Newmarket Era, 17 May 1895, p. 1

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LIBERTY GEO JACESOH flUB80RIBER8 YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No tent outride of unlet paid in advance IhoOoontT- till tort chirred Vol No I Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Ont Friday May Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year Allowed go a DRAFTS ISSUE Vttamr ileal w3M to- J on food IT fclOYO It tho King of Wheel CO I mi Coot Mob to J WOODCOCK Main ij rfJ a f 4 jr A County of IS Pit A and ft A 4fcrrfn fclMnl U iv from finest slock obtainable Dun proof bearing find fully vln Hired lop I- I lilt I Itiinior I- in I Ij T Ot roiMtt C8 a fi o VOW or J fin A I ltllwO J A r f A for 48 to 5a Street t- THE 5J I J Wiet what you read is en tertaining and when you dont to strain in per- wing if afford to ho reolir less with any thing hut the can af ford to take with anything bat your sight I all winds of glasses at posi tively the lowest prices Ho far Examination ft Graduate of the Philadelphia Optical College IIS a Luxury to load HANK ISO lo- f tide Loin AUKSTfor Mifriili of lndon KoTlttid ting AH FIRE AcC7 of I CO of lb London A Liverpool MECHANICS MIXUO TAINTS CHURCHES OILS GLASS AND POTTY CIIUKNS CANADIAN OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES FORKS SPADES AND SHOVED FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF WIRE J A W ALLAN Ik CO for MAIN STREET No y- JacVsfor Hire NEWMARKET Latest Designs MONUMENTS and JjEA STONES Canadian and Granites and Marble tYAtMtAttlUA oidtilcg For Bra Aft God upon word 1 and too And lo In Mill Id ilia Ho mora Only HIS Store Enlarged Our Stock Enlarged Our Bargains St VA07AHT in I 9txAlta Hotel JOB US do alto any Office to outdo us in this line cither in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done sec what work and terms you can get the Era Office before you order Our is verbial CANADA CO PURELY CANADIAN COMPANY CAPITAL AND DOLLARS 1 If iTSBSSO Corner Store nearly opposite the House y I PAY YOBS AND TAKE YOUK BUT IT COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE TUB ST STOCK OF ST a vote In IttSUMAUiOLUrKIYyUKEIHJMOny Insuring tho Lives of Females TANOAHU AU At lo tt J OF TORONTO IHHM iO BOY WM HODGE MAIN ST SOUTH HUNT I iiitciiiANK0U8 SIMPSON Mam MANNING to pHOSriioLAN- Oouitoiii ON THE LIP BY AVERS S I doctor if lt or luo I ft aged ouXI a or tore to Hit itotiDrdll4nrt Jake Ul ftt Worlds KaUIU JMIOS ft I in irw Or An ft Vcciff4r MR A8TOUFFjEtt THE IlHEST TURNOUT 1 ii eii jo Women with pale or sallow complexion or suffering from skin eruptions or scrofulous find quick relief in Scotts Emulsion All of the stages of Emaciation a general decline of health are speedily cured Scotts There Isnt anybody living can roe Dont be too her husband you cannot afford to run a lilt But I deny that science What been proved by hypnotism It foolish lo about It for I will not even admit there is such a thing The sbtewd people who about the country giving exhibitions of lb are in coUuiioo with one In the audience you know that your- iclf Ned Nothing of the kind retorted Ned as Mrs called her band It a that is jet in in infancy and there a few individuals have the hypnotic and are able to throw ess positive Into a trance But I have teen it done and it is wonderful What did you roan climb walls like a cat drink milk out of a saucer catch a mouse and then wash his face as a cat does And when he came out of the trance he had no idea that he had done any of these things or that he had even con iclousness Hum laid Mia Day incredu lously I dont believe a word of it If he did all that you aid he did he was simply a conspirator And what good can such a faculty to science should like to know Where is the scientific value in acting like a cat or a monkey Why dont you tee dear it is the verification of a theory No I do not tee And I am not sure that I would believe it if I did tee it The whole of these is the power of producing an illusion I defy any of them to hypnotise me had you to with me to the exhibition tonight And be into a cat No indeed I If I make a sacrifice of myself in the cause of science it mult be for worth while You have yet to me Ned that what you call hypnotic sleep is not assumed to help carry out the plan of the or as a means of creatine a There is no one living who could by a few ridicu lous passes a starrer pressure of my thumbs make me do anything did not choose to do But you acknowledge do you not that a will can control a one Yes and could but that is at old as the days of Adam who was evidently in subjection to Eve I suppose some one will say that deep sleep which overtook our first father when bis rib was taken