Hi In OH Stock On fat fend 10t t meat this tuning Vkrv ArfnAcriVK The and appointed a foil of and head of any IVlso In sowd Another business naked to en Fool- ir town HI I overrun tliftoornlDg An item appeared ilio Km aiming thai been drinking lei to difficulty Willi liar toy Mr thla la Una col loJo not touch of Sentenced he cloawl In Toronto laat tlouijU during aUlloRi For ot hi King Kdnard la of Unitary vroia i nt for two nob leu day A lust when won ainoollng for warmer anoi lfoaday look fat or at a for Ilia of day r 111 Ho J up ll ltd It J Way ft foil totlni end in condition lbs fit literal will lo tv of fcol IKIAM la the Cosily On even bo Connolly on bo Ml E In Jft4 not to moch lb And Ihrtlt likely tot too lidded lit on School Mr In- J hero Ivifiif Ihl Unreport vfti blglOy by lid fn kept ftUQt Social Lut TiDloKttb9icuUr rftUgilfi Toronto A- ooncladd k ftfttf fcf o4 boor ft Dumx A of fete did not bid to It of not or fo a Jlttlt In not It of by Joscitln will owl fclto Jtof Mr of of Hit fa i J to a mow ftlility coon to I llpmper kit fl4rown Hall to Mr Oilier Mr fc couple of by afford of Provincial Aaylum Toronto and J Friciidi Christian Villi inciting Cora- jnlriiorAr on Monday and mi- iit con for corning aaiJol Moat Mr and J kht ornate of the on a man from Ibo and bo I rcrnarbabto yl DONT J To your Hot X at UoCatiUy a A young to a Cart prop- fir to it but ho Mai In bin mall aft lb of a jump It IXio and wattling around foiil road entering ground In front thi front it by wok On at without doing any damage Take Men should licuo In Imputing of cloth in the Mr DaWaooalwayi kept good J ho kind of clothe that ftion for tbalr and considering low price on Ibo Akothkk or tick Mr Hoary pittci afttr nrt having pitted and ton Mr vat bom and to when but a with lb on Coo For as atthabatd of to of Corporation tx4 of to ha vrii a lUforuicr bo Vtrydotnonetratlr Ilia wtfadlad aboat a viat a vary man and a kind and akul a tbo Sunday at rait- donciof hit daaghUrtolawV Chief ex- pwla to Intfiitlng tour fading baa an a lb ad that attention lot a on bo lnijoctor baa to ioul bo a to all wiotnvl and up of tho McDouoall a Hick twos to buy your Hull or to and can your a audi noil last Monday HI afford of Toronto tea I Indeed original and cava to many and on to Halt thorcgulir Monthly Mealing at MP to morning and McniiNo A lo Hoard Mealing held In Church cOforntntlng on April and on and Friday at on at and tor from a ill to adrnlolitir Word AH cordially Of fcfttltO Our to from and at lowest a AOo open ffllh an entirely A tho of Jet from York by A flrnn ton and i The tohet girted of Ibo and will a W repair ajato Church Elder art for flaoday Morning DaniVg Reaping tiV Bab conducted by int Mr by Mr J A and CirAfct- On on Information Mayor by ancalod fn- nock war with aa and threatening to Iter for and for Ilka to it 10 oclock morning to a aboTO The by J fipr of Toronto which vim to delivered In Cboroh of on account of fa to on Monday TVo irnb loot la Moato III Might and lotcmoTcn with fact and no oan oooAdcntly a rlcb In- for praviooa will mo from Monday Any rcalrlnft tho thofr nanli plid on noloa4 and trimmed In a Arc you fond of choice Vater4falom A Warner of Ilorlda our tlianka for torn irate wit Ion of that Ian yoar had that excelled anything of of melon for lutlooinet Tbo was of fa land and product to lino that alt iced It a to It that any who her a tamp to pay will bo a itt to a Wall Paper good chance lo at of Mr bought by at on dollar alwagood and Tapatry Carpets it Cell wrd meets for week from Kwi op 9- 1Mb Town ihtrflng ro au v- 1 lUtftfar Hit MO day art ayor ac vfcr Water- I W for Wonaomoft Co iooli Jul fla p WoLCana bom to It a A lira In regard