Newmarket Era, 10 May 1895, p. 3

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f 5Wl J sci i lii 11 WHAT IS IK ABOUT Dons- The Shakespcrcao Co In on VftdtUtmy wider Iho Order of Committee for Ibo York on 1Mb of June to in f not do mined Too Slow Town Council it 111 Monday night author Mayor nude County Consult bit J I from How- mad tho at Ah Commencing Main Hi Is from Water lo a well aft CO fct on In- will bo I by end at by Visitor tithing Into lown from Worth AH ACCIDENT Jllt OS Kalvalloo Army out noire a Jiorto In front of Jr which ivu held by a man in Only that of men around to cling doubt would Salvation Army Ensign Arbeit and from Trill visit Naif oooduct four mocllnRt with air meeting on the formerly In and bat a in A No li a good and tlio will Iptorcattag tialfery bat ban to title corps end will At a meeting held in Toronto on tho various Dis trict of duly arranged snd play Mid and JJielrltt year along following and Hill Mr ArohCaiHptf1Lfi and to arogo daks of It to at faaro 2Kb of May Ibis Court Two Blunders Mayor on morn fug bavins lcn night ut North end placed In tho Ono no and aotts or flO tbootber Ilia and to auob an that a Wlgon bad to bo brought into VMt men 95 And or CO day third man with thorn lot ho of trouble Tbo that lined Loan to tho and not boon J Stock of tills stock at 5 cants on tho dollar still to bo Cheap crowd ilia was usual list shelve arc gottlng J Man tolling well Mr always kept good tweeds Junior League There was a very good at Hall on Tuesday evening and tbo program was lengthy Mr J I oc cupied chair look path very well In dialogues recitations singing and music by I Mitt Also a paper by Dr giving of founding of Child- Toronto and able growth bow and sjeud their some and the of by Junlori In with the was also Art of over CO dlaplayod with war about net Miss Keith Jr work Is to j upon which she has embused In children for this object Up of spent something Ibis week fixing up tbs shed which bad got soma- what of 4nd Ida A DadOitj week Mr Arthur Cook was fence on tot opposite the bo was wire with giro away and ha got a bad on to went to lb doctors to get It dressed when It was dftoOTtred that an artery bad been Honor KoH for April IJI Bid Sutherland wnFredTjIor Willie peter Wo Cbejwlle Frank Allan Rob- Fred Leslie Annie Lush St Pauls Church The A Falls and brother of the of Church will preach nest both and bo Mr Frncombf fn soma few will no doubt bo to heir again add to last week of that Duetts by were highly What the Ladies I Hughe place in Newmarket to get The Kxpkopkiation It it said that tbo arbitrator Matltn Township ie arising out of the of land at have their award and the ame at fbe copied there being nil summoned- the award Mill bo opened at next of at on the 1st of June not know It what the rate payer are Co a nice variety of Floor Oil Clothe four yards wide Carpet and Wall Paper are moving lively bete days be grand of Well Paper you Wall Papers i a roll end op to ago cold at a Cemrtkrk The grounds and roads In much belter condition spring than which will bo a saving In with other years The Director met on the grounds last Tuesday and upon the general Improvements during the season tbo principal work being a along tho front of the plot to the plot The a to all calling end hauling away of rata is to done by tender A com of the President Mr Messrs J A and J was appointed to confer with from one to throe representatives from each of the various Societies who willing to in Decoration Day to lake place on Friday avert ing Stat of Way at The care taker has had great with the hot bod this season and will be able lo furnish all tho that Co will rcjoffo for decorating purport Farmers Who send milk to would save money by using A new aerator Only each a Mechanics en meeting of took place in the Head on Monday pursuant Jonsldcrlog there member on book tho attendance wet very Hulled President A David son occupied chair The Treasurer report which following is a synopsis was received with much talis action Hah on hand May I 1691 16 Government Member Proceed of Concert Halo of old Hooks Obituary The published a sketch of the life of the Hacking and noting that ha was born in n event year of we made enquiry about the family and And that his father Mr Hacking postmaster al well was raised at Hacking Coroara on Whitchurch near Wesley Church and bis apprenticeeblp as a clerk In store of late John where the residence of Mr now stands no afterwards opened a store hero and is stilt a treatee of the Congregational Church property in Newmarket Hie son who died last month learned the printing trad at office and baa bad a moat eventful career As a Journeyman bo worked at Oat Atlanta New Orleans Cincinnati and Detroit Id he the then Adtirtiur AftcrwardthetLartedtheAetonFrrPrif Clifford and the t at Winnipeg Falling tilled him to a more moderate returned to to work on but died in Buffalo after a bug and painful He family of t grown op children CiUkoB In the last Sunday took by that the heat mercury WjtQtnp lo w in the bed In the ran On Monday It was a bad but ceo tbea lb bora Down Four were brought before Major on and two of them were committed to would stttr