Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1895, p. 2

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Fly A- A Bate turnery Toronto of Bret IT ilea Political Wan ltd A liaroU to tie AMU WJTII EACH ISSUE Tho Era Printed all at Homo bo mm mm FRIDAY JUNE Toronto to Bra All four o ft vol the on veto da- by bug Annual MUog of the On tario biro and will fill Contractor will to Court in loll ga1ni ilia in Hon with the new The tuning of the Toronto Company for May aggregated compared In April and in May city for month An old lady named Mary AtVIni criminally a aw ago by two named and Brown from of aba aflcrnerde died and In Jail Two Sides if During the recent debate in parliament the returns of were quoted on the Government side of the to show the great boon conferred upon the Dominion by the development of the P while that policy has been of advan tage to certain localities certain interests the Opposition clearly demonstrated that there was a disap pointing oilier side to the question Mr the Liberal member for a western constituency who has been literally jerrymandered out parlia ment referred to the Brant ford cotton mill the following terse fashion If you go back to the census of you will find there is mill in a city about twenty or thirty miles west of where I live which is returned as employing and as paying out a year in wages When yob divide that up amongst the hands it comes to the magnificent figure of week Last year under the National Policy even that pittance was twice reduced by the administration of cotton ring now controls that mill Is that the way the National Policy was to give employment and develop the country Let me give you example In same town there is a wincey mill that figures in the census of as em ploying hands and paying in wages It has been standing idle and is closed The is no longer paid and the operatives are scattered not the only municipality in Ontario now suffering from closed or suspended industries notwithstanding the large protection afforded by a high tariff TO Vta Toronto Tho to Lis nous to dud letter to Pott will ic to ilci iotie At punt of vilue It ml MnotinMd in by ilifct IvOly will be fllltd ltd no I empty to of in the of Out the of over be Any or soil together Iv bit the elixir of Guardian tiled to do by to Vat Dr the the control dtvoUt entire rUcIe to bit 7he of the will the editor for bit WtdDtidiy lut the Hod Mr of or lea trip to to the About 100 of the lj now crop end Mr through In end ley for the reo ttoa of procuring of fttock hi Intend to the down the Went end Ihtough lie likely t to to ihto Pre et Toronto bit tfy tbtct It no It t opinion iLfc Hod end Myself would tot hot fntlmelod lUt u tw in the of He he Mould tu it the of pre- to permit To Oco to October the WWWMiai7JU probably of SO feet depth of to Like The big look It by CO wide In e of ttu tried bribed frothing oat of rooolclpal by the J art- by bit Toronto tcem to If he bard to the Jury did tbomiclrtjfnjaiU- bo rtmtmlnrcd reported VtJi tbet crop op to though he bet tine the price of gone ellcgd prediction of herd wire cole In at a A KngUiboen by the J Fa a port office to end ticket at Toronto therewith the kerne with at Oil awe end by eld of a doy vai and At the Police Court ho pleaded on two and to the for five The way of hard with go on In Toronto for their offtake Air The who draw In the and game of golf a regard the than the spirit of the law the Intend to the and Intimates thai the Is to end aolugy men enough or them Tux Ontario hat appoint titter of Ah of Toronto to be on will her on the of next month- For many years Mite was employed In ft factory for flvo in a factory In Canada- then the lite lcn conducting ft dry and underwear Toronto and It to ftulred an that woll her for the to fill Tub power of the Dominion went to appoint Junior hat been largely by tho legislation of the Ontario last The following In an Aot relating appointments wsj enabled No Junior he appointed of any district county or of the population of or union of eicKds eighty official when and tub- of Courts act amended by the eighty for forty This will limit the appointment of to two counties onlyYork and ft to thai Mackentlo was to sign In favor of hie Finance Minister Hon Mr was reported current at Ottawa and tent oat to the western press This that import hot about the same lime romor tot afloat to that the In parliament wore about to Hon Mr the party baa been em phatically contradicted The fa now expecting a despatch from the Ottawa newsmonger that bat sent In Wt resignation and about to to bis Hon Mr did cot direction on the Manitoba been by the V improve the service superannuation hot the Instead Of wants a abolition of the whole basinets In regard to jodielary parliament make In each when lite vote would be taken on Its merits hot other civil doing clerical work at round annual salaries bate oo claim on public at after to official duty they can look to a retiring will civil live to their yearly at and make little or no provision the time when service Canada can well to do without on body politic rate payers appear to have reached the that It It time