to of way at ma lo lhay ortd Woodcock oInloa till to tloa lha attecd fora of ibo Of Bill to eta tho present a tolhaTowfl adoorot4 till atit Cents only paid on Dollar for this of id ill EL to and consigned to J ll Li Ik SELLING AGENTS King Goods In Canadian and and a any of at of a A very pleasant event look at the j of Mr on tampon nit of the ibtlr third Una Jtooia to Mr John of Hi Mr Bell by hat and Julia Crook of act id of groom by Mr J A of After tha thirty and forty to tbodinlax partook of a and high la which her many happy couple took train lor by fchovin of rice and Stolen Com att made all attlcUtaboQi dating the of an auction action la appeara to wore ibtq ordinary do ring at Mr It on of weak After ibaaatewt and had It vat that aa of and other amall attlclea log Mr making en At me a en ara and to tell tho For year ertimninelng May lit for with to an In this Kbi It will that grant- lug of any matt tho of praylooa to You AKktTlllMKiKC- Of furnace forneit call and atolbournplo on floor at A Itfnm cleaning time la proper to get one In a pi d KtsK contraala for milk for iho coining anion taken by following prlco being at to much per of milk and a lower that paid last Hi from to Factor Mr A St North of Town Lino to 2nd Of of Town to 2nd of Mr Armlla Orchard Jacob Union J of and not taken arc vary favorable for a good In of last year Operation will probably month it cot About audotban In Fruit Growing mat at on to hear what Mr A had toaayand do on aobjtot of Fruit Mr ho bad engaged of for Ontario lo certain azporlrnonta Jo tin of which North York la and bo asked the far mat to a treated In tho of to that an to given and a made to any advantage tract fn thla A pump and all anawarcd In a It then that ho at orchard of Mr In will bo an that alt Intorutl can watch be kept from ft scattered on all gatb and matter moat For by A a Hardware- Mstra J A Co opened their Spring In all neat qUlflaf In the of certain On Monday a warrant pntloto of Con and anion of mar tbraof the vara Joe waa away from homo at and flataga that hi poeeeuCo Mr to ili taller had to city action lalyid bio No etc of A Lively Last Monday morning a took plaoi on farm of Mr- abont two andabalflKaatof occupied by It that on HO of Landlord Warrant and Mr Kennedy and pat Kdwtid of arlttlu Informed that proposal of aattta wailakvd of the ware not Monday morning Mr to lata early for Toronto and If by soma preconcerted bait aa many appoaiado Word to and Mr Fegg of train arrWad at applied for to hot two of cor into ware at that away on doty and before and got there all atock and ware gone Tha of all wera atceitalnol and on returning to Mr had of and W and Wright d Ravage and at arreata and wis Mavor to apar at ihU at about who ware by a allowing eight to wlihooi homier that will ho a waller far the to Oat at Low may get Into by at tempting to whto law let In motion Mr Fcnn Walton bat pal up a addition hit Wo made a that ware out of Inatttola Library one day month of arc be- lug taken to re Town Hand In local to you homo paper yone In lino win bo appreciated not only by editor faot by of that an fotirut In homo will bo of in tbfa and wellaa to at a dlatanco that formerly in irampi ware with Corporation night Soma going North aiid the Booth Bade of at tomorrow Foil at tendance Inttllnto Heading for High Reboot pnpila land were with their ltt of April Monday Alreidy hay for three to go In A roan to bo a com traveller belt tho out of a board oat by ft afternoon Sorter will bo up Dor catching them it remoyi to lha of You SiEThat Bicycle qO A window downtoftboat proper price a Muslim Chap A to a year of It On to penally of and yet In tba fact of law a boy only 16 of that ho made