Newmarket Era, 29 Mar 1895, p. 2

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a uy I i Aha Hale Co A Won J Millard York for Halo- Millard Hind for A Millard She ISSUE SI Km la Printed nil at Homo to MARCH 20 Our Toronto Despatch to Bra Much HA Are rOocllDj fell off Op Of ft freight r I Li On ami tdiUllJorOrtwhoCMirftt lb Nib Moot Mrt In tro tot lAicr u Ho Mr It Of III At Mi homo In city li to In illw court Kim election to lAfc llw on A hi Wodtoil onit nik0rM7 In will his of of fir In M on Tutfli A- Wmmuintu to kill a to take Mi own I Wo wife HI cover but he rmy die Or why lo lo JiIiclulon for the at time Iho CooUolIcr of Cwrtomi not a of hi la West would resign than wy hot bo to heir of other change in the Cabinet in the of approach log of zb to Tn got to 1ft promoter of ifat bill fa bo am I alt political loit DO lot of Con flrlng all to reign riooda on may pan word bat grip Liberal ml In Kail York on Mr K- who Mr lbs nom of Hod W Tut Mr Topper of Joiltoo In ationat on dfeagvea- ftVut and meeting Parliament It total In politic come from donate to the building fund of Albert College fa that oily hat Ik In pro- ri of the Metbodlrt to which Albert lb fl t never fc described Eta Carter arjwt for April and On Hew with do not bird million cods cad Hud fir XL WUIUwOld Stand or by coti or a 4sortod packjooE fail Wo pitted op tbU psrapfalH ftl Fair and kind op Fees Ion sbiU bo tot If mo toU ftseprcMQUItvt i thai of over ft into lb all paid to and thai all be ao da ogling ibe ailAH fotpolHIcal aopport If curled oat Ibe objections to Huts or to of a took by fl Inclined to to or bavo put to you by lend to llto a copy of book and it Acwalivo to a of of Cleveland Ohio a bccoimia Ibo United itu alio a of Union Will tbo now tell us why a man no become or tboiamo when be a nativeborn woman of Union I Why not allow role to work both to the political in Booth Mat po litical In Booth Is be tween end Co MP ConseifatUo have not ytt nominated a man gentlemen are holding meet- throughout riding Col Is by Jbj Doff the defeat ed In last elections and by Jeffs the In Cerdwell At neatly every both sides of the story ere loloV A el on of loading West at wbfcfa Ilea Wallace Con of was Is metier lor consider ation was Mr In of the of the re specting A lengthy took place Finally a refla tion wee adopted fn Hon Mr him to on Judgment about end pledging support In whichever course he should ill to adopt The feeling In the Hiding Is to be rather ticklish been all litis week changes in l tween the lines in it it thinly thai some con- changes in the personnel of the Cabinet aic imminent and the intimation of transfers of of in the Administration is already vouchsafed which no doubt may be as lite outcome of a special effort to disentangle web of conflicting troubles in connec tion with Manitoba Already Sic has tendered his resignation because he could not have all his own way He wanted an immediate election he preferred to face a maritime constituency rather than face and justify his report for remedial legislation It appears also to he settled that Hon J C Patterson Minister of Militia to he appoint Lieut Cover nor of the Province but will re main in the Cabinet without until the close of the approach ing session of Parliament Hon Mr Dickey is to become Mr Pattersons successor and Dr MoMague of lakes Mr Dickeys place as Secretary of State This of course will necessitate a new election in diinand as by the acceptance of an emolument under the Crown Hon Mr Moniagues seat becomes vacant and he will have secure the of his constituents Re port has it that he will likely be opposed by a on account of the support he recently accorded Dr Baxter for the Ontario House in op position Mr The writ will he issued this week and the thinks it will he a redhot fight from stall to finish Jfaldimand has a history of being able to beat the lt3nd in unique election although it is quite within the range of possibility that at the approaching the history of that constituency may repeat itself yet if there should be even a liberal opposition to the Patron nominee the chances are with the new Secretary of State- These changes in