JACKSON fc 1 And no expect itftoijA Id oil till aint NO AND Keith In Ho ContsEach Newmarket Ont Friday April in Advance tntliin or Iters av if A An on IVfiu V It AltHHTKIt HOMCITOH JIteV to J WOODCOCK r i tf Af rfrfrf rf I J id A ft O 09uht York Ken trick II lilt A J fin lief GENUINE ALP MO YOUR Repairs for Wilkinson and Plows A 8 to Main i I end W ft A of OniwOomrcfTItrdhr 1 6 DM I Kiln J j VllnllcdAlrrorlAluIcsCnlractliJ A A I lor York ftpS tilei will lHumtiktt J For lUUouBtyoI York coin to 1 1 ltAriUAlj A RUBBERS Stock in Town l Sign Bed Boot lO All in goods sold here cowed free Mouth J A una LOAN A A of All Clui rfitck No Main Street lliis wc invite you to call and inspect the bargains have to offer you before selecting your ALL SUIT OR It is for our mutual benefit hat advise you to slow Do not be by Advertisements of Venders of Clothing but take a look at our prices and remember guarantee of Durability and Workmanship jocs with each garment All Wool Pauls lo order up Suits 11 Overcoats CO were never heard of before in the Tailoring hade and the Selection have to offer you is not surpassed in the County of York IE MOQORMIOK W A T mm CAKA30A Lira CO CANADIAN COMPANY U j OAPITAI4 DOLLARS Vtf tOjCiu T ljiM0J i It A I A la Insujinfttlio Lives of Females IT J A JiAhlKllO YOUH it cost you to AND K STOVES WD AfVI MOUTH OF MODQE CO W1AIN ST SOUTH OH ll5PAVIHCUnKX A SUCCESSFUL KEdSBLf MA IXUIJLVfi WJARBLK WORKS Latest Designs Hunter a faithful at tendant of the cbutch of St Stephen No one lo her or even noticed her Sunday after Sunday would return to her teat in gallery and humbly gather up and treasure ihe words of counsel and admonition that fell from the lips of eloquent preacher Dr David Rutherford Dr was not only an eloquent hut a godly man Ilia rough at al most fierce then tender and implor ing His ministry looked upon do repeated Caroline Hunter as alone he urged them to analce from their apathy to use their wealth their culture their refinement to the glory of God You nil possess tome gift tome talent I dont know what it is you do God docs I he cried in pinion- ate vehemence and of that talent on the great reckoning day He will demand a strict account Present it to your God It precious gift Plant it it Some day it wilt bring fruit meet for the Masters What can I do What shall I in the pulpit noble so command- but the litilc Gods to me log so bo- often he the son To be used hereafter for His oh MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Canadian Foreign Granites and Marble olio If of la Hornet end if Offloo nJ PRIVATE MONEYS In oil Ol vllh ftM paid- direct terete Wcrchanti Wc1lloieuo DO 4J YOUR- PART a Nature will then do the rest of your part is to secure the We have rhera in all varieties FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the Most reliable Seed Growers also Bulbs and Plants Pharmacy The Leading Drug Store LI l Main tiuLdrlu ltd cohceut ly hi ViAUOklOJAOUHON A It I A SAO it No Other THOROUGH fitatcwent of Doctor other Mom Hal Lave I itKJ Acguita Sarsaparilta tt ihe Pair Ayr J J MANNING Haiti ISafoies end rapidly growing children derive more benefit from Scotts Emulsion than all the rest of the food they cat Its nourishing powers an felt most end children thrive on when no her form of food is assimilated Scotts fetrnulbtc9 the enriches the blood overcomes wasting and to Ml who take it J- lurM Emulation Con- OR VtUlJOtibUYKItY lMlAlUiUtlliir twtca iiittt JI01EHla Kl ijOUtJAI tiHL I Waiting re The roll of communicants reached hundred Sunday after Sunday throng to enjoy his to a little at his strange to return Into the fashionable from they came and forget all about it but Caroline Hunter would listen with beating throbbing and after he with I go forth strong to fight the life Caroline hid pcfi doors with the sim plicity of a country girl that fust lonely Sunday after her arrival in the city the impassioned eloquence of the preacher the tweet thrilling voice of the highpriced tenor had brought her unlit it had grown into a necessary habit feast of her ton I from week to the refreshing shower that fell upon her young life causing it to blossom forth into fra grance and beauty Hut Dr Rutherford was not think ing of the lonely figure In the back of the gallery as he delivered his famous discourses but rather of that quiet composed multi tude in the cushioned pews whose faces were ever lifted towards him in unbroken serenity These familiar to him mens and womens faces members of his flock he knew the I of brilliant women its thoughtless guts in Jierchaots and brokers all rushiug on heedlessly recklessly no thought toward that higher spiritual life for which his tout yearn ed and for which in the flush and of youth he had renounced a distinguished career Thus month after month the deep billows of his nature would rise in great waves and heat themselves against this wall of apathy and indif ference When he returned o his place he would bow his head in his hands and cry out in the agony of his spirit How long O how long and then bowing his head even lower he would It is retri bution and