NEWMARKET ERA MAY 10189s lU44ook Big Co Prices A- of A J Hashes Thi to J Robertson To rumen lo Rent A Joseph Hart A- Wat to AND WITH EACH Era Is Prints nil Homo US HO FRIDAY MAY Onr Toronto IMS la brew Ihfj mora Is lo A In Is 11 At will tin jodij A tumor floiUic fctoi overtl been llli of J Lbt pint to I Mi cur Willful g40t who lot lo death of during itotm at Auti4fMi An lhWitcra Siita what WW IVMav In 1aWdji or Ontario announced out In reply to of Hon Montiuo theft of volcrt lltti this yrwoAt general tlcctlonf pllooon the llttt Tub Court l on Monday I Ml of tin ftVTftTJiug to of Ontario Mid cm and Hill will tbo way Jlamllton allude to of Clara at on In- Itlliut jury lit declared Clara Ford to bo KoUlktt of murder It j Hi- duly of who her guilty to do Ihtlr to think alio la lonom It to look as It a of tho Manitoba at now that plain dot It that to deal with rcnud dial tittc with any other Whan remedial Qovornmanta action In an linpcratlvo Tift debate on tho bill by Mr frco on for of parliament lit to light fact that of to for travelling that had lo and far paia tho rail way and dona tloni of lha iit will cover known Oh for nothing la not a proverbial railway mag- acoouta for Mr bill tha call In at at the liberal Id to If railway pro- Jct The or the for a railway which would of to country but pro railway be a Injury If government dcalvea to help the new by a 0 two or throo mil- for a railway through landi fit for wo do not think would object or if govern- to two or thro millions in adding to imputation of and the Northwest would a good thiig for the whole country to throw away a railway from to and through nothing Is moil jrcoai of Aurora at In Mr J r Garrett Bradford ti a at Bertie and Mr of Toronto at Mr Mr J hit from ftd a on Clara Kclmatf I for to a of Predion who been for aomo homo Mi- hut had afckncu wilh fnnaramMfOo It of the of Wednesday Mr con of thalato Col Col to town of Chat summoned on jury foe and wont yesterday morning a member of Council waahro ycitcrday our Water- of pending a wcok or ten town and vicinity ft looking remarkably well A left on Friday to at and for a prior to lilt removal Manitoba whero ho InUndt to In on Tuesday attend ing burial of mother whoso body hat ln In JfaUbO Alfred Will ton Kifl of Toronto wai among In section lIng a brother of Mr Buwell who formerly In I now fit Man itoba of April a Wo having very dry hero want Moot Wo by the paper that highly on ability at a of wiohaalen a In India for over five year In on her way much agalmt her own ambition very low with hax and having rallied to her phyilolaa hat ad I tod her to return to this only of life Mr of Toronto going to to meet her will ha vo a very warm when f jota back to Newmarket evening tho partonae In Toronto Junction dtnly filled with many of and After cordial had extended by tho paalor and wife forward and with of wit and Mr Hill tome of congregational and faction In regard to a new bicycle that had been drafted Into aarvleo Grateful acknowledges a were made by Mr Hill and followed which It affirmed that hit a religious od to bo on ROACHS POINT TtljPcicttjcctUra very of to XtortCararkfa very lire tbat a the Public atd a the day wlltbtthepholozrapblcael all the park wlllkttcax3 to ficauncrr QccmrllU Cand the MA to doubt band this year to afro KETTLEBV J I- JJvttto Vox pvix Mated ft The ftrrawi of vicinity ate neatly seeding Miller Bio of Baldwin wc putting a nail under the church At a muting In the church here bit week M carried that Bey Geo Washington be Invited to remain another year on circuit Mr a largo number of friends here- Mr Henry Peter of was visiting relatives here hit Mr a large drove of cattle up to his in Victoria last Monday Mr Gcotgo Hamilton and family moved to Toronto this week They wilt greatly missed having been residents here for over twenty years wish them success In their new home Miss Peters is visiting in Whitby Quite a number on the sick list around here of wedr- Id of which took on fltlctrocn largely Mr In lilt j ft mem ber Society ft number of tho youth of mtrchtd In from to cemetery will bo much misled by homo end Church of com loes SHARON arc sorry to lose from the village Mrs family who moved to Newmarket this week As the