Cabinet thus foreshadowed are not however alto gether satisfactory to Ontario No question but Hon Dr Montague will add strength and debating ability to the Administration but these trans fers of offices will result in leaving Ontario with only one important port folio in the Government that of railways and Willi Hon Mr Dickey Minister of Militia every Maritime Minister will have control of large spending departments of the Executive viz Justice as Sir Tup- per resignation has not yet been ac cepted Pinarce Marine and Fishe ries and Militia while Quebec will have Agriculture and Public Works leaving only Rail ways and Canals Secretary of State and a Council sinecure lo the large tax paying Province of Ontario Surely the Premier cannot believe that such a of offices be satisfactory to his own party or to this pari of the Dominion True may be wo have the Controller of Customs but Mr Wallace has no status the Cabinet a Maritime Minister being at the head of his department Meanwhile other aic being among them comes one from the member West York the he is Com being pleased thai Dr Mors- before him and a port folio in the Cabintt Possibly there may Tim Municipal Committee of the As- Mr bill re- spooling the selection of a stove to fill a csusvd by death or otherwise The bill originally provided that Council might fill this without an election by the people If office be came vacant on or after let of Octo ber changed this date to let November and will so report the bill The New picture of the closing hours of the laet teuton of at Washington It lays Congress Its final official amid a wild Cham- pigne flowed like water rooms temporary Wo men of corridors and songs In the Inebriated the hoars of roll calls Members staggered between and the bottle It Is reported that Is to another two old line have an organ and now paper which has made its Is a journal have thought In the old days when was known as The If en and Chickens that in the year of grace would bo InQIctod with throe organs of opinion yet such ap pears to be Its destiny Wonder It Mr rjaivln hat heard about this new I were appointed by the New Government on Monday last to confer with the Canadian lo negotiate for becoming put end parcel this Dominion The names arc Ilea Robert Bond II Edward P Morris wood All the delegates are under years of age and are now on the way to Ottawa Premier Is said to be very ill bat with his Cabinet the delegates were named Ha his Inability to form put of the del egation A from Ottawa states that an Order inCoimcll lies been pasted for a Government loin of to Hudsons Bay Railway Company The Government will take the first mortgage bonds ibe company at end re- the land subsidy Here we hare a spectacle of per for twenty for the carriage of mails and supplies over the road then the this to devote the money 10 construction An Ottawa correspond eat very quaintly remarks The to bo one of those enterprises with e feeding bottle familiar to politicians of other days Am Coroners Is tho title of a bill presented In Iho by Mr German In which ho proposes to duty of keepers of Ifouics of Industry etc to all deaths of In- mates to Die County Crown Attorney The bill however doer not go far enough To our mind bo better to It the duty of attsndsnt to report them caui and to make an declaration stating Canto and whether a l death was with suspicions or other be of At torney to form an opinion as to whether grounds for an official Jn- gallon or call at tention of York members to svggca lions recently broke loose on the Patron leader In Ontario Last Monday It took another 111 and pitched Into Mr Mailer the Con SO leader This Is the style here make a mistake If you fmsglno you can to through life on thai local preacher I connection of yours And again You and Or Wild wo have the ssmo about Ibe month Ai Doctor a goodntured humbug Inbleovon lino to upon closer examination may find there Is a of the In your coin- loo If a Oris woald talk that way about leader the Tory press would go wild bat being a of opinion no Mr Halt of Dr spent hero him Mr Henry of Toronto rpcot la la Messrs and ipsnt Mr Arthur Mrs a operation at the day last While