as the pleading thrilling voice of the highpriced tenor rose and tell it seemed to him in these moments that the waters of Matah were over his soul The owners the dresses would whisper one to another Isnt it touching sec him pray as he docs after the sermon to effective so pic turesque his two daughters quiet sad- faced girls in deep mourning would sigh and murmur Poor father I He is thinking of brother Edward There were rumors afloat that shortly after death of the minis ters wife the only son had disappear edextravagance and gambling debts had come to light there had been no mothers voice to interfere It was the old story words in anger by the justly irate father a proud bitter retort from high- spirited son then ihe boy had gone out into the storm vowing never to return Since then two years no tidings had reached The motherless girls their young faces prematurely sadmet their father morning after morning with brave cheerfulness They noticed the fev erish anxiety which be sorted over the letters the quick sigh and the look of quiet despair that finally settled into the agony of an unspoken sorrow Through this gnawing selfaccusing heartache the heart of the pastor the father ofhis flock grew more tender his exhortations more earnest posi tively vibrating wilb the thrill of hu man sympathy only called forth from the deep chords of selfsuf fering and selfknowledge Again and again as into the sea of faces uplifted to his wait ing for the first word a shot through his heart as he recalled that boyish face the face of his only he had not seen for so many weary months How proud how handsome how manly it had looked that stormy December night as wilh head thrown back and tips drawn and quivering he tad said Father I have done wrong I have asked your forgiveness you will not listen to rre You are cruel just And then the left and when he the father had held out his arms and My son return it was late Cruel Unjust 1 He had never for gotten those words They had sent his lid out into the world without money without friends without home and since then the burden of his ay the pause in his prayer the quiver in his voice as he blessed the kneeling multitude was ever the lend My boy my boy come back to use Dr Rutherford was about to close the little meeting held once a week in the side chapel of the great church A score or mote of earnest workers were gathered together the cherished lambs of Mi flock He knew ihem jealous noblehearted selfsacrificing christian men and women What should be say to them he asked himself in bitter humility Urge them to greater But as he glanced him be noticed presence of women with placid expressionless vain counten ances As hi heart burned tin tins and with that fire which ihey called eloquence and which Lad the putter to if it did not stir tilth calm pjUti spoke out in his ace he looked straight into proud cold ike to it to she wended her way to the crowded street on the East Side where she had her home Alas I have no gift no talent What was she Only a poor Utile music teacher earning her daily bread among the rich Her story was a simple one When her father a man of more- than ordinary latent was stricken with paralysis ft fallowed as a matter of course that Caroline with her sweet fresh voice whose sweet ness and freshness were well known that had become common property in the village should take the burden of the common support upon her shoulders by teaching music and singing ft her native village and the neighboring town The earnest conscientious teacher wilh her firm yet gentle manner had a number of regular pupils at the great fashionable hotel during the season and when a year ago the great blow came and her beloved father was laid away what more natural than that in her fust terrible loneli ness she should listen to one of her patrons and decide to follow her pupils to the city where at least a living was secured and old ties were severed That was a year ago and she had lived a lonely busy life and yet contented coming and going among her pupils gaining strength and courage from the preachers passionate speech offering her soli tude her tears her vague aspirations on the altar of her Christ her pure and beautiful life rising fair and spot less as a lily amidst the turmoil and sin of the great city In the evening she would sit at her little oldfashioned piano and play the music taught to her by her father the masterpieces of the great masters Beethoven Handel Mozart That evening after taking off her bat and cloak she knelt for a moment by the side of her snowy bed and breathed a prayer that her talent might be re vealed to her As she arose she looked across at the crowded tene ment at the careless laughing faces at the windows the street was so narrow could see the children in the dim lamp light playing on the floor the fathers with tankards of frothing ale mothers laughing and talking loudly On this beautiful day of early summer had none of thought of God What was her talent Was to overcome her timidity to plead with these rough- voiced men these hard visaged wo men Would thev understand her