te NEWMARKET ERA JUNE A Clwtlog HaleIt A lenders WaoU4M Bogus Auction Lbs GRANdTrNK RAILWAY Tin S3 if if y L 8 I EGGS S v I fc ANI WITH ISSUlf is Printed Homo MAT MAW JUNKIE Toronto despatch Mr Wifclfb over atlibrtnci tins Jflon J it ltHVsr In la til- mi on tin brought over from JnwMon lUCth ami JIJ bctoon a with A mil it dI Mi letter Coulter a Wow of ro WOW lioMin of back It Hie lion will t July Am Clove not to with on eat- lx on Wit 1Mb Intl UUsyototAototiiJIxni fiitb Mill otcr Mo of JJ1U07 of Toronto 1 llni with Dr biff wc4dlDg In on fiavoCno ta Mr Geo of Toronto former on iliU w In on A of look fci on the A of ft pending with her dcugbtor nd Aurora Monday vliltlng town who Dr for jkI left for of catling on frlcodi In Town on rfay Hay Mills In Toronto NlM Aid from hit top of bit right It off with Dr la In lowD ek thai ho hat told ft look ing for another location Mr J of York will an loCourtlUttotot Order on Monday mil Mr of hid up Iwo or took on Ian wmV nd hit It vity at on to and day at Ho hat s call for year AMr and of Toron- to at Mr la In health Monday but It a Mr and at- landed funeral of bit uncle Mr Widtuan at Monday Lorn on farm on which and one of reildenti o that a tot I on Toronto Junction and Hill left for morning Mr- will return at or week Mr Hill a of with In WvrM of Wednesday re- Mia on her trip carried a contingent of local clargy who went to Catharine to participate In tlio given In honor of Wean on bit annlvertAry In prlotthood Mitt Caroline daughter of tha late Samuel Ifeffi of ftlli of Whit- and and Hunter of Indiana hat graduated with high honors at from Knlcketbicker Hall a young obtained Orel prtio for Haying In tome places The on evening closed one of the largest meet ing ever In this neighborhood- crowd that attended on Sunday to Urge that Iheto rat hardly accommodation for all In large The delegate go direct to to allcnd another of the tame kind Mr SchomberR Sunday the village Mr John took in the ex cursion to take on Tues day Mr J ft fctr day In the vilbgo this Our path matter hat been patching up the ROACHS POINT Rev C Bel in Toronto neck Synod The mentioned last week came up before J and on Tuesday The defendant pleaded guilty and was let off with a light fine but if any further trouble of the kind comet up It trill ro harder The families of Mciart Cook and Watson are occupying their at Bark Quite a number of Newmarket people drove up on Tuesday civic holiday and enjoyed the Lake Among them wetc Messis and family who spent the day at McCordicki T and A party of young people from had pleasant Moonlight Excur sion around Snake Island and back to Morton Park where they had a quiet dance SHARON About ten of voting ladle and gentlemen enjoyed the Simcoc last Monday and re port a iy day will members ot parliament a ducking Col ion Col Hon J Wood uwst out boating In the Canal AH and a good Ihey met with no barm Oror rora Manitoba sad the Tarritorlct are very encouraging Tlio station scDta along lines of lbs P It and that crop aro and will bo harvested at two than hit year present farmer are for the futor without a doubt soon spend another day at the shore Mis A is making improvements around her deuce Mr Abb has had his house and fence repainted and It presents a fine appearance Mr and Mrs Hughes of Wfoxctcr parents Mis A- J Hughes arc enjoying a few weeks among old in and Sharon Messrs Powers and Phillips on their bikes to the city one day last week A number of our villagers took in the Muskoka iccneiy hit Tuesday A little stranger has come to Mr Martins to itay It is a fine boy Mr Charles of the yd and Mist Minnie were united in marriago on Tuesday June at Ihc residence of the mother in this village The Mr the cere mony A large number of and friends were present to witness the event the guests from a an were Misses Lillian and Gertie Spink Mr and Mrs Thomas and Mr Frank Lloyd Toron to Mr and Mis Stephens Toronto Junction Mr Mrs and KESWICK- Mrt Goodyear left on Wednesday for Toronto She re ceived but little encouragement from her home ana Intends to consult a as to of her declining health Is the order of the day In and about We have great reason to feet proud of our roads in North still It it not Justice to nuke them better by keeping the road bed from nones which a peat and alto an Impediment to heavy and light vehicles And then too bis day of the Bicycle the boys appreciate the hard road that it free from stones Keswick Methodist S arranged to meet on Thursday night In order to make arrangement for their Annual Excursion A great man learned look ahead with expectations for the annual year the date was July roth and as the day was a great success In every particular it Is more than probable they will try to go on the same date ibis year The matrimonial union hinted at by one of your correspondents a week or to ago has proved to be a hippy reality and the officers and member of the Sunday School In which the bride had been such a faithful and devoted worker number of years had the pleasure