play truant again woro let oil on impended ten- This should be a warring to all pupils that have any Inclination to play Our Milk Somebody ha sent ns an letter plaining of manner 1 which milk It delivered Id writer docs not know of any place the alio of town where not delivered at the door and why proplo hat been long Imposed a pea for It a woman cannot Imagine All we can say that inch hare to bo endured mm In troduces more method Lacrosse match for to The Junior defence home are to be lied defence and Junior RttifAfcKADLK The fiut thunder we hate heard forth rumbling monotone test la of both and the farmer got weloome shower Newmarket and vicinity hardly got a amoll It Is four weeks since we had enough rain to dampen the until small shower on Tuesday It Is to tee how thetresa have tent forth saves and nature la thoroughly rtnovat lug her domestic affalri petting of on bill and her drapery of the most Unbrcakablt and V Waist leading line of at CM Hu A In schools of the teacher to acquire a of vrlllng which aikin will be taught In pupil In going from one room may not bo by the forma by different It that Mr to accept of the Newmarket the Direct- art took place flatucd4y and meeting it called tomorrow to gel lbs belong to lb Temperance Union forward to a Correction of plcnur in on lh of this Mrs of Toronto a lady who Is the esteem by all who had the pica to of bearing her will the meeting In the Experiment There was a largo crowd j people fron King and at Mr farm on last Tuesday to witness the preparation the and of Fruit Trees In the by the man sent out at the expense of the Ontario Govern ment and treated with on either aide which were not In order to demon- spraying operation the thought there was not force enough or rather length of hose to reach the tops of the tree hot wo time will tell The next Intl on the of m train The Two splendid lacrosse matches have been arranged will meet the II cam at and will bo followed by a game between the I and Oxbridge enIor These game hould draw an immense crowd Perhaps the hardest match the boys played last was out at only gosl being scored and by the after o hour and CO minutes hard play Doth teams considerably this year and a game may bo looked for Tho boy rcotlred an taHon yesterday from the of to play there on whfch however could not he accepted owing to having made with We show the of j Wall low Dles Roods Sks Heat writing is mote thai The position of writer Mistake In repotting does not render It neocsiary that tho Police Court of vr head hould points in favor of the new system are It is more legible pupil lo reading take the whole word at a glance it If more rapid and will take up ranch The only drawback is that It fa not to or Hamilton and have the ystem We have tome writer market and would not be surprised to more tandem of looomotfon along the road one would think that they were the simplest things In world to ride but did yon ever try one Just when you think she Is going git there Is a bilk and you A prominent educational official who ban lately Invested in one of these articled look a header on other day PIktt aro stubborn things caslonally and worst feature in that there Is sure to bo aomcono looking yon when you lick the dust Another lady wheel to town last Friday A down wheels from Aurora two of them by ladles look a through town on Tuesday evening Should use Diamond Pipe Varnish to preserve pipes etc through the month by a ward and Joseph ltyan a few bound over to keep the peace built should have The Until the printed last we were not aware of fact that there are two father and eon Wo had heard of the and at men brought before Jackson werothoonly one of that hero wo brothers Wo should have gladly made the correc tion In Issue had our attention been tailed to fact take this the Drat opportunity to Ihe rnaltcr right Wo regret very much enyrcfltellon should bo cast upon Mr Edward Jr of Toronto A W II IG fllLIQg Did your see the crowd we lust SaU buying Boots Alt our customers are satisfied that we are selling the Cheapest Goods in Hie County Call and see us We have loads of and at Lower Prices than vote ever bought before If you are thinking of ordering a Suit this Spring call and see us we are well stocked with the Newest Goods in the Market and at prices that will save you some money We are very busy at present but will be able to handle a few more orders guaranteed or no sale A FirstClass lit So I NEWMARKET a BARGAIN on par- in fall for 189B CO 6 0S of Co no it 152 82 Note held by WN ii Printing new Catalogues Balance due It J A Ft Time Those troublesome are coning and intend stay preps re by wearing doors An cor men to any A St Church The prayer evening of last week was by the ladies loterated in Minion and hour was very profitably spent Mis Wallace prccided Mis read lbs and appropriate readings were given by Mrs Mr Cane and Mrs On Bin- last the Fellowship Meeting was very attended more were received Into and about ICO the The pat ter was agisted In the servfee by Rev Mr Fish of Toronto who preached a good sermopi The also exception ally well rendered pastor that for the three or four mornings he will preach on The Id