THE NEWMARKET ERA fl iatj Friday Morning LYMAN GEO JACKSON AY In Medico NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND GST No papers rent outside of York paid No I Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Ont Friday June Terms 5100 Strictly in Advance 3 or at end of a Allowed a crwuDrr DRAFTS IT ALL Drill mi to vrz a do futile 010000 to 103 on good T If KTO Block J WOODCOCK Main Iff J wrnrcva riONin or tho of York Office Kciiflck on a ail tic Mi I flwn Jii4il for AI A 1- ftKANIL W for York will A JcftCOHltrooo Hi Galvanized and General promptly attended to Give a Call A to 9 i HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOI5 OILS VARNISHES GLASS AND PUTTY AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS RAKES SPADES AND FENCE PURRS AND AM KINDS 01 FENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN or MAIN Telephone No Jacksor Hire A T trade is incrcas iitj every week Why We Cheapest Spec and Eye Glasses in town which too war- ranted to be as represented Satisfaction guaranteed in every sale In our Jewelry Department wo always lead Repairing All worh done promptly and neatly at rea sonable prices V v h V J and Main St NEWMARKET York Industrial a Visitor of th Aid Canada rfrf r si rfy NEWMARKET IVJARBUE WORKS JEAD STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites and Marble f If Of d4 oil iUtrncltb will prompt ftltCLtloo r Colli a Onico flt If I The of Industry for the located ftom The foil on- Information regarding in- am from J Inspector The build ing cost inmates the average being The farm con tains only The building of brick with atone basement It four blgh with basement and attic The cost of maintenance per week Is The Institution under the management of the In spector and a Committee appointed by the County Council The In is not with cling each inmate building its internal for two and thiiiy He plans he recommends in case new building should be erected A new Institution should provide better accommodation for the keeper and bis family and the have sleeping wards in better shape he claims that there should be at least acres of land attached He states that the people of the County are generally well pleased with the in stitution and that It marked effect in reducing the number of tramps in the towmhipr Before the institution was established- fully a year was spent annually on the poor of the townships That amount is not now exceeded but the poor are properly cared for and the sick have skilled attendance An other improvement he states would be to appoint the Commissioners for longer periods say three or four years one to retire each year to as to in sure continuity of policy Fifteen cents per mile is allowed for five cents for three thrift contentment and cheerful- will be found lying flattery cruelty and Ingratitude On the streets we ice yellow buttons of the Mandarins or Gov ernment officers here and there a of the Literati or unem ployed educated and everywhere the- lowest class or people The Chinese arc most Industrious and economical and absolutely noth ing ft allowed to waste Poverty no reproach and riches wben not by and is less valued than in any other country Poor woman her state Is that of most degrading bondage her sole duty is to attend to the furnishing of her tabic and the value of- a female child it less than onetenth of that a mile Children arc married by the parents without even consulting the parties most interested The Chinese arc remarkable for their conservatism and some of the young men would be wire to not visit China at present for one who wean a moustache before he is or a beard before he is is regarded as an in novator The funeral customs resemble those of the Indian The moment a man diet a cup of water placed at the door that he may take a drink then a suit of good clothes is burned that he may be made presentable in the next world and a quantity of paper Is burned that the deported may bribe those who attempt to arrest him While alive he pre pares for this journey by prayers These he on paper and burns I have not referred to the food of the Chinese or their table etiquette because to the wilt be a practical introduction The scarlet fever still prevails fn this vicinity Two deaths have oc curred and several cases still exist of a serious nature The school had to be closed on this account We are pleased to learn that Miss Leonard who through illness was compelled to go to Grace Hospi tal Toronto tome time ago has re covered sufficiently as to be ante to get borne again Mr James Fever has sold his car riage team which has taken so many prizes at the fall fairs to a Toronto buyer for the handsome sum of At the annual meeting of the Cor poration of Schomberg on Wednes day evening last Messrs George Kitchen John J and William Taylor were elected Commissioners for with Mr Silas Wright as road and sidewalk overseer SUTTON brought together The keener and his wife receive Physician and Inspector each per annum The writer visited the institution in October last accompanied by the Inspector lie was favorably im pressed with the management but he regretted finding Eevcral children as QUO A do in not alio ih line NEWMARKET We any Office to outdo us cither in style or price If you any kind of Printing done tec what viork and terms you can gel at the Office before you order Our promptness is pro Ad in I Kiel ice for J 1 Alio At In loiidrtuny irilr1 rt r low AttaiMUagtfto 10 At In to lout dfloa peal Ayilo I iri A a J VlTd the to ted Alio iVo Aid lore and LINTON The Presbyterians work on their church and we to