Newmarket Era, 24 May 1895, p. 1

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HcryMayEIoralng Vo I GEO JACKSON aituihicj REACHED AM I till tad YORK AMD ADVERTISER No paper sent outside of North York unless paid In advance Vol No Copies Cents Each J- it- J QAIlKlbTKHiAOiiffotary Of to on good log SO King of Wheels TJ WOODCOCK jo Main J If a of Of York Manufactured from the stock obtainable Dust proof bearings and fully guaranteed UK A I tltVATT ft On- If It W I orIV19m I 4cl fll llil it4 Miiriiuf4uunicttiiciiiifaticii JK I w A I J uha Air AT a a AH to Street iiVi7 III 1 J j A UUMCAK AUOlIONKKJt I Vi UghJi able term Co- A trial il And ft IT Order lo WOOD J Vlr Dud TO AT A A Kay Kg All t FIRE of ftLd A rehire of CO PURELY CANADIAN COMPANY FUNDS- GUILDERS HARDWARE TOOLS PAINTS OILS GLASS AND PUTTY AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS WINDOW CORNICE POLES RAKES FORKS SPADES AND FENCE PLUCKS AND ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE A ALLAN Agent for Repairs No SSL MAIN STREET Hire NEWMARKE1 J r Xi nn iOFBmlga to Ojfloc Uor A li- Id no jttft- OUCH MY YOUR AND TAKE YOUR IT VIII COST YOU TO THE AND BEST Maid Life Co Audi lucICMmnr MO KXYHA il iot4eor Insuring Iho Lives of Females ALSO AND HUNT J A STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OF TORONTO XO iO BUY CO MAIN ST SOUTH ysT I MANNING SON- MRS lliUtBoidrtiMfl AUL A HO I MR A p rOR THE FINEST TURNOUT s I gbVABraiiiiKUiui ltEJiUllUCU fciWtt Newmarket Ont Friday May Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year OUTBID an Miom Interest on tuna AT a Luxury to load Whcti wliat you read is ierlaiiin and you dont have strain in per using afford to bo reck less with thing but the you can ford to take chances with anything but your sight I fceep of glasses at lively the lowest prices do for Examination no NEWMARKET of the Philadelphia Optical College lVJARBLEWORKS Latest Designs MONUMENTSand HEAp STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble JA8OAfe3lDY- If VANXANY Of fttteutln ftoilKlT td fit Auro9 We do not allow any Office to outdo us in this line cither in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done tee what work ttnd terms you can get at the Kra Office before you order Our promptness is pro VI vcrbiaL A t sv a fetwi Wo Oilier Medicine SO THOROUGH Statement of a Well Known Doctor tut I to Ho I tire I la I PRIVATE Ho tfAJt Ld Art fct yXr I tils for Coughing For oil the ailments of Throat and there Is no cure so quick and permanent as Scotts Emulsion of It is palatable easy on the most dell catc stomach and effective IS I- ttimulaies appetite aids the digestion of other foods cures Coughs and Colds Sore Throat gives vital strength besides It has no equal as nour ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive and overcomes Any CoudiUoa of Wasting Svtdftrfimfltrtt Mr under the shelter of hi trained over flu He lucky man at fifty ho to from on a I he money not bis It hid been left to him in the mm- a bad a for tune out of of Mr He had bought a splendid mansion and lived thcro daush- a girl of and pretty but until now not ft any means In flno dressed and with all that go to make a about her she hud become Today out of the her while dress with embroidery and with her pretty red parasol hed over her her father thought her perhaps in the country and did not at the awakened admiration In the of the young men Ai pretty her mother the father said to himself as her mother when I courted her She had gone away and ho had taken up his paper two volets were heard without in conversation the voices of young men One Mr knew one he did not recog nize the heiress then said the stranger She Is not as ugly as most heiresses are No replied the one he knew I like blonds and this girl is only dark not brilliant Shes neat dresses well but it Is her money that her her popularity Im engaged myself but all the unengaged men In arc after her No wonder replied the other an only daughter with a mi father is an uncommon ternpiation They passed on Mr listened until their died away He was thinking very serious ly and his thought were not very delightful I had better have remained poor he sighed if my money is to make the prey of a fortunehunter However the girl has sense and I am on my guard now The Bummer passed winter came in The went to town and lived in their splendid mansion in elegant style and suitors gathered about the new heiress throngs thern were but two favor ed one Lily herself hardly knew which the liked best Certainly Vance Albright was the more intelli gent but Roy was very handsome Ho was persistent too He managed to throw Vance In the shade perpetually He never lost ah opportunity of making himself charm ing and although the day Lily had almost said her self that she could love Vance Al bright she found heself engaged to Roy It was a