Newmarket Era, 10 May 1895, p. 1

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THE NEWMARKET ERA It Friday Morning LYMAN GEO AM HOUSE And wo REACHED AWP TO ARGUE ONTARIO SANK iM VAX written la MI forbid NORTH- YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papers of North York unless paid in advance CAPITAL KEWElARKEt i V A BUSINESS Allowed on DRAFTS ISSUED Vol No I Single Copies J Cents Each AT NIK Newmarket Ont Friday May Terms Strictly in Advance St within or at end of year Drafts tea tola Helta ilisjrrcmpiiraiicoacdto p All III Notary Lot good for Tp 1 WcTwiPDIFIKLD- J WOODCOCK Maim At f the King of Wheels ft Of of IS and Now Manufactured from finest Block obtainable Dust proof bearings and fully AU pi I Itfuwaof a ItnSanlltoMpiii dOOtl J lUcspl- at I iiii of Toronto aa lJ TTTiv A I flock 14 VlUllstAlrrorlalnlestfEJilrnctlc A A ftllCQllOQi will rcll Iftlu fit or ISoxlF AUOTIONKKIt York to on flu nit At If tetter A ilx 1 SAMPLES AT to 5a Main Street Newmarket j a LEADING BUILDERS MIXED PAINTS CHURCHES OILS VAKNISHHS AND ANU DASH CHURNS CANADIAN OPAQUIC WINDOW SHADES CORNICE FOLKS RAKES FORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS FLIERS AND ALL KINDS 01- FENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN Agents for Repairs 4 MAIN STREET Telephone No Ir Hire vim and TO LOIN AT tor All Block If s a to load lici what you read is and dont to strain your in per- using it afford to bo reek- less with any thing bat ycs you can af ford to take chances with anything but your sight I keep of glasses at posi tively the lowest prices Ilo for Examination NEWMARKET Graduate of Philadelphia Optical College NEWMARKET lViARBLEWORtta Latest HEAD STONES Iff Canadian and 1orefcn 1 and Marble If VAHZitJiX tMtta A tuition iiJ ItcMcMYonK6 Aurora job raras not It dark or 13 my let If Do net It to dreg for Of day my Wit bed my hearth Or I may dwell and tO 1 My 1ft on By breath And on helm band who m In to tail board of gtlo bcrmjr Ho holds mo Iho billow ft ml to not fall If Hi If light Ho all flftfo to land to And with go band In hand Far Into do US in alio is line INSURANCE tho nd the A Liverpool Our Store Enlarged Our Stock Enlarged Our Bargains Enlarged We any Office lo outdo either in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done see what woik and Icrms you can the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- Vfc vcibiaK Five from the office clock and Dick Perch sent his ledger us if marked an epoch They did was Ihat he vould never place in it another figure for five more years were ended and according to the policy of Co he of four would retire on the morrow and a truifcd employee would be come the junior Having from office boy to the chief bookkeeper Dick felt certain of this promotion and was conse quence mightily with his importance For it was an exalted distinction to be a The firm was a power in financial circles but what suved inoit to lift Dick skyward that to the highest society of the city its name was a pass port Tom he said to his assistant youll occupy this after to day Torn penciled a fooling then slowly replied Youll become the junior Certainly Come its time quit Cant Just yet I havent finish ed squaring up ihese accounts Im rather slow Yes said Dick with superiority Torn you arc slow You be more and enterprising In five years you know youll have my pre sent glorious prospect and unless youre sprier itll be a serious ques tion if youll be taken in He slid off the high stool and be gan preparations or going home while Tom with pen behind his ear turned around and asked Do you really think Dick that Fin too slow I cant waste time here if not lo become the partner Ive too many depending on me I know and cautious but am 1 pettiness What cordial congratula too much so What queenly dignity No havent but then other men rise lo ihese elevated positions Why cant I My old friends would nt want to keep me back from pros perity would ihey No no indeed Dick it isnt that no change in your old friends but they ate sad to sie sue cess changing you You have brought yourself to believe that the friends you will make in the higher plane will be better Ihcn and there have sprung up the wish and the purpose lo turn your back upon us You feci that youll be ashamed even of blessed old mother and Dick of Well Annie Ofrnc Memory placed beside ihls truth the feeling once fondly the anxiety thai she should recipro cate his many sacred vows of con stancy and tire contrast him but not deeply he hid too long nursed the belief in her and the old affection faded as stars at dawn If you feci Annie he replied that a life In the fashionable world thai I will soon enter is distasteful to you I There there Dick dont finish it I know now how you I speak kindly but dont say it Spare moat least the plain statement that Im loo common for the plane vou are rising to go away think ing I dont wish for your happiness and success 1 