j t j ft7f 1 Nov Hoot Da14 La for Coat She EVER LETS AND BRIGHTER EACH all at Homo tut at urn- FRIDAY MAY Our Toronto Bra Ma In uniform In HUM Hall morning drill of oil will IbU Thome Claim convict who Ad bit on Hit- tirdiy Is of ego Tlio Cloven aunt if nil to other of In city by offering 10 of farm of carrying out the patch The tint trick of the Trunk Manufacturing Com- Mo gutted oclock morning Join nd tho thrown out of rnjloynril ft Mr money Under of vlllo Is In room at Hall It It an to recover a lioJt and M0 on an agreement allcd to have obtained from plaintiff though fraud of mow under winter vavft7 won collide- cleaned to the City for a now at corner of and It will ho firo proof throughout Is that now atruciuro will ho than Junior rally to ho hold In Hall tomorrow to of tho largest gatherlntof children yet In ho city her flrit fun of tenon to carried fawngeri Mm Ills iia to r Tot London Inlltc5tilli dots not fnUod to return to Ufa at Ho U1 contest Kdaoallon Hon Mr at this weak On Toes daIn Hon on floor of to left ot given a hearty at room Ho on at at by of Montreal which waited on Minister at and for WAS In aid of did not With a amounting to wlllJoni this not In a very rnood at present Mr- bit on tho not loo lbs In of tho aid of lbs bolter nd industries of tho Northwest Of looming op and Patron op after Mr acat In will An despatch dated May has been attaeVc with of lungs and for ho will remain till probably end of month line his partial recovery from of ft ago Charles able to It A couple of weeks lc alien lion of Parliament was to the fact that the and Railway Co of New was largely indebted the or jreai in terest on a loan of from treasury at four and a giant of said interest now The whole transaction lias a and the answer of lb Finance Minister in to from of the Opposition were not of a character to remove suspicion of special favoritism Company it appears conikts of four tons one of whom is M for a New constitu ency in which the bridge is located Another member of this company is the of Mr Temple the latter of course occupying a seat on the Government side of the Jlouee The stock of the above com pany is of which only ao- 000 has been paid and upon this meagre the above loan was obtained- Only one years interest lias been paid The discussion in the House also revealed the fact that there is a bonded debt of on the undertaking and the Finance Minuter was unable to Parliament whether or not this bonded debt takes precedence of the Federal loan The explanation offer ed by Hon Mr Foster for com to meet its is that the expectation formed when the was projected has not been realized It was anticipated that the bridge would be utilized by the HarveySalisbury line and a rich harvest in tolls he realited the stock holders but the line was never the P connection was nude elsewhere and the bridge com pany left with only sufficient lolls to pay for maintenance In view of all facts elicited suspicion been created that for political reasons the Government bat exercised undue leniency towards the company to the detriment of the Federal This view is strengthened by the alleged that Mr Gibson who owns the cotton factory as and is also largely engaged In lumbering a considerable amount invested in the concern Mr Gibson was formerly a Liberal but is now a warm supporter of the trade policy of the Govern meat which may possibly account for she milk in the cocoanut Meanwhile minister of Finance has to form special apologies for levy ing new upon the country to meet yearly deficits May A fatal acci dent happened Henry Tucker em ployee of Judge who fell from the rear of a buggy In Richmond- road owing to the back teat giving way The young fellow neck was broken He expired almost tome diilely May According to a telegram received litre from Simula despatches have been received from the territory of Cbilra announcing that are attacking the British putt a few however have occurred of the British force in occupation of the disturbed stabbed to death by fuutlc Boa- mora than an hours work a day Is not a attack a report from was to a run on Can adian banks of opposition to now proposed uniting that Colony to tho This tho and further In formation thai run wascauicd In a portly aocldenlsl manner and was started by of who on paid off changed their notes for goM A JJrw on last Mr 3 as their for Com next Id a capital one Mr lvoachalktalk In ho depicting at homo and anthtompcranco ho always glvei In Commons audi real lit to way that It lengthy from friends of prohibition Toronto titer calls attention lo tho by Gyration which authorises tho of a tenants for landlord taxes It cava- There aro many who not when inovs their Into a that are llablo to on of that been for year Yet It often if happens bo worth any considerable amount and likely to under the amount of laKttduo Thoro may of hardship In In sftirfng