of calling on them last Wednesday evening in form of a sunrise and presentation party A number of were mane congratulating Mr and Mrs Mahoney on the event of their marriage A beautiful hanging lamp together with an address by Mr J superintendent of the school and Mit was presented to the newly married couple Mr Mahoney responded in heart felt tones expressing the thanks of his wife and himself Their many unite in wishing them long years of happiness Kcawlck Maccabees meet In the Hall next Tuesday night It being regular night of meeting Last Sunday was Childrens in the Christian Church The dec orations singing and recitations attracted a congregation Alfred Mann has the addition to Mis Evans house ST NORTH Master Harry Brother happened with a bid Accident last week which fortunately has not proved While pulling bay out of a loft he fell through a hole and fractured faff head but Is lo bo around again Mitt Jennie Allen of Newmarket of Mlu Wilson a few days last week Miss Mary Bait of the guest of Mis John Proctor on Sunday lift Fred Morning who has been from Inflamroatoiy rheuma tism it ilowlv recovering and hope to toon see him around again Mr Ed Cleland hat erected a new carriage house and Is making re pairs a general for which he is to bo commended as it all helps ta Improve the appearance of our St Its funny how things will happen- A certain fair young damsel that was visiting a friend on our St a short time ago thought she would take a walk hi the orchard one evening After viewing beautiful for some lime she began to get tired and sitting beside a tree soon fell fast asleep She was not awakened until bonified by the discovery that a cow was kissing her Arriv ing at the bouse she found everybody In confusion as to her whereabouts as It was already after tn Several took In the exclusion on Tuesday and report a very pleasant trip Sciibe you were com plaining last week about the farmers of being so very busy They surely must be be cause on this St are just the reverse Our farmers arc always a- head with their work GUM SWAMP WILL O THE WISPS and of the Howard Head Mrs J Hires at tho head who Spmk aunt of the bride and Mr In their that no of and Mrs Leonard Toronto vet stated In parlia ment this that Pederal no understanding with relative to bringing out to tko North West a lol of reformed and reclaimed paupers The will glad to bur In- 1 mat Ion Hon Tim othy In at Clerk at on and office seeker on dead mens ahoos provided for by this Province one who should boa iat all of Kew or Quid Ireland On IVetday 1 it about do- conferred In departments In Toronto UdI- vortltyby William Vloe Xbo prooeodiog took plaoo at the Pavblioa 1 lion Education was alto present on cation and delivered Item could bo to represent valedictorian Last Tuesday was annivcr- of of Harris spriest and Itev went Catharlnea to aulat In celebrating avent A feature of was presentation to Dean by Us congregation ot a porct containing service was specially grand being by from Toronto In Dean Harris entertained by leading at a banquet lilt many friends In Newmarket wlU Join in congratu lations Canon tho popular Rector Pools Church bat a call to hit old homo and will In about tbree nans will bo received with regret by the people town of all denominations not tee rovorend gentleman been promoted for In this will rejoice but daring lib hero of over alx years ho baa himself oxceptloDally agreeable rendering valuable in with fraternal and that intellectual cjoalltles with great love for church bit cholco Is no barrier to social endow and that freedom from which aUayt a In fioanca Id a Newmarket loss be gain of piano aboold a copy of latest publication by Messrs A of It It en- Steps being a ar rangement of an by fioutaa Concert Hand in Hal There a pOfltion and the in In touch with Lift M thai rtrily by On urn will for or Him ton to it Toll Com tout la ittvt old loo villi lit of our York Hold ad the la of them to In It- of TpofIonUflt School AuooU- It lo a I A tvi iiiutd tad doubt will iircfiUblt J tor On Mr ted Mr to thtlrlndtfMUibH won- MOUNT Mrs Harmon who and broke her thigh is in a critical condition Her daughter Mrs Forest Ins comu home to sec her Hois presented her hus band with a fine baby boy both Mr J- McMinn ii the new here VIVIAN In Toronto on the of May the of the Jtiislple Has His KxcvHancy the Karl of Governor- General Canada In the presence of an ifnmtnse concourse of their friends The temple Mil high will be the finest Fraternal on Weather prophets are beginning to prophesy that if rain does not soon come the grasshoppers will play havoc with everything Mr A who hat freed bit sheep of their burden con siders he lias a liberal supply of wool as about lbs from sheep The refused for their potatoes are now selling them for less than the labor cost art rather In the rnouib The lent here Was well represented in the commemoration of the anniversary held in Newmarket Sunday the of the Gov Body Guard has taken up his abode under the parental roof end is