do Dick You cant wish for them more than I do I will always be glad to tec you Goodbye God bless you He had attained his was free from litis lovely girl but where was the feeling of relief Walking home ward he felt cast adrift not like hav ing himself loosed his bark upon a desirable tide As in a battle success meant something slain But youths fairy fabric has few threads of regret the flying years soon weave into the heavier wool of life morning the customary form alities made Dick junior partner and Torn chief bookkeeper The dinner always given on the evening of this day by the retiring partner Is announced by Sydney and Dick with his mother and sister was cordially invited- Words fail to describe Dicks lavish preparations for this important intro duction to Highly delighted thcrwith sharp misgivings as to his mother and sister pricked his refined soul as ihey rode in the coach The former was too plainly dressed Ihe latter entirely to demure and lacking in that dashing grace of Sophia His giddy fancy pictured her cold critical glance upon them and her turning haughtily away and forever ignoring him The celestial creature did drop such a glance upon ihe plain widow and daughter but she did not turn haughtily away She was exceeding ly gracious Dick feared patronizingly so but he reptlled the base ihought particularly when he saw such too was his mothers impression Sophia was angel above such fill Canada mm A6SURAN0K CO CANADIAN COMPANY AND 14000000 DOLLARS Uolultl- I 10 V cue Agent Corner Store nearly opposite the House J Standard Life IcvolUlaCaitrUovtr f MO Insuring the Lives of Females Hit STANOAKU IKrfURCH A HUNT J A PAT B0B AND TAKE YOUR BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST jr A LIFE SAVED STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OF TORONTO fHHM TO lO BUY CO 21 ST SOUTH CHERRY PECTORAL ago I 6Ttrc wj no or MANNING SON 1 US If SIMPSON Mam UUIIMOyi PRACTICAL PIANO MR A CONCERT BARITONE Violin- a- TUB FINEST I doo- Armed of my KeitMUe the time the I It HI If Cherry AVers Villi A Forget that when you buy Scotts Emul sion you are not gelling a secret mixture containing worthless or harmful drugs Scotts Emulsion be sec ret for an analysis reveals all there Is it Consequently the endorse ment of the medical world mam coils tut PRIVATE MONEYS Tow direct yKOORK Ruto V7cUltlM overcomes Wuting promotes the making of Solid gives has no equal as a cure for Coughs Colds Soro Lungs CofltumpUon Yes Tom you are Your train arc adverse the dashing goahead policy of and Company when I was in your place made a point and did lots of mens work as well as my own And do you think the firm hasnt noticed that No lire James Emraert was junior partner having keen promoted five years before You havent forgotten the old fable about the turtle and Ihe hare have you Dick Torn asked in a mild retaliation No I havent replied Dick smiling loftily but it dont to these modern times You aint catch ing a firm like ours sleeping by the way and letting any mercantile turtle win Ihe race That only time a lurtlo ever did win a race which is a moral youd do well to profit by With which impressive advice the future strutted forth to a car Dick as bookkeeper had wooed Annie a young lady of his suburban neighborhood whose plain practical sense was refreshing and richly blessed was she in those womanly traits that siand firm and helpful when sorrow and adversity sweep away human But could Richard as a marry such a girl I The most exclusive circles would toon be open lo he wish to take Annie there Would she received Could she grace a scene of be a belle amid belles be what a wife should be like well like Sophia the flashing daughter of junior partner No he decisively answered as he pulled the bell at humble home Easily detecting his mood Annie was not unprepared for the words be soon spoke Annie my position in life will be greatly elevated tomorrow You will become the junior part ner she quietly replied Yes but you me Annie Yes I do Dick but will you let me be frank with you I see by your manner that the time for plain between us has come- Will you Yes If you wish Well Ive seen a great change coming over you Youre not the same Dick I used to know Your bright prospects are ah ays u your mind driving out much of the kindness and friendliness of my old friend Dick you are being dazzled by your anticipations of social lion business prominence and in creasing prosperity Well Annie Well Dick Im to bo frank you remember dont think a heart made cold to ones old and I friends a high to pay for Veil Have you ever thought of it that way Dick What loveliness radiant signs of a loving confiding womanly heart I The junior partner was a worshipper from that moment and lowly un assuming Annie sank the horizon Old Sydney was plainly dressed but shone resplen dent Dick couldnt help noticing the genuine cordiality extended by the two lo his mother and sister and when