Newmarket Era, 19 Apr 1895, p. 3

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v V -r- tit APRIL fen lb iscoiko a TOWN A friendly ft on ho All members quisled to tarn to Jim mil oclock- In fitot of former by Mr Joseph It hiving certain alt end- el Ills a to running neck Hie to J doc up Iho for Out the for noil SCMOOL and la Emm on of Is at to Toronto of CO p the a and Unto occupied to from Mr lie off J to pro flfin of Her Jim by ml content lo on by Mr Mo ft I itn Mi nd wo lilmivcry fciiooftn- fr to town to Accord- a fc5Kr l do It bulky by dolUcr M that ft tiller will tho who tV for you for print Our home can find Jo nit Aa and not irtto ho will dptlon ft liftMijUon tho fcvgHiij for ho Is Bud In A Mwtimo Will be held fn AprH p wo wcro pIcttYl our wAyof pulling It lit A iho on or sucmio In having of Millinery In Our vss ureal of I good aito In In our employ ton time fcho ha a of what Our Ilhoaltendtd Hum- in Toronto to ft lift Idea In Kill Willi arf0 f w lo with Society A meet of fs 11d afternoon for general fa hoped that every as for end Committees appoIoUd The tjik at Coroor Iln aping Wain yesterday and not A will wondcifot in faranco of tows to nail as health of Off J rnaritd to lo taVaThrco and Highly of Mr celling nU on tb dollar Mr paid for Our carload of Hit from on mi by Mr P for They bought In ranging from to bj many of In of country of haying bun from hero flritof January With the To JHnttoyt for a The grounds pic now loltoa of Iho out to afternoon team which will bo Much Kit will lltcly play In Iho Midland with Hill Aurora and probably Toronto Juno At convention in Mr J Jirodla of via lo council for IMS At a THIS the ihiiEtitosh at liar gains In Hoy Clothing Twouio Job Homo a Boys of Jaya Mid Anderson on lotpotlhoindivlduah Com plaint Is smoking on down town shadow of light view law ft atrlct Any found guilty by a Hiving Or tllin ndcr Wyrara and tho bum may bo lotSO Not long wo til under of ago golny along Park aod oclock In and of was puffing If ho waa prouJ of action Wo mention by way of warning will followed up Mork Our out for tomorrow April A Oil Saturday Church Mr of Toronto eon of David of for A Company was to Miss Cairio of Mr A Ben tolkltor of Wat by J and the inuiio for to 21r lloraca wedding psrly to of forty then to wedding atrvod of and groom givn by Ibo happy loft on train for Buffalo Ur many hero in wiiLett for futuro taking lead your early a largo bright and hearty floral deooralfoci Id of lha wldoets of showed in anacsctnent and ry of enjoyed ft and in tha Mr leadership day amounted to Sod In total which children of Sunday upon Vcslry on Monday In and II la hoped thai baft larger attend- Monday when report adoption will hy II of who no ft preih or of ability No it Mid- docks any hown a Christah Church The of of In lafi was very Important and la of Kid lrotcr KM of Kid of Mr W Troll of J Ktq A of Kingston Mr of and Mr Klrlon of All weroprctonl ftteftoli KM iOtoy who did not till Arranging program fortbo Annual lake at Ah tons tho 12lb of Juno and rnoat Important foreign alto dht at length A Is a good many lifting at si In your Old Father Is troth with mooing ps trcll at and Mr Vm ft former of only con last by brain planer and circular mora rcwndf through city not only 1jI John A on deck Co Mr reports a In tha for who hate limber Is now driven and ho thing In re for saving by of Jons Thaltor A Henry has graduated from Knox College Toronto with honors arrived In city by and trill month hero In Church pastorals fa If had thaifo of Congregational Church In liar- market ego has retorntd from trip far as Kings ton ho to ha called Ho hat had hero for P wind Is Wowing to ha It a of blinds a Stock of of eto it a CONSIGNED TO I jio h All in plain figures at to mako a complete clearance of by April when have to bo vacated Wall Men and Overcoating OftOAH of Wit VkliUnCA of recfUt la fit on ovg Among who Vocal Homo and Mr Jho Newmarket or and iho choir In and will Iho organ Fund InUrinkilon You The Tan a AH the elurcbcd in town had profusion of Howard for Hi Church took lead for cat flowers striking featured io Kaator liliea and a beautiful Pain tho two pyramids of i thocontro of attraO lon a lily Mui Its aroma JaOJitrat other all flower a the pura while four prouiibolly and a rarcoilkction of tl palm and plant In Iho Church ptaiform by Aon In which were In til Joints Church candlvi the flora