chopping in week oak foot pretty badly Mr returned from last neck where he spent cooplt months Miss Fills of spent over Ethel Vlsla Lodge Mr Agent the Ontario a day Jest week Mr Alfred and Barton of spending a few days his brother Mr Mill Is hat- fng large meetings In Orlllla first week closed with seekers for pardon Mis Watt of who with her sister Mrs If Hughes for come thro weeks left for home on Monday Mis If and Mrs Jackson Newmarket at the Convention at Toronto Juno Hon last Td tad ay Mrs Geo Wood to street on Monday making a when she slipped some and fell to breaking he right a has rented his Hill to her mother going North and Mr lljlnks of to city shortly Bolder has secured fear months of and will take a trip to Iaelflo by way of North Bay P It ho will slop at all points to preach and was homo from Halifax a month furlough wont to the city hit week and had orders to charge of tho Homo at but was taken down villi la grippe and had lo return home Key Father formuly a resi dent of Newmarket on eve bis parturo from pirhb was pre tented by with a ninety dollars together an IMici MIis Ida had an experience while attending the Millinery Opening In Toronto that she will noser forget stepped upon an open to a wholesale had not been properly fattened and dropped stories was to frightened and taken up that she was laid up next day bat fortunately It was more serious Among people In town yesterday we noticed who was born In Hast and has been a resident of tie township for Hi years He also look an actUs pail jo the Rebellion of and was one of the confined In the Old Kirk on Timothy street opposite Allens Foundry lie has vivid in its other days Mr John Graham of Holt Is probably She of the Township and is far mw know Mr Williams is the oldest man In the Township KETTLERY It Is thought fi sidy arc llbai once mote excepting along the Runner put nqto cover and arc forth Tic not gone off with ft tush to that no ytt reported MrJ Mr Of Toronto been up and put the fintnhloir new house and Mr Into It to be ready for the aprtog Mr J paid to daughter Mr in accompanied by two of heir Quito a ftom the Temper ance Lodge visit to Lodge on night of last week and report bid it good time There been a large- amount Of wood taken out ibeiwth land the winter especially the two or three One would wonder where lo get to many these time They have a pretty good supply for the Spring Spring birds may bo teen maple tree wo bleeding and folk are now enjoying the treat as of yore for tome been faking turns staying up at nights with Mr Silas Davit It is he It Improving some Mr Proctor in addition to running a shingle mill clover and Krain threshers with hit portable en- gine Is now going to run a saw mill and has quite a itock of logs in his yard J The collectors for the S School funds have at last got their work done bu as the donation hardly come up to the required amount there it some talk of having a to raise the Very few escape The boys and tome married togave Mr G Brown and bride a tingle of the cow bells and honefiddle a couple of weeks ago Mr Brown took It all in good and donated them liberally A and Frank drove to Suuon and paid a four days vitit to the biters uncle Head- way and report having had a splen did time Cheese meetings are quite frequent there times Quite cool at time of the eclipse on Miss has gone on a trip to Bermuda with her aunt I I Spink of Toronto The latter left for that climate for the benefit of her A number of the young folks of the vicinity gathered at the home of Mr Joseph last Monday night and gave Mr Ed a friendly farewell on the eve of his departure for Mani toba A very time was spent The Messrs Hunter and Mr Wilson of Newmarket paid the Sons of Temperance fraternal visit on Saturday evening last which much enjoyed GUM SWAMP WILL O THE WISPS rilcolika Joes TtewUsdreadrotcooI started Playing April foot The concert In the new ball last week was well flptcclatcd by ihwc but very bad the audience very small Mr Titos Huntleys infant son Is suffering with pneumonia Mr Gilpin of was in the village a few week A large crowd attended the sale on the lake shore on Tuesday Mr Roger of Bolton