Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1895, p. 2

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mm ft Otoe A hoes Una A Broil Bread roans to Rooms to to Era all Homo rt sura FRIDAY APRIL Toronto Mil Tie at of fire this rentes Iter J nasi of it to itfaljUIadlipo iViIl Wife lb Whists in j let party trey precaution sela by Local Is far en oil adjournment slrest sn roisn IT Ibis aCjCyrwOiablne entertained Mr el Toronto spent 9 put to J and srobinged Toronto Is the tutor sister Jin lfeir Walt Wilton Morton flbirfo Jar Gibson In the city lire If Toronto Is on ft wltb JjerUoblcr Mr WHeoa Toronto spent nHU fl list tiling lor log lot lfr Mrs snd of over Mr Hub Ban la In or looUng Tito sntl filrls ft ilm fit tuning ftlMrthdfty purl Mrs Is ft Mrs J A- and Ut J Km fticiIoosMtxoVof nd Is Im- ftto PIo Ma ft vsryp1n- bed to spring officers elected in the Cbtircb Taylor Dunnville h Tlsillng her daughter Mrs John has Ibc and lot occupied by Mr Chalks Intends toon The buyers left Hill for this Mrs end lately removed to Mount Ilcaiant from hate moved to During their short residence here they tavc now a large circle of friends flnd much In their nerr homo Mr Geo Horn i I ion took a of loads of his to Toronto neck to ho moving nilb Ills family In time cheese factory has fallen through It yet interest log a topic to be tancc1 of a great deal Yum A held by the pupils of the public In the J fall under the raanigcraent of Miss the teacher on Friday March aand The attendance was very large the hall being crovrded and of the pupils throughout was proceeds of the copcert are to be devoted to purchasing a clock for the room VIVIAN to ft A bid I I Is now Mr mens- MlisMrgerotTvi of bun the nook with her In In of Mr J who lbs of end It ltd ibs HI Is per of took lbs four et lest Jinrel to at Ths llothiatu tin or i lor far end ltoleud jn for end two ettvu If JO bo so herd op for e lbs Hills Committer lbs Co- lint to north should bo el lontd to Iliac of SO to drew wool our of of lbs County Council In getting fcO ytftie privilege but not so easygoing will Hist Council and through fill chetged the Clark of the for filing lists end pievetltd to the Uglily of made In to all doubts in Mr insmbtr for 1111 for and for en at Mots end Aqacduot Co of as of Ln pressing for lbs oil Mould not end farmtre of York Coiomlttto nipped company In Idle ibs Coiopsn wee power to fork t la Veugbeo and go both and Vellejs alio allowed she years Instead of five In which to M ordinary railway ssproprlalloa powers of way to privately and bsra and Township now rtep and proicct and tbtir Act the Act bee by Mr McKay Oxford In which it to to or abolish the for of all buildings and on real es tate stocks of sccniitles and or may for or all of each property To oar ere to tbU bill ft would the of end log in property of bylaws here teen end now to create a eweinlcg would canto and on With vat piopeity qatllocsllon very giavs be dons under of atascd- been spending the wook with Mrs Wm was ftWo to bo out last elter a of two months J W Collins Efi lor many years Clerk and Treasurer of Is basing attsok of of took Wcdaeiday atoning at Mr A Hendrys and spent Mil Martin of Toronto has been srnoIng a of wceka hero Her bed bad spell the day Mr J tilth le from a of peat two weeks Her Mite Anolo Wltlo homo from A surprise parly took at borne of Mr Jane Ay lest Tuesday orenfng and a very enjoy- able spent Hit lor Wood on to accept a situation with bis old employer Mr Match form ly of Mm Canton was taken with ner vous convulsions other nlgbt and being speeebleifl medical aid was sum moned fibs was belter yesterday Mr la controt ft number of our cltl now Among who have suffertd Aldermen Cody and Coo Mrs Height and Hutchison of Wellington of Mr were here grsater part of lest week Mr Height and child wo alio here for the wedding A number of young people worked upon family of Mr Addison Williams one evening last week They moved on Monday from Queen fit to ft Mr JO Par of In bis writes that a little quiet as yet but pros pects are favorable for a good euinmsr Plenty of enow In some pi ace yet The of Chief An to Welling- ton CO this week on account of inolbr her sister MI13T0cctr who bee with another sister Mr C K October accompanied them Mr Jacob of was In town