decorattons pro JIarcais Day day we arc such as offered CatlandatolhagoodaforyourMlf My Tailor a A Musical We clip the from Ibo Perth of inuEio lbs tforkof who b Jifctuio of art ins towo ff lfcVd boy In of Her J It has rally known ho potici ability but whin war announced at rink fait Friday ibat played by Citizen band lha watts May flower was from pen of Matter Herbert truly quit a It pronounced on that to lha band will laical tho of young who Is only of alto inarch which and ho pre paled for Mr A Choice JxrrOnrfurntt a Music Who is that docs not ft tut liar of htarcrs as If njion ground And how Its will ho to hoar J ioronto at fttlivUt hire noil Monday It Might and to woven with fact and It delivered tho captivated audiences and wo that church will well filled church Choir which sang magnificent will auNtanco on Monday Double tickets only a quarter Night apd for and Children York fitting and at for Only A MhfctiNG By order of Mayor a the of to tako at Town Hall at oclock May J to advWbllily of In on of July under o Tiro Is hoped that the generally will their Inter In our by alUnd- meeting and offer any or whlcli would tfia affair worthy of lha In many towns of tiro of paid for their and It lo whan an efficient Is such an- tax It halt ratepayer can do to sustain In of this kind bo fc good and there will bo if each will show fnteriat to put In an If You Wamt Citolce Maple llyrop wo It Pro- vinos was luted by of target and to bo Una Loth In quality and weight Only Imperial gallon at a alio to bo Morion last In July or Aral llunday In at of from may bo pjblfo Good Ing was fairly well Cowls Fellowship on afternoon ftlto by On morning and In orcnlng- condition of attend at acrtlccs Stock Is now MM In line from to a f Council tomorrow Town Monday Mori Monday la day of Ocas i In bloom Vliilo frost morning garden rate ft fjccdlng will bo general waa flrel day April now mtcilog and Jlltort Cowan rorerrc4lotle tc Com lb to If Clerk to two taloIogacU piuM by to printout lo the DlC4ifoaDiyonxtcoaa1 watpiaied topoiilloa iljaUounrr to appoint IK J a Ittavc and appointed a Court The reported of Hall propsrly A law to for montbr meet Mr avcrUt report to of Geld fatty of a cll com J tic wta efeiol Com lo the If deemed to Kan eidoof Water- lot cut forth III will taken to lha Tho lutructcd hare at next Council of a build tollableor hoMioir Hose a Wc4tolI vKUan from The on Friday was rather It evening got through without any rain but rnanito of enow covered ground ot up Monday morning Throe boys fooling with a newly painted on got well marked Friday who andcict to inoro should prepare place for them There la nothing will ill to a garden prepared and let a lot of Into II and all the reeds up re as result of the holiday Fri day Saturday nigh are for the mechanics but they mutt be bard on the Mr bought cut the Tannery on Wild have been week of new mllllntry the lit Quito a number of com to clean ing yealerday Wo heard of a of have fioUhed but the majority of people are thinking of for week rhubarb were on rale down Town last Saturday night boya who were occupying the Club too mi on afternoon wilt have lo cool down or Chief will bo after them A fine cat of on at barber Is to be next Wednesday evening The pat In a finecawctatero The auiall ate up down creek with In their More Than Mi were afraid the dull would he but our aurprire eifte of provloia We want any more posi tive of the of goods to being a Sou Big Canton Flannel for W Jute for 175 Felt Telle Cover worked tor 195 do do for Table Covert Tells y at OH April rtr tit firtf Dear has and gone I last wrote Wo had lovely win ter only about fool deep and no blow about so that ft was good sleighing and no trouble to get around We only had about of what jou call cold weath er when the wentdonaa Iows4llovjro though col long at a time But has taken all the went no In fact had no raio aa yet Spring In river which inches thick has all would your Ice men like to handle Inches and laches long be a change from In ibicV There is a large of ice out every win end considerable chipped car loadi to different are cow told in the city ftl Wc but in winter 0o per load farmers are potting in Ihtir week of will fluuh the balk of ia sown now fine end warm for about warm that tome of attending Cen tral their boot and went barefooted during laat week of Who aas Uanitoba the pilar regions after that Is quite an