f Pains Joints Inflammatory A Perfect by to pita finmr3tt1M fuelling Ml Up I my In 1 try It fct If lie Uufl i NO IKCOHVUflCHCC CHEAP DY MAIL A Card f fill TO it ixo Coughs id Colds Red Spruce Grays Syrup THIS asthma nil Affect tain of tin it a Itfd Co NEW FUR A NITURE BROOKS J- l M Ml on i Hullo lie J flMlv I li Suit- k If i ft of act IIIkIi I J I AM ll If Tlrnca Mr ml mint to of Acciiiitul4lWfr J Jov It Ard to oil ill ljltx J KKTKlCAect TO DAVID lor Met c Aftoficgotki Alio for It Hi jrlitr a SIKHAirt cures f tit up nil FREE Dr Whlini for big gold vein has been in the near C11HI1KS A ftVlafcUlfcU lli f ftri of monlhi of ire lend of tilt ihoi igcrntnti of W J To lit tilled up A to lie Act respecting coinpantci has been in the Mr Some tiust lc passed Into lav proposes to add a tub of the Ccm efciy cemetery company out of moneys received by value of fills to rC purchase any tot or previously told conveyed by card company of the tame from the thereof and may olio- time re sell the in the fanner and form respecting other lands the ceme tery held by the a amends of the old Act by adding the following sub- section No grave in the cemetery shall tie reopened for the puipose of removing a body therefrom nor any monument or other permanent im provement placed on a lot be remov ed from such lot without of the company but nevertheless right of the to order the removal of a body for the purposes of a legal Inquiry Section amends section of the original Act by authorizing the com pany to take bold by or as signment or devise from any lot In any cemetery for the of maintaining the same In on such terms and con dition as may be mentioned in the instrument conveying such gift Or devise Section j director to bylaws lor laying out selling and managing of the grounds regula ting burials removal of bodies erec tion of tombs monuments grave stones vaults copings fences hedges planting or removal of trees or shrubs and also empowering the dent and secretary to con veyances plots Sec The amend ments arc good MsfilieiisiylliBlite WHAT ICK TO ABOUT Tit IoJcftl will 11 of on April 0 lio of Hon of the Ucinoni In intention of In Is 10 from of fr Oliver in llit went had no intention of of Tut hilt Introduce by Hon Mr at In intent conditions by other As lo Aiaotintnt Act introducd in by In future of telegraph an INKS for of light and power ato on no objection to befog taxed Dr the newly If for was to the lloaco tilt week by Oliver fifoirat and Mr It iAXh applaud- Mr- and other too content of their to the enl Jo turfcf the Dr Akcw Ca- IOitrKfj ovcrlte Vilnius It luutiilr tout Curt cur4 to lo lint if ll u it AMMVupcfrtt ft- 1 JlcAth b JVIi Ifi tic In Mi Sii dbU4f4 vUlivffrttlHXavvlhVirHcvill irinlnttc I 111 to In with civ et to iht hag a to mined to W of ifnitota It Pro of If the ration in Ontario Homo returned railway to Hilt action a mark of desire for the of tbeixopioe represent at he It a wrong for to mileage the treasury then travel on which place them a to railway bay log At bye elation week to All la the Mr fieoo Patron there waa a lively but Jiter tho candidate completely fcti op lucent Lett Mr etccterd by a majority of It in the bye Jlaxtr return ad by a of and hit in the other in a bill f by lion Mr to the Act for the farther protection of children the atniwton of ran between the of and to calved or boarded fo any home or lion or the reception and prefect aeud children to Coonly ia future to the or of making ft Ax Act to amends tU Introduced fo by that to or flJo plan or of a of any feci wholly or partly the of any or village the of the eoancil fllln flm on or will to tb aud to width of on plant tow bat ihey tit f- to act the plaiii filed autf to district re to Worth by a ma jority and l ffrro for It taking exflonto In tbo election and to biro the tried over vaatba attetntlro that Ottawa Cabinet ted hoy the by jAtilng an order for remedial lt toweling Manitoba tthoolithea order eocnrnonto a of the wilt bo on Owi of the fruit ad of in will on the J6th of April JszltUiwo appointed to the Oliver chairman lie for their a by which thoptcent Hoot toz come With of amount another a of the city remainder and the maintained Fed had bended preunt property to the or the which a now content would have to lo Mr aa of the Opposition In Lot It will op pose and go for abolition fit teen doing figuring in to that no very ncoeftaryno to change majority ft minority present bo at strong when led by John ft would a of or CO a parly vote Of that majority elected by of or or feat Majority CO to Majority of to SCO It will bo that the convert Ion of votcraor each would Iho fleet 16 of loM and to member by ditforcooo of on 1lit and the thirty Of thing may not happen J tut that way aa In largo number depending on email margin It ma jority formidable lfOlcnoeVarttt until la pro reached by the Foe In their to follow made in appoint ing tho officer by handing over thocholoo lo local authorllltj anI court nd bailiff paid to all judicial or mat te county and peon a conjoint connected clerical and other fn to uniformity and not diversity may the A limit should bo planed upon re ceipt of fco officer be fixed by the having