training bis wonderful steed for camp on the understand he hat about under his Haloing Mr A Simon who has been absent for sometime appeared again last week a pleasant face and business at In way of organizing have moved to the 3rd where a cage was in readiness for the pair We wish them much joy and success The family of Indians have come again and laken the same camping ground Mr Jos Rogers bush New baskets are now at hand There a good attendance at Methodist Lawn Party on Thurs day night of last week and it was a success in every respect Proceeds amounted to over Mr Alf who stent from here to state practice at his profession as Veterinary had a rather narrow escape from a fatal ac cident While trying to board a moving he slipped and came near getting the car but es caped with a severely bruised aim have for a change of late and fort lie enlightenment of their been having a sort of competition among themselves that is have divided or chosen sides with a captain at the head and for a term of three months and it is which side can get up the most entertain- of any sort Marks arc given for the various kinds of programs and at the end of the term will be count ed to show which side has taken the lead The first three month will soon be up It has made the meetings very interesting Those who attended the at last Saturday from here re port it a veiy good party There seems to be a good demand for the marsh grass there a lot cut and shipped during the winter and this Mr and brothers of this locality have cut and care of tons and arc now about shipping the last of it to Toronto Just imagine the amount of it must take to get up that quantity has all got to be ut by the old process the scythe as horses be taken on the marsh at tin when the grass harvested Then it has all to be raked up by the hand rake and In that manner it is got into small stacks and left till the marsh is frozen hard enough to bear up a team of horses then it is hauled lo the where it is nut through a machine and twisted into a sort of large rope so as to lake up less room in carriage and storage The lea party of the year will be held on Saturday June by the friends of the Christian Union Sun day School In grove On Sunday following the church people will have platform preaching in tame bush both a and pm As there is always a big turnout to these tea parties and bush meetings the com mittee intend to bare ample pro visions wilh entertainment for Saturday and plenty able talent to the gospel on Sunday There will be no preaching at the Christian Church on Sunday The pastor will he attending Visitors Mr and Warren Mis Sarah Lloyd and Mr all of Aurora There is a in this little with four or five gravel trains per day and sixty odd Italian in the gravel pit This is said be one of the largest and best deposits of gravel in Ontario Such an has been taken out as to make a noticeable change The Free Methodist Camp meeting in Hamiltons wove vjs by vast throngs on Sunday Some esti mated there were fifteen hundred present at afternoon service The Salvation Army and the Free Metho dist are much alike in their love of noise They should po The Italian have left for other of labor Last week they struck for an increase of wages but they dldnt gel their demand and as the white men refused to go out on strike th proceeded to compel them by force of numbers to do so They stoned them out of the pit A case of cut off your note spile your face While on strike they amused them selves and the by mili tary drill and I tell you the excava tions at the gravel pit had quite a wail aspect and iltongly reminded one of the entrenchments way down south in war time They arc fond of dainties and forage the neighborhood milk potatoes and rich stuff for they pay liberally and I notice that their money is as good as ihat of oilier folks though some re fuse acknowledge them as white folks On pay day they repaired to hotel Sutton sampled the beer and got frisky raising Cain and while thus woebetide unfortunate fel low who incurs their wrath Baker Abbie was thus querulous lately but lie didnt care a rap for no not he they made little This is where the student can hear Italian as she is spoken but the can mike nothing out of such gibberish Several of the men are quite clever orators and debaters and other young make ideal Who knows but may be a real count amongst them who will capture the hand and fortune of some American millionaires daughter Some folks wont subscribe for the Era only annum and cheap at twice the money but run to borrow their neighbors Era A Sutton dreadfully pestered borrowers who wish to sec what the 01 has to say regarding the Some folks arc quite like spoiled children Give them heaps of tsfly and theyre sweet as sugar goo but they cant crilidsrn or rubbine the fur the wrong way Its like wormwood and gall and they a dreadful wry face Where oh where are the Newmar ket cyclers None of in showed up this way thou a valuable silver cup awaited them on the at Sutton Al we presume now