iv J J f fro to and to amj wonrvrsf livery LYMAN GEO JACKSON AT Jill if nicer El iioiOTindttlxoisct ttUBOGMBEUO A4vrli1nff mBie -BnAMCRi- K run AND- A Si La to lb or North York In Interest Allowed m Vol Copies Cents QAtltiHrKlLAcpMoirj T AHItlMirrr Kid f font to w Oiler Cement Bells mum EVERY Get a of our Cyclometer Oil it never Gums WOODCOCK- Main J 1 lor lilt J rllliA to AM to 8 1 If and to Having handled Cycle and to Four yeaiB and continual demand fur oilier High Class Spoiling have decided ftlvc audi out and will be able lo supply any time ftiilhinjg In the of SpoKlnf Those Tiros Fully Guaranteed For Year STOVES AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS A I to Main Street CI a No 94 of for I I AI J If VI Hcd Air 11 At J A KAMI Co flglilMkcl IMI I fcltANU iUc Kilts A A to El- fclilt WOOD- lyaMain week we invite you 10 you before selecting your lo call and inspect the bargains have It is for our mutual benefit that vA advise you to alow Do not he by the Advertisements of Venders of PrisonMade Ready to Wear Clothing hut take a look at bur prices and remember thai a guarantee of Durability and Workmanship joes with each garment All Wool to order J a Suits J Overcoats up Those were never heard of in the Tailoring trade and the Selection ve have to offer you is not in the County of York a Jr 1 KEY AMU J jrAiiAWTno bud AT fet A Far jo FIRE INSURANCE ib mid lvndon A of Ave- Office W STARR THE LEADING I CANADA LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY -CAPITAL- AND -FUNDS- DOLLARS lMltuly Icdlout cue MECHANICS TOOLS J fellUCII Aficl Standard POLICIES PAINTS CHURCHES ALABASTINB OILS VARNISHES GLASS AND PUTTY AND DASH CHURNS CANADIAN WRINGERS WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS RAKES SPADES AN SHOVELS AND ALL KINDS OK WIRE J A W ALLAN CO MAIN STREET Insuring the Lives of Females J UK At H MUST J A ID A KM l Agents for Telephone No Hire- J MANNING fie SON SIM J i SON SO PIIOS J 111 IK JI tt wvjjnY APW l it or MR A C0MCERT BARITONE TURNOUT irAuiiHiJi6M Newmarket Ont April Strictly An Advance DRAFTS ISSUED 03otcj On iLlt KHJAtr wow is and token you dont have to strain your eyes in per- using afford to be reolcr with any thing but the eyes you can af ford take chances anything but your sight I keep of glasses at posi tively the loivest I prices Ho for Examination Its a Luxury to Road Graduate of the Optical College lViARBLEWORKS The Latest Designs HEAD STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble whore I VANANT In ftlilta vlH Den pro root UoUoa Abort aim fit Aurora op do tit Hot oh No Other Micine THOROUGH Sana- pari Iki PRIVATE MONEYS 1 til to It In i bvut Ho tfcUt Arto OLD AVERS of a Will Doctor ixfdkloe hit I j ari J itfta Id tad i- as lie JUfa3r Weak Women flnd nil mothers who iire nursing babies derive great benefit from Scotts This prepara tion serves two purposes It gives vital strength to mothers also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive Scotts on Is a constructive food that pro motes the mailing of healthy tissue and bone It Is a wonder ful remedy for Central and Lung Cornpliintc VtiUng of Children M Att Xho first train at in For hod whet poppy Won mother la And mother anna w and and And A 8 noil train atirt ioppy land clear on AH aloud for alacjlog I Dot Mia faro to Poppy I faro la a hog and a fcu And to I of who children Co Ufa In great TatacharK I of the day at alz and eight of Vot to ma very And ward O Oer tho la lllKSIKOUUk THAT If George mother had chanced to lose the family almanac neither the not could have told what hour would be tlielr din- next day without doing a regular turn on a slate Even then they could not have been sure until they had or three other The reason that Georges fath er ran the fast freight over the branch road from Megalopolis lo Port Con- where the ocean finish their lading and as the bar can be crossed only at flood tide and flood tide cornea at a different hour day and the train made close connections you will eve that it never had the arnc limelable twice in succession Consequently En gineer as ir regular and shifting as if he had worked in a Sometimes he got up and had his in the middle of the night Sometimes he had supper and went to bed at three in the afternoon- Sometimes he did not get to bed at all for thirtysix hours and then slept fifteen His the hardest run on the road but for that very ihe best and when he and Ins wile and did have dinner it was a good one And this meal was al ways planned to enable the three to l3ke it together no matter at what hour it came A good appetite to George uted to bring lo his dinner especially af ter he had been helping his father on the engine There were not many men on the Southeastern who could run a greater number of with less wear and tear or a smaller con sumption of coal than Pain- ham and if his son were not his equal in a few years more it would not be from lack of teaching nor zeal in learning George could keep at steady a heat as Haskell the regular fireman if not so strong with the broad scoop shovel He knew each part of a locomotive and could run every bit of the Port branch in workmanlike style when the rails were not