to check Its Aldermanlo desire to increase its Oo last foorbylawt to raise to the people a clvfe plant To lay a new water mainrow to tb SJ To lay a now main in Washington street To lay a ntw intake pipe for the waterworks system All four snowed the plant bylaw mora severely by of an organization against it pot by light company It wat pretty shown through the that the city operate a plant and much cheaper than to purchase from a private Accent developments In with con tracts and a high rate of taxation hat made tbe ratepayer wary about Increas ing of further burdening real estate SCHOOL REPORTS tux uohfu in or a a no atno ewlcc I JrlVlIattle Br JIeicok Clara Jr tin Frank 1 owrixruuv Story Jr Etta fitorry It s j lt UilaH Arcotocte Park US tablet- NEWMARKET ERA JUNE a birthday firlyonXacday Dr has from to and gradually Improving Hits llary of Toronto Is sending ft tor wtika Id town Alio Knight of Toronto Is with her sister W- Is spending a wk with mother at whole tbt city was home flan day Ella UrnhtTt baa gone to Hew- ark on a vltll with lor month or to Mr and Mrs and family of Aurora over with Grove Miss ridge on Ave Mr Joe ftnd wife of Omen hurst hive visiting in town and daring the week of formerly station here spent Toil- ay in Town a very critical operation at Toronto is borne again and gaining her strength alto Mr A of Toronto were during the past rem the of Toronto ftnd Of a of lit Johnson of fltOQtffHle visiting with W fast Sunday when a that her dead report week that was back root California was ft mistake- it better end her present are to remain there Mr Barker of fa one of most esteemed friends lie been ft constant subscriber to the for over In advance Mr has bun pointed Examiner for High on behalf of Separate Jloard In Newmarket the lamination Mrs of Toronto arrived hero to attend the fane of Mrs Mrs of Mr of Maple and Mr and Mia of Holland Land ing were also In attendance Mora OBrien met with an unfortunate ftccl dent while visiting at U of Mongolia last afternoon While amuslcgbcrcelf with tome she had bar wrist fracture wo hope she may noon regain the of her hand Toronto Night Mite Jones daughter of Hon Jones who with Mrs Jones hat been for the past two years on the continent at May by the ncai of A oven was given by the Marchloneu of on May at which Mrs and Mini of Toronto Mrs of Mr Irwin of this town They are both a spotted September Aqoietand very pretty wedding celebrated at Penrith Pines residence of Reeve J MBIer contracting parties being Mitt Dolly of Mr Miller and David of Bros of The ceremony was performed by the Rev Grant and was netted only by the Immediate friends of family Br Harry and Mite nephew and niece of bride acting as groomsman and bridesmaid The adds its Congrats MOUNT PLEASANT The annual Garden Party in con nection with the Presbyterian Church be hed on ilie evening of of June Orchestra mil be present and will be assisted by local talent The patty will be held in the beautiful grounds of Deputy Reeve Mr John Johnson of Mr Albert is visiting with Mis Slitcs on Sun day Mr Fred Shaw and sister also Mr Alfred Shaw Sutton were visiting with their brother J Shaw on Sunday Esq and wife of Franklin were visiting at Mr It Hamiltons over Sunday Mr McPerniott of Tottenham and Mr Milligan of were their grandmother Mrs Stephens on Sunday The have their church extended the choir platform and otherwise repaired the edifice which adds greatly to its appearance The Free Methodist CampMeet ing is a success About a down prominent are here from the States Mr one day last week fell from an where he had been to destroy a nest of worms He broke one of his arms and as he is an old man it will go rather tough with him Outdoor parties ate now in season and our band boys are bound to excel in that line next Wednesday the grounds of the Christian Church Sheep have been shorn of their fleece and will now feel the better without it Mr Geo lost sheep lately from over feeding on green frozen clover This is a very busy season for the farmer and from to hours work are done in a day Hoot ground is to be got in and planted fallow to be worked road- work comingon with a host of other things to attend to all go to keep the farmer from taking many idle hours especially where help is not plentiful Mr Herbert Wan en of visiting at Visitor or those company from distance excuse us if we omit mention them a our column for very they come and go ftnd we do not of week two then it BALDWIN James Crittenden had en attack of Inflammation Colce little girl been quite ill but improved Nearly a fatal accident occurred here on Saturday last Mr Crittenden girl old was running about grin mill and into bran bin waa carried by the sliding bran Into the spout Mr Cook attempted to take her out was only burled In bran and 1H0 to be broken open to let the two out- The little girl was picked up for dead but recovered in a short tfme stilt it was hours before she could breathe freely Several persons from Point by a young man from York Township were at Mr on Sunday A large number arrived on Mon day and Tuesday nights by train attend M CampMectlns The friends of the Methodist