Newmarket Era, 24 May 1895, p. 4

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li Tired but Sleepless I ft condition iron blood bo enriched by Bar end kit condition III I could not trig tilt llttto could did not do mo toy good I and two I lrf2D- to ft All tod Ltd SI pound I tea Jiolthltithftn In Jomt V Only Blood Purlfta IS only not Induced lo buy and Whats the time If it you GRAYS SYRUP RED GUM TBI CURB COUGHS COLDS ASTHMA all LUNG A PACTIONS on trill fatiaoitltild A U Pi I for Stomach and Liver for I ho cure fit Ill Are llesl fatally I New City PILLS Award at Worlds 6rouaHvpd WITH HO CHrAPUYMAIL lO to A Toil Cud cms by or teat by AT Milton last four of its merchant fined And COUj for obtruding the in front of their itorts to fcUWlttd Ca iLUIofedtr IkU on 1 yet Christ for It an tub to end Arrange of In connection with Bat to tbit ttoutd tf Jr7f a on Iho who him into If ft Orcein of Ibis dint if ih And 2 Jout hour by tit it ltd by by bunkering and by from In and by of by cirly death ftflr uiual nblch had from boor entered God by curing to blind axjl- ling and forgiving tho tun Id tod In ramble tha open Ho and In tcitlfytDg tbli fa lb died for Hit death la It called a It will not d i look on a martyr or In aomi myatcrloui way death atoned for tba worlds and vraa fore human bo reconciled to Clod Nor will do to think of a Our died for you and for mo and by lilt and la our j 24 I I HP TO of fact In made Jti oily Ictcluit in of York their In tha nam bar aior known by ibla forty In leal year- to which tbU part of Dominion lat from of Toronto Indlcito Ibat iroyl thing on land hard on that J VL declined tha prohibition for North Jlruco Two old and latron tho think enough for to without f urlhor the of alwlorato by a fourth from If tho cry of railway now given Now York that ft declared tbo Canadian by trunk lima It old fight tba and Grand Trunk over but all tbootd having obrvad tba utility of Royal a tho ftnotbar tint one Ho say Wo bad royal prohibition and on cattle on dairying and bat and on propagation of Now how would it do to appointed to into tba recent frost Tux rite to remark of in duly of on two flntera If limit for ft fir drink Thirty ago at and gallon inland rev enue lax today it Jl70 per gallon but carry it homo in fivo gallon liko thoy need to when tba In operation about bait a century ago and Government on learning onco the patrol fitot now from any Canadian tester Iho as be Govern- decided bat inter- with Haling vesteta flying the Union will ground for clatina for damages Tub Montreal rites remark It takes sixteen of the Detroit to contain of city to bo told for If a Canadian city would op with record that would laugh If will but fact thai the list of lands adver tised in tho Junction a of Controller Wallaces own about a quarter of thit number of psges the town Itself does not embrace of the population the Intended had Utter without In A Core for i lU 10 lu acMou lev Aral td Or- 1 MCamp- bill If rare lie Jftil elude ell tiftnpa- pCd- strata acne for fcV to lfr j cd bladder JUicii- Loutyit9KivrGHiiraouiii a Ha jit of lsaic i l ef pita- lc old Gas Crin can anybody be- como a singer I do not expect miner now You arc no doubt of the fact that arc possessing little canaclly for us to be unable to distinguish Yankee Doodle from Old Hundred In contrast to this you may beard the assertion that anyone having a voice for speak ing is also capable of trained for singing It were true then only Ihose who arc born dumb or having lost their voices by sick- or Injury could never become lingers Who can deny anyone devoid of musical or as It one without musical car good a voice for speaking as the best singer The late Hon George Pendleton n orator of national regulation he could never one tunc from another and it utterly Impossible for him to ting a note in right pitch I hold that a person whose carnerves arc naturally incapable of perceiving the difference In musical pilch can never become a linger Who can become an singer There Is only one way to get at a of question namely to ascertain what ore the conditions A good voice which Is invariably found In a sound body a ne cessary intellectual qualifications 3 favorable moral conditions a correct method or a good teacher These points do not fully cover the case but they sufficient stated the of the tonic solfa arc found in its simplicity few characters required and the unvarying significance of those characters or symbols What constitutes a Rood teacher of music Can one he a good teacher and not a