yet He felt certain that he could make up a train in the crowded Megalopolis yard without smashing any cars or blocking the through track if he had only been allowed to try which he had never would have liked to enter the companys service years before but Rums meant that his son should know something besides en ginedriving and insisted upon the boys studying regularly every day and then there was the home work to do So George was not riding on No as often as he wished but he always kept watch jn the day time to see the train pan One afternoon however when he should have heard it whistle for the countyroad up the line he waited and waited in vain for the familiar blasts until he began to tome accident Vhen at last heard No roaring voice she had a most whistle it spoke in three long notes and short ones which was hams private signal rneinimj Come to the crossing The engineers house just beyond the top of the long grade a mite or two out of the city and in going to Port he could not stop or slow up when he had a heavy train behind him Therefore he was in the habit of summoning his von to the crossing to carry home whatever purchases he might have made in town placing in a box fattened to the warning post at the road- George made his usual fast time down the path to the crossing won- as he went why he did not hear the train pulling up the grade beyond a ridge which concealed the track from view in that direction Surprised enough he was when he came upon it still across the countyroad and taw bis father coming toward him half carrying Has kell the fireman who seemed almost unable to walk Hurry up sonny shouted the engineer Toms sick maybe nothing very bad but he cant bit farther Im to out bin a going to put him to bed at the house and you must fire the trip for me- Jump aboard run her up the and Ill be reicty to meet you at the top by the time you get there Lively now my boy I understood in an hastening to the train he swung him self the cab of No He knew exactly what to do and did it loss of time slatting and re- versing in order to back the train far to gain good speed for as cending the iteep Incline He like a king when he made the big machine shove back the heavy freight eats with a banging of buffets and a rattling of and chains as the im pulse ran through long line from one car to another Having taken plenty of ground he threw the reversing lever back again and started ahead slonly at firtt until the cars like a procession of chained giants had finished dragging each other forward one by one to the stretch of thefr fetters and than gradually increasing speed he rushed at the grade Behind him Willis the front brake- man called down with a laugh Stop when you get there young man for low water marks the bump- on this road you This was a traditional joke and a fact since track ended at the very extremity of the companys pier half a mile out in Port harbor Up and up the train mounted with the steady pull of the hard la boring engine Near the top of the saw his father standing the bank some distance ahead waiting Soon he saw that it was lime to slow up for last of the car was just clearing the elope He partly closed the throttle the engine quickened its pace Instead of reducing it I Surprised he closed it farther and the engine went faster yet the boy could com prehend what had happened he saw his fathers astonished face flash by outside and No was thundering and swaying over the rails at full speed with the throttle tightly closed The rarest accident that ever be falls a locomotive engfoe had just taken place The throttle was dis connected It was lik the breaking of a horses reins left the young engineer as helpless as the horses driver would be only in this case the runaway WAS a gigantic mass of iron and steel welching many tons whirling behind it many other tons at a rate of thirty miles an hour a great projectile as if were infinitely heavier than any which the largest cannon ever flings and furnishing its own energy as it tore along It would he doing George an in justice to say that he was not fright ened He must have been foolhardy or ignorant indeed to have remained unmoved in such a terrible danger Por a second two he clung to til useless throttle with both hands staring stupidly out of the window through which he had last his father numbed confused and quite without of his faculties Perhaps this condition was a piece of good fortune A different form of terror might have driven htm to jump Hut all at once he came to him self He no longer felt fear because his whole mind turned to the task of finding some way to stop the engine He showed his good training too in the very first resolve he made which was not lo try to slop it by means that lay ready at hand If I reverse thought he shell surely blow out both her cylinders Then the steam scald me to death or drive me out and either way therell be no engineer That wont do Finally he grasped the whistle lever it was before the days when freight engines weic filled with airbrakes and signalled down brakes The trainmen had not had time crawl along and find out what the matter was they probably bad all they could do to bold on but they were at