tee it finished before Christmas Linton picnic is to take place on Saturday June at Mr Vm at A time is expected All comers remember your baskets Football and amuse ments generally will be indulged in A A for ltj I All Ittciurt ling t I J FIRE or If find ore- LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY JOT CAPITAL AND FUNDS- DOLLARS WITH to W TOW PAY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE Afur HOT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST On taking the chair at the Chinese Newmarket neck referred to the excellent talent which bad been secured for the intellectual program and con tinued as follows I would not have you forget the Chinese which forms the second part of entertainment The name is rather and perhaps it may not be for rnc to cite a few facts relative to China its people and their customs I would have you imagine your selves in the land of Cathay among the papulation of millions of celestials onethird of the total population of the globe Imagine yourselves in a land a in self for China with Us eighteen Is much larger than all of and a hundred times as large as England Now look about you and sec a land of wealth Even its waters abound in riches for about onetenth of the population there find their sustenance Its mines are wealthy the coal fields alone being twenty times greater than those of Europe Travel through with me and in China we shall visit all latitudes experience all climates vty see all classes of territory from the deserts to the Eden of the Historv has joined with nature in making China glorious She is by far the oldest nation now in and has a consecutive history dating STOUFFVILLE Mr Jos Todd has that very desirable residence belonging to Mr If in the West End for the handsome sum of and will take possession on July Mr and family Intend moving to Toronto flhere they will reside On Saturday last Phillip Miller was driving a post into the ground with a maul the head came off strik ing Mrs Miller who was standing by on the eye inflicting an ugly gash KINGHORN 10 OK BONUS YEAR NORTH OP fOttOHW JAM TO BOY WiVJ HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH Headache flV Acers I wis I or uiU Smiu tutu divvied If HUNT All Id J A IfAHrKWJ Mir- I iACKBiJiTinrG MANNING 1 I SIMPSON Main L HI KU El Began faking Ayers Pills benefit A 1 from t well 0 Aobura Awarded Modal at Worlds Fair 1 IMI03 1 A BAREGE Ld VlJlu I At Jyia AdrAitarftfa fto For Years the formula for making Scott has been endorsed by IE 1 a ray to for over from fitlll- feeling from gtl up of paper I think I am well and could fitd my I a great many away that to many to their plaeei Well Sir now for a few back years before the christian era Its authentic annals reach be yond the time of Abraham and while Solomon was receiving the Queen of in Jerusalem while Jonah gazed at the shadows of her stately towers reflected in the Tigris and poured forth his on Nineveh and and prophesied in the palaces of Babylon through all those years the Chin ese were prosperous in agriculture and commerce and glorious in literature and architecture Two centuries before Abraham left Chinese astronomer had recorded observations which have been verified by of the present day Such was the ancient glory of the nation which so recently has been humbled at the very feet of Still imagine yourselves in this land and we will try to see a little of its modern institutions and customs As we walk through the streets we notice peculiar pothooked Chinese characters on the signs and flags It is their written language It consists of over arbitrary signs and in these characters they have an ex tensive and varied literature The spoken language is monosyllables and each word complete Idea On every side and towering high and fanciful arc the Innumerable On Tuesday last the Angel of Death founded its trumpet lis was Master Alfred Price lb second con of Mr Price of this place Some seven or eight weeks ago Mr- Price was returning from England hiving gone there last On the return a number of the boys were playing n the hatchway when the abovementioned lad who was enjoying himself like the rest was thrown with his back against a chain injuring his some Since then he has lain at deaths door until the above time when he was relieved of all suffering The family have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole neigh borhood Everything is in and around the tannery They have excavated a Urge hole on the North West em part they putting in a num ber of new vats a carload of horses was shipped for London by Mr Jos Ward of who expects to be here shortly again to purchase more Mr black was among the lot We are much pleased to tec the smiling countenances of Mc Donald and Engineer once more They arc busy bringing logs and making trips with the till our popular steamer is ready for business Monday July 1st will be celebrat ed by an old time day at Jacksons Point The are offering three silver cups as prizes for rowing and bailing races and handsome prizes will also be given for sports will run cheap during the day and moonlight excursions at night The Italians who have been at work in Burrows gravel pit for several weeks struck last Friday for higher wages They had previously been gelling a day and asked for an advance of roc The men were re fused and in consequence quit work On Monday morning a number of men in the vicinity were engaged At and started work when the Italians paid their respects stoning them out of the pit Tne Italians re turned to work on Tuesday How to write it dont know It wasnt a wake a or