to just moan ecanty end to alt tho with directly also on subject in which aro not toutnoraud In their AdUok A Editor sir ins LIVE THAT With After lid Thought Door Alter lie II ho Perfect Health the office comer about six miles from Comber It was named after the highly respected and well known family of The neighborhood is a one being inhabited by a sober Industrious Among the pic of that neighborhood none is bet ter or more favorably known than Mr Strang Mr Strang is a man of middle and a A few days ago he related to the the story of his recovery from an illness which he believes would have resulted fatally but for the use of Hi William Pills The origin of Mr Strangs trouble was la which developed into heart disease He laid for months with every nerve in his frail body unstrung He tried many but none seemed to materially benefit He would rally at times and endeavor to walk hut his system reduced and weakened he frequently fall prostrate to the ground and his friend had to carry him inte the house This terrible state rf lasted for months and all the while he was getting weaker and ever the most hopeful of Ms friends feared the worst Mr Strang was strongly urged to try the renowned Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and consented to do so A neighlaor was dispatched to the Comber drug store for a supply In a few days after beginning their use he began to improve In a couple of weeks he was able to walk around and today Mr Strang is re joicing and telling the same old that hundreds of others are telling In this fair Dominion the story of re newed strength through the of Or Williams Pink Pills Mr String is now a sound man Quite frequent ly he walks to Comber a distance of six miles to attend church He in formed the that he was only too glad to give bit experience so that suffering humanity may reap the and thus be relieved the thraldom of disease and pain To his benefactors for such they ate Mr Strang that he owes a debt of With him the days when beads of agony atood on brow have away and his body his been regenerated anew by the of Dr Pink Pills The after effects la and all troubles due to poor- Wood or shattered nerves speedily yield to a fair treatment with Dr Williams Pink Pills They when other medicines fail and no one should for aii hour without giving this remedy a od by deal- en or sent by mail postpaid at cent a or aix for by addressing the Or Williams Med- Co or Refuse all 2nd tin CoTniooua a fay Dual of ft on to By lf In parliament fined to id to men of mfrtortt In reply lo Mr In Hon Mr Aocordlng to a of Council hate not power lo poncr So regard to retail silo In power to re iho In both Ten rolls of paper ncigbir to the a mighty petition recently prtcmtd to the US asking fur lion opium kin dred evils Were the to end In line the petition would be thirty rni in length and to between and 5oco alt of women These not all the tints of American This Is llie petition that was circulat ed the Old World by Miss Henry Somerset pre sented women of fifty different countries of lb Oottrlo tail week of iho afllrmlng Iho of Altornty- a end it via de feated by a of Patrons lh Government llntiftt aoontcnUon held at fast SvMiA en to J Alton and Mr their wro to but ill dcellncdfiyMr On the bln taken for and W for end now comes the tug of war ap peals wero by lo by Government Mid old la very tint If Liberals keep oil of fight will completely bit and not half try for Ontario In- Irodaoed a bill to amend Augment proldti that form lands lo or a nearly possible at tho of in This may work a oil personalty farm fa exempt ratepayer a of towns ateuabe farm by rcvm of cloy Imlty to built op of a city or town ft power of earning en in- to loci end Is only obtainable by through of laiatlon and on In on Iho poor Tho municipal will Of Iho bill The represents Ihrcc hundred and fifty millions of people- and a quarter of the whole land of the earth These arc state ments which one may wilh pride dwell on in detail There arc fifty millions square miles of land on the surface of globe The British flag waves over more than twelve millions nearly one fourth the main areas being the fol lowing roughly figured Milts India end Ireland Other of Capo Colony end Other parts Other of Anurias 1CW0 100000 The ion of is And Amfpii Caps Colony end Gold rt ft I and t 1 The following a copy of pasted by Gov ernment respecting legisla tion After citing certain leading up to the hearing of ap peal in Privy Council order acts forth And whereas the day of February having for the rivaling of the said appeal and the coming On to heard on that day and on the and days of March in presence of counsel for petitioners the said Roman Catholic minority of Her Majestys subjects in the Prov ince of Manitoba and as well for he Province of Manitoba upon reading said petition and the statutes therein referred to and upon hearing what was alleged by counsel on both sides His Excellency the Governor- in Council was to order and adjudge and It is hereby ordered and adjudged that said appeal be and the same is hereby allowed in so far as it relates to rights acquired by the said Roman Catholic minority under legislation