Friday Ho Is elated over the prospect of the railway In in addition to which is already opened ft paint mine has been dlioottred which an output of WO torn eatnmer all of which will who for SO years baa been on the Hoard of Examiners in con nection with the Ontario Veterinary Col lege was in city a days last week discharging the dottts which to have become great pleasure result of was published In tail Saturday but wo dont any names around here prise winners Orlllla The revive meet ings In the Church arc attended by largo and Interested congregations The Is of a lively character and powerful are made by pastor and Miss the Evangelist The of the church are being greatly and upwards of twenty have resolved to begin to live a file The special services will bo continued all next week There will bo tbreo services next Sunday at 11 at and at oclock Mies Williams wUl in each Our neither prophet at band but I am afraid ho is wlv taken the way the was- falling to Monday indicates winter Potatoes arc In good demand here at Mr J lluinon shipped one car lt week and Is loading one today Prices arc from per up As it Is some years since the Crimean War when the people prices ncrcr belter and are wish ing for those times again the old hostilities to arisen as a bailie fought here today on the Plains of Avion The Russians out numbering the to they came out victorious None were but two farmers were wounded out for 150 per for your wheat The Knights of Maccabees have been remodeling and when finished will be a credit to place The Mines of who have been visiting their Mrs Simpson have relumed home after enjoying tome weeks arc sorry their clay was not long er We arc pleased to see Bob the good Shepherd In our again With you luck with your sheep Hob KING CITY We arc In receipt of the nod painful news that Mrs Smart who lives and of Kiri while opening bam wind caught it threw her off the dtiycvray She received such Injury that in of a days death ending her sufferings Some to or three months Price who in the UavIi tannery for many years took it Into his head to return hack to England and accordingly fold all his belongings and It on In old land could not In with the of the old and to many changes had taken place he became discontented which ended in his taking passage hack to Canada again his wife and children When this side a bright little ship Mr Milton met with an accident on morning By the of a of hay be to the the side of head coming contact therewith him and causing the blood to run car It time regained and It maybe tome before ho It all right The Polling SuV No King met here on Saturday night A large number of the prominent Conscnatire of the were present also No 8 division Mr Tench organizer In of Strange which to the great the The adjourned about oclock to meet again even ing at when Strange the Standard bearer Is to be present The snowstorm on Monday help ed the sleighing very much and on Tuesday was quite a stir Mr has been visit ing relatives In Mr and Mrt Irwin moved into the house lately occupied by Mr Walker Miss of Iefroy is visit ing in the village Mrs John Morion and family have moved to Baldwin and Mr Scn intends moving into her house Mr I Gilpin spent Sunday in Toronto We have a Sunday School in our village that we may feel proud of- It has steadily increased In attend ance since they moved into their new garters Last Sunday there seventyfive present Monday was a bad day to com mence a summers work One of Mr children has been very sick this week The sale on Wednesday attracted quite a crowd from here The Political meeting on Thurs day of last week for the purpose of organizing and making arrangements for reelection of Mr a large crowd boy was playing on board ship ana from some cause fell and hurt his spine His parents cared for him as best they could and arrived at King station the other day child was taken to Kpjdeyaori where be now lies in a most critical slate the doctor holding out no hopes of his recovery Surely this a fear ful ending of a long and Journey We all feel sorry for Ben as ho is a hard working man and has a promising young family growing up around him His experience cost hundred of dollars which as times are hard will take ft long lime to replace On Tuesday of last week Mr Ed accompanied