a was simply the outcome of popular opinion and good will to wards our friend pro prietor of the Mansion House on his departure for a short visit to sec his friends and relation in Ireland This fact as all fids in small com munities became generally known and his numerous friends assembled to wish him a pleasant voyage and a sate return The band turned out and played some excellent selections The new drummer was a daisy It was wonderful what a number of musicians came to the front and as sisted There must have been over 100 people assembled and as some distinguished visitors from Stoultvillc and other places remarked they had no idea before what Sutton could do and were pleased to be present and assist in such a demonstration Goodbye was said about a am on Tuesday morning mine host his departure yesterday Eke Saitohs on The surveying or the street railway In in progress The battalion gees in to camp at Whitby on June i8thl- will vote on a bylaw to raise to furnish their new town hall Went worth county to sell the jail to tho City of Hamilton for Friendship is the shadow of the evening which strengthens with the setting of lifts KB Advertising to business what steam is to machinery the grand motive power The stone masons are busily at work erecting the stone wall for Mr barn at Geo of SummervlUe had a 4yearold horse die of raation and lost a coll Mr J Ferguson of Eversley is engaged moving his barn and stone stables under neath 1ST The picnic under the of the Church of England Sundays School at a grand success It is calculated that in large ocean steamers more than of glass and china arc broken on every voyage Over 1000 men are employ ed on first and second sections of the present terminus of the Ottawa and Parry Sound Railway The Missec Armstrong give a garden patty at their residence in in behalf of the Presbyte rian Church of June ST A grand concert under the auspices of the Vndorf Mechanics Institute held in the Temper- hall on Friday evening June been recovered from the ruins of Babylon Many arc uncut but most are on one or two sides only week an Uxbridge lady Mrs George Thompson had her purse containing stolen while she was making a few purchases in Eatons Toronto If you have not examined your currant and gooseberry bushes better do so and you need not be surprised to find them covered with worms and the leaves badly eaten There arc acres given up to the cultivation of oysters along the Long Island Sound froit of Connecticut and the land and plants are valued at EST One of the fireplaces that is to be put in Cornelius Vanderbilts new house in Newport will be made of terra taken from trie ruins of an Italian villa at Pompeii Douglas Stevenson the six- yearold son of Mr J Steven son of was given a dessert spoonful of carbolic acid by his sister in mistake for his regular with fatal result there la to math tho papers now aro very doll even worio In than they weft last Fall be fore the Bulk all for the reason that at that time all broker had their winter to people of wero very well for winter for aro aware of ill to North of Conception la no communication In winter by malt and a to one on the At between end you travel by water of there ft no way of moving goods at all At on the of April when attain reached there the company were retailing Hour by the lb and no one Hid it been like it last year there would have been greet If cot fa a plate they from to Iron England every bat I em getting my in regard to the ly bad tbelf usual or from their merchant and now merchants ere broken op cannot get any from anyone end con their end boats for Labrador Calling If they to live on shark daring the living from band to si they catch bit of fieb in the Fall they will pot bare anything to get winter pro- AURORA the whole world No JWUb secret about it is one of Its thing terrible cot off from the real of the is the strongest endorsements But the strongest endorsement possible in the vital strength it gives Scott TUB TURNOUT la PRIVATE la a nourishes It does more for weak Babies and Growing Children than other kind of nourishment It strengthens Weak Mothers and re stores health to all suffering from Emaciation and General Debility Colds Sort Throat ehltit veai Blood Lou of Flesh world as are It is U very well for St where they can be at any lime bat different oar pert of the A good base gone to Johns In their crafts fox supplies and hid them taken away for debt to merchants now they cannot get either a vessel or will make it very bard In my next will give slight of a and of five ffitr- chants there of whom Lave so they all hate lo depend on one and hud It will be A Putting mortgages on one house not a good way to paper foundation of their laws government social relations They ate practiced Taoism and Confucianism but the last It which most to- flacnces the character of the people and of the government This system which was founded by Confucius bout consists re- that of 10 officer of father to son c but relation of man to God it entirely Igaored and result the spiritual destitu tion of the Chinese exceeded by no other nation Idolatry bis pre occupied the minds of the people and their of virtue love knowledge faith in eaji person tide Norman who fell on the sidewalk and broke her leg is asking damages from the Council and a special committee has been appoint ed to wait upon her Mr and Mrs William Shaw who has resided in this place for several years left last Saturday for Whitby where they intend to reside in the future The marriage of Dr RM Hilliary and Miss Edith Musco was solemn- in Trinity