of the Province of Manitoba passed sub sequent to the union of that province with the Dominion Canada and His Excellency the in Council was pleased to adjudge and declare and it hereby adjudged and declared that by two ads passed by the Legislature of the Province of Manitoba on May I respectively An Act respecting the Department of Educa tion and An Act respecting Public Schools the rights and privileges of the Roman Catholic minority of the said province in relation to education prior to May have been by depriving the Roman Catholic minority of the following rights and privilege which previous to and until May 1890 min ority had vz a The right to build conduct add support Roma Catholic in manner provided fin by the statutes which were repealed by the two acts of aforesaid to share proportionate ly in any made mil of Ihe pub lic funds for the education The right of exemption of such Roman schools from all pay ment or couiiiiuiioii support of any other And His Excellency Governor- General in va further pleased to declare and decide and it is hereby declared it setms site that the of embodied in the acts aforesaid shall be supplemented by a provincial act or acts which will restore to Roman Catholic min ority the said rights and privileges of which such has been to de prived as aforesaid and which modify the acts of in w far and so far only as may be cessaiy to give effect to the restoring the sights and privi leges paragraphs a and hereinbefore mentioned Whereof the LieutenantGovernor of the Province of Manitoba time and the legislature of said province and all persona whom It may concern are to lAe notice and govern themselves accordingly Signed JOHN J Clerk of the Privy Council One of the keenest sources suffering that arc called upon to endure is fulfillment of expec tations called forth by the promises of others In this world we arc mutual ly dependent our comfort and our depend largely on about us and our advancement near ly always upon favor of those in higher places Independence is an Some of us may dis like to admit this but it is fact nevertheless No one no matter how high he or she ro be placed is beyond the power of others 10 annoy and embarrass him or Her to make life brighter in very many ways look to this one or 1 for aid of whatever kind he teems most able to give Hut it is wisest not to let this dependence become greater than is absolutely HE Of marvelous success of Burdock Blood in its specific curative power over every of body The Liver Blood Bowels the Stomach Kidneys Skin Bladder In fact nil parts of human system restored to perfect natural action by thin Thus it CURES flli diseases affecting or other part of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all or system caused by Blood or dis ordered of thc Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant assertion that SPRING MEDICINE TOR YOUNG OR OLD GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY tikis mix S pi li A 1 fry ours toga Huffs etc Kike oilier people out folks formerly lard for all such purposes When It agreed with any of the family which it often did itvai too rich finally Tried Old Country In lb i Lead Packets At and per lb BOM A own Ill and of ushas had an attack of richness s We further found that u lard had no unpleasant odor when cooking and laMly Mothers fa vorite cooking aut came out and gave it a bin recom which clinched t matter So thats why we always fry ours in Cottolene fioi In ad lb all TIIE COMPANYt do any outdo us cither in or It line of done ice and you the Office btfoc order Our is pro ft on lJ Call i Virt TO LET grogg AND LOT to final la JAM WtMiri IO MAPLE CUT SAWS BERTRAMS CKLKBRATRD CHOPPING AXES STEKL WEDGES HORSE BLANKETS AND GIRTHS CATTLE CHAINS LEATHER AND ROPE HALTERS STARR ACME AND SKATES SKATE STRAPS SKATE REPAIRS BLACKSMITHS SUPPLIES Also very fine line of Cutlery for Trade J A W ALLAN MAIN STREET Telephone No Jackifor Hire I FOR SALE i lo Mat It ARM TO Attn wilt Willys A tltttOUVSfOf to VAC FOE SALE L IS A AKOAIN WM OlhNKY OK SALE- rt ft-c- Avt Ltii irC If to t irrLOErOltSTKKfrcrf TO RENT Kit vrta to to yl J i fottcrtri IN CORSETS Can only bo obtained by No Improved to break hurt or met TRY A PAIR All Sell err FOR YEAfJS eoufjo THE COOKS BEST Canada pumps tit With tea a- T0fttuluVMi4iii five A f J A TRY OUR PAILS TUBS a A 1 1 OS JO I OF I I J OR eve rtMiOOAkT Tew I- 11 Wlil Oil LP iX On flfJtitlYt OK TO RENT til fcib- a oil i til lie Uh arc it a kjvii ril Ceil via EXEMPTION OF TAXES Act tire Water liirtl Oil A- lIQUITOy Shingles Si Flooring Mo aiding OUR Lath Doors Sash and Blinds lj good AT LOWEST SHoyb BUILD A SLIDING t ft id 1111 1 l J 1 J A A five dollar litcl suit been A L0dtOwn for by ilj Mr Sibbild is Buyers in to of our for of end which SO for tit The ftrOJnd Aid making good by lurniju theio by load and A cars with has fchipptd TAKING Peel oral Ayers tt JJ AS copyniGHTS W SO PI J wo hi f jio lit Lubricating Oils rcoilcn Vn Burning Oils I Canadian Oils jJ Ainuiciii Coal Oils blinder and Castor KKAIHMIXIU I ARTISTS WtVT SHORT W i akimals GOOD BLACKSMITHS TOOLS AMI SUNDRIES DIAMOND GIT ASS WAGON SKEINS SPRINGS HA HOOP IKON