by Prof Drum great work aerie doubt be very and to faith In the Creator and universe morning there thing as the epootaneou of Mr lfowtou a old l who have doubt lb reality of the religious liio ate eiclally invited Sunday Mr Will preach the annual to the from Aurora are ex pelted- 240 This shows a balance of 0060 in favor of the when amounts due all received pstd up to 1st of May Coniiderlng four years ago the finances the Institute a deficit of something Ilka report speaks marvels for tbo directors and show with the hearty of the the Library and Heading can be made a great success In stead of the Director bating to poopte are now booting for the Institute The Report shows grand Improvement In the circulation of book during the past year the total be fug an increase of over pre vious year Following numbers taken from various sections Biography 1 large- Fiction ly Pansys book and Travels Historic Works Poetry Reference Scientific The officers elected for were fellow 1st Vice 2nd Morrison Hughes Librarian Hi Starr J Mo- ClellaoTJ Jackson and A and II The were then Library Ran and Rob and Printing sod and Mr David son reported that preparation were pro greealog for the Institute Concert on the month for further particular The Government not payable and fund are needed at once to and far the Room In Era a brief announcement waemado of the do- inleo of Jones on the at in of Whitchurch with Intimation a extended notice woold bo given to day was at How York In and at age of he caeno to Canada living with hie father on latter farm north Being of a fair location for thoao day taught school during the winter month aid agisted hie father on farm in summer year bo began taking an active part In public life and for a long time wen central figure In the Township For thirtytwo year he resided in Blooming too greater part of which time he was postmaster there and by carrying on farming acting a a etc and frugality he araaaaed considerable property If memory correctly be was appointed at a Justice of the during the period in which the late represented North York and he continued to bo an active magistrate illness laid him aside For year too be nit the faith fat and of Agricultural Society and re joiced in lis In while the late Joseph Reeve of that Township our- deceased friend en tared municipal life and for nearly all the time since he to occupy a teat at the council board deputy- reave for coven and reeve for eleven year Id county council ho served on all il Important committee was to lib duties and a faithful and economical friend of the he Possessed of a large vein of hi sallies at were pointed and oftentimes more effectual than the lengthy speeches more garrulous mem bers Although a Liberal politics by courteous demeanour towards opponents ho gained their good will and confidence many Conservative being among his when contesting for the reeve chair A evidence of this and the good opinion entertained for by his neighbors we may observe ihat the list time he waa a candidate for a it at fn the Council there were volts polled in the subdivision in which he resided and of cast for debated Among other public office Id which he that also of a Notary At the municipal nomi nation last year Mr Jones was ud made a lengthy address which it was a aid over taxed his strength Be this a It may one thing is sure he never was well after and dropsy gradually weaker and on May 2nd be passed and peacefully away nlo the great beyond Hit funeral on Saturday last Wat attended by a Urge concourse of and friends from far and J Esq P P being among those present In de ceased daughter Wldemanwho lif during Ik children blessed union whom together his widow survive ion end two daughter By family lose a fciad and father and aditer and ha meet devoted and careful pub ISO servants Mayor Robertson at the adjourn ed meeting the If all Friday evening and Mr acted Mr Allen re ported that Council in favor of granting to the Town Band for new music and pay the Bond 8S0 per year salary to on the 1st of May these conditions wore accepted by the Land boy and prospects rue very favorable for a good and permanent Town Band J and canvassers for Andrew Ward reported having to- cured to ISO with proapects of more Tench and J reported in tit George Ward and Messrs reported in Br Patrick Ward A motion waa made to adjourn the meeting for two weeks and In meantime member of Fire Brigade to meet and prepare a of races for 1st of July or at least to have defi nite to place before mooting It was moved amendment that a special com- bo appointed to all arrange for a Demonstration on Dominion Day On being put lo the amendment waa loat and original motion carried by a largo majority A motion carried Chief En gineer Allan to notify by peat every rut ruber of Brigade to attend and tend tho bill Council The public meeting then adjourned till Friday evening the of May at oclock in the Council Chamber A Gingham Warranted Fast Color 36 inch Factory Cotton 10c American Print Parasols Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hobo Extra Fine Wool Mens Dollar Overalls Cranky Shirting worth 12 cents Ladies Ribbed Vests I PRICES Be I A a O WITH