Church list Monday morning the father of the bride officiating The church was handsomely decorated with flowers The reserved for were marked with white and white satin bows Shortly alter oclock bride was received at the main entrance slowly proceeded down the centre aisle on the arm of her father accompanied by her two sisters Miss Kate and Miss Main as bridesmaids to the steps of the chan cel where the groom and his best men Messrs W J and J M Willis were in waiting The bride who looked most charming was at- I tired in heavy corded cream silk and I ribbons en train and wore the reg ulation bridal veil and orange blossoms She carried a beautiful of white roses brides maids Miss Kate and Miss the former in pink crepoo lace and ribbons looked winsome in deed After the ceremony the Urge company In the church proceeded to the where snort reception was held after which the happy couple left by the it train for Mootreal where they will spend their honey-moon- The Merit Or Bools fiAmparill heme HI fairly end tried To perfect most fcM par sad the tost way to Hoods the boat and strength It Opels ell taint aoaoluU salt beans ami ell other humor and at time bolide op the Hoods aHJIaenronotieOcisrtl A resolution was passed at yesterdays session of the Montreal Methodist Conference at Smiths Falls supporting a petition to Quebec Government to have the marriage fee reduced from eight to two dollars Another evidence of that muchperplexing problem the tramp nuisance has made its appearance This time be scene was at George town station where a crippled tramp one of a number of eight who were there made himself particular ly obnoxious by entering cars as they arrived at the R station and soliciting alms from the passengers In this way he managed to get quite a few nickels As soon as the train passed out the cripple who was ol race could be seen wending his way down town to lighten his pockets and gratify his passions He had been repeatedly warned to keep away from the station buttock no heed 10 the requests when unfortunately of the rail road officials took the law in their own bands and severely beat the tramp about the head with a rendering him insensible for some time A wairant was issued for the anest of some of the hands who received hearing before lo Justices of Peace and were fihed and costs each The GTR are entering an appeal against the judg ment of the magistrates Ingenious There has been a robbery perpetrated on Mr Webster ticket agent Toronto by about the cleverest trick of lite put on record A youth at one afternoon last week got a post order there for o cents on Montreal office This order he in some way but very changed to one for on Toronto and the same evening posted it to Mr Web- desiring that gentleman to send him by return post a passage ticket to England ten sovereigns and the balance in American bills Mr Webster not dreaming of anything amiss sent the order to his bank and ticket ssked for to Brampton when the bank present ed order at the Toronto they wetetold there wis no advice note but application would be made for a duplicate as the must have astray The original of course which was for cents was at Montreal And the thief who must have known the rope pretty and made all his latlocs beforehand bad time go anywhere with bis booty The only thing he is not likely to me it the passage ticket which he can afford 10 tear up Since the shove was put In type the guilty party was arrested at Ottawa sod sent to peni tentiary for five 13 Anything new or fresh here today asked the enquiring citizen at a place where repairs were in progress the other day was the reply that paint leaning against A very marked decrease if noticed In the waters of Lake Ontario this year the water having gone down some inches Old settlers who have lived in the of the lake for the past years never saw the lake so low K5T The death is announced of Miss Emily Faithful daughter of the late Ferdinand Faiibfull of London In i860 she formed a typographical establishment where only women were employed and devoted moil of her time to the interest of women Ki Millard shipped a car load of fine heavy draft horses from station Tuesday night Win Wilson went them to New from which point they will be shipped to England- Most these horses are purchased for bus com panies in A painful accident happened to Mi John Head- ford on Saturday He own assisting in aiianging the tables for the Annual Sabbath School picnic and had just started for home a team of horses when he was thrown oft the wagon passing over his One lea was fractured as well aome of the in the foot Saturday night or early Sun day morning Mr W J Clarks of Concord was burglarized and about worth of goods and post age stamps taken By the tracks from the store ihe morning it would seem that the party bad a cart and a horse ith out shoes This is Mr second experience with The cows in the neighbor hood of been dying from some mysterious It has turn ed out that they have been binder twine One farmer tost seven cows out of eight afflicted The binder twine was left among the straw and the cows ate ii the result that the cord Accumulated In a The safe plan would be to remove the twine when the band is cut at the threshing While Mr and Mrs John Dougherty were past school bouse down on the Con- of their horse shied at a piece of paper which fiew up from a heap of rubbish was lying at lb tideot the road and precipitating the aged couple to the ground break ing Mrs Doughertys aim and bruis ing Mr face The faroko loose from huyy and rsn down and across to tho con where it caught