The Great and thoroughly re liable buildingup medicine nerve tonic and Before the people which stands preeminently above all otter medicines is It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit I It is not what we say but j what Hoods does that tells the Hoods Cures all other and prescriptions fail my Hit from ho month out and core of Hood It com cured her Wo to Clinton Oct Moods Si A fl IViMCHAUOUOTMK ifsupipufbih MO ClttAPIlYMAIL I Wyyw Fifty Years tin aw ft am Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum COUGHS Ml Wat sow A Co if Side Headache I tot lulled long tliti taking Pills I iKiirrtnl A lit bud I am now II Mo the Hat Dissolution Partnership NOTICE lb IdL t is day inutMiI All cuot r to bollard l64 Find Moilcuo Dime of May is Bom Of our to ifoi Agliuttlc of ten vtcitcUi in to filled for it tivo it tLcrtby to iidtn0Hyt4Stlitr Hh And It the country wo wig the of relieved Oct outlet ItlnUu to J ud curtd AUttLdujriaLjui tint IS by la So Mluuttv or IttJc ifwjt It y Ifi a all of Mnvlict by ll kMt iUOt jl crudity AtA fttd of or It Hold by Ur my d to Jcwfih of which Ponilai the IjmVl cy to OTOfitrlCi which ft fa ftfTeln Then wJm to M nd to rocto col tiro ho two bo before tho of It It tho leu to I or to bo bat to put him to Jjo do They for iu they trno ol and It Into Ilftvo wfl not Ken I it lor ttitlilpK from liters I Ux off a Worldly lUehood And liter man And for ire to ACOUr- Tub o gin of amount to f a Urn A would Lriil llitn l0 over I ho next A RKl dullr levied In role I MI Con In former In only txid fill under rule Jlut ourcototn dont tell add Hon Mr Potters then Till Ho lAt In Domin ion for a free delivery At And prornlud no Of to Hiding of a of tho to that ft to It aint you and with Don in fiat WlfWjllifci a llitlohard that laborers in of come lur for The re enough do voted frltndo of Mow vJio have worked well and right at homo Why not lo readily to whom ij intdo by kivltjc rewards to Maritime laborers Wo dont like to bo alluded Tut moil charitable on the and then thoundtr to mark its Our ll order to out to say to a tribe or even to that are by it Met ihcro bo Utile doubt that the do record way for of I larlfamtrjt into a frame of lo railways A Ottawa to the Toronto Star gays will not the control which Mr of Hudion into with Grant of Foley of Paul and of Ottawa for building a rtion of tbe road Add to tbli statement that bat not provided bis for any appropriation to this railway and the condition Is out that hit decided not to bonus the as a first anticipated ftttrURivo to dtbtto on Mr Ma- locks bill reef of travelling 00 railway and then taking from the Toronto Star the vita j mo in following of forcing to Itavel a particular Is it is The do not bow members get to Ottawa ftay walk run or fly tut lby do dtilro legislators obllgatioa railway f bat is sum and the publio with I looting flLe we find North York and West boys not lo it Way back at wo an appropriation of for a post office alto Falls the neighborhood of Toy Canal for similar public buildings and for the of the channel through the narrows at If argu ment by Hon Mr while his tour lately fn for the Toy Canal ft about time for York as been for public buildings In other coun- llti over Confederation without any appropriation leflliaudoi com no mincing mat least Don turns lo that Idea It one may Judge from fol lowing comment Tbe has very recently asaubmittod to Show ado of two million with last years If can this year it could been ten years ago A to- Is said b but little In flosneo Almighty men who has bis devil And gives drear- of his to God of the Cootjvallio In the matter of his that ft baa bad and fear ft but lltlU with the reader of what at OlUwf La It trill of Ilia In at A took by VAtUADUl Probably It hai never to you to how many ant and Industries are to- were in creation baa given employment to of people and to bnitoni of capital The ester new aincc com- It the of certain cereal crops wills a rapidity unap proachable with bind labor It has made practicable the raising of- crops larger than could bo produced and garnered otherwise Incidental ly food has been cheapened The typewriter not put on the market until asoooooo to worth of typewriter have been told This machine opened a new field for work It lias Increased the demand writers of shorthand very greatly The quantity of matter ac tually written has been enormously in serted by Invention The cable and electric roads are new since The cost of con structing and them is main ly for labor and in this way employ ment has been given to great numbers of men When horse cars are super ceded by electricity or the cable the number of canted it al ways greatly increased and cars arc run requiring a larger number of employes- The last have witnessed the creation of the tight the electric railway and the telephone and of useful I Ions depending on The most important of the very re cent inventions arc the type making and the cash regmcr The latter has already put on the market 1 to of material the cost of which mainly for Let us not forget to mention in the list of novel industries the manufacture of the bicycle which new commercially since A OK A WHO WAS HEAR Condition Young Action and Was rut Ccrnttell in this world is and unfortunately it is too common in this Canada of ours with iis extremes of climate its almost arctic winters and days of tropic heat