of landlord bus Injaatlooat well as bard- attending a In whan lbs zed belong to a who docs not debt as It la a to -booka- Tua Qhbt of a lengthy In to the of Government If order to and by by his to what was rldloolousinlrJgaoby to Lick up that order with an opinion from law clerk of the of Common if tho Manitoba Ministers have boon to a confer- with the at Ottawa atop Is a recognition of of order and Jm- It goes too far by imposing Unas upon Manitoba that It bo hnpotiiblc for the to are Cutting in to this Manitoba business far is Ot tawa authorities mo The fled ocntntaln him a of popular at Ottawa printed or ailltfttUoD anfrrtjnilblr In has by llamant operating thai highest pro the British ay torn wU of to Canadian hit good nod A our that oor ooatemplaUs shall bo In lbs idea I which by with malts not the On the contrary the Calf not la theoretically a wbfch fo taat and which although alas we hare how touch Ibis bat departed fltnws Now wo ate a wet op the one man role whoie mscabera are pitiably fit for the In they been placed and In which they hare pawnato be moved abonlby the master hand under le flhlp of Btate drifts flthoot chart or com a crew who aland with ready to when she will no float thorn those seme of by after the country has them she will till hare to give a Mr on tho laiit Tuesday ho took a rise of Mf Doyle tho for which created for the Kallrki and tion benches He had just made bis that the would put block on the of street if it would keep them in power Where upon Mr tho What about your leader Mr Molten replM was thing to the credit of his leader and that was that his hinds had always been clem He had gone around with a collector- ship of bit pocket During the that followed this retort Mr Boyle tried in vain to something but he was ruled out of order by the end bad to take bis teal Mr then concluded his without fur interruptions Soaped The county- oonslabulary looking for a raan name who was wanted a charge of aopportloghls William Coxworlh of that village came into of a oloe and followed is up ran Ms man down on Oak He forborne with the last train for gone and worth decided to over at Hotel and laare Wednesday the oner looked up In room and it the Intention of the to sleep In aatcs bed as so as to lessen escape after the hotel people to keep an eye on the room went out tor a stroll and In than follow him having sprang lock on walked oat a The peeler wet a badly man and now looking for another doe fat SCHOOL 1 rQa IMS or a a J ZcA ngtnpL rati ft A r Jr iUzft4 J atUcLu titd There never has a In this country which has presented such a spectacle of Indecision One would think thorn afraid of the soood of their own voices to chary are of making any MlnUtcrlsl announcement or of giving any foformatloh to Parliament Hardly a which they have so opinion or about which they pre to advise their follower At same time this weak and vacillating Cab inet follows tho worst example of trerJtitJf In Council granting two million and a of dollars to the flay scheme an which the strongnl Gov not while conspiracy with Mr Is a of trickery to which weakest of Its prtdttctsor would not have was over this matter that on Thursday last the most interesting debate of this Mr McCarthy was the author of this breeze as he Is of tome when occasionally he criticizes tho Government The fact latitat no one in House to carry weight with the Cabinet or so effectively to reach their political may be added to up their political as the member for North Vhethor In present I rut a nee to may bo Judged from the facte of case The charge which has been made la of a conspiracy between the Dominion Gov ernment and to force the hand of the Manitoba Gov ernment in Manitoba school question Mr in by hot who know him as a politician of Ilia regular term Lieut Ooveroor having In July he has ever since that lime been holding bis and on- Joying Its by favor ol As Mr McCar thy he a tenant will who may bo ejected from his a year at any minute that bo lie the Fed eral Cabinet It known that he fa meet anxious for reappointment that he has been putting wire to nd and that he would not at the means by which to attain object bl official record soems to other week he came to Ottawa and It Inthonewspapera that had been between him and the Dominion Government as the rtaoltof for Ma eoond terra to dismiss Govern- mint in it did not obey bo remedial order Support given to after be returned to Winnipeg date by the publication in and Western paper of a lengthy opinion which ho bad obtained from Dr the Clerk of House of Com mons in It waa laid down that only constitutional to Mr and hie Cabinet was to obey- the remedial order the sltp In the carrying oat of a bargain Vould opinion bo an ex- cute upon which Mr would miti the Thete were the questions which Mr McCarthy asked and which ally out of the peculiar stances Mr McCarthy afoke