Church bad annual garden party and entertainment in Mr beautiful grove on Wed nesday evening of June The choir of the church made special Separation for the evening and the Band the sweetest of music Addresses de livered by reverend gentle- men In the match here Birthday between Royal Canadians of C School and our Royals formsr were de feated by goals to In the Football game here on the the and jr teams an accident which put a sudden end to the ame neither side having scored- Henry had one of Ms lens broken and had to be carried from the field He getting along as wsll as can be expected The dramatic entertainment in the evening was ft great success There was a large attendance and the play Tony the Convict was presented by Dramatic Cub fn style During the play Mr J Field received a serious cut in the leg accidentally by falling on tils dagger a scuffle which took place between himself and one of tho other characters It has been custom for some lime for parties to complain that there no for camping or pic nics along our beautiful take shores reading this I the com plaints will cease Commencing with the quiet seclusion of Sandy Point away to the north wc have the much talked of Morton Park with for enjoyment of all kinds Then Hamilton Iaik with its collages and cirnpinj Roachs presents few of the latter tis true but has several cottages to let I do not know if the editor the exclusive right of the Morton Farm or only of the Saints Kelt by the way that man causes many to wonder lnw a saint and an imp of darkness can occupy the same office in Then we have Mr Gil- summer village sacred to those who have at some time breathed the air in the village of Sun Mr McCarthy who last year won such golden opinions from boarders and campers ready for as many more And soon Keswick wants to join in the fun and a syndicate is talked of to boom a park at the lake there Yet such is the perversity of human nature that with alt these open privileges there will still be found those who will All this avails us nothing so Jong as thai Mordccai in the shape of an unattain able field lies there before us Nor need any fear for supplies for with three butchers and three bakers call ing upon them together with a store at Morton another at Roachs Point and two at Keswick the inner mans wants can surely be supplied to say nothing of the coun try contributing its and the lake teeming with fish and boats Theres room for all ST NORTH This seems to be a great place for runaways and up Oi Thurs day evening of last young men were driving along from Toronto en route for when one of their carriage wheels became for want of oil and refined to revolve so they called at Mr George for tnc necessaries To save time they thought they would give the horse a pail of water and not being accustomed to pulled the bridle off the animal in order to let it drink when it sudden ly bolted and turning around several times it ran down St at a terrific speed carriage upside down bending tbe top back tearing off the dash board breaking both shafts off and fracturing some of the spokes as well as breaking the harness the horse and men were not much hurt The animal received a few slight cuts and fellow got a slight bruise on the forehead However proceeded on their journey after a days delay 1 Miss Mary Phillips was home on a visit a couple of days this week Mrs I Willis leaves shortly for Michigan where she intends spending part of summer the good of her health Mr is home from Hamilton a few days this week and intends accompanying his grand mother Mrs- Willis to the States where he expects to spend his holidays Miss of Sharon made a call on Mrs Jenkins on Saturday Mr J Tate was visiting under the parental roof on Sunday Bank decided to hold their Party on June on Mr Asa Phillips Lawn A good program is arranged of vocal and instrumental music reci tations speeches New market Htm Band will be in Attend ance and the ladies are exerting every effort to make it the best of the season Tea will be served from six to eight Refreshments on he grounds See bills have rain The Farmer hero finished- planting was badly needed Mr Ebb Webster is making con siderable alterations In his stables and barn and when completed wilt be a great Improvement Thos li laying found ation for a new burn which he Intends to erect this summer Mrs Srlgle has removed to her opposite John and Pottage has moved Into house lately occupied by The Annual Sunday School will be held next Salurday after noon June at the ame place as last year In what is known as Mr fibarpes All are welcome A grand Garden Party under the auspices of Methodist will be held on the church groupdi on Thursday evening the of June Look out for bills Dame Rumor has been Baying there was be a wedding the near future but we thought it was to be instead of Keswick We are pleased to learn that Mr Blake f able to be around once more and that he has moved nearer the village Large crowds are every meeting at the F M Camp and much good Is being done Keep a lock on the chicken coop door Mr Darius York had four bags of oats stolen one night last week It teems too bad that