good performer A teacher must know whst we call the elements of the thing he teaches All the principles involved in in art must demonstrated by the teacher The good vocal teacher will need to be able to every quality of lone good and bad and lo know how he docs it fie will need to the finest artistic instincts good taste good judgement a certain amount of personal magnetism and to be a through musician The Iila no teacher likewise will need to and be able demonstrate the various qualities of touch various items of pianoforte technical exercises scales arpeggios octaves etc besides personal named above Virtuosity is not a necessity with teachers in fact virtuosi are apt to he indifferent for reason that they usually have found the elements of their innate powers which are born with one are reasoned out A good teacher will always prove himself a student means or methods of doing are his constant study Good l etching not only seeks results but includes all those elements known in pedagogy as synthetic and analytic processes A virtuoso may have a mind of analytic temper or may have attained his poweta of performance by a simple drudgery coupled with his native powers former be the case lie is likely to he a good teacher if the Jailer be true the chances are that he will not he a good teacher Werners Magazine of Asthma A good Is the greatest help to a town It Is a standing advertisement which always attracts It gives more free explanations of the place than all others It never lets pass a good op portunity to advocate the enterprises and it home people- It helps ill the churches and never fails to speak out for the schools resents all in sinuation against the character of the citizens and Industries of the town and it lives but to benefit the com munity To repay its untiring it asks the of the people not In a begging manner but as recom pense for lis labor It is entitled to a livelihood because it gives more It takes It only asks for Its rights and those It should have The business man who docs not ad vertise is limply deadheading off those wh do HOW A WAS TO TORONTO HEALTH Got Ahead of the Mm There is a In this town who has a very pretty daughter with one of his staff has fallen hopelessly in lore As the young man is no Invited to the parental mansion and the young woman has been notified to keep away from the parental the Course of their love does not flow very smoothly How ever they have hit upon an expedient which gives them a channel of com munication and they will continue to if papas eyes does not rest on It was girl litis of it itWays is the girl who Is a situ lit It is way when p pa tillers his place in Ihe morning he his hat on a certain among a row other hats and proceeds to business the interested clerk while the head of the firm is reading his mail takes that hat from the hail where it is hung looks inside slips his under the lining and takes out a tiny missive which he at once conveys to his own pocket and the contents of which delight and amuse him all day At when papa returns home his pretty daughter slips into the makes a raid on that hat always finding an to bet motive the morning How much lonpe pap will occupy the position of mail carrier for Years from this Distress ing Complaint and on Occasions was to for Father tolls was Cored From Mr Reuben Barber architect of the City ol Toronto at one lime a resident of has been visiting old friends and relatives in and around the village recently While chatting with ihc Recorder correspondent the recent wonderful cures in the vicinity through the use of Dr Williams rink Pills came up when Mr said he had an ex perience in his own family quite as It was at lecture ibo room hot and crowded and Mn sweet noticed that her husband suffering under a sense of Injury What Is it dear she whispered undercover of one of the speakers rounded periods Mr sniffs become more audible the abominable of perfumery in the roomi puffed Im almost asphyxiated by it Why I can count fourteen distinct nit every time the woman about us applaud well not to notice it his wife with tbat always by the of the in cases listen to it is did Hump I you like the odor women always do like what ever costs money Do you happen to know how much is spent annually on perfumery in America No dear I dont What is it Urn welt I remember the exact figures just now but I assure you it is something For my I think that the of fumes into public should prohibited by law and ihc a mount of money which would otherwise have wasted upon ihern might then