temporatly and without further reflection upon the Gov ernment than the situation warranted He however characterized the lion a conspiracy agalnit the Manitoba Government description which the acknowledgement of Mr Pol ler made doubly appropriate Mr replying for the Government took what he out of a at- upon Mr McCarthy end then was obliged to admit that Mackenzie How- ell had in with Mr and bid the pipers with the letter a letter by the way which Dr obtained from him aa a private aud not communication After Mr the debate became It out to be one the most boisterous of the teuton Mr the Minister of the Interior replying to Mr of Winnipeg Jo his temper and was to order by the chair three times in tea minutes Points of order and amid interruptions how roach interest aroused In the House by this question of the schools The episode la foterastfog the almost desperate eagerness the Govern hire released from which they have prepared tot should the Manitoba Government atand upon rights or turn by the Interference of upon if tut tod to coo him t At 10 bit of burl bat hi will If doe roawlhroohoul ibi put poop to know country by it Us by fcibto Crown Ut Mill ind for dyl to bu ukwoxoo- flioil la lb flit- Mr of Ho Gov- toucai to go to protcJra IUi llucd or fclom lfr fa a at this wk and la Mrs J W of gqcil at this Howard was ftt Mr Tronic Barry to last week Bulla la the guest of the wk- Cook of over fluiiday town Mr J of the Quatdlm Toronto wai la two or week Mrs acd of Toronto arrived fa town Tact day on a Mrs Ed last after with at inlon and Mr going to Ortllf wcks He baa been feeling very poorly Mr Ed left on day to accept a in for summer of Tendon and her on a villi with pircntr Mr and Mrs O J Woodcock and J were around MuskoVa this week making arrangement for the Mr fiparllng of who is at tending Victoria and for the ministry was a of Dr two or three days this week Cap Allan lsto proprietor the Beer Park was In on Mon day gave tho Km a Ho Is now advance agent for the Go is well to All District the paid an to lodge Monday night and On Tuesday night To night he visits Button Mr fs up In and Is himself a very After spending three months at her old home Miss Annie left for Har mony on aocooipaoled by mother lo spsnd about months visiting relatives at ham Kincardine and Western points Mrs Herb last week after spending nearly with her parents at Harmony near In the Ontario of May th the application tot Incorpora tion of the Light Heat and Power 70000 of The following names appear on the application Ijen Franklin Her Walter engineer The of business is Lindsay toil Iks I HOLLAND LANDING Four Mill Thompson bruised her which a Won Al though il painful the failed seek medical until it feared thai blood would in when a physician was consulted but up to lite present time has not been able to use the hand Mr to in Methodist Church at next Sunday morning Joel King and Robt both tost horses latt week owing to the intense heat The fish inspector appears to be keeping a sharp watch for illegal fishermen and not before it Is SHARON The heavy frosts week did considerable damage in this vicinity to the fruit trees and grain There will no doubt be a scarcity of fruit The ladies fear flatter gardens will not be as gorgeous at they expected as everything above ground get a nip At meeting of the last Monday evening the usual program was djsfcnstd with and games were indulged in after and coffee served A very enjoy able evening was spent Regarding the fee charged for showing through the build ings Children of Peace ap pearing in your last weeks issue should have read cents not Miss been in- dis but is recovering Miss Muriel of Sutton is visiting her at VIVIAN The weather of this week was quite a surprise making the of this place fall back to their overcoats The frost of Sunday night to the fruit crop Mr A McCormack told last week to Mr J Cook of Toronto head of cattle at 5c a lb averaging lbs each They being the best sent from parts reflects great credit on William as a slock raiwr Our school teacher who has been accustomed to going home for Sundays remained lst Sunday us There must be attraction Hes a jolly good fellow Some of our local sports were their luck trout fishing da Mon day had fisher mans luck or the trout fithiog turn ed into sucker fishing for they return ed home not many fish the most which were suckers- One of the unlucky sports was heard to say Wait till next Summer for me to go Whit tome of the farmers would like to know is when will the weather be suitable for washing theep Mr Ale lost or had stray away very valuable dog last week A- 1- Simon the G rind organiser at present busy organizing a camp at We wish him success in his noble work The people of this place great ly surprised at there befog a temper- house place for a few days Week before last not knotting the We consider that there Is one