respect- able citizens are compelled to lock up to keep it Miss Williams of has been visiting friends in this neigh borhood Every available seat was occupied at the on Sunday evening when Mr of Sutton addressed the meeting Mr York had the misfortune to loose a valuable work horse on Tups- day It became prostrated with the heat and died in the harness SHARON Budget having sod Opposition Horn his the of thai mo how liy can It fa each op figbt- nod tits a Ox I It Rat to x- aasicad of Ho lot in lor ike own- so aw Iba Her tot On Tuesday evening about ten young ladies and gentlemen as sembled on the grounds of Meet ing House where icecream cake and lemonade were indulged in They report a very pleasant evening A number of workmen are engaged making improvements on the premises of Mrs A Lund Way ling his men for Camp Mrs J I Graham and Mrs spent Tuesday in Aurora calling upon Mr who Is very poorly In spite of the heavy frosts- every thing seems to be growing nicely and there will no doubt be an abundant harvest The advanced prices of grain fa causing the farmers to wear more cheerful countenances especially those who were fortunate enough to have a good Stockton band We notice a great deal teamed into these last two weekl A little Shetland pony coll at Mr A Is quite an attraction ROACHS POINT Mrs Collins at one time a resident of Newmarket then Mrs Campion J who has had a severe attack of paral ysis is so far recovered as to be about the house again Mr has been let for the summer to Messrs- Cook OBrien and Watts of Toronto Carpenters are rushing work to get the cottage at Morton Park com pleted Mr A Morion is having his kitch en and finished up and his house now makes a fine ap pearance Mr improved his house by having it painted awaiting the arrival of a summer tenant Mr Osier and family spent Sunday at which ihey will occupy for the summer Mrs and her daughter having gone to Europe for the year Her husband late will be keenly missed as will the whole family in social and church circles Lawns and gardens at this point are looking well but are in sore need of rain Mr John Kay has had a fine flag staff erected at Idyl Wild his sum mer residence at a cost of Quite a disturbance in the P O on Friday last resulting in a free use of fists The matter will be ven tilated before the J P on Tuesday A large crowd must be expected at the Point this summer Prepara tions are being made for another omnibus a covered one to scat sixteen between lfroy and Bell while Mr Hamilton is in readiness wait on all In like manner on this side Mr Davis McCarthy continues to make improvements and has one of the neatest places to be seen oil the lake shore The other owners of wharves here should get ft few point ers on wharf building the as while alt others suffered his stood uninjured Hope hi modesty will not think it necessary to the scissors here- Mr family ax- rived Monday Mrs John Wass is lying in ft very low state with heart trouble We are sure we but echo the feel ings of friends in our best wishes for their future happiness to Mr and his bride Dan was probably the most popular young roan In town ship and his new partner is no whit behind him that respect We hope his commercial partner will go and do likewise Moonlight Excursion next Monday on ferry I SjftSSl The contract tat ever probably ibit reported hire beta nude foe the atone for the river bridge The sum named Is above a coining hill with people a collision took badly damaged but were injured how ever Ij Hit waj and bis lace badly cot flying lie ituck to post came to fay It coo by Dr It and to a at to remark now parly eta find nothing to Ilka Itiatr to That vat foil ol traps and ptat aflor taka tbo and skill with all km to Ha to to from OppHtlfon remarks which would gin an tor taint cut and o all aHboagh may Br- sparingly than in an of bis strict of tricks tho fell a trap of their making a way aa lo tba of that species of A In a little in four ago on bo took la election To do a report was wadobythaPoaiOmto allcg Ing contact of floUvjotnUy It was In a at law Ibit bad and a counter mads that there bad a for removal In that oi an for papers with never been brought down and each Mr was Mr admitted of by Ignoring Order of the put three years Adolpbe Caron and has year upon tbo charge of definitely Sir John jCbotnpion agreed to paiugs through tbo of order which bo down year when Mr called at tention of to the fact that the paper was not yet and Sir Topper all united in to produce ft After they bad given best on they think of for shielding friends covered with upon Mr nod read log reflation of laet year If a doe of cold water had been thrown the Ministerial benches ft woold not taken more mpetely aback It was one of the moat fanmlliat- IngposIIIontthtycoatdhayeUen placed ootid for and Foster bad to and that his colleagues were wholly fn the wrong and that the which John Thompson had bad the and to take be followed Is want of either common or common In Cabinet It fill more space than this letter may bo tobecopytodono more tbe incidents of a week which and the general want of capacity which possible occasion no display- by the body