Own- Go A A- To OKw Hotted to if lets I grows two jit Aim DRIOUTKA WITH EACH Era Printed all til filial FRIDAY APRIL Bra one Tfct order fa th 6ak It I Ail til iofa4VftIiirrccmcQliLtWi4fttbCroin a flht ftigjf4 i It jj Ore Mr Itidcr of until On lit 1 will la dominion According to announcement the teuton of the Federal under guidance of the Premier will open on Impression to in the public mind that it will a and the will tceV in limit fissvork to lntlc more mere routine leaving all im portant for Knottier teuton after appealing to the country Whether fa well founded or otherwise remains to he keen hut we may he able to form a more concluiton in lliit after the speech from the Throne IS made public can well however ihl a do nothing is hat the Mitilrjr very like arid so fir a their tidcofllic it wnwned it is wiiliin of hilly ihat a ready aid in thlt direction would not wanlingj to long at of work extending over thirty days hereby enabling then the in- dcinnity On ihc other hand judge- by campaign made In different parts the country during the past two months Opposition in led by Hon- Mr I auikr are not to concur in program Indeed the in timation has already gone forth that they anticipate one of the most lively and animated that has hem since last gtneral election Word has gone Ihat a heavy bill of indictment against the Govern ment will he and revelations fire promised but whether this be true or one thing the last most usually grind out a large quantity of electioneering for use in the campaign to follow and it need not be matter for surprise to find the rule obtain lather than the exception on the present occasion say fcKM jo wiik Tut A till the tentnlA to tht of Ac a to Tub a Id abytbtngi to Tbtir lo from ptiui of by a to or a majority Agricultural Act by she Mr of will not may I Li old on- all A by Hoc- Mr to AH to drain to at and lowot at li una that a KiHtttd tnfilrObarlti an totu- at thai Lid tdttd A by roiuccatbt tor huatSjdcir to fital two in It bit a iMi nixclal tor wltb of and aociolo la deficit will ticULly finactal Mr to iht to a Iba lua luu ould at all la a col tot public tor lowc4idtrb Ibf tpt of wot Ms to to aSUuipi to 9VQ fcfeJ J Glob a IwiiiS Bit who ajjo endeavoring to It a an- jlfcotofcthlnbok bill to Act a with jfetlM wramltUci of baJltoot for or alw a mora rot mayor to AtrluTtaro and by Mr to by director McUlfco to all Jcbida of and of COO yardt of daring aifalbl jw bo lata riajtr at thing of past A watted Dfoo vrtek and kcd for a off llablliltct for drain now their local Ho arnment a nancommittal Tut coat of In for Aral in baa foor Gotland a bead day AtcraganomUrof 122 Toronto York forty wanti mora but Toronto work tip If Kit by Bo Ilia flaM covered by ot that to a men 1on of all ita Inter ling print la fmpoaalbto la II do on a flying trip around an of Iba different ftllylnilrnoUd In facta baring of day In art and muiio Initialed in ilia royittrfta of and favored with dead Oat Tub of American that rot an Tho tell Of fjrttnhn to Nicaragua ground for Tbo or do thing In alio fiijtr con- Ingherdua taken which to our own Interest It will renumbered that Mr J for North York latt vk ftictolotlon In afflcinlnglbapioolplo littdfor letter method alto for tho adoption of of municipal bookkeeping this wo no that pointed to Into of Weal re port that a i f In bfay la abort In ium Ho the present of appointing audflora la a mu nicipal Will la lav puituo notion and to era to dearly enough for Henry hat a of fed our aod by tax to pat and with to bit Lank In Got receipts fcl abort of mm for Sir Icti and bad make op the deficiency Tito Kent j while at over and wouldnt boy a tomb atone lor the id advocate If Mr George to help why a for a olght to the wagca of a wageearner for the old people like to mineral productions of lor aaoollatod by the total from mining land oltl91264 for of and for figuru the total rntn- log for auployua 24 wages lb brought In the large re torn of be ing Common caeno 181000000 were Ceuitnt waa factuicd barrels at The gold oolpot lo One latter a of table tha abecnoa of boo tba for there arotxlentiia of and ore In part of there a fore ace operation by a- flection fa Importaoc Aral It looked if Or bfoatagoa wm likely base a walkover AlilUa of a cooler new bis friend that to hie to limited circle of dtcdcd then a held Mr Jeffrey A kfcCarlby of Bar lie pol In and an active campaign A from tie to week fli workers of to and a let been awakened and are be ginning to tall that and lie prinofpiu lit Is fighting ue dally gaining and finding fa In eiutot The of Indig nation Ontario al lcu of