go towards endowing asylum lor those idiois who dont know that others have rights in public ml You arc disturbing The lady in the violet bonnet is looking daggers at you Hump the one whose handker chief is pollened with patchouli dont care if she isnt pleased Say I think Ill step out for a J Jo said his wife with a smile 1 thought something beside the perfume was troubling you He came back before long with a smiling lace and settled con tentedly in his place As lie did to the lady the violet bonnet who sat next to htm began to wave her handkerchief before her face Isnt it awful she whispered to her companion wherever one goes it is just the same some horrid man poisons the air the odor of stale tobacco positively I couldnt stand it if hadnt some strong per fume about me to act as an antidote Dog There was once a vcntriloriuist so poor that he was obliged to travel on fool from town to town to save ex pense much after the manner of the gentlemen of adventure in Grimms tales One day he was joined on the road by a dog as forsaken as himself but who seemed desirous of becom ing his companion They journeyed together to- the next town and entered tavern Somerset she vtjs first drawn lolo work She had seta InobUdrcp boy a girl tip nine at their table and had beard ibo laugh at the precocious little ones She had seen boy go to drank- grave when twentyfour But what of the girl she went on The was happily married and became the of lovely children The fatal seed had sown however The young mother became a slave to strong drink I prayed with her with She asked one day If l would be If she would renounce drink The proposition a Hi one and I twenty four hours for consider ation When I saw her again she said it was loo late I felt that if I had given her promptly the she should have received might have saved Today home Is shattered but I resolved to do in future all I could for God and human- To ft Runaway Scarcely a week passes in any year that human lircs arc not jeopardized by horses taking fright and running away says an exchange The roan who can devise soma means which will surely prevent Ibis will be ft great public benefactor Some one who professes to know that runaway accidents seldom occur In Russia The means used In preventing them Is very simple It Is asserted that In Russia a addicted to the habit of tunning away has a thin cord with a running noose around his neck at the and the end Is tied lo the dashboard At Rome says the informant saw In the a phaeton with two spirited horses bolt They were driven by a lady and I expected to see instant destruction Hut the lady grasped a thin cord and within thirty yards Ihe horses came to a full slop I afterward met the lady at Nice and surprise at skill with which she stopped the run aways She treated it as a trifle and told me accidents from runaway horses arc unknown In Russia as no one but a lunatic would drive without a cord When a hone bolts be always takes the bit in his teeth and the skill of the driver if useless The moment the pressure cornci on the windpipe the horse knows he Ins met his master The bill of has Ontario Legislature and become law and now Chatham Is en titled to take her place in the hood of cities- The due of Inaugur ation will be Dominion Day nod occasion will be observed with rejoicing There has an Influx from north country to Lindsay and other points prospective Trent canal In search of work majority arc returning however loudly Ihe inflated party newspaper seports which tboriutively stated that on proposed canal is to at There Is no p an commencement and they would advise laborsra to remain at home- Tho Warder organ in Victoria county excuses as fellows Inasmuch as Mr Oftdor- secured contract several hundred thousand dollars than ether contractors lendersd for he must use all modern appliances to clear himself It is understood that several machines for rock work and steam shovels for earth will soon bo on Conse quently taste will bo no special work for men or teams for several necks Hew Letter DELICIOUS fifflflT TEA remarkable Asked if he would give hungry and penniless- Not the particulars Mr Barber said that being troubled with the inconvenient seven years ago while living in some Mount Forest his daughter took a severe cold which developed into asthma At first she would be con fined to her room for days and to see her struggling for breath one would think she could not possibly live an hour As she grew older the asthma tic spasms became more frequent and of Ion duration Sometimes