buildings the Children of Peace are much in need of repair it has been thought advisable to charge the fee of Ave cents to visitors Persons desirous of showing their friends through can be accommodated by calling at the residence of Mr On afternoon the Key Mr Wallace of preached a very impressive in the Church In Mr of Trinity Toronto sjJokc very eloquently in St James Church Miss of Aurora is visiting her sister Mrs McMillan at the resi dence of Mr A Miss Julia returned home from Chicago last Saturday where she has been spending a year with her sister GUM SWAMPWI1X O THE WISPS Around Town Jut John Wttcoc Ju Vk Alkluoo lo iUytu tor JlitlcgbCAldlfuiff J oio for iomto td the apIASotmifllorft toUUUwCoia In lo a of A iidMoUejioVyuMic lUJ It was Hat lor tor such atto to due ti w w Court of IUiUIod to held 1ih of Si l0 lUAtoia toUoe S ItiUuoUd itb Cow Kt t4 to b dcta apwlaUd a iuiutoMtff atpofaUd elloafl luiwti it Bd o lo tttt than as of J tie to ftlftaMtUUCbLrtlUs Of ft fcutct WftUitLf WfiOD CiUcl With lb Jew ttaiklU fttt40bUIt fct was aw luUuritd to a 1 ftuitr- lftftu relied tut fttaUii i4 far ft S I ST NORTH We Off ulu4 a ret looks fttlf we without Qulioa Of etdicsiodero of weather UrItobt Cook and Cook his have uodet treat- meat this week Mr la ft for of tbe Mag Id each throujb a tut are t each KESWICK The fish inspector of Holland Landing made quite a haul on Mon ti ay night when he caught about four teen parties on the Bay with Jack lights He intended of course to a them to appear at Holland Landing or some place suitable to him and ask thorn to pay up to the extent of the law but before proceedings could be taken a magistrates court was held in Keswick on Tuesday afternoon and each of the parlies fined one dollar and costs for Hist offence Jack lights will be scarce on the Bay now An old roan from the neighborhood Brown hill greatly burdened with old age was around these parts last week On Friday he at a place on the fourth Con and was found dead in the morning The coroner at Keswick was notified hut on mak ing enquiry death had resulted from natural causes fir Hubert Is working In King hfr James left on Friday for city Mooter bo staying summer farmers vicinity have adopted b new tor doing their lit labor- it has to bo dono lha part of June This year in time in Janu ary and February preparation being made at Morten Park and no pains will be ewed to mate It a grand resort The p of Is steadily Increasing in number of on last week hooting Pot Mr preached Kwwick on Sunday to a large and appreci ative congregation Mr Stephen Winch ftttendloir Grand Jury v buVis all the age now Miss Winch Is taking weekly In in Toronto Many w ill be sorry to loam of death Mr Earl Utter known as Old Joe lie died on FriaUy night burled on to The fioe Arbor Way j Dama rumor hej another wadding In tbo our future and Lome lag era things of put and ate glad they The band nuking in our Morton Park From til appearance we and i vi lovely wing and grcas buying auothtr carload He of As the love Of the frogs floats on the evening breeze links it is the most melancholy and doleful in all creation It makes one feci creepy almost one the and yet wouldnt miss it for a guinea The loyal citizens Old Sutton ate talking big thing for the Hand competition cal album plans fireworks and other jimcraclts suggested But Great Scott whos to foot the hill Politics arc now at a low ebb here Ho boodle in circulation unlets on the sly A Sunday stroll to and Jacksons Point revealed the ravages of winter but they are all there such as they are This pride of the loots desolate at present but will soon put on holi day garb and look and span The people are looking for a big rush here this summer Like all speculators they take an extremely optimistic view of it Every cloud a silver lining A medical practitioner of our acquaintance says that the denizens of the barnyard piss i mulling remarks concerning him when occasion to pass through the yard The ducks cry Quack Quack the hens cackle cut cutcut your hair the geese gabble the guinea fowls scream hog Latin the cry bah and the lord of the herd of cattle puts his nose to the fence and calls boo 00 The Sutton Band frequently band but shortly reorganize as