Mrs a placid old lady entered no patronage iced the kisses she gave but they were warm with true unaffected hospitality Emmets greeting was throw ing reflected into anothers eyes and greatly impressed by it shallonly rejoiced at the increased prosperity awaiting his fine when Ihose old fogy dropped out How sadly purblind is youth but experience adjusts corrective spectacles He was noi too far gone however to note some wonder how easily his mother and sister were conducting themselves instead of titling neglected in a comer as he had expected but he was not per mitted to profit by the observation A soft voice beside him asked Do you ling Mr flashed her glorious eyes into his face He had been flutter ing like around her and now looking down into those lustrous orbs he saw in their divine depths a shrine of No he replied but I know you do How do you know Your lace your eyes show me that the dirine spirit ot music be in your heart Oh callow youth I Oh you men are such flatterers I didnt think it of you Mr Perch- Turn the pages please He was only too glad to serve her would have tried impossibilities for her The first link of lores soft but tenacious chain had been forged She Waiting heavenly Dick said He ihnlled with the delicious hope soon his footfalls would be music to her He was in deed far gene Annie loo sang Waiting but not like that Sophias voice soared to a musical pinnacle Annies Dick scorned the compari son yet at this moment his mother was thinking how sweetly simple and touching Annies rendering was to this giddy performance Taking leave he truthfully slid it had been a delightful evening It had been a dream a fragment of heaven descended to earth and Sophia was the light thereof Emmtrta gorgeous man- was a to enshrine the object of Richard Ierchraonti tore and would hat all worshippers were as constant as he His life was te stacy Willi Sophia be threaded the tinselled mires of Ar guseyed doorkeeper who guards the portals of society having benignly pa bias in He the Lotus of soda wo- cess his former life his old friendr were forgotten toother and were ncglccied Annie was obscured A year flashed by and the senior partner announced the customary dinner which was simitar lo that given by the retiring partner ihat in addition to iho other mem- bets and families such employees he chose to invite with their families present It was an occasion after Richard heart Where else could the humble employees be so duly irrprcsscd his importance Tom needed such impressing more than any for he had far for gotten himself several times as to call him Dick and he determined to Impart a lesson He did not accompany his molher and Sophia had proclaimed Ihat she would not go without an es cort What would ihe dinner be without her What is day without sunshine What is Hamlet without Hamlet He obeyed still thinking poor that it was his own delight free will Whether the assembled employees were properly awed by his imposing entrance is known but certain it is that a Joshualike surprise caused this society sun to stand still stunned In a little group Sydney smiling his interest his kindly little wife beaming her ad miration Dicks mother and sister flushed with worthy pride sat Annie telling a story In sullen wonder he stood apart noting ihe impression Annie was making and when the story end ed in a burst of applause the party separated and old Sydney proudly led Annie through the rooms on a lour of introduction He instantly sought his mother and asked How did Annie get here r She looked mild resentment at and quietly replied Mr brought her Where is ho He excused himself for a lime I Be he had work at the office That fellows too slow for our purposes Richard muttered fol lowing old and Annie with wondering eyes then turned at Sophias order She said Come for a walk in ihe hall Where have you been to long cant endure this room It is filled with those low clerks I hope when you get lo be senior partner youll stop these disgusting mixtures She spoke angrily but Dick thought he detected anxiety loo in her manner As Ihey promenaded the hall she grew quite restless and plainly anxious He walked quietly by her thinking of old and Annie and too illhumored to ask the cause of her nervousness They walked the at ihe end of the hall and from there heard the servant admit tome one at the front door Theres papa now Sophia ex claimed brightening and Dick re membering that the gathering did lack a customary brilliancy saw Ihat ihis had been the cause of all her anxiety It was not the gorgeous Burnett who had arrived but plodding Tom greatly excited with face spotted red by unusual exertion Where are Mr Alfred and Ed ward they heard him say Both gentlemen hastened from an adjoining room and Sydney at the parlor door hare ao interview with you gentlemen at once Tom said Sophia trembling caught Richards arm Where is asked the old gentleman as he and his two ions with Dick and