petersburg has solicited the interven tion of Russia for the protection of the integrity of Chinas continental territories the convention of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends motions to reduce the age limit to and biennial were voted Mary A sued the town of Brampton at the last week for damages caused by breaking her leg in a hole in ihe sidewalk She Button Stafford a High School student of who adver tised extensively for clerks wanted was arrested and sent for trial on a charge of the mails to defraud Jake will compete Austin Texas regatta in the single and double will probably leave neat week for the southern city and 10 tram into your house every There is more medicine mote nourishment more of everything that is good for the body nd wind a lav of sunshine than In any meat or drink Messrs Ron Bios of by have purchased farm of the town which con tains eightysix acres of land The buildings on the f when cost more than a- Advices have been teethed at Calcutta that the which is marching to Chili baa been attacked by iho end One officer and seveiat were killed tar A delate at the Acton Temperance Union solved thai happier than lurried decided its the for the V

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