from him was hypnotic It be just about as sensible I have an idea said Mr Pari suddenly Suppose since Mahomet wont go to the mountain that the mountain comes to fahoract The hypnotist can come here after the en tertainment and we will invite a m neighbors in and he can an ex hibit of his power that idea Favorably Ned There are the Rusts and the Pebbles and Dr Srouh- lyandhii wife and Cousin Fanny and her husband You let them know and will order refreshments and we will have an evening of It will begin late but we can find other amusement your operator comes Mrs had everything arranged het house in beautiful order and her self gorgeous in a dress of ruby velvet which wis far too fine for the but was as a the read or heard that velvet resisted hypnotic influence The neighbors and relatives came a merry company and the time pass in an animated discussion upon the power of one friend going so far in research as to visit the library and look up that wonderful story the House of Seven Gables and read aloud to attentive lis a passage from ihe weird history of Alice He spoke and Alice responded with a toft subdued inward a bending of tcr form to wards him like a flame of a torch when it indicates a gentle draught of air- He beckoned with his hand and riiin from her chair blindly but undoubtedly as tending her sure and inevitable center Alice approached him He waived her back and retreating Alice sunk again into her teat rt is mine said Matthew mine by the light of the strongest spirit Uh that mesmerism said Mm as the reading ceased And what is one of the company think After the Introductions were made and conversation slipped Into ihe hall and beckoned to her husband who Im mediately joined her Then the whispered in Ms ear IfIf by any possibility he should be able to me you will not let htm make me do any- Iblng ridiculous My dear Lcona how can you Imagine auch a possibility But If you have any fear echoed his wife whisper you will that he cannot make slightest Impression on me And she went back in the parlor and found one of her guests climbing the piano to es cape an imaginary bear that was pur suing him A few panes and he was restored to his normal condition look- in very There were tome amusing and tome perplexing exhibits of the power then the company fol lowed host and hostess to tho dining room where a generous spread a- waited them Mia was silent Her test would be the next one and she watched the wiry of the young as if his lay in But they were harmlessly busy with the sandwiches His face was quite noncommittal too What was the power he hed of seducing the will to a mere blank She would toon know Back in the parlor Mrs- seat ed herself under the brilliant chan delier Not there said the professor but she did not to yield to any command of his and said quietly I prefer to sit here Then I cannot hypnotize you Oh you acknowledge that It Is only under certain conditions that this great power can be displayed Certainly there are conditions that must be complied with I am positive and you are negative but you are a very difficult subject be cause you nre roe with all your might Mn looked reproachfully at her husband and said in the dumb alphabet of the married you have told him He flashed back in the same language I have not she moved in accordance with the wish of Ihe professor and sat with her back to the light of the com pany were removed to remote parts of the room but a few including Mr near into say eyes said the pro fessor Permit me and he took her hands and pressed the- thumbs gently It is being in a dentists chair said Mrs with a little forced laugh Then she attempted to me struggling slightly but continued to look into the eyes of the until in ihe place two eyes she caw then she asserted her will and shook herself free I told you I could not be hyp noli ted she Her voice sounded strange and far away How queer I feel Staring to long has made me dirty Drink this said Mr giving his wife a glass of water She drank it then rose to her feet and said the felt as well a ever Where is the professor she asked I expect he has lost faith in his science He was here a moment ago her cousin Fanny anxiously he thought he had succeeded in hypno tizing you Were you not un conscious Not for a moment triumphantly He held my until ihey were numb why where Ned What it he asked in surprise at her peculiar tone Where are my diamonds There was a startled exclamation from everyone present Mrs Darl stood there bereft every jewel she possessed Not a single one of her gems flashed on her finger at her throat in her ears was now visible- Dared she held up her ring- less hands and Isthi a joke What does it mean Where are my diamonds Where is he