their posts George knew when he felt the gradually increasing resistance as the brakes were successively set He took a firm grip of the window- frame in preparation for what he knew was going to happen thereby preventing from being flung back ward into the tender when the engine leaped upon the raits with a bound and plunge that barely missed ditch ing it Then it shot onward at double speed That drawbar broke just in time said George to himself look ing at the train already hundreds of yards behind A few pounds more of drag would have piled us all in a heap The boy had deliberately torn his engine loose in order lo release the freightcars and the men upon them because be had recalled one of his fathers sayings which was When in a tight place save everything that you can before you begin lo think whether vou can save yourself All this had taken some minutes George at his watch counted the clicks of the wheels as they passed from rail to rail for the number of rails passed over in twenty gives the speed in miles per hour and almost had a return of his first honor when he saw the buildings of Montrose station flying which meant that in less than twenty min utes if things remained as they were No would go the head of Port pier into six fathoms of salt The line was kept clear for the fast freight he knew Neither his father nor the train hands could reach any telegraph office in 10 warn the Port Connel employees while the men at the stations he passed would naturally think they saw an engine running wild ahead of the freight called out sudden emergency Moreover could the runaway be sidetracked this would only sub stitute a smashup on land for a smash up water and most probably one in the middle of a crowded street besides Nobody can help me Ive got to help myself or it wont be done w Georges conclusion He looked at the handbrake on the tender and moved halfway it but drew back reflecting that the grinding friction and strain of the whirring wheels would certainly break shoe and chain That wouldnt do either At same Instant he saw he must do and began to do it He shook down the grate and then throwing open the fire box door set at work out the Waring coal the footboard and off at interval he could no longer Ihe neat Tbo Arenas full up and even out of that amount of coal would have taken time but now when every lump was thoroughly and fierce draughts were driving through them like the blast of an iron furnace it was not only a slow but a painful and perilous task Sometimes George would drop his shovel to dash water upon the smok ing woodwork of the cab Again he would be forced to before the Intensity of the heat which surged around him or his smarting hands cause him such pain that he couid run each other and writhe After he had reduced the fire be yond a certain point the rake of no more use and he was obliged rely the shovel burn ed his wrists at almost every thrust into the furnace and the hot air fair ly bit into his brain as he stooped to ward the door He had fastened open the whistle lever to waste all the possible and the howl that rose above all the roaring and crashing sounds of the machinery wore upon his nerves more than anything else Once or twice he almost made up his mind stop it for he thought it would drive him crazy At last he succeeded in drawing tho fire as far down as he could reach He looked out again The engine was certainly moving slower he could sec and feel that it was hut the flight past wellknown objects told him that a mile or two more would bring him upon the pier Again he sprang to the shovel pitching back the dulled embers heaped about until he had covered the languid with them and then he began cautiously throning water into the box cautiously lest be should have an explosion finishing with of shovelful of coal which could not ignite and would effectually smother and blanket the heat from below As he completed this work rattling of the wheels changed to a nimble A wide blue open ed up on both sides He was run ning down the pier Ahead the masts and funnels of a great steamer across the pier head and George saw that once more he must think of saving others lives before considering himself for he knew the ship beside her crew must be full of longshore men The fifty- ton No would crash through to the very keelson if it did not send the vessel to the bottom Men were hurrying about laling and shouting at the apparently insane boy who was driving his en gine straight down lo destruction and piercing their eats with that unceasing whittle Three or four tugged at a heavy timber which they intended to tow across track and George would have welcomed their success whatever the danger it might have caused him but they were left far in the rear before they had carried their burden six feet Steam was wasting fast and locomotive ran slower and slower George could have jumped now with some chances of safely yet he did not even think of it He meant to do his duty up to the very last mo ment If No was to go over pierhead he would go with her The scream whistle changed into a diminishing tfee pace slackened George taking a quick look ahead threw the reversing lever Not before could