faltering speech if she said out of the fulness of her grateful heart Seek Cod love Him praise serve He is and rest and peace Would they not mock her simple words No no she possess ed no gift Sing 1 Caroline Hun ter you can sing She started and hid her face in her hands as though a voice has spoken she could sing but she had not lifted her voice in since her fathers deaib Could that be her talent her little gift to be used for her Master the voice her father had loved and train ed the voice that had lulled him to sleep Your voice will never be great Caroline he had said but it will reach human hearts and that is belter Yes I will sing tonight she said simply I will sing for God And then she took her hymnbook and sat near open window where she appeared hi the semidarkness with her pure face and earnest eyes like some painting of St Cecilia The voice was low and faltering at first but as she turned over the leaves the beauty of the sweet simple mel odies and words entered her heart and her tones grew richer stronger and floated on the summer air into the noisy tenement beyond Many a loud voice silenced its coarse retort to listen mothers embittered hushed the unruly child ren and for the first time many a babe fell asleep lulled to rest by the melody of a hymn- At one of upper windows a young roan started up as the sweet thrilling voice reached bis ears and leaning against the cascoient His face was set and hardened seamed with lines cue and anxiety a look of despair darkened his eyes al though joung his hair was already streaked with gray The scowl deep ened upon his brow as he listened lie under his breath It was unjust cruel and I was so young so young No no I cannot forgive or forget One kind word and I should have been tared these years of wretchedness and sin What was that voice so so saying now How dis tinctly the word fell upon bis car My return pleadingly Would never cease Re turn my son cay son When was the last lime he had heard these words how well he recalled scenethe comfortable family room the two weeping girls two angry voices his own and his father the ominous silence and be had fled from the brightness and warmth into the darkness of the beating storm but not before he hid tint but cry of love and My son return- he tad said I U1 never re turn Bo be had rushed on facing keen wind pile ache But ever during the past in hours of wrtichrdneti and in scenes of revelry bo had heard that cry My son ray Toot father I Had he chang ed Did he Us face is the tooling up teat As ihsa stood had repeated with a thrill of love lam proud of my father I will make my father proud of mo Ah how vretchedly be had failed He looked about birn with a shudder the bare of the little own home bow bright and even beautiful was How plainly he could recall each picture on the wall the chairs the table The week day meeting was just bout oyer now and they were gathering to gether for evening prayer Did they ever apeak of him the two absent ones the place empty his empty His mother what made think of his mother He hid schooled himself to banish that memory Why he was crying like a child I had kindly ami gloom wo on rang out the penetrating voice ith Its pathetic quiver When was it he had list heard words Was it at the bedside with the calm pale face bravely smiling between the gasping breath Was it Lena who sobbing or Which of the two was singing pitiless sweetness night la and homo Lest red And then came the hoane broken voice that was fathers Hush children mother is in heaven The angels will finish the hymn Father had suddenly grasped his band as seeking help and be weak foolish boy had in that mo ment became a man In the sudden flush of this new born strength he had said to himself I will confess my sin to father I will lead a different life hereafter as would have greater glory Dr Rutherford Edward ford as church her gift for the glory of Go J of the great to him through sweet music of only a music teacher Hew York me And at the funeral again in the great crowd amidst the heavy fra grance of flowers a voice like this had thrilled him I mi cot thai nor Thou fihoatdit res on And then had come quarrel and its bitter ending He here his falher there his mother in heaven Sweetly softly tenderly came words through the silence of the sum mer evening Hcxrtr my to lo The he was far away from God far away from far from mother far from home The young man fell upon his knees O God forgive me l he cried Father I will return receive thy erring child How long he knelt he did not know He only knew that a voice like that of an rose and fell ecstasy of bis prayer that it throb bed about him in a flood of melody Reek of cleft for ma fio hide In And then it burst out ly- whom flow Htm ll below Surely surely these last words were a command and rising up in the strength and beauty of his new roan- hood his rich baritone swelled the chorus and the very rafters in the old tenement seemed to vibrate Him above toil Hon and Holy And then window opposite sud denly closed a little blackrobed fig ure slipped away in the darkness and Caroline Hunter knelt by