THE NEWMARKET ERA it GEO JACKSQS AT 4T12AM And ex ir A4vcrcrinir J oil imtloo Ad verities fall Iq forU4 NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER IS No tent of Worth York paid in advance Vol Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Friday June Terms Spicily in Advance within or at end of year Branch 53 I A Intercut Allowed meat t v DRAFTS ISSUED Draftf No- Draft fcoibt J IjAUUIHTKHACMrloUiylQijHC good tfljw If for of King to QPlICfiJhJionOGqrl fctlOot ftflbetlipcliKofBt TJ WOODCOCK Main i J ft a for Of A J If and Haiti AXjX- 0s 31011 IfftuJ mi wajaflO lIounStoIOaiiM 1 lotnd 14M Night If 11 and General Jobbing Work promptly attended to Give us a a to Main flaroou of for lldfn Toronto OHIO Comer of d f rf rf A iv 1 Office J VUJAIr A A York A JJ a II J4 on lHAriCAI tlftotululuf A to fire TO LOAM fcATW MECHANICS TOOLS MIXHO PAINTS OILS VAKNISHKS GLASS AND AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUH WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES FORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS FBNCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN A I Our Spectacle trade in increas ing every Why We have the Cheapest Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in town we war ranted to be as represented Satisfaction guaranteed in every sale In our Jewelry Department we always lcad Repairing -De- Ml work done promptly and neatly at rea sonable prices Jeweller and Main St NEWMARKET WORKS NEWMARKET Latest MONUMENTS and JjEAD STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble A tall If VANWNT AH Mill prompt 1i6lki of And Bt loul Agents for MasstyHiris Repairs Telephone No MAIN STREET Ear Jacks for Hire NEWMARKET a A UlIjci Keg All ilrsllti and Town Properly FIRE of ILb a Jo olio in this line Office outdo us either in style or price If you want any kind of Printing done sec what work and terms you can get at the Era Office before you order Our promptness is pro- vi CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO CANADIAN COMPANY W STARR Central Office AND FUNDS- DOLLARS MY Til A Kent Standard Life Ifcl MuwiiY AND TAKE YOUI CHOICE HUT IT WILL COST NOTHING TO LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES wcory BONUS YEAR virion AH villi Id Ihe una 11 A NORTH OF HUB TO XO BUY WIVI HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH AW CAUGER OH THE LIP AYE J ACKBUITHIRO MANNING I IAWHIK SIMPSON TOWER Will COHCRIVf bARITOHB of It ftt3 to Mi Hi WOOViKH Halo y And Im nit to Iiial I Wo tsth Jim And so it f fltit cot Mar wxtVh6df1hocstupI an A loir iicm theahobttrdboir two J v la cot takics A ftOlffcicstllfobo ltd- Adtcpltnptclca I didnt To heir It- It ins Kd to Aboot a I tot ft rum that did It Abd with oathapsa biro And poor Jim blow wont Jim on in Tom And jrt loo j mother to do I toll jo ihu mi no It And I Jot tot took mr to And bofrfzbt I I dont rsacb of I that blood of And I dally pi mo drlok and And that now And loyi Im going lo tail I Wo r may Im toll what Jcina Hot or Jim and mo want ery To now great That tby may Boston WHO CAME TO QUIET HOW SHE WAS LINED ILLBRED or of the owner Benton m the name of new Rueit rcid on early but light gleaming beneath her door that the giili as- la room to exchange their had dragged the from the other apart ment- into Iter chamber and they began their of their unwel come neighbor by a eiie of thumps door was leu open a amall round clock having wondeiful tfefc- placed in the entry If the four girl after this could appear at the breakfast table looking fresh as though they had gone to bed with the sun was not the case their neighbor Mils Ben tona heavy eyes languid manner bore witness to a disturbed night The people in the smaller dining come in the season had fallen into the pleasant for even a few wcclta in a summer hotel arc sufficient Miss Benton made no at tempt to join fn the merry desultory clatter which was indeed directed by to lae end of ex cluding her What had begun in a mere spirit of frolic and a passing developed as the days went on Into scarcely concealed dis like the reason for which none could have told There was certainly no apparent reason for Miss Benton was well bred and attractive ap pearance Even gentle Mr- Forty he who had hitherto welcomed so kindly any solitary stranger was swept along by the current and save for a stately in clination of her head and a formal greeting ignored Miss Benton She was very fond of her niece Lou and a summer hotel was not a hos pital she said So in the at the rapids dur ing the long bright day spent at the Shaker and at the climb up Saddleback Miss Benton was en tirely ignored She was not Invited to Join the evening in which even the elders participated nor did any one suggest that she be includ ed In the bidding to the hop