he have ventured Ihis and even as it was a great hissing cloud thick while vapor gushing up in front told him that the righthand cylinderhead had blown out The strong sweeping athwart the track was all that prevent ed from being chased from his post since it forced a great deal of the away yet enough came into the cab to halfstifle his breath and wholly cut off his view Blinded and suffocating he remem bered the brake on the tender stag gered to it set it with a few desperate tugs and without any perceptible in terval found himself lying against the breast of a roan who seemed to be emerging from a blue mist and who said All tight again are you boy Other things came out of that same blue mist a crowd of excited men the steamers mists close overhead and finally the great freight engine No breathing out a last thin cloud of steam as she stood with her splintered pilot searing atop of the broken tiebumper on the stringpiece of pier If she had slid over that someone began not finishing his sentence while mutter ed Justin lime George felt weak His head ached and bis shoulder was very tore He perceived that he must have been thrown out and stunned but he did not care for he had saved the engine the steamer and many lives The faint had been a piece good luck for George since the crowd ho were for mobbing him at first had during bis unconscious ness of finding out the real state of lire so that when he came to himself he was a hero among them as he deserved to be The gave him an engine to run and the steamship company presented him with a gold watch and a share of stock but Georges best reward was the sense of his own ability and courage which hid him to slop the ponder ous runaway Just In time AURORA Tuesday some person or pcisons brokeopen a loaded car of wheat standing on track at the depot here belonging to Afr1 A- Hutt grain merchant and stole bushels Up to the present time no of the thieves has been found This is the second time Mr has been robbed of grain A- bout a month ago thieves gained ad mittance to his store room in the freight sheds and stole about bushels of wheat There is tome- thing very remarkable about these robberies and Ihe Railway Company should leave no stone unturned to find the SUTTON Chalmers cattle last Thursday We arc glad to sec Mr around again He had quite a spell of sickness Mr and family took their departure on Tuesday for Cd where they will reside in future There was quite a lively time on pig market on Monday when a carload of live hogs was purchased by our old townsman Mr Miers He paid out between and to Ihe farmers of this vi for as nice a lot of porkers as it has been our privilege to look at for some lime They averaged about lbs per head and are for the market The remains of Mrs Geo Ramsay arrived here by train Tuesday even ing from her late home in Lindsay and were removed to the residence of her father Mr Jas Anderson Deceased was in her year She leaves only cne child an infant and her loving husband who with her parents feel her loss deeply They have the sincere sympathy of the whole community in their sudden affliction Blood poisoning is sup posed to have been the cause of her death I it pulling dowri their old verandahs in front of Sensible idea Mr John of Schom berg is about to have his store and dwelling brlckcladdcd Circuses and sideshows that want to do business in Collingwood will have to whack up a day A farmer named Thomas who resides near Paris was killed at the railway Crossing in Brant- ford Saturday Cheese factories are all the rage this spring In and Parry Sound districts every township is starting In the first three months of year settlers arrived in Al bringing in worth of and effects stock The Easier vacation not very by muddy has two fn Ibis Mini Irwin who attending fkhool in Toronto homo holiday Mr bat into lately by Mr who to Jus Good Friday in Toronto of the Ian Mr Walter York was by Newmarket on fionday mom- at and largely boy well aware sweet tap fa and frequently it was in Sunday wish a of and a fall of Dr of kindly in the quite bat ii Utter Mr is recovering from a very torero attack of Hamilton is in The are all and no tho order of day Mr J spent fionday and with his sister Mrs Draper Qoito aa was spent at Mr on evening by a few neighbors Coaoell visiting in village Mr Win and family formally of Chicago old farm bare been Mr of Bradford was out of sulky the other day while driving along the corpora tion road Into the Settlement A falling had been cut up into tood and left close to the read tide At this bis horse shied and besides Mr Smith out of bis iff it broke of the shafts and damaged a portion of the h It was that It was worse a Several in our locality have attacked with the measles Mr Edward visited at ihe home of Mr If on Monday Mr Gideon Baker commenced plowing April He is always the first to begin in this locality Silvester Young got his leg cut by an axe which was in the hands of his brother white chopping Won who has been working the has moved to his own place in East The league met for Ihe first lime in the Methodist Church last Monday evening and was well at tended Mr Win Button who was on the mend a week ago has