which fs now doing doty as a Cabinet On Friday night Hon David a Franchise Act a vole of for the get Won of Vetera Mr Foster annoyed and In a fit of the It would seem that sole Idea of proper way basinets for the not to offer any criticisms when ft Franchise Bill try however likely to believe that the Government Is Us doty the Franchise and Opposition are not delating the when they criticise a which fiff Thompson proposed Sirica and which Mr Pelts tier a Conservative this year to wipe oak The only notable thing about Bad- get division was Mr Calvins defection the Government rentes Mr- Calvin Is representative for being elected as saccur to the lion A Klrkpitrick at a la Ho Is wboi and who fs hi mull ship- trade Like many another he was a became father one of friends Ottawa however be his listened to the speeches the Liberal leaders on ths trade and beard the defence that the ecu has also the course of iiMr noder the kbit On There- day morning be voted against Gov eminent and Policy end favor of a tariff for reteoce only Is It tor him to a prolectlvs Government he declines to ran again for and will retire into life for lbs pre tent Tbe Beam Schema nor yet disposed of finallv The Members of the Cabinet are open It and what tbo outcome will bo Is not yet known It ft In some that the as It been to the is radically dead that ft will tasks Us appear ance again In form On one side and Mr Daly who see a means of party and carrying sows In next as well Ministers belong to poUtlcaos who have not innch fear for outraged morality so long as party chest Is an other section of Cabinet coo- that to on with the the wastry It Is that Sir temporary was doe not to ths school at bat to Mr dominant In the with Ibis million ar4 a hall deal MB KS II Ir A li Our Stock at io moot We caa suit your every want ecu Sat- last was the day wo have had were not nerved hut como again will ho rrr and we you all WAi3T from to 300 by far the beat ment in Newmarket Hosiery from to to a grand choice Bee the fine Hone wo coll at pair sample ofi regular Black Sorgo all wool inch at Black Cashmere fine at 33c Black bargain at a great snap at A Stock of Colored Dress Goods Factory Cotton yard wide at Bleached Cotton good at i Shaker Flannel at regular price at pieces Factory Cotton worth thoy go- by piece at fie tho yard A Big Lot of Curtain Ends to bo cleared at lb and See thorn Bargains same overy day the Saturday morning as Saturday night no four of your neighbor buying than arc going on for the of Sunday Schools at Lloyd to to be held July CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE CorYongoGerrard Sts TORONTO ONT of seven otter College In attc4sco lh to lulwuc Sepairiag as June Weddings WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN two or thru Set a Tela A ILK Your wedding table will be when you get one of those nice ly ornamented that we body the north of Toronto I Ve not only give the qwlity for tlie money but the quantity A great jump in our Bread trade last Our HomeMade Bread mil Give our a trial I Avion is something new in Newmarket Nothing on a warm day Choicest Confectionery and always in stock and lower Our Grocery stock compete but good fresh BROS Main St In The High Court of Justice will tew Siva MA Lcrttl AT House FOR A SPECIALTY Might wUtaltendod to at 133 fiittci JOHN NEWMARKET Mr George Duval chiel Jaw for the Supreme Court of Canada died Sunday morning after Illness of tiro or three weeks He born in in waa called to the lar in He became private toSr A A- Minlite of in and acted in like capa city for Hon Founder Tiio on On a itl or dm ao- Til Altai- lib Pine iWmm J Mint on to If niLLriBr-ifcfat- Ctorcii ttinutr lo its Tomb t ifaitoioa VUUta If lad Jest iUor I IS lb lei tfssatttr VlcDl WO Mil Dr If aoJ ftib laiL Mr t ltt I a is gitiUflE6ljHDtawKiia 10 lu ftjrvriij A It IS for it fl f Of vlihusasprMcIoucrtte IiftiUr hit wis Jo fclcckTif lbs AH ilfgjUr parcel J Go J about wi J iVtf It fruit a J la to tiJ Micisss lbs UfTs fioliclior it II Hits to tar- entitled to a avsycc4 ltd tSd ft w sbuHMrfcrtt of srs ths of is afd avp1 to lUlaHfi Mir- HALL For Gash Only i -1- Civic ij t- the follow and It means Siring Money to Consumer and Wearer If you think ike quality cannot at the prices come and sec You Rill convinced the is No if the price is too low you the gainer Stock must be out once no about the coil the Goods SHOES Childrens Tan Sots a bargain at Shoes Mens a itcio Womens Childens Tan cc order a aiU jroaJprUti9lcn OUSETOLET WIk At I v la Iba AH it j lb W1L p A rocs Voir hi TUESDAY JUNE II IUOSf all st3 to Tickets Children UvLLsxdfb 14 liiitis tUtufcl ci liUi aurrssruiin ivr av- ti SO LIS ll iUMkcfcsWhaiUHut at fct S jiacsbill IT Utile t Wciscns prices in and reduced to ctoL the Goods out thi money have the cheap enoub gains Every or or Can for or re box 3c jc Saluioniac can Mixed bollix or Kippered can Mortons Marmalade ice Ordinary MoitonaMtxcdlicklcJ Hotted tin Jinn Tea fair quality pound Coffee Crushed Java and Mocha aoc of all kinds reduced and Sura to be tad Sets J550 worth J i worth A SMITH I

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