entered the library and closed the door He hasnt been here Edward replied Now what is Ihe matter Then Tom slowly told how he had watched Emmerts extravagance and knowing that he had lost heavily in a speculation and needed funds to save himself he come to suspect him and had only that evening finished a careful examination of Emmerts books as treasurer of the firm He was in his office Ihis evening while I was there continued Tom and rushed out past me trying hide his face but I saw it was pale and excited I hurried to his and found his check-bock- Three checks were just torn out leaving the stubs blank Well well I they all cried as Tom paused Cant you guess gentlemen To meet the heavy expenses of our new building has collected all the available funds in the three banks But he couldnt use the checks said Edward confidently The banks all know that our checks must be signed by two members of the firm From the sofa came a groan Richard had sunk upon It wringing bis hands I have reason to know gentle men that those three checks were signed by and and Perch We are lost then Father have funds at command We hive obligations 1 tied up the last available fundi yesterday No nol lost gentlemen said Tom I followed home and forced in entrance He was picking a satchel There was a struggle but here are the checks He produced them and sank ex hausted Into a chair An explanation from was de- which was that working upon his infatuation for Sophia induced him to sign the checks but he earnestly ihat he was entirely innocent as to their Intended purpose M tact said old Sydney your bead has been turned Ive been watching you You must remember dash and style dont make rice clothes and gay acquaintances and empty woman ly beauty make life We must re construct the firm For your mothers sake wont dismiss you but think another of five years as will condense your giddiness into business and I propose Tom be Junior partner And as Tom rode boms with Annie he asked In the way Annie will you be the wife of ihe Junior Oh Tom Tom Which meant ye3 of course and as Dick Perch sees the but telling methods of a new junior he believes Ihere may be after all a modern application of the old fable and remembers the vanished Euimeris as one thinks of a hideous dream I BLOOM two OUR EXCHANGE GAR DENS Mr John Crook has purchased what is known as the l mill property consisting of acres- from Mr The members in connection the Division of the Sons Temperance intend holding box social Friday evening May A good program will be provided con sisting of dialogues readings vocal and instrumental music Our assessors for ihe southern part of Ihe township having completed his job disguised himself by remov ing his beard and drove over this dis trict He succeeded in getting seve ral dogs that were hidden away in the cellar or place of confinement and placed them on the assessment roll There is nothing slow about AURORA Mrs Hillary left for Banff on Thursday 10 visit her daughter Mrs Martin She expects lo be absent about six months While playing in the school yard on Tuesday with a number of other boys Lloyd son of Mr Amos Lloyd had his collar bone broken The sidewalks in the town are very bad this year and a large sum of money will have to be spent in new walk and repairing old The Oddfellows of this place celebrated anniversary of the establishment of the order in America by attending the Metho dist in a body last Sunday evening and occupying the central part the auditorium Several members of the same order from Newmarket and Richmond Hill were present Manner SUTTON The committee for the of May celebration here have complet ed arrangements for a big time that day The committee have on hand left over from last Dominion Day Fish have never been so plentiful for years as at the present time Whatwith the shoals of suckers at the dam and the large hauls of en thusiastic fishermen at the lajkc no one need be fish hungry these timer Fabulous catches are repotted from the latter place A very successful meeting of the Sutton Dairy Association was held last Thursday There was a great deal of discussion as to deciding the several routes but it was at last de termined to it to Messrs Moulds and Peters who will draw milk to the factory from bury for per lbs of milk Nearly of stock was subscribed for and nearly per cent paid at the meeting Herald enetang VIVIAN I Mr and Mrs Dr Hunter were visiting at Mr McCormacks on Mon day this week Mrs Charles Scott seems lo have surpassed ihe majority of people in regard to luck if there is such a thing as she has just fallen heir to the neat little sum of being one of the nearest heirs for the Trinity Church properly in New York the lease for which of years has just expired We compliment Mrs Scott on her fortune Mr Simons ploughing bee on Tuesday of last week turned out a grand success as more teams than were expected were there and as a result a considerable amount of soil