night aod call lavaatlailon A man of Alderman fladhadoocaMoo to go and who on way to In tha he a drive Wblla at they want Into hotel to gat warm whan the treated only lb and leaving the bote tboy wero again- On waybomo and Din could hardly him lo finally ho got down on bottom holding bit hit Dan bo- paralyud aod companion until ho reached Mr Char Ho Ibabrigiyand walked back to ato where haw at when alar led off homo and ha follow II Fred had falUnorit and wa picked tip In morning two very bid labia aod hie act trod On Fro a doctor It tho woondt It Is a hoy waa not and tho family aa aro ouncod at lb the oUirratee of law minora Wliftf Stop Cauleya whit waotOcaolna a Uopa to far pre a Notch with all wart plM Thorn it gravel John It grtii kelp WaekKnlihblHj WlIffiKIWj I grant Con Con lilt J ro Wj JoSo loOiKeorliV- A bylaw 10 ratio paJiedjMcairifjJOOo and Cherry dlttt alter were at Moved by ft by It Wo- that fonell rttcicd opening lor to lim ia 1 A- by Cherry that no foither forrod April win Carried Moved Jai by A Mo- Calloin thai Clerk notify moafal- to tamo the Jononofh by Cherry by ltTo- for Vllligacf en May Nth Moved iecor by a at May Carried by A- rteotded by It Clerk bo to a bylaw to IhU mucltallly meet fag of will bo at Frcallta If Airll from A Hot fontry 2nd City the A Through I he of Mr Wilton of tYhlkhurch tc per- to from a letter written by ton following Information altar fa dated JUo do Feb 2Kb and bare Wo had A very flno from How York tfaya coming down arriving on Day jo at our cargo Itat night and now wo have about ICO or to in of lumber 16X0 of kcrosenooil and barrel of It if to bad hot tome wo got and could not got any cm all tbo vetttfa lay out In bay and anchor It a place for loaded lb rlco from Kail Indict No cargo out of bora and most of that to Baltimore In that do nothing but coffee all year round buDqailo a bit of hero arrival and It not a day toor rnoTo hare doctor it It country that takes abont nearly all day for to t- Ibo truth fa they dont whether you die or they arc to it You hardly lie it hut people fall aahoro on Iho and lie A or they away not bat dona day la cholera yellow fevtr and hero now Wo two oar t from working till Oclock in and ha on board at oclock other the next aod when rrn ho rent him to hospital ho died night Ho wo had to 0031 in quarantine for and get with phur and carbolic acid At took of go In tbo bar again to cgo Wo woe all rick for a of and all mala waa going lo wo better it will expect wo will bo Having about Friday neat Wo aro to aoppotawilt bo togotoaooportofCotaand loadaogar tor Now or If thing all right and we quar antined long In wa will get back abort the of May wrote Jo not arrive a Rio till 2nd of Fab and It on the It bad logo lofiouih In England and than here American mall teats do not too to any part of imnih that la January March and or pat of ft and It fa hot down fatra and no atacda from up to in abide moat of the time bat la afternoon there la a of and we dont to much in forenoon It la hot cot a of wind stirring and tobeeun There very beta All very top they Icok city on the and tlooti no Iho It all together tbo bailor la fin- In and the Aneil in the world cut it oca and that la Aoatrala but city it no at all They talk PortuKwbtroand I a few words to that I It wo go from to or I op Lakes tin Oj o you alb but if we go to To Boll out Worth by of this month Gome Quick and often Mr had a r Splendid of tor A Stock of Staple Dry A Good of Goods A Good fJtook of Clothing A Good of A Good Stock of Wall Paper A Good Stock of Boots and Shoos A Good of Groceries A Good of Mens Hats Bid your sec the crowd we had test Sai- buying ML our customers satisfied that are selling Cheapest