of the best a day houses this place that there Is In the town ship of and the aged ROACHS about finUbcd section not no firet lotlnlsu but to its who be the last Is spirit of here this siting Vnfdock bis mill white John has taken down the old building on lot Is making ex tensive rflpain to his other bondings Is removing and barn from and wc understand bo Intends to remodel the old or build a wa glad to bo able to that the children of Mr and Mrs Webster have been very with diphtheria ftfc Improving Owing to quarterly meeting at there no preaching here night there was every Indication of an abundant fruit nearly every tree being profusely with blossoms but the frost has cooked tho most of Small fruit alto suffered to a very lirge extent I During the thunderstorm of lest Saturday lightning struck the stable of Mr Neil Morton It did not do much harm however simply knock ing a hole In one cod and the shingles Fortunately no horses were In the ruble when it siruck Wc have all kinds of weather in our villige On It too hot Saturday was too Tret and Sun day was too cold to you sec It Is impossible to please everyone Mr Duncan King went to Toron to Tuesday morning on jury The frost on Sunday did consider able damage to garden stuff Quite a on Tuesday morning A large quantity of toots is being planted in this neighborhood Guess the farmersintcnd having fat com next winter Mr Charles Morion is in Toronto attending jury Mr Richard Pollock is building a stone wall for a barn Mr and Miss Evans and Mr RUnchard of Virginia spent Sunday In ihe village- Rev Mr- Thompson of New- market expected to preach in the Sunday School hall Friday evening Last week of the oldest they never recollected the weather being so warm In the fore part of May and this week they will certainly be saying they never saw it so cold Between Saturday noon and Sunday- thermometer regis tered difference in the tempera ture and on Monday morning the ground was frozen inches I tell it made feller put hands in bis pockets Those from town that were out visiting their country cousins In costumes and white were to be seen wearing borrowed winter apparel Rank has given its missionary money amounting to to Ike Hospital for Sick Children Toronto It being a Union School it was necessary to give the money for missionary work to tome institution that kind to the school would not holding in par ticular to any one denomination That is an example which other schools might follow St appears to be a favorite place for riding on horse hack one couple especially teems to be enjoy ing the healthful exercise Miss and Miss Foster the guests of Wilson over Sun day Mr J Webb and Miss were visiting friends in on Saturday Mr A Moore who has been suffer ing from congestion of the lungs is slowly recovering KETlLRBy A junior Football Club has been organized here with the following officers President Rogers Com Cuius A- F Boadwin W and Blackburn They are open to challenges from any teams whose ate under jo years of ate Sheep washing has commenced hut we could ffnajine that they would be mighty glad they hadnt lost their fleece last Suoday We got a splendid rain here last Saturday which moistened the ground fide but the cold spell following rather put a damper on the growth Mr Frank Lloyd has been home from Toronto in a visit this The Grenadier Footballers went to King City last Saturday and played a whh that Although full time was played neither team made a goal A good many from here accompanied the club to see the Cheese making did not commence last Monday but is to begin next Monday barring no Serious accideots I have been that ice was formed fneb thick on Monday morning It fs feared it will be hard en the fruit bloom Hows that for freeze after the mercury being up to during the week previous A good hot fire was comfortable to sit by last and even big fur over coats brought into use The Met hod lit S S entertainment was quite successful on Monday night in a financial tense and much enjoyed- by those present The Song Service on Sunday evening filled the church to overflowing The collection on that occasion with the proceeds of ihe entertainment will fill a want There are women running country papers In Kansas fc The population of the world on Jam was SaM May A local paper says the United States contract labor brokers few by the arrival of largo numbers Of the pour the country every steamer under the contract of farmers in the Interier of the State During past year it said have secured ranch to of white laborers week 10 During the hot spell but tome persons loit their J was removed ihe Industrial home on A welcome passed this way Mr Hamilton has improved the appearance of his house by tho addition of a verandah Mr Wen Boyd recover ing from a severe illness Building operations are lively at Morton Park and prospects are fa vorable for boom around the Point