professor Search the house Send for the police I the professor had left for parts unknown and with him went Darts diamonds and neither the police the ever saw or heard of them Hut one ihing was in his favor Hot only had he successfully hypnotized Mrs but as Mr admitted he mutt have hypnotized the whole company in order to bring his hypnotic scheme to such a And Mrs is last a convert to both the theory and practice of the occult science and a firm believer in the power of the hypnotic regret to learn that Mr James who hit been very ill for past Is in a very critical condlion little hopes entertain ed of his recovery During the thunder storm of last Saturday ihe lightning struck the residence of Mr Spronlc doing considerable damaged Tho annual mats meeting of Sun day Schools will be held July 1st The anniversary in connection with Church May The ladies intend honoring the day this year by a pink and tea party Rev S and Mr Large jr of King have promised assist Following officers are elected for next year to run the Mechanics President P Vice President Jacob and Vice President Rev A- A Silvester Hand Com StouiTer JJ Flint Rev Jot Young A Sanders and Malloy The annual report thowed a balance on hand of over The total membership at the present and there seems to be great interest manifested in the suc cess of the Inilitulion BAKED FROM committee will in their on his return to us for the en- suing confercncoycar On Saturday night September last year tome person gained admit tance to Messrs Rutherford drug store by picking the lock of the front door The till was broken open and alio a bicycle stolen- Although diligent was made for the bicycle nothing was heard of It until last Tuesday when Richard who was engaged in digging small cedar in the on the side- road South of Messrs Scott Bros for replanting found the bicycle secreted in a smalt clump of cedars and brought it back to town where it was by Mr Willis Evidently the thief while riding down St had punctured the front tire and then hid it where it was found Not withstanding the eight months ex posure the wheel was but slightly damaged and was repaired in a very short time and is now being used everyday Who the thief was still remains a mystery THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN J- of i CO or Above Will Divided of Beit Original Competition of Canada Fall wheat is looking well generally In fact best we have it for quite a number of years A meeting of the patrons of Evers- cheese factory was held on Mon day night when it was decided to commence operations on Monday Mr of Queens- ville has been engaged as maker for the There was nearly a drowning acci dent here one evening last week It appears that as Richard Green was exercising a colt the animal became somewhat fractious and went for a swim in millpond with l Dick on its back and when neatly the middle was thrown into the water Fortunately for the young man who cannot swim he got hold of the animals tail and was dragged ashore tenner The of Carl Wells only ton of Mr John Wells of King Creek passed here on Mon day en route for King The quarterly services connec tion with the King circuit Methodist church was held here on Sunday last The crowd so large church would scarcely accomodate Last Friday morning about one oclock an attempt was made to burg- Mr store They effected an entrance by prying the with a chisel when who always sleeps with his ears open heard the and in an instant was upon the scene in an almost nude condition and burglars sprang in to their tig and drove off without securing any booty The members In connection with division Sons of Temperance intend holding a box on Fri day evening May A fitstclass program will be provided consisting of dialogues and tableaux by members of the lodge recitations readings vocal and instrumental music by talent from Woodbridge and Kettleby AURORA tx- la fciLKlti VWU 1 Ki ii4 fiucVii tet3 PRIVATE MONEYS takes the pale haggard look that comes It enriches the blood the appetite creates healthy flesh and brings back strength vitality of Ict is as unexplainable s hypnotism if it j is not the same thing Oh here are now I us hold on to our chairs or may be spirited to China I one am a- am not laid the queenly hos tess as the swept forward In velvet and diamond to meet her and his goesi HAULS ROOT to CO eta ahOO Store May so During the great downpour on Tuesday this town was threatened with a repetition of the floods of some years ago of the west end were flooded basement of Eliza beth street Methodist Church was partly filled with all the goods in the cellar of Hinds grocery were destroyed the of rnny private were filled some were taken away and a boy named Wells had a