by bis wife and lady cousin were going the north and as the sleigh ing was not goad he walked behind letting the women drive The driver while trying to keep one runner on some snow got too much over and on upset was the result The horse became frightened and away it wont I leaving the Itdies behind not much hurt At the corner It south and as it passed our office window there was nothing behind it but the shafts and one of the Iron shoes of the cutter The horse was stopped at the next corner and was taken into Mr Fred Waltons stable where it remained til called for Wonder if the eclipse of the sun had anything to do with it At the P regular monthly meet ing on Wednesday night of last week one member was introduced to the fast It Is said that it is a much belter fed goat than the one belonging to the Temperance but we presume that would make it more saucy worse In Its butting propensities Mr Mulocks address to the elec tors on Thursday night of last week was listened to by a full house which showed with what esteem he Is in this Mr Dennis of Aurora has been employed as cheesemaker here this season There will be a In the hall tomorrow night for the purpose of organising a football team for the coming season Mrs J has returned from a four or five weeks visit her daughters Mrs and Mrs Dr Duncan of New Slate- QUEBNSVIMB Too unexpected frequently happens Mr a few days homo a fair for lire Wo boys arc a serenade Wo most Ifn Miller on for la a popular man Wo lib of happy red ded and may the pathway bo wlboionlyf faro hi among elf loot the Borne pbeve so fascinated by the art they do not to a moments and to It to it in the root One ad mirer of the art was as to swallow a log a string to to bo sore In ease enltrgCno anqrober or the locality have tapped trcea of little being past anfavor able lbs At Homo to a few last Friday No doobt a lime was spiot as they are axocnent entertainers Is hire Mr Wight doing a Wo face of Mr head agent hero quite frequently within the part few Moving Is order the day Mr Wiley for the past moving from the farm to old Vardel north of tbs vlllsge Flora North Is visiting with Miss We notice Mr in bale and Welcomo Fred have scon very Utile of since bis No doobt he Is bard at work for hie Ve wish The coming election promises to bo a warm one In this North York Roth parties art floor Canons meetings weekly held one last nfghl In Geo Wrigbti hop which was attended Within the month wo noticed both candi dates stoat the and the sarronod- Ing One of young men la becoming to potted on of the day as to bo able to address meet ings in parts of tho constituency The greetings to bo heard on all sides Is the political sitoatlon North York No will become a during the coming camp I go The following officers were elected at lbs masting of ihsTompcraccaLodgo for tho qnxrter Bert A Bister Pear eon X J Power Tress Bio A I 0BroOire Cos Fred Frank Morton Annie Allo Chaplain Wit had the pleasure handing a to day if SHARON A ear been Introduced by Hon Mr Broueou Klectrlc Betlwaya principle lifting of tie fetlowlcg Is a brief IU4cton lor dlitcUy or to be In- In any contract for Flint and aostirlal must be paid for In in slock or bonds at prices as the as west be sold at par for at the Aral original Issue Is ices most be sold by to the highest bidders tor cot pirtUs to lbs All contracts for for leasing stock or power mast I at prices or subject to the volt of two- thirds In of shareholders Dividends liillid to per on money invested ha stock are to cum be approved by of If to by lbs 2edg On all roads than one she limits of any town or torpor Village Is forbidden nicipd at butane la leiwUd parties bring actios to of tbi priiitiulu of llvcrymea to pay a license of per tiA not less than tight pay a A tha acting of the Titdeis Back at who about over of the birds been located by the at VU He be brought to bis bid tti I Quito a number of young people from visited again on Friday evening This time the objective point was Mr Grahams handsome residence After several hours of enjoyment the visitors de parted for home well with their outing The cornrnu- between these two villages Is now quite frequent and will no doubt be even mora marked in some quarters at least in the near future MOUNT A public meeting was held the