the love of music is among them We hope they will soon be on deck again and dont forget to make frequent use of the band stand all like music There are some good musical talent in Sutton prominent among whom are Miss Robert Taylor Bros Park and and the old reliable and the Club- how excruciatingly funny They give Uncle Josh on the They may be expected to tackle Shakespearean drama and tragedy shortly Suckers are taken away from Sutton by the cartload The river- at night seems alive with fisher men and suckers Several breach of the peace cases have occurred and no chief of police to place the in durance vile Some of the folks about here occasionally stray off as far as New market and returning home are chuck full of enthusiastic praise of the great bargains at the stores there Several men of considerable finan cial worth in this township go under the cognomen of old skinflint money bags and old fify per cent simply because they dont loan their money to every Tom Dick and Harry without good security The natives of Italys sunny clime have arrived to work in the gravel These team tike a lot and ave settled down to housekeeping They are genuine disciples of Isaac Walton catching large quantities of the finny tribe and as for cooking the efforts of a French chef decuisine cant compare with They are well armed with rifles revolvers and Fourteen bouts a day is the aver age days work during the present rush of seeding The extremely warm weather has brought early trees out in full bloom Sample copies of the Sun the Pat- cons organ has been freely distribut ed throughout this section As a liter ary production are nihil but they come handy as a fire Will second epistle to Era was bubbling over with good things Please favor us- with some mote We try fn to make out little column interesting as editor local news editor it too inanity who trail that what is will bo her Method It on Hun- day at a m ar4a apodal or- at pm sayings Lord awn On Mon day evening concert In It Ii Intended that It shall bo ft treat as choir scholars been under special training Ho doubt trill bo a full their order A number of orchards ftto set for for offered by Mr Ma- Mr Wilfred has been to city fon lug on Jury directors of company Jiavo now got things pretty roucb in tunning shape and expect to on Monday next for Co Vice- White Walton II HI I Joa Itogcro Mr Campbell of Milk haulers for lino Town and lino lino and all round lo tho south to bo mid by day by weight this year Mr David Terry had misfortune to loso a form by it getting In the plow a tendon of leg Mr J Is again at Mr for Ho Is much welcomed being a great help In tho oat lino Tho had Us armv augmented on night April wcro chiefly sick aro now on John a lucslo with grlppo for a of and has coma out Iocs after a aocro have teen plentiful good ones too a year there has been no top to it and o now about all thunder showers which over hero during the week vegeta tion smile Mr Thou Hurling met with a painful accident Whllo cutting and splitting wood a flew up penetrating half an Inch Into his eyo It fa thought ho will not lose sight Vieitora and heard of lest report Mr and pre viously of HI but lately re vol lo Mr Mi J who has Loan for in Toronto la now making with Win of Mr Isaac of vlllo spent over night at his brother Johns and la on way to Hound a pretty long drive aged and venerablo patriarch end Mr patted through atteridcl his favorite of worship tho Christian Church Although old gentleman covers years past four and the hand ttuiohsB caused him to bow yet ho Is on his pedal motors old homo left him and gone to Mr Win of 3rd con riding homo from Aurora lost Saturday on a lately was going down grade at good when it Into tho ditch causing him to toko a header and smashing front wheel all to pieces Trees aro n loaf early this year Mr Mi has eocorcd a lot of young trees which would bo hard to Ho wont direct to them out Into srhWt very icbaj will to- only dealt flcrjdU en Friday and will his reply ft Ihoroajh flew general try con- of on both lko la look upon this as for which have Allien utter Ho Policy and If country docs not and commercial condition of delate closes It will not to fault Ono of rncot dictations of weak although bearing