agitation now over much vexed out too School but not the lines make pear- I raw In that there were already armJl to march to Msultota and alio several dollars to upholding the school law but their think when the time the matter win by the ballot In a quiet wyorit may be set by doing away all reading and all tome under one national There have a good Winter Including the Hotel Raly Ballon dry pods Talord Ifer are very here not doing to the building line this Spring and no prospect of any to I would any who Intend coming here with of getting work to stay where are Thais ate hare cow of thai arm labOtos ted dont that there will be any bit- the crop Is If It will uU to level April Kill Tlio formally to day with official prorogation actual conclusion having been on Thurtday Hit by a hurry which the may expect lo make tip for by future per and complications which ato euro loarlto out of of the law which Hero when menbom practically had their trufVci In and walling for Iraln Of character was Acl coiApelllng Toronto to asaeuvaesjit land as farm land a bill should law an illustration of troth thai It in castor oyA a In the Jaw benefit Individual the of a than It Is tore- sot was ft great deal of an ant kind waa for this an of Invasion of Patrons changes fn the an How at Ha do wo may of Pint and fore It bo that havo kept a from 1Mb of the old partita votcJ with the Con aKrvftttyei on a of they with the con tention no doubt for the that a majority of of province have kept it In for for Iho reason that generally On Ihreo notable votes they elono of county by the Of privileges of Ontario medical council And railway jueitlon However may lo IIki muni ml admitted the member a held was hi iho of were to thine much had economy In campaign Hut in this particular at Icist of of Tory leanings probably have disappointed Hot thai ihoyhavo derelict in their duty bitter of lhcCoxrnmenlsheridilxry foes did not much of public only few points at which fair may directed Jho chief noteworthy fact with regard to the Center valuta practical abdication of Mr Master and quiet the by Mr Mr Matter partivinbul without any of iho qualifier of fcadcraiip Jin continuance a leader was not lo bo for It it a thin that at the time the Con rimtivo members elected a tor Mr the liktly man for wag Mr Whitney of Thorcconho was not chosen that he and the Patron order had coin inlo sharp conflict In Glengarry where he WAS in elections by Thero was that a coalition of the Conservative and Patrons In the That nothing might do should mar this ptutint outlook Mr Whitney over came to him after the coalition were dispelled As for Government Is as strong as It to bo lowest majority of the wai ten and others ranged all Ihe way up to The lowest was enough a of no I A motion made to reduce number of and sessional clerks bout Iho House although no body realty about the matter the combination of the Patrons and came more nearly leaving the Government fn a micrtity than of more serious Among the legislation of the teuton moil Important bills the law re form measure for reducing the number appeals end Improving the pro- of the and the general railway act Tho chief interest io latter Is in the for country pruedeDted restrictions which are lobe placed upon railway companies for the protection of the against and ate ring such as Toronto has Id To many people clause prohibit the running of these decide railways on Sundays will give great satis faction In the which public hear little about but which are a moil valuable part of the legislative machinery and laborious work dons Members In these lest public arenas do service which Is not lets Important than that which Is the House Amongst Is the York If r Davis a member of all the Important standing and during the session Ho give most of bis time the Ioblio Acoouote where and judgment make him a valuable At many of cute tings he and did lb with ability and fairness la not only Ircitoi and rcr by fcy In almost equal He Is one of the member who may re turn home with oft well and worthily spest Boys Clothing Hals and Groceries Goods Tweeds Worsted Coatings Wmmlngfj Curtains CarpciS and Ccilons Linens Toweling Good As per Mr- Stock Book at cents on the mounting to J Tip Your and Tour purse is whit you hive if you order from no can undersell quality and considered If you a Black Suit sec our goods before placing your order Next to Jeweler Store MY