Newmarket Era , April 26, 1895, p. 3

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IEWM WHAT IS OK IK A Club- In of ft to It oclock Industrial Home There Another dtth Homo of from ft into Keeper Kivtoigh report that Are up la And doing lor And noil Cituncir Not Sun day I ho And will bo Clod to Keep being And to Al general itrylco a will bo publicly Morning problem Why A Next Satuicfiy will probably La busy In In to bo ordinary market will bat region of to bo foil of to A of on docket for between Mr ffrofth And Hit of Wbltoburch And limitary go to Wall Paper till a Pier UK It ii too bad that jop1o should bo so about lotting bill of paper Along Nothing a boxes quicker thin a of set Jo motion by wlndt ft only day cleaned up from to ami now of paper art fly lug In every appear moo If people from Court His hit Monday AfUrnoon of by Geo lloxbtl lb In to lock At dlffcrsnccs hiving villi lilt Sunday doting Owner not and loorgo sod co Din ford in Block yciUiday of Wall Block would do a look At It and to At will with Any In There a very lot Oil in New hit reached til of last At Aged Ms this later oa pnblUbtf of Windsor And Qatfttf Mix In this put of tbo country And At on old Lloyd of In for tier Tub Question Will Answered a filylUh At I go- It Tit Tat Leu Mr John tad Mr an but no noil driving hi tbo About tht and lot AitAchcd to Mr It A Ctrl which Iho and it Into Mr J Holmes which a on road a gcatrtl break down Mr had to and homo fc The Yet A Co tbo Hock of Paper thoy tier doing Millinery tod flhoo their ad In today Perhaps It Interest yoa cava you Town Statistics for Wowrntrksl his roll ready to turn to Compared with JmI year It total of nil property bat property Is and CO years of ago an of but 1 alight In tho no doubt to it North End Tannery And moving children bo yea waro this year AW past year and population Is Wo fob Ato horsed SO shop sod votsrt on tho Hit Hit Ejuolly called Attention to firearms within lion which by a heavy a ballot a direction tide- fcf Deputy off bit pony which Mrs Voodcock hitching tip bill on barn I night beet will not to bo puuiihd have been to work jhfi boon held- and nearly all of last at at out And tiling to Mr who bos point for tbo To ronto pool two and of to Iim a town and will play with J this torn- At lh A District Mating this Aomo in York and Mr appoint District MvsbtN And all other blllls And A which people bad the by J of Toronto on Its might and mystery In Church tat Monday ovonlngi nobody was disappoint id in fact all expectations were Prom very regarding dilution on landing in I America to iho cloto an hour It was a con tinued flow of wit humor song and Fact fact was showing power of of battle alto heart under of life at well at lower animals regretted that was Dot A hearty voto of thanks by chairman Mr Jack and the whole audience In hie Iter paid a plinjintlothe Choir and their on and the choir was alio the rcciplenl of a special of thank tendered by Mr Bote for their general conduct wall At regular At at the ordinary services was briefly acknowledged by Jvader Mr A Slooffer was of extreme and lec ture will b New designs Oily for tamo goods Toronto Jobbing a OK Dikes Appear to be all among men this And cere rat hot wheels already made their appear mmt wheals Irt town end other fellows are planning how thoy can sofflctmlof the to enter as our hero with graphically Willi will for vC next A took ft r out on BullFrog Band io full force lfctt tat lU A lot ware lo lh The t Shop prang lak k very ditty job It bid to be dag out with It ft good fttUUoa on old good vice atlckld your flftnoeli kllck you ftud ovet to a lighter air It ProepKt Ayebftsbad ft new of A Dr win- uow it the everybody by opened hit duet fcn for la day lor to com pic their iil hove to tend a IM io the of next of tbo position A bow delivered at Mr tori a en la the dear knowa what here on ib May The creek waa fcweruiing with venlng Lydla the baa not been appcata to be a poor or rtiaiog On farmer near A fiue Jit brought to town weak for a The Organ SI next evening on of alckncca among clog era aro Stiver ItclIoQ for Candidate for aod School leaving next matt notify School loipoofor by next Wednesday their to do for at Toronto next Only nine ei till llo held th Town mil evening In the York County Society attended by of or flvo apeakera the tlie Society and that a Bond will be A heavy team be longing to Randall at attached to a double ran down Timothy Si on aftmoon at a and vrero Foundry after anything old thai