good match from a worldly point of view The congratulations of society were as sincere as they ever were Vance could offer none He truly loved Lily He quietly dropped out of the girls life When she thought of him it was with a little pan of regret He had been more to her than she knew Cut she was engaged to Roy and would be his wife one day It seem ed very strange She did not grow fonder of Roy and she thought with grief of leaving her father I cannot she said cling to him How can I go from you papa The father smiled and kissed her Afterwards she wondered he should teem to light heatted For she thought he have guessed even then at the news that upon her on the morrow How do rich men lose their money It is hard to say but somehow the million had taken to itself wings This is what he told Roy who turned pale as he listened and a few days after there was a talk be- he man and the young one and afterward the father spoke at length to Lily She understood quite well now that it the heiress to whom Roy had proposed not simple Lily and she took the engagement ring from her finger and sent it back to him without a tear I feel as if I had an from a very miserable life papa she said and now I shall not have to leave you A little while after Mr declared that he had found a clerk- ship and father and daughter went to housekeeping in a small flit Society generally did not fitd their bumble residence easily but a few friends were still fond and true and in a while Vance Albright made his way there He showed bis liking for Lily more pointedly than he had ever done before and fn this quiet life it was much easier to learn to know him truly Mr will you let me have your Lily for my own Vance said one morning when be had found the former She promises her consent if I can get yours and I shall be a happy man if have it I give my Consent said Mr I like you Vance I like you The young man took Mr offered hand When wcare be said I can give my wife a pretty home though not a splendid one Will you honor rre by sharing it When people love each other as and you do Ihey should not be parted Mr Thank you my boy be laid You must let 10c ply my way as long as I can and under these conditions I will And so the wedding took a wedding but a very men one and the young coupe went off upon a trip did its Hie it I At a meeting of the Brass Band on Saturday evening Mr Shclson was reelected band master for another year The concert at under the auspices of the public school children berg orchestra was in attendance Rev Andrew who had charge of the Baptist Church here last summer has again taken charge for this summer- Mr is popular here and may expect large congregations his services each Sunday evening BARRIR Mr Grose formerly of Hotel has purchased the Clydesdala House removed to the county town The convention of the County of Simcoc Christian Endeavor will be held in Barrie on June New societies have been added to the list making in all Fishery Inspector WiUmott was in town on Tuesday and deposited 000 salmon trout fry in the bay These together with white fish fry deposited two weeks ago ought to delight the anglers of two or years hence SUTTON An attempt was made by our busi ness men to close their shops Wednesday from noon to p during June July and August Big preparations are being made for the procession for the A change of time took place on Monday in the arrival and departure of our train It arrives at p and leaves at 50 a- rn which is a welcome arrangement Mr Lawrence who purchased the property adjoining Sandy Beach came up Saturday to sec how the five cottages he is building were getting along and found everything progress ing favorably under the able manage ment of Taylor Bros Herald A larje number of pigs were ship ped from on Mon day Meat of all kinds is to good price this many friends will much regret to learn that of is seriously ill For time Mrs family have neglected by her husband in the matter but action was taken this week and he was arrested in Toronto and brought before our local authorities The decision arrived at was that he furnish bail that he will contribute per week for the support of his wife and family for one year or go to the castle over the Don Not being able to find bail Prober was taken to the county Jail to tender public service for Thomas wife and family of Toronto visited relatives in town last week and relumed borne on Mon day One day they went westward with a livery rig and when at the corner of concession of cyclist came Their got frightened and cramping the upset it and threw out the occupants Guthrie sustained cuts and about the head and face but was not aeriouily injured It will pay the riders of the silent steed to be eaceediogty careful in approaching horses attached to vehicles It was the bicycle that spoke to the wheel Say we have plenty of ground for