other evening to discuss the advisa bility of for a Cemetery On motion Reeve Raws- den occupied the chair tfeemed to be harmony with Idea and a committee appointed to visit different cemeteries and obtain all the information possible with re gard to operation and management and report to an on April of Dr Forest Rams den John Crone Arnold Geo and Ross It quite likely that we will have a cemetery All interested should attend the adjourned meeting The is About two weeks in the bush sixty north of Prince Al bert Utile with a chopping axe as bis only weapon killed a largo black bear which pound A glad surprise took place on the farm of Mr Barker near here on Saturday last when sixteen of his neighbors met in his bush and cut about twentyfour cords of wood a surprise which Mr Barker was ttuly thankful for as he had been confined to the house some lime la We are glad to learn that he is improving though slowly The Sons of Temperance intend holding a grand concert on Good Friday evening The program will be rendered by some of our well known talent and also a good reader has been secured On Easter Sunday evening there will be a service of song in the Methodist Church here There will also be service at the usual hour There will be service at St James Church afternoon and even- tog Miss Annie returned to Newmarket on Monday to take charge of Mr Hughes mill inery department for another season The Misses were at Home with a few friends on Thurs day evening Miss entertained St choir on Friday evening Mies also entertained the choir of lhe Methodist Church on Monday evening Mr Richard has bought the old Jesse Dean farm and has secured Mr John to work It Or him- The farmers are beginning to tap and the people are hoping that some one will treat to a tarty pull Last Tuesday evening the Queen St South croquet club took the family of Mr A Williams by sur prise- The ladies were provided with a very tempting lunch and a very enjoyable evening was spent Mr Williams is about to remove from the village but we are pleased to know they are not going very far Mr Summerville is quite low Miss Ada Barker is seriously ill with grippe We hope for her speedy recovery Mr freeman Waugh of Toronto spent Monday brother Rev Ga They both left on Tuesday to attend the marriage of their sister at Hillsdale The friends of Mr here are all alive to their work The in tellect of tin needs no better medicine than some more sucb a be has secured for them in the shape of reduction on binder twine and sugar Mr and Mrs Abbott visiting friends here Mr Sylvester of the friends here last Mr of Toronto was calling on friends here but week He Is sen of Dr who resided place years fcgo SCHOOL JOS mi if c or ill No J If TheSharpe Concert on day evening last was quite a success Although the day was very disagree able the hall was well filled and all expressed themselves as being well- pleased Sharp Bros gave some fine selections Miss Jennie Simpson great talent In choice selections rendered by her during evening and again and again encored The piece of silver given as a prize to the person selling most tickets was won by Miss Bertha Black We are pleased to learn that Mrs- Johnson who has been unwell for some lime is recovering The Conservative party held a meeting In the Halt on Friday night Owing to the state of the roads the speakers did not arrive until about nine oclock when some had given them up and returned home The meeting was called to order by ap pointing A Lloyd chairman Mr Lennox of Aurora and Dr were he principal They staled that their policy was the same as that of yean ago The Nation al Policy Mr a glowing appearance of the Conserva tive party and placed before those present a very reductive bait but the fish were not so eager to bite as they have been on other occasions We think it would be a good plan if the trustees would tee that better care was taken of the ball on such occa sions The conduct of a lot of big boys who ought to know or be learn ed belter was such that should not be tolerated in the future If check is not put upon this thing these persons will tale possession en tirely and demolish the whole affair The Class of met at bis home on Monday after noon to say farewell to one of their number Mfjs Lena who was about to ro to Toronto