her bedside sobbing and trembling the knew not why It was the usual evening The little chapel was more than ordinarily crowded The wav ing of many fans and low whispers betrayed unusual excitement Vague rumours had been circulated again Edward Rutherford bad returned By the ministers side sat a young man pale grave and stern Many recognized him Where had he been all these years What a change from the careless lad But Dr d J How radiant his face how vibrating bis lone as he led in prayer What a depth of pas sionate meaning in his words The lost has been found Caroline Hunter in her obscure corner bowed her head with the rest inner simple earnest fash ion and when the opening hymn was called her voice rang out clear and thrilling No longer dumb she was singing for God no She did not notice the young startled gate his eager whisper the glance of gratitude cast upon her but in the silence that followed she saw that the ministers son bad stepped forward and was speaking telling sinful life his wretchedness bis poverty his gloom his utter despair and he told of a certain evening when cast io depths cf a misery beyond hope he resolved to add crime to his other sins and join a lawless gang respecting neither God nor man and then his lips began to as he how of an old familiar pierced the darkness as a ray of sunlight a hymn that had been sung by the bedside of his dying mother He rpoke of the lender memories that flooded his heart as the sweet ringing voice to plead him of his cry for forgiveness of bit return to his fathers bouse and the over the pod- itX Caroline Hunters upturned face was beautiful with mors thin an earthly radiance as she listened and her low thank God had scarcely left her lips when the usually meeting broke Into sobs and happy Before she realised what it all merit the minister the great learned eloquent Dr Rutherford holding both her in grasp and bis voice was brok enly My child through Gotfs mys terious Providence you have my loo father The two gbU were clinging about her and the grave serious was smiling on her with And the bewildered flto WsUsfc I Several customers were chatting in in a grocery store one evening recent- an exchange when the pointed to a barrel of small and asked how many of would require to make a bushel One recklessly put the number at which occasioned a laugh from all the others who had guessed a much Jester quantity ranging all the way from to Well gentle men remarked the grocer you are all wrong There are approximately beans a bushel No one was inclined 10 believe him until he showed them that ft took beans at random to weigh half an ounce The test of the cal culation was simple Now iheo said one of patty since we are engaged guessing contests how would it take to weigh as much as a silver dollar One roo another said while the grocer who knew all about beans put ihe figure at All wrong remarked ihe man It lakes just This was proven to be case by experiment murmur Ho no At Work Health Life by UNSCRUPULOUS Uhsuspkctimc People take Imitations Some Worth No medicine that i no of more ordinary merit suffers from imi tations or substitutes The fact that an imitation is offered is one of the strongest proofs of excellent quali ties of the genuine article The Dr Williams Co- is continually trying impress upon the public the fact that Dr Williams Pills are only sold in securely sealed boxes wrapper around which is printed in red ink and bears the registered trade mark Dr Williams Pink Pill for Pale People standing this constant warning there are unscrupulous dealers here and there who defraud the public by sell ing an imitation pill also colored pink either by dozen hundred or by the ounce alleging that they are just as good or just the same as the Dr Williams Pink Pills This is a falsehood and the unscrupulous dealer who offers the imitation knons it but is more concerned for the extra profit he makes on the imitation than for the health of his unfortunate victim Will the public in their in terest bear in mind the following facts Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold by the dozen hundred or ounce- If any dealer offers you a pill in this form no whether colored or not he is trying to cheat you and should be avoided- The formula of Dr Williams Pink Pills is a tenet and is known only to the company Therefore if some dealer tells you a substitute is just the same or just as good he is simply trying to deceive you because there is a larger profit for him in sell ing the imitation When you ask for Dr Williams Pink Pills tee that the trade mark is on the wrapper of every package and do not be persuaded to take any thing else no mailer how plausible a dealer may tell Imitations in medicine are always cheap always worthless and often dangerous and people who base a care for their health will always refuse them Dr Williams Pink Pills when other medicines fail Thats why are imitated and is why you should insist on getting the genuine Used as a spring medicine Dr Wil liams Pink Pills surpass all other If feeling out of toils give them a trial Thieves entered the premise of