Newmarket Era, 7 Jun 1895, p. 3

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ft M Si IK is do US Library Board of Management In mtfitlntf the no lull only or to confer with Committee Nearly week ijj at killing Mi thumb by ono of nhntti potion At It nod Ijm hud ft my hand it is about wide Sams or Caulk head of vre ever liGOlbicvJij from litre on to buyer for of W Hit pity Mr Day Large colored announcing the Calibration of Natal In on hi of July liioei thti week art almost computed for lull Hit of on Fair Methodist Church Next Sun trill preach In tuition lair la law foully trill hi and bright Lacrosse The hid a Hit Drat latt week four la bam bom I win beat Hill to Ho of tod Aurora bid hero In to match titrft played dean A v A It the that bit aytoptn bad living yet of ttducV A it irtk Jour ft a no doubt will of vlaltort to it this Jon Corpoutfon on Iho Kail latl week and an tbo gelt aln WJial a goc4 Wit of lotiifatlhat which put on Itit Huron tltbtr of to a Tick The Canada In lb Hit Fri day A ttkulw of ralolt ft A The Public Act to this Act local In lom and bating lobabl- of mayor or and appoint- or and tbrw lit each of laittf In rota- Ibt OH SlFKWA1K8 In a cat of ft of Ming ft a In add appeal thai ft It a and on fttldtnalkU lug of tub of dated Act A lo iko bylaw tbovld bo ft to who ttc In habit of riding on the Summer Const and Lack Mint great demand at cMhir Nor After the paugrnnh In Ibt lint Hit In which of Mr J ft abalrbridtb to took fn at ft lift him with at much at people wbo Wellington from Waterloo tar work and It Ibttlio bad for comfort and Churchs Potato Hug Finish- or dry way to For tato t Dont WIllcorMtpondonltpltata mind that only oat If tbt ft otnt flocd four ntt delivery Wo and our to to catcful in to Mr John Fuller of Halt In town last fitlnr- with bit arm In a An re porter on enquiry hat about bud bit nearly lorn with laud owing to hit band bring Ibo llnti and awn under It In In jury not healing very wall and ha in to the doctor about Visit Neil Monday Mid aro Ibl Mr of will official Factory of Ibo Wcaltrn Dairy- latna It ft milk will icttl and graded on tbo of ft jut I It r hi a will bu milk Coming to fho factory ami art luvitod to vitit both at well at any in Indottry to the Con- Or- of Aurora to add to our report by and nowuri and In Ibo tabic wort for dinner and tea to cordially The market Auxiliary no their table andiboy of all to attend Cob- bad no at at and tbat ho not own a Aurora antborlty for Item nolbfaf bat a hoax It ft too bad that at a or not tbt York natural- of which baa glrtu It to bit J -4- Vc arc he many of Dull Jlerk of for tbo will join In lor gtnlUrnan In tut bit only ion Mr Frank Moll on 2nd Dictated of Canada from and war captain of of 163 and a for and Ho alio a prominent of Gamma of Collect andwata favorlto alikt and by death to beloved a period lift and all aro moil bard to faith and Arm fn of word glvtB anco that Mo Ibt and from Ibo beginning It too wild to orr and loo io ard all well ike No won- Wttbt beat on of Ittt wotk to Ibo in Toronto it day on record May bat only been ibrM lime Hut any portion of tbo tut kit CO ytart It in iu Toronto and inornoleralii regilortd J Tbo only of at ftuv lime of ibo year AijJ2l 13 greet July July tit I ltfMfliJdyris July A change time in of mover the of R is to go Monday lb no Tien a Table ft not In circulation felt bit inform that to ng and lata tA wefck ptW willconlinQO to run In but stop at an train It to leaving Toronto aboul 11 and log between 1 oclock will cot to eonvtnitot at ft now arrival of morning train tad dtyr of next and wilt many to fa day The evening oiprtticomiag Toronto aboat fiftwn earlier than now Watch fur the in or yon gel left drove of week to play fiui In Although villo wronger than It Itit year ibt airtight goalaln fc play 1 bo toy of treattneot by and partlcolarly ihehopftelHy tbowo by Mr bliler genial proprietor of Mention JJouia After the long Iboroujly the provided and ft fib to bow tbe turkey other good acboduled will bo playti here ft week from to day with nam- Wat jtiri ware to on but Orillfa