complaint Ob go along said the wheel you make inc tired tested by la l3 viUcos lbs pure you wUt tiw ilility thai lil tills tngro to give them of experienced It was union of hearts as of hands had a mere competence but Lily did not for the splendor which had been hers for brief a period In their little cottage they found Mr looking particularly well and happy He embraced bis daughter shook hands with Vance find burst into ft merry laugh am not good secrets he said and I cannot keep mine any longer Vance my boy I am sure you married girl because you loved her You thought me a poor man likely to become a burden on Sou perhaps and you asked me In a spirit of kindness I shall never forge and here I am But children I am as rich as ever The toss of fortune was all a ruse I never speculated in my life I pre tended to become poor in order to Insure my happiness and save her from the fortune hunters No wonder you astonished I played my part well did I not And to morrow I shall make over half my million to Lily a present I live not a legacy when I die Shell like that better rest I shall be- stow I etc fit in chanty when I leave this world Half a million is for any one Enjoy Ir my children and let us amuse ourselves with the comments of our old quittances who will soon redis cover our merits We love each other It will be a happy household and let us thank God for all His blessings KING CITY A fit Sen at Kioghorn west of place was broken Into on Sunday night and about worth of leather stolen Th thieves first visited store house but disturbed by ft dog They then visited the tannery No clue so far has been obtained of cither the thieve or stolen property P played their first match this season on Saturday with which ended in ft draw- no goals being scored J Ctojitey has banded In his resignation as first commissioner of King City said to be in consequence of the action of I Stokes in closing a certain street in toe village lying immediately south of English Church if AURORA Aurora Football Club go to to play on the Mr Mrs William Shaw have decided to move to Whitby The Sons England will attend service at Trinity Church Sunday evening test The contract for repairing the drill shed which let by the Govern ment to Messrs Bond And Taylor is now completed The ladies of the Methodist Chuiok Intend holding ft lawn party at Mr John Cooks about half a mile north of the town on street on Friday evening A young man by the name of Tench had bis shoulder dislocated by being thrown from a horse at Mr James one day last week rs Ann Rogers has decided to spend the summer with her daughter Mrs Spear in Manitoba will leave next week Mr J Ross purchased the Colt- barn Estate on the concession of Vhitchurch which was sold by auc tion two weeks ago ftnd resold it to Mr Willis last week Last Sunday afternoon Mrs- Go- forth ft missionary to China who is at present visiting in Canada de livered an interesting address to ladies in the Presbyterian Church The lecturer described missionary work a- the Chinese and gave some in teresting reminiscenies There was a large attendance During the course of the Football match between the High School club and the town club played on the evening the nd Mi Burton the operator here received a severe kick on tbe leg It was thought it would not amount to much at fust but be was forced to lay off work and has gone home for a short time It is hoped will soon re cover On Saturday forenoon last during the thunderstorm which passed oyer this place the residence of Mr Geo Russell was struck by lightning in two places being feet apart Two of the family were severely stunned one remaining insensible for some time Very little damage was done to tbe building Sunday evening while Mr and Mrs were at church house was broken into and three dollars in money stolen On Monday Constable brought three boys before Mayor Floury when they admitted having taken the money The Mayor severely reprimanded them and allowed to on suspended sentence with the understanding that their parents would vouch for their good behavior in the future Mr Walter Lemon met with a serious accident on Wednesday which may possibly cost him his life He was driving a pony in a sulky and leading an entire horse on the side road just west of Mr Curtis hotel at Oak Ridges when for some unknown cause the horse became enraged aod by he arm with its dragged him from the sulky and tried to trample to death and would without doubt have suc ceeded doing so had not Mr came to Mr lemons siitancc and with great difficulty suc ceeded in rescuing him Mr Lem ons collar bone isbroken arm and head fearfully lacerated Monday Mr and Mrs who live about four miles from Brad ford had to visit and left the hired man in charge of the house On their return horse they found he had left and taken a suit of clothes and several other ar ticles with