Councillor Ed Pearson of coke on Thursday last killed three fine pigs and took them away marks indicated that they hailed from Toronto Chickens have erf denily become too small game March At lliis morning fire started in the cellar of Carss tailor shop either from th furnace or an incinerator in con nection with lavatory In an in- slant building was filled villi dense smoke The fire cut off from the second storey which used as a work- ihe em ployees consisting of three or fur men and a dozen girls were com pelled to jump from front win dows to escape suffocating Being only fifty yards from the firehall the blaze mi extinguished in a few min utes but not before the building which was only completed fall was badly damaged and the nigh ruined by smoke and water The diipaed great nerve fa leaping from the upper windows to the sidewalk an awning serving as a break half way in their raft awning collapsed however and one girl was injured on the Another ptuckily held to the window sill and remained sus pended In midafr a ladder was procured- BUCKETS organized i for town council has voted for the town as a summer Frank Carpenter and Arch of have been fined 5 and costs each on Sun day Hugh of is making preparations for running his sawmill as toon as spring fairly opens Five young boys were coast ing down a hill and collided a sleigh bad two fingers badly smashed and his head bruised In the spring the young mans fancy turns to love and tender son nets while maiden meditates on wraps and dress and new bonnets Straiford James of Township was found guilty of stealing some fifty sheep from Sons and sentenced to five years in penitentiary In order to encourage emi gration from ihe southern States Manitoba and the Northwest the Canadian Pacific has decided to give free transportation to settlers from south northwards Bright the of spring adorn- him and he sprung on spring an ode but the elements they scorn ed him and the next day how it snowed I That 1st of April f The real estate of ihe laic John A Pollock of Keswick valued at and in cluding of life assurance by his Willis divided between hi wife and five children Albert young Canadian who was accused in of fraudulently obtaining naturali zation papers in order to marry a girl pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in penitentiary Ihe weather is getting in shape for spring Soon the country will be rejoicing in spring calve spring pigs spring chickens robins April shower May flowers spring butter spring wagons and spring dudes It is a wonderful that oysters after have been brought away from the sea know by instinct the hour when the tide is rising and approaching their beds and so their accord open their to receive their food from the sea as if they were still at home The intensity confined sound is illustrated at Carrsbrcok castle Isle of Wight where there is a well feet deep and twelve feet in diameter When a pin is dropped it sound of it striking surface of the water feet below can be distinctly When the snow and ice have gone said Ihe teacher brain ing upon the boi and nature a- wakens from her long sleep the tiny buds begin appear and then what do we have You may answer Robert Sulphur and molasses replied Robert earnestly Salt City is supplied with natural gas The wells miles distant are reported to have a capa city of twenty million feet per day That ought to keep the saints warm As for they ought to be warm enough later on unless they and get out of and wagon The midlands district of England was visited by a hurricane last week lhat is said to have been the most destructive in the memory of living man The Peterborough Cathedral lost three of its spires The cedars of at Warwick Castle and many of the beautiful and historic groves in the district were destroyed A collision fortunately attended by loss of life took place about two miles west of Hamilton on ihe Grand Trunk Sunday morning a freight engine van were wrecked eleven freight cats and their contents were burned and an engineer and fireman suffered brake mm h Of i4 I tided ay 1 a psi is la Sit paa av3 It J at cuts on Ihe bead and was hurt in the back feiL Commander has returned Ottawa after viiling County He made a care ful examination the method fish spearing carried on at the between Like He only Indian and very poor in this work and I111L- it was done that the a dice can well allowed with out injury to the lake herring which plentiful EST of idiots has his annual whirls re views in dctiil every ircident worthy of notice in connection with the in stitution during past year refer ence also being made dating as back as the sear the old asylum was opened Among other things ft At the close year we had a population of 513 of whom were males and fe males We the males and females mak ing a total of The number charged Of these males and femU were so much by their of training that they are to tarn their own living Miss lies retort Commented favorably on the advancement nude by In school of Many bright says Christies rcjKit show hippy that fur a time were dull nd unhappy ftitjilules educational power arid ot lb