Goods in the County Call and see us We have loads of them and at Lower Prices than you ever bought before r v If- V of ordering a New Hurt this Spring call and see us are well stocked with the Newest Goods in the Market and at prices that will save you some money We are very busy at present but will be able to Handle a few more orders A Firstlass Fit guaranteed or no sale A The Shop Furniture Wot Bale SircProof Safe Mirrors Stoves Scaloo 9 I a NEW DRAPERIES IN ART MUSLIM ART REPS MADRAS MUSLINS ALL AT LOW PRICKS inch All Wool Sorgo for yd Pure All Tweed worth for yd Bout Rubber Coats regular price for 1500 Corsets all sizes for pair Groceries at Bottom Prices Old Coo Is the Place lo Spend Your Money a glance at CI uutA for for I ji till tot Jifrlri JlkhltiJ It Ja1 lib Ij Reap Can Can Hot fi SO GlBffit Sot for Sib it to CO so DRY GOODS of to Print tor Cant Prirti for for ftr Cotton Pico Stiff iryi ell READYMADE CLOTHING from GO lo Haiti from WW from I iltnj CI- fcJc JtybUr Ceils lo 3il ALL 10 to 15 Dont Miss Tour Chance In a C1iqic Prints or Remember the place OH AS ARRIVING AT SEE Coiner ijjlitc BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE a DAVID LLOYD fc iUUU Boots and Shoes- Spring have some American Styles in and Childrens For quality price you lo call and lor A few Slipper It A it pair China Glassware We Ihe finest of Pinner Tea and Toilet Seta in town and the of all is pike ate easy reach of everybody See our Special Dinner Set Department Have you got your supply Sugar for the Vie arc giving p ilia Value and quality by the barrel The Ratlin and Currants in town of Coffee If not you dont get the best Jlars Electric Soap for We Soe Agents for the follow- ipg Package Fas A purely high class blend of Csylon f A delirious of India and Ceylon a One the richest of Ctylon and very fine in ihe cup Mogul A choice bleed of India and Ceylon All above are in a lb and And last but not in the Tea line Is veil known JAPAN Iti or 1 It equal at the Do you it opened a snap bargain in Powder For you a lb tiett tin Dairy Cuanx If you double the money you get ro belter quality Castile Soap bar joe line Cttckcd Sodas pes pound VheLoadiueChoceiy Noted for A I a- a- me ft mm AiUFAGTURIll0 OF TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clot mm us And Vashiards 0 Building A IRS Vo fiitl up in car Shan tb of of AH and lallfrcaNK 1 Tils Viro into Us All Miiiairc another to loorilir a Bsuplt at tbiOCof tbo Call an THE CAMK SONSMKO CO Lid wain rot A A lj Having made considerable alterations in cur Shop art in belter than to fill flic of our cimoifieri Our Ms is a and male choice lions all lines of Fine Goids alio many nReaofCrOvs Coeds and we purpose to give our customers the benefit of being man- and retailer lion- and other Fine Goods lhai us lb in Montreal we are today telling at that price and lines lets and in Gross Goods you wilt find ours extra value- If you want Really Choice Candy you should our iforcfly Mr Bride has been us the public have not been slow note choice he has been turning out mating Frieda and tried it are missing a ticai money We would like you also lo compare our variety and quality Vho Dont forget our Grocery Department Fresh Coeds ard Prices value in Teas and Coffees Ad ROBERTSON leading Grocer and Confectioner NEW SPRING GOODS When locking for your Spring Suit call examine our stock Our New Spring Goods you will neat and nobby the moat import a tit of all is the prices ate down Give us a call and we will be pleated lo show our goods BLACK GOODS SPECIALTY lo AikiwonV Store NewDvaiket MY DubjEartwaJp AtllfCI J Q itL4 a HO on 10 OH OH Oil ess 1 t a a til a a a ON YEARS a a LAItQKOT t I HENRY ANDREWS iuj i