him Mr drove to Bradford and obtained a warrant for the arrest of the youo2 man and se curing the services of Conrtablc Pool started out to hunt for the thief They traced within ft short dis tance of this place Monday night and then lost track of him Coming on here they remained all night and re newed the search Tuesday morning but found no trace of him They then drove on to Richmond Hill but not succeeding En finding him they started to return and on their way up street they met the fellow on the street and arrested and brought him here where bis bundle was searched and the missing doth bag found and Identified by Mr He was taken back to Brad ford where be was brought before a magistrate Tuesday afternoon and committed to jail to stand bis trial at the next ftssiiea The schedule of returns of before Justices of Peace for this county for the quarter ending March have been pub lished The number of convictions Is smaller thin usual numbering only forty are from North York the balance are from the of the forty commitments for vagrancy eight for disorderly conduct six for end the for various offences fiots inflicted amounted to of 7350 tod the Kindly allow ma saMlapm lo you to ft In Ear 2Mb was as follow Ji- Rainy District of belongs to and to Manitoba District which forms a put western pari of what was known for Territory and Ihroogh W0UDd of Oliver In too FIRE Cn ACKERS I- USED BY TUB MEMBER OUR STAFF C8CE- BIRTHDAY Tea editors members of toe Popes only eleven ruled longer than yeas f furniture has been placed In hotel 09 Strawberry Island No four horses did matter it to ft had belonged tract of land on by Manitoba lbs Woods This on lbs of of Land which corns a grand belt of Canada Is than ft lb and Is for Us Crowing of Wood coming lo sooth and ascending wo coma to Lake Going to It Is by Bay District also a part of Territory Tha between lbs Dis tricts is Dial of lode and on the north wo Lonely River between this District and may well boast tha most belt of laid In Canada In Ibis district portion Is very math noted for being so well adaptod for farming porpoies beard of a few years ago ft Is a Interest for press present and will bo In the log portion of oar Dominion ai It is rich to mistrals and and consists of first class land having a slops district to bodies of water Any to procaro farms for their sons cannot do hotter than to this else where and a feel auaitd will agreo with ma that and farms to bo yet located I will bo pleased to hear from any fig to aoy farther foformatloo I will gladly d caobocb from mo by tending addresj yoa Mr Editor for am ft J P River P First Sleeplessness is the result of over- physical or mental effort When a man works beyond his strength or thinks or studies than rest can restore then sooner or later comes that inability to sleep soundly that wakefulness which is snore wearing even than bodily labor and which feeds the debility which first gave rise to it The result is a man is always tired never feels rested even when he leaves his bed in the morning hence he wastes away and finds re pose only in the grave if indeed in sanity does not supervene It is loo often a malady remediless by medical means Avoid all overeffort of mind and body it is suicidal Whatever you do take enough rest to restore the exhausted energies of each preceding twentyfour hours for 2runkonC33 The old Massachusetts law which made intoxication punishable by fine or imprisonment has been repealed Under the new law the offender may be arrested and kept in custody till be has recovered from his intoxi cation when he is informed of his right to make a written statement to officer giving his name and ad dress and declaring that he has not been arrested for twice before within the year proceed ing If the statement is not credited investigation is made and if it appears to be true the prisoner is discharged otherwise imprisonment follows This law no only permits directly one spree a year for a man but draws the line at more Why one fit of be allowed any more thsn one theft or one forgery The law is radically wrong and should be from the statute books of the State 1 1 will hereafter exempt from taxation all houses built there worth 600 and upwards Beware or Him A sharper is working successfully a number of the eastern towns His mode proced ure cays an exchange is to visit a furniture store first telling a story of being newly married and select a supply of furniture some times totalling too worth requests the bill stating his intention of return ing shorlty to settle and asks to be directed to a piano dealer or hardware merchant The place be visits after making bis first pur chase he tells the tune tale the bill of bis investments and requests the location of another place of business he is in search of He shows no coin of the realm with which to pay his indebtedness and