this summer Mr Marsh Is proud of his young trotter The actions of two young fellows trying to court the same girl are the cause of considerable A terrible tragedy was narrowly averted here last Sunday by the In- of some persons If fight ing men are run at largo ihcre Is little use of passing laws this offence Who Criminal Topomo May The much talked of murder trial opened at the Criminal Asslics yesterday be fore Mr Justice Street The crowd was greater than at any time during the trial of Clara Ford the jury hid been chosen Mr Osier addressed them saying You are called upon 10 decide whether life or death shall bo the of two of your fellow creatures Your positions are the most responsible of anyone connected with this trial aye more responsible than His Lordship himself By what your lips will say the prisoners at the bar shall either be condemned to die or shall go out as free men He asked the jury not lo return a verdict of guilty if they had reason able doubt and requested them to eliminate any opinions of the case from their minds Speaking of the evidence to be pro duced he said that it was as far as possible secured to throw light on what resulted In a young mans death All crimes of the kind the Crown alleged were committed when there was no eye 10 tee and no ear to hear Therefore were driven to circum stantial evidence The responsibility the carrying out of the verdict that they rnisht arrive at was not on their Some of them might be opposed to capital punishment but if any of them thinking thus would bring in a verdict of not guilty he be usurping the functions of the Legislature Whether or not they approve of the law it was their duly as good citizens to obey it The crime which they were to con template was an alleged murder for insurance whereby it would be en deavored to be shown that a- kin of One of the prisoners was said to have met his death In this transaction everything was done which could be done every aforethought was acted upon order to take away from it any appearance of guilt The alleged crime was committed over two years ago and for that time the guilt if guilt there he has been given the appearance of innocence Mr Osier then described the corning of the Wells family lo Toron to their acquaintance with the and the investment of funds belonging to the by the Iwins Wilh for detail which indicated comprehensive hold on the case the counsel told of the employment of young William Wells and the placing of the insurance on his life Then the offer of IX P the evidence of discou- with his position on the part of young Wells shown by his desire to withdraw his money from care was detailed He showed that after repeated promises to pay over to Wells of hi money the morning of his death was finally settled as the day on which the money had to be paid over The at Ms time it would be shown were in an embarrassed financial position they were borrow ing money at per cent or per cent a month to meet the ions The defence would show that the had an income derived from a source in the States but it can also be shown that the sum was not adequate to meet their ex pen its in the way which they were living The weight in the ware house was rarely used but it was at different times repaired There were other persons employed in the warehouse with Wells Miss Latimer one On ihe Saturday before the young mans death Miss Latimer was given some letters to deliver on Monday morning before coming to the office There still remained Aylesworth and on Sunday afternoon he received in structions to go across the Don on Monday morning and Interview some business men The Crown suggests that they were sent on these errands to get them out of the road The case proceeds very slowly and it it likely lo occupy two or more weeks before a verdict will be render- MEArORD May Very severe frosts ibis section Grapes alt gone strawberries damaged very ma Victoria May The steamer arrived at midnight and brought the of the missionary steamer Tidings The little vessel had gone ashore pierced by a rock and partially disabled AU are well Niagara May The heavy frost the last two nights entire ly destroyed the grape crop in this vicinity and also ail the thai have been set out Strawberries and peaches are very seriously damaged as other small fruits St May Mr Walter Duncan dropped dead suddenly yesterday in the yard of the hotel He and eight or ten were out in the yard throwing a heavy stone jumping etc and then several of those present began stooping over touching ground at their toes without bending their legs Duncan put the palms of bis hands on the ground in this way and after some of the others had done the same Mr Duncan stood on a stone about three inches high and again touched the ground He then up and went over to meet horse that had just in and when be reach the horses head be fell to the ground