than to see a young life fading away like a blighted vine Its early days have been full of promise but just when the young maiden be comes of a lovable age with every thing to live for or the young man evinces signs of business aptitude they are suddenly stricken down and too often in months or It may be weeks there are empty at the fireside and sore heart Ml behind Not always is this the cae however Fortunately science lias discovered remedies to check the ravages of de cline when it has not gone too far Recently a case of this kind was brought to our notice and attracted so much attention in the neighbor hood that we felt impelled to inquire into them more fully and them the benefit of as wide publicity as possibility Henry Haines who has for several years past acted as farm foreman for Mr Daniel of Glen Walter county has quite a large family among them one daughter Mary now about years of age Until her rath year she was much as other children fairly rugged and without sickness of any kind Then of a sudden she became delicate and as the months went on her parents were afraid she was going into a de cline heart beat feebly she was feverish and flushed slept badly and had but little appetite Doctors were consulted who talked about growing too fast and such common places and prescribed different medi cines none of which however ap peared to be of any permanent bene fit A year or so ago the young lady hoping a change of air might accom plish for her what medicine could not went to Fort Covington where she had some relatives and en gaged as a nurse Even this light employment however proved too much for her and in the spring she re turned to her parents a perfect wreck with nothing to do but die she thought Hut when least expected aid was to hand Mr Haines had been reading the marvellous cures made by Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People and within himself that if they had cured others they might save his daughters life On the next visit to Cornwall he bought a half dozen boxes of Pink Pills It may be easily imagined that Miss Haines required little persuasion to ry the much talked of remedy and well for her it was that she did so In the course of a week she felt an improve ment By the lime she had taken two and a half realized that was experiencing such health as she bad never known In fore and her friends began to remark and congratu late her ihe change in her appear ance ill persevering in the use of the pills she found herself when at the end of the fifth in perfect and able to i all work of the and the amuse ments from which she hid up to that time been debarred She had ant-x- and no one could wish to fell tatter fifth skier from Fort over to satisfy herself and could that the robust happy looking girl was indeed her sister wirtn she had never expected to ser alive Miss says sh cannot say enough in favor of Dr won derful Pink Pills to which she fees assured she owrs her life Or Williams Pink Pills are an failing euro for all resulting from poverty of the Wood or shatter ed and where given a fair trial ihy fill in rases the ah ve related Sold by all sent postpaid at for 250 addressing ihe Willi mis Co r the rvgisure it on packages a ByLaw passed by Muni cipal of on the day of April following named Trete as for SHEEP Mo Uriah Moore Qoifa to lor for to fihten by moil bo valuta to of I 9 fl Joseph John ton fltooXD Uriah Booth I North Frank Kelloy 9 J P John Baiter i II fl 7 Vrlght Third i P John Klrton t 11 n J J John 9 Co 1 J Itandolph I John PUnrgm Held 0 Hi Jordan ll Peter Allan Howard i iiinilh More II J is John John Prank AltAit SI Win If Colo John II J ml Arnold Pollock Mould a Kdlrovo Win J l Jacob II John J Win Colo ll I I I Wm Held Jr A vol J Hopkins Carter Win 8 John 6 Chav 7 Mt Albert t Geo I IS Jos Harrison Tow 1 It Morrison 2 Michael Wallli John Town Eur I Woatu 11 White Thai Matnpriw Tons iv David 8 Art Kb KKFPKUH Yoxot Br Cyras John Iff Proctor Jonathan Webb Grant Chas John Poller John Mules W Woddel Hill John I Moore Henry Halt Cox Kobe l Allan Br John Dunham It P HP Alien John W BarnCo Howard ProvoKd Alex Geo GOifWm Jr Diluted Cos Henry Patrick Vox Crouch Oliver Robert Anson Cook VIKWKRB Edward Iff Br Howard E Wation Wright CJiaa nainci Thomas Knight An- David Go W Moore Wm Holt Dunham Jacob Smith Finn Cos Darker Hum Thomas Co Lewis Jacob Traviei Jamca Jlot Jr Cos Arthur Good win WiUlain Br Dougherty it Kay J Rogers Cos Toole Thos Walts Anson Joitet John French Francis Edward Con Abel Wm Whil in a Much If it be a good one and much if It bo bad one all die that I have got but nib my jiood name It Is more than more than health more than fame It Is It la moral health It Is We presume of that good Is really not falsa and flctiUous One may notoriety fame and not have a good name those him best It Is those us best who have the right give us a name Evcrylhlng What Is a mind all that there Is of object or the Father Mother Heaven Christ I Whats In a name Everything is named A name is everything A young mm who has got a name is ready toco into the banking or other lie has stock in list him a life lime if he will take care f it Ho that money cannot buy and which he cannot sell and deliver the lt is the pride and a man should and keep a priceless Industrial ffoiiSo Sioux Iowa May Prob ably persons were killed by the cyclone that through Sioux county