TAILORS a Yi and price inches nidc Good qualities new goods at prices that will loud SI Marked in plain figures take a loot and tee much HOYS OVERCOATS Arc marked at figures intended to make it an object to buy for next Fall use of to help uo in We for an parcel Wo have removed stock from the 2nd floor and the cellar to the ground floor whole fltock in in sight the moment you enter the filoro The Store marked in plain Selling Agents of the Davisons Slock We wish to nay to our customers that no stock equal to this has ever been offered for salo in Newmarket since stock of which we paid for This is a hotter stock it being nil staple goods lWVVW o Sir and Bargain thorn 09 rr RUN f DRAPERIES IN ART MUSLIN ART inch All Wool Serge Pure All wool Tweed MADKAS MUSLINS ALL AT SPECIALLY LOW PUKES for yd for yd Mcintoshs Best Coats regular price for Corsets all sizes for pair Fresh Groceries at Bottom Prices r IS All Cooks Baking Hastes NEWMARKET SPRING Black Galvanized Fence J iTire Beady Paints Daisy Barrel Churns Hardware PROP IT WILL LEAK OUT When anyone findi ibat a certain More new in style and of good value This probably account for number who have visited ut our opening here Honest dealing finest quality and best been our since we began We have worked up a good sub stantia by getting beyond doubt the best baker in Toronto worked for yews in tbe leading shops of Toronto such as Harry Webbs Little Tasks Everybody that his tried still buy it It has become a household word 10 the of people Leave your for Hot Duns We make in all sires and best quality Groceries and reliable McCAULEY BROS Slain St WORK tu ilii It fi ei- April The in the Merrimack river here is rising at rate of two inches an hour On ihe dam at Mine Falls water increased from an to inches since Saturday This morning the Jackson mills employ ing persons were forced to slop high kept for hire There is a probability Ibat the Weston Woollen Mills will start up again soon In the one hundred and twenty hands have been thrown out of work which is a blow 10 Wesloa Some wort because of high water The the have been offered positions water is flooding ihe lower rooms of in New Jersey but are not anxious to the mills and the machinery leave until they know how waiters removed- will turn out April William a C- P engineer attempted ft alleged to cremate his wife and four children on Friday night was to liive been leading a life and was engaged to be married in June to a milliner mined came originally from Ont It is said that be hid life a DRIVER MAS mi a a aad TO RENT tJitr or lu3 hi Did your see the crowd we had last Hal- buying Boots- Alt oar customers am satisfied that toe are celling the Cheapest Goods in the County Call and sec us We have got loads of them and at Lower Prices than you ever bought before If you are thinking of ordering a Suit this Spring call and sec us we are well with the Newest Goods in the Market and at prices that will save you some money We are very busy at present will bo able handle a few more orders A FirstClass Fit guaranteed or no sale- Bit I I I Having made in cur Shop ii a position than ever lo fill wants our Our Mr is a firit1it and imk choice and all lines of Fine also many lints of Coeds and we purpose lo give our customers the benefit of being both in and and other Fine Good formal us lb in Montreal we arc lodiy selling at lhat price and I11M letij and in Cross Goods you will find ours extra value If jou Choice Candy you should try our Sincc Mr McHiidc has been the public have to the choke he has turning out Our Bifid is rnafcing NOV and those uhohau- no arc missing a treat or money ftw rfid like lo compare out variety and Dont forget Grocery Fresh and Prices Extra value in and Coffees ROBERTSON Leading and pi in J J BUILDERS TOOLS READY MIXKI PAINTS OILS VARNISHES GLASS AND BARREL AND DASH CHURNS CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS RAKES FORKS SPADES AND FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS 01 FENCE WIRE- J A W ALLAN CO Agents or Repairs MAIN STREET Telephone No Jack for Hire I fcutiJ- Jljo rltw lit pill lv 1 a a 0 a 4 linn I H ii 1 1 Oil 9 a J J CO ill CO OS on alSLO II 1 an ICO a to ljHf lltl Baiter lvUtCvtiJ Ahj Hi iU- ij It lb lit f 4 I lift I I to I a on Oil I a 0 a M a Oil 910 tf to ow oil w no I w J J Oil 1 ICO OP a 0 to a a a 01ft a a

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