A very pleasant afternoon was spent together be misted as she has always been a faithful worker the Sunday School and the Church Choir of which was one of the best soprano singers The withes of all go with her to her new home Mr Is announced to ad dress a public meeting on the issues of the day In the Hall here next Wednesday evening at oclock Every voter should try and be present are almost Hocking Into put now Thsy jay they want to be here early and get their land picked before the main crowd comes in South Edmonton sty The court house at Retina with all valuable paper and lib- the lands ana public works office was completely destroyed by rue building was valued Jeb V Miller firIHJ Jr Miller J- a rarlis Br Rain- Jr J to0ef4 Efr ait Grant Me- Jr Part Moore W Past a Dose to the Bra Torino April been a fairly one a deal work dons ly lbs and a largo iDeQonrruawta business the report now la that the will prorogue a from Jo time important bill was Oliver great legal reform Mil which went its second reading on fast wllhoat Tbcto was a good deal of near ly lawyer Hones faaWnglr upon bat more than be Op position Mr MIL wilh Its of already mads remark of worth Ontario Boom faosiW not pats a law which would appeals from Ontario to the ana so ho will Instead of legislation a simple that loan of that triers appeals aboard be to certain casts the piiugeby Hoots of eoch an of opinion ho thought the Dominion JfoDsstOpaci Very Into rest log to all concerned la municipal matters was topic wblob Mr J North Verbs rpK9atitlf0broagbt latbsHouis on Monday it go l ton of and elicited an expres sion of on part of number of by moving lotion That to the of Ibis House tho system of audit not tboroogb and the result ft and therefore be mads to set for of system of audit Sad also system of This motion was simply and entirely to arouse a If bad end If with as bo at he thought that the Ii bo dealt with In a Holding as he did Mr from any whereby the bo met to a put the two points of lb municipal rystcm of Ontario found In lii and lbs Inferior auditing done That the Is Important he proved by fact that from to are annually from lbs people by the ho urged it fa an thing that cor track should kept of receipt of this largo That tbo bookkeeping is often poor had no dlfnealty in proving and ho together Instance after fnitaneo of men to keep books who are hopelessly Ignorant That tba auditing is carelessly and Inefficiently dons be prosed by a reference to the re peated cares which of defalcations going on for years undetected by auditors ho must dons In the matter There was a general discussion In which admitted Is great need for improvement in two direc tions to clearly pointed out by Mr Davis After a number bed sfoken Hon Mr Hardy Spoke folly admitting the laxity of which Mr and that a of would bo a rnort desirable Improvement to a auditor be pointed out there are manlclpslities In province and that an annual audit of the of these would col of the jcellon be thought that some sort of might hi appointed who could bo called In by the when anything went Mr Davie then withdrew having been Of a great of interest to bicyclists wit this mornings meeting of the vexed and the of wheels A large number of bicyclists were on hand to watch ths bill and had of teeing Com initio utterly the in Mr now famous providing for the licensing of of that Committee would bear noth ing clauses providing for the reju- of wheels provoked a longer but made so good a defence that Mr titration withdrew his Mil next a Mil will bo fntroduoed which will be result of conference between the wheelmen and those in favor of regulating In the meantime the city Toronto is given aim Wo no of ion boon- ad to RTillinory in with our that wo Anally to do no and mil open on Saturday April ono of flnenfc and guarantee of both fcrimmod and North of Toronto Tho ot moot in Toronto been boon for new and priced and confident that in oponing thin t J at iit sf cnBtomero may come expecting oo the nicest of millinery in town and by placing your early you can get your before DAY SATURDAY April 6th MONDAY April lady cordially to and look A dog through of gists in a last week twof Bradford shop TO RENT Millards MODERATE RENT CENTRAL Sts TORONTO ONT fiXSJODZnB otter nets la BRAW A W Great Slash