visit ing with her sister Mrs J Council Morton ha been very sick with la grippe the hut few day Mr Frank Rose has moved to farm lately occupied by Mr Barker the latter having moved to Rev Mr Walker left Tuesday He intends driving from here New York Mr Draper shipped a load of apples to city on Thursday There will be a business meeting In the new hall this evening many t she Pot Bra I tappM York will have the circular giving lite of Jit Montague at Waterloo against Mr Unlock actions the reeding before the Gov of documents condemn ing courts as agreement with concjnlag guaranties for trying to It thai Mr to Government and ihe and tbst his actions canto of still to embargo or scheduling of to their How as I can it can no inch Per circular Dr Montagues speech cays that was In Spring of th for Colonies Was about to embargo and let Canadian cattlo In free in reading Mr speech at Bradford the Feb and In pamphlet form on ho says ho ma Grand Beard of In dustry last summer their and thai they him had to the was by bad management Canadian Government and rcqacilod him to move the matter This ho did New if attack made last sum- thoOorcrnmenthowcoDld it be as Dr says It had any thing to do hindrance of the embargo removed last Spring should hear and consider both sides a story before pitting Dr ram arks with what ex such mm as Ms will go to la order to his we feci certain Mr docs not go to aueh extreme falsehoods as do his opponent to him removed And wo daro ho Is their way for cant stand his arguments Mch Jan People tell us our Spring Goods arc simply lovely and no wonder been East and West North and South searching for next stylish goods at the right prices AND WE HAVE THEM Wool J iouio fcte at 404nch Mack We Wool any color you at Katalpsco inch IO at Yard Factory Cotton at at Only All Wool at The Bent in Canada at at Bordered Apron Ginghams yard at Our Stable Stock in corayloto union rty Jo do New Guipure Luce New do do New do do 12 New Spot Muslin Embroideries These Luces are just ou dollar inches wide price do do and See cm at at at 15 at J 00 Mens Nice All Wool Tweed Suits Mens Good Tweed Pants Boys Nobby Piece Suit Mens Fine Scotch Tweed Suits Visit us now You know we are always the lowest THE GO 8 50 always reliable and our prices are ti il Sts TORONTO ONT EXSTUDEKTS it ftdbiMlsenieois I lbs DrcVQt lit lo A mi despatch from Winning says that In fcu Mr Premier he tkJ If his would the a Mr piled J here is nothing to do to ac cept the Federal propckUion The Government isd We with you to do so and is no see in a here Acceptance ejection i all that is If the Ministry find Manitoba determined not to terms ef order they inky poMbly modify tbefii before goicg cud piulc act ihat Is lo Ley may op order one cant ssy what lley ill do there no idea Va notice a very bill Introduced In the Astern tly by respecting under Municipal by a Justice of Peace Heretofore if a defendant did not admit bylav under which he being tried for any violation thereof formula of producing a duly cert filed copy of said bylaw bad to ap pear In or Iho would be quashed this technicality by a higher court The At torneyOenoral In this bill provides that no conviction made under a municipal bylaw passed in pursuance of any Act of Legislature shall be deemed Invalid or be for want proof of such bylaw before convicting Justice but If appeal should be ken lbs court shall allow the bylaw to bo proven by affidavit or by Ha production In the ordinary rneth now by Section the Consolidated Municipal Act This Act pot a stop to lots appeals and save much and work lo Justices ihe Peace Itrs Federal has been for of on the lelh of April mi and the agony respecting or dissolution Is Hon Dr vis sworn In Mr will la as Minister of Militia bis return from Provinces and lion will a till some time June will be Kir Rapper Las balky and to stop down and out He Is something like Ms and to eater lain that MlcLacsIs with lbs gcceral Is thai retber face Lis face Lata Its La Las Can leUIatioa Tapper t fs a family Ibe caption race is off the nag ate In the barn oar of a of fun at political candidates a genera election to be announced last week station of