she would lie unable to leave room for weeks and then she wuld rally and be for a short time After we moved to Toronto she wis put under the care of one of the best doctors in the city At first his treat- seemed to help her but after a few months she became as bad as ever and the medicine did not appear to do her the slightest good We had now fully made up our minds that the trouble was incurable We had read so much of Dr Williams Pink Pills that we determined to give them a trial realty looking them as a sort of forlorn hope My daughter began taking the pills and continued the treatment for about six months she found herself entirely free from the distressing disease Seven months have now passed since she took the last box and she has never had the slightest spasm or return of the trouble She is now the pic ture of health says Mr Barber and we give the entire credit to Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and lose no oppor tunity of sounding the praises of this great medicine These pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system Sold by all dealers or by ma from Dr Williams Medicine Company Ont or NY 50 cents a x es a su imi tations and substitutions which the pub it ciotivuid knows what a is but folks old find it harder to say how it ftot that and yet it si is enough when you come to it When a picnic was being arranged for the custom originally was thai those who to be- present supply the edibles and drinkables A bit of these necessaries having been drawn up it was passed around and each picked out the article of food or she was to furnish and ihe name of the nicked or ticked off list The open air entertain thus became known and As the picnic will soon to be teen will be road- It witl be of to know finds out- these facts refinement which comes from a long line o ancestors the man had de veloped the quality known as cheek so he and the dog sat down to cat a for which they could not pay The room was full of lounger and the sua took a conspicuous seat What wilt you asked the only waiter the place employed and the order embraced marly everything on bill of Hut I want fur my d too he Ask him what he will haw The waiter muttered something about u so suanger said What dont you like to Well will you have beef fish every time Bruno looking eyes at the waiter And what to drink Water thank you said Bruno this time the landlord and everyone in the place were eager with suppressed wonder and gathered a bout to hear a dog talk The ventriloquist fcitmd in difference eating with avidity while the landlord was evidently con sidering something His cogitation resulted in his ottering the stranger three hundred dollars for wonder ful talking dog The ventriloquist appeared to hesi tate a moment and then said abrupt ly Yes you may have him hundred dollars When the money was paid and the ventriloquist was about to leave be turned to the dog palled him af fectionately and said Goodbye old fellow youve been a good friend to me You are no friend mini tiled to sell to an- master- ere mean enough to serve in such trick Ill hive my Ill neve anptbtr word as long as I The venriloqu si then rnsd of with all po People Sweeney Ch fl I found that would do good i great is la great- lose It CoJ at KARL8 BOOT will voir fc tor GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY blTlftOX HUM Your husband will notice a great improvement in your cooking when You Your house will not be filled the odor of hot lard when Your doctor will lose some of his Dyspepsia cases when Your children can safely eat the same food as yourself when You Your money will be saved and your cooking praised Famous cooks prominent phy sicians and thousands of every day housekeepers endorse it Will you give trial in ll Company mi ft Ki A 5yearold boy named the wharf at fell into svater drowned Winnipeg May The resi dence of Peter near Gretna was deslroytd by fire early this and a nineyearold boy burned Mr John Andrews He Ion a valuable through Messrs Card and Jarncs of also lost vatuable horses from the tame cause The Trent Valley Canal com prises Cameron Sturgeon Pigeon Stortey Clear and lakes and when completed will save a distance Marie to Kingston of miles It begins ate bed ash on the Georgian Ray and outlets at Trenton Its entire length when completed will be miles of miles is now completed and navigable leaving only miles Of this miles is now con tract leaving only mile to let IKS The of is in re ceipt of a communication from Col informing that the Rattahon will into