on Fortunately the wagon not broken tho only being a cut no of the Cembtxry The Aral flnwera of season were placed In Saturday The care taker buay laat week burning the off thai bad not been regalarl cared for aeaaon and other- wia getting ground and flower Into Fourteen dead aro In the awaiting Interment whleh will probably take next week meal If not alt of Ilia Ouiiuarv The of Jacob brought here for Interment Newmarket Cemetery Ho died la Toronto on foal wbar he year born at being a bod of lata and in About BO when about of age and had been declining lor I Hoi ftddjllonto on At in and ton of to of Mr Alloa on mo hit let to brick bit i oo ground commenco Dismissed The Kcn Into lrH to Mr A- A- who rtreottl oyer fa 01I ftndcsoblni ATdht giro of of of other to much bit to ft on W lvcliinti tnd new Toronto Their will hi vcolc t Kcloian Dreg fitoro The of Mr j out on ttnfot owing to a of front wit not hurl ho tlowly- MtrMHiRY tit our hid to work to Oil or- that had to bo overl ing order It mm to fill MatCiMttics tho ttfc hold In on Wednoedty In Tho reported III Hit tod tbt a tho of In roughly fluincoa It whoa ftra government will til upon up to Jit of May It i to hold an in Town Hill on to froo the from debt if let of Jan have on books for the Library for for Maura and A pointed for of put year and wattnalruct- to Meeting for to place on the fl Monday May to Ladies Kkow That the of In It at If A was able In of kit Monday after noon at doit a that a man wai foond In hit of wu and by flange that death by after wat that an onniocuary In cut elicited following a nephew of Richard and VUton who on 3rd of Whit a lEltlt While from the latter part bit action attracted tht of bit whom home A UUlt while ago hired for a man named about a milt away and two ago when hi In barn fcarn be found dead In Had no fault to find with but could fio be to at tht earn that dead lie appeared to In a melancholy mood and did everything they could to cheer him taking with to the city Batorday and returning on told hit however tbt hired man which wu to that birthday which would occur in a oouple of he re ceive and that willed to by hit grandfather being held in trait by and be under that they dtd not want to pay to It la quite apparent that purely day afternoon while both wire at Aurora- he wat with fait anot and hired garden ready to lie the Urn for btt or a time went coo what keeping found barn and not receiving any reply to call the looked through a holt and hit body tuipinded In the barn Calling red man he went for Mr ilea neighbor be acted with cot tody down with pillion of anything to admit anybody to the barn law bad made an Mr had vivid of a A young man named col on a bead fait ay and up in Ho went to an 1 up young drove to where hi told the for ntl to paint town with dropped him with wftrraiat and he wat brought back to town to the of itcillng There wan an charge him the day for hit wife but withdrawn in of the charge Rail accepted for hit on Wednesday after noon On tho hard that he was making preparation to out when their again pitted hearing on Wed net- day when he for trial A is Always He- Bo It ft with the of a Duron wend to Con- about your hair ho will free of charge give you advice at to proier- He will be at the on Monday May a put In an at Town Hall Friday evening and two- of them wire It took at though the ratepayer took much they think that It dont make any dif ference to them bat if Firemen for the want of a JiUie encouragement and tbo men with a for Increased which Town Council may be to a Paid Rrigedeoat of theTaxet thta will with a little more taken to keep down expenses when they had an opportunity It thought that noltco of the meeting had not and order that the would no In regard meeting wat till Friday at oclock with tht that a notice of tbetatnrbo placed Io In town It ft certainty a rcjueitonthepirt of when they for of the In gelling tp a Do mo nitration for their benefit bat If it not a general reepontt mail not gromblt at when the collector makes hit round next Fall At the taint meeting a proportion will the re organisation of ibt Town Rand This We arc selling Toe and Tan Shoe worth for Toronto Jobbing More Help Next we will have help In our North York Ao Society A meeting of the Distort held In Newmarket on afternoon latt Mr Trent in tbo chair If tiara A- Cpti J Woodcock Luke W and A com read from the of Agriculture wknowl edging an fitepa taken to a about which had leu tome difficulty The Treasurer re ported