to liiatcl W STARR Central Offlci I YORK Powder stand ttxttt ICHINA Invite your especial attention to their A Few For one at a A 18 Milk Pans 16 26 Broome or lor No Tea bottom Milk Co each Be Their Manager J hai long been known in this vicinity an Expert in the Tea Trade You will not be disappointed if you expect to get ihe Best Japan Tea Of lbs for from this the Best age Black Tea the India Tea at per lb the perfect flavored China Black and Young Hyson at pel lb Also in ColToes they excel for a fragrant cup try ibetr Java and Mocha Blend it cannot be equalled for fullness of aroma Their Coffee will surprise you warranted perfectly pure DAVISON GO AY If JI10 the why For Spot Only Oh what lovely and Pastry arc making row Thoc compliments we Ret nearly every day And your We presume because the demand it greater every day Our Confectionery is for superior to Toronto make We put Pure Jersey Cream in Confectionery which gives il 1 R I E Dont forget our Sensation Blend Coffee the Best in Town That cent Blended Black Tea takes no second place Our cent Black Hyson Japan and Mixed Tea arc extra values them lood If you want the Genuine Eastern Province Maple Syrup we have it direct from the ICECREAM ON THE BILL OF FARE ROBERTSON Grocer a people ConoH Only ilock wUl The off al All back yards bo up by lot Frail deliver Town Band practice in eMitChcy are pretty with Jerome wbo la from spring is yielding to iropoUe ell nature working in to ft Dot comfort to Mints tbo bureau on and piano down few thdetr3 about town aod In cemetery Friday bat Arbor Day by by School Glatt vliitod tbo afternoon of last In for practical work thing ft after long winter to leathered they flit from to thing a cap with a pair of in the rim which can bo turned down to doit out of the eye on a It will to take a by from tin 9bUtUa ate wry anooylog to tck or with and baa eye for tbat make night downtown lowering and pa lot fence in front of Mm has raado a very mat Job are to repair the at the ware in creek laii the aioood town are taken by to dog at Bowery at on to make arrangements going to wood flotajlody several along IVosffrHAve to to There Import- of School How Siiirrbtsi Some to think bandy any kind of offal can damped into It attention of Cblet con wa called other day to a dead catandabukatfal of dead Sib which had thrown Into creek near Timothy bridge and of bo had them If the who placed them there can be oat a fine and costs Kara them a editor of Noes made hippy lad and the Kay ho telle of it Again the rain has vliitad A gentle and every one took a netting to bow it troop of Ctnadiao Dragoons at Winnipeg have received from Ottawa themselves in readiness to at once proceed to Killarney and guard the Manitoba boundary against the invasion of half- breeds and Indian from North Dakota- A cotts w ji sav3 lHttf School THIS SPRING TAKE THE NEW MEDICINE WILL TAKE NO OTHOR Not only are the but we are also to find that we worked up in a short period of five We find that every day our business is increasing And why so because we have the light goods for our cus tomers The largest best quality and latest styles of Cakes are to be bad from us specially Broad still in the lead Our Candies are fine at per lb Try lh era Our Groceries are ftesb and reliable and prices tbat Fill meet the demands of everybody We have a lot of flour bags thai we will sell at ice each BROS St Telephone Mortgage of Pioprty a lain or Toifacr at IM boor of I wi Saturday bo Uurol freehold udlicoU erf i i at et ld fc good Hew fiU4 op lit lirdjatOBt lift r ifco to VeidcEiSdlr DRIVER a a r v ltd cow inn ms 4is is A am the following Goods and Prices It means Saving Money to the Consumer and Wearer If you think the quality cannot be good at the prices come in and see You will be convinced the quality is No If the price is too low you arc the Stock must be cleared out as once no matter about the cost of the Goods BOOTS SHOES Childrens Tan Shoes a bargain at Womens Tan Shoes usual Mens Tan Lace Boots Mens Oxfords a snap Boys Oxfords see them Womens Oxfords worth Childrens Tan Slippers Don Button Boots worth 135 Womens Button Boots 1 worth Our prices In all Boots and Shoes reduced from to cent to clear the Goods clean out We want ihe money you can have the Goods cheap enough GROCERIES Bargains Every Day Can Tomatoes or per Can Com or per Can Peas or per down Bars Electric Seap for or each 81b box New or lb HorseShoe Salmon sac per can Mixed Pickles a for Mortons Kippered Herring per can worth Mortons Bloaters can Marmalade per pot Ordinary Salmon per can Pickles w0ith5c Potted Bloater tin Japan quality pound Coffee Crushed Java and Mocha pound Breakfast CoQee lib tin Soaps Of all kinds rrduced to starva tion and get hem Sure to be Cheap tad Dinner Sets worth Toilet Sets v0lih A OF- Call and see us Sign Boot IS AH rips in goods here ftcc nit IP from Your person and your purse you ill hive if you order no one can us quality and workmanship Suit see our good before placing our order If you a Neat to Jewelery Store TAILOR SPECIAL COURSE GREATLY I1E0UOEO HARRISON OOLLEQE K vnys si Soutb End Tannery TO 1 IuU 1

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