no political slgolflconoa upon Mr bill prohibit of from drawing lit ago allowance for at tending se in cacti travelled upon railway passes was unanimous to that ought not to draw for omenta which not made Rut from a dozen different stand points dozen found lo llll who a willingness not lo Mr proposition If In of of all railway In country shall bo obliged by law to carry members of Parliament free outcome of discussion is likely to Is Of ftomo sort Just what cannot bo predict Mr been amply justified In bringing tho to attention of and tho reflection mart open any out sider who to that if members regarded a Utile inoro dig- ulty and duties their position twenty col find to dlsouss for an afternoon question of pauses and on another occasion vote a Caton or a Bay Hallway sabildy brought up la tho other day and Mackcailo Howell rnado an ex planation with regard to recent Order In Council granting company explanation sup ports what already beon published lie admits that this wild cat has received from this bonus Wow however from all signs It appears that Mackenzie and the Gov ernment want to back out of their pledge undoubtedly was tbatthotrans- should not publlo until after had taken place Then with a body of supr5rtora from victory and a victory to which thlu Hudson Bay Job would largely con tributed hoped the transection wool I bo indulgently things or this raising funds would not been attempted Ihey might been even for a fond of In which the would of been In politics of gambler who had staked thing and their honor which wero willing alto to upon not perhaps amount to much Before elections members even arc sometimes This has lurried out In present caeo and to utterly in defensible is pledge which tho into that they do not Intend to carry It out Cabinet changes which Mr Foster announced the other day drew from Mr one of moil caustic specebei which House hat tier listened to from that urbane Ho HOLLAND LANDING Football Iam A or in order Invited fcta bed mla- la alio to wear coat Wo to report Martin Taylor Mr Cray of and flOberiiseine A of ftro ftll kindly forever remains hero on Ho ft very largo round ftnd boot Wo ftto to report week death Boyd who Monday morning Her la tho cemetery hero J comb ivnducll KIvlM of Mr J Hun ftnd hit MtnpMiIooi Mr On no Ibtn ft near Jcrwy It ftpDcri fell on Hid ft thief In and fihdlght Hot 101 Kino thoir feelings inca foand ftocarcly folded la iv not of It ft ftrcnt in front arm behind ob- Madly vita ton to wt Protector of t Wednesday ftftcrnoon next A Who of good now Mr and for on nlgljl giving ftn wriUng their Toronto week Our had to In en and to do reported lo contained on their and partially fillod flaih now held In them my i and it leaving a fletk In a I Glare Fort Sot The Clara trial ended rt ten oclock Saturday night Mr John- the prisoners a pica io the jury on behalf of client nearly isro and a half how Owing lo the absence of Mr Oiler the duly of addressing the Jury devolved upon Couniy Crown Attorney Misaddress was a remarkable and convincing present ation of fads Chancellor Boyd then jury for thirtyfive minutes The jury then retired and after being out two hours returned a vedict Out Clara Ford not guilty of Frank West wood and prisoner was at once dis charged from custody Ont Yester day afternoon Smith school teacher of Section No r while bathing utiles south of erf T3 in now no doubt but that wo load Trade in Newmarket People count on an and we pride ournolvea on reputation wo ED J j j Our Bargains are Genuine Our Bargains are the same every day- r Our is all Mew and Stylish We Buy in the Cheapest Markets for Gash We Bell Cheaper than City Stores aged was drowned in Muskrat Creek five Teetwater He took a cramp Si am Our Ottawa to before him whoa Willi deficits alt of Mm ho of ft Held Con- of fts proof of tic whit condor hit The for odiog Jono Utt ho ViAt forced to admit For pulling the upon ho to ft amount WWlo for which will licit of July ho to a deficit of moreover It what will mult tbo ho ho they will and alter vhlch ho hat Jolt to taxation have bun allowed for What a of for an Policy to uveal At for of hut largo increase of debt a aoraiil 1 J debt bat by Bo that tho Pt will bo at compared with took aro