at a neighboring hotel or to the concert given in the village by the summer residents The next festivity was a lawn I have some bad news for you girls Dont call me an eavesdropper unlets it is in the sense of drop- given by an youth in the near neighborhood who in the hope of remuneration bad showered his rustic attentions upon the city visitors The sawmill of which he was the owner stood on I ft me but lo pari- yew Finally I tia In or I a decided by result I In a mooUi or to toe lo teal the last lOR THE TURNOUT In yj Hunts gsrAiiuauisutui ILL PRIVATE MONEYS la low tat tiv the cream of Oil is or Coughs Colde Sore throat Bronchitis Conouirijtlon Loss of Emaciation Crowing Children Moor Milk Scrofula In fact for all conditions call ing for a quick and effective nourishment ping from the eaves If our genial Mr persists in holding his domestic conferences beneath window in the tone he uses to hit oxen on a subject intimately re lated to my peace and welfare I consider myself justified in listening him When the had made this speech dropped on the bed al ready occupied by Bertha Lewis and Foster in an attitude of mock despair has happened asked Armstrong whose room they weie in She was at the bureau where she was trying to heat a curl ing iron over the flickering flame of a small lamp Some one is coming I tonight to take the comer room answered Lou She is an invalid at least Mr said she was coming for the quiet and nobody but a sick person wants lo be quiet of course I remarked after an ominous pause This meant went on that we must give up our evening kettledrums in your room for when the invalid goes to bed she will want lo go to steep We must not sing when we come home from a hayride or dance down the corridor after we have retired for the night Neither must we gather here for midnight ghost because an invalid can hear every whisper It is too bad that she should come here to spoil our good times indignantly Sick people should slay at home I know all about the way a per son who has nervous prostration be haves because my Aunt Kathleen had it went on Lou Would jou believe it girls she could not bear to see the wag its tail and she put her hands to her ears if lie threatened to bark She did not like to have anyone cat toast because the crunch ing a faded her and if I sat down in front of her in a rocking chair she would beg me rocking for the molion made her to nervous I Mere affectation exclaimed Pris If people let such lake possession of them there is no knowing to what extremes they may be led like nuns in the Middle Ages who bad a epidemic of barking I really think we have a mission work to perform girls in the midst of our good limes Aunt didnt like clocks either pursued Her power of hearing them tick was limply Her room was at the top of the house but she could hear clock in the she should like to emigrate to tle village In South America Darwin tells about where there was not a single clock or watch but the hours were guested at by an old man who had a good idea of time It is clearly our duly to keep our neighbor from developing into a hypochondriac like your amiable relative said decisively She should not come to a summer hotel for quiet We are here to have a good time and not to look after in valids The sounded and the to their rooms Later they gathered on the to watch the arrival That is the I whispered as a round faced young came up the But the doesnt look like an In valid Jeanie They never do I in valids always look ihe picture of health returned Lou- TUt one way you can tell ihcm Another is by their to which they cling as to dear Hie or a treatise on how to cure No thank you answered according to the mental struggling to gently Its homemade hurt you But dont care for thank you Jest a grain You could It In your lea Please no I If you soak ft In your tea it would make it soft self control was at an Desperation gave momentary strength I never mean to eat any- again as long as I live Do go Mrs Tuttle moved toward the door in evident alarm with her hand on the knob she and turned a feeling akin of the deserter condemned to be shot and expectant of the word of command dived beneath the bed clothes The next moment the bang of the door quivered through and through her aching bead How hours dragged I the silence the great house a creepy sense of loneliness came over the girl illl ft amounted almost to terror If I live to get home III never leave It again she thought How do you do The tut words were spoken aloud in a sudden frenzied desire to hear a human voice and to ascertain whether the had not lost the power of speech Not at all well thank you she answered herself still aloud I am in a position to realize as never did before the figures given in the arithmetic the Table Time Measure of ihc