runs a wheeling woot- about No very striking or startling news in the swamp this week though one of the neighbors did have a hen come off with a chickens some bodys cow has a calf but per haps that dont interest Mr Burrows has moved to his farm south and Mrs G Burrows will move into the one he has vacat ed the having purchased the said premises Some of our intelligent farmers are going in steep in milk some tending upwards of four hundred weight per How Is ft so many handsome ladies are found on the public school teach ing staff Does teaching tend to de velop beauty or why is it thus took about yon at our mams and then tell me why The hat io trans formed the steamer that it Is practically a new boat so littler the foftner material being She being built by the most skilful me chanics with the best of lumber and Other material It is pronounced by one and all to be a strong and per manent The new boiler the compound engine the increased site to twice its former capacity in spires a delightful confidence that bids its future success The only re gret is that she cannot be ready be fore the 1st of July to leave the dck under her new name On Friday last a tramp who had previously been liberated from gaol after days incarceration called at the carpenter shop of Mr Wil liamson to seek assistance Mr Wil liamsons mustang was tied the door and the tramp claiming to be very fond of petted and stroked him and even kissed him He was warned that the pony would bite but tbat there was not a hone in the universe that be was afraid of He had no sooner spoken however than the mustang did bite and fully a square inch of flesh from bis check SCHOOL o onis or or II Ill V Ifllot lCo Ore Wtftbt Willi IfcKetit fain Alders Awn Wheat Hit KtMUati J An A 1413 Mitel Ml09 aw tin Cutter Louis Aldan Met a lUvUtco at Hotel fur lie After lb Clerk lo that hero we no u la lien of iiittfi V HeHilt A Wright W A Lund iht triad The roll vttt iho Court dlo3rte4 Lit- inttllrz 1 firmed TJ or lofcvtca Town otd be that Ms scatter a would bo tb wm beard to received tot tad by la tit read bod waa at lo bid 15 10 foe fcc water cedar for culvert It Of No con JimeiCotibamwort presented of CouceU of ra claim loatructtd to lbs award order fowd to repair without lib c CoatcUk IciUcclol SI coo lloo lot It to sorrow purpose aa collected to Kid He 11 coo for injeutel ripca- appotied No Wallace J No J tar Roach Boat as Bypasss Hotel of Jot bt For lb Ufa tried to to Hoots to thai open ft to on that matter If II a Id to doty will koto Iho know well thai tho of will to delayed And a hill million dollar bat bo Ii And oiroainhoconclailoQarrlfed at bo op- to front will allll rut tap- oa of Into wcH waotod to Donald bo a mono thrown Into Ottawa An to railway bonding adopts Upon a bill log a Manitoba railway tho pat forward that bait to toro to their what lion and would retail lo bo that the fcoodl being Ivjc i of money from going Into along Iho with railway rat by of paying Intttctt to Mr laid that ho limits at to amount which tho coil to by Iho of of pitt woo too plainly fcnon to and bad anoooncOa upon day following that tho ho had down would to Incorporation ft taking flnanclal for May After a of and ravtnaoatoDg with bo Undo abnormal comfort Id fact for put month neatly half a million over tbo month of for the fltcal ending of Jono or two and a half behind cloven In and apparent on fond only compared la not much litre to toko comfort It a when take comfort oot of mighty An InUrotlng by Mr the ayttcm It bit bill for of the a lion of way Government that of tho civil machine to toil and for party Jfe that In of fond wcro only to annoltanto to nol to through ita ao cording to hit bat to of hit fipcech wm that part of ft In which by meant a ho 1 to how bad to that made for tbo of to of mlnltUrt lit bit bill rolled out of order by llr athnlcsUIty the of agitation w bleb Mr bat In mutt uHimatily bring tho hat In lllnUUri Bill amending la an and the Literal in loto power ho moat follow present bill by another to bo daily diet of tblt Government Oco another which have been followed by in tho administration of their being acd In Marine for yeirt Canadian fiihermeo In Ontario have bun from fiihlng Idea fitb- tbo Canadian of Canadian fitherita that a mile away American being tU timet and year that bo Marino Department to policy that CanadltniJih ware too patriotic to go into American year abandoned with removal of lata of that Department and the Incoming of another of Government fiJrmen in part of to be to fisb any whaUver wo of telling that Got Militia policy If bo of Militia to fatten wrpJ tho new policy will be what hither to bun called of a Our at the present moment is moat complete We can suit your very want and can suit your puree last was biggest day wo have had people 1 were not served but again and we will serve you all Reliable Goods At lowest Price Our will be largo 3 UMiVlIU WAW1 Parasols from to 300 by far best assort moat in Newmarket Hosiery from to a grand choice See tho