parliament says For William been out in North York for the past couple of weeks organising as never before Mr been stumping Card well for several days the interest If Clarke his family up to North Wellington and bis candidature against Mr Ho did Mr McLaren the Toronto go back to his old home In North Perth Dr Wade and Mr Frail two of can- In Mutkoka we alto Essex Mr Cowan a lf and com mitters Now thai lioQte genttemeu will probably wear a rather disappointed when corns Into the city Atd Lavs that Mr Maclean a In renomlnalton and tbeu Lid strike a lively gait ever since lo reconcile in his own puty SCHOOL RKPOIVrS sea or fl i Poatth Preens lisDLUiMJ- KlXtHitwy Draper Ida i f t CTamOcojx Draper aTatocft Jr Ktbel Ward was visited on by the fire tits since the threat eon of io9 it at more than one GLEN VILLI Sunday and Monday were two ideal days and bad Ihe of greitly icstening Ihc quantity of snow The family of Newmarket other are to give a concert the ball tonight Wed nesday which promises to be a great treat We understand that we are about to lose our young ladies from our midst A number of little girls spent a very pleasant afternoon with their S teacher Miss last Saturday There have been several political meetings held throughout tins section during the past weeks and we understand there is to be one in the hall on Friday night in the interests of the Conservative candidate HOLLAND LANDING The of spring have vanished for the present No word of drat harbinger yet The funeral of Miss I false of ad ford passed through the village to Newmarket on Sunday afternoon and was quite large Mr Geo fate attended the Grand Council of Chosen Friends in Toronto and himself as highly pleated with ihe work of the same The who contributed lo Mr Dalys loss have his heartfelt thanks The special services in Methodist church closed on night A number from other parts attended and lent their assistance- Mr Stanley has taken a position in North Toronto McKenrie has taken a very lucrative position at Paisley May success attend her in her new home Mr Inciter is home for a few days A number of this village attended the funeral of Mils Graham in Station on Monday Mrs Thos Thompson his been very ill but is some better daughters are home and Albert from Newmarket was home on Sunday Mr Win Rude of Toronto spend ing a week under his parental domi cile Mrs of Bradford been visiting friends in the village Ibis week Mrs who has not been for tome lime is able be around Sgaia Mr Elliot of paid a flying visit lo village last week and to Us uncle Mortons and warning and flee to the trouble brewing A ii syrup was a few evcuings sit in the church ville There have been made tis said some startling confessions regarding many thefts that have taken filace which shows that there is a ad gang of thieves in this township which needs attention of the authorities It is also said that con fessions have been made regarding the particulars of a certain murder in the county which if true shows the of policy hang the crimi nal and try him afterward Too early for the political sucker to bile in Gum Swamp Introduced candidate and elector This elector is a Grit but not a very strong one Candidate hope Mr that you will support ihe honest Conservative party and me as its representative and thus secure good Government Mr No I guess not I hear you are going in with a thousand majority so will not need my help Conver sation overheard at a Tory caucus The politician as I see him Oh my Oh my I how vary fly In his red Wish whip huh and a lively dash Hes off to the village away And there meet lib who at To wine and beer and inch cheer Hall fellow well met and you can bet will win the election- yea never teed fear Vote for Why Because he is a gentleman in every tense of the word Because he accepts no piss from companies but pays honest fire because he is in Par liament for the good of his fellow men and not for what he can make out of it financially and what salary he gets he expends in acts of charily in his constituency in prizes at fairs etc aud because he can at all times be bruited lo for the best interests of his electorate and for a thousand