appalling number of seconds there are in a day ihere was a gentle tap at the door Come in called ready to welcome even Mrs But ft was Miss Beaton who stood upon the threshold I I thought I heard you speak Hiss Benton Can I do any- thing for you It was more In the tone than even kindly words but last vestige of control vanished and an incoherent outburst was fee only answer Hits Benton listened at first in astonishment and finally with a look of while her mouth which noticed for the first time was to fine and true losi its smiling curve- But in the gravity that had over the face girl was vaguely aware that a rare depth of feeling was revealed Oh it is awful to think of the way we have treated you I- con- eluded breathlessly The smile came back for a t Hits Bentons face This is the first I have known of ill treatment she said calmly I have gone home tomorrow under the impression that a remarkably household I have been so unutterably thankful that you let we alone did not force me to talk shop ask for my aafij- inquire if it were not necjssary for toe to keep my mind calm a query with which one poor unfortunate agonized me at Scraoton and above alt did to me as authoress An repealed in a dazed tone You are not you cannot be Kale Eleanor Benton Why you are Miss Benton 1 Oh the difference conveyed in a girls tone between ihe Miss Benton and that Miss Please The owner of Ihe name made a funny Utile gesture of abhorrence That word authoress always conveys to my mind an im pression of a long cuds who writes verses lor the Poets Cor ner of the local newspaper You tee she went on in a communicative tone for was too much over whelmed for speech at ihe discovery that ihe occupant of the corner room was a woman whose name was a household word wherever there were girls lo love read her stories I had work that I mutt finish and at Scranton I was not in peace for a moment so I sturTed my manu script into my bag fled could devote to my work here with out one ear pricked up for fear of in terruption It was so delightfully quiet in my room Quiet interrupted Pris in amazement Wasnt queried innocently But I acknowledge There lives not fir Irom here a couple who think a good deal of each other and when one is ill the other docs everything In the world for her or bit welfare Not long ago the husband was taken lil and the wile wound to find tome medi cine in house Finally she came across a box of little black pills There was no writing on the cover of the box to tell what they were but as they resembled a certain liver pill the wife concluded they must be required thing She gave ihem her hubby regularly and he seemed to Improve About a week alter when be got down to last pill he chanced turn the box over He gave a yell that startled the whole neighborhood His wife ran to him thinking thai he was dying Look cried read what ft says on the I She did as he Jade her Ibis is what she read Prime Crown Morning Glory Seeds Utile pellets or a bottle of the brink of a great dark pool chat had been named by the girls StyX Mark was his name and Mark was an abbreviation of Marguisde Leayelte a given name originally bestowed under ihc that the French title was a Christian name The girls politely called him the Mar quis Icecream was lo be sold at his lawn party and boats were to be let by one Styx The girls had enlisted the interest of the hotels and the Marquiss fete was a grand suc cess- The girls all enjoyed much but crowning festivity the last frolic of the season had been reserved for following day There was to be a twentymile drive to the lake a sail around it and a moonlight drive home Early on ihe morning following Marquiss party Lou entered room lo find her a ghast ly face seated upon the side of ihe bed was ihe icecream gasped Oh dear I Is Ibis way it feels to be sick Poor clasped the bedpost with both bands as though she could thereby slop the dizzy whirl in her aching head The other girls came in and suggested various unsuitable remedies Leave me I I dont care if I Id rather die than feel like heard the clock strike every hour till four think of girls I And then just as I began to feel sleepy the commenced lo low Mr began his usual con ference through kitchen window Airs was called The remedy for a tick headache she de cided was to lie abed all day in a darkened room and to thai treat was condemned Please go the said when Mrs wished to give up ihe pro posed You can do nothing by remaining and I do not want to feel ih at I have robbed you of a days pleasure You will be quite alone Every one is going but Mrs Tuttle and thai Miss urged Mrs dont want lo talk lo sleep all day The other girls noisy sympathy yielded com- to command that the expedition should not be given she heard groining wheels of the mountain wagon roll up to