eromeot atWcopUwt to over is lyrULogtotbe and accou Likely when the people bu regard to the Manitoba All to its enjoys a flbtand to nialntaln or- Ihe Do opjoinlt New seders pllc3tbaa3L4Uonof to Is bit fjlr Van to Mr ago To- to the lo charge to acme point on the railway tba a citable alio may a Mr Introduced an amendcoent to lair It dear in Any election trial libera Ire ill forma of answer to that to In of Oorreadert will relief In Weal Wellington where to and factory aptly pointed disunion week on propocc4 by mora- York will amend at to make ll to reject all not direct has a voucher for money paid oat a no that the the have bean legally ap or legttfmato hays attached thereto for the for which he money applied Only number of tOpayera are In law to know In whether an ap propriation is legal and bo- auditors thai the accounts are with payments they without up wrong- It will bo of to parent and to fciow Hon Minister of propose tome Important change In books On moving for ratification of an with talnpQbllihlngoocnpanlc4 for the pub lication of teat book inthorlttd to be In and High khoola Hon Mr pointed out lew of change contemplated For tbo and algebra boo which In Die pail had owl would bo by others containing Infonnallon lo paw their Junior leaving and to French text book to be Formerly they had been Impoilod but now and iad prepared a French grammar which would bo and would much Imi than old A naif High arithmetic would bo In fotoroola reduction In of 1 cents In Iho put text books on writing thfs number had been redoce1 lo end the con cent por book The named wore tohato right to the hook for Is from of Kntllcby day with Mr and Mrs At Homo Mrs left for imw homo at liter Toronto on Mr David of Pino hashed another Lad attack and is very Mrs llrodlo mother of Mr J Hooter who has been vary tick la getting around Mia I Millard and Mr Frank Millard of Toronto wore kiting relatives Jure over fjundty Ieave3 to day lor to spend with hir aunt Mr J will represent Paw- market at Council of It of to bo held In illo lo day A A and Montgomery are at the Stratford meet this week of who the iitat with her rfstcr left for Toronto on Mon day Our moil this I what Mr Rolling of Proton Lots other cay to too Mr and wn of Toronto a day wek at Lodge ihc homo of Mr The Millinery Opening at by former ly of gel a off in Mies on evening Up to Friday tome CO tamo out In the another cues at Grand Valley next Bun- day Mr toads us a copy of Ultras published at Port age la lurch i7 In which it is slated that Mr of Poplar Point dnd of March There it Indication that will bo record being little or no enow on the at that point KESWICK Hie funeral sermon of the late Mr York will be preached the Christian Church here next Sunday April at a ro by the Rev Daniel Preiser of New market Deceased was ihe only auter of ihc late John Pollock whose death only twelve days pre vious She was a attend ant upon her brother during the last week of his life Her death like hit one of peace the died trust in the merits of a blessed Saviour Her biief of only three days was one endured much patience SHAKOK Tba awets from be are enjoyed forget the Bong wilh the next Sunday It to a tare mulul the concert of the Sharon on Friday If you will eowelblog worth to bear little Willie Tail bat other day La fell a At a of water and no doubt would have brother Prank noticed io tin- and held Me head afcoye the water arrived The of Ox- toby was thrown to people on Fred to lit week VIVAH AlthoTjh tin very tranced this eadtd in law no for a to In bard tin young from who are loitering of their would not and work and old mother flurf look Mr A- a to them at the at Ho morn llr I of Toronto I hi Pen and improved and wo ever pi spring Mr Conned I cirsoid of will In ptlti lor hate liken out of Aurora oa day farmer have to cot wood and wait for spring A petition fa to Han hotel here Mr Woydlaandlog his yaeliton and Milt bo lota for Waaler A toad of grain got alack In near Mr John real dee Unci Ion to sheep by It being made in nelghborboodi l Mr went to on organ It a new for the They moot to night A for the purpoto ot a Endeavor ha called for evening In the School ball and earn borne last to under the roof SUTTON Mr of Aurora has moved on the farm on lake shore A fire occurred at Mr M- Wilfred on Saturday latt at which hi barn liable implements two coll and three calve were burned Cause of- fire unknown case of Graham Shier in court iViday with reference to overflow of water ranted by a darn near was from previous court About Sunday afternoon baseboard in one the of Hotel discovered to be on