from to northeast an hour before sunset yesterday Half a score of little ham- lets touched by the flying storm and hundreds of farms laid A feature of disaster was the number of youthful lives r rushed out ihc cruel wind houses near Sioux Center des troyed while school was in and at each one from three to ten children were killed iujixed Many of the children from a quarter to a half a mile before redropped lets of Jolm a fanner near Sioux Center were picked up as they were leaving the house and daihcd into a wire fence and lutti killed The parents of many of chil dren the and arc near ly frantic to learn whether their little ones are dead or alive Up to an early hour this the fatalities In the various towns were estimated as follows Sioux Center dead Perkins dead dead Sibley dead- It it feared returns from Ihc remote points and from the farms in- the country will double the death list Mo intelligent estimate of the dam age Inflicted can be made but it will reach millions A curious feature of the yclonc was the accompaniment of electric violence Many deaths lightning are reported Numerous victims were found lodg ed In the trees where they had been hurled by the storm and so seriously injured that death is expected mo mentarily Wires were completely stripped from ihc poles and in some places posts were all taken from the ground Horses cattle and vehicles were hurled through the air like chaff Take a hole and put come dough around it then fry in lard simple recipe has brought thousands to grief just because of the frying laid which as we all binders digestion all recipes where you have used lard try SCHOOL sua or asait of 3 v P Morton Jan Morton P Morton Ill J Morion I J Jr IIIi Br Pi KtllioRtoo Cronlo Jr PI I Worrell fl p Morton to It Mar Mil Morton Ajns Patudtpflt Fred so Jr the new vegetable shorteulng and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results It is without unpleasant odor unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results With CorroxBKK in your kitchen the youog the delicate and the dyspeptic can nil enjoy the regular family bill of fare li in a ar Company Wellington Ana Clear a SKIN AUTries Cow ytIrciUU or wot by J t Jut it Stove and Furnace Repairs DO In fciur tow lot IUtljlllcr4urtbrirtfi4 If Lull Kid COPYRIGHTS I fee l mm i RAILWAY rooK OF CONSISTING OF LB Old Country In lb lb Lead Packets At 40 and CO per lb BOLD R A DO PART Nature will then do rest your part is to secure the SEEDS We have them in all varielicr GARDEN From icon reliable Seed Growers also and Plant SCOTTS The Leading Drug Store EXECUTORS fn Sale of to Lands J KlUtB ol iiotkj MAY At itohor of oclock In Ih6 A on 1L4 of RAKES HOES SHOVELS SPADES DIGGING Etc wars never more Complete Ton Black Fence Wire Just to Hand Get our before Buying A SPECIALTY JAS PROP kept for hire rt CO Six v tf I IS I a 0 TO SALK CHEAP to l A LET iMi20Namtta TO RENT vi Alo TRY OUR pails runs Cwtiikshns VaSMIARI n H OUSKANDLOT- to la iro J Ail J yd OF FOR Building Material bo I Vc ft rtepitlrna In with Shop of All for All Colon Jlcfjttinn with Tires Truing up Putting on Forks or ffiro into All WhttU before commencing soother Wo arc prpirtd to to order of will have a of very ltctt jitUra end CANE SONS MFO- CO Ltd ro THE WHOLE FAMILY READS THE ERA j Grand father Grandmother fit j Us Is ad fitttf ls win Pdrcl lf lo3ltx J tool I Huron lot ft PrcelJyt Mi In c i tired- 7tte It a house a o of ltd ll etc of I tfoUebuuaftd Itbi Noah This very lot htl IKS Cooi sea cutis lit Acre fffoticA tit Pctt7TeKufAdtttlM of put Lot Ho the fftlrd wtUUlcj raorsorlcu cat ibt In Piled fftod iiii-t- J Iho lie w told to a ltd its Jkthitl- Put I lctirr for And All They lie Locals the ih every line in paper Then lliey send it distant interested in the Town as numerous masters will certify The Weekly is the bestread pub- lication in existence It has the home news which no other gives Advertisers Take Notice The is read by several thousands of people every week An advertisement in this paper is fore of some account 1CV Art FARM FOR SALE mil let ill jli r THIS IS A BARGAIN to TfOR iioPslinisztlumtatf Vllfio tcne Jr3 lit 5o or to Vlcri TO KENT it Coo a fcDCtl a la bo to on lh lyj J UcOINhie feafortb Residence For Sale- whoa en VjcoMa to it for OR TO RENT TUB OF llEVrlARKETQflT MAIff of iA two KxV3udlZJCU iwoitcrtM Vti Uo JtciianQawirl Item H sued op with or tbrcjboflt with wt Kick iitoMiboPxcUcjfweIIr will Ceil EXEMPTION OF TAXES 1 for the Em ife Advertise Era NEWMARKET Notice toCreditor to of John W- Ut WKcJt pi lot iLJUntyv l- iiutcrcfth8iil la IN CORSETS Can only obtained wearing No Improved Corsets side to break hurt or rust a pair Firstclass Goods Houses Sell Them fur to to I to us tlxjeUItJs FOR YEARS MONKV lil Oft DAVID LLOYD for KiotciUQTiiJuiSiLd im roc i BEST FRIEND CANADA tJ Of marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies In its specific curative power over every organ of the body Liver the Blood the Bowels the Stomach the Kidneys the Skin the Bladder in fact all parts of the human System ore regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it all diseases affecting these or other of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all Irregularities of the caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Bowels liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that Is MEDICINE FOR OR OLD i