camp at on the June hundred men more are ex pected to be here and this will mean an outlay of nearly per day for twelve or fifteen days It will be a bonanza for the business men of the village as bread meat potatoes groceries milk and other necessaries will be purchased in town The bat talion will camp on Ihc fair grounds Farmers arc washing their sheep and preparing the wool for market Some do not bother wash ing the wool they make nearly as much by taking ihe tower price for the greater weight Those who advocate washing say it is good far the aside from the higher price it ensures for the wool An intelligent farmer further assured us recently that wool washed on the was stronger and better than wool washed after being clipped and his reason for this the few days allowed for drying after the sheep have been washed a certain amount of strength and life goes back into the wool that is en tirely lost by the other method f FULL STOCK OP Doors Screen Green Lawn Lawn Bakes Lawn Hobo PROP Jacks kept for biro mm i i w a PACKETS SOL sal J -7- r J ANNUALLY IN BRITAIN Country In lib I lb Lead Packets At 60 per lb HOLD BY R A SMITH NEWMARKET DO tl YOUR PART Nature will then do the rest Part of your part is to secure the We have thern in all varieties FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the mo reliable Seed Growers and gOolrs Leading Drug CAN A f to Men tl tjv tisLL wii to CO OK 10 At ill DAVID LLOYD US Its ue fcc its wia Vlto WORK 9 illlU4 its HP si von a or If p a to in j JEWELLING AND SIIOP- Lot Mala ACRES OF To Rest a its t J K OOM3 TO RENT lb It on ft to la its a Vet Eli so TRY OUR PAILS TUBS OK NEWMARKET Material BICYCLE FOR Lit fit fialecjcip ypsikt FOR SALE Weil nil til a VoLfcvofiil3 up I waswiiea car for of aid cf ill Rtpshlrg Tina with Tires en Retelling or 2v FARM FOR SALE let If THIS A I OR SALE Dan Hie ixo oio All wrawcroinK no jirijMfi to order soy Wo a Wheel very it THE SONS MFG CO Ltd wojti von f 15 Skirt Bone i For STYLE and SHAPE to A less mils from It is soft ssd rcidlly lo to or Ihi only aro corded with idles It is not at all unlikely that Canada will soon become famous as a gold producing country Evidence collected from many sources goes to show the country traversed by Canadian Pacific Railway abound in mines both large in extent and un commonly rich in precious ore- The beat proof of the value of the mines of the Rainy River district is fact that some of them have lately changed at very large figures the pur chase money in many instances reach ing several hundred thousand dollars The has already attracted many capitalists including prin cipally Americans and Europeans Out British Columbia it is beyond dispute that immense of gold lie buried in the- rocks Some already in operation are pay handsome dividends every month and it is only a question t a short time hen many others will be open ed in various parts the Province It looks as if Canada will witness a veritable fever during the current Several English com- with capital hats to work Cclun mines and capitalists in Paris hive also got on to the fact that is the coming gold country It is British Columbia is rock is but of its mines is of a much richer character thin any taken from World FARMERS IH 13 to it lV Stove and Furnace Repairs- DO ri your to P crick row tot toupu rtiuw w- S DRhER HAS lis to tfo ill lHiri la Vllt Alio It fcli3 fc TO RENT Weill Aipi to lLpecalit J- Residence For Sale mil i cur drill fit- Km of Vicla Br For a to SALE FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS AKIN BEST FRIEND gale hi COUR8E GREATLY REDUCED RATES k giria it tifiiltscii Notice tuc ill9tbzt9i ct o Creditors ov OH i I lilt r died t I mi J it iriof lit itr I tat Ac VU J It stUs Up Ma A Hi Eight lives by NIMMO HARRISON Wist BUSINESS OOLLEQEI ffKW8PAPERb It irij The Secret Of the marvelous success of Blood Bitters lies La specific curative power over every organ of The the the Stomach the Kidneys Skin Bladder in fact aU parts of human restored to perfect natural action by this Thus it or other of Bad Blood ache and Liver Obstmalo Humors Sores or and all of caused by Bad or dis ordered of Stomach or Kidneys Thousands in6nias varrant rtiiettiors is BEST MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OK OLD I 1 will fca ills flcijstls r klcds itis Apt to J APxir OR TO RENT TOWIIOFIlSflKETOIir ill vita iicii kx93tllx tub fctilw iJ frill allele itfOiSii with pit the win dtii liunlir EXEMPTION OF TAXES For Ihlf pI to

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