could arrange to play Tata- 11 will play a match a tot wilt atop fttOrillia and Ibe lsie Sizes Ladies ftndCowii Balk lo in and to W iucbei fc a The WjiKKbUKir A wheelman to why and noter think It to turn out for right to a portion Ibo road at any Ik la a thing for ft driver to compel a to turn out of a pkrt of roadway on to ft part to rough that bo will have to dismount Coin men at deration rigbtt lead to glyoa a portion of way fa at much a meant of pott m any and moo therefore to in common with everyone When a wheelmen therefore give him pat l of read If it It not con venient for to turn out of it not too much from any driver A Cheap Ripe regular ticket from Newmarket to and return i a can take In the whole down loIiard timet The trip roOit pctorcvao pari of nobody In North York tbooldhave it to live far famed which at I recti parte of and Hit Old Country yet ijivbr upon III beauty There ii otry will bo well and to no overcrowding for the perfect bed at and other pleasure at tiraYtobortl lie- member train at mutt bo on delay in tier log as to meet other llle will carry Point lo Bell and return at fare catch tug special train at On account it a holi day In Newmarket all of has tlantrou Hon that after a trial first trial la to cm Hi morni One day at the depots Mr an accidtot lba will lay him off work for mouth foot flipped ho vaa tip- op ft barrel and upon tblgb if raining Cimmpiosiiip Match Another way ncl and tbo It will Ibt first in for the at won title leal year no doubt will try their tut to what has ttatcd In Km boys pitying on a- gain in the Town well at private proper Complaint made to yesterday and are to be taken to juvenile tbould warn their children playing ball they may to pay Fin Ing High week Ufti Inula reidicg and at tame time held a bat pin in her band having the point upon bar A In fuo upon bold of the pin but It ran through motel a Into loot causa two or three days of Hit Wat critical Aral but liar try to be up on Monday and now walk about what and pain a little In Jury In fun may CflUftcli Day will duly here morning end will bo for the coition wilt of reol- by children and for Homo Mission Fund generally will be the case In connection with the Christian Ontario will con vene at on Wednesday of next week appointed from here are Kliloo Williams Terry The second Newmarket A look place at on Thurs day of 1st week when 1070 bores boarded for sale product of ten The bid wae and cents per lb for the product of and factories ICO boxes grove and Valley WO ioxes at following were not told though from lo freely offered boxes Ml W CO and borer misting Juno It in where yoo reside Is not only but doty be yours to keep your borne and surroundings neat clean Home people notion that the time In making homo beautiful It llm thrown away but It Is ft lolitakt You gel back more than it coils In pleasure It affords your coif and family and It helps to popularise the town or He go In which you rcmtruUr thai town or village noted for tbrlfl and wboxo lake lively Interest In making and attractive art contributing in no email towards people of a like to tenure homes with you A charge of bigamy was laid J one day week Moulds and hit wife formerly Mis Annie Granger who woro brought up for ex amination on Monday The then ventilated but lilt following for further evidence when both for trial taken to Toronto by tamo evening From the evidence elicited it appeared that parties knew when they got married Granger to whom the woman former ly united in wedlock liviogand from whom had alleged Mrs bad been husband for ftboet seven tbey understood law freed her from former marital obligations- Tbe otherwise MlLLINKRY for real One by one the pioneer are leaving us never to return until only a tow remain lc relate stories of On Mrs Hannah of patted silently away an Jllniia of months Deceased was aide it daughter In I8S9 the enerrlsd wbo emigrated with bit parent in from Pennsylvania up sew land on the of Whitchurch and of pioneer life luce which time bat resided on same bat over 0 years ago led a widow with the care of tea sons and