and one other good reasons- Trouble is brewing for tint financier a certain collector whose mode of collection has astonished many the Detective Chief Savage has been nosing around hunting evidence for the Ctouri Looks as if somebody be lugged North is posi tively sensational The taffy on a click the man gave the Sutlonites a few weeks ago made ibem so proud that theyll scarce apeak to the owl How Sutton isnt a bad sort of place as country villages go but good land the people are too starchy Too much codfish as you may The popular Mayor is an good man for a Coniervative But ejear me lhat taffy was an awful dose be a grand idea If tome would a lent- trance in Sutton Three and no temperance lodge is rather giving Old Nick loo good a show Why dooi ihe take a bolt The mow disappearing so gradu ally that we do not fear a flood Think goodneiJ- These up here who go to Sutton and get a Jag on go Lome yelling like wild Indians and the peaceful of the faith their ear yells Do bo quiet do A his some exceedingly fine photos of our ladies consequently they we as proud as peacocks scarcely when they in their Bct hit been to iLjU wombs days of lockup TO RENT Ho Block lAUf Co scat alto Pint 10 Great Slash AT THE Leading AND Mouse and up Sideboards 700 arid up Parlor Suites and up Bedroom Suites up All other kinos of Feral at special For Gash of Hay A SPECIALTY t A company has been organ- in Oncn Sound with an capital of to fruit and vegetables to be either manufactured into and vinegar or evaporated or repacked for ship ping It expected the formation of this company will be an additional Incentive to fruitgowers TOTICE A it a tfivibur love its la lio tut it Kit ficosr AU WLkcbcrcb 0 Oliver aCii Ulaj ltd e SjUiUit at Its father Her J w Belt if A If brr W title r ilnutBWrMOuaMAt SI Ifci i J A via Tomb Atauj ecsfer ltUita Sit tjtttca tuL Iff St fear ru a si Vlttaa el J Lit lid rear wutcacicb its mi a tbs hit 4eUr swUfil V ARM FOR SALE- SHE LIFE IliSDRAti Or HEW A PiEVOUtT Fir Income sia7TeesT1 DUburxcments rerciaiuttDfiik li ler iiU CI DO YOU i all Assets Ilia t3 Trail 1 Mi- ii eest a ittcsicae ei6eioj iSMCJ Nature then do rest Part of your is to secure ST all varieties ati la la Frisian I I ill IS fi5S1j1Ill hi We have ihein in SHEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the reliable Seed Growers alio and Plants piiA The Leading Drug Store Ye as El Wtst alia If 2rWUSkcl UltXAItD Park Are fjOilTll I lit IJUtl A la COURT HOUSE NEWMARKET 19 rjiTiii AUCTION SALE or Valuable Farm Property tiilzultg of I PO at la Ihta la ito i- 1 ftl lci til- tit A l J A -iv-tr- to kttor to ABSTRAOT OF East I o a 10- a tt- en so Oenlt A lKtX City i n Ctttvtteatra KotllA frUt Aosl 13 Head ar4 W lei ICHW correct Ml Hi atUUr till ft AJC Oil- The Choices Goods are made from the best mater ials and by the We nothing but firslcbsi goods and our baiters arc he we could get- Tate a Loot at il2t Wedding Cake in our window trass week have the and chotc- en lot of Cakes in Towa Jive our a trial They are giving excellent riis- BROS m a to Road v When what you read is en tertaining when you dotvt have to strain your per using it youcan afford to be reck less with any- thing but the eyes you can ford to take I chances wit anything b your sight Iteep all hinds lasses at ively the loivest J prices Ho for Examination I ATKINSON NEWMARKET Graduate of the Philadelphia Optical College MORTGAGE SALE valuai3leTrm property j Will aAit iters Ulc alltt Oil SAL day Uii I la ila aruitwa iho jaiUflv or frth WORK li asrt a3 all I 9 lia idiit lc If I- ail a IXitlJ it IS tvi fcl tit entse Township of the Public in the Mechanic his the Whitchurch itioos of Day Hall or lew err 10t lo a id ssas U airUc aiUdw2iji1d aV5l W tent OT act in Xfifo a 1 AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE COX ftiif At s Ou of March MR J DAVIS aUVlt la lt afcKrt Una at a ll J t- jUtwirvSlwUblUCtwlUJ li lil 1I1 da rfa yjrirwuUlliUMtor W fcjJSiTali JtSlalakLy JiCUd tO be Ihe Public r cordially Invited MAY Vice Pk for OK All PRICE I I L a lAlifiUItJVif US It or IU 1 I r- and Furnace Repairs ft ris

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