does not ask the delivery of the goods After making a tour be re- turns to one of the stores where he thinks he can pull A tale of money the bank does duty but as the banks are closed he is will ing to pay In cheques In making out cheque he suddenly displays a small sum of money and after counting it remarks he Is short of enough 10 meet incidental and pleads with ibe merchant to advance him or which he will include in the cheque before him If merchant is foolish enough to accede to Ms request just out that amount for it after ward transpires that the fellow has no bank account whatever If be docs not he has satisfaction of doing business and retaining possession goods The Is fairly well dressed and of undeniable Hibernian I sins cheques as Win McKay rcoooOntogemen are expected In Collingwood on the Of July big drum will great that day Talk siandlag shoulder to shoulder I Great Scott I That is something they cant do with tho presaot style in sleeves fox was recently shot north of Orillia These foxes arc very rare andtheir skins bring on the London market Leather still continues to rite and it is said the top notch has oat yet been The advance In Canadian shoes it already about par IS A young man named Moore tried to kiss a couple of girls ho knew on the public streets Parry Sound in broad daylight and had to pay into the police court for bis fun Tht pulpits of two hundred of will on June by women who will preach a campair of religion tern- social purity and opposition to the A simple means of destroying on plum trees is this Pro cure a sheet of sticky fly paper map it tightly around the trunk of the tree sticky side out and lie at top with a cord to hold it in place Ryan of Owen Souid Is in months bard labor in gaol for selling liquor without a He was fined and costs but was not able to pay up and bad to go to the and work it out Mr of pas charged by Inspector Clark on Saturday last with selling liquor with- jut a licence The case came up for rial on Mondays the defendant pleaded guilty and was fined and costs Moore cattle dealers purchaicd two hundred head last week which were taken to ranch in Mara The ranch consists of three hundred acres of pasture land an additional two hundred is be ing negotiated for A vote of the ratepayers of the village Sundridge was taken on the to empower council of that village to pass a by law to raise the of to se cure the tabhshment of a mill a tanciry a bobbin factory A first class dish and a simple one is whipped strawberries To a cup of strawberries cut up add the beaten whites of two and three tablespoons of powdered susr ter it is all stirred together until stiff put in a cold water sad put on ice hours before serving Vjllsge improvement societies are to be encouraged for several cogent reasons They cultivate a generally friendly feeling they loiter public spirit they make rtsl estate worth buying they of taste and fortune are prospecting for a place which they can call a home or where they can start a business According to the report Warden Hayes of the County Penitentiary in New York Stat there arc bank serving sentences in that Institution Seven of them convicted of do- tutors funds were presidents of Banks Twelve of the con victs were cashiers of National Hanks remaining 9 were tellers or trusted in banks of the same class tti It wis popularly supposed years that the cheapest pistal service in the orld was that of Japan where a letter can be con veyed to any part of the kingdom for sen which is equivalent to nearly three eights of a cent Nevertheless Japan is quite put into the shad- by the Indian empire which take- lit palm for cheapness In post cards may be purchased for eight cent while letters are sent for cent each in to the people in Stratford on Sunday Rev spoke on matter of Sunday It was not wrong lor one to take a stroll on or to take a drive and if a cyclist went for a short jaunt in same way as he took a stroll Sunday he would not object Hut young men who go off forty or fifty miles remaining all day and sometimes not returning until neglecting all Sunday services were he said degrading tit grandest and most innocent of all sports Here is ft defense of woman that is well worth reading and it may be heeding oil the part of some folk If men would that a woman cannot always be smil ing who Us to cook tho dinner an- the door bell half a get rid of a neighbor who has dropped In to tend a sic baby up the cut finger of a ready for school to say nothing of cleaning sweeping dusting bak ing mending etc A with all this to contend with may claim It as ft privilege to look and feci sometime d a little sympathy would too much to the man who during the hooey- moon would not so much as let hr carry as much as si sunshade ordinary house wife docs not ftj too much her t 1

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