Mr- George Robertson call ed to his brother and carried him Into the bouse but he never spoke and he died instantly Bread has advanced to cents a loaf James of was gored and trampled to death by a bull The C at Mac Leod was entered by burg lars on Saturday and about one thousand dollars secured A pretty masquerade party was given by the Misses at Bradford on Wednesday evening last Mrs Frank of Onllia was a days ago 07 tho of a pot of scalding liquid g The young man named Drew who was gored by a bull near Salt coats ten days ago Is dead his Injuries Mr James of Brad ford was driving another roans bone when It suddenly took sick And died on the road workmen wear on their caps and on their backs an Inscription staling their business and the name of their employer Mich May A raging Northeast snowstorm has prevailed during and the snow Inches deep on the level this morn ing gj The by law authorizing the borrowing of to construct works and supply natural gas was carried by ft vote of to There several degrees of frost at different points in Manitoba during Sunday night No damage lo grain reported but garden stuff nipped A boiler lube in the steamer Unique out on Lake St Clair One man was killed one fatally In jured and a third knocked overboard and drowned OsHAYfA May on the electric railway has been commenced is the intenilon of the company to have the whole lino in operation by the 1st of July Minn May Heavy frosts arc reported all over his section of Stale The weather Is cold almost down to freezing and a heavy snow is raging on the lake KX During the winter months says the Moose Jaw Timet there was consumed in Moose Jaw of coal and wood which cost the people in the neighborhood of May The frost has completely destroyed fruit and every description Fall wheat and barley arc also badly injured Snow has been falling for over two hours The average height of a man in the United States is five feet ten and a in five feet nine in France five feet four inches in Jelguim five feet Six and quarter inches KS- A German invented a chemical torch which ignites when wet It is to be used on life buoys When one is thrown to a man over board at night he can thus see the light and find the ship The oldest company concern ed with commerce in the strictest sense of the word is the Hudson Bay Company founded wilh a charier granted by Charles to Prince and others in There Is not much wheat Manitoba and the Territories for eastern shipment to the Canadian Pacific Railway officials report All ihat is stored in interior elevators will be used for home milling purposes KT The British Government and the United Slates have come to an agreement as to the holding of a conference on the Sea teal question The conference is to be held in Washington in October neat and delegates are to be sent by Canada ftjbevtlwhjeofo CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE CorYongeGerrard Sts TORONTO EXaTUDZNTS Boil- at ColKgt la dorter lh trcwtMtfn 10 to A ELLIOTT PASTURE FIELDS CABINET FAOTORY Great Slash at the Leading Furniture AMD Undertaking Mouse Till the 1st of June for Lounges and up Sideboards and up Suites and up Suites and up All other it A SPECIALTY lo Street A ftiU New Mnto at Zephyr Very large worth at Hook value at New 125 to Now Lace to Bee our at 1 worth See our Window at our Window Shades at Clearing put ends of Union and Wool oft at half price I in Pants good at Mens good at Wens worth at Mens worth at Mens worth at The Best of Mens Clothing Boys Suits good at Suits worth at 2 Boys 3piece Suits tiptop at 3 Boys and Mens Straw and Felt Hats Cheap One line Ladies Hue Kid patent ToeCaps that wero made to sell at we will clear at 200 i f3 a population of hardly Greece has a debt of or atom per capita Chatham May Saturday ike cruiser Petrel seized another mites of gill nets belonging to J Edison and Co Cleveland May The Urge flour ing mills and elevator belonging to W Co were destroyed by lire yesterday The insurance carried is The origin of the fire was spontaneous Toronto Markets Iffir Iriiiitf if til Ptate If TO Oil CM 1 Ji aw ISM 1UIU1I ft 111 Ill perk per Chckcpr wr for Clorcr per ICO on all Buy our Houiefilade Omul It tin Try Our It Workmen homemade si Trial HitA lb Mil lb lb Oar in Ten A fell Ft cits at in l a 4 IS Markets L I I I oil w Oil a QyftlilfVi ill07 a tr a Una pit JW lb pit ft Ha But terewt Cktrifr Ur Tttkcftrlk Oil ISO not CO aw 11 w 1 13 10 13 1 fc I M Oil BROS Main St South Tetifbcas Town of of iti Coast will la MONDAY MAY27th lbeclic LLOYD TOWNSHIP OK EAST mm rVJJjV it of aovieion lh- VHq Tomb Mr Mr Sir Uco fcLll3 t fiHAUON TUESDAY MAY28tli All ttiMJ 1 II FOR SALE llit Mb lb FOR SALE lzj gjLjji J turn Kcm Jul fciTAU will FOR SALE- la to ttlcr aVit Itrn ct resile eAUUKtlULU lull Say ACQUUirTKKlntcxUtz If fuUi tit Im eniliil to it OC lA0UKOHKCO 1 n I I I tit Ilk rr Your If to I TO BENT