taken another relapse and ihe have given up all hope of saving life we un derstand A society for promoting personal Christian unity among women has been lately organised and the first open meeting was held in the Metho dist Church last Wednesday evening Speeches were made by some of the prominent leaders setting forth the need and benefit of such a society A deep interest was manifested in the proceedings Mrs Phillip Bartholomew whose funeral took place on Tuesday of last week was bom in Bolton Lanca shire Eog on May rat and came to Canada her parents- James and Mary leaver in year She was a sister of the late Rev John Leaver of Belleville and mother of Mrs G I Darby of Stay She was married twice the first time to Peter Curtis and as a re sult of lufs union six tons and five daughters were born to them among whom was ihe Rev Ju Curlis who was honored by being elevated lo chair of the first Methodist Conference of the Bay of dis trict in the united Methodise Church She was converted in early childhood and although spare lo ripe old age lived a consistent and godly lift- She was a Methodist being a member of the Imonvflle church She was married second lime to Philip Bartholomew her now mourning hus band in and resided with Mm at his residence In shlp In happiness and peace Pros 1 A Kingston newsdealer ac cused of handling immoral literature pleaded guilty and a fine of and costs was imposed The fiveyear old son of Mr John McBeaih Woodstock was struck by an express train and al most instantly killed On night some person broke into Mr J Davis tannery at Kinghorn and carried off leather to the value of nearly A little girl at Ottawa named Emma Thomas was trying to through a window when the sash fell on her and she was choked to death Mrs Sarah who was ill at her sons Mr man of Whitchurch for a long lime has recovered sufficiently to return home on Wednesday A plot has been discovered lo dethrone the King of Cores in fi ver of his nephew Li Shun Yon The conspirators including Li Shun Yon were promptly arrested Tatay a seaport of ihe Philip pine Islands and capital of the Pro vince of has been de stroyed by fire two thousand houses burned- One person is reported to have been killed Ernest a ten yearold son of Mr John Christie while playing wild west at the school three weeks ago had his collar bone broke and has since been confined bid He was lassoed and dragged on the ground 1hc for British Central Africa announces that arrangements have been cornplettd for the institution before the end if next month of a parcel between India Aden and Zanzibar and the British Central Africa Protectorate A Sprague a man called was arrested some time ago for selling to a firm a number of children whose growth had been checked by a peculiar that they might for every child florins were paid The inventors of system as well as the parents of the children have been punished by the courts Two years ago a regular and monstrous shapes in young children for begging purposes was discovered and suppressed in Croatia Court before Judge Mm Milton Leavens of brought action against Button of the same place J of Markhara Township farmer and A Slouffer of Whitchurch farmer claiming Mrs Leavens claimed that the de fendants have control of which was willed to her and three others and she sued for her share The de fendants claimed that they did not receive the money A verdict was found for the plaintiff for the full amount and costs Further evidence of the deep sympathy felt by the Queen the late Premier Sir John Thompson has been received Her Majesty his personally written a beautilully worded letter to Lady Thompson and forwarded at same lime photographs of the apart ment at in which Sir John received earthly honors at the hands of sovereign well as one of the rooms in which the Canadian statesman was slack en down It is needless to say that Thompscn highly appreciates the latest act of from Her Majesty Mr Blackbird leaving landale with high He has been mechanical foreman here for six years During that lime he hat won esteem officials as well as employes On Thursday evening a company of ladies met at Mrs presented Mis Blackbird with a silver dish On Friday evening the department commonly known among us as car doctors made Mr Blackbird the possessor of a costly meerschaum pipe Bui the event of the evening was the supper presentation in The men in the mechanical depart presented him with a handsome silver service of six pieces being beautifully embossed- It Is one of impossibilities of life to pound into some peoples heads what poetry is so we try any more The kind of poetry counts nowadays is which you can write in prose and know what it Is about when you have it Here is a sample ft is from Printer Ink lv found merchant who lives io our no body knows I In the sheet near his store just inquire up down nobody knows He owns a good slock but fluite stagnant it lies for no for merchandise ever applies as stubborn old fel low will not advertise Nobody knows him I Theres another smart merchant whose been a week every knows I Cash tutu daily are his place aud the cause of ft is easy to trace He liberal user of newspaper spKr one knows I