narrow escape from The rain will prove a boon to tbe country around as the land was very dry are all cot bin that j or eta of by J Hood and A pale composed looking man also iu a Mr and he did not carta by tle elegance of bis aed hostess or flushed by critical Hood to lsi la of the company tisaiidtorciatBtot tic The ladies Methodist Church congregation inlcnd holding a lawn party on the Miss Susie Graham daughter of Mr Graham of this place was married on Wednesday of last week at the residence of her aunt Mrs Ross in Wert Toronto function to Mr Wilson of Chicago On Thursday lot own ers well as who have friends interred in the Aurora cemetery are requested to meet at the cemetery purpose of decorating the graves and otherwise beautifying ihegrounds The nomination tor DeputyReeve for town fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of M J It Ross was held in the lonn hall Tuesday evening and resulted in election of Mr J Ross by ac clamation A five oclock tea was held in Ihe lecture room Methodist Church by the Mission Band busy bees last Friday evening and was well attended After tea Mrs Dr of Toron to delivered an excellent address on the work of mission bands The funeral the tale Mrs Sherman whose death occurred under such melancholy circumstances took place here on Saturday afternoon For several years Mr and Mrs Forsyth resided in Ccokstown but about six months ago they removed to Michigan While at work in the field a messenger was sent to inform Mr Forsyth that bis wife was serious ly ill end 00 hearing the new he hastened home and was at we may easily imagine shocked to her dead She hid expired in the yard Tbe folio wing resolution was pass ed at the official meeting of ihe quar terly board of the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening last Moved by J supported by Stevenson and rcconded by John Cook that we have watched interest ihefaitbfulaad unremitting tabors of our esteemed pastor the That would take this means of express ing oar sympathy and tlToaacd trust that the With a view to assisting the of literary talent in Canada The Dr Williams Medicine Co- of Ont will award prizes amounting to among the writers of the best five short original stories submitted in competition as follows For the pronounced the best too will be given For the second best For the third best For the fourth best For the fifth best The competition is open to resi dents of the Dominion of Canada who have never won a cash prize in a story competition and is subject to the following rules story to contain not more than three thousand words The writer story thall a pen name initials or motto his or her manuscript shall tend with the manuscript a scaled envelope bearing on the outside the pen name initials or motto attached to the story and containing inside it the full name and address the writer We impose no limitations whatever as to the nature of topic upon and the scene of the story need not necessarily be laid in Canada al though competitors must be residents of Canada as above stated Stories entered in the competition must be written on one side the paper only and when possible should be typewritten Manuscripts to be sent fiat or fold ed KOI ROLLED All stories tor competition must reach the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont on or before the first day of July and should be marked For Literary Competi tion Decision will be made as follows All stories submitted 1 be rclerred to a competent committee who will decide which are the best five stories These stories will then be published in pamphlet form which pamphlets will distributed throughout the Dominion and each will contain a paper upon readers will be invited to express their preference The story obtaining ihe highest num ber of votes will be awarded the first prise The one second highest number will be awarded the second prize and to on till the five prizes are awarded The voting will close on the first day of December and the com mittee will then publish the names of the successful competitors and order of merit Unsuccessful manuscripts will be returned when stamps are sent for postage The five stories selected be come the absolute property of the Dr Williams Medicine Co with their copyright in perpetuity The decision of the committee and the of votes to be absolute and final and all persons entering the competition agree by doing so to accept decisions of the committee and the Dr Williams Medicine Co as final on all points whatsoever Correspondence in regard un successful MSS declined even when stamped envelopes are tent any stamps so sent for any other purpose the return of the MS at lime first tending will be put in ihe poor box The Dr Medicine