fine Lisle Hose wo sell at pair sample Gloves off regular Black Serge all wool inch at Black lino at Black Henrietta special bargain at a great snap at A lovely Stock of Colored Dross Goods Factory Cotton yard wide at Bleached Cotton good Nice Shaker Flannel at regular price at pieces Factory Cotton worth they piece at tic the yard A Big Lot oi Curtain Kndsto bo cleared at and each Soo them Our Bargains same day Saturday morning as Saturday night no fear of your neighbor buying cheaper than yourself nil II I go by GO era There a little riot in Vienna Sunday Ten thousand attempted to hold a meeting The police dispersed them and arrett ed the leader A Shanghai despatch says it is certain that all persons connected with the English French and American missions at have been A Toronto man named Hunter has been into custody at Suniidge by Detective Greer on a charge of defrauding farmers Hunt er it is alleged called a meeting of farmers a err ago and told them he was a lumberman He agreed to all their pro ducts if they would each pay him month for three months farmers agreed and Hunter got from on credit is carloads of materials which he sold for cash The farmers grew suspicious and Hunter reticent The Attorney- General was notified and Hunter was arrested arainged before two and sent to jail at Burkes Falls to await trial on five distinct charges CHINA An explosion of firedamp occurred in a mining pit near An- Silesia white five hundred men were at in the mine Only were rescued June Sunday evening about oclock the barn of Mr Alex Mcintosh in was discover ed to be on fire About twenty utes before the fire Mr Mcintosh took a out of the barn and left home How the fire occurred is a mystery All his implements were burned also one hone two fat six pigs and two calves The barn was insured for iaoo and the con tents for I CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Sts TORONTO 0NT Collect t lo lUlojci Free It SALE- ftilj alls Wt fcrto hi- property In PASTURE FIELDS Bepawing CABINET FACTORY itlUSID to cd U1 tor Wfflctitf Lest t I Jick It WBOOAHT AT ear Hani High School was in the at Fxancts and bis eightyearold boy met their death by drowning at Waubauthehe Rich- mood Hill happened with an accid ent on Saturday which laid him work for days- In the neigh borhood of as he was rid- to Village on his bi cycle the wheel got into a deep rut and he was thrown violently to the ground were badly and he received in Jury in the aide In the town of Hungary hundred houses were burned and several persons were killed One hundred and lost their lives in the floods the Wurtembeig district of Germany star Rev Jas A Grant of Toron to Junction Presbyterian Church been translated to the charges of Richmond Hill and the induction will take place Tues day June when Dr mil address the people Rev the pastor and Rev J A Morrison will preach the by aad make lo first limply of drill and for Mo by thin wo bad rlilog and new In very from that with bad commended troth wall that allowed to fall Into otter in loo 1 of Commons In if tiki of kind Id the lbs straacth tho probably moth Bo that a pnlty loo and uphill thorn gel iho right in Dominion to mask tho tiltlo talk Leading Furniture AND House FOR CASH A SPECIALTY Night calls to at JOHN NEWMARKET radio- lie cci tighter Jcae lib ite I ftdecilitef brother iho 1 Jcl Jet June Weddings Your wedding table will be com- when you one those nice ly ornamented Cakes that we male Every body that the fintU north of Toronto We not only give the to the money but also the quantity A great jump in our trade last week Our HomeMade Bread still Give our IceCream a trial Ices is something new in Nothing nicer on a warm day Choicest Confectionery and Fruits always in stock lower than the Our Grocery stock is compute with nothing but good freih lines McCAULEY BROS Main St In The High Court of Justice BOOTS SHOES oclbl2J for Mi llt SI Childs Oiford and Pica worth A Children I vis Mens a dim t it ie ora cor or1 it itop ii Iti the io to til Fill lxCAl Sin it ix roots lilock tear Iwo Cfk All ltd lIcj ltd CPOCKERY GLASSWARE DINNER BETS TOILET SETS KERRY SK LEMONADE SKTS And odd lrpes for HARVEST We and iill clou Spot Gash wejh at if j I- a- aged seventeen was drowned while bathing the millpond at June si Charlie the ion of Mr of the Bank road was thrown at noon today and instantly Wiled by haying bis head crushed between the telephone iole ucixAiiii on to It cr ST- KCtilfARXIT Wilt l at- tfca to a a kociCfiacd ceo bill SlxSwtriC4iar Hud atd Kit la li o a a biaoo In threes ilea IvatoGccatda4caiurnn tout Tcesto In li itu win to a bid- la tits onto to sutstiars Jielwatda to pall laio to ito Mot J abJ bo Id ctamiiill to to a order bo In into Kill i tbto- bill nor it a at til lilt iVxX is jcar Tea It CO pleUu is UI for la To wo A SMITH 1 Cor Main iiuiE DO YOUR PART will then do the rest of your part is to secure the We have them in all FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the Seed Bulbs and Plants Leading Drug Store