The furnace pipe was to the that was in and the pipe fire from below the boards to ignite The fire was fortunately discovered In lime and put out by a jails of water about MOUNT Row of ftittids in vicinity A number of fanners here lave commenced making but so far have met with very poor and a of Coin- in last week stale llilt Malioney ho has been quite ill lor sonic lime is recovering- J Wednesday in the The open meeting of the Haven- shoe of T was on ac count of the impaisible slate of the roads Mis John Stephens of this place spent last week with his sister the lake The Cheese Factory Co has broken we understand owing want of unity among its members Tin officers of the S T for the coming quarter were elected at the last meeting at follows Smith P A Sister A Sister Stephens Sitter Smith Con A Clarke Bro Stephens IK Muddy roads is the general coin plaint- We were shown a posy last Sunday taken from a where and icv had in proximity was a mowdrop Kid Chidley expected to take of the in the Christian Church here after June next He will reside in and his many friends will he pleaded to meet him There was not a very big tun of sap week but enough syrup made to iweelcn us up Another of those pleasing events took place on Wednesday of fait week in which Mr John Scull of Zephyr and Miss Terry of this vicinity were the contacting parties They drove and had the ceremony performed by Klder then relumed to the home of her brother Mr Terry where a supper was partaken of by the newly married couple and a tew invited guests Next day die bride departed with her husband to her new home- We wish them many jeaisof happiness and success Some early arrivals Mr Fred Walton has a colt three weeks old and J one two weeks old Other spring slock also quite numerous and the butchers have reidy taken calves for meat are plentiful and that they will be a treat for Easter and if the small bay has the usual big stock laid away they will not count much this time A as lbs lit J Hon 3 Wilton too J Jtiniwy US- Farmers tie in la the and Hani- A ten jcrroldgirl named living the Five Points here fell over a blunter on Saturday and lit on her on the floor below She is now fwn concuison of the brain is in a critical Jackson late fishery inspector at ta jail here the instance of the charged snth keeping back some of Gorcrnmcnt money He was up for Wftl on Saturday but was remanded unlit next Saturday when his case will MOUNT ALBERT Wc will toon require a directory to keep track of changes In our village has traded his farm In to Mr Winters- tine or his house and tot on Centre road Mr Graham has purchased ft the village Mrs Kemp and family have moved from the city This makes the third from Toronto to live re tired here Dont that speak well for the Mount Mr H Brooks talc on Tues day was a grand success There is tome talk of a Town Hall being built here There is plenty of room for a good big building We are sorry to report another fight last Monday night The annual convention of the North Yorks Young to be held here oh the and month The Executive Is now arranging the program Toronto treated for a biter her fl Improving Wo Mr A Mr him with a Ago young A Slater of ft her Mr lot which formerly belonged lo tho Harold od proved Mr Brook bat Mr vibtto dwelling on tuoct Mr ki oitcod Mr ftboal lillego Mr bat lot ownod by Mr ho to bond two brick J Mo- won hat nan brick by Mr it hat loon a good thing for thai Mr Vallay Hotel at ho baa greatly added to tho by the Impionmeato fco ha kept opal winter and wo John build a the ho poreheod on Main Mr Porter told hit and from for Mr George Helen ft talking atoat a ball on hit near tbe foundry A hall ft one of thing the Voaro looking for things In the near future flic borne of WcpulyRecvc last Thursday mm early in when a jolly of about fifty assembled at home on vail ii spice of life highly ex- in this crowd for there were pneent of all from sweet on the knee to aged father of fourscore After usual and a few kindly voids the meeting was called with Mr J- Alywaid in chair The choir a hymn after which ihc whole company kntH in prayer choir then rang a few before Mr Mis called upon to the Method in Choir Mr find 10 him an elegant arm chair by Mr Watson Wright and Mr Geo on behalf of corn- After tins the host and threw open their home for of all During Ihe evening an excellent tea was which was highly appreciated if the way the good things disappeared is a of such The lest of he even- lag was spent in music ringing game and friendly chats I was quite late before the repaired to their respective homes ail feeling that they had