Co will take all precautions to safeguard MS entrusted to their care but in no case do assume any responsi bility for fire accident or loss of un successful MS Authors are there fore advised to keep copies The stories must be original Any one sending copied matter will be liable to punishment for fraud and a prize of offered to the first per son who points out the fact that any story passed by the committee is otherwise than original in the unlike ly event of such ao oversight riog All stories entered in the competi tion must be addressed to Dr Williams Medicine Co and marked on envelope For Literary Competition The population Canada is Si A new school house is to be built at Port Carling this summer A proclamation been issued announcing a of May celebration in A will be held at on Queens Birthday Under the auspices of Brass Sand Dont think the world owes you a living until you have earned It You will find it ready to liquidate water main burst In the East on Saturday and the city supply was completely shut off A new English church is be erected in ihis summer The building will 5000 and will be built of slone EST Severe front arc reported In the Western States The cold map extended Ihrougbout Canada and the Middle and Hew England Salcs Matthew McMahon the young man who assaulted the editor of the Collingwood Free Lane is spending seven months in gaol Albert Dor ion was caught letters from the Montreal has been to three years in the peniten tiary The oldest cheese factory in western country is at St George which has tun for the years Over tons of cheese were manufactured at the factory last season fc5T Rev Dr Sutherland has ihe Dominion Government to assist in the for Olid reported miss ing off the coast with several on board The District Meeting of the District in connection with the Methodist Church will be held at Goodwood on Tuesday and Wednes day May a8th and The French force sin Madagas car have taken ihe Town of Manow- ar aftec a desperate fight in which ihe French troops them selves with great brilliancy May The village of near wis destroyed by fire this morning Not a house is left There are many families homeless Lus Three bays were out a boat at en Saturday One of the lads named Green lost his life an unsuccessful attempt to save Chart bis companion who was un able to swim The Shareholders Cotnmhtcc the Grand Trunk have in electing their new board Sir Charles RivetsWilson is President and a thorough reorganization of the road is promised ptL The store of tnl tailors of Gananoque was robbed of cloth the amount of about showed the tracks of a and team of horses at the door Be run May White a young man named Krupp living near New Dundee was ploughing on Tuesday a thunder storm came up The plow horses were struck by lightning instantly killed but beyond a slight shock boy was uninjured Bloom May On Tues day last Mr C Gorshrc was crossing the road in front of his residence when a bull which being driven along the by butcher at and knocked him injuring so that he died this morning TOITENWAM May Jos Wil liams about four miles east of town his stable barns outbuild ings three of 500 bushels wheal all his implement feed and farming outfit by fire oclock morning It was no doubt work of an incendiary as whole of the were ablaze at once The total lots will exceed coo with insurance Dr Richardson states in nine thousand cases treated at Temperance Hospital death rate was only per cert a rate which is on a with if not lower lhan that any other He also said that in the seventeen cases in which alcohol had been ad ministered at the hospital he did believe it had done a bit of good and that he never prescribes it himself May The St correspondent telegraphs thai reinforcements Of Russian troops will shortly start lor east in consequence persistence of Japan in the temporary occupation of Port Arthur her rejec tion of other concessions and positive refusal to remove her naval forces The Russian Government entertains a suspicion that England entered into an arrangement with Japan by which she will obtain of one of It- lands The Dominion contain a vote of for regulating the waters SEmcoe and The work is to be done at the outlet of this lake on the Severn River not that there is any absolute necessity for it as are lower now than for many years at season but a general requires that ihe Dominion Government should put some bait in this constituency the hope catching stray vote If lake was lowered now navigation would be destroyed and of attractiveness as a summer resort would be gone That bad better be kept to lessen the annual deficit Mr Ch4UcxiTo UPS 1 or Ii sold a wrt Car prof

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