tone of whom died a of of was naturally and but be motherly advice and example an irnpreaton upon children which will never be forgotten No Quorum When Council Monday II was In tended to the to the etching By but for lack one man they could not do following Mayor Hooter and Division Court- His Honor Morgan prcalded at ibe here Ihsosoal people were In The in was centered cat of damages for from In which given a favor defendant though all connected with fret than apparent Court or At the evening the names ward added to Itoll Frank Albert John Fred M Arthur and Mrs and Mrs Webster were struck off Ho made in Court ad journed till 17th Jono a Hewitt celebrated her birthday laitTaaday a dozen or more being pretonl among whom were Mr wife and Mrs Brad ford Mrs and of Toronto old lady wat recipient several pre ton She ft feeling now On the of May tbt tripp ed in the floor to ray to a friend and lias not been to well ever it odctt at lime and mental remarkably bright Sir John A ago Up ray at orchard on Juno 13th at usual hour A to the fait Juno will boa for merchants ft has five It The potato bugs Retting In their work Tbe Intense heat thin Ibe congregations at evening Tblt of the year when Indoor worker expert tired feeling want to gel out in fields and roll the For Ibis feeling should lake a day off ft trip to next for In stance Tlit carry ing mete rcologf eel last The John ship seven up water was laid for Mr Lloyds now reildenoo last week MiMr Uriah making lions to build ft fine now town ago jumped off a fence and bo hat a ever aSeiHcsfeijfp Whore cool and light and lona wo jiving Creator than ever m the J I We are prepared to offer the Greatest Bargains in Mens Youths and Boys Ready- Mads Suits in the County The foods are all FirstClass Stock with the best trimmings and guaranteed not to rip We are not selling Ten Dollar Suits for Five but shoio you goods cheaper titan any house in the trade If you want good goods at the lowest price call and we show them to yon t r i erg Ink The Gib It Trinity Co Council nest Monday Hoard Holiday neat many talking Jfuno are very numeroui have sol in again llcuior lototles Ifoaday even1oir AM I ro were piitcd labor J cartas wW Jar do or The bill of Wilklatoa plow to llrldKt Co the bill Of Coreilttfor to yiro Water Co of A SI other erVioK for fly to be If parties lievlog have if leases roll replied tbat Mr iho to thai ibo lookttfLtrtL The Clerk was to bill Kirk- Patrick ifra-U- for all persona who not taken aod alio not for QUI to provide for natty ntuiag ffftidlag to tire It two readings objected to the BUI through without due for of tboCouoell lucaae of an act loo to tit a- gale at of a proposition a new factory to Works and to asked for lestructoos water en Town at Mr Hunter that the of Health attend tbe matter The sum of placed 10 the credit of Mr on of Plan Is about prepared bat cADDolbe computed till certain t Boiling 10c Gingham Color inch Factory Cotton 10c American Print Parasols Ladies Fast Black Cotton Extra Fine Mens Dollar Overalls Cranky worth cents lor Ribbed Vests BARGAIN I A LATEST AMERICAN IKOM PRIONS tic NEW YORK mm NO its cost as a fertilizer IUkikg OKI riie only safe way to use a Strong Poison MY PROP Don Will year to in Lb of unity Mam ly to ibo of oar za jiiojjtftin rendered to thoio kindly tod VOlttUtilly pv6 vattttbU A for ftad with o nddigr Dot too prmfu From firit to with and vo proud i their in will Veto i 1 We are handling this the Meat Hams and They are without exception the wo ever handled for and Company not been in operation very long hut line they have commenced they have excellent They imported number of Denmarks hen meat CurCis and as you know the Danes demands the highest price on die Maiket We have CooVtd Hams every day The Town was on Taeoiy by tbil woo found to report too old idy at wo Mr- rtih op to do be tho ho oqdJ overylbifif bo hod mother he got no ho pat bud to her ood tbot her spirit bid fld bud bun of about a kind and obliging to yoaro o and of leritu Church ct only but bright of for tutor lit with by J by Elder vol otteodod by older