of a Utter form than ho to reply Mr Potter the coon ho put through a pretty had tho which likely to a doling next four or at to ovu alco dollar over four of already voted and fiva for deepening completion of L Richard called to fact that inoit omitted In Ho wanted to know for In- not con- a year which tho meat had to a Fait an obligation Trent Valley Canal which and again pledged to and for which ooutract year amounting to half a million whelfctr project cot a way aa an obligation upon rotnt Than wat granted by Order in Goonoli to Hod Bay Railway Go waa that Cblgnocto way too with of that ha for railway tho of other day had been that amount which Ltd voted by and to earned wu and lilnt mill- Ioli of of by foand about twenty bo nearly turn to which acd Lis credit which the to for ItOl doty It oddly that bo by log a doty of a nt a opcu and and which Cabinet Hit that upon Sir John Thompson death had firtt upon Frank to form a and that it upon that Mac- wat with a which left no doubt at to contempt which held kind of trickery of Ho wat of to Cabinet from its ultra tho of by making it that Frank had recommended Fait flovtrolgn Grand Orange Matter for CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE CorYongcGerrard Sts TORONTO other tail- fctlti3arco Oil pit at serin A PASTURE FIELDS aepaislng N FACT Y fit usual Great in May At this morning during a severe thunder storm Mr John saw mill by lightning and burned to the ground The seasons sawing had just been completed and all the stock of shingles stored in the mill was destroyed Estimated toss no intut Since The Hudson Bay Railway promoters and contractors returned to Winnipeg on Friday night from their trip of inspection over the pro posed route All the contractors say the country is a most favorable one for railroad construction Surveying stalls are being organized and the work of constructing is announced to commence in two weeks The halfbreeds encamped near St John raided the town They looted the hardware store of the town trader Brooks se curing ten guns two loaded shells and all the other car tridges he had three kegs of powder and a large quantity of shot There were 60 in the party The half- breeds have sent their children across the Manitoba line and their encamp is reported to be in a state of defence AT Furniture AND Undertaking House CONTINUED Till the 1st of June for Cash and up Sideboards and up Parlor Suites 1750 and up Bedroom Suites up All other kinds of at rates i ni UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY to at hi A Ft IS JOHN Toronto mutt iftttif per I per pet OMjperbDiid-i- I Applet per HI- too Turkey per lb TtoolhT IMI If I I I If Oil 0 oso Oil 8W Oil eta ISO on CO on flltO a a S3 6 ill lUfcjMtjt M AHH WlUIsm KcUbt itl If ii J J- J Emu fa tSl Mrs tltiOtfllHUucnc st3 Auicra a a lib tut HUT Asa tit Jeans THANKS tort triers lo tot tiicaiio SALE will ctcLtc43Citrft AlUt an all icl ail Itto AtrQ J Alt- STONE 1 tifiti2tt3 Larroora sr I for La a li it Its Id ICa A ill tV yioupcr pet s m lb CO ots oil ON CO SCO I CO 15 Oil a a IS SCO IS a I a a DM IS CO on in OSS 15 to a a a 0C1 a tX AU vUl cuslol Sii WANTED ST to VUSWA AND SHOP- TO on Mat St AfrflO R JAOKDK COWS FOR LOST to I la A taa a ail its Gt Asritvadilalclci di after iiixiiU Village Holland Landing TUB fint ltai its Oil MAY20th oclock p All ikc lAAdUir 1 TOWNSHIP OK EAST QWILLIMBURY arc an ay ACHES OF PASTURE hi larf A to AND GARDEN- Ik KcA roe r toil ot A DO AW of Revision of to bald a I TUESDAY MAY 28th 1895 At a oclock a AH lalwciltd to uia lltjit cdiijt A J WW Notice to -oy- DIXON JsUt4Cf Mice lha Atctxivi J4 tJ3l lh4 Gill or June Us JAGUHiNf TOWKSEND RLOI Vfoinriiy WiAY IB AND 16 iircM ittlf ltcrciffi iiitntutjirs37 it luli to U14 CAtllet thereto to ita lis tut thereof to A11 th4ic etlhi lli III win Piokot for Sale in J A AJrairar NEWMARKET CEMETERY Jf Tilth Kith fill 1 A- JIulco Ittif at if w Wood Sale QUANTITY tfUlmJ WILL ici la ecr lbUehailChUelTTLi All io to fcifiila a- ft it IllE I be a ftciLrd acd to Red Star and Blue Stir llajtiiiUJa TOR BALE WO ftjwU a co MaMXlKUU JlpbAj fc its TtacAers io f a- iHiMTMiaissjs E GROOME o AtfctUa to lLc4 its worU Wi ul BcsfcocLCfcucliBu HAIR FOR SALE- to 15 TO RENT