the door One horse wis restive would he again The girl put her bands to her ears in an agony of apprehension What a shrill voice Saxe had and bow long were gelling ready They were gone at last and the turned her pillow to see if there was not a cool spot upon it but no came The day was intensely hot She had closed the window to shut out the sound of Mrs TuitoD hostess beating eggs the Her tense of hearing was a torture to her By and by Mis came lo ihe room seated herself in ihe rock the one that had been In Miss Bentons treatment and entertained the Invalid with ft graphic account of all ihe fucerals accidents and illness that hid come under her observation Seems as though youd to bay for dinner the urged you eat a bit A Tragedy THE OF A WHO HAS surrxREo Intent Menial and SleepHis Her Almost lo Whan Hops had Almost Fled Mrs Srcrh Wood widow of the late Alex Wood of North Lanark Co has had more sorrow than usually falls to the lot of human beings and ft is no wonder that under intense mental strain she was completely prostrated her frieods are rejoicing with her thai she has again been restored to health To a reporter the told following about three years ago I had assays been in good health except for occasional spasmodic headaches which had bothered me tome years I am sixtythree years and my troubles came as much by mental aguish and sleepless as by overtaxing my physical system Two years ago last August my son J Wood was killed on the C P in a collision and his lifeless mangled body wis brought home Six weeks later my sister Mrs Lucky of Kitley was foully murdered During those days I was taking care of my youngest daughter Mrs O near Merrick- who was il with consumption who four monlhs later Few people hive been to undergo so much and with sleepless and days of I became almost to a living skeleton fall of was obliged to my bed where lay for several weeks hovering between life and death During this lime I was the care of a doctor but treatment did not help me My head now continually troubled Die and a severe pain in my just above my left hip caused me agony I bad heard a great deal about Williams Pink Pills and determined to give ihem a trial Before the second box was- my headache disap peared and I found myself growing stronger and after taking the for a time longer the in my back disappeared also I then fell so well that I decided to visit another daught er who lives near Merrickvillc de termining to continue taking the Pink Pills until thoroughly restored Id passing Ihrough Smiths Falls I procured more pills but found after- yards iney were a counterfeit as I did not then know that they were not sold in bulk The result was tbat my infirmities began to return and I began to mistrust that the pills were not genuine 2nd sent into Mer rick for more A soon showed that while both pills were colored Pink the ones I got in Smiths Falls were spurious for they were not exactly the same shape and not look the same when the two were compared As I began the uPs of the gen uine Pills I began to grow better and after the use of a few more boxes found entirely cured and I am now enjoying as good health as ever did in my life I believe thai if it had not been for Williams Pink Pills would have been in my grave and I am glad to give ray CHINESE BANQUET TABU Wheat tpld for cents a bushel on the market Satur day The grounds the station at arc being proved EST A pound snapping was fished out of a creek near grove the other day The intense beat Thursday caused one death in and a large number of prostrations A despatch from Hong Kong says Fighting has begun in and Japanese warships are bombard- ina Chapman Neb May A near here yesterday and demolished everything in Its pub Two children were fatally In jured EST John horse got away from ifie store one day last week and started for home but fell of Browns bridge and broke and buggy IKS A young son of Mr John AHandale received a bad kick from a horse on the leg a few days ago The leg will have to be amputated The Methodist Church in is about to have sixty in candescent lights put In rntnt will continue be lit by gas for present aged seventeen raiding at Mills acciden tally shot and killed Mabel Hunter aged fifteen daughter of Walter Hunter farmer The business men of Suiion have decided to close their shops every Wednesday afternoon from noon to p for ihe months of June July and August l The members of Orange order at Bradford are soliciting with a view to purchase the Salvation Army barracks The sum asked for the building is While assisting a barn- raising near Mr was thrown from the build ing by some timber breaking and received injuries from which died A trolley car ran into a crowd ed trailer at Montreal and several people were seriously injured- A collision on