a very enjoyable time long to be remembered Address fi fiiiaV0thiQtfattuM4ahcr5U to cur of l Ws lo ell tiro la tie a your After our pill cr1 TJX or hi YAluft Id of bow ale 4 j aid tilt would ttlloal VJ do tot It Its tot a our Am la l4 to la life to of world J Pryrtc6 pit Ho Ltd CM then fool la tuctlfol ieitct l Ifct Il6iidUiUtttUtcc iiAT Jb for hut J Co ol Jo your lay with ittc4crthfjv lie o Lot left for ct WiYvfcat wnwi 4lfiUiyltd r4itvtfrivwiv- took of iLtttr or a lriclc to tlti Vet fcd lla J3 Sis TORONTO Ktptaii A WtitUx for died A At rn f flto rtiH their lot scidil3Unj or in a Arts fifty Iff lbs b9 fctt t and stla fcrits lbs Afty seres UJ4et3 a for did vlttt bonder bis wtolo Ufa fco id hi ratbf vldt of trotting idea IM st on of Lbs Jcdgtt bit Woo bit did but la all for lbs of a lo tbs am iris tog Chi an boor and by rood vllb ltd a of fall VftSftlmcM It J Lit of retried to and stored 1 io a ittioa 4 dcrfta hit Mot it tea all bo bad filflrttCf of died thftdijt of Mi lift hi I iiu la a peaceful to bo Mi aftlallaK fit ffcn Mi l totted hcadt vt bit fatlitf rnothtr boor of A largo of ioojoI ibebouitibo day of loot a Kitbtt4 at Ibo an tfttctlT tit Kited at a Only to diyr a ltd vaciEcr n abltLcrtouobrdtD ratolly or Ks Vork Naves a boy of fl uit9ttaad broibtia to this alfrtt bad not lb lloo ibt atd alrao- ItttjMcctcon with by by loodor Jtiut- TO RENT Store Ho Millards Block by it MODERATE RENT to Great Slash IK AT Till Leading furniture AMD House 4x0 and up Sideboard and Parlor Suites and up Suites and up For Gash 1st of Hay A SPECIALTY at JOHN ito lib i la Wat Mr Wet- I a fetcsvtd 10 iiizrAl It CUUtlta Fin n 1 Clifford ItotUltioffaaldula io ACtitto Tomb Zrtbft licit I Klca w- on Aabtiituxor atd Wr jtd W j fl ft J fllliWllllDERTAKIiia AW I9bei II DRIVER a Ait ok Ay Lla Haw tup PA1HYIHO U4Ctt4 fcJ CLiih A TO RENT of fiuvit ud -K- ail if El 1 O the downpour of rain flunag oach of oponiug our rooms were filled with We have received nothing from of who have seen our HilliRoyy and to the words of one of our wo fool quite that no one will to go out of town for this year all arc Wo have made up our mind to suit ovoryono and when you our stock you will say it equal in every ronpoet to city stock only lower in price believe other houses intend holding opening this week and for tho sake of comparison wo ask you to our display the same day You are always and will not be urged to buy it is our only to you Drop in Saturday or you down tovn a Notice to Creditors ft A toll to It Chap lift Jviiw to Mrt6i agaUit tu JOHN A POLLOCK Hi iloitid Kit- ila Day of June vllh full clalmi or colics la that after laid lit da ME HI I i KifCBtr will to aa nod OT no claim or Ad First door North of North American Hotel jA it f Have opened out with a 1 FINS -or- FAMILY GROCERIES PROVISIONS CONFECTIONERY FINE TEAS in Young Hyson Congou AfSim and Jap n FRAGRANT COFFEES PURE SPICES and FRUITS IN SEASON Old customers ami public generally big invited to call and examine goods and values DAVISON GO I NEW SPRING GOODS i looking for your Spring 2nd examine our Oar fipjing Goods you find neat and and of all is prices are down Give us a call and will be pleased a -0K- Spring Summer Wow York Ladies Gents Misses Childrens Fine in Quality and in be have in spect No old all and net we are giving tila good value in sIIOUUAIX J Next to Dinner Sets Tea Seta GROCERIES Everybody knows Tie lead ing the next mil give the culling epdcnrc Call in will iho good give pleasure Are you among our Blend Coffee ami Japan Tea lb lb in ice our and A- a- sis J J ftft A A nude considerably in our Shop in a better position than ever to fill the wants of our Our Mr is a firltcUls Confectioner and ate no j iog choice BonCons and all lines of Fine also many lints of Cross Goods and we purpose give our customers the benefit of being both man ufacturer and retailer and other Fine Goods it cost us lb- in Montreal we are today selling at that price and sonic lines lets in Gross Goods you will fiod ours extra value If want Real Choice Candy you should try our Since Mr his with us he public have not to note the choice goods he has been turning out Our is mating those ho have tried it are missing a treat or money refunded We jnu alio to compare our variety and quality ales and Dont forget our Grocery Fresh Goods and Extra in A ROBERTSON end CO ftsri liil Kautfti llutlUrlb luuittij illitrti OH ceo OH IS OH OH li to CO OH a a a oei OH OH on OH BIS IS w DM St OH OH otr a a a a a a a a y liHI tiiiX AicjiUI twdtj vwi iiini CHI lb S tit II On On I on on OVJ on OH J OH a IS an its IS on I J s in