a very coll ood hot iho Bo fcUo rood Screen Ciiihkjk The young to be their Dr oocupSod with inUreiliog droll oad Ibo by Toronto If Botcher of koto vccd by tendered and by Mr obo for eotnpoiitioo well The by lift a Ploy tor and itr 1 laying good Mr of Aurora wUitloo which cot At about 0 uan with white Ilea white presented ready to to large oadienoe Cblntie In which decorated for the of colored and neatly Cbtouo of ottrcctWonua to with bill of ric no leer than ton rrid wjih woodon to gether with Thoogb the ftJ- account to hot will have of luowf that Banquet original and woo He Shot Down- or a Copies ut Hi pa J J a Utters to Mr the death of his Sod JJ evening oa ho left bio home near QaMDivillO be of for fit Mo where ho was given by Mr Charles undertaking After aovcral year bill clerk he 00- on Intercut in Manufac turing Company at J general manager A wk or ten previous to the ho had tome trouble with one of named a cabinet maker about wages John using to pay foreman had given In On the Evening in returned and bio demand again ho drew a rovcHcr and fir Ihrce one enter another ft floger the colored the I the way to the and to four courts up nearly ten left for ft a tad ending of a vomiting life He a but no children was aa lady body was interred at St the burial of the was a member of the Legion of Honor and highly in com The many of family will deeply regret to learn of ending following wat at the iaqueit And that the John fjowit camo to hie death at or about p city from and a gonihot wonnd made by a ballot flrod from pistol in band of Frederick In Of Benton Furniture at Kb lb and atroeto In 81 Mo nd that act wu dooo and with Oifinusrjr of tie J paulejueUIcjefiAle vHl receive a la ttts The Cuslorns department has lieen advised that on the recent trip of the steamer Empress of India assume of bottles Chinese wine was made at Vancouver as not being entered on the ships manifest The assaulting his wife laid againu E Sibbald of in short order by Judg McDougall morning Mr lawyer read an affidavit to the effect that Mrs did not lay the but that was laidby Constable Jennings at the of A Armstrong J defendant in a slander suit brought by Mr The latter lawyer stated that he had received a letter from Mr A Arm offering to withdraw the as would withdraw the slander Croun Attorney read an affidavit that Mr was too sick to appear and asked for an adjournment the Judge refuted OHO Sensation Blend Coffee is the finest in town If you are fond of a good cup of Coffee you should it Our Grocery Slock is complete with the freshest Goods TEAS this is the line where shine in Mixed Black Hysons and Japans We receive very encouraging remarks about our Bread Even the prejudiced people are complied to say it is ihe Oar sales increasing every week We have a little Maple Syrup left We have a number of Lard Tubs which we are telling Pare Jersey leeCream and IceCream Soda GIVE US A CALL A ROBERTSON leading Cider and L his in l American Silver taken at par 1 be so When cm hue light Coat or Vesl that rill both Cool and you can have one both vy Utile Also Summer Suitings in Fancy Patterns and Halifax Twtccti the Cheapest and licit Wealing goods can buy Next to Atkinsons Store New market IVJY TAILOR Dont in each pair Trousers I inseit tee of charge a I WAS to e iut4 to tip il titr left In- BUILDS Toronto ao UWttitntlaiitl look did do o4 WEAK WOMEN Krfit do tea BaerUUpirlb- 4 ylth tcxcJCA fTwiUocrlijUrtWtMmcdtoUfAXiV lea 111 ckaj ftcnig flrXiw coat un I CI 1 Oil to on no 11 on on a I I a IU on on on 11 I I L I I I I I IK is yijjr tll Belter lb Srtoa lb t lllllll Oil W CO no 0 to J 1 Hi W Oil on ow OCT on Sign Bed- Boot an All rips in goods Invite your attention to their LINE OP been known in Their Manager J Divisor hi 0n vicinity an in the Tea Trade Bill not be if you l0 lIc Tea or lb- for from this store the Ww Finest India Tea at per lb the most rtivwcd Cbiru and Young at lb Also in Coffee they excel for a cup ty their and Blend it cannot be equalled tot of uotnt Coffee will you perfectly pure

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