the Gait Preston testimony hoping some poor lhat I am deaf dumb and bund when may be made well as I was I am at work on the last pages of a vj Woods unfortunate experience with imitation Pink Pills make it to again impress upon the public lhat William Pink Pills are never sold in bulk by the dozen hundred or or in any shape except the companys boxes every one of which is enclosed in a wrapper printed In red ink bearing the full trade mark Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People- If Pills are offered in any form even if pink in color they are initiations and should promptly be refused Dr Williams Pink Pills cures when other medicines fail Imitations ate worth less and may be dangerous to health story I did not hear your good limes together though after you came up stain Or the night sometimes longed to join you Your extempore orchestra of whistling and blowing on combs was my refreshment We wouldnt done it for world if we had known murmured abjectly lama disappointment of course returned Miss Benton Confess lhat you thought an authoress must be seven feet tall with a under one arm an encyclopedia under Ihe other nose and a pen in her hand I Im sorry youre ill I will have your and mine so you shall not feel lone some and perhaps you can sleep Ob no dont thank me just for being neighborly A crowd was gathered around Miss Benton next morning and chorus of lamentation arose the was going by ihe morning train- I have escaped l she exclaimed in mock despair as autograph fans end albums were pro duced by adoring circle of girls In one album ihere was written a line lhat as Pits Armstrong felt quiie well ibe next day looked it choked back her thank you I was a strange took not Youth4 ChmpOeion A lhat the wages of tin have not been during the hard times ALLISTOH May About yesterday morning was covered in and woollen mil and despite the heroic efforts of jhe the buildings and were almost A large number of hands will thrown out of employment me May The storms Colorado yesterday were the worst known for year The country has been soaked with a heavy ri for tour end la There is four feet of snow at Billion a mining camp la the Captain I A taji Catarrh la I ai that da any good IkfctVa Drag CURE Croup Caw It la riw iJiolyfli II Ui ROOT parity a till trie lice resulted in serious injury to the Near the other a train ran over seven that had strayed on the track Three were killed outright and the other four had 10 be slaughtered on account of broken legs Florence Ihe young daughter of Rev Barker Methodist minister of Orillia accidentally set fire to her clothing while playing in the yard and died from the effects of her injuries The Summer Hotel at Bay Point a few miles south cast of has been purchased by a gentleman from the Southern States He will make a big effort to make the hotel a success ihls year Formosa has bten declared an republic Tang formerly Chinese Governor has been chosen President and there is a suspicion that Chinese officials are at ihe bottom of the movement which will give The Worlds Fair cost Canada Add that what each Province spent individually and ihe of ihit country will prob ably reach the conclusion we in luck the discovery of America can only be celebrated about once in a century In the course of his sermon in the City Temple London Rev Parker said the only action to be liken on behalf the Americans a war against Turkey Such a war would be ihe most holy humane and righteous the world had ever known John Bailey an employee in Albert Kerrs butcher shop caught the back of his hand a meal Saturday and lore an ugly gash from wrist lo ihe Eleven had be put in lo keep the wound together To make matters worse Mr is incapacitated from business baring six boils on his neck which cause him a great deal of pain Mr Yankee Hat rick Whit by was bis bay take a drive when it grabbed him with its teeth by the lausctes of upper part of the left arm and jerked for a time after which il brought him It hung to its hold like a bulldog Meantime shouts out his brother and father who found necessary to hammer the hone with a fork handle for some time before it would let go its hold When Hat- rick was released it was found animals teeth had flesh lothe bone on both He bid be placed under form before wound could be properly attended to Siratioxd May At three minutes past oclock ihit morning Aimed was exe cuted for the foul murder of Jessie near list Octo ber Chattelle walked to tcaffold with great nerve but was There were only twentyfive present Father Downey advise engaged in prayer the condemn ed for of an hour in bit cell before the jail headed by sheriff suited for the ftcaJToM with Upon airit it place of execution ibe lied Us leg and at f ibe condemned partook of be He to not ho asked to do