was overturned Mr Simons as usual showed great in superintending Ihe works It seems a shame that even the remotest is well as the most im portant places In this fair Dominion is not free from disgrace One of the most degrading things has been going on here We think the law cannot be too strict in regard to such a matter James Wood a resident of Schomberg was taken suddenly ill on Wednesday of last week and died on the following Friday forenoon The cause of his death has puzzled bis medical attendants Deceased who had long been a resident of the district was a roan of many good qualities and his place In the church and Sunday School will be hard to fill A wife and six children mourn his sudden demise ho Merit Of Heeds ttltzA is fairly lrid you haw far sol y Hoodi the fcfiJ bailor It til i If lib up Ihe wUe Maikham village has a popula tion of in creased to The funeral of the late Sir John Thompson cost Intentions arc of no marked only command price About Irees arc planted the streets of ft this spring It is reported that there arc some 500 of whooping at Man Mr shot a fine specimen of an eagle a few days ago The bird measured nearly feet from tip to tip The best way to make mom Is to work for it people heir it but are liable to before the other person EST Mr T Sprangways recent ly paid a farmer for eighteen head of and 725 to another farmer for thirteen head The K of Cleveland ran ashore on Mohawk shoal caught fire and with her cargo over bushels of corn was destroyed Jesse Freeman a Chatham negro in a coal car at the Central Prison by ingenious dodge and made his escape from the institution KS The new dresses pretly loud dosnr she Mary I never noticed about that but its something awful the way she drops her shoes when shes undressing Inspector J Wilmolt in Orillia on Tuesday and deposited while fish fry in lake Couch- A similar number was deposited in Like Simcoe at Three hundred employees of the Iron Steel Company are on strike for the restoration of the Amalgamated wage scale This is only the beginning of the fight An exchange says To cure galled shoulders on ahorse whir- out taking Kirn off work sponge the galls two or Ihree time a day with cold and cover them with p- dered sulphur The sore spots callus over become tough and heal in spile of the work An exchange contains following words of wisdom Tha man who gets the fewest letter complains most of the management of the postofiice the man who com plains the most of preachers pays them Ihe least the man who com plains the most of bis ihe meanest neighbor and the man who has the least sense is the most conceited Whats you say my boy The teacher says you arc as sharp as a needle Well probably she meant to compliment you my boy I have no doubt she did but remember that needles always go into things their eyes dont want to be like that No theres the pin The pin has a head you will nonce which prevents its going to far Be like the pin my boy A recent domestic conflict in City of the Straits opposite Windsor is thus chronicled by the Tribune A tear clung for an in stant to her curving lash Her lip quivered I have quarrelled wih my husband she faltered To which observation a sympathising friend replied I thought you souls with but a single thought Thats the trouble said ike first speaker wanted to use it for Spring millinery while he wished to devote it to tbe baseball rules All which goes to further illustrate how foolish it is to get married The chain is Ihe hardest part of the to get along with com fortably When a chain gets and creaky it is a good idea to boil ii for an hour in a hot soda bath tken plunge it into a pail of light oil and allow it to immersed fir an hour at end of which lime the oil will hate thoroughly penetrated every bearing part The chain should be hung up and allowed to drip thoroughly A chain so treated will usually run well for days and afterwards- In an emergency case on the road a thorough dose soap- sups will always Umber up an which will often in good working condition for a long lime afterward CUBE tod Croup Cnre pontiles only Children lore It el Dreg Btcre will scarify roar Blood your Bowels nuke yoor a tell Drag Store The one great rule Dim ness is that of honesty absolute and unqualified honesty writes Edward Bokin the May Ladies Horn All the rules are worthless if they are not founded on that one and only foundation stone of true commercial success Honesty is not alone the best policy in business it is he one only policy Upon it and upon it alone can a good reputation be built and a man in business without a reputation for honesty might just as well Any deviation from sule of hones ty in business may bring temporary gain but It Invariably weans 1 perman ent loss On the other hand a adherence to an honest policy may a temporary but it Is low to result in permanent Defeat Binary She fins do i 6- IMmMo Dm 4

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