IH AT THE Leading Furniture House and up Sideboards up Parlor Suites and up Bedroom Suites up For Cash 1st of May A SPECIALTY HUM IrA JOHN GRAVEHiiuasr April on Sunday a fire out in Mr shop consuming the entire stock The building is very much damaged The loss is covered by insurance A of the building occupied by Mr Joseph as a and contain log the Library ot the Mechanics In stitute was also damaged by fire sad IT WILL OUT When anyone finds a store is mating part fine good new in style and of- good valus This probably accounts for the numbers who have vitited us since our here Honest dealing finest quality and belt work nib has been our We have worked up a good sub- trad by getting beyond I doubt the belt in Toronto He has for years in the ffeto- T300MS TO RENT its lit- OF leading shops of Toronto such Harry Little Talkers Everybody that has tried still buy ft It has become a household word to the of people Leave your orders for Hot X Buns We make them in all sires and best quality Groceries fresh and reliable BROS Smth ft a Ho CltMADdrftV fltort Wo- III Cltu til AddU UuHi to III root Itcabta Jit Ccri iM of I la frsTil our It WA lit I Vied TJ WitU Petri VLlk Few AmiLTUfilktlr tit WtJllint ill ftiSQiOfvi IUwU ftvttt Item tc lie a PLIUfWo um Of to will be the vblcb will til Hen tfr bill logoyrd 2nd bo bill sLir from too much ftrmcrt which Mr to of cur m mod WH the old tuft ttU tKitlicD 3 lew in tbe wmctgid of Gov for the of tb leo iujbi on fattdmoi it legffil of th teuton on wlto of a Mitch of ho UcUuieUWBuiTUMtU -r- til flilotcj ifct Ufa Vltlttfi Of Of J Of J fttr Qto to Jit of At til Elder Proms sfcta cftfiicii gcd Wn Jfuii til I fiobut Hotter mad tad it I if Of Co tbt filter Wteot tat tad Notice to Contractors op to If 17tbi tit mi tIitd la Towo it io ticii If tun tt Office St Gib IK cr fiictiiinl by ifco s-sr- sua f WORK cm Mil 9 E aer tun sY lL Vsnssni Co hardware itlid lie in honor of But at Monday was a magnificent affair attended by thous ands The Chanctllofs to the students interestiag and showed that Age has riot affected mental dualities AUtbe cities of empir celebrated the day and the Emperor gave a din- iur in of tho Prince Burts Falls council has been asked to pass a bylaw fvr the early closing of stores during summer months also that the bell be runfl at p the young girl living near who was so badly burned recently attending to the fire mothers absence his died of her injuries Hank Street Church Ottawa on Sunday the Rev Dr Mooie argued in favor of moral instructions in the Public schools of the Dominion and the Rev Dr preaching in the Dominion Methodist Church urged the teaching of the Bible in all the Public schools of Dominion not fiom any particular no mi national but upon the broad of truth and Christianity A horre owned by Rev Dr of Forest being led through tba when a piece of barbed caught in the blanket which covered the horse f he frightened animal broke a hay and dashed through the streets goaded the clinging wire The animal beaded straight for the Telegraph ofdee went through the largo window at a single bound nearly wits oat of clerks Yens for Int Perk Ave LICENSE DISTRICT TUB NORTH RIDING OF YORK NOTICE tut Wniu el Is euirsu i AUCTIoVl SALE Valuable Farm Properly folic le Vrptttr wUl Jl offtrtd tor fci Acilcn Qxh of April liA of md ilct it Auteilr lift cf lit OK At fcfrtufcr at iCCticrCa lifefd lt it I la mbt W ttat itUiliJut tilt ll A limits rOJUMCOMsOBllIHKOtlOlf jiHCbccilsTci i I H f 8e jr will iMLSt A slir srlirul ID SOT a a ili a Of Bailor dan t at or a OH aw a aw Bit aw a i led it fi a Better lb on a 0 is III oca a l Si tLiiJ a lb en a Hay ser tea- aw H tor cut a U a Qmltlb aw a OH eu J CO Lit ht lit mix Moil J If turns lt4 Hue J i ti Aim Ilttjh LCU V vifr til or st itTvfiJch fiietm f fcev li tvtLf WcUL ymtJtbi Vta Mjitiv tit ut YmtwrfilLA iix V1UAG1 sVY Mi la tu sTMsair lrwctctcsij w mostiim Its a Luxury to When wlutt you read is en- and yon dont have to strain your eyes in per using it you cart afford to he reck less with any thing bat the can af ford to take chances with anything bat your sight I keep alllcinds of glasses at posi tively the lowest prices Ho for of Collet and a slips CONSUL- UtciettCJoUs atluilJ

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