be bad paid tbt note of and that wu annual meeting and that ground and wart now from debt On motion the date of Pall wu from the and of totht6tb and of October to not to with tome other and wero pointed a Committee on BomerTiile Woodcock Trent and Secretary were named to confer with a of title of Woodcock Trent and the Secretary for tbt intimated that be to if rellerri did not to nndertaka tht work of noih all Some tht thought be bad for year If to employ additional help him to if no at aidjooraed without any change the for future the Board ad- the organ chairman alio I at Parlor Mr J Mil- kindly offered to open hit Avoomore Friday for a Parlor In aid of tha Quarter ly Board the Church Genua and will be and rcfrcthmcnti public Ire In- vllcdanda very time la etch Mark There waa a crowd town lut the a lively butter wre chief on the Market and the wire down and Of a cent more a cent wtio from W to per tag WniUl petition for watariog Main OK will to presents to council at Ha nut meeting year waa wait red It tome talk extending the watering at far North at The comfort of keeping the dull down all tumour long which bat to much ravel It worth all that I colli tvin to alt Great The mount of of dirt on Main during the la credible In wagon were op and carted between the tiro Hill find Warren raked and op the Friday giving a very tidy and appearance About worth of paint upon the Market would tho off to ad vantage broken In Town JIall week and En gineer It of the opinion that ft waa dona by the that on tbo in the to play ball and pitch panel were broken In the building fait yur the glut ia not replaced in the future by log damage the Council will have to forbid the plylug of ball upon Mar ket All latudenti entering the April aud May will hi greatly rtviuovi rate Anyone of obtaining a practical or hand education cannot do tatter than to giro thla College a trial roceivt and It la their thorough teaching that their hare been ao a Market The importance of marketing promptly and regularly cannot bo loo upon our and Ill Toronto of agi wero to the dump and tent of andaof lo they reached market too old received Information direct from a Arm in the city who that our market for now la Great Britain and it care and to overcome the and land the In good order all the care and la vain if not frub when they reach the packer eventually cornea Lock upon the errnira It Co Canadian in the Market The volume of now Urge with the operation of producer local It may bo The way to koep up grade of Canadian which Improve price Ia to tell every week and not hold either for quantity or rla In price North York License Board annual muting to grant Id Nor ih York waa held at the Court Office Newmarket on according to notice Cane chairman and renewed at follow J Doyle Mr Calvin Lake J John King Lake Frank Trent petition wine A wine and Vivian John Ml- Albert J P Brown villo Frank wine and bee Sharon Keawick KIcg Elizabeth wine Point Ceo Arnold new applicant by petition wine and bear Crittenden vine and Baldwin lie Lyon a aWafiOU R Weill By Margaret Plana Eli Ver non Hannah Flanagan Prank Shop terror A Btuitridge Sbarpe Levi Miller by petition wine for month J Millar uxivjxo Jane A petition and were beard before the Board aakfog a beer hi granted to Stephen of alio a therato not Alt pail- tlonaadvocatttand deputation in aup- port and to granting of a llMntclo B of lit Albert at to late J- The not panted but present waabeard in in for a to Oak but It not granted the farm yean a Dewey At to penitentiary In for lifei but he only lived five yedrt uttirt Vtruv Cheap Department hen we hope to i KN WLUM to auit the HUGHES CHEAP for I but or Linen for I o tt Oo ft W MHlMthw Ink Props Courl In lo Bat New moon tbla week Factory Monday Organ evening Next Day Friday of week Arbor Day Vegetable growth try art aU Carpet getting in their work Wheat op to here week OUjk as j if Food box American fltrcb Dftuollc3 Flour Best Com Honey Imported Wrio Bona Hoop Oil Boca Wax Ivor Tin Box I I I I Canned Finnan Beef Corn Dandelion Babbitt Powder Cans Celluloid Boot Beer Cans flardlnw Yarmouth Yeast Kcena Blue Brunswick Black Polish Jars Baking Powder Bock Bakers Cocoa Extract Vanilla Assorted Ebb Lemon Vanillia Canned Peas Bottles NonSuch Pearl Bouquet Canned Salmon Clover Salmon Flat tin Canned Baking Canned Com laultlcij Brand Canned Mustard Keens large Imperial Baking Powder Dr Prices Gold Medal Baking Powder James Yeast Cakes Keens Oxford Blue Gorman Crcarn Tartar Tartaric Acid Alltfpico ground pure Cinnamon Ground Mix BlackweHs Picklca Packages Prepared Bartons Baking Powder Spfco Cakes Oatmeal Soap Lea Sauce Cakes Castile Soap Toilet Soap India Combs r a Lead Pencils por dozen Envelopes jiorax a Ground Powder Shelled Almonds Capsicum Black Tea Ground Pepper puns Ground Cayenne Popper puro Curry Powder pure Canes Clothes Pins packago Lemon Biscuits Arrowroot Jam Jams Tea Soda it Jars Mustard largo Parlor Matches Brier Tobacco Myrtle Navy Tobacco Small Jelly Jars Lamp Chimneys Silver Star Polish Bait Prico ICO CO CO 6 IB 10 121 10 16 25 12 e Q 60 10 16 18 CO 10 l IOC 15 Tea noon Shoo brushes Clothes Wash Boards i Eddys Matches Scrubbing Brushes 23 10 jIO i Id 7 10 20 26 8 12 15 8 m Vhlting Washing Soda Icing Sugar Popper Canary Starch Cinnamon Pot leaking Soda Ginger compound Hoot Ginger Filbert Huts Mixed Candies Soft Shell Almonds Cocoa Shells Walnuts Saltpeter Rio Imperial Java Flax Seed Peel Pool Citron Peel Epsom Salts Japan Tea Japan Tea Japan Tea Mastiff Buckwheat Flour Flour Syrup jars Cocoa Star Salmon Nutmeg Graters Washboards Tovvell Backs Glas Candy Jars Stone Mustard Jars Conversation Lounges Com Meal Flower Pots I I r If Feathers Cant Tuba Candy Champion Turnip Buttons Purple Largo Carrot i Buggy Bankets it Market Cream Crocks a at a 4 Milk Crocks ft II of Wales Tobago gallon Butter Crocks Stone Fruit Jars Syrup 4 9 a a 4 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 Ml 4 4 4 4 t a a Vinegar imperial it in Dried ft Currants Bags of Bait Brooms a a I ICo CO CO CO 40 CO 40 86 40 2fi a Ag io 26 40 40 18 15 CO 80 25 10 12 25 8 25 DO 8 26 9 22 10 15 20 CO CO 20 25 10 85 20 25 20 at Lamp Hand Lamps a a a a a I i iff llllf I lift Young Tea Black Tea Young Hyson Tea Congou a- 4 If 4 a 4 4 Currants Cut Loaf Sugar Rolled Flake Peas 4 ft Raisins Blacking Bath fizjeke Clay Laundry Bar Laundry Cloth lb- Bar Soap Ammonia Soap Burpriso Laaic3 Polish Tuba Gold Curry Powder Condensed Milk Grofo Worcester Harvey a Mortons Pickles Peara Catsup Cocoa Potted Ham and Tongue Oxtail Soup Canned Pork and Deans Coffeo Mill ii Platform Step Ladder Tea Csnnisler Coal Wood Goal Mirror ii Clock Proof Bcoopj Pittsburg Larnp3 Paper Mens Mens Hats Carpels Drew Goods Tweeds Mens Wool Underwear Mens Silk Curtail Parasols II I I CO CO 40 2 25 20 15 CO 10 15 CO 15 2 co rn 25 25 CO 25 2 20 4 20 CO CO 20 12J 15 Spring Summer New Ladibt Gents Misses Childrens Fine in Quality and in Price We be pleased have you in spect them No old shelfworn all new GLASSWARE now we ate giving extra good value in Toilet Sets Dinner Sets about half Corsets ii f I f 44 CO 10 J CO CO a GOO 1 CO CO CO 75 y 10 CO CO GO CO 25 CO GROCERIES Everybody knows c ate the Load ing Grocery For the next few weeks we will give you at price to suit the present cutting epidemic Call in we will show goods and give prices with pleasure Are among the many who our Excelsior Blend Coffee and Japan Tea At lb or lbs for Drop in our Goods and Price A SMITH Main and Mortgage of Town Property UNDKlI6wcraofi35Ull a to atils will IMVte at Held In iho Town or If JJac la the tuaWi I ait the Towner Mm a t IT a depth In aiU iiorwiif There a a fconia J la Bit down At f t wtthfn iiry CO W VcataSlcttfr South End Tannery KidGl0763 Floor Oil Cloth Plait Table Covers And a few thousand linca of Dry at figures that will for themselves of COME AND SEE Belling Agents to ply J Water ttcsia ir S DRIVER Alt OK HAS fiUp to fioallktrii of bind la fik A IK 10 NEW DRAPERIES IN ART MUSLIN ART REPS MADRAS MUSLINS ALL AT SOCIALLY LOW PRICES 40 inch All Wool Serge tor yd Pure All Wool Tweed worth for yd Mcintoshs Best Rubber Goats regular for Corsets all pair Fresh Groceries at Bottom lu a All Good Cooks Old Stead 7 Vua ftKiu 4a a ittvas bt llcaUraiMlilflf- Stools flta jtr l- too LOU lJlt4 at ita mm BJIEETI ti PATRON LODGE Alia la tUla ia iia aizi Wow to a tllti7t3 ft tid I WJ FOR HATCHING fifriia if A tcAt4i at atiu 4T it your see the crowd we hud last Sat urday buying Boots All our customers are satisfied that we are selliig the Cheapest in the County Call and see us- We have got loads of and at Lower Prices than yon ever bought before Ordered Clothing If yon are thinking